Health lessons in elementary school according to federal state standards. Methodological development “Health Day in primary school. Stop "Let's become little kids"

Health lesson for primary school students: “Everyone who wants to be healthy”

Podlesnaya Inessa Nikolaevna primary school teacher of MKOU secondary school No. 8 in the city of Cherkessk KCR
Description of work: The work contains theoretical and practical foundations for the implementation of health-saving technologies in educational process primary school, creative \creative\ games for the spiritual education of students, the work is addressed to primary school teachers

TYPE OF LESSON: consolidation of acquired knowledge.
TYPE OF LESSON: club hour
TEACHING METHODS: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, partially search.
1.Educational: generalization of students’ knowledge about a healthy lifestyle
life; behavioral skills design
in various life situations;
2.Developmental: develop students' cognitive
interest in recovery methods and
maintaining human health
3.Educational: contribute to the education of conscious
health needs

Recreate the rules of human behavior to preserve your health and the health of others;
Involve students in active practical activities to strengthen and maintain their own health: physical and spiritual.
Create an objective basis for nurturing the need for a healthy lifestyle
The world around us
Physical Culture
layout “Smoking doll”
support diagrams, tables
Fairytale box, mirror
Magnetic board, layout of the “Mood Tree”
Heart models
1. Preparing children for a reflection session:
- we conduct auto-training:
We are attentive!
We are calm!
We are focused!
We know everything!
We will have time to do everything!

reflection session:
Children pin on a magnetic board
To "Mood Tree" leaves of different colors:

Black- bad mood at the beginning of the lesson.
Greengood mood at the beginning of the lesson.

3.Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.
I’m saying that today in class we will get acquainted with the greatest wonder of the world. In the box that I carry and allow each child to look at, there is a mirror. The children are surprised.
I explain to them that the greatest miracle of the world is themselves. Why?
We argue that each person is unique and valuable, that it is necessary to take care of our health and the health of the people around us. That health is the main value of a person.

4.Teacher's opening speech:
A person who is not healthy will not be able to give the results that nature, which gave him life, programmed him for: such a person will not be able to create fruitfully, live, work, and finally give healthy offspring.
-Children are asked a question about What does a person need to be healthy?(children express their thoughts)
5. Generalization of students’ knowledge about healthy lifestyles:
-What does a person need to stay healthy? (healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits).
-What rules of a healthy lifestyle do we know:
1. Proper nutrition
2.Proper breathing
3. Refusal of bad habits.
4. Disease prevention.
5.Physical activity.
6. Hardening.
7. Proper rest.
The guys talk about factors that improve health: hardening, proper nutrition, personal hygiene, playing sports, giving up bad habits.

I suggest discussion of the rules of proper nutrition based on the table: “How does food travel?”

It is further discussed What habits are harmful and what harm do they cause to the body?
Demonstration of experience with "Smoking doll."

6. Disease prevention
It has long been noted that by the end of a child’s schooling, children’s vision deteriorates, so it is very important to use the system of exercises that I recommend to prevent visual fatigue and myopia:

In good weather, we demonstrate Gymnastics for the eyes with a sunbeam . (The sunbeam runs along the ceiling, walls, spins, jumps, the children follow it with their eyes).
Auto-training for relaxation

I turn on the audio recording of the auto-training - we rest, relax, analyze what we felt during the session.

7. Conversation about human spiritual health.
Next, I invite the children to answer the question: “Can a person be called healthy if he is only physically healthy?”(No)
We draw a conclusion, What spiritual development the person is also very important.

Formation of a children's team, spiritual development
individuals at “Health Lessons”:

We conduct games of spiritual development.
Game "Treasures of the Heart": Children are invited to write on a model of a paper heart cut out the qualities that, in their opinion, a kind, healthy heart should have.

We hang the hearts on the board and discuss the results.
To consolidate the children’s conclusions, we get acquainted with the story of A.M. Gorky “The Legend of Danko”:
- Why did Danko give his heart to people?
- Did people appreciate his gift?
- Did Danko do the right thing?
- Would you do that?
- What does the story teach us?
8. Lesson summary:
We conclude that health is the main value of a person.
A healthy person rarely thinks about what health is and how to maintain it. It seems that you are healthy and will always be so, and there is no need to worry. Meanwhile, health one of the main values ​​of the body , the source of joy keeps giving up and giving up its positions, reacting to the wrong way of life. Everyone must take care of your health from a young age, have knowledge in the field of hygiene, medical care, spiritual well-being, and most importantly - do not harm your body!!!

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Topic: All-Russian health lesson. "Rules of personal hygiene."

Objectives of the lesson: to reveal the concept of “personal hygiene”, to introduce students to the basic rules of personal hygiene, to explain that compliance with them is an important means of maintaining human health, to develop hygiene skills and abilities, to cultivate a culture of health, and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Planned achievements of students: learn that it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene to maintain health, learn how to properly wash your hands and face, and take care of your health. Equipment: table “Rules of Personal Hygiene”, visual demonstration material, hygiene products for practical work,


, textbook “The World Around Us”, workbook “Health Diary”.

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1. Slide 4 During the classes

Organizing time

. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

World Health Day commemorates the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948. Since that moment, about two hundred states of the world have become members of the World Organization. The annual celebration of Health Day has become a tradition since 1950. It is designed to help people understand how much health matters in their lives and decide what they need to do to improve the health of people around the world. For World Health Day, a new theme is chosen each year to highlight health issues of concern. The main theme of World Health Day 2010 will be urbanization and health. As part of the 1000 Cities 1000 Lives campaign, events will be organized around the world to encourage cities to open their streets to healthy activities. To demonstrate what people are doing to improve their health. All-Russian Children's Health Day is held annually in our country on April 7. In all educational institutions “Health Lessons” are taking place. Our state is constantly concerned about the health of children. Health is the main value of human life. Being healthy is a normal desire of any person. J. Rousseau wrote: “Most of our illnesses are the work of our own hands; we could have avoided almost all of them if we had preserved the simple, monotonous, solitary lifestyle that was prescribed to us by nature.” Human health is not only an aesthetic value, but also depends on environment

. Health is one of the sources of happiness and joy for every person and at the same time the property of the whole society; the need to take care of one’s health must be cultivated in a person. It happens in the family, in


and at school. By studying at school you get scientific knowledge , which help him better organize his healthy lifestyle, work properly, eat rationally, and rest properly. behaves disgustingly, he shows not only laziness, but also vile morals.” A healthy lifestyle is associated with a choice of lifestyle in relation to health, which presupposes a certain level of hygienic culture. Personal hygiene. Personal – that is, each person follows these rules. Hygiene is those actions that, when performed, keep your body and home clean and do not get sick. “Health Lesson” is dedicated to this topic.

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3. Work on new material.

1. Introductory conversation. Teacher. Guys, today we will meet new topic

. Read the words written on the board.

Students. Personal hygiene of a schoolchild.

-What do you think “personal hygiene” means?

Students. It means to be pure. You need to wash your face every morning, wash your hands, face, and neck with soap. Be sure to brush your teeth.

Teacher. That’s right, personal hygiene for a schoolchild means taking care of your body and keeping it clean. We will learn how important and necessary this is in class.

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2. Reading and analysis of the poem by M. Stelmakh “The stork washes itself.”

A stork walks on the water under the willow tree barefoot, Because this bird is used to washing itself in the morning.

Student. The skin evenly covers the entire body, but it is not just a shell, but a complex organ with many functions. The skin consists of three layers.

Student. The first layer is the outer shell on top, which protects our skin from damage. It contains pores through which the skin breathes.

Student. The second layer is the skin itself. It contains sebaceous and sweat glands. The skin contains blood vessels and nerves. Therefore, the skin is sensitive to cold, heat, pain.

Student. The third layer is subcutaneous fat. It protects the skin from bruises and retains heat. Skin composition diagram 1. Outer shell. 2. Leather. 3. Subcutaneous fat.

Student. Skin protects our body from disease. When we run, jump in physical education lessons and we get hot, beads of sweat appear on our skin. There is a thin layer of fat on the skin. If the skin is not washed for a long time, then fat and sweat accumulate on it, which trap dust particles. This makes the skin dirty, rough, and it stops protecting our body. Dirty skin can be harmful to your health. Microbes multiply on the skin (1 sq. cm. up to 40,000). If you do not keep your skin clean, skin diseases may occur.

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5. Skin care.

Student. The main way to care for your skin is washing. Then dust, fat, sweat, and germs are removed from the skin. You need to wash your body 1-2 times a week. Scientists have calculated that washing with soap and a washcloth removes 1.5 billion germs from the skin. Can you imagine!?

Be sure to wash your face, arms, legs, neck, and armpit skin every day.

So we spread our hands, As if we were surprised, And we bowed to the ground at each other's waist. (Bent over, straightened up) Below, children, don’t be lazy, Bow down, smile. (Exhale, inhale) We will put our palms to our eyes, we will spread our strong legs. Turning to the right, Let's look around majestically. And you also need to look to the left from under your palms. And - to the right! And also over the left shoulder

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How to wash your face properly.

If you have normal skin, you should wash your face daily. - Wash your face with soap 2-3 times a week, as frequent washing with soap degreases the skin. - You can’t wash your face cold water, as the blood vessels narrow and the skin becomes dry, pale, and flabby. - You can’t wash your face with very warm water all the time. Hot water cleanses the skin well, causes blood vessels to dilate, then the skin becomes weaker, the skin becomes flaccid. - You need to wash your face with either hot or cold water. - After washing, you need to dry your face thoroughly. Otherwise, the skin will become chapped and flaky.

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6. Practical work. Demonstration of washing techniques.

(Two students prepared for the demonstration show how to wash).

Memo 1. Preparing for washing (soap, towel). 2. It is best to wash yourself undressed to the waist. 3.First, wash your hands well with soap and running water, check the cleanliness of your nails. 4.Then wash your face, ears, and neck with clean hands. 5. After washing, pat dry with a clean, dry towel.

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7. Work from the textbook “The World Around Us.”

Read what Zlyuchka says – Gryazyuchka? Poem "Friend of the Vile - Muddy". All the dogs know Vanya, And growl from afar: He does without a bath, He is unaccustomed to the comb, There is never a handkerchief in his pocket., touch various objects in the toilet rooms. All of these items have dirt on them, often invisible to the eye. With unwashed hands, this dirt first enters the mouth and then into the body. Dirt transmits various diseases from a sick person to a healthy one. It is necessary to follow the “Rules of Personal Hygiene” and then you will be healthy.

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2. Poem “Wash your hands.”

Haven't you seen the dirt on your hands?

And in the dirt there lives an infection, invisible to the eye.

If we sit down to lunch without washing our hands, all this infection will go to our stomach.

Dirty hands threaten disaster.

So that illness does not break you, be cultured: wash your hands with soap before eating!

Be careful, forget laziness, You need to brush your teeth every day.

(V. Mayakovsky)

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3.Work with the table “Rules of Personal Hygiene”.
Rules of personal hygiene. Wash your face in the morning and before bed. Wash your ears and neck every day. Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth after eating. Wash your hands before eating and after every contamination. Keep your hair clean. Wash your feet before going to bed. Keep your nails short. Wash my entire body weekly. Not three eyes with your hands. Use a handkerchief. What do we have to do? 1-2 times Several times 1 time every two 1 time Per day per week weeks per week 4. Answers to questions on the topic of the lesson.
1. How many times a day should you wash your face?

2. How often should you wash your body and hair? 3. How should you keep your hands, nails, and feet clean?
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5. Poems “It’s good to know!” Hygiene is very strict It must always be observed... There is a lot of dirt under the nails, Although it is not visible., according to scientists, occurs at the age of 7-10 years. At this age, students are more often susceptible to respiratory diseases, metabolic disorders, and poor posture. Therefore, the teacher must build the educational process taking into account age, gender, the specific development of the body, physiological and mental processes, use information on preserving and promoting health in their pedagogical activity. Health lessons for elementary school students will be of great help in this.
Health lessons are aimed at forming the foundations of a culture of children's health, ensure physical activity of students, introduce them to healthy nutrition, help unite the class team, lead to an improvement in the psycho-emotional state of students, change their attitude towards themselves and their own health, cultivate a hygienic culture and the habit of exercise physical education and sports.
At primary school age, basic skills for developing a healthy lifestyle are laid. If a child is physically healthy, then he can successfully study at school and cope with all matters at home. If a child is mentally healthy, then he usually likes himself for who he is, he is satisfied with his achievements and can draw conclusions from his mistakes. A socially healthy person can establish and maintain healthy relationships with other people, he respects their rights, knows how to provide help to people and is able to accept it himself, knows how to express his needs and wants so that they become clear to others. Only a healthy person is able to live actively and successfully overcome learning difficulties.
Over the course of four years of primary school, I teach health lessons once every quarter. First grade topics: Hello, Big Guy!; We are in Chistyulkino; Visiting Vitamins; We are sports guys. Second grade topics: Visiting Dr. Care; Advice from Professor Nekhvoraikin; Blinding smile; Call of the Jungle. Third grade topics: Posture in human life; As we hear; Meeting of the Healthy Club; Healthy Relay Race. Fourth grade topics: Green pharmacy; What? Where? When?; Sports travel; Be healthy! Classes are held in various interesting forms. This is an oral journal, travel, sports games, Mind games, auctions.
Health lessons follow the following structure:
1. Greeting, warm-up (3-5 minutes).
2. Main part (30 minutes).
3. Final part (3 minutes).
4. Reflection (2 minutes).

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