The pedagogical significance of models in the development of a preschool child. Methods and techniques for teaching preschool children Model of teaching in kindergarten

Currently, in the educational practice of most regions of Russia, three basic models for ensuring equal starting conditions education for preschool children from different social groups and layers of the population:

In full-time groups based on preschool educational institutions, schools;

In short-term groups based in educational institutions of various types, cultural institutions, health care, social services and parent communities;

In the conditions of family education in the form of family education itself, carried out by parents (persons replacing them), as well as in the form of tutoring.

First model has undoubted advantages, since in conditions of full stay (with the organization of routine moments - feeding, sleep, walks, etc.) the basic general education program can be fully implemented preschool education. However, there is still a situation in which a significant number of preschoolers cannot receive educational services in kindergarten, primarily due to lack of space.

As an alternative option for organizing the education of preschool children, we can propose a project tested in the Oryol region “Full-time group at a children’s health camp”(on-site or school-based). Provided that such a group is organized, important tasks can be successfully solved: organizing the introduction of future first-graders to the school premises; developing rules for interaction between children and adults; organization of pedagogical supervision of children; building constructive and productive relationships between participants educational process; increasing the level of readiness of future first-graders to implement educational activities.

Second model involves the organization of short-term groups of various directions. In addition to traditional ones (for example, “School of future first-graders”), such groups can be organized taking into account different categories of children - for those who are often and long-term ill preschoolers, for children with special educational needs etc. The educational process in them is built taking into account health, correctional or other orientations, depending on the needs of the family and the individual characteristics of the children.

Education of preschool children in the family - third model, which is based on the idea of ​​complementarity of family and public education and involves the joint work and responsibility of parents, as the main educators of the child, and the preschool institution, as a state organization involved in the education of preschool children. Within this model, widespread family preschool groups, advisory centers for parents, etc.

An important problem facing municipalities today is the creation of a unified information system that allows the population to navigate the variety of preschool education services available at their place of residence. To solve this problem, it is proposed to open separate structural units in each district of the city or region (depending on the scale of the territory) on the basis of kindergartens - Preschool education centers(in the absence of gardens - at schools, centers of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance, institutions additional education and culture). The tasks of such centers may be: registration of preschool children of a given microdistrict; analysis of the activities of variable forms of organizing the education of preschool children; forecasting the demand for one form or another depending on the demand of society; opening on the basis of the center of groups of various orientations (including family, parent, child-parent); organizing internship sites for teachers and parents, etc.

The organization of variable models of preschool education, thus, becomes an important step towards the implementation of the main principles of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education - increasing the accessibility of the education system and its adaptability to the levels and characteristics of the development of preschool children.

Forms of preschool education:

kindergarten (implements the basic general education program of preschool education in groups with a general developmental focus);

kindergarten for young children (implements the basic general educational program of preschool education in groups with a general developmental focus for children aged 2 months to 3 years, creates conditions for social adaptation and early socialization of children);

kindergarten for preschool children (senior preschool) age (implements the basic general educational program of preschool education in groups with a general developmental focus, as well as, if necessary, in groups with a compensatory and combined focus for children aged 5 to 7 years with priority implementation of activities to implement equal starting opportunities for children’s education in educational institutions);

childcare and health care kindergarten (implements the basic general educational program of preschool education in health-improving groups with priority implementation of activities to carry out sanitary, hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures);

compensatory kindergarten (implements the basic general education program of preschool education in compensatory groups with priority implementation of activities for the qualified correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of one or more categories of children with disabilities health);

combined kindergarten ( implements the basic general educational program of preschool education in groups of general developmental, compensatory, health-improving and combined orientations in various combinations);

a general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of activities in one of the areas of child development (implements the basic general educational program of preschool education in groups with a general developmental focus with priority implementation of activities in one of such areas as cognitive - speech, social - personal, artistic - aesthetic or physical);

child development center - children's garden (implements the basic general educational program of preschool education in groups with a general developmental focus with priority implementation of activities for the development of children in several areas, such as cognitive - speech, social - personal, artistic - aesthetic or physical).

Training is the interaction of two parties - the teacher and the students. The style of interaction between the teacher and children can be different: authoritarian, democratic, liberal. Depending on the style, a model of the learning process is formed.

With the dominance of the democratic style of interaction between the teacher and children, a person-oriented model develops.

educational and disciplinary model. Its goal was to equip children with knowledge, skills, abilities (KUNS).

The educational and disciplinary model is characterized by the following features:

  • - The goal is to equip children with knowledge, skills and abilities; instill obedience;
  • - The slogan during the interaction between an adult and children is “Do as I do!”
  • - Methods of communication - instructions, explanations, prohibitions, demands, threats, punishments, notations, shouting.
  • - Tactics - dictate and guardianship.
  • - The teacher’s task is to implement the program and satisfy the requirements of management and regulatory authorities.

Uniformity of content, methods and forms of teaching - distinguishing feature educational and disciplinary model. Training in preschool institutions, schools and other educational institutions of the country were carried out according to uniform programs, curriculum, textbooks and manuals.

Urgent need modern society in people with independent, creative thinking, free from dogmatism and opportunism, prompted scientists (S.A. Amonashvili, V.V. Davydov, V.A. Petrovsky, etc.) to develop a learning model based on personality-oriented interaction between teacher and child.

In the personality-oriented model, the teacher, when communicating with children, adheres to the principle: “Not next to and not above, but together!”

Its goal is to promote the development of the child as an individual.

This involves solving the following problems:

  • - development of the child’s trust in the world, a sense of joy of existence (psychological health);
  • - formation of the beginnings of personality (the basis of personal culture);
  • - development of the child’s individuality.

The expected results are an expansion of the degrees of freedom of the developing child (taking into account his age characteristics): his abilities, rights, prospects.

The personality-oriented model affirms a personal-humane view of the child (Sh. A. Amoiashvili). The essence of this view is that the child wants and can learn, that it is important to support his “I want” and strengthen his “I can”.

The main responsibility of the teacher is to organize children and involve them in the active process of solving cognitive and practical problems, during which students feel their growth, the joy of creativity, and improvement.

Knowledge, skills and abilities are considered not as a goal, but as a means of full development of the individual.

The person-centered model has its own educational technology: transition from explanation to understanding, from monologue to dialogue, from social control to development, from management to self-government.

Viewing the child as a full partner in a cooperative environment. Learning is realized in joint activities, cooperation between the teacher and children, in which the teacher is an assistant, adviser, senior friend.

Methods of communication require the ability to take the child’s position, take into account his point of view and not ignore his feelings and emotions.

Communication tactics are cooperation. The position of the teacher is based on the interests of the child and the prospects for his further development as a full-fledged member of society.

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1. Direct teaching assumes that the teacher determines a didactic task and sets it for the children (we will learn to draw a tree; compose a story based on the picture that lies in front of each of you). Next he gives an example of ways to complete the task (how to draw a tree, how to write a story). During the lesson, he directs the activities of each child to achieve results. To do this, he trains children in mastering the methods and actions necessary to complete a task and acquire new knowledge.

2. Problem-based learning means that children are not given ready-made knowledge and are not offered methods of activity. A problematic situation is created, which the child cannot solve with the help of existing knowledge and skills, including cognitive ones. To do this, he must “reverse” his experience, establish new connections in it, and acquire new knowledge and skills. In problem-based learning, children can understand a problematic situation and resolve it in dialogue with each other and the teacher, who directs the search in the right direction, in joint thinking.

Cognitive activity is accompanied by a heuristic conversation, during which the teacher poses questions that encourage children, based on observations and previously acquired knowledge, to compare, juxtapose individual facts, and then come to conclusions through reasoning.

The main driving force behind problem-based learning is the system of questions and tasks that are offered to children. Considering important role problem-based learning in activating the mental activity of children, in developing cooperative relationships between them, we can talk about its advantages over direct teaching.

3. The essence of indirect learning is that the teacher studies the level of training and education of children, knows their interests; observes development trends, sees the slightest sprouts of something new in the child, something that is just hatching.

Based on the collected data on the development of children, the teacher organizes the subject-material environment: consistently selects certain means with the help of which the process of mastering new knowledge and skills can be optimized, and interests that have arisen can be strengthened. These can be books, games, toys, plants, equipment for experiments, utensils, etc. Next, it is necessary to include these tools in children’s activities, enrich their content, and influence the development of communication and business cooperation.

With indirect learning, the motto becomes “If you learn yourself, teach someone else.”

Therefore, it is important to create conditions through which children can demonstrate their competence in this or that matter, tell others about what they know, and teach what they can do.

So, the essence of indirect learning is that the teacher teaches children to use different means to understand the world around them, puts the child in the position of teaching others, i.e. actively promotes mutual learning and self-learning of students.

Question 8: Features of the organization of the educational process in different age groups in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Preschool education is aimed at: the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, the preservation and strengthening of the health of preschool children.

Article 64. Preschool education Educational programs of preschool education are aimed at the diversified development of preschool children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, including the achievement by preschool children of a level of development necessary and sufficient for their successful development of educational programs of primary general education, on the basis of individual approach to preschool children and activities specific to preschool children

The Federal State Educational Standard has designated three ages of preschool education:

Infancy (2 months – 1 year)

early age(1 year – 3 years)

preschool age (3 years – 8 years)

The educational process in preschool educational institutions is carried out according to the approximate general education program preschool education “From birth to school”, taking into account the main basic regulatory documents:

Federal State Educational Standard, which came into force on January 1, 2014, which is a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education;

SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations."
List of documents for planning educational work:

Schedule of educational activities and games-activities in the group;

A motor mode that reminds the teacher what standards he should adhere to; Cyclogram of educational work of the group;

Plan of educational work.

Planning educational work in a preschool institution is one of the main functions of managing the process of implementing the basic general education program.

Question 9: Professional and personal requirements for a preschool teacher

The professional standard of a teacher is a framework document that defines the basic requirements for his qualifications.

The professional standard of a teacher reflects the structure of his professional activity: training, education and development of the child. According to strategy modern education in a changing world, it is significantly filled with psychological and pedagogical competencies designed to help the teacher solve new problems facing him.

The standard puts forward requirements for the personal qualities of a teacher, inseparable from his professional competencies, such as: 7 readiness to teach all children without exception, regardless of their inclinations, abilities, developmental characteristics, or disabilities.

Professional standard of a teacher: a document that includes a list of professional and personal requirements for a teacher, valid throughout the territory Russian Federation.

TO professional competencies and the responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher include:

knowledge of the specifics of the preschool education system, as well as the peculiarities of organizing educational work for preschoolers of different ages

knowledge and understanding of the patterns of child development in early and preschool childhood

knowledge of the peculiarities of the formation and development of children's activities in early and preschool age

the ability to organize the types of activities necessary for preschool age (play and object-manipulative), thereby ensuring the development of children

ability to organize joint and independent activities of preschool children

knowledge of theory and mastery of pedagogical methods of cognitive, personal and physical development children

ability to plan, implement and analyze pedagogical and educational work with preschoolers in accordance with the standard of preschool education

the ability to plan and adjust pedagogical tasks (independently, as well as in collaboration with a psychologist and other specialists) in accordance with the results of monitoring the development of children, taking into account the individual characteristics of each preschooler

the ability to create a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment that ensures the safety of life of preschool children, maintaining and strengthening their health and emotional well-being during their stay in preschool educational institutions

mastery of methods and methods of psychological and pedagogical monitoring, thanks to which it becomes possible to track the results of preschoolers mastering the curriculum, the level of formation of the necessary qualities necessary for subsequent education in them primary school

knowledge of methods and methods of psychological and pedagogical consultation of parents of preschool children

the ability to build proper interaction with parents to solve pedagogical problems

the ability to plan, implement and evaluate their teaching activities with children of early and preschool age.

Personal qualities:

Kindness and patience. And also justice, mercy, understanding and most importantly - love for children. These qualities, which determine a person’s humanistic orientation, are fundamental for a teacher.

High moral qualities. If the teacher himself does not possess the qualities that he teaches to children, then how will he teach them? A preschool teacher must monitor his actions, be honest with himself and the children, be responsible for his words, be open to children, and treat them with respect.

Organizational skills. The ability to plan, carry out everything consistently and clearly, approach pedagogical activity comprehensively - these are the qualities that will ensure successful work preschool teacher.

Hard work. Working with children takes a lot of energy, but it is important to work with joy. If you love your profession with all your heart, working will be a pleasure.

Positive attitude. Children who are brought up in an atmosphere of goodwill and calm develop faster, grow self-confident, sociable, and emotionally open.

Creativity. In kindergarten, you have to come up with a lot to make the upbringing and education of children as interesting as possible for them. It’s good when the teacher can do this easily.

Training is an interaction between two parties – the teacher and the learner. The style of interaction between the teacher and children can be different: authoritarian, democratic, liberal. Depending on the style, a model of the learning process is formed.

If the authoritarian style predominates, then we are talking about an educational and disciplinary model. With the dominance of the democratic style of interaction between the teacher and children, a person-oriented model develops. These models differ in goals, content, and teaching methods.

The educational and disciplinary model is characterized by the following features: - the goal is to equip children with knowledge, skills and abilities, to instill obedience; - the slogan during the interaction between an adult and children “Do as I do”; - methods of communication - instructions, explanations, prohibitions, demands, threats, punishments, notations, shouting; - tactics - dictatorship and guardianship; - the teacher’s tasks are to implement the program and satisfy the requirements of management and regulatory authorities. results preschool education were assessed by the amount of knowledge: it was believed that the more “invested” in the child, the more successfully he was taught. Uniformity of content, methods and forms of teaching is a distinctive feature of the educational and disciplinary model. Education in preschool institutions, schools and others educational institutions countries were carried out according to uniform programs, curricula and manuals.

The urgent need of modern society for people with independent, creative thinking prompted scientists (S.A. Amonashvili, V.V. Davydov, etc.) to develop a teaching model based on personality-oriented interaction between teacher and child. In the person-centered model, which is an alternative to the educational-disciplinary model, the teacher, when communicating with children, adheres to the principle “Not next to and not above, but together.” Its goal is to promote the development of the child as an individual. This involves solving the following tasks: - developing the child’s trust in the world, a sense of joy of existence (mental health); - formation of the beginnings of personality (the basis of personal culture); development of the child's individuality. The expected results are an expansion of the degrees of freedom of the developing child (taking into account his age characteristics): his abilities, rights, prospects. This model contributes to the development of the child as an individual, his acquisition of himself as a unique individuality, provides a sense of psychological security, and contributes to the humanization of the goals and principles of pedagogical work with children.

In didactics there are different types learning: direct, problematic, indirect.

Direct teaching assumes that the teacher defines a didactic task and sets it for the children (we will learn to draw a tree; compose a story based on the picture that lies in front of us). Next he gives an example of ways to complete the task (how to draw a tree, how to write a story). During the lesson, he directs the activities of each child to achieve results. To do this, he trains children in mastering the methods and actions necessary to complete a task and acquire new knowledge.

Problem-based learning lies in the fact that children are not given ready-made knowledge and are not offered methods of activity. Problem situations are created that the child cannot solve with the help of existing knowledge and skills, including cognitive ones. To do this, he must “reverse” his experience, establish new connections in it, and acquire new knowledge and skills.

In problem-based learning, children can understand a problematic situation and resolve it in dialogue with each other and the teacher, who directs the search in the right direction, in joint thinking. Collective search activity is a chain of thought and action going from the teacher to the children, from one child to another. Solving a problem situation is the result of teamwork.

The essence of indirect learning is that the teacher studies the level of training and education of children, knows their interests; They observe developmental trends, see the slightest sprouts of something new in the child, something that is just hatching. Based on the collected data on the development of children, the teacher organizes the subject-material environment: consistently selects certain means with the help of which the process of mastering new knowledge and skills can be optimized, and interests that have arisen can be strengthened. These can be books, games, toys, plants, equipment for experiments, utensils, etc. Then it is necessary to include these funds in children’s activities, enrich their content, and influence the development of communication and business cooperation. With indirect learning, the motto becomes “If you learn yourself, teach someone else.”