Pedagogical council “Professional skills of a preschool educational institution teacher” (business game). Pedagogical skills. Professional growth and professional skills of a teacher Excerpt from the fairy tale “Teremok”

Psychological and pedagogical skills of a teacher and their formation in the process of studying a pedagogy course.

As you know, skills are a person’s ability to apply his knowledge in practice in various conditions. Knowledge is like a tool in relation to skills. Without knowledge there are no skills. However, knowledge without skills does not allow a person to work successfully. Skills are formed through activity. Having knowledge, a person can gradually learn certain practical actions, going through trial and error. However, a more rational way is to purposefully develop skills during the learning process. In order to ensure this focus, you need to know:

1) what skills to develop; 2) what are the conditions for the formation of skills; 3) what are the ways to develop skills.

A preschool teacher must have psychological, pedagogical, private methodological and special skills.

Psychological and pedagogical skills are the most generalized and apply to all pedagogical activity teacher These are analytical, communication skills, etc. they will be discussed further.

Private methodological – these are specific skills associated with teaching or organizing a specific activity, for example the ability to teach drawing, rhythmic movements, singing, etc. Learning these skills is carried out in the process of studying private techniques. However, even when studying a pedagogy course, students develop specific methodological skills, for example, the ability to organize a game, labor activity children, lead it.

Special skills – These are skills in the field of activity that children are taught. These include the ability to draw, sculpt, design, sing, dance, perform physical exercise, movements to music, etc.

The list of skills required by a specialist in his work is formed based on the analysis professional activity and is reflected in the professionogram.

Let us highlight psychological and pedagogical skills from the professionogram of a preschool teacher.

Analytical skills: observe, analyze and evaluate (diagnose) the level of development, education and training of each child; analyze specific pedagogical situations, evaluate them and take them into account when organizing active pedagogical influence; analyze and evaluate actually existing pedagogical phenomena, causes, conditions and nature of their occurrence and development (for example, aggressiveness, hostility among a certain part of the children in the group, indiscipline, excessive excitability of individual children); analyze the teaching activities of other educators (based on observation), highlight positive experiences, and notice shortcomings in their work; analyze your own teaching activities, highlight successful methods of work, shortcomings and mistakes in order to further improve your teaching activities.

Design skills(designing the results of pedagogical influences, planning ways to implement pedagogical influences): designing the development of the personality of each child and the team as a whole; predict the results of education and upbringing, possible difficulties in the upbringing and education of individual children; identify and accurately formulate specific pedagogical tasks, determine the conditions for their solution; plan your work to manage different types of children’s activities; it is theoretically justified to choose means, methods and organizational forms of educational work.

Constructive skills preparation for the implementation of educational tasks): analyze and select educational material in accordance with the goals of training and education, taking into account the level of training and education of children; carry out didactic processing of the material, turn it into something accessible to children that meets specific didactic or educational purposes; divide each action (cultural-hygienic, labor, fine arts, physical education and other skills) into separate operations, justify the significance of each operation; find the most rational solution related to the placement of children during different types of activities, while simultaneously organizing children to perform various types activities; justified taking into account psychological characteristics preschoolers to determine the logical structure of the organization of classes and individual moments in the daily routine.

Organizational skills: manage children’s behavior and activity; engage children with games, activities and other prospects; group students in the process of activity, taking into account their relationships and individual characteristics; quickly make optimal decisions and find the most strong remedies pedagogical impact; apply the form of requirements that is appropriate for a given situation, vary them depending on the individual characteristics of children and specific pedagogical conditions; clearly, concisely and clearly explain to children tasks, requirements, rules.

Communication skills: establish pedagogically appropriate relationships with children, as well as with their parents; find contact and the right tone when communicating with different people in different circumstances; win over children,, if necessary, rebuild relationships with them, find an individual approach to individual children.

Skills necessary to monitor and regulate the progress of the pedagogical process: see all children at the same time; determine changes in their psychological state by the external manifestations and actions of children, understand and explain the behavior of children in specific life situations; change the assigned pedagogical tasks in a timely and reasonable manner, taking into account children’s responses to pedagogical influences and specific conditions; as children complete tasks, give them the necessary additional instructions and explanations, and make amendments to their actions; regulate relationships between children, understand conflicts and eliminate them; complicate the requirements and stimulate the course of activities, taking into account the successes and achievements of students.

Skills necessary to evaluate the results obtained and identify new pedagogical tasks: analyze the results obtained in comparison with the initial data and assigned pedagogical tasks; highlight the comparative effectiveness of the applied means and methods of educational work; analyze the nature of achievements and shortcomings in professional teaching activities; correlate your experience with pedagogical theory; Based on the analysis of the achieved results, put forward and justify pedagogical tasks.

This is a list of the basic general pedagogical skills that a teacher of preschool children who has a secondary specialized education should have.

Let us now consider specific methodological skills (using the example of leading role-playing games - one of the most specific types of children’s activities).

To successfully lead role-playing games, the teacher must be able to observe children’s games, analyze them, establish (diagnose) the level of development of the play activity of each child and the group as a whole (the content of the games, the nature of the children’s relationships); design the development of play activity for each child and the group as a whole, plan techniques aimed at developing play; enrich children's impressions so that games become more varied and interesting (the teacher selects appropriate literary material, transforms it so that it is accessible to children, organizes excursions, tells the children something of his personal experience, shows illustrations to make children want to reflect their impressions in the game). No less important in the management of role-playing games is the ability of an adult to organize the beginning of the game, encourage children to play, and offer them new game, plan its preparation and content; design the content of a specific role-playing game (provide its possible development, foresee how it will go for a specific group of children); develop the game in accordance with educational objectives (offer new roles, game actions, situations); questions, advice to enrich the content of the game, get involved in the game with children, direct ways (showing and explaining) to teach young children the game.

So, we know what psychological, pedagogical and specific methodological skills in managing role-playing games need to be developed in our students. The formation of these skills is carried out both in classes in the pedagogy course and in the process of teaching practice. The teacher of pedagogy directs, organizes, and controls the entire learning process.

We have already said that skills are formed through activity. How to organize the activities of students in order to develop the necessary skills? This requires certain conditions:

    Planned and targeted training. The teacher plans consistent teaching of skills in connection with the study of theoretical educational material.

    Conscious activity of students to master skills. Already during introductory lessons in pedagogy, the teacher explains what skills a teacher needs to successful work, a future specialist must master. When performing each practical work, the teacher indicates not only its content and final result, but also the pedagogical skills that the specialist masters during its implementation. For example: “Today in class we will analyze, based on your observations, the state of play activity of the children in your groups. Analysis is necessary in order to correctly set tasks in game management. You have already determined the level educational activities for individual children in their group. The analysis methods are approximately the same. Let us remember how we analyzed and assessed the state of children’s educational activities.”

    Availability of knowledge among students. In order to complete the above task, the student must know by what indicators the level of development of gaming activity can be analyzed (theme, the plot of the game, the number of participants, the presence of roles endowed with different functions, the method of using toys and objects in the game, the nature of communication, etc. ) and what level is typical (set by the program) for children of a given age.

    Awareness of the goal and methods of action. When performing work, the student must know about its purpose, purpose (in our example, to establish the level of development of gaming activity, in order to then outline tasks for further management of children’s games) and how it can be achieved (based on the recordings of games, determine whether the the required level of each indicator of play activity; identify which aspects of the game are at a sufficiently high level, for which indicators the level is insufficient; based on the analysis, give a general descriptive assessment of the development of children’s play activity).

    Repeatedly performing actions under varying conditions. In order for it to form, it must be applied many times in new conditions. For example, it is advisable to analyze not one game, but several, or to evaluate the gaming activity of not one, but several groups of children. It is useful to analyze one type of game in a lesson under the guidance of a pedagogy teacher, and in a preschool educational institution, together with the leader of a subgroup of trainees, to analyze another type, etc. It should also be borne in mind that psychological and pedagogical skills are easily transferred from managing one activity of children to another; students only need to master their algorithm (a certain order, sequence of actions). Thus, having learned to analyze and evaluate the level of development of children’s cultural and hygienic skills when studying the topic “Physical education of preschool children,” the student can easily use this skill when analyzing any other children’s activity.

Knowing the list of skills to be formed and the conditions for their development, we can easily determine the formation of skills: this is the solution of pedagogical situational problems, the analysis of pedagogical situations, the implementation of practical tasks, the practical activities of students with children in preschool educational institutions. Since the latter is an area of ​​teaching practice, it is led by a teacher who is the leader of a subgroup of trainees. However, the teacher of pedagogy, ensuring the connection between theoretical learning and practice, often gives tasks to students to observe children and carry out individual educational activities with them in preschool educational institutions. This is done in order to subsequently analyze the completion of the task during the lesson or rely on the students’ experience. Here are examples of tasks for assessing a pedagogical situation, which is recorded in practice and analyzed in a pedagogy lesson: “Write down the children’s complaints and the teacher’s reaction to them. Analyze the pedagogical situation and evaluate it.” Or: “Watching the role-playing game of children, try to get involved in it, taking on some secondary role (“patient” in the game “doctor”, “customer” in the game “shop”, “passenger” in the game "train", etc.)". Based on the students’ experience, the teacher shows in the next lesson various techniques maintaining and developing role-playing games by the teacher by including minor roles in it. In the process of completing a practical task in a preschool educational institution, students develop one of the skills of leading role-playing games.

It should be taken into account that not all psychological and pedagogical skills can be developed in the classroom. In the classroom, students learn to analyze (based on observations in preschool educational institutions), design and construct (plan) their teaching activities. Organizational, communication skills, and the ability to control children’s activities are formed only in the process of direct communication and work with them.

Attempts to organize “business games” in which some students take on the roles of “teachers” and others - “children”, as a rule, are not very successful, because those playing the role of “children” cannot play it in such a way that the “teacher” got into a real situation of communication with a child. The most that a teacher can do in a lesson is to name, explain and demonstrate individual techniques of organizational, communicative or controlling activities, what in pedagogy is usually called the technique of pedagogical work. Practicing pedagogical techniques (the ability to use voice, gesture, facial expressions, distribute and consistently switch attention, attract attention to oneself, clearly formulate tasks and tasks, explain the meaning of a task concisely and clearly, etc.) is necessary. Specially designed exercises and tasks would be good for this purpose. However, if a college has strong traditions, if it has a “pedagogical spirit” and high demands on students, then mastery of pedagogical techniques occurs during the entire educational process and extracurricular work.

Here, for example, are some uniform requirements for students, the fulfillment of which in any subject contributes to the mastery of pedagogical techniques: “Keep order in your workplace in the classroom - you need this in order to develop the habit of keeping the teacher’s desk in order.

Listen carefully to the student’s answer, train yourself to delve into both the construction of phrases and the semantic content. This will help you correctly evaluate children’s answers and correct the mistakes they have made.

Speak connectedly, freely, loudly enough, emotionally, convincingly to learn how to communicate with children, tell them, explain.”

As for analytical, design and constructive skills, they are formed in training sessions on pedagogy and private methods. If analytical skills are based primarily on knowledge of psychology, then design and constructive skills are based on knowledge of pedagogy and private methods. It should be kept in mind that these skills are closely related to each other. The analysis itself has no semantic meaning if the student does not design his future activities on the basis of it (sets goals, puts forward tasks) and does not construct it (selects content, chooses forms, methods and means of teaching and education that are rational for each case). Therefore, a system of practical classes and assignments should be aimed at developing professional skills, as if covering these three groups of skills. The methodological recommendations for studying the topic “Game” show an approximate set of such practical exercises.

Practical work According to the specifics of students’ activities, they can be divided into:

    Analysis of pedagogical situations. The pedagogical situation is either a student’s observation, or an example from fiction or pedagogical literature, or specially selected tasks. Students must analyze and evaluate the situation: indicate the reasons and motives for the behavior of children, the actions of the teacher or parents; identify pedagogical mistakes; make judgments about possible courses of action.

    solving pedagogical situational problems. The student is asked to plan, design his activities, choose the most appropriate, but in his opinion, methods and means of pedagogical influence under given pedagogical conditions. These conditions can either be formulated in the problem or be the result of preliminary analytical activities based on observations. They can be taken from the student's practical experience.

    1. Based on the analysis of the play activity of the children in your group, plan the prospects for its development: what level of play activity would you like to achieve over the next six months? What techniques do you use for this purpose?

      Based on the characteristics you have compiled of the cultural and hygienic skills of individual children in the group, formulate tasks for their improvement, taking into account program requirements.

Abstract "Pedagogical skills"

We consider holding pedagogical meetings as one of the types of activities, at which educators and specialists have the opportunity not only to learn about the activities of colleagues, but also to systematize knowledge and comprehend their own approaches to work.
Different types of teacher councils are held at preschool educational institutions: instructive, problem-based, operational, thematic, and final.
Experience shows the expediency of traditional teacher councils, where current issues are usually resolved, results are summed up, the state of work with children is discussed, etc. But at the same time, new forms of holding pedagogical councils are also interesting.
Successfully, from our point of view, teacher councils take the following forms:
Business game
Exchange of views
Excursions, travel
Seminar - workshop
Council of Teachers - workshop


Target: identify the level of professional preparedness of teachers, develop cohesion, the ability to work in a team, and defend their point of view with reason.
The duration of this Council of Teachers is from 2 hours to 2 hours 20 minutes. If necessary, individual tasks can be replaced with additional ones. Everything depends on the preliminary preparation of the presenter and members of the jury (cards with tasks should be laid out sequentially, tasks should be clear, crossword puzzle grids should be drawn in advance, etc.).
Preliminary work:
- familiarization with literature on the topic of the Council of Teachers.
Methodological recommendations: It is advisable to conduct a council of teachers of this form at the beginning school year in order to correct the work preschool. In addition, the methodological and psychological service will see the problems of individual teachers, which need to be worked on individually. In some cases, a topic may be identified for summarizing best teaching practices or the need to work on an integrated program.
It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that team members must jointly choose a teacher to complete tasks. This is also important because in this case, colleagues get to know better not only the internal potential, but also the spiritual qualities of each other.
Two councils of teachers can be held on this topic - the main one and the extraordinary one. In this case, at the next Council, theoretical acquaintance with the problems of pedagogical skills takes place, and at the extraordinary Council, practical implementation of tasks takes place.
Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten "Childhood". S.Ptb.Aktsident. 1997
Shuleshko E.E., Ershova A.P., Bukatov V.M. Socio-game approaches to pedagogy. Krasnoyarsk. 1990.
Uruntaeva G.A. Preschool psychology. Tutorial. M. Academia.1996.
Volkov B.S., Volkova N.V. Child psychology in questions and answers. M.Sfera.2001
Strelchenko G. O non-traditional forms methodological work in preschool educational institutions.//Preschool education.2003.N11.P.66-68
Progress of the “Council of Teachers”.

Game "Abbreviations"(5-6 minutes).
The presenter (this may be the Chairman of the Council) invites all participants to read in full a number of abbreviations: RF, UN, MDOU, UO, USSR, South Africa, FSB: After the common abbreviations have been deciphered by the participants, it is proposed to compose (and decipher) their own abbreviations, the subject of which should relate to education.
This game helps teachers not only get ready for work, but also exercises their imagination in a game situation, demonstrates knowledge of the surrounding reality and their intellectual development.
1 task(6-7 minutes).
Each teacher pulls out one from the pack of tickets with questions, which he answers in writing. The answers are submitted to the jury (administration of the preschool educational institution).
Questions as follows:
Write the names and patronymics of the parents of the children attending your group (as many as you remember).
Write the structure of a math lesson in a preparatory group kindergarten.
Write the names and patronymics of all teachers working in our kindergarten.
Write the program content of a physical education lesson in the preparatory group of a kindergarten.

Write the titles and authors of the books that you used this academic year in preparation for classes.
Write down the class schedule for the group you work with.
List works of art and poems about autumn that you studied with the children of your group this school year.
Write the names and patronymics of the technical staff of our kindergarten.
List the tasks of the preschool educational institution’s annual plan that the team is working on.
Write all the scientific and educational institutions (not only Magadan) with which our preschool institution cooperates.
Write the name of the experiment that is taking place in our preschool educational institution and its main goals and objectives. and so on.
After this, teachers are divided into teams by collecting a cut picture. During the work process, for each correct answer the team receives a chip.
Task 2. Psychological ring (7-8 minutes).
The presenter asks questions to each team in turn and the one that gave the correct answer receives a chip.
a stable system of socially significant traits that characterize an individual in terms of his involvement in social relations- PERSONALITY.
systematic, purposeful and planned perception of objects - OBSERVATION.
mental cognitive process consisting of reflecting past experience - MEMORY.
These children are in a good mood. They are cheerful. They respond to positive stimuli with loud laughter, and to negative ones with loud crying. All internal experiences manifest themselves externally. These children take on new things with pleasure, experiencing and showing bright positive emotions. The feelings and interests of these children are unstable. These children love noisy games and easily move from sleep to wakefulness. They are easy to discipline. They are more distracted by external stimuli than internal ones. Since their sensitivity to the stimulus is reduced, they do not respond to comments made in a quiet voice. The speech of these children is loud, energetic, and its pace is fast. Determine your temperament type. SANGUINE CHILDREN.
These children often change their mood. Emotions have extreme manifestations: they do not cry, but sob, do not smile, but laugh. Children react very violently to external stimuli; they are unrestrained, impatient, and quick-tempered. Children with this type of temperament prefer active games, games with elements of sports, and often just run around the group or playroom. Their skills take a long time to develop and are difficult to adapt. These children have difficulty switching and concentrating and are difficult to discipline. They express violent protest against the prohibitions of adults. Determine your temperament type. CHOLERICA CHILDREN.
Children of this type of temperament are characterized by low emotionality, inexpressive, poor facial expressions. Emotions are shown implicitly: they laugh quietly, cry quietly. They are characterized by high efficiency, the ability to do everything carefully, painstakingly, and concentrate on completing a task for a long time. Preschoolers perform any activity slowly; they need some time to master and understand what is required of them. These children are easily disciplined in a familiar environment, and painfully experience its violation and established stereotypes. Children of this type are characterized by slow, quiet speech with long pauses. Determine your temperament type. PHLEGMATIC CHILDREN.
3 task.(5-6 minutes).
One teacher is invited from each team and receives cards with the following tasks:
- finish the poem that is written on the card (excerpts from poems studied in kindergarten are offered, for example, S. Yesenin “Birch”, etc.).
For the correct answer - a chip.
4 task. “Test yourself” (4-5 minutes).
One teacher is invited from each team. One mathematical example is written on the board for each person.
Teachers must independently solve the example, while the presenter reads a work or a children's song is played (tape recorder) - a distracting moment. The team whose representative solves the example first wins.

Game-exercise "Simultaneity"(5 minutes).
All participants in the Council of Teachers are given time during which they must gather and, without any commands from anyone, simultaneously clap their hands, and after some pause (for example, 3 seconds - this is determined at the time of discussion and preparation) clap again, etc. .d. The game is considered well-executed when its conditions are fulfilled by all participants at the same time (there is no ricochet in the claps or discrepancies in movements).
In the future, teachers can use this game in working with children aged 4-7 years. Simultaneity is a high indicator of coordination of actions in a group or team. Exercise "Simultaneity" trains submission to the general rhythm, because learning to act simultaneously with others is an important skill for a child of pre-school age. Working in this direction, the teacher will gradually be able to ensure that by the time they enter school, there will be no (or a small number of children left) in the group who complete any educational task faster or slower than others (single tempo rhythm of the children's group).
5 task. Determine in which age group the named works are studied (7 minutes).
Each team receives one card on which 3-4 titles of works and their authors are written. In 1 minute, team members must decide in which age group they are studying. For each correct answer - a chip.
Task 6. Friendly cartoon (9-10 minutes).
Each team is invited to come up with and depict one of the teachers of the other team using facial expressions and gestures (no more than 1 minute). If teachers recognize a colleague (no more than 2 minutes are given for discussion), they receive a chip.
Task 7. Solving a crossword puzzle on fine arts (8-9 minutes).
The crossword puzzle is pre-drawn on the board. The presenter asks questions that need to be answered and enters them into the crossword cells himself.
A pattern built on the alternation of some drawings or lines in a certain order is an ORNAMENT.
Works of art made with any colors - PAINTING.
Drawings illustrating the pages of ancient handwritten books - MINIATURE.
Belarusian artist, illustrator of children's books SAVICH.
A type of folk ornament, the oldest way of decorating products made of felt, leather, fur, paper, cloth - APPLICATION.
A line conveying the external outlines of a person, animal, object - CONTOUR.
Image of chest-deep people in marble, bronze, wood - BUST.
A work of monumental painting decorating the internal and external walls of a building - PANNO.
Type of paint for painting - GOUACHE.
For correct answers, the team receives chips.
Task 8. Business game (8-10 minutes).
Name as many parameters as possible for the content of pedagogical work with children of senior preschool age in the “Introduction to Work” section of the “Childhood” program. Teams take turns calling one item at a time.
Each correct answer is rewarded with a chip.
Task 9. Development of expressive speech of the teacher (4-5 minutes).
The teams are given the task:
say the word "WELL DONE!" :
1 team
loudly tenderly surprised
Team 2 ironically enthusiastically affectionately
Team 3 is demanding and mysterious
10 task. At the beginning of the Council of Teachers, each team is given a task, the results of which are summed up by the jury at the end of the meeting:
draw up in writing a short long-term plan for the section “Children’s Speech Development” (preparatory group) of the “Childhood” program;
draw up in writing a short long-term plan for the section “First Steps into Mathematics” (senior group) of the “Childhood” program;
write a short long-term plan for the section “First steps in mathematics” ( middle group) program "Childhood".
Team members choose a teacher who can cope with this task. If necessary, he can seek advice from colleagues. The team that completes the task most correctly is rewarded with a chip.
Additional tasks:
Teacher-artist (4 - 5 minutes).
The presenter shows reproductions of paintings by famous artists that are used in the educational process of the kindergarten; in 30 seconds the team needs to determine the author and title of the painting. For each correct answer, the team receives a chip.
Literary reading (12-14 minutes).
One participant from each team is invited and given the following task:
- using expressive means of speech, read the proposed passage (for example: N. Nosov. “Living Hat”).
It is advisable that those teachers who are not too emotional or speak very quietly take part in this competition.
At the end of the Council of Teachers, the jury counts the chips and announces the result. All members of the winning team receive some kind of souvenirs: pens, notebooks, etc. In addition, the teachers who took the most active part in the Council are jointly identified in order to reflect this in the creative activity screen (located in the methodological office) and based on the data of which employees are encouraged at the end of the school year.

Develop diagnostic cards for interaction with teachers experiencing difficulties in working with the “Childhood” program.
Create temporary creative teams to adjust long-term plans for all sections of the “Childhood” program.
Set up “Let’s get to know each other!” stands in all age groups. (on the stand are placed the names and patronymics of the parents of the children attending the group, the teachers of the group and all specialists working with the children of this group).
10 commandments
Commandment 1. Before you start working with children, leave all your problems, resentments, quarrels, free yourself from all your bad, negative feelings.
Commandment 2. Let the child relax a little (you can talk to him a little, laugh about some general topic accessible to the child and his age).
Commandment 3: You cannot speak to a child without smiling.
Commandment 4. The child must be asked what he understood from the material covered.
Commandment 5. You need to raise a child in fairness, and be strict in moderation.
Commandment 6. Have a democratic style of communication with your child.
Commandment 7. Evaluate the child’s quality of hard work, actions, interactions with peers and teachers.
Commandment 8: You should never laugh at a child, and you should never allow your peers to laugh at anyone.
Commandment 9. Bring any work you start to completion.
Commandment 10: Treat your child with respect.

Topic “Pedagogical skills of a teacher”

Date: September 2013

Target: identify the level of professional preparedness of educators; show your knowledge in the field of preschool pedagogy, psychology, methods preschool education and education; develop creative imagination, cohesion; develop the ability to think quickly and logically, communicate culturally, the ability to work in a team with colleagues united by one task; spark interest in healthy competition.

Mastery is what can be achieved and how can be

known master - turner, excellent master - doctor,

This is how a teacher should and can be an excellent master.

A. S. Makarenko

Leading.: One of the main tasks of the modern preschool education system is to improve the quality of educational work, to create conditions for the creative self-realization of the personality of each child. Improving the quality of preschool education is directly dependent on personnel.

Today, increasingly high demands are placed on the work of preschool institutions. These requirements are translated into a system of tasks facing preschool teachers, since the level and nature of a child’s achievements depend, first of all, on the professional competence of the teacher, his ability to work on himself, and constantly improve professionally. A teacher is not only a profession. This is a high mission, the purpose of which is to form the personality of a little person.

After all, it is the kindergarten teacher who, day after day, reveals to preschoolers the secrets of the world around them, teaches them to love and take care of their family, loved ones, and their homeland, and together with the students experiences their failures and rejoices at new discoveries. Today, society needs a teacher who is competent, comprehensively prepared, who is an example of philanthropy, decency, and a teacher who possesses pedagogical skills.

And so, in connection with the solution of one of the tasks of our annual plan (which sounds like this: to help improve the professional competence of teachers), today, on the basis of our institution, a 1 pedagogical advice in the form of a QUIZ on the topic “Pedagogical skills of a teacher”.

Let's split into two teams. Two teams of educators will compete. Come up with a team name. So, dear colleagues, welcome Team Friendship and its participants And team - rival Smile and its participants.

1 task: game “Abbreviations”. This game will not only help you get ready for work, but also in a gaming situation it exercises your imagination, demonstrates knowledge of the surrounding reality and intellectual development (I invite participants to decipher a number of common abbreviations):

1st team

2nd team

RF - Russian Federation

CIS - Union of Independent States

Ministry of Emergency Situations - Ministry of Emergency Situations

Ministry of Internal Affairs - Ministry of Internal Affairs

Labor Code - labor code

GOST - state all-Union standard

Moscow Art Theater - Moscow Academic Art Theater (named after M. Gorky)

Research Institute - Scientific Research Institute

DDV - children's preschool age

DDMSHV - children of preschool and primary school age

UVR - educational work

DOW - Preschool educational institution

UN - United Nations

AN - Academy of Sciences

ENT - Otolaryngology

ARI - acute respiratory disease

KGB - State Security Committee

UFO - unidentified flying object

2nd task:I suggest names to teachers educational programs, they must determine comprehensive and partial programs and the direction of work on them:


“From sound to letter” E.V. Kolesnikova

Partial - preparation for literacy

“Design and artistic work in kindergarten” L.V. Kutsakova


“Little one” G.G. Grigorieva

Comprehensive program for the education and development of young children

“Mathematical steps”

E.V. Kolesnikova

Partial - the formation of mathematical concepts in preschool children from 3 to 7 years old

Program for the development and education of preschool children in the Educational System “School 2100” (“Kindergarten 2100”)


“Origins” L.A. Paramonova


“Colored palms” by I.A. Lykova

Partial - artistic and creative development

“Harmony” K.V. Tarasova

Partial - musical development of a child in preschool childhood

“Childhood” V.I. Loginova


“Musical masterpieces of O.P. Radynova

Partial - formation of the foundations of musical culture

“Gifted Child” L.A. Wenger


“Ladushki” I.M. Kaplunova

Partial - music education

“Development” L.A. Wenger


“We” N.N. Kondratieva

“Rainbow” T.N. Doronova


“Program of education and training in kindergarten” M.A. Vasilyeva


“The planet is our home” I.G. Belavina

Partial - environmental education

3rd task "Five Five".

In this case, this means that there are five problems discussed and the answers (words) to all questions in this round (game) also have five letters. So we get a comic pattern - “high five five.”

Topics (sectors) for discussion in this game are written on a piece of Whatman paper:

a).Speech development;


c).Physical education;


d).The world around us.

Speech development


  1. 1. A fairy tale about the benefits of collective work? ("Turnip")
  2. 2. A poem that can compete with a novel? (Poem)
  3. 3. A fairytale neighbor who fought for brotherly love? (Gerda)
  4. 4. Bound sheets of printed material? (Book)
  5. 5. “Gateway” language or specific dialect? (Slang)

  1. Art /
  1. 1. Finger dancing? (Ballet)
  2. 2. A small piece of music and poetry? (Song)
  3. 3. A wind keyboard musical instrument of ancient origin that produces “Thunder” sounds? (Organ)
  4. 4. A theatrical performance that straddles the line between comedy and tragedy? (Drama)
  5. 5. High-speed photo viewing? (Movie)

Physical education

  1. 1. Running around in nature? (Cross)
  2. 2. Sports end? (Finish)
  3. 3. Beating out carpet with human spatulas? (Sambo)
  4. 4. Is the water stick a scoop? (Paddle)
  5. 5. A very smooth place for a "cow dance"? (Ice rink)


  1. 1. Addition result /sum/
  2. 2. Graphic expression of number /digit/
  3. 3. Mathematical sign for subtraction /minus/
  4. 4. 5 letter number /six/
  5. 5. The basic concept of mathematics is the quantity by which counting is done /number/

Getting to know your surroundings

  1. 1. Biggest puddle? (Ocean)
  2. 2. Black gold? (Coal)
  3. 3. In a word, all plants are /flora/
  4. 4. Unit of society /family/
  5. 5. Locality/city/

Warm-up to relieve emotional stress participants in the “Fly” exercise

Target: relieving tension from the facial muscles.

Sit comfortably: place your hands loosely on your knees, shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Mentally imagine that a fly is trying to land on your face. She sits on the nose, then on the mouth, then on the forehead, then on the eyes. Your task: without opening your eyes, drive away the annoying insect.

4th task:guess which work the lines are from and who the author is, in what age group they are used.

For the “Friendship” team:

1. It’s not for nothing that winter gets angry,

Her time has passed

Spring is knocking on the window

And drives him out of the yard... ( Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev “Winter is angry for a reason...”, senior group )

2. ... The mother mouse ran,

I started calling the duck to be my nanny:

Come to us, Aunt Duck,

Rock our baby... ( Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse” I 1st junior group )

3. The old bear had two sons... They decided to go around the world to seek happiness... Finally, all their supplies ran out... They came across a large round head of cheese... ( “Two Greedy Little Bears” Hungarian fairy tale, II 1st junior group ).

For the “Smile” command:

1. Winter sings and echoes,

The shaggy forest lulls

The ringing sound of a pine forest... ( Sergey Yesenin “Winter sings and calls...”, middle group )

2. The pigs meowed:

Meow meow!

The cats grunted:

Oink oink oink! ( Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky “Confusion”, I 1st junior group )

3. Once upon a time there lived an old grandmother, a laughing granddaughter, a clumsy hen and a little mouse. Every time they went to fetch water... The bunny jumped, right at our water-carriers' feet... The grandmother groans... The granddaughter cries... The chicken on the stove clucks... The mouse squeaks from under the stove... They say correctly: “ ...what is not there, they see” ( “Fear has big eyes” Russian folk tale, II 1st junior group )

  • 5th task: Friendly cartoon (a moment of prank)

Dear players, now I will ask you to depict, using facial expressions and gestures, a teacher from the other team whom they must guess.

6th task: To complete the next task, I invite one participant from each team. Task for the development of expressive speech of the teacher. You need to pronounce the words “CUCUMBER” and “TOMATO” with different intonations: quietly, loudly, tenderly, surprised, ironically, enthusiastically, affectionately, demandingly, mysteriously.

7th task:Art teacher. In turn, I show each team reproductions of paintings by famous artists that are used in the educational process of the kindergarten. It is necessary to name the author and the title of the painting.

I.I. Shishkin “Morning in a pine forest”

V.M. Vasnetsov “Alyonushka”

V.M. Vasnetsov “Three heroes”

A.K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived”

I.I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”

V.M. Vasnetsov “Ivan the Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”

8th task:“Guess the melody” I invite teams to listen to excerpts of musical works, determine the name, author, and in what age group it is used.

9th task“Further... further...”:

1. Means of communication. (Language).

  1. 2.What is TRIZ. (Theory of development of visual tasks).
  2. 3. A sign inherent from birth. (Congenital).
  3. 4.Flora world. (Flora).
  4. 5. Praising the best traits of a person. (Compliment).
  5. 6. Free time from work. (Leisure).
  6. 7. Hostility towards another, caused by his advantage. (Envy).
  7. 8.Partner in dialogue. (Companion).
  8. 9. The desire to deliberately distort the truth. (Falsehood).
  9. 10. Speech of one person. (Monologue).
  10. 11.(Creative).
  11. 12.(Pessimist).
  12. 13. A person who looks at life soberly. (Realist).
  13. 14.(Reserve)

10 task – Psychological

Assignment: use the description to determine the child’s temperament type.

  1. 1.High sensitivity, gentleness, humanity, goodwill, low performance, suspiciousness, vulnerability. /melancholic/
  2. 2.Mobile, cheerful, successful in business, able to work, but prone to arrogance, frivolous, divides work into interesting and uninteresting. /sanguine/.
  3. 3. Energetic, enthusiastic, hard-working, purposeful, ardent, impatient. /choleric/.
  4. 4. Patient, reliable, steady, constant, slow, inexpressive. /phlegmatic person/

Conclusion: A modern educator is, first of all, a competent and erudite specialist, / as you showed yourself today / who is well versed in a variety of programs and technologies. Also, a modern teacher must be a good psychologist, capable of understanding the complex system of relationships between children and their parents. And a good teacher is also a sensitive teacher who knows how to work in a team and respond to the requests of colleagues in a timely manner. Also, a professional in his field must constantly engage in self-education, look for new ways and methods of working with children, and at the same time try to use the best teaching experience. And if we have all this and we meet all the above requirements, then we deserve the title of a modern professional teacher. And we can be proud of it.

After all, an Educator is a person who professionally takes responsibility for the development of another person. And if we treat children with kindness, without indifference to them, then they will grow up to be just as kind and sensitive, capable of compassion and helping their neighbors.

Leading: Educator is our profession,

And sometimes without titles or awards

We still love our job

And we all hurry to kindergarten.

Year after year passes in worries.

Everything for them - for their own children

We study and implement

Innovations of today.

And in the flow of current life

Let us not forget about the peace of the soul,

To be sensitive, kind, brave

The babies came out.

Approval of the annual plan, curriculum, cyclogram of educational activities

Draft decision of the teachers' council.

Mirkina Inna
Pedagogical skills. Professional growth and professional excellence teacher

What's happened pedagogical skill? Thousands teachers will give their definition. Beginners pedagogical way for the basis of formation pedagogical excellence accept scientific and theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge and skills acquired in pedagogical educational institutions , internal motivation and active creative activity. When young teacher strives for everything new, independently replenishes his stock of knowledge, persistently masters new achievements pedagogy and methods, analyzes its activities. For those. who has a lot of experience behind him, skill is perceived more specifically - this is what the teacher lacks, in his opinion. But everyone understands that mastery is a certain pedagogical the peak to which he strives.

Mastery for a teacher is a certain pedagogical pinnacle which he strives for. « Master» (boss, teacher) a person who has achieved a high level of creativity and excellence in his work.

Craftsmanship - the highest level of professionalism, individual creative process, a complex of personality qualities that predetermine a high level professional pedagogical activity.

Common Components pedagogical excellence:

1. Personal qualities teacher: responsibility, hard work, high moral character, pedagogical justice, love for children, patience, optimism, sense of humor, pedagogical abilities and professional orientation.

2. Professional knowledge: knowledge of methodology pedagogy, psychology, ability to decide pedagogical tasks, in-depth knowledge of the subject being taught.

3. Professional pedagogical technique - skills, skills and techniques that help manage the education process.

Skill teacher manage one’s behavior, self-regulation as an organized mental process of managing all forms and types of activity aimed at achieving a chosen goal.

Pedagogical technique as skills and self-regulation (emotion and mood management) facial expressions, gestures, pantomime - as a means of communication with students, their parents, colleagues, speech technique (breathing, voice production, diction, rate of speech, the ability to influence the individual and the team.

4. Social - perceptual abilities - abilities, allowing you to understand the subject pedagogical influences based on sensory perception (attention, observation, imagination).

5. Professional growth and professional self-improvement of a teacher(personal development, improvement of the teacher’s personality, self-education - the formation by a person of his personality in accordance with the goal (self-knowledge, self-observation, self-esteem, goal achievement, self-motivation, self-organization, self-control).

We draw a conclusion:

The basis of development pedagogical skills are professional knowledge orientation and personality teacher, and the condition for success teachers are pedagogical abilities and skills in the field pedagogical technology.

Publications on the topic:

Business game “Pedagogical skill - the highest level of pedagogical activity” SLIDE 1. Topic: “Pedagogical excellence is the highest level of pedagogical activity.” Objectives: to identify the level of professional preparedness.

Analysis card “Professional skills of a teacher in theatrical activities” Analysis card “Professional skills of a teacher in theatrical activities”1. The teacher’s ability to motivate for theatrical performance.

Business game “Pedagogical skills” PEDAGOGICAL COUNCIL Topic: “Pedagogical skills” Form of implementation: Business game Purpose of the teaching council: to identify the level of professionalism.

Pedagogical excellence is the highest level of pedagogical activity in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. What is pedagogical skill? This is the highest level of pedagogical activity, manifested in the creativity of the teacher, in the constant.

Pedagogical essay “The mission of a teacher” FESTIVAL OF TEACHING EXCELLENCE - 2015 PEDAGOGICAL ESSAY “The Mission of the Teacher” Masharova N. A., teacher at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 113”.

Professional health of a teacher: how to preserve and strengthen it? To be healthy - This means to work productively and creatively, to have the ability to find within oneself the reserves of effective life activity.

Professional standard of a teacher as a way to improve his professional competence Professional standard of a teacher as a way to improve his professional competence. “September 20, 2013, by the Professional Council.

Collection output:


Yakusheva Svetlana Dmitrievna

Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Art. Lecturer, Department of Pedagogy, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, Moscow

Novichenko Elena Olegovna

teacher, State Educational Institution “Child Development Center” kindergarten No. 2042, Moscow

A teacher is a person who has a sum of knowledge, experience, and the ability to teach, educate and develop. This is a person endowed with love for children, with a high moral and cultural position, capable of not only giving information to children, but being able to open the child to a fascinating world of knowledge, enriching his still small life experience and filling him with spiritual content.

On modern stage In the development of pedagogy, scientists increasingly began to pay attention to pedagogical skills, especially emphasizing pedagogical artistry.

The study of the scientific heritage of Sh.A. was essential for our research. Amonashvili, O.S. Bulatova, N.N. Chemyanko, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, A.S. Makarenko, S.D. Yakusheva.

The essential features of pedagogical artistry as a component of the professional skills of a kindergarten teacher have not yet been sufficiently studied and developed in preschool pedagogy. In this regard, the consideration of this issue determined the choice of the topic of our research - “Pedagogical artistry as a component of the professional skills of a kindergarten teacher.” Its purpose is to identify the significance of pedagogical artistry in the professional activities of a kindergarten teacher.

So, pedagogical artistry, being a necessary professional quality of a kindergarten teacher, will be embodied in his activities more effectively if:

1) development of the creative potential of kindergarten teachers;

2) co-creation between the teacher and the student;

3) development of the student’s communication skills through pedagogical artistry.

The professional training of a modern specialist includes fundamental general educational, psychological, pedagogical and special knowledge, the study of modern pedagogical technologies, formation of an attitude towards innovation and creativity. In this regard, the most important aspect of the professional development of a teacher (educator) is the comprehension of pedagogical skills.

Pedagogical excellence, according to S.D. Yakusheva, is the art of teaching and education, accessible to every teacher, but requiring constant improvement. This is the professional ability to direct all types of educational work towards the comprehensive development of the student, including his worldview and abilities.

The essence of pedagogical skill lies in the personality qualities of the teacher himself, who, by carrying out this work, ensures its success. Pedagogical skill is manifested in activities, the dominant of which is artistry.

Leading domestic teachers and psychologists - Yu.P. - studied the problem of pedagogical artistry. Azarov, Sh.A. Amonashvili, O.S. Bulatova, Zh.V. Vaganova, G.A. Garipova, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.A. Kan-Kalik, E.P. Ilyin, A.S. Makarenko, S.D. Yakusheva and others.

The use of the achievements of theater pedagogy in the educational process, according to G.A. Garipova, is recognized as promising in pedagogical theory. She understands artistry as an integral system of personal qualities that contributes to the free self-expression of the individual, presenting it as a set of interconnected structural components: psychophysical, emotional-aesthetic, artistic-logical.

IN AND. Zagvyazinsky considered artistry to be a special, figurative and emotional language of creating something new; a soulful style of co-creation between teacher and student, focused on understanding and dialogue with others. This is the ability to almost instantly switch to new situations, find yourself in a new image, the ability to live with ideas; this is a wealth of personal manifestations, an imaginative way of posing and solving a problem, play of imagination, grace, spirituality, a sense of inner freedom.

O.S. Bulatova, in turn, believes that artistry is the ability not only to convey something beautifully, impressively, convincingly, but also to convey it by emotionally influencing the student. It is a manifestation of the spiritually rich inner world of the individual and is formed in the process of a person’s spiritual and practical mastery of certain types of creative activity in order to satisfy the need for professional self-improvement and self-education.

S.D. Yakushev in her work “Fundamentals of Pedagogical Mastery”, developing the main provisions of K.S. Stanislavsky, gives comparative analysis the activities of a teacher with the activities of an actor and director, highlighting the following common features of these professions:

2. Target - the impact of a person on a person and causing a certain experience in a partner.

3. Instrumental - the personality of the creator and his psychophysical nature as an instrument of influence.

4. Procedural features - creativity is carried out publicly, regulated in time, the result is dynamic; there is a commonality of experiences between the actor and the viewer, the actor and the director, the teacher and the student; creativity is collective in nature.

5. Structural - analysis of the material, identification of problems, contradictions; birth of a plan; implementation, result analysis, adjustment.

Work on the content of the lesson and the role has three periods: rehearsal– from the actor, prior to the lesson – from the teacher. This is the period when an image is created in the imagination, thoughts, and feelings of the actor: the hero - for the actor; classes - with a teacher; technical period, when the material is rationally and prudently verified and obeys the artist’s own creative law. The actor consolidates and “tests” the role during rehearsals, the teacher rehearses the lesson, clarifies its concept, records its progress, draws up a plan; period incarnations creative concept. The work of an actor in a performance, of a teacher in the audience.

6. Conceptual features: the presence of work elements that cannot be automated; implementation social function teacher; the presence of intuition, flair, inspiration; specific professional emotions; the need for continuous internal work (training and “on the subject”).

O.S. Bulatova systematized the differences between acting and teaching activities: in the subject of the performance (the transformation of the actor into another person and the teacher’s attitude to the situation, dictated by his role position); within the boundaries of the sphere of activity (the actor’s fictional and the teacher’s real conditions of existence); in the specifics of communication (the actor gravitates toward dialogue, the teacher toward monologue); in the duration of activity (longer for a teacher than for an actor); in the possibilities of improvisation (for a teacher, the boundaries of creativity are wider; improvisation is not only permissible, but also necessary); in the diversity of the activity program (for a teacher on the same day it can be different within different roles), etc. .

Pedagogical skill, and in particular artistry, is not a one-time or repeated performance with a memorized role. A preschool teacher is required to constantly engage in intense creative activity.

Ya.L. Kolominsky argues that in the process of transformative activity, the teacher constantly has to conduct a creative search for the most optimal solutions to pedagogical problems, organize bold and subtle experiments. All this requires independence, resourcefulness, and creativity from him.

The development of imagination, the formation of an attitude towards creativity as an indispensable condition for success in teaching activity is indicated in the works of E.A. Arkin, A.A. Bodalev, S.V. Kondratyeva, V.A. Slastenin and others.

The influence of an adult on a child occurs most often through conversations, games, activities, entertainment, etc. Success in this process is greatly facilitated by the emotional expressiveness, artistry, and sociability of the teacher. As noted by the famous domestic doctor and teacher E.A. Arkin, if a teacher enters a circle of children with sadness on her brow and melancholy in her movements, this is bad physical education, at least exercises and exercises were performed conscientiously; There is no need to demand from the teacher noisy fun, roaring laughter, but the success of all this work is associated with a joyful perception of life in all its diverse manifestations and a strong, calm confidence in one’s abilities.

S.D. emphasizes the important role of humor in the work of a teacher. Yakusheva. She claims that for a teacher, humor is one of the important professional qualities and a means of acting. Mastery of humor is, first of all, the ability to improvise. Improvisation refers to the coincidence in time of the creative process and the demonstration of its results and suggests that one of the ways of psychological release in interpersonal communication is the use of humor, which transforms negative emotions into a source of laughter.

The activities of a teacher can be compared to the activities of an actor. It is artistry that greatly influences a child’s personality. The educator must himself master and actively apply in practice the techniques of pedagogical artistry. For the main organizer of activities in kindergarten is himself. The development of the personality and cognitive processes of children, their health, and readiness for school largely depends on it.

In order to identify the artistic abilities of kindergarten teachers, as well as organize its development, we organized an empirical study. The study involved six teachers from three groups of the state educational institution “Child Development Center” kindergarten No. 2042 of the South-Western District Education Department of the Moscow Department of Education. To identify creative potential, we invited six educators of different ages 2 people each: 50-55 years old, 30-40 years old and young professionals.

An assessment was made on the map of professionally significant personal qualities of the teacher (Table 1).

Participants were offered three options, which assessed:

1) psychological personality traits of the teacher;

2) interpersonal relationships;

3) professional personality traits of the teacher.

Table 1.

Map of professionally significant personal qualities of a teacher

Optimal values

Valid values

Critical values

Strong balanced type of nervous system

Strong unbalanced type of nervous system

inert type of nervous system

Leadership Tendency



Self confidence






Kindness and responsiveness

Lack of independence

Excessive conformism



Excitability and demonstrativeness

Optimal values

Valid values

Critical values

Predominance of democratic communication style

Predominance of liberal style

Only constructive conflicts on fundamental issues

Complete absence of conflict with students and colleagues

Constant destructive conflict on most issues

Desire to collaborate with colleagues

Desire to compete with colleagues

Constant adaptations and compromises

Normal self-esteem

Low self-esteem

Heightened self-esteem

The level of isolation in the team is zero

Insulation level within 10%

Insulation level more than 10%

Optimal values

Valid values

Critical values

take into account the psychological and age characteristics of children

developmental and educational psychology

Lack of knowledge in developmental and educational psychology

erudition and free presentation of material

only one item

only according to the notes

Speech rate

120-130 words per minute, clear diction, general and specific literacy

Speech rate

Speech rate

above 150 words per minute, unintelligibility of speech, “swallowing” of the endings of words, etc.


appearance, expressive facial expressions and gestures


appearance, lack of facial expressions and gestures

Sloppy appearance, excessive gesticulation and inappropriate facial expressions


reaction to a situation, resourcefulness

Slightly slow reaction, resourcefulness

Lack of resourcefulness, poor reaction

Calling children by name

Address by last name

Persistent reckless or abusive treatment

Ability to clearly formulate specific goals

Ability to define only general goals

Lack of clear goal setting skills

Ability to organize all children at once

Ability to organize the majority

Working only with individual children while the majority are passive

For all parameters: overall optimal level 85-95 points; general acceptable level 76-84 points; general critical level 55-75 points.

Each teacher gave self-assessment and assessment to his colleagues at three levels: high – 5 points; 4 – average; 3 - low. Based on the sum of the indicators, the average scores for each teacher were calculated (the results are presented in Table 2).

Table 2.


1. Psychological traits of personality, individuality

2. Teacher in the structure of interpersonal relationships

3. Professional personality traits of a teacher

As can be seen from the table, the majority of teachers (4) have average scores on the “psychological personality traits of a teacher” map; one teacher has high scores and one has low scores.

On the “interpersonal relationships” map, all teachers have average scores. Finally, on the “professional personality traits of a teacher” map, one teacher has high scores; two – low and 3 – medium.

The respondents had the lowest scores for professional personality traits. Thus, few of the teachers have clear diction, the required rate of speech, and even deficiencies in speech literacy have been noted. There was a lack of facial expressions and gestures, a weak reaction to the situation or the child’s address.

Taking into account the indicators of the study, recommendations were prepared to promote the development of a creative approach to teaching.

Co-creation between teacher and student is one of the pressing problems of modern education. The works of domestic psychologists and teachers A.V. are dedicated to it. Petrovsky, A.I. Dontsova, D.I. Feldstein, A.K. Markova and others.

S.D. Yakusheva, considering this problem, asks the question: “Is it possible to teach creativity by “forming” creative activity?” And he further asserts that personality cannot be “formed”, it can only be educated. And this, in turn, is nothing more than the creation of conditions for the self-education of the individual. Creativity is not only the prerogative of a free personality capable of self-development, but also a way of “personal” existence. And although the uniqueness of each person is beyond doubt, the ability to present oneself to the world and express one’s uniqueness is a problem for most people.

To recognize creative personality traits, test systems have been developed today. A special role is given to imagination, mental flexibility, divergent (i.e., diverging in all directions) thinking, as well as internal motivation for creativity. Methods for stimulating group creativity have also been developed.

The saturation of the educational process with elements of creativity makes it fascinating, exciting, and this, in turn, contributes to the formation of an active and creative attitude towards the process of cognition.

Creative self-development of students is considered in the process of co-creation between teacher and student. In the course of interaction, the dynamics and abilities of the individual for reflection, creative self-development are revealed, and an attempt is made to remove psychological barriers to creative activity (according to A.N. Luk), such as: fear, fear of failure, excessive self-criticism, laziness, etc.

We find arguments in favor of the fact that in preschool age the main form of interaction between an adult and children in the educational process should be joint partner activity, and not direct teaching, in studies of the ontogenesis of communication, in particular conducted by M.I. Lisina. These studies indicate that preschool age is associated with the child’s need for friendly attention and respectful attitude from an adult, in cooperation with him.

Co-creation between teacher and student is one of the pressing problems of modern education. Educate creativity in a child is possible only in joint activities.

So, it was found that the professional skill of a teacher, his ability to communicate with children and influence the formation of their personality requires special knowledge and skills.

Studying artistry as a component of a teacher’s professional skills, we found that the teacher (educator) has a whole range of non-verbal means in stock that help emotionally, expressively, and most importantly, build correct communication with children.

During the empirical study, the level of pedagogical artistry of kindergarten teachers was revealed. It has been established that educators have the lowest scores on the “professional personality traits of a teacher” map. Their work noted such shortcomings as unclear diction, lack of the required rate of speech, speech literacy disorders, inability to use facial expressions and gestures, poor reaction to the situation or the child’s address.

In addition, shortcomings were identified in the organization and conduct of games by teachers in order to develop children’s communication skills. Taking into account the indicators of the study, recommendations were prepared for the development of creative potential and acting skills of teachers. A demonstration lesson was considered, demonstrating the joint activities of the teacher and children. Valuable recommendations are given to teachers on the development of children's communication skills in play activities.

Pedagogical artistry is an activity raised to the level of art, that highest level of perfection in the work of a teacher, when the activity rises to the desired spiritual height. Only a creative teacher who advocates for fundamental changes in education masters the skill, reaching heights in his teaching activity.


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2.Bulatova O.S. Pedagogical artistry: textbook. allowance. [Text] / O.S. Bulatova. - M.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2001.–240 p.

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5. Kolominsky Ya.L., Panko E.A., Igumnov S.A. Mental development of children in normal and pathological conditions [Text] / Ya.L. Kolominsky, E.A. Panko, S.A. Igumnov. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004.–480 p.

6. Lisina M.I. Problems of ontogenesis of communication [Text] / M.I. Lisina. – M.: Pedagogy, 1986.–144 p.

7. Pedagogical dictionary: textbook. manual [Text] / [V.I. Zagvyazinsky, A.F. Zakirova, T.A. Strokova and others]; edited by IN AND. Zagvyazinsky, A.F. Zakirova. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2008.–352 p.

8. Yakusheva S.D. Fundamentals of pedagogical skills: textbook [Text] / S.D. Yakusheva. - 2nd ed., erased. - M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2009.–256 p.