The theme of the plant in the second junior group. Summary of the lesson for the younger group (speech development): “Spring flowers. Exercise "Who do you see?"

Tasks: - consolidate children's knowledge about indoor plants. Introduce 2 - 3 indoor plants, to develop the desire to care for them, to treat them with love and tenderness. To teach children to compare plants, find similarities and differences in external signs.

Final event: Exhibition of children's works on the theme of the week.

Educational areas

Region development


Form of organization of joint activities of a teacher with children

Organization of PPRS for independent activities of children

Continuous educational activity

Artistic and aesthetic development

Draw without going beyond the lines;

Work diligently and finish what you start.

Strengthen the ability to bring the work started to the end;

Pinch off small pieces from large ones.

Di. "Compose a flower"

Di. "What the artist forgot to draw"

Di. "Describe what I guess"

sheets of paper, colored pencils,

Plasticine, stacks, boards, napkins.


“Violets have bloomed with us” (Golitsyna p. 187)

Lepka " Beautiful flower". (Golitsyn p. 187)

Speech development

Learn to answer questions

Fix the pronunciation of the sound "u";


Di. "Cut Pictures"

Images and layouts of flowers illustrations and pictures.

Speech development

“Learning to speak correctly” (Golitsyn p. 185)

cognitive development

- develop a desire to care for indoor plants;

To teach children to compare plants, find similarities and differences in external signs;

To develop the ability, based on comparison, to highlight the pattern in the arrangement of figures.

Help children master basic design skills.

D / and "Collect according to the model."

D. / i. "Find one and describe it"

Math Games"Make a flower", "Remember the pattern"

Pictures of flowers and plants.

D. / i. "Find the same and describe"

Digit set


FTsKM "Our Garden at the Window". (Golitsyn p. 183)

FEMP "Where our flowers grow" (Golitsyna p. 184)

Design "By Design" (Golitsyn p. 185)

Social-com. development

Continue to develop playing skills in a team.

Examination of the paintings "Care for indoor plants"


C/r games at will

Physical development

Learn to throw the ball on the floor and catch it with both hands;

Exercise in crawling according to the anthem. bench;

Exercise children in walking and running between hoops.

Game exercise "Through the stream"

Outdoor games "Catch the ball", "Birds peck grains"

Sports equipment: hoops, balls, cubes.

Physical Culture

Lesson No. 31 (Penzulaeva p. 62)

Date 17.04.2017 Monday



Interaction with parents

Educational activities











Reception and examination of children in the group. morning exercises in the music hall

Conversations about the world around: what the child saw on the way, natural, seasonal, weather changes.

Individual work with Ksyusha and Miron - to learn how to compose a descriptive story from a picture

Situational conversation on the topic "What has changed in nature?"

S. /r. And my family

Conversation and advice to parents "Teach your child to feel"


Hood. - est. development

Pozn. development

Music (see the plan of music hands. - la)

FTsKM: "Our garden at the window."

Tasks: to teach children to compare plants, find similarities and differences in external features;

Integration: pos. development, physical razv., speech. development


Observation "Our clothes". P / games: at the request of children.

Individual work with Dima, Sophia - jumping on two legs.

Situational conversation "Do not climb into the flower beds"

Portable toys, snow shovels.



Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account integration educational areas

Creation of conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities



Educational activities in regime moments








Work before bed

Riddles on the theme of the week.


Invigorating gymnastics.

Conversation: "Plants of our group"

Individual work with Artem V. and Kira - identify vegetables and fruits into groups.

Situational conversation "What trees grow on the site"

Games for children.


Supervision of the work of the janitor. Labor as needed. P / and "Owl"

Individual work with Artyom L. and Vika - learning poems about spring.

Situational conversation "Soon we will plant a garden"

portable toys.

Work after the walk

View a presentation about indoor flowers.

Planning direct-educational work with children

Date 18.04. Tuesday 2017



Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creation of conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities



Educational activities in regime moments









Reception and examination of children in the group. Morning exercises to music. Examination of indoor plants that are in the group

Individual work with Vika, Sasha, Ksyusha -"Color the flowers in a certain order"

development of creative skills and fine motor skills; the ability to paint correctly and neatly

Situational conversation "My flowers at home"

Plot- role-playing game"Gardener";

Tips for parents "Dress for the season"


Pozn. development

Phys. development

FEMP: "Where our flowers grow"

Tasks: - mastering the ability to make a number series, navigate in spatial situations;

Integration: pos. razv., speech. development, physical development

Physical Culture. Lesson number 31.

Tasks: exercise in walking and running with high knees, in the ability to crawl under the arc.

Integration: physical. razv., speech. development, social - commun. development


Observations: the grass is greener. Work - sort out toys for the sandbox.

Mobile game "From bump to bump"

Individual work with Milana, Diana N. - to consolidate the ability to sculpt Easter cakes from sand.

Situational conversation "Spring signs"

Remote toys, attributes for an outdoor game.



Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creation of conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities



Educational activities in regime moments








Work before bed

Reading: "My green friends"


Invigorating gymnastics. Educational game "Recognize and name"

Individual work with Kirill and Egor -"Circle the stencil"

Purpose: development of fine motor skills, the ability to work with a stencil and draw around the borders,

situational conversation “Today we keep order in the group”

"Create a table for guests"


Watching the wind and clouds.

P / I "Carousel"

Individual work with Diana B., Slava, Artem L. - learn to walk in a circle, performing various tasks of the teacher

Situational conversation "Spring has awakened"

Portable toys for the street.

Work after the walk

Examining indoor plants in a corner of nature.

Planning direct-educational work with children

Date 19.04.2017 Wednesday



Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creation of conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities



Educational activities in regime moments









Reception and examination of children in the group. Morning exercises to music.

Conversation on the topic: "Indoor plants are our true friends"

Individual work with Vanya, Artem V, Vika -"Find the Difference"

Goal: development of thinking, visual perception, the ability to see the difference in the image of a houseplant

situational conversation "How do people grow houseplants"

Examining illustrations.

Conversation with parents about how to decorate the site.


Hood. - est. development

Pozn. development

Modeling: "Beautiful flower."

Tasks: to consolidate the ability to bring the work started to the end; Integration: thin. - est. development, social - commun. development, physical development

Design: By design

Objectives: To help children master elementary design skills.

Integration: pos. development, social - commun. razv., speech. development


Birdwatching at the feeder

P \ I "Little legs ran along the path"

Individual work with Tanya, Egor, Vanya - practice the pronunciation of sound (w) in a connected text, learn to match movements with words

Situational conversation "Is windy weather dangerous"

Remote toys for the street, shovels for snow.



Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creation of conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities



Educational activities in regime moments








Work before bed

Reading fiction on the interests of children


Invigorating gymnastics. Exercise for the neck, tilts. Di. "Seasons".

Individual work with Vasilisa, Katya, Kira - consolidation of knowledge about the structure of a houseplant

situational conversation "Magic Land of Indoor Plants"

P / U "Flies - does not fly"


Independent activity on a walk.

Individual work with Milana, Vika, Fedya. T. - Show children outdoor work in spring

Situational conversation "What flowers are on the site"

Plot - role-playing games at the request of children

Work after the walk

Work in activity zones

Joint work with the teacher.

Planning direct-educational work with children

Date 20.04.17 Thursday


Educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creation of conditions for independent activity

Interaction with parents

Educational activities



Educational activities in regime moments









Reception and examination of children in the group. Morning gymnastics in music. hall. Game exercises "Let's plant flowers along the path"

With Alena, Diana B. and Kirill - Plant transplant

Teach children to dry their hands with a towel.

Plot - role-playing game "Mom plants flowers"

conversations with parents: "Is it necessary to pamper children"


Hood. - est. development

Speech development

Music (see the plan of musical hands - la)

2. Development of speech: "Learning to speak correctly"

Tasks: to consolidate the pronunciation of the sound "y";

Activate the pronunciation of verbs.

Integration: speech. developed; physical developed; social - com.


puddle watching

Y/N “When does this happen?” "Does it happen or not?"

P / I "Airplanes"

With Tanya, Masha and Katya on the development of movements. Purpose: to develop the ability to hit the ball from the ground

Situational conversation: “How can we help mom?”

Portable toys for role-playing games

Work before bed

Reading: "Who lives on the windowsill?"


Invigorating gymnastics. Learning riddles, tongue twisters about flowers

With Dasha, Artyom V. and Vanya -"Guess"

Purpose: development of thinking, attention and mental operations of comparison and generalization

Examination of albums and paintings "Flowers"

Collective work from various materials "Flowers"


Watching the spring sky

P / I "Fox in the chicken coop" "Airplanes"

With Dima, Diana N., Slava -“Who will name more actions”, “When does this happen?”

Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about actions and movements; the ability to name as many actions as possible

Situational conversation: "Order on the site"

Attributes for playing with sand.

Planning direct-educational work with children

Date 21.04.2017 Friday



Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creation of conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities



Educational activities in regime moments









Reception and examination of children in the group. Morning gymnastics. Summarizing conversation about flowers "Beware of flowers" (not all flowers are safe)

Individual work with Sasha, Slava and Miron -« Find a plant according to the description "(structure, name)

Purpose: consolidation of knowledge about the plants of the room and the ability to determine it by description

situational conversation "The Importance of the Work of the Duty Officers"

Review of albums and illustrations on the theme of the week.

Individual consultations.


Hood. - est. development

Phys. development

Drawing: "Violets bloomed with us"

Tasks: draw without going beyond the lines;

Integration: thin. - est. razv., speech. development, physical development

2.Physical culture. Lesson #31

Tasks: exercise in crawling on gymnastic bench;

Integration: physical. developed; speech developed; social - commun. development


Observation of bushes and trees

P / I "Homeless Hare"

Individual work with Artem L., Katya, Alena -Be careful"

Purpose: to develop mindfulness and concentration,

Conversation: "Rules of conduct on the street"

Remote shovels, buckets, molds, water.



Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Creation of conditions for independent children's activities

Interaction with parents

Educational activities



Educational activities in regime moments








Work before sleep

Reading E. Serov "Lawn", "Oh, you flowers, flowers"


Invigorating gymnastics.

Independent activity in the musical corner,

Individual work with Alisa L., Fedya Sh. and Dasha - “Fold the flower"

Purpose: development of knowledge and skills about the structure of a flower, development of fine motor skills

Situational conversation: “Where the seeds will quickly sprout: in the sun, in a dark place, away from sun rays»

Organization of the exhibition "Indoor Flowers"


Experience: "What's in the bag?"

Purpose: to identify the properties of air, compare the properties of water and air

Whole group - Formation of skills to maintain order in the area.

Situational conversation: "How to decorate the site"

Independent activity on a walk with remote material

Work after the walk

Project type: research, short-term (2-3 lessons), group.

1 stage of the project

Purpose: to develop interest in the development and growth of indoor and flowerbed plants, observation and curiosity, visual and effective



1. Consolidate children's knowledge of indoor plants. Introduce the names of 2-3 indoor plants.

2. Introduce plants living on the street.

3. Find out what plants need for their growth and flowering.

4. Learn to compare plants, find similarities and differences in external features.

5. Give ideas about seeds and cuttings. Learn sequences during boarding.

6. To develop interest in the development and growth of plants, to teach to be inquisitive and observant.


Slides or photos "Room without indoor plants", "Room with indoor plants"; houseplants: Decembrist(slide or photo with a blooming Decembrist), violet, light; a tray with earth, asters seeds, a scoop, watering cans with water, wooden sticks for loosening; a bowl of water, wipes to remove dust; flower bed illustrations: rose, lily, aster; game (cards) "What do plants need to grow"; aprons for each child.

Course progress.

Entering the game situation:greeting "Sunshine" (group rallying).


First ray, gentle ray,

He looked at us in the window

And brought in his palms

Warmth, a particle of the sun.

Stage 1 of the project - introductory

The teacher invites the children to consider photographs (slides) of the room withoutindoor plants and with indoor plants. Ask the children which photo they like best. Why?

Children love photography with indoor plants because the room looks prettier with them.

Educator: It's good that you liked that particular room where there are a lot of beautiful plants.

Have you seen such plants in our group? ( seen).

Have you seen the same plants on the street? ( Not).

Teacher: That's right guys. Such plants live only indoors, in kindergarten or at home, which is why they are called indoor plants.

Stage 2 of the project - problem solving

1.- Guys, find in our group the same plants as in the photo(slide). (Children find plants).

Do you know what these plants are called? ( Decembrist - blooms in winter indecember; violet - purple color; light - its flowers look likelittle lights).

The teacher invites the children to take turns showing the flowers that they know and name them.

Educator: And now I will show you a plant that you do not know. This speckled begonia . Begonia, because its trunks are very long, as if they are in a hurry to grow, run. Why speckled?

Children: Because it has white specks on the leaves.

Guys, do you like all plants? (Yes).

But still, some plant, I know you like it best. Go to the plant you like best (children choose a plant, approachhim).

Ask your favorite plant in a whisper so that only it can hear if it lives well in our group? ( Children are talking).

What did your plants say to you? Do they like living with us? ( Yes, theylike to live in our group).

Why do they like living with us? (Because we care for them: loosensoil, water, wipe the dust from the leaves).

The game "What do plants need to grow" (put the cards in order).

That's right guys. We water the plants with a watering can. Without sunlight and heat, plants do not grow. Plants need land. Plants need air. And they definitely need our care and tenderness.

2. "Flowers in the flower bed."

The teacher draws the attention of children to pictures of new plants (rose, lily, aster).

Find out where such plants grow. (In the flowerbed, on the site of the kindergarten, near the house).

These plants grow outdoors, they don't grow indoors. The teacher names the flowers that grow in the flower bed.

How are indoor plants and flowers from a flower bed similar? What do they have in common? ( Stems, leaves, flowers).

What is the difference? (Some grow at home, others on the street, the color and size of the leaves, the color and shape of the flowers, flowering time).

3. The teacher shows the children the seeds, asks: "Do you know what it is?"

These are seeds. These are the seeds of flowers called "asters". ( Shows a photo or illustration with flowers).

Imagine how beautiful it will be on our site when the asters bloom. But in order for these seeds to germinate, grow, bloom, we need to work very hard.

Stage 3 - practical:

Planting aster seeds with the help of a caregiver, watering.

Acquaintance with cuttings (shoots) of indoor plants, planting speckled begonias.

Acquaintance with the scheme of planting flowers in a flower bed: dig up the ground, loosen it - make grooves - water it - plant seeds - cover it with earth - water the grooves with water.

Psycho-gymnastics "I am a plant" (children close their eyes).

Imagine that you are small plants. You were put in warm, black earth. You are still small sprouts, very weak and fragile, defenseless. But someone's good hands are watering you, loosening the ground so that your roots can breathe. You start growing. Your petals have grown, the stem becomes strong. You are reaching for the light. How do you feel good on the windowsill and in the flower bed with other beautiful flowers.

Open your eyes. Did you enjoy being plants? And why? ( After themcare, loosen the earth, water).

Our plants on the windowsill and in the flower bed feel the same way. We will take care of our flowers every day, they will be very pleased to live in our group. We will ask them: “Are you feeling well?”

Now let's take a closer look at whether everything is in order in the corner where our houseplants live. Maybe some plant needs to be watered or loosened?

Stage 4 - the work of children in a corner of nature.

The work of children in a corner of nature under the guidance of a teacher. There are children's songs.


  1. Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. Lesson notes in 2 junior group kindergarten. A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh, TC "Teacher", 2004. - p. 392, pp. 376 - 379
  2. Shiyan L.I. Prevention and correction of violations of personal development of children with ONR. - magazine "Preschool Pedagogy", No. 3 (44), /April/, 2008 - P.72, p.51

Project in the second junior group on the topic "Flowers"

Project in the second junior group on the topic« Flowers»

Relevance project: Children preschool age need to be familiar with nature. They should know that everything in nature depends on each other.

Ecological education is one of the important directions in education system. A huge role in the environmental education of preschool children is played by practical, research activities in natural conditions. Children learn to love nature. Observe, empathize, understand that our earth cannot exist without plants. Since they not only help us breathe, but also treat diseases.

Flowers- this is not only beauty, but also a part of wildlife that must be protected and protected. Must know the structure flower, its appearance, features, healing properties.

View project: creative, information - research,

Target: Acquaintance with different objects of wildlife.

Tasks: Give an idea of ​​what flower. To form the ability of children to classify flowers according to their place of origin (meadow, garden, field, house). Give an idea of ​​the role flowers in human life, animals, insects. To form the ability to convey the beauty of nature in drawings. Develop imagination, thinking in the process of observation. Replenish and enrich lexicon children and their knowledge of flowers. Cultivate respect for flowers the ability to take care of them.

Members project: Educator, pupils second junior group.

Implementation period: short-term (one week)

Expected results: Knowledge of names colors. Careful attitude of children to nature. Formation of the ability to care for plants. To consolidate the ability to correctly use plant care devices. To cultivate industriousness, a sense of respect for the living.

Implementation stages project.

1. preparatory stage: collection and analysis of literature on this topic. Development of an implementation plan project. Selection didactic games, allowances. Selection of illustrations, verses, riddles, songs, fairy tales. A selection of mobile games. Development of classes in drawing, application, formation complete picture peace.

2. main stage. Conducting classes, joint work with parents on the design of exhibitions on topic.

3. Final stage. Exhibition of creative works of children. Analysis of children's activities.

Thematic plan for working with children.

Construction "At the Kindergarten"

Target: exercise in the design of the simplest structures (bench, table, walkway, fence) through playing simple scenes. Fix the names of building parts (cube, brick, plate, prism) and how they are connected to each other. To cultivate interest in teamwork, a friendly attitude towards peers.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world « Flowers and their care»

Target: to form the ability to care for plants. To consolidate the ability to correctly use plant care devices; develop patience, desire to work; cultivate diligence, a sense of respect for the living.

Application "Tulip"

Target: Continue to develop the ability to make a whole out of parts; introduce the names of garden colors, with plant parts. Develop aesthetic perception.

Drawing "Dandelions in the Grass"

Target: To fix the techniques of drawing with paints; the ability to gently wash the brush. Arouse the desire to convey beauty in the drawing flowering meadow, form colors. Develop aesthetic perception, creative imagination.

preliminary work: Reading poetry about flowers, viewing illustrations about flowers. Watching dandelions on a walk.

Material: Easel, sample drawing, dandelion illustration. Gouache, painting brush, bristle glue brush, napkins, water cups, sheets of paper

The world "Houseplants"

Target: continue to form the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren that without water, all living things die, plants dry out, lose leaves; after the earth is watered, it changes color, becomes darker; all living things love clean water you can't pollute it. To consolidate with the children that indoor plants need water, if we do not water them with water, then indoor plants will die. Cultivate respect for plants.

preliminary work: Houseplant observation, plant riddles, did/game "Find by description", "Find a plant by name", "Fold flower» . Material: audio recording of a song "Steam locomotive-carriage", P. I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz colors» , calm music for psycho-gymnastics. Instruments: spatula, rake. Cards with image: root, stem, leaves, flower. Watering can, basin, brush, cloth, sprayer.

Reading fiction.

Reading poems by V. Stepanov, E. Blaginina "Spark", Slovak fairy tale "The sun is visiting", A. K. Tolstoy "My bells...", Ya. Kolas « Flower» .

Guessing riddles, memorizing poems. Reading the fairy tale by S. Marshak "Silent fairy tale"

Didactic game "Find by description"

word game "Guess flower»

Educational game "Remember and describe flower»

Table game "Find the same flower»

Didactic game "Lotto - plants"

Didactic game "Pick up flower leaf and petal»

Didactic exercise "The wind blows"

game exercise « colorful flower»

game exercise "Funny Dandelions"

Didactic game "Big and small", "Find in the bouquet the same flower»

ball game "I know…"

Target: To form the ability to name several objects of an object of the same type. Develop the ability to combine objects on a common basis.

Breathing exercises "Dandelion"

Blow on the dandelion so that its petals move, but try not to puff out your cheeks.

Physical education minutes

1."A sunflower grows in the yard".

A sunflower grows in the yard

In the morning it reaches for the sun. (Children stand on one leg and stretch their arms up.)

next to him second, similar,

He also reaches for the sun. (Children stand on the other leg and again pull their hands up.)

We turn our hands in a circle.

Don't accidentally hit a friend!

A few laps ahead

And then vice versa. (Rotation of straight arms forward and backward.)

We had a wonderful rest

And it's time for us to sit down. (Children sit down.)


Dandelion, dandelion! (squat, then slowly stand up)

The stem is thin, like a finger. (raise hands up)

If the wind is fast - fast (They run in different directions).

Will fly into the meadow,

Everything around will rustle. (They say "sh-sh-sh-sh-sh")

Dandelion stamen.

They will scatter in a round dance. (Hold hands and walk in a circle)

And merge with the sky.


Slept flower and suddenly woke up, (Torso right, left.)

I didn't want to sleep anymore (Torso forward, back.)

Moved, stretched (Hands up, stretch.)

Soared up and flew. (Hands up, right, left.)

The sun will only wake up in the morning

Butterfly circles and curls. (Spin around.)


Grew up in the garden flowers, (Hands gently raise the top, stretch.)

Dropped the petals.

Suddenly a breeze blew - (Easy run.)

The petal swirled.

The wind will blow them away

And return to earth again. (Sit down.)

5.« Flowers» We planting flowers in the garden,

We planting flowers in the garden,

We water them from a watering can.

Asters, lilies, tulips,

Let them grow for our mother!

6."In the meadow grow flowers»

Grow in the meadow flowers,

Grow in the meadow flowers

Unprecedented beauty. (Sipping - arms to the sides.)

Reaching for the sun flowers.

Stretch with them too. (Sipping - hands up.)

The wind blows sometimes

Only it's not a problem. (Children wave their hands, imitating the wind.)

lean over flowers,

The petals drop. (Tilts.)

And then they get up again

And still bloom.

7 "Our scarlet flowers»

Our scarlet flowers,

Our scarlet flowers,

The petals are unfolding. (Slowly raise your hands up.)

The wind breathes a little

The petals sway. (Swinging hands to the left - to the right.)

Our scarlet flowers,

Close the petals (Sit down, hide.)

shake their heads, (Head movements to the left - to the right.)

They fall asleep quietly.

8. Times - flower, two - flower,

To break in the forest flowers(Bend forward)

Bend over to your toes.

Once - flower(to the right leg)

two - flower(to the left)

And then we will weave a wreath.


in junior group 2

Theme: "Flowers on the windowsill"

GKKP Nursery garden "Baldauren"

Group composition: 25 people

Age of children: 3 - 4 years

Project type: research, short-term (weekly), group.

Problem: Insufficient equipment of a corner of nature with indoor plants.

Target: To give children knowledge about indoor plants, the rules for caring for them, their significance for life, the role of a person for a plant.


Enrich children's knowledge about indoor plants.

To acquaint children with the structure of the plant, the features and purpose of its parts.

Develop curiosity.

Teach children to find ways to solve problems.

Learn to establish a connection between the action being performed and the state of the plant.

Expand words knowledge.

Learn how to take care of indoor plants.

Expected result:

Children's possession of information:

  • that a plant needs light, heat, water, air, earth to grow;
  • that a plant consists of a root, a stem, a leaf, a flower;
  • that plants are different from each other;

That the state of the plant depends on the care of the person;

Project participants:

Children of the younger group of the group;




Stage 1 Preparatory

Collection of information on the topic

Involving Parents


Plants are the most natural decoration of a room. They need constant and individual care.

These green pets will thank you with clean air, beautiful flowers, foliage, and some even fruits, if you carefully monitor and care for them.

Indoor plants are man's friends

Purify the air

They create comfort

Green on the windows

AND all year round bloom!

2nd stage


  • Conversations with children:

The structure of a houseplant.

What does a plant need to grow?

How to care for a houseplant?

Plants absorb harmful gases and substances and emit pure oxygen that we breathe!

Plants are the lungs of the earth.

Plants feed on oxygen in the air.

What changed?

Find the same one.

Guess the plant from the description.

Describe, I'll guess.

E. Blaginina's poem "Spark",

Slovak fairy tale "The sun is visiting", A.K. Tolstoy "My bells ...",

Ya.Kolas "Flower".

Guessing riddles, memorizing poems, compiling descriptive stories

Observations of plants in a corner of nature.

Observations of the work of the educator in caring for the plants of a corner of nature (labor to help)

Coloring coloring pages by topic

Modeling "Flowers"

  • Replenishment of the development environment

Replenishment of a corner of nature with the necessary equipment (watering cans, rags, basins and buckets, aprons)

Equipping the ecological zone in the group with new plants

Making a "Passport of indoor plants"

Design of the demo album "Plants in our group";

A series of experiments to identify the needs of plants in moisture, heat, light.

Cards - schemes for caring for a houseplant;

Card file of didactic games on acquaintance with indoor plants.

Working with parents

Campaign "Give a plant to a kindergarten"

Stage 3 Final

Photo report

Presentation on the theme of the project "Flowers on the windowsill"

Evaluation of results .

The work done has reached its goal. Children have an interest in the world around them, in their native nature. The desire to take care of the "green pets" arose and strengthened.

Prepared by educators:

Ibraeva G.B

Zhalmendina D.Zh

Abstract of the lesson on ecology for children of the second younger group

Agoshkova Olga Anatolyevna, educator MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 52 of the combined type, Oryol
Material Description: I offer you a summary of the direct educational activities for children of the 2nd junior group (3-4 years old) on the topic "How we taught Dunno to care for flowers." This material will be useful to teachers of younger groups of kindergartens. This is a summary of a lesson aimed at familiarizing children with the properties of water; consolidating knowledge about the structure of plants, about the rules for caring for them, as well as cultivating a caring attitude towards plants.

Summary of direct educational activities in the 2nd junior group on the topic "How we taught Dunno how to care for flowers."

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Artistic creativity".
Target: generalize and systematize children's knowledge about indoor plants.
1. Teach children to carefully examine indoor plants and find signs of their unhealthy condition, show the need to care for them.
2. Refine children's ideas about the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants (heat and moisture); to bring the kids to the understanding that plants cannot live without water.
3. Cultivate a caring attitude towards all living things, arouse sympathy, a desire to help
4. To develop aesthetic perception, intellectual and creative abilities;
two indoor plants (balsam) in identical pots. One plant is flowering, well-groomed; the other is withering in a pot of dry soil. Watering can; 2 glasses with warm and cold water; stick for loosening; sheets of paper with the image of balsam without flowers; red gouache; napkins.
Preliminary work:
reading poems about plants; memorizing the poem "Spark" by E. Blaginina; examining subject pictures on the topic, pictures from the “Care for indoor plants” series, pictures from the album for the development of speech “Children water the flowers”; looking at plants in a living corner of the group; monitoring the work of the educator in caring for plants; talk about the structure of plants and their benefits.
Characters: Dunno (educator).
- Children, let's come with you to the window and see what the weather is like today. There is still snow on the street, while it is still cold. Do you see flowers outside? Why?
(Answers of children).
Educator:- But in our corner of nature there is a wonderful flowering plant. It is called balsam or light. Let's all say the name together.
Educator:- Why does it bloom, do you think?
(Answers of children).
Educator:- That's right, we have heat, a lot of light, we often water balsam. Why do you think this plant is called a light?
(Answers of children).
Educator:- It blooms with bright flowers that look like lights. Listen to what poem I will read to you about balsam:
Creeps behind the window
Frosty day.
Standing on the window
crimson color
petals bloom,
As if really
Fires lit up.
I water it
its shore,
give him
I can't anyone.
He's very bright
It's very good
Very much for my mother
Like a fairy tale!
Guys, what houseplant is this poem about? Now let's remember what parts of plants we know.
(Children show and name parts of the plant).
Knock on the door.
Educator:- Who's there? After all, this is a Dunno! Hi!
Dunno:- Hello guys! Help me please! This flower was given to me by my friend Sineglazka. He was so beautiful, with bright colors ... . And now something happened to him, he got sick.
Educator: - Why do you think Dunno's "light" is so sick?
(Answers of children).
Dunno: Why did he become like this?
Children:- It needs to be watered!
Educator:- What kind of water is suitable for irrigation? Now you will touch the glasses of water and say which water is most pleasant for the flower.
(Experimental action is being carried out.)
Educator:- Now show Dunno how to properly water the flowers.
(1 child is called).
Educator:- This flower has another funny name "Roly-wet". Listen to the poem:
Among the leaves - lights,
Vanki wet flowers.
That's what the people called him
He drinks a lot of water.

Educator:- It is necessary to water not the leaves, but the earth. Well done guys, you know how to care for indoor plants!

caregiver: - And now we will play with you, and Dunno will be invited to play with us. Get in a circle!
Physical education:
Children, having joined both hands with palms to each other in the shape of a tulip, slowly open their fingers.
Our scarlet flowers
The petals open.
(slowly open fingers)
The flowers are all alive
They shake their heads.
(Shake hands)
Our scarlet flowers
Close the petals.
(Slowly close fingers.)

Educator:- Guys, let's draw a flower "light" as a gift to Dunno and his friends! Sit down at the tables.
(The teacher shows and explains how to complete the task. Children draw with their fingers, after completing the task, wipe their fingers with wet wipes).
Educator:- Well, here, Dunno, today the guys told and showed you how to take care of indoor plants so that they do not get sick. And as a keepsake, we will give you flowers painted by us. Come visit us again, and we will teach you how to properly loosen the soil and tell you why it needs to be done.
Dunno says goodbye to the children and leaves. The lesson is over.