Gerunds in Russian examples. English language - grammar - gerund - functions of a gerund in a sentence. Useful video on the topic

Gerund- Gerund

Gerund in English expresses the name of an action and has the properties of a verb and a noun, and, therefore, can perform the functions of a subject, an object in a sentence, be part of a predicate and be used with adverbs. The gerund is translated into Russian as a noun, infinitive, gerund, or subordinate clause.

The gerund has four forms: two in the active voice and two in the passive voice.
1. Gerund in active voice:
A. Simple Gerund Simple Gerund
b. Perfect Gerund Perfect Gerund
2. Gerund in passive voice:
A. Simple Gerund Passive
b. Perfect Gerund Passive Perfect gerund of the passive voice

Gerund form Pledge
Valid Passive
Simple IV being III
painting being painted
Perfect having III having been III
having painted having been painted

Unlike the infinitive, the gerund has one syntactic structure: the gerundial phrase. It looks like this:
Possessive Noun/Possessive Pronoun + Gerund
His buying a gift is really no excuse. Buying a gift does not justify it in any way.

Use of Simple Gerund

1. The action expressed by the gerund occurs simultaneously with the action expressed by the verb in the personal form, or refers to the future tense.
Mia avoided diving. Mia tried not to dive.
2. Gerund denotes action at all, without relating it to any time.
Vanessa dislikes swimming. Vanessa doesn't like to swim (at all).

Using Perfect Gerund

1. The action expressed by the gerund precedes the action expressed by the personal verb. Mostly after verbs like:
to admit
to regret
to deny
to remember
to forget to forget
to recall
Steven is proud of having won this prize. Stephen is proud to have won the prize.
2. After verbs:
to forgive
to remember
to thank
and after prepositions:
after after
without without
and etc.
Simple Gerund can be used to indicate a previous action.
Nathaniel doesn't remember hearing this story. Nathaniel doesn't remember her hearing this story.

Rules for using gerunds in active and passive voices

1. If the action expressed by the gerund is performed object, to which it refers, the gerund is used in the active voice.
Alexa remembers having seen this photo. Alexa remembers seeing this photo.
2. If the action expressed by the gerund is performed above the object, to which it refers. then the gerund is used in the passive voice.
Alexa remembers having been shown this photo. Alexa remembers being shown this photo.
Note: After verbs:
to want
to require
and after the adjective worth (worth),
The gerund has a passive meaning, despite the fact that it is used in the active voice.
Her car requires repairing. Her car needs to be repaired (Her car needs repairs).
The Shawshank redemption is worth watching. Shawshank Redemption is worth watching.

Using gerunds as different parts of speech

1. Subject or part thereof.
Listening to classical music is nice. Listen classical music- Nice.
2. Predicate.
Reading is knowing. Reading means learning.
3. Part of the predicate ambassador of verbs that express:
A. Necessity, possibility, probability, desirability, etc.
to advise
to allow
to avoid
to appreciate
can't stand the bear
can't stand stand
can't help
to detest to hate
to dislike
to dread
to expect
to fell like
to intend to intend
to like
to permit
to propose
to recommend recommend
to want
and etc.
He detests skating. He hates skating.
b. Beginning, end, duration of action.
to begin
to cease
to commence
to finish
to give up
to go on, keep on, to proceed, to continue, to carry on
to quit, leave, resign
to resume
to stop
and etc.
It has started raining. It started to rain.
4. Addition after:
A. Verbs
to admit
to anticipate
to consider
to delay
to enjoy
to escape
to excuse
to fancy imagine, imagine
to forbid
to forgive
to imagine
to involve
to mean
to mind to object
to miss
to pardon to apologize
to postpone
to practice
to prevent
to recollect
to regret
to remember
to resent being indignant
to resist
to risk
to suggest
to understand
and etc.
Do you mind my opening the windows? Do you mind if I open the window?
b. Verbs with prepositions
to account of
to aim at
to apologize for
to approve of approve
to assist in
to believe in
to complain of complain about
to depend on
to decide against
to dream of
to be engaged in to be engaged in any activity
to inform of
to insist on
to be interested in
to prevent from prevent, interfere
to think of / about
to succeed in
to rely on
to suspect of
to warn against
to look forward to look forward to
to object to object
to devote to devote oneself to something
and etc.
All people dream being happy. All people dream of being happy.
5. Definition after nouns with prepositions.
an advantage of the positive side, advantage
a cause of reason
a chance of chance, opportunity
a decrease of fall, decrease
a difficulty in difficulty
a disadvantage of negative side, flaw
a fact of fact, circumstance
a fall in decline
fear of fear
a feeling of sensation
a gift of gift
an idea of ​​idea
an opportunity of opportunity
a reason for reason
a rise in rise, jump
a way of way, manner
and etc.
His way of talking was rather rude. His manner of speaking was quite rude.
6. Circumstances of time, manner of action, conditions, goals, reasons after prepositions:
after after
at at, on
by to
despite; despite
for for
instead of
in spite of
on by
through by; by using
without without
upon on
and etc.
In spite of living abroad for a long time he hasn't forgotten his native language. Despite living abroad for a long time, he did not forget his native language.

Warning: The article contains a lot of complex concepts like “morphology, complement, participle”, etc. We hope you will master it and will not write angry comments, as you can do without it. Because no, you can't. But after the article you will finally understand the English gerund. We promise. 🙂

Gerund in English is a rule

So this very morphology (the science of parts of speech) is closely related to syntax (the science of sentences). I'll explain now. Let’s take the word “stolovy” in Russian:

The dining room was open.

The word “dining room” here is the subject (the main member of the sentence that performs the action), because it was the one that “was open.” So, before us is a noun.

I was asked to lay out the cutlery.

Here “canteens” is a definition (denotes a feature of an object). And this is already an adjective.

The English language has the same system. Outwardly, the same word - in our case, the ing form of the verb - can mean different things depending on where it is in the sentence and what role it plays there.

Reading girl is sitting in front of me. (The girl reading is sitting opposite me) - This is.
– I don’t like his manner of reading. (I don’t like his reading style) - And this is already a gerund.

Gerund in English: examples, analogue in Russian, difference from participle

Today you will learn how and when to use the gerund, what “analogue” it has in Russian and how it differs from the participle. Congratulations: you've finally figured it out!

But, as I warned, you will have to learn (or rather, remember from school) all sorts of complex concepts. But don’t be afraid: I will describe everything in the most accessible language. I will first explain difficult things using the example of the Russian language, and then transfer them to English.

Functions of the gerund in English

So, a gerund is a form of a verb. But a conventional analogue of the gerund in Russian can be called a verbal noun. For example:

drive off - departure(leaving), swim – swimming(swimming), watch – viewing(watching) etc.

Why do I say "conditional"? Because the gerund still has characteristics of a verb that a verbal noun does not have. For example, the gerund has active and passive forms. But I’ll tell you about this at the end of the article so as not to blow your mind.

Let's return to the idea of ​​analogue. The gerund, like our Russian noun, can do almost anything in a sentence! It can become any member of the proposal. So, let's deal with the cases of using the gerund. And along the way, where necessary, we will compare the gerund and the participle so that you do not confuse them.

Using gerunds in English

1. Gerund as subject

Let's remember: The subject is the main member of the sentence. The entity that performs the action, experiences the state, etc.

In russian language a verbal noun can be a subject.

Smoking ⇒ smoking ⇒

Smoking is bad for your health.

In English the same:

Smoking is bad for your health.

A gerund subject can have dependent words:

Smoking cigarettes is bad for your health.

The subject usually comes at the beginning of the sentence.

2. Gerund as a predicate

Let's remember: The predicate is the action or state of the object expressed by the subject.

In russian language a verbal noun can also be a predicate:

Swim ⇒ swimming ⇒

Her passion is swimming. (Passion is the subject, swimming is the predicate).

Same thing in English, only a linking verb is added (you can’t do without a verb in English). The gerund in such a sentence is that part of the compound predicate that carries the meaning:

His hobby is collecting stamps. (His hobby is collecting stamps).

The predicate usually comes after the subject.

3. Gerund as an object

Let's remember: the complement is what the action is aimed at; something that complements the action.

The addition can be direct ( accusative, without a preposition) when the action is directly directed at him: I read (what?) a book, I see (what?) a fig. 🙂

Can be prepositional (with a preposition): I think about a friend, I fight for freedom.

Most often, the object in a sentence refers to the predicate.

So, in Russian a verbal noun can be both a direct and prepositional object:

Move ⇒ moving ⇒

I'm planning to move.
I'm thinking about moving.

It's the same with the gerund in English:

He enjoys swimming in the sea. - He likes to swim in the sea (direct object without preposition).

I'm tired of waiting. – I’m tired of waiting (prepositional object).

Notice that the gerund object comes after the predicate. And the predicate could be:

  • simple (regular verb in any tense and voice),
  • compound (be + adjective, be + participle),
  • expressed by a phrasal verb.

List of verbs: sentences with gerunds in English, examples

Here is a list of verbs that are usually followed by a gerund:

admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, deny, keep, miss, suggest, quit, finish, practice, imagine, risk, mind, enjoy, need;

Example: My car needs repairing. - My car needs repairs.

Here are examples of compound predicates (to be + adjective or participle), immediately with prepositions:

to be afraid of, to be ashamed of, to be engaged in, to be fond of, to be good at, to be interested in, to be proud of, to be surprised at, to be tired of, to be sorry for and etc;

Example: I’m sorry for disturbing you - Sorry for disturbing you.

Here is the list phrasal verbs, after which the gerund is often used as a prepositional object:

accuse of, agree on, apologize for, approve of, believe in, blame for, care about, complain about, complain of, confess to, consent to, consist of, count on, depend on, disapprove of, dream of, feel like , feel up to, forget about, forgive for, insist on, keep from, lead to, long for, look forward to, mean by, object to, pay for, persist in, prevent from, remind of, result in, return to , save from, succeed in, suspect of, take to, talk into, talk out of, thank for, think about, think of, work on, worry about.

Example: She blames him for losing her suitcase. – She blames him for the loss of the suitcase.

4. Gerund as a definition

Let's remember: definition is a sign of an object, both subject and complement. Answers the question “Which one?”

So in Russian a verbal noun can also be a modifier:

travel ticket - ticket for travel
swimming cap – swimming cap

That is, a noun characterizes an object. Used with a preposition.

English gerund can do the same:

The risk of losing money scares him. – The risk of losing money scares him. (What is the risk? – loss of money).

He has five years’ experience in teaching. (He has five years of teaching experience).

Such a definition usually appears after the word being defined, along with a preposition.

Participle and gerund in English

We agreed to compare the gerund with its “twin” - the present participle, . The time has come, because a participle can also be a definition. I warn you right away that the ability to distinguish them is unlikely to be useful to you in live speech, at most, in some kind of exam. If this is not your case, then you can skip the table. 🙂

⠀Communion⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀Gerund
Formally: the singular comes before the word being defined, the participial phrase comes after. Formally: usually comes after the word being defined along with a preposition.
By value: denotes a feature by action, and this action is performed by the defined object ITSELF:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

boiling water - boiling water

(water boils on its own)⠀

By value: The defined object does not perform any action. In this case, even if the -ing form comes BEFORE the noun, we have a gerund:

the boiling point - boiling point

(the point does not boil itself)

5. Gerund as an adverbial circumstance

Let's remember: circumstance denotes the cause, place, time, manner of action.

In russian language a verbal noun can be an adverbial noun:

I was very nervous about the move. (states the reason for the action)

English gerund this can also happen:

He called her before leaving. “He called her before leaving.” (names the time of action)

Usually in this function the gerund is used after prepositions:

after, before, on, by, without, besides, instead of, etc.

The adverbial adverbial may simply be a preposition + gerund:

Let's discuss it after eating. - Let's discuss this after eating.

Or maybe a preposition + gerund + dependent words. As a result, a turnover is formed:

He passed them without saying hello. “He walked past them without saying hello.”

The adverbial clause appears either at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.

Compare with participle: sentences with gerund in English

Let’s compare it again with the sacrament, because it can also be a circumstance.

But in terms of content, both sentences are translated in principle the same way. For a native speaker, the shades of meaning are very difficult to notice, just as for us in the examples “I was nervous when moving” - “I was nervous about moving.”

Again, this knowledge may only be useful to you for the test. Just remember: a gerund has a preposition.

Gerunds in English - examples

In real speech, constructions with gerunds are often replaced with other, simpler ones, for example:

Your not wanting to go there surprises me. (Your reluctance to go there surprises me) –
I’m surprised that you don’t want to go there (I’m surprised that you don’t want to go there).

But remember a number of cases when the gerund is usually used:

– In prohibitions after NO:

– In questions that begin with “what about” and “how about” and express an incentive sentence:

Example: How about helping me in the kitchen? (How about you help me in the kitchen?)

– As part of a compound noun: drinking water, frying pan, writing desk, etc.

Example: In some countries, more than 10 percent of the people can’t get any clean drinking water. (In some countries, more than 10% of the population does not have access to clean drinking water).

– Gerund is used after expressions: in spite of, no point in, can’t help/couldn’t help, can’t stand, it’s no use/no good, it is worth, feel like.

Example: In spite of saving money all her life, she wasn’t rich. – Despite the fact that she saved all her life, she was not rich.

– The gerund is used after the verb go, if we are talking about some kind of pastime:

Example: Let's go swimming!

Gerunds in English: exercises with answers

Exercises on gerunds - on the rules of formation, forms, use, etc. - You .

But in conclusion, I will say a couple more things about gerunds in English:

1. It has not only a simple form in the active voice, but also complex ones:

– perfect (perfect gerund):

having asked, having written;

– passive (passive gerund):

being asked, being written;

– perfect passive gerund

having been asked, having been written.

But they are rarely used in live speech.

2. The infinitive is often used as an object instead of a gerund in English. But this question. If you don’t want to wait, you can, and then secure the result.

3. The gerund, as a noun, can be determined by possessive pronouns and nouns in the possessive case (my singing). But it cannot have an article or plural.

4. Please note that you will not always translate a gerund into Russian as a noun. It is often more logical to translate a gerund into a verb. I compared it to a noun just to make it easier to understand.

Moreover, the English language has its own verbal nouns. Moreover, some of them are twins of the gerund (also with the suffix -ing).

With them you can use the article, put them in plural etc. And in general, grammatically they behave completely differently! This is a twist, isn't it? But this is also worth writing about separately – we’ll do that later.

You've had enough of the complications for now. 🙂

Gerund in English: examples, use

So let's summarize:

  • A gerund is something between a verb and a noun. For your understanding, I compared it with a verbal noun, but in fact it is more complex and has the characteristics of a verb - active and passive forms, and can be defined by an adverb.
  • But as a noun, it can be defined by a possessive pronoun and a noun in the possessive case, have a preposition, and perform any function in a sentence.
  • More precisely, it can be subject, predicate, object, circumstance and definition.
  • Often in real speech, gerunds can be replaced with simpler constructions. But there are cases when native speakers use the gerund.
  • To know everything about the gerund, it stands alone and with a verbal noun. But we'll deal with this later.

In the meantime, you can delve into it yourself. See you!

Many English language learners use the term " gerund"causes sacred horror (it is even more terrible than "!), because there is no such concept in the Russian language. In this post we will not seriously delve into all the subtleties English grammar. Our task is to get acquainted with this phenomenon and find out what kind of beast this is - the gerund (the gerund) and how we can eat it correctly, or rather use it in speech.

What is a gerund?

There are active and passive, simple and perfect gerunds. We will limit ourselves to the simple active, since this form is most often used in speech.

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A simple gerund is nothing more than form verb+ing , which is something between a verb and a noun. For example, English phraseI like swimming can be translated in two ways: I like to swim And I like swimming.

  • She was thinking of buying a new house. She was thinking about buying a new house/about buying a new house.
  • I hate getting up early, but I have to. – I hate getting up early / getting up early, but I have to
  • The place is worth visiting. – This place is worth visiting / is worth visiting.

What do you need to know about gerunds?

  • He gave up smoking a few years ago. – He quit smoking several years ago.
  • Though he was tired, he kept on walking. - Although he was tired, he continued to walk
  • Don't be nervous! Stop biting your nails. - Do not worry! Stop biting your nails!
  • Do you like cooking — Oh, I hate cooking! – Do you like to cook? - Oh, I hate cooking!
  • I don't remember locking the door. I think I'll go back and check it. “I don’t remember if I closed the door.” I think I need to go and check.

  • My friend succeeded in translating this difficult text. – My friend succeeded in translating the text.
  • I am looking forward to going to holiday - I’m waiting - I can’t wait to go on vacation.
  • He has always dreamed of visiting Europe. – He always dreamed of visiting Europe.
  • The cold weather prevented the girls from going for long walks. – The cold weather prevented the girls from taking long walks.
  • He’ll never agree to them going on that dangerous voyage. “He will never agree for them to go on this dangerous trip.”
  • Her mother didn’t approve of her drinking so much coffee. Her mother doesn't approve of her drinking so much coffee.
  • I don’t feel like seeing him. – I don’t want to see him.
  • All the happiness of my life depends on your loving me. - The happiness of my whole life depends on your love for me.
  • I insist on telling him the truth! “I insist on telling him the truth.”
  • I stretched my hand to prevent her from falling. “I held out my hand to stop her from falling.

And a verb, but in essence it is an intermediate form, since it expresses an action as an object. A gerund, which acts as a noun in a sentence, can consist of one word or an entire phrase.

At first glance, it may be quite difficult to understand what a “gerund” is, because it has no analogues in the Russian language. However, in reality everything turns out to be quite simple. The most important thing is to be able to distinguish between gerund and present participle.

In cases where a verb ending -ing in a sentence is used as an adjective or verb, we have the present participle:

  • Anthony is fishing
    Anthony fishing (currently)
  • I have a boring teacher
    I have a boring teacher

In cases where we use the -ing form of the verb as a noun, we have a gerund:

  • Working is good
    Work is good

What role can a gerund play in a sentence?

As already noted, this non-finite form of the verb has both the qualities of a verb and a noun and can play the role of any member of a sentence, with the exception of the predicate.

Let's look at the functions of the gerund in a sentence:

  • Subject
    Building a house takes a long time
    Building a house takes a long time

—Walking is good for you

Walking is good for you

  • Object (direct and prepositional)
    She doesn't like fishing
    She doesn't like fishing

I don't like swimming
I don't like swimming

  • Predicative
    Her favorite activity is playing computer games
    Her favorite pastime is computer games
  • Definition
    I have an intention of moving from here as soon as possible
    I'm going to leave here as soon as possible
  • Circumstance
    He wrote me before leaving
    He wrote to me before he left

Before getting this position, he was working hard
He worked a lot before getting this position

There is no concept of gerund in Russian, so it can be translated as a noun, infinitive, gerund and subordinate clause.

Use of gerund:

after enjoy, admit, imagine, appreciate, can’t stand / bear/ help, mind, consider, understand, avoid, finish, deny and resent, the verb form ending in –ing is used.

For example,
She denied saying that or I can’t stand doing nothing

gerund is used with verbs after prepositions:
argue about, admit to, approve of, concentrate on, insist on, plan on, think about, feel like, forget about, + doing something

with prepositions from, for, to, of, in and on with some verbs:
They stopped her from going there alone
Depend on:
Success depends on doing right things
Look forward to doing:
We look forward to seeing you soon
Thanks for:
I would like to thank you for being here with me
Get used to doing:
I barely could get used to living here
after prepositions:
Before leaving, he turned off the lights
I am tired of walking
They are used for living alone
in some expressions:
What about...
To be busy...
Don’t mind...It is no good...
Feel like…It is no use…
How about...

Some verbs can have two forms, verb + ending –ing and infinitive:
Watch someone do / see / hear / doing
I heard them call you yesterday
We saw him eating a pizza in the restaurant

A verb ending in –ing is used when you are talking about something that has already happened:
I remember being in this place many years ago
(I remember the time when I was in this place many years ago)
I regret not studying
(I didn’t study and now I regret it)

The infinitive is used when we talk about something that is about to happen:
Remember to clean the room
(Don't forget to do this later)
I want to tell you that...
(I'm just about to tell you something)
I want to stop drinking
(I want you to quit your habit)
She stopped to take a rest
(She stopped to take a breath)
Try + ing meaning to try something for the sake of experimentation
Try studying Spanish every day
(You will be surprised at the results!)
Try + infinitive (meaning try to do something)
Try to study better and pass the exams
(Try to do it)

Gerund forms

There are 4 forms of gerund:

  • 2 in active voice (Indefinite Active)
  • 2 forms in the passive voice (Indefinite Passive)

In the first case, the gerund is used to indicate an action in the future or an action in an unrelated tense, as well as an action occurring simultaneously with the action expressed by the verb in the personal form.
— I have prepared for leaving tomorrow morning
I got ready to leave tomorrow morning
— She was a fan of dancing when she was a child
As a child she really liked to dance

Rules for the formation of gerunds:

In the active voice, the gerund is formed using the -ing ending and the first form of the verb. In form it coincides with the present participle and a noun formed from a verb:

  • I couldn't stop thinking of you
    I couldn't stop thinking about you

In the passive voice, the gerund is formed using auxiliary verb being and the 3rd main form of the semantic verb. In this case, the gerund describes an action that happens to the person or thing designated by the subject:

  • She doesn't like being woke up early
    She doesn't like being woken up early

Many who have studied English have come across such a concept as “gerund”.

Although this is a very simple word, many teachers explain it in incredibly complex ways, resulting in students not understanding at all what it is or why it should be used.

Also, one of the reasons for the misunderstanding is that there is no such concept in the Russian language.

In this article I will talk in detail about this type of verb in English.

What is a gerund in English?

A gerund is an action formed from a verb that carries the characteristics of an object and answers the question “what.”

To better understand this, look at these examples:

Here are some more examples:

Swim - swimming

Draw - drawing

Reading, swimming and drawing are gerunds

Using a gerund, we focus on the process of performing an action.

How are gerunds formed in English?

Very simple!

To do this, add the ending -ing to the verb.

We usually translate it into Russian as a noun ending -nie, -nie.

reading - reading
singing - singing
driving - driving

In English, you can make almost any action a gerund by adding the ending -ing.

For example:

I like shop ing.
I love walking tion go shopping.

Swim ing is my favorite thing.
Plava tion- my favorite thing.

Of course, the formation of the gerund was not without exceptions.

Let's look at them.

The rule for adding the ending -ing

There are a few things to be aware of when adding this ending:

1. If the verb ends in -e, then the letter e we remove and add to the verb -ing

danc e- danc ing- dance
mov e-mov ing- move

2. If the verb is short, we double the last consonant:

si t-si ting- sit
ba n-ba nning- forbid

Exceptions: verbs ending in -x And -w:

mi x- mi xing- to mix

3. If the verb ends in -ie, then we replace this ending with -y

l ie-l ying- lie
t ie-t ying- tie

Now you know how to correctly turn a verb into a gerund. The question remains: “Why is this necessary?”

To understand this, let's look at its main functions in a sentence.

How is the gerund used in English?

It can perform 4 functions in sentences:

1. Be the main member of the sentence

In this case, we put the gerund first in the sentence.

For example:

Reading is very interesting thing.
Reading is a very interesting activity.

Jogging is her favorite sport.
Running is her favorite sport.

2. Be part of the main action

Most often in this role we place the gerund after the verb to be.

For example:

My hobby is reading books.
My hobby is reading books.

His task was writing an article.
His task was to write an article.

3. Used as a complement to action

That is, go immediately after the action. Please note that we never put to before a gerund.

For example:

4. Used with wordsmy, his, her, their or prepositions

For example:

Do you mind my asking you?
Do you mind me asking you? (verbatim)

I heard her singing.
I heard her singing.

Gerund and infinitive in English

Many people are often confused about the concepts of infinitive and gerund. And that's why they make mistakes. Let's see how they differ from each other.

1. Particle to (infinitive)

Infinitive (particle to)- this is the initial form of the verb. We put it before the action that answers the question “What to do?/What to do?”

For example:

He likes to swim.
He likes (what to do?) swim.

2. Gerund (ending -ing)

We use when we talk about action to mean process. In this case, the action answers the question “What?”

For example:

He likes to swim ing.
He loves swimming.

How does a gerund differ from an infinitive?

The difference in meaning between the use of a gerund and the particle to is often small.

  • Using a gerund, we emphasize the process of action itself
  • Using the infinitive we talk about a preference (habit) or the result of an action

However, there are some verbs in English that are followed by either only an infinitive or only a gerund.

Let's look at the table.

Verbs followed by an infinitive Verbs followed by a gerund
Afford - afford something

Allow - to allow someone

Agree - agree

Aim - strive, aim

Arrange - negotiate, arrange

Ask - to ask

Decide - decide

Deserve - deserve

Expect - expect

Fail - fail

Hope - to hope

Learn - to study

Manage - be able to do something

Offer - to offer

Plan - plan

Prepare - to prepare

Pretend - pretend, pretend

Promise - promise

Refuse - refuse

Seem - seem, introduce yourself

Tend - to have a tendency

Threaten - to threaten

Turn out - turn out

Admit - acknowledge

Adore - to adore

Avoid - avoid

Can’t stand - not to stand, not to endure

Carry on - continue

Delay - put off, delay

Deny - deny

Discuss - discuss

Enjoy - enjoy

Finish - finish

Imagine - imagine

Involve - to attract

Keep (on) - continue

Look forward to - look forward to

Mind - to object, to have against

Miss - fail, miss

Practice - to practice

Quit - stop doing

Recall - remember

Resist - resist, oppose

Risk - to take risks, dare

Suggest - to suggest, advise

Understand - to understand

So, now you are familiar with the concept of a gerund in English. Let's practice using it.

Reinforcement task

Translate the sentences into English. Leave your answers in the comments.

1. He enjoys drawing.
2. His hobby is collecting.
3. Reading is useful.
4. He likes to run.
5. He doesn't like her singing.