What does a person do to protect the environment? Project "Why is it necessary to protect nature?" (research work) project on the environment (grade 4) on the topic. Show respect for the forest

Svetlana Tochilina

Project theme: “Protect nature!”

Project type: Information and research.

Project participants: children senior group, group teachers, parents.

Dates: within 2 weeks.

Objective of the project: to promote the manifestation of a conscious and moral attitude towards nature in children of senior preschool age and their parents through direct communication with the ecosystem.


1. To form in children basic ecological knowledge about nature.

2. Introduce the rules of behavior in nature.

3. Foster an ecological culture and respect for nature in children and adults.

4. Learn to analyze, draw conclusions, see the beauty of Russian nature.

5. To develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of animals in nature, observation, and creative imagination.

Predicted result: the formation of a spiritual, environmental, moral and personal attitude to reality, the idea that the preservation of nature is the responsibility of man.

Project stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory:

– what will happen if one species of insects (plants or animals) disappears from nature?

Why might this happen?

How will this affect us?

How to prevent this?

Reading children's literature, environmental fairy tales and watching the presentation “What will happen if insects disappear”

Forms of children's activities:

viewing illustrations on the topic “Ecological chain”;

learning poems about forest inhabitants and nature;

guessing riddles about animals and plants;

listening to music “Flight of the Bumblebee, “Waltz of the Butterflies”;

coloring pictures on the topic “Nature conservation”;

watching cartoons and presentations.

Stage 2 - organizational - practical

educational activities;

a targeted walk along the ecological trail of the kindergarten;

observation of flora and fauna;

behind the work of adults;

labor activity in a corner of nature, on the site;

the teacher's stories about animals, plants, inanimate nature, nature reserves, sanctuaries, natural monuments, etc.

Methods and techniques for working with children environmental education

conversations and conversations with children on environmental topics;

didactic games;

reading literature;

viewing demonstration material;

memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings, etc.;

design of the wall newspaper “Let's save nature together!”

Conducting educational activities with children to develop ideas about the forest, birds, and animals.

Speech development:

View illustrations on the topic: “In the forest”, “Forest orderlies”, “Matches are not a toy”

Conversations about the rules of behavior on the street, in the forest, in nature.

Writing riddles, stories and fairy tales about the forest;

Watching the cartoon “The Boy and the Earth”

View the presentation “What will happen if insects (birds, etc.) disappear?”


Getting to know the sounds of nature, listening to an audio recording with the sounds of nature, excursions along an ecological trail. Goal: to teach children to identify sounds in nature, to consolidate the ability to observe, compare, analyze, and draw conclusions about natural objects.

Play activity

Didactic games:

1. "Compare"

Goal: each child talks about his tree and compares it with another.

2. “What’s extra”

Goal: children must identify the extra object (oak, aspen, maple, spruce, chamomile).

3. “Name the fruit”

Goal: Children must correctly identify the fruit of this plant.

4. “Identify a tree by its leaf”

Goal: children must name the tree based on the leaflet.

5. “Say it differently.”

Goal: name the leaves differently (maple leaf, etc.)

Stage 3 is the final stage.

Development and creation of a wall newspaper “Let's save nature together.”

During the implementation of the project, I came to the conclusion that such activities, games, and productive activities unite children with common impressions, experiences, emotions, and contribute to the formation of collective relationships. The project expanded children's understanding of insects, animals, the forest, and trees that are near us. He taught them to see them as living creatures that need care and protection. Preschoolers learned that many trees not only make our lives beautiful, but also help us be healthy. Game techniques allow the teacher to interest children in this, perhaps not entirely “children’s topic.” Preschool age such “fertile soil” that any thrown “good seed” will certainly give good sprouts.

I really hope that the work being done will help children feel love and affection for their home, family, city, region; feel pride and respect for nature, treat it with care

Publications on the topic:

Photo report. Children's book competition "Let's protect nature together." 2017 has been declared as the year of ecology and the year of specially protected natural areas.

Game-quiz on ecology in a preparatory group for school Goal: to develop in children a responsible attitude towards the environment.

Environmental education project “Protect Nature” Take care of the earth! Take care of the earth. Take care of the lark in the blue zenith, the butterfly on the leaves of the dodder, the sun's glare on the paths. On the rocks.

Goal: To create a joyful, spring mood in children on a holiday - Earth Day; Promote a sense of belonging in children.

Incredible facts

10. Reduce energy consumption

The human race has grown to 7 billion, and our insatiable energy consumption plays a major role in causing irreparable harm to the environment. One of the most important actions we can take to conserve nature is to significantly reduce these costs. At the level of each individual person, this results in following certain principles:

Purchase and use of fluorescent lamps;

- "insulating" our homes so that they require less energy to heat and cool;

Turning off the lights, as well as any electrical equipment, when we leave the room;

Use whenever possible cold water instead of hot or warm;

Use washing machine and dishwasher only when fully loaded.

In addition to the listed ways to save, there are many others. Even though these actions may seem relatively small on an individual level, they have a huge impact on the bottom line when most people do them. What's more, consuming less energy also means lower utility bills, and more money saved.

9. Produce and use renewable energy

Humanity will inevitably continue to use energy, even if each of us makes a concerted effort to reduce our consumption. Therefore, an equally important step to preserve environment is to search for alternative ways to produce and use environmentally friendly types of energy.

You may have seen buildings adorned with shiny solar panels or wind turbines standing like sentinels. These two forms of green energy can help eliminate our dependence on the standard form of energy produced by burning fossil fuels. In addition to deciding to switch to existing alternative forms of energy, governments need to be encouraged to invest in Scientific research oriented towards finding new alternative energy sources.

8. Save water

We cannot live without water, and anyone can attest to the importance of this resource. The world around us needs water as much as we do, so we cannot protect our environment without saving water personally. Saving water will begin when every person begins to look at it as a limited resource and do not forget about this when consuming it.

In a good way To force yourself to consume less water is to install equipment marked with the WaterSense label, and this primarily applies to toilets, showers and water taps. These water-saving devices can reduce water consumption by more than 30 percent. Such solutions can result in savings of millions of gallons of water, however, today very few people choose this type of technology.

Among other things, we ourselves are able to limit our water consumption. For example, take shorter showers or turn off the water while washing dishes. As a result, if everyone follows these simple rules, then, for sure, the positive impact on the environment will subsequently be obvious.

7. Buy energy-saving and environmentally friendly products

Energy-saving products help save up to 30 percent on energy. New generation refrigerators are a prime example of this. A technique like this will not only save you several hundred dollars annually, but will also have an invaluable impact on the environment. At the same time, it is worth setting the temperature in the refrigerator a few degrees warmer, this will definitely not cause any harm to the products (2-3 degrees Celsius), but the freezer will perform its functions quite adequately if you increase the temperature in the range of -18-15 degrees Celsius. Even such minor changes will significantly reduce the amount of energy you consume. Well, of course, you shouldn’t leave the refrigerator door open for too long a period of time.

In addition to purchasing energy-saving products, it is very good idea Buy household cleaning products and other items that are environmentally friendly. These products do not contain chemicals that are harmful to the environment. However, if you don’t like such products, then you can easily use soda or vinegar, your kitchen, of course, will not smell like “grapefruit of passion” or “intoxicating mango,” but at the same time, it will remain clean, and the earth will remain yours grateful.

6. Reduce consumption, reuse, recycle

The enormous amount of waste produced each year—hundreds of millions of tons in America alone—is one of the greatest obstacles to a healthy environment.

Each of us can play our part in addressing this issue by reducing our waste. This could mean shopping less and reducing our overall consumption. If we consume less, we therefore use less energy and leave behind less waste. However, no matter how much we limit our consumption, some types of waste will always exist, so we must also focus on using recycled products, for example in packaging and reuse.

At the same time, we are already able to follow simple changes, namely: storing food and other items in reusable containers, rather than in plastic bags or disposable containers. Recycling involves purchasing recycled products and sorting waste into appropriate categories: aluminum cans, glass, plastic, paper and cardboard.

5. Drive less and drive smarter

Cars not only consume large amounts of fuel, they also release CO2 into the atmosphere, making them the biggest culprits when it comes to harming the environment.

While it may not be possible to give up driving entirely, it is possible to reduce your time behind the wheel and do it wisely.

Whenever possible, ditch your car and use public transportation. If public transport is not a 'viable' option for you, then cycling is the answer and is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint on earth and still stay fit. That is, you are killing two birds with one stone at the same time.

4. Support initiatives on global climate change

Over the past 10-15 years, world leaders have sought to make significant progress in addressing climate change. One of the methods they have resorted to is setting clear time frames for reducing CO2 emissions, often placing limits on the amount of CO2 that can be released into the atmosphere.

Similar initiatives have been successfully adopted at the local, regional, and national levels in the United States. As for the international level, documents such as, for example, the Kyoto Protocol, received support from quite a lot large quantity countries

However, the world has not yet managed to come up with an initiative that would be supported by all countries, including the largest polluters, the USA and China.

3. Live where you work, eat where you live

If you have an 8-hour workday, you spend a significant portion of your life at work, so you can at least reduce the time it takes you to get to work. It will be good for both the environment and you.

As for food, does this mean that you need to regularly dine at home and not allow yourself a holiday dinner somewhere in a restaurant in the city center? In fact, it would be more appropriate to mention the 100-mile diet here. The concept of this diet is to only eat food that is prepared within a 100-mile radius of your home. Not only does this support small-scale farmers who typically use more sustainable and organic practices, but it also reduces the financial and physical waste associated with transporting food over long distances.

If everything you eat is produced relatively locally, it means that your food does not contribute much CO2 emissions, which is not the case with food that is shipped from other countries. It may seem difficult to follow this diet, but even by deciding to source a significant portion of your food from local sources from now on, you can be of great help to the environment. In addition, many people believe that buying locally grown products means always having fresher and better quality products.

2. Plant trees and protest about deforestation

One of the best ways purifying the air is planting trees as they play important role in keeping the air clean by releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. The more trees, the higher the air quality, so planting them is a sure step towards preserving the environment.

It is very important to take a stand against deforestation. The loss of large numbers of trees that occurs when tropical forests are cleared for industrial development means that we are losing millions of trees that would clean our air.

By protesting deforestation and refusing to buy products that come from deforestation, it may be possible to slow down or even stop it.

1. Encourage others

As Gandhi rightly noted, “First of all, you must change yourself in the direction in which you want the world to change.” This is certainly true when it comes to saving the environment, with each of us responsible for making decisions that will benefit the natural world around us.

But even our best efforts will have minimal impact if there are very few of us, because the environment will not be preserved if only a few activists and world leaders act.

It will be preserved only through the collective actions of all humanity, which is why it is so important, having started yourself, to encourage others to follow all the above rules.

2017 has been declared the year of ecology in Russia. This is an excellent opportunity to remember that much in protecting nature depends on ourselves. After all, you can save the planet without leaving your own home or city. Here are just a few steps to help make the world a better place every day.

1. Save resources

We don't even notice how many resources we waste every day. But saving energy and water is not so difficult. Enough to turn off household appliances and light when they are not needed. Do not leave chargers plugged in - they consume electricity even when not in use. And when purchasing household appliances, choose energy-saving models - they are marked A, A+, A++.

As for water, installing an apartment water meter will help you save on utilities and at the same time help the environment. In addition, you can install economical shower heads with a flow rate of less than 10 l/minute. And when washing, try to load washing machine completely and set the washing temperature to a lower temperature - this will help reduce energy consumption by 80%. Heating water is in second place in terms of energy consumption after heating air.

2. Collect garbage separately

People have learned to deal with garbage in three ways: leaving it in landfills, burning it or recycling it. All methods, except recycling, destroy nature and are dangerous to human health. This is why separate waste collection is so important - so that everything that can be recycled can then be recycled into new things and materials. For example, you can use waste paper to make new notebooks and office paper. And old plastic bottles will turn into colorful children's slides.

Try to collect waste separately. To do this, you can use recycling containers that are stacked on top of each other. Or even just get by with two bins: one for recyclables, and the second for the rest of the garbage. You can separate plastic, glass and paper before disposing of the waste. And don’t be afraid that recyclables will take up a lot of space. You can always reduce its volume: bundle newspapers or flatten plastic bottles and cardboard packaging.

Batteries. Household batteries should not be thrown away with other waste. Just one battery can contaminate a square meter of soil with heavy metals. Moreover, in Moscow alone, more than 15 million batteries per year end up in landfills.

3. Donate recyclable materials

Separate waste collection leads us to the next point in the plan for saving nature - recycling. Every year in Russia 70 million tons of household waste are thrown away. According to Greenpeace, only 3-5% of municipal solid waste is recycled. At the same time, Russian processing enterprises are so underutilized that they are forced to buy waste abroad. But there are collection points for glass bottles, aluminum cans or paper in almost every Russian city.

Almost all the garbage in our country goes to landfills. Environmentalists believe that if recycling is not introduced, then in 10 years the area of ​​landfills in Russia will be equal to twice the area of ​​the Azov Sea. Moreover, more than 70% of waste buried in landfills could be recycled. Therefore, if you start recycling your waste yourself, this will be a big step towards saving nature. You can find the nearest recycling collection point on this map: http://recyclemap.ru/

4. Choose eco-transport

The most useful ways transportation - walking and cycling. Moreover, it is useful not only for nature, but also for your health. In addition, public transport does not cause much harm to the planet. But if you can’t do without a car, then take advantage of the advice of environmentalists that will help reduce fuel consumption and reduce your impact on the environment.

Take care of your car: undergo technical inspection on time, change air filters, engine oil and spark plugs. Maintain a constant speed and do not exceed the permitted limit. For example, driving at 100 km/h instead of 120 km/h will save 20% fuel. If you stop for more than a minute, turn off the engine. And maintain the required tire pressure. Wheels that are not fully inflated produce more resistance and, as a result, fuel consumption increases.

5. Use reusable

Reducing waste is just as important as recycling it correctly. Try not to use things with a short life cycle. Moreover, today there is a reusable alternative to almost everything disposable. Buy less of what will almost immediately end up in the trash: disposable tableware, products in excess packaging, disposable towels and napkins. Choose products packaged from environmentally friendly materials: paper, glass, fabric.

The lifespan of one plastic bag is about 12 minutes. Moreover, such bags do not decompose, and their effect on the ecosystem is growing every day. When it comes to biodegradable paper bags, more harmful substances are released into the atmosphere during their production: the carbon footprint of a paper bag is 3 times greater than that of a plastic one. And as a result, using 1000 paper bags is equivalent to burning 8 liters of gasoline. If you want to help the planet, bring several reusable cotton shopping bags or a thermal bag for shopping trips.

6. Instill eco-friendly habits at work

Caring for nature can be taught by example. Become a guide to the world of environmental living for the entire office. Skip the elevator in favor of the stairs and remember to turn off your computer at the end of the working day. If you buy lunch in a cafe, take reusable containers and thermal mugs with you. And ask your boss to organize separate waste collection in the office into three categories: paper, plastic and glass.

If you can’t breathe in the office, then start landscaping it. It is enough to put a few additional pots with plants. Indeed, even on NASA spacecraft, plants are grown to improve air quality. And in good weather, you can even move meetings outdoors. Take a large blanket, a thermos of tea and hold a work meeting in the nearest park. Changing your work environment will not only improve your well-being, but also increase your productivity.

7. Watch your diet

Choosing the right products can also help reduce your personal environmental footprint. Buy seasonal and locally produced products. Delivering them requires less fuel and produces fewer harmful emissions. In addition, the more processed a product is, the heavier its eco-footprint. The heaviest are considered semi-finished and canned foods.

Another problem with the products is their packaging. Globally, 561 million tons of food packaging are thrown away every year. Therefore, give preference to products in paper packaging and take a thermal bag with you to the store. This way you will not only keep your food fresh and save money on bags, but also reduce the amount of waste.

8. Avoid plastic

It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely abandon plastic - too many surrounding things are made from this cheap material. But you can reduce your plastic consumption as much as possible and contribute to saving nature. For example, do not buy water from plastic bottles and use reusable bottles made of stainless steel or other reusable material instead.

If you can’t imagine your morning without coffee with you, come to coffee shops with your own thermal mug. Some coffee shops are even willing to give you a discount on coffee for this. If you are in a hurry and forgot your thermal mug, when buying coffee to go, at least refuse the plastic lid and spoon.

1. Sort your trash. Separating garbage into “components” and throwing it away separately is something environmentalists strive to teach residents of all developed countries peace. Bins of different colors have long appeared on the streets - for paper, glass and other waste. You can do almost the same thing at home.

The only problem is that garbage containers on landings and in courtyards are usually common for all types of garbage. However, if you wish, you can, for example, hand over glass bottles and jars to a collection point for glass containers, paper, old magazines, newspapers - to waste paper. It is important to keep trash cans free of household hazardous waste. For example, light bulbs, batteries, mercury thermometers, etc. are things that can harm the environment.

You can find out about waste lamp collection points in your city

In addition, you can find recycling collection points very close to your home. List -

2. Start beautifying your city. Clean-up days, public tree-planting events, volunteer programs for collecting garbage in parks - you can participate in these events without harming your budget and benefiting your own health. Try going there with your loved ones - this way you will not only help improve the environmental situation, but also have a good time with your family, because joint work, as we know, brings people closer together.

3. Save fuel. Car owners can also take part in preserving the environment. Don’t give up cars in favor of public transport and bicycles, but at least reduce fuel consumption while driving. The optimal speed for an average car is 60-90 km/h, sticking to it, you can save up to 20% of fuel. In addition, you should keep your car in order: check the tire pressure, remove unnecessary heavy junk from the car - this will help reduce drag while driving and reduce gas mileage. Another tip - if you are standing for a long time, for example, in line at a gas station, it will be more economical to turn off the engine. More than 10 seconds of idling will be “more expensive” than restarting the engine.

4. Reduce your energy consumption. It may seem that leaving the computer on standby and leaving the microwave on does not use much energy. But in fact, over the course of a year, a considerable amount of wasted electricity and, consequently, money can accumulate. Tip: Turn off all appliances that you are not using from the network, or use “pilot outlets” with a complete power-off button.

5. Choose the right materials. Environmentalists advise avoiding plastic bags and disposable goods - polyethylene and plastic can take many years to decompose in landfills, and when burned they release acrid black smoke. Thus, bags in supermarkets can be easily replaced with canvas bags, and disposable plastic picnic tableware can be easily replaced with cardboard plates and reusable cutlery.

6. Save water. Supplies of clean fresh water are depleting, scientists urge every inhabitant of the planet to think about the future and use water rationally. So, you can take a shower instead of a bath, use economical shower heads with a flow rate of less than 10 l/min, and turn off the water while you brush your teeth or soap yourself. By the way, this way you will not only help our planet, but also save money on utilities.

7. Give away unnecessary things. At home you can often find a lot of things that you don’t use, but for some reason you keep. After some time, the “junk” will go to the landfill. But you can give away those things that have not yet lost their beneficial features, where they can be useful. There are many charities that are ready to accept old clothes, equipment, children's toys and donate them to shelters, orphanages or homeless shelters. Another option is to place an ad on the Internet indicating what you can give away for free. For example, on the site "I'll give it as a gift" Residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Ukraine can exchange things, and on the website "DaruDar" You can exchange things from anywhere in the world.

8. Don't litter. We see signs with such a call quite often, but does everyone follow this simple commandment? There are a lot of cigarette butts on the roadsides and near the metro, in parks after picnics there are piles of uncollected garbage, and in yards there are beer cans and packets of chips lying everywhere. Of course, it is necessary to cultivate a caring attitude towards the surrounding world from childhood, but each of us can at least take care of ourselves - do not throw candy wrappers out of the car window, take a cigarette butt to the trash, leave the clearing clean after a friendly picnic.

9. Think about the ecology at your dacha. The summer season is approaching, the townspeople are happily rushing to their garden plots- some to grow vegetables or flowers, others to simply relax from the bustle of the city in silence. At your dacha, you can also use eco-tips: collect rainwater and use it for irrigation, avoid chemical fertilizers for the soil, use natural fertilizers instead, and do not arrange unauthorized landfills behind your dacha plots.

10. Don't break the law. This applies to illegal deforestation, collection of rare and endangered plants, poaching, intentional or accidental arson, pollution of river waters with chemical waste and other illegal activities. Sometimes people can break the law simply out of ignorance - cutting down a Christmas tree for the New Year, picking a snowdrop, throwing an unextinguished cigarette butt in the forest, which will start a fire. For violation Russian legislation Severe sanctions may be applied, including criminal liability. But the main thing is that irreparable harm to nature can be caused, which will ultimately have a negative impact on the inhabitants of the Earth themselves.

Why is it necessary to protect nature?

Man mistakenly considers himself the king of nature and often treats it unfairly. We forget that everything ever ends. The water and air on our planet are becoming more and more polluted every year. What to do? How to protect our planet from ourselves? To protect and preserve nature is the main task of all humanity.




" Why is it necessary to protect nature?

Scientific Society of Primary Schools "Ecological ABC"

4th grade

Project manager: Dubinina L.A.

MBOU secondary school No. 17


Man mistakenly considers himself the king of nature and often treats it unfairly. We forget that everything ever ends. The water and air on our planet are becoming more and more polluted every year. What to do? How to protect our planet from ourselves?


In our world there is a huge amount global problems, but the main one is environmental pollution. As biologists say, nature created us, but we simply cannot live without it. The conclusion is simple - take care of nature.

Unfortunately, the environment around us is becoming dirtier every day. Waste from various factories flows into rivers, forests are shrinking, and there are fewer and fewer trees and plants within the city limits. If in villages this issue is not so serious, then in cities it is a problem of an industrial scale. The number of people suffering from various diseases is constantly growing, animals are dying, as are plants. The current environment is to blame for everything.

Ask your grandparents how they lived in the old days. Surely they will tell you that they felt many times better then, because the air was clear, the rivers were clean, and all the products were only natural.

If we do not take care of the nature around us, the overall ecology will become worse. Think about it.

Nature must be protected!

  • Purpose of the study:
  • Think with your classmates what each of us can do to preserve life on Earth.
  • Explain what people can do to protect nature.

Preparatory stage:

Development of observations

Selection of fiction

(stories, riddles, environmental tales, poems)

Selection of illustrations

Questioning among 2-4th graders

Selection of audio recordings of nature sounds

Main stage:

Stage 2 - progress of the project

Conversation "What can we do to protect nature?"

Making applications

Essay-"Why we need to protect nature"

Drawing competition

Reading environmental fairy tales

Solving environmental problems

Drawing up reminders for students "Rules of behavior in nature"

Now we would like to answer the main question: “Is it necessary to protect nature?” - such a question is not difficult to answer. Of course, nature needs to be protected, we need to take care of it. Without this, life on Earth will be more difficult. The air will be polluted and humanity on earth will get sick more. Water bodies will become shallow, dry up, and become clogged. If the land is not protected, it will be covered with ravines and nuthatches, the top fertile layer of soil will disappear and it will be impossible to grow food. Unprotected forests will be cut down, they will die from pests and fires. There will be no trees and shrubs left to replenish oxygen supplies.

We learned what nature gives us:

this is air, water, food, clothing, housing, rest.

Love nature, boy,

And girl, love

Protect from pollution

Don't ruin her!

Don't poison the fields and rivers.

Seas of forests and mountains,

Don't dump waste in them,

Shame on the pests!

Love nature, man,

You protect her.

A picture of scorched earth

While living, don't leave!

What can we do to protect nature?

Here are some rules:

Don't throw trash in the forest

Don't pick flowers

Do not break branches of trees and bushes

Feed the birds

Use water carefully

Plant trees and flowers


Everyone is personally responsible for preserving nature.

Do not harm a living person.

Help any life.

While working on our project, we learned that nature must be protected. In the lessons of the surrounding world, we became acquainted with the importance of nature in people's lives. Therefore, we decided to conduct a survey among students in grades 2-4:"Relationship to nature».

We wanted to find out how students relate to nature. The questionnaire contained the following questions:

You were given a kitten, hamster or other pet for your birthday. Will you be happy?

As a result of the survey, we came to the conclusion that the guys are sensitive to nature, aboutextremely positive attitude towards nature,there is a desire to interact with nature.

Students of grade 4b prepared reminders for students:

"Rules of nature protection"

Do not touch chicks and young animals

Feed the birds in winter

Don't destroy birds' nests and anthills

Don't make noise in the forest

Don’t pick up armfuls of flowers and grass

Don't break bushes and trees

Don't make fires

Don't leave trash in the forest

Don't pollute water bodies

We organized an exhibition of drawings and wrote mini-essays about protecting nature.

The final stage:

Stage 3 - final

Design of the project (presentation)

Correspondence trip to "Magical corners of nature"


All plants are necessary for life on the planet. To preserve and protect nature is the main task of all humanity. To save our planet from danger, you need to love nature, study it, and communicate with it correctly. We love our land. Therefore we must take care of it. Nature protection is not only the responsibility of government agencies, but also an internal need of every person. Consequently, protecting nature and protecting it from pollution is an environmental task of paramount importance.Hurry to the aid of our rivers, rivers, lakes, which are drying up due to the fault of unreasonable people; protect forests, create parks, plant alleys, take care of the treasures of our Earth for the joy of everyone, the main thing is to love it and increase its wealth. It is everyone’s duty to preserve and protect nature, animals and plants, especially those that are on the verge of extinction.Without nature, a person will become defenseless and powerless. The main task of man is to preserve and multiply natural resources. After all, nature is our great friend. A person cannot live without it.


1.The world around us. Textbook for 4th grade, Pleshakov A.A., Kryuchkova E.A. ed. Enlightenment.

2. www.priroda.perm.ru/mineral/ispmsr/vidytpi/

3. slovari.yandex.ru/dict/bse/article/00060/79000.htm

4. www.glossary.ru/cgi-bin/gl_sch2.cgi?R0pPurlntuxy;

5. ©vmeste.opredelim.com 2000-2014

- Your friend broke a tree branch. Will you point out his wrong action?
- The teacher chooses an assistant to clean the area. Will you ask to be hired as an assistant?
- Do you like to watch programs about animals or nature on TV?
- Do you like listening to stories about nature and animals?
- The teacher invites you to clean up a corner of nature or be on duty. Will you choose to clean in a corner of nature?
- Do you think it’s wrong to throw garbage where you want?
- Do you feel sorry for homeless dogs and cats?
- Would you like to take one of these animals home?

Performance evaluation:
For each YES answer - 2 points, for each NO answer - 1 point.

High level (16 -18 points) * The child consciously answers the questions posed, and answers positively to most of them. The child’s attitude towards nature is extremely positive; natural objects evoke a cognitive need. The child has a desire to interact with nature, without setting the goal of getting something “useful” from nature.

Intermediate level (13 – 15 points)
* The child does not show much interest in nature and is receptive to the sensually expressive elements of nature. The child has no need for actions related to caring for natural objects, and does not feel any special “love” for animals and plants.

Low level (9 - 12 points)
* The child is little interested in the changes taking place in nature; he is more interested in playful, independent activities. He gives greater preference to domestic activities rather than environmental ones. The majority of questions were answered in the negative.