Stones are talismans for lunar Sagittarius. Which stones are suitable for Sagittarius ♐ - we select a talisman for a woman and a man. Suitable talismans and protective amulets

People who are Sagittarius according to their horoscope love it when people pay attention to them and at every opportunity they try to give a reason for this. Representatives of this constellation want to live in truth and do not like lies. They are quite straightforward, which often harms them in life. In addition, Sagittarians do not like pressure on them from anyone. These are very independent people.

Most representatives of this sign are conservatives. They prefer to live by the rules that they set for themselves in their youth, and such people try to avoid any troubles.

There are legends about the generosity and generosity of Sagittarius. They always come to the aid of friends and loved ones in trouble. Representatives of this constellation are peaceful. The main values ​​in their life are justice and freedom.
The big advantages in the character of Sagittarius are passion, energy, optimism, independence, truthfulness and sincerity.

The disadvantages of typical representatives of this constellation include excessive edification, lack of calculation and carelessness. Sometimes there are even greedy Sagittarius people.

Which stones are suitable for Sagittarius women by date of birth?

The Sagittarius woman is naturally endowed with strength, determination and love of life. In order to more easily endure all adversity, she needs a faithful assistant and protector. Stones are endowed with such power. A correctly selected mineral will become a talisman and attract good luck.

Stones for Sagittarius of the first decade

Women whose birth date falls between November 23 and December 2 love adventure. They tend to strive for peace and harmony. Most suitable for them:

  1. Eye of the Tiger. A talisman made from this stone will help reveal the best character traits. It will help you overcome laziness, charge you with energy and the desire to create. Good luck and prosperity will follow on your heels.
  2. Amethyst. This mineral will help you stay cool in any situation. With him, all stress and troubles will be easily tolerated.
  3. Agate. Suitable for female knowledge workers. It will help you concentrate on the most important things and improve brain activity. Helps build relationships with people.
  4. Lapis lazuli. A real magnet for good luck and success. With its help it will be easy to build romantic and friendly relationships.

The stone chosen as a patron can be carried in a pocket or inserted into jewelry. In any case, try to keep it with you at all times.

Stones for Sagittarius of the second decade

The Sagittarius zodiac sign has creative abilities and a tendency to frequent mood swings. This is especially true for those born between December 3 and December 12. The horoscope recommends that such girls choose:
  1. Turquoise. Will create an atmosphere of harmony in the soul. If a woman has health problems, but she simply needs a turquoise amulet. He will also help in love. With its help, it will be easy to understand relationships with a loved one.
  2. Chrysolite. It will help protect against ill-wishers and attract allies. Possessing a talisman made of chrysolite will give you confidence in your own abilities and drive away unpleasant thoughts and dreams.
  3. Opal. A Sagittarius woman can only wear white opal. The black mineral can bring with it unnecessary doubts and fears. White opal will help in creativity and create an atmosphere of peace around its owner.

Create an amulet for yourself from such stones, and you will always be under their protection.

Stones for Sagittarius of the third decade

Between December 13 and December 21, natural leaders are born. They strive to create beauty and comfort around themselves. It is better for such women to choose:

  1. Sapphire. This gemstone is suitable for those who suffer from illnesses. It helps with nervous disorders, insomnia and other diseases.
  2. Pomegranate. It will charge you with energy and help protect you from negativity. Don't forget that pomegranate can aggravate feelings, including anxiety. Therefore, amulets made from it should be used only by women who know how to control their emotions.
  3. Ruby. With its help, you can quickly restore strength and recharge in a great mood. Can become dangerous for those who suffer from hypertension and heart disease.

By choosing the right stone for yourself, you can be sure that its energy will help you overcome all difficulties with ease.

Which stones are suitable for Sagittarius men?

Amethyst stone

From childhood, male Sagittarians are drawn to new knowledge and improvement of their personality. They have the ability to recycle a large number of information for a short time, but, as a rule, cannot find an area of ​​application for it in their lives.

With the help of amethyst, you can develop your intellectual abilities, become smarter and more far-sighted. In addition, this stone helps to concentrate attention on a single problem and find the most effective ways her decisions. Thanks to amethyst, the Sagittarius man immediately recognizes in his interlocutor a liar and an intriguer who wants to take advantage of his gullibility.

Obsidian has a beneficial effect on the health of those born under this sign. It will help a man get rid of infertility and revive sexual activity, as it is considered a stone of strength and energy. Obsidian will also serve as a talisman against any magical effects on its owner.

Zircon promotes a surge of inner self-confidence in the most difficult life situations. In addition, he, like a battery, will charge Sagittarius with optimism. This talisman protects against lies and injustice, and also helps develop leadership qualities and promotes relationships with different people.

Stones talismans for Sagittarius Women and Men

The most effective amulet for representatives of this constellation is considered to be the pomegranate, which helps successful development career and can lead you to the highest echelons of power or to the peak of popularity. This stone protects against any extraneous magical influences and troubles along the way.

To develop intuition, it is better for Sagittarius to wear jewelry with topaz. With him you can count on a happy family life or long-term love relationship. In addition, topaz has a beneficial effect on the rejuvenation of the body and beautiful appearance. With its help, you can regulate your appetite and optimize your metabolism. Topaz also helps improve mood and an optimistic outlook on life.

If you are an overly passionate person, then you can cool the ardor a little with the help of chrysolite. In addition, this stone protects against conflict situations and helps to improve relationships with people. Sagittarians with a weakened nervous system are also recommended to wear jewelry with chrysolite. It will help you sleep and drive away bad thoughts from you.

Jade stone

As you know, Sagittarians are often prone to radical changes in their lives. Then they should stay away from jade, as it can push a representative of this constellation to rash actions. Jade is considered to be a stone of loners. He transfers his condition to Sagittarius, who are already far from a happy personal life. In addition, this stone can attract discord in family relationships and quarrel with friends.

Sagittarius birthstones by date of birth

People born under this constellation from November 23 to December 2 are classified as the first decade. Mercury is watching over them from space. Such individuals always defend justice, which is why they often end up in various atypical adventure stories. If you want to choose a stone as a gift for Sagittarius of the first decade, then you should give preference to quartz, agate, amethyst, jasper, lapis lazuli or tiger's eye.

The second decade for those born under this constellation begins on December 3 and ends on the 12th of the same month. Such people often change their mood. Among them there are many writers, poets, composers and other representatives of creative professions, for whom the best stone gifts would be chalcedony, turquoise, opal, onyx and chrysoprase.

Representatives of this constellation, born from December 13 to 21, belong to the third decade. They love to live beautifully and persistently strive to achieve their goals. Such Sagittarians love to dress well, surround themselves with expensive things and true friends. Stones such as topaz, emerald, zircon, garnet, sapphire, ruby ​​and hyacinth will help them achieve all this.

Indefatigable and energetic Sagittarius are representatives of a dual sign. These people can be contradictory and united at the same time. Therefore, their talismans have two opposite characteristics. When considering which stones are suitable for Sagittarius, astrologers recommend focusing not on the zodiac sign, but on the date of birth.

Talismans by date of birth

The constellation Sagittarius comes into force on November 23. The first ten-day period of the sign ends on December 2. Those born during this period strive to fight injustice everywhere and always. They easily fall for various adventures, not to mention their talent for finding adventures. The first decade of this zodiac sign is influenced by Mercury, so representatives are distinguished by a passion for hunting or battles. Among the amulets for Sagittarius born in the first ten days of the constellation, the following are suitable:

  • Tiger's Eye;
  • bloody

The second decade of Sagittarius is the period from December 3 to December 12. People born on these days are characterized by frequent and unpredictable mood swings, since their natures are subordinate to creativity. Sometimes irrepressible imagination can turn monotonous routine activities into an exciting adventure. Stones that preserve the mental balance of the representatives of the constellation:

  • (rutile quartz).

The third decade of Sagittarius lasts from December 13 to 21. These people are distinguished by tenacity and perseverance; they are able to move towards their intended goal for a long time. Sagittarians of the third decade have a passion for a beautiful life, they strive to surround themselves with people they love, as well as luxurious things. They will be helped in implementing their plans and assigned tasks by:

Common mineral amulets for Sagittarius

People born under the sign of Sagittarius are dual natures, so astrologers recommend choosing more than one talisman. It is advisable to have at least 2-3 stones that are opposite in shade and “thermal” characteristics. For hot summer days, as astrologers advise, you should choose cold talismans dark shades. The gloomy autumn time or off-season periods can be diluted with bright amber or fiery red stones.

There are several stone talismans common to all Sagittarius:

  1. Turquoise. Protects against bad energy and failures. Normalizes the well-being and relationships of Sagittarius with other people. But under no circumstances should you wear gold on her. It is desirable that the turquoise be free-standing, that is, without a frame.
  2. Eye of the Tiger. Helps the owner get rid of laziness and depression, as well as negative character traits. Activates creativity and develops intelligence.
  3. Chrysolite. A stone of balance, it helps to establish internal harmony for Sagittarius, calms him down in controversial and conflict situations. Helps avoid collisions with ill-wishers.
  4. Pomegranate. Helps and protects on a long journey, strengthens leadership qualities. For Sagittarius, the garnet stone is an assistant in love affairs and a healer, having a beneficial effect on the owner’s health. Most astrologers highlight this stone as one of the main ones. The reason for this is the bright red hue of the mineral, which ideally emphasizes the fiery nature of the representatives of this sign. Professional astrologers advise Sagittarius, if their health worsens, not to part with pomegranate for even a minute.
  5. Topaz. Restores harmony and peace in the family. Protects from the machinations of enemies, hypocrisy, lies, cunning and meanness. Relieves stress and relieves depression.
  6. Ruby. A universal wish fulfiller. Gives its owner love, luck, success. Helps restore energy.
  7. Sapphire. Normalizes relationships with others, helps regulate and control feelings and emotions. Sapphire is an amulet of good luck for Sagittarius, so it is not advisable to part with it for a long time.
  8. Zircon. Stone of money energy. Helps in finding the right solution, protects in financial matters, and ensures an influx of cash.

If necessary, you can use platinum, silver or jewelry iron, or any white metal to set the mineral. Yellow metals are contraindicated. As for white gold, astrologers also recommend avoiding wearing this metal.

Stones that help Sagittarius women

Bright and unique personalities, endowed with an attractive appearance, self-sufficient and accomplished. It's all about Sagittarius women. When communicating with people, they are open and friendly.

Often directness and courage prevent them from arranging their personal life and they search for a soul mate long time. But you can use stone amulets to help:

  1. A ruby ​​that gives the owner the energy of love. This stone also brings good luck in business, protects health and gives the happiness of motherhood.
  2. Topaz brings harmony and harmony to the family and normalizes relationships between spouses.
  3. Sapphire for a female Sagittarius brings inspiration and protects against various kinds of injustice and betrayal.

When choosing a Sagittarius woman as a companion, you should remember that you cannot turn this lady into a housewife. There is no need to worry about the prospect of a neglected household, since hunters are accustomed to solving problems at the initial stage of their occurrence. They also deal with household life. But any restrictions are contraindicated for the Sagittarius spouse - she simply will not tolerate them.

Amulet stones for Sagittarius men

A male Sagittarius is a breadwinner by nature and the issues of providing for the family are entrusted to his shoulders. Representatives of this sign treat this balance of power with ease and optimism and consider it quite fair. But sometimes Sagittarius men are visited by inexplicable doubts about their own abilities and uncertainty, sometimes they are characterized by excessive carelessness, leading to a whole series of bad consequences.

You can neutralize negative events using amulets from:

  1. Ruby, which endows the owner with leadership qualities and gives power over people.
  2. Amethyst, which enhances the mental abilities and intellectual potential of Sagittarius. This talisman has the power to protect the owner from envy, lies, intrigue and deception.
  3. Turquoise, which can bring good luck and prosperity, protect from enemies and neutralize conflict situations.

Talismans that bring bad luck for Sagittarius

Sagittarians are not the only ones in the Zodiac who have a dual nature. The same is true for Libra and Gemini. But some talismans of these signs are strictly contraindicated for people born between November 23 and December 21. The following stones will bring trouble:

  • black opal;
  • yellow topazes and sapphires;
  • any mineral in a yellow frame of copper or gold.

Astrologers do not advise women over 30 to wear turquoise and lapis lazuli.

For Sagittarius, a passion for amulets with such minerals can bring loneliness, turn away good luck, attract negativity and lead to failed projects. Faced with such problems, they want to withdraw into themselves and push away from their surroundings. The consequence of wearing a talisman with the above stones can be prolonged depression.

How not to make a mistake when choosing a mascot?

Any precious or semi-precious stone contains the energy of the Universe. With the proper selection of a stone talisman, part of it passes on to the person, helping him find harmony with himself and those around him. Inner peace of mind helps to cope with stress, overcome life's troubles and, most importantly, improve physical health.

Sagittarians, who have a passionate and irrepressible character, need regular energy replenishment. You can draw additional energy using a talisman with a mineral. When it is difficult to figure out which stones suit Sagittarius by date of birth, you can wear one of the main stones. But, as a sign that is dual in nature, astrologers recommend keeping two amulets. It is advisable to wear them in turns, focusing on the time of year, as described above.

You can wear several amulets with different stones simultaneously. You just need to choose the right combination so that the minerals match your Zodiac Sign and also combine with each other. For such a selection, it is recommended to involve a specialist, since such a procedure is specific, for which you need to know all the properties of the stones and the area of ​​​​interaction with each other.

Astrologers consider one of the important points to be how the owner received the talisman. Donated minerals have the strongest properties. The stone received as a gift affects Sagittarius with double the power. Amulets purchased independently do not have such qualities.

You should not wear the stones you find without cleaning them. Most of them store information about the previous owner, so the new one can be harmed. Astrologers recommend not taking the found talisman with you, but leaving it where it was.

Precious and semi gems Streltsov

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People who were born under the auspices of Sagittarius always readily respond to requests for help, are intolerant of various lies, and are themselves crystal honest and selfless.

These people are sociable and hardworking. They do not forget about their friends, loved ones and family, even if they are completely immersed in work or other important matters. They have many friends, but they may also have no less enemies. They can offend, and in some situations seriously injure a person, with their excessive frankness and straightforwardness. It is for these reasons that many may wish them bad things, which means they need a talisman.

Amulet for Sagittarius

This is very important to know if you or someone close to you is a Sagittarius according to the horoscope, which stones are suitable for this sign. Thanks to this information, it is easy to choose a talisman for yourself and a gift for a loved one, friend or relative.

The constellation Sagittarius comes into force on November 23. The first decade of this sign ends on December 2. People who were born under the auspices of this constellation strive to fight injustice always and everywhere. They easily succumb to various adventures. And finding adventure is their talent. The first decade of this constellation falls under the influence of Mercury. That is why Sagittarians have a pronounced passion for battles or hunting.

Amulets for Sagittarius born in the first decade are the following gems:

  1. Bloody Jasper.
  2. Eye of the Tiger.
  3. Agates.
  4. Quartz.
  5. Amethysts.
  6. Lapis lazuli.

The period of the second ten-day period of the Zodiac sign Sagittarius is December 3−12. These people change their mood unpredictably and very often, as they are creative people. Sometimes an irrepressible imagination can turn a monotonous routine activity into an exciting adventure. Stones that maintain their mental balance:

  1. Rutile quartz (hairy).
  2. Chalcedony.
  3. Chrysoprase.
  4. Opals.
  5. Turquoise.
  6. Onyx.

The last - third - decade begins on December 12 and ends on December 21. These people are distinguished by perseverance and perseverance; they can go for a long time towards their intended goal. These people have a passion for a beautiful life, they want to be surrounded by luxurious things and loved ones. They are assisted in the implementation of their goals and plans by:

Universal talismans

Sagittarius people are dual natures; it is for this reason that astrologers advise them to choose several talismans. It is advisable that you have at least 2 or 3 stones that differ in “thermal” characteristics and shades. For hot summer days, astrologers recommend choosing talismans in dark, cold tones. But off-season periods and gloomy autumn days can be diversified with bright fiery red or amber tones.

Sagittarius has several common amulets for men and women:

If it is necessary to set a mineral, then for these purposes it is best to use silver, platinum, jewelry iron or other white metal. It is contraindicated to set stones in yellow metals. Astrologers do not recommend setting stones in white gold.

Exclusively feminine stones

When asked what stone a Sagittarius woman has According to the horoscope, the answer is quite simple.

Unique and bright personalities, they are endowed with an attractive appearance, are self-sufficient and achieve success in their work. Sagittarius women are friendly and open in communicating with people. Courage and directness often prevent them from establishing their personal life. Therefore, they can search for their soul mate for a long time. The following amulets can help them with this:

  1. Sapphire brings inspiration to representatives of Sagittarius and protects them from betrayal and various kinds of injustice.
  2. Topaz brings harmony and harmony to the family, normalizes relationships between spouses.
  3. The owner's ruby ​​imparts the energy of love. This stone also gives happiness to motherhood, protects health and brings good luck in business.

But minerals by decade for women were distributed as follows:

If your future wife was born under this sign, then remember that this lady cannot be turned into a housewife. And you don't have to worry about your household being neglected. These women are accustomed to solving such problems in the initial stages of their occurrence. They do the same with their home life.. It is impossible to limit these women in anything, as she simply will not tolerate such an attitude towards herself.

Talismans for Sagittarius men

The Sagittarius man is a breadwinner by nature and issues of providing for the family fall entirely on his shoulders. Representatives of this sign approach this balance of power with optimism and ease and believe that this is fair. But sometimes they may be visited by uncertainty and inexplicable doubt in their abilities. They are sometimes characterized by excessive carelessness, which leads to a series of bad consequences.

Negative events can be neutralized with the help of stones such as:

Contraindications when choosing a stone

More from childhood Sagittarians strive to improve their personality and try everything new. They have unique property, allowing you to process a lot of information in a short period of time. But unfortunately, they cannot apply it in their lives..

Not only Sagittarius zodiac horoscope are a dual sign. Gemini and Libra are also classified as dual personalities. But some talismans of these signs are not recommended to be worn by people who were born between November 23 and December 21. Here is a list of stones that can bring bad luck in the life of Sagittarius:

For Sagittarius, these amulets can bring loneliness, encourage failed projects, attract negativity and turn away luck. If they encounter these problems, then they want to quickly push away from the environment and withdraw into themselves. As a consequence of wearing stones that are on the above list, long-term depression occurs.

Choose the right mascot

Each semi-precious or precious stone contains the energy of the Universe. If you choose the amulet correctly, it helps the owner find harmony with others and himself. Inner peace of mind helps to overcome life's troubles, cope with stressful conditions, and improve physical health.

Sagittarians, who have an irrepressible and passionate character, require regular energy replenishment. You can get additional energy using a talisman with a precious mineral. When it is very difficult to figure out which stones are suitable for the date of birth of representatives of this sign, then you can wear any of the main stones. But astrologers recommend purchasing at least two minerals due to the duality of nature.

It is advisable to wear them alternately, based on one season or another. You can wear several amulets with different minerals at the same time. But in this case, you need to choose the right combination. They need to be combined with each other and match the zodiac sign. To do this, it is better to consult with specialists, since this procedure is specific. For this process it is necessary to know the area of ​​interaction of minerals with each other and their properties.

Experts say that important role plays the method of obtaining the stone by the owner. Donated minerals have the most powerful properties. A stone received as a gift affects Sagittarius with double force. But the amulets that you purchased yourself do not have such qualities.

Found stones should not be worn without cleaning. Many store information about their former owner, and therefore can easily cause harm to the new owner. Astrologers recommend not to carry the found amulet with you, but to leave it in the place where it was lying.

Attention, TODAY only!

The strength of man lies in his harmony with nature. Each stone is endowed with the energy of the Universe, and by choosing the right amulet for yourself, a person will be able to protect himself and fill his body and soul with strength.

Characteristics of people born under this zodiac sign

The restless Sagittarius strives all his life to open new horizons and conquer heights. His thirst for adventure and travel, the desire to do everything in time and find out sometimes bring troubles, but a person of this sign very quickly forgets about them and confidently moves on.

Sagittarius is a generator of ideas and an incorrigible idealist. Despite his apparent sociability and openness, he is often lonely. The main difference between this sign is its straightforwardness and inability to keep secrets.

The representative of the sign closely observes what is happening around him and can rarely refrain from commenting on what is happening. His point of view can be unpleasant for other people, however, due to his boundless charm and sincerity, it is impossible to be offended by Sagittarius for a long time. The main secret of success is optimism and undying faith in the best.

Precious and non-precious talismans for women

Despite the fire element, people of this zodiac sign are recommended to wear two types of amulets. Fiery red crystals will protect Sagittarius in cold and dark times, and on hot, active days you should choose cold, gloomy minerals as your companions.

A person born under the sign of Sagittarius gets along well with such precious and non-precious stones as: amethyst, sapphire, ruby, topaz, turquoise, obsidian.

Amethyst keeps the owner's mind in a calm, clear state, relieves stress and stress. This stone is intended for those Sagittarius who are constantly engaged in mental activity. If you need to make an important decision in your career, amethyst will help you concentrate your thoughts and efforts on the task at hand and find the right way out of the situation.

Ruby returns to Sagittarius the lost strength. For the restless nature of the sign, this crystal can become a true friend. It will relieve fatigue after traveling, fill you with energy before new discoveries, and relieve fear and uncertainty.

For stubborn and harmful Sagittarius, ruby ​​helps them find a common language with others. It is not recommended to be worn by people suffering from heart defects and high blood pressure.

– the main healer for Sagittarius. It can relieve many serious diseases, as well as support and strengthen the nervous system, ward off insomnia and negative thoughts.

Helps in learning, awakens a thirst for knowledge and discovery. Creative people are inspired and strive for excellence. In a career, it pushes the owner to make the right decisions and conquer new heights of power.

Topaz ideal for Sagittarius women. This stone is a means to prolong youth, for harmony and tranquility. Gives optimism and love for life and others. Helps build strong relationships with a loved man.

Turquoise is another doctor for Sagittarius. It can stop inflammatory processes, restore harmony in the soul and balance in the body. Helps in love, strengthening existing relationships or pushing to create new ones.

The video talks about the properties and varieties of turquoise.

Obsidian It is of volcanic, fiery origin and has a powerful flow of energy. He will provide Sagittarius with protection in his adventures, strengthen his intuition and insight.

This stone should become the main talisman on the road. After betrayal or unhappy love, the crystal will support and help heal wounds in the heart. Another useful property mineral - the ability to take away negative energy from its owner.

How to wear amulets according to your horoscope

Turquoise categorically does not accept gold frames. She prefers modest silver and can go without any framing. For protection, turquoise should be worn in the form of bracelets, large pendants or ring inserts.

Topaz will be most beneficial if it is turned into a pendant or brooch. He loves to be close to his owner's heart. It is in this place that the stone gives off its energy with pleasure.

Rubies and sapphires are precious stones that women can wear as part of any jewelry. Amethyst, like topaz, prefers to be a pendant.

Obsidian should be exclusively an amulet, a talisman invisible to others. A piece of stone can be placed in a pocket or worn on a long chain under clothing. Large stones can be stored on the work table.

Which stones are not suitable

Sagittarians are absolutely not suitable for emeralds, aquamarines and orange agates. These stones easily get along with other zodiac signs, but Sagittarius can only bring problems and misfortunes.

The fiery nature of Sagittarius will find a common language with both hot stones and gloomy, cold crystals. By choosing the right amulet for each occasion, you can find harmony and make the most of the powerful energy of the stones.

Sociable Sagittarians are accustomed to being the center of attention. They strive to tell only the truth, whatever it may be. This zodiac sign is considered independent and freedom-loving. Its representatives are attracted to travel and activities with justified risk.

No matter how absurd it may sound, changeable Sagittarians do not at all strive for changes in life; they are distinguished by conservative views and a complex process of adaptation to new conditions.

That’s why it’s so important for them to have a familiar object next to them that can enhance their best qualities and help them cope with difficulties. Which stone is suitable for Sagittarius and can become a real talisman for them?

The best talisman stones for all Sagittarius

Sagittarians are able to combine opposite qualities, for example, hot temper and firmness when achieving a goal.

They cannot sit still, they strive to travel and gain knowledge. Having learned something new, they strive to tell and teach it to everyone nearby, sometimes forgetting to take into account the wishes of those around them. Representatives of the ninth zodiac sign are considered idealists and will never refuse to help, but at the same time they are afraid to take on responsibility that could threaten their freedom.

Astrologers believe that it is better to select amulets according to the decade of birth, for example:

Correctly selected talismans can radically change a person’s life for the better or correct his character. Therefore, many are interested in which stones are suitable for Sagittarius, regardless of date of birth and gender:

Stones suitable for Sagittarius women and Sagittarius men

Despite the fact that the zodiac sign Sagittarius belongs to the element of fire, its representatives are recommended to wear two types of minerals: in calm and cold times it is worth choosing warm and bright talisman stones, and in the active period of life - on the contrary, cold ones.

Volcanic obsidian has enormous energy, which protects travelers from various dangers on the road. The stone is recommended for a Sagittarius woman who is experiencing a partner’s betrayal or unrequited love; it miraculously removes mental pain and negative thoughts.

A girl wearing blue turquoise around her neck will never be alone. The gem gives her inner harmony and helps her in every possible way to maintain a worthy love relationship or find new ones. An ambitious Sagittarius woman always strives to achieve her goals; lapis lazuli, symbolizing luck and prosperity, can help her in this. It brings joyful events into life and improves connections with family, friends and partners.

Still, a Sagittarius woman should choose her individual stone not according to her horoscope, but based on her personal feelings.

Men of this zodiac sign with early age strive to develop and gain knowledge. They learn quickly theoretical material, but are rarely used in practice. Therefore, for Sagittarius, who is engaged in mental work, amethyst is recommended as a talisman. It not only enhances the ability to concentrate, but also eliminates unreliable people who seek to take advantage of gullible Sagittarius for personal gain.

Obsidian is a unique and versatile stone; if it helps girls in love affairs, then for the stronger sex it is a real doctor, especially affecting the health of the reproductive system. In addition, it neutralizes aggression and excessive temperament inherent in the zodiac sign Sagittarius.

Zircon should suit men of different zodiac constellations. It restores faith in yourself and your own strength, and adds optimism. The stone fights deception and any manifestations of lies. Sagittarians who wear it as an amulet become more sociable and develop leadership qualities.

How to wear jewelry with stones?

It is important to follow the rules for wearing jewelry so that the stones, according to the zodiac sign, suitable for Sagittarius, are as effective as possible:

Please note that gifted necklaces or rings have more energy than those simply purchased in a store.

Alexandrite, pearls and other Gemini mascot stones are contraindicated for Sagittarius. Gems that patronize the opposite sign enhance the internal fire that can burn everything around.

Black opal easily leads you into the world of dreams and unrealistic fantasies, and this state of affairs is unacceptable for Sagittarius, who strive to achieve their goal at any cost. Also, the gloomy mineral develops self-doubt and exacerbates Sagittarius’ fears.

For obvious conservatives, jewelry made from jade is contraindicated, as it too aggravates the desire for adventure and dramatic changes in life. It is quite difficult for Sagittarius to find a mate, and this stone itself tends towards loneliness, nullifying attempts to improve their personal life. Representatives of the stronger sex should wear the powerful stones of the Sagittarius woman with caution.

Sagittarius is patronized by completely different minerals: some influence their personal life, others influence their career. Therefore, when choosing a talisman, listen to your inner voice, it will tell you which stone will give you the necessary character traits and bring good luck.