How to whiten nails with citric acid. The best ways to whiten nails at home. Causes of darkening of nails

Today we will talk about how to quickly whiten your nails at home if they have deteriorated after polishing. You know, after dark varnishes (black, red, etc.) the nails turn yellow due to the pigments they contain. And to make them look great again, you have a choice:

  • paint your nails again, thereby closing the vicious circle;
  • wait three to four days, giving your nails time to recover, and walk around with yellow nails, hiding them from others or...
  • whiten your nails.


Toothpaste with a whitening effect and hydrogen peroxide is best suited for these purposes. All you need to do is apply the paste to your nails and rub it in with an old toothbrush, and then simply rinse it off with water. The method is good when you have just removed the nail polish and have not yet turned yellow. Further… to whiten nails with lemon

Did you know that lemon is considered a natural bleach? Although I know, I still don’t know why, but it doesn’t matter...

Just cut the citrus in half and soak your nails in lemon juice for a couple of minutes, squeezing the pulp with them. Or squeeze the juice into a shallow bowl and dip your fingertips into it. Finally, soak a piece of cotton wool in lemon juice and wipe your nails with it.

... just hydrogen peroxide

Another way to get rid of yellow spots is to use peroxide. In a shallow bowl, add four tablespoons of water and a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Immerse your hands in the resulting solution for ten minutes. Then scrub your nails with an old toothbrush and rinse with water.

How to whiten nails with peroxide and soda

This method of whitening nails involves the use of baking soda and the same hydrogen peroxide. To do this, mix a tablespoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of peroxide. Apply the resulting paste to your nails for ten minutes and then rinse with running water.

That's all, and after any of the procedures described above, do not forget to lubricate your hands with nourishing cream and cuticles with oil to restore the natural moisture of the skin. And by the way…

Brightening base coat

In addition to everything described above, you can use a special product - nail brightener, which is a transparent base coat applied to the nails in one or two layers.

A few more strange methods...

... which I haven’t tried and don’t recommend:

  • Whitening Pencil - a non-permanent way to hide color imperfections by painting it under the nails. Maybe using a white pencil can make the tips of your nails white in one procedure, but it definitely won’t whiten them.
  • Household bleaches and cleaners – have a strong corrosive effect, in other words, they destroy and weaken the nails. Don't eat gud...
  • Bafik – some recommend removing yellowness with a small buff, but I would refrain from doing this: why weaken your nails once again by filing a natural nail?

And one more thing…

  • After each manicure, try to give your nails three to four days of rest, the more the better. This will allow your nails to breathe and prevent them from turning yellow.
  • Don't neglect to use a base or other product before each manicure. You can even apply the base in two layers if you want.
  • Do not wear nail polish on your nails for too long; the longer the polish remains on your nails, the more intensely your nails absorb the pigments contained in the nail polishes.

I hope it wasn’t too chaotic, however, that’s all for me, see you soon!

For a number of reasons, nails may turn yellow. Are you familiar with this problem? In this article we will tell you how to whiten your nails at home quickly and efficiently.

Reasons for changing nail color

Before you go to the store for a miraculous nail whitening product, you need to determine the reason that influenced the change in their color. After all, after the procedure they will become noticeably whiter, but in the future the problem will repeat again.

The yellowing of the nail plate is influenced by the following factors:

  • Using acetone;
  • Permanent coating of nails with varnish that contains formaldehyde;
  • Housework without gloves using household chemicals;
  • Tobacco smoking;
  • Kidney diseases, liver diseases, fungal infections, psoriasis, nail diseases.

All these reasons negatively affect the condition of the nails and their color. Therefore, you need to minimize the contact of your hands with harmful substances or use special cosmetical tools care If your nails have become yellow due to illness, then even repeated procedures will not help whiten them. In this case, you must definitely consult a doctor and treat the root cause.

How to whiten nails using special cosmetics?

In stores you can find a wide range of nail care products. These are special varnishes with gentle ingredients, strengthening coatings, and whitening agents. Before using any cosmetics, it is recommended to consult a specialist (at least a familiar manicurist) and carefully read the instructions for use.

Before applying any coating, nails must be protected with a base base, which will protect them from the aggressive effects of all components. If a varnish or other care product contains formaldehyde, toluene, nitrocellulose, or dibutyl phthalate, then it is better not to buy it. Your nails will probably turn yellow and you will need long time to restore their health.

How to whiten nails at home?

Store-bought whitening products were previously unavailable. Therefore, our mothers used what was always at hand. Traditional methods of whitening nails at home are still relevant today.

Use these methods to whiten your nails quickly:

  1. Lemon juice- the most effective substance. With its use, you can whiten your nails in a short time. You need to wipe your nail plates with a slice of lemon every day for 5-7 minutes until they turn white.
    If pure juice irritates the skin, then you can dilute it with vegetable oil or add a few drops to hand cream and rub it thoroughly near the nails.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide 3%. It has been used for a very long time, therefore it is one of the leaders among home nail whitening products. To reduce the destructive effect on the plates, it is recommended to add peroxide to glycerin - mix in a ratio of 1 to 5. The procedure is carried out every other day, applied for 3 minutes.
  3. Vegetable oils. Based on them, you can prepare different masks for whitening nail plates.
    Option 1. Add lemon juice (1 tsp) to olive oil (1 tbsp). Rub your nails daily for 5 minutes until you get the expected result.
    Option 2. Mix almond or olive oil(1 tbsp) with a few drops of essential oil. Ylang-ylang, grapefruit, cedar, bergamot, sandalwood, and jojoba oils are excellent whiteners. After the procedure, your nails will not only become whiter, but also stronger.
  4. Vinegar. Suitable only if the skin on your hands is not damaged. Recommended use Apple vinegar. If you don’t have it, you can use regular 9% table water. The substance (1 tsp) is added to warm water (1 tbsp) and hands are kept in this bath for about 5 minutes. If you experience an unpleasant burning sensation, stop the procedure and wash your hands well with soap and water.
  5. Soda. Active whitening agent in home cosmetology.
    Option 1. A small amount of soda (about 1 tbsp) needs to be turned into a paste by adding 3% hydrogen peroxide. The resulting mixture is applied to the nail plates every other day and kept for no more than 7 minutes. It is not recommended to use this method more than 3 times. To enhance the effect, you can use a toothbrush or cotton pad during massaging.
    Option 2: A baking soda bath will also help whiten your nails. Add 1 tsp to 1 glass of water. soda We hold the nails for about 10 minutes, after which we wash them under running water and soap. You can also add a few drops of lemon juice to the bath, then it will be more effective.
  6. Sea salt. This substance is often used in beauty salons for nail care procedures. We can also use it at home to prepare whitening baths. The recipe is simple: add lemon juice or apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp) to warm water (1 tbsp). You need to keep your hands in the bath for about 20 minutes. After this, it is recommended not to wash your hands immediately, but to wait 1-2 hours. Repeat every other day.
  7. Toothpaste. White paste perfectly whitens both teeth and nails. Therefore, we can also use it to quickly whiten nails. Brush your nails with a toothbrush and toothpaste every day for 10 minutes until they become whiter.
    You can add a few drops of lemon juice and peroxide to the paste. First, mix the juice (2 tbsp) with hydrogen peroxide (1 tbsp) in a non-metallic bowl and wait until the mixture finishes foaming. Then add 2 tsp. toothpaste and apply to the nail plates for 10 minutes.

If you feel an unpleasant tingling or burning sensation, then be sure to stop the whitening session. After each procedure, you need to wash your hands under running water and use a moisturizer or nourishing cream. Every folk method Whitening helps to lighten the nail plates equally well, so you can choose any one that you like best.

Prevention is better than any whitening method. Therefore, do not skimp on varnishes and creams, try to enrich your diet with foods high in vitamins and calcium, and take care of your overall health. Then your nails will not be in danger of turning yellow.

Video instruction

The nail plate is subject to daily testing. It is most affected by the use of decorative varnish, direct contact with surfactants (powder, dishwashing liquid, etc.) and smoking. All of these factors destroy and spoil the color of the nail plate. If it is enough to consume vitamins to restore it, then additional care will be required to remove yellowness. Today you can whiten your nails at home with proven folk remedies and special cosmetics.

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Modern “whiteners” for the nail plate

The easiest way to remove yellowness from nails is with the help of special products sold in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. As a rule, they contain natural whitening ingredients. This is citrus juice (most often lemon), a weak concentration of hydrogen peroxide, sea salt or soda. They apply like regular varnish and provide a protective, glossy finish. During the entire time of wearing, the varnish whitens the nails. Usually a day is enough to get rid of the unpleasant yellowness.

In addition to components that whiten nails, cosmetics include vitamins and minerals. They protect the nail plate from drying out and destruction, which threatens it from prolonged use of bleaching agents.

The following companies have good “whiteners” for nails:

Dr. Pierre Ricaud, ESSIE (“Beam Up Instant Nail Whitener”), Sally Hansen (“Insta-Brite Nail Whitener”), Manhattan (“Nail Whitener”), MAYBELLINE (“Salon white”), Platinum, Severina, Star Rain , New dawn*.

*If the name of the cosmetic given by the manufacturer is not indicated in brackets, then it is called as standard: whitening product.

Folk remedies against yellowness

When there is no opportunity or time to buy a special product, you can resort to time-tested methods. They were also used by our grandmothers, who wanted to preserve the beauty and health of their hands, despite the shortage of cosmetics.

Folk remedies whiten nails no less effectively than store-bought ones, but you will have to tinker with them longer. They must be applied once a day until the yellowness disappears. As a rule, 2-3 procedures are enough to achieve the desired effect.

  • Squeeze about 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, soak a cotton swab in it and vigorously wipe each nail plate with it. Wash your hands with soap.
  • In a non-metallic bowl, mix 2 teaspoons baking soda and 1 teaspoon 3% hydrogen peroxide. The consistency of the mixture should be paste-like. Apply it to your nails and leave for a minute, then rinse generously with water.
  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons in a glass of hot water, add a drop of lemon juice (this will enhance the whitening effect of salt). When the water has cooled down a little, dip your nails in it and hold for about 5 minutes. Then be sure to rinse your hands.

After whitening your nails, be sure to take care of their nutrition. To do this, rub fatty cream or vegetable oil into them (absolutely any will do, as long as it is unrefined). If you neglect the final stage, bleaching agents will thin the nail plates, making them weak and thin.

Before you start whitening your nails, you need to understand the reason for their darkening or yellowing. Most often, nails lose their natural shine and change color due to a lack of vitamins in the body. This happens, for example, in the off-season - after a long winter. During this period, the body is already depleting its reserves of vitamins accumulated over the summer and autumn.

Therefore, before making baths, you can start introducing vitamins into your diet. These could be industrial complexes for strengthening and growing nails with calcium and zinc, or there could be products with high content useful microelements – fresh fruits and vegetables. It is advisable to give preference to those products that are rich in vitamin C, as well as those where high content calcium. Additionally, you can take a vitamin-mineral complex, strictly according to the instructions.

Smoking is also a cause of yellowing nails. The tars released from cigarettes are absorbed into the fingertips and nail plates. To stop your nails turning yellow, you need to give up this bad habit. Moreover, it is good for health in general. If you don’t have enough strength for this, then you can opt for electronic cigarettes, which do not emit tar, and therefore do not cause your nails and hands to turn yellow. As an alternative, a mouthpiece that prevents the cigarette filter and hands from touching is also suitable.

The nail plate may darken due to nicotine

An equally popular cause of darkening of the nail plate is household chemicals. During household work that involves the use of cleaning products and detergents, you must always wear rubber gloves. This will preserve not only your nails, but also the skin of your hands. Moreover, this can be done with great benefit. Apply a rich hand cream to your hands, put on cotton gloves and rubber gloves on top. While working around the house, use hot water - this will create a sauna effect. Nails and skin will steam, pores will open, and that’s it. nutrients from the cream will be absorbed faster.

Lovers of bright manicures should always apply a base coat to keep their nails in their natural color. Bright pigments from the varnish are absorbed into the nail plate, which changes its color. It is quite difficult to remove this pigment, but it is possible. To prevent this from happening, in addition to the base for manicure, you also need to follow some rules. First, give your nails a break from polish for at least a day a week. Secondly, do not forget to do nail baths and massage. Thirdly, polish the nail plates with a soft file.

If you are a rabid fan of covering your nails with gel polish, then remember that it, like varnish, does not allow the claws to receive normal air supply. After removing the coating, your nails may change color. You need to be more careful with your manicure: long-term coverage is, of course, beautiful, but not always useful. Give your nails a rest. After gel polish, it may take about a week to restore the health of the nail plates.

Another equally popular cause of darkening and yellowing of nails is fungus. Nail diseases not only make the nail plate an unnatural color, but also destroy the nail structure and interfere with proper growth. It is difficult to cure fungus and other nail diseases on your own; here you need to consult a doctor. Not only for treatment, but also for disease prevention.

And, of course, the condition of the nails is a reflection of what is happening inside a person. So, diseases of the liver and kidneys give yellowness to the nails in the first place. Unfortunately, it is difficult to recognize such diseases on your own; consultation with a specialist is required. During the course of treatment, you can additionally whiten your nails using homemade recipes without resorting to chemicals.

Yellowing nails may be a sign of illness

Having figured out exactly why nails turn yellow, you can begin to whiten them, without compromising your health. Among all the existing methods, homemade ones are distinguished by their ease of use - they can be done at any convenient time. A prerequisite is that there should be no varnish or hardener on the nails, otherwise all procedures are meaningless.

How to whiten nails at home

Naturally, the most popular and well-known method for whitening nails is lemon bleaching. It can be used both as an independent product and as a composition for a nail bath. In the first case, you just need to immerse your nails in lemon pulp for 3-5 minutes. Citric acid gives the free tip of the nails whiteness and shine. The disadvantage of this method is that the skin around the nail plates can be dry. You can rub lemon juice with a cotton swab only into the plates themselves, without touching the skin. After the procedure, you need to apply a nourishing cream to the skin of your hands and nails to prevent overdrying.

In the second case, lemon juice serves as an important component of a nail whitening bath. Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice, a couple of drops of oil (for example, ylang-ylang, aloe or eucalyptus oil) in warm water, mix everything. As an addition, you can add a teaspoon sea ​​salt(no dyes). Immerse both hands, if the size of the container allows, for 10 minutes in the solution. After the procedure, apply a moisturizing and nourishing cream.

This bath will not only whiten your nails, but also make them smooth, shiny and strong. It is enough to carry out the procedure once a week or as needed. It is noted that after the bath the nails become really white, strong and beautiful. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure if there is untreated fungus on the nails.

Another well-known whitening agent for a long time is hydrogen peroxide. Since it has one unpleasant property - irritating the skin of the hands, it should only be used in combination with glycerin. It is available in any pharmacy, and does not cost much. In a small container, mix one teaspoon of glycerin and five teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide (3%, no more). Apply the resulting mixture with a cotton swab to the nail plates, without touching the cuticle and side ridges. Leave on nails for 10 minutes, then rinse with running water at room temperature. At night, you can apply nourishing nail cream.

Nails can be whitened with hydrogen peroxide

An equally popular nail whitening product is toothpaste. With its help, you can whiten not only your teeth, as shown in advertising, but also your nail plates. The only condition is to resort to this method no more than once every two weeks. Modern toothpastes contain several aggressive ingredients that, if used excessively, can destroy the structure of the nails. Apply toothpaste to your nails and rub with a small brush, rinse with warm water. This method also perfectly removes dirt from under nails, as well as fuel oil stains from hands or darkening of the skin after contact with mushrooms (relevant in the autumn).

Baking soda also does a good job of whitening nails. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of sea salt in a container (coarse table salt is also suitable), add half a glass of warm water. Soak your hands in the solution for at least 15 minutes, then rinse with warm running water. This method is suitable for daily use, but only if you regularly apply hand and nail cream.

You can whiten your nails, and at the same time strengthen them and speed up their growth, using pepper paste. To do this, you will need hot ground red pepper (a pinch) and the usual hand cream. Add pepper to a tablespoon of cream, mix everything with a cotton swab (the mixture will turn pinkish-orange), and apply it to your nails without touching the skin. Leave for about 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Red pepper steams the plate, opening all the pores on the nails. Due to the influx of oxygen, nails grow faster, become stronger, and the free tip is whiter. It is not recommended to use this mixture more than once every two weeks.

The method, which was known to our grandmothers, involves the use of berry pulp. Suitable for whitening: cranberries, lingonberries, red currants. Press a handful of any of the listed berries into a container with a pestle, add a tablespoon of water, and mix everything. Soak your nails in the berry mixture for 20 minutes, then simply rinse under warm water. There is no need to apply cream; the berries contain all the necessary microelements that nourish the nails. You can use this mixture every day without harm to the skin and nails.

Berry cream not only whitens, but also nourishes nails

Pharmaceutical chamomile also does a good job of removing yellowness. Its only drawback is that it makes the skin around the nails very dry. To prevent this from happening, you need to pour boiling water over the pharmacy chamomile, let it brew, and then add a teaspoon of oil (vegetable, olive, any other). You need to keep your nails in the bath for about 15 minutes, then just rinse with water and apply a nourishing cream. Pharmaceutical chamomile will not only whiten your nails, but also make them stronger and stronger, accelerate growth and add shine to your nails.

I use olive and vegetable oil not only in the kitchen, but also in cosmetic procedures. So, to whiten nails you will need a tablespoon of any of these oils and a teaspoon of lemon juice. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the nails with a cotton swab in a circular motion without touching the skin. Leave the oil and juice on your nails for 20 minutes, then simply wash off with soap and water. At night you can apply the cream to your hands.

It is not recommended to make baths and mixtures with an aggressive composition (soda, hydrogen peroxide, lemon) if there are small wounds on the skin near the nails. For example, from burrs. This will not only prevent them from healing, but will also further aggravate their condition. But a bath with iodine and sea salt will help heal sores and strengthen your nails. To add a whitening effect to this, you can add a little rose water (a tablespoon), which is available in pharmacies or nail shops. Then the bath will not only be therapeutic, but also brightening.

Nail baths should not harm the skin of your hands

Industrial nail whitening products

Of course, home remedies compare favorably with those produced by various cosmetic companies. However, among industrial products there are those that really effectively cope with their task without causing damage to the nails.

One such product is Essie's Beam up. Its appeal is that it almost instantly removes yellowness from nails. Moreover, it is ideal for daily use. Not to mention that it can be used as a base for manicure. The consistency of this is a clear nail polish that dries very quickly.

Oriflame also boasts one product in its nail care line - Nail Whitener. This is a water-based solution that is quickly absorbed and does not require special manipulation. It is simply applied to the nails with a brush and left until completely absorbed. The composition contains the same lemon juice and aloe vera oil, which not only give your nails a natural White color, but also strengthen them.

The “Mava-white” product has one amazing property - it hides yellowness and at the same time cures it. The Mavala company created this product, similar in consistency to varnish, with a brush for ease of use. It is noteworthy that the titanium oxide included in the composition not only whitens the nail plates, but also gives them radiance and shine, strength and strength. This is a universal product that can be applied as a base for a manicure.

The SEVERINA company also has a nail whitening agent in its arsenal, which does not cost too much (around 60 rubles). It not only whitens nails, but also strengthens them and makes them healthier, but only with regular use. The effect is noticeable after two or three uses. In addition, this product can be used as a base for varnish, as well as as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

Professional cosmetics - quick way whiten nails

An equally popular budget product is a product from the company Sally Hansen. It's called Insta-Brite Nail Whitener. Its advantage is that it acts not only as a nail whitener, but also as an independent nail coating. It provides protection from ultraviolet rays and also protects nails from absorbing pigments from bright varnishes. In addition, customers have noted that the varnish applied to this base coat lasts several days longer than usual. You can whiten your nails daily, alternating with homemade masks and baths.

And, of course, the most popular nail whitening product is a whitening pencil. It is available in pharmacies, cosmetic stores, as well as in specialized nail service stores under various brands. The advantage of this product is the rapid whitening of nails. This is an ideal product when you need to instantly get your nails in order. Before a date, for example. The only drawback is that the whitening pencil does not eliminate the cause of yellowness, but simply removes it temporarily.

Whatever your choice, you should always look for the reason for the appearance of yellowness and darkening on the nails. By eliminating them, you will automatically give your nails a natural color and whiteness. For nail care products, it is still better to rely on homemade recipes, since they do not contain unnecessary chemical fillers that can harm the nails. Beware of counterfeits of industrial nail whitening products. They can destroy the nail plate, making it brittle and brittle, not to mention that they are unlikely to whiten the nails.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 11 minutes


Have you recently discovered yellow nails on your hands and are looking for ways to get rid of yellow nails? Don't rush to use varnish to cover up an unpleasant color. In some cases, yellowness on the nails can “tell” about serious diseases, so you first need to find the cause of the yellowing of the nails.

If you are healthy, then they will help you deal with the yellowness of your fingernails or toenails. folk methods for home nail whitening.

Yellow fingernails: causes of yellow nails – when to see a doctor?

In addition to external factors (use of varnish of dubious quality, household chemicals, etc.) affecting the condition and color of nails, yellowed nails can be a consequence of internal diseases human body.

If your fingernails turn yellow, then your body may have:

  • liver, lung or kidney problems;
  • disruption of the endocrine (hormonal) and cardiovascular systems;
  • metabolic problems caused by a lack of vitamins and microelements.

Smoking, long-term medication use, nail fungus – also causes of yellow fingernails.

In addition, there is a rare disease called yellow nail syndrome " The first sign of the disease is a change in the color of the nails to yellow, then lymphedema forms in various parts of the body. With this disease, nails almost completely stop growing. Yellow nail syndrome in its advanced state takes a very long time to treat.

Yellow nails are just the “tip of the iceberg” - a small part of some big problem. And, if you don’t pay attention to this “first bell,” then yellowing of the nail will be followed by yellowing. thickening and change in shape . Then the nail will peel off , which will subsequently lead to complete destruction of the nail plate.

To make sure that with internal organs Everything is fine, or confirm your guesses about the alleged disease, you need to:

  • undergo a fluorographic examination;
  • take a general blood test;
  • visit an endocrinologist.

7 effective ways to get rid of yellow nails and whiten nails at home

Once you are sure that yellow nails are not the result of a serious illness and your health is in order, you can remove yellowness from your nails using home whitening.

But first:

  • change detergents to others or wear gloves when using them;
  • quit smoking (at least for a short time) and see how not only the color of your nails, but also your skin in general changes;
  • temporarily eliminate nail polishes.

After this, to quickly and actively restore healthy nail color, you can use traditional methods of nail whitening.

Home remedies to eliminate yellow nails:

  • Rubbing your nails with lemon juice
    The most popular, proven and effective method. Lemon juice contains many vitamins and minerals.

    Rubbing the nail plates with lemon juice daily (3-4 times a day) will help get rid of the yellow color of the nails and saturate them with useful substances.

  • Chamomile decoction
    As you know, chamomile is a good antiseptic. Baths made from a decoction of chamomile flowers, which contain essential oils and vitamins, will bring your yellow nails to their normal natural state.

    Why you need to brew chamomile infusion: pour boiling water (250 ml) over a couple of tablespoons of flowers and leave for half an hour. Then dilute with water (0.5 liters) and hold your hands in the resulting broth for 20 minutes.
  • Salt baths
    Baths with sea salt and the addition of various essential oils (tea tree, bergamot, sandalwood, eucalyptus), in addition to whitening, will restore lost strength to nails.

  • Nail mask
    To whiten your nails at home using a mask, you will need: grapefruit seed extract (purchased at the pharmacy), olive or sunflower oil.

    Add five drops of grapefruit seed extract to one tablespoon of oil. Apply the resulting mixture to your nails approximately 3-4 times a day.
  • Paste
    It is possible to remove yellowness from nails using 2 tablespoons of baking soda mixed with one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. The result should be a paste-like mixture, which must be applied to the nails and left for about five minutes.

    This is an effective, but not particularly gentle method. Therefore, it should be used very rarely special cases when you urgently need to remove yellowness from your nails - and there is absolutely no time for long masks and baths.
  • Berries
    Cranberries, red, black currants, in chemical composition which include pectin substances, organic acids and vitamins, have a disinfectant effect and a whitening effect. The big advantage of these berries is that berries that were frozen do not lose their properties after defrosting.

    Mash fresh or defrosted berries with a fork until smooth and apply the paste to your nails. Leave the crushed berries on your nails for 5-7 minutes and then rinse with water.
  • Whitening serums
    If you don’t want to bother with preparing various masks, pastes and decoctions, you can simply purchase a whitening serum, a ready-made whitening mask, special pencils or whitening tablets that contain citric acid, chamomile and rosemary extracts and promote recovery natural color nails

    The market offers a fairly large selection of drugs and nail whitening products, but it is best to purchase them in pharmacies or stores specializing in cosmetics.
  • Poor condition of nails is a signal that tells you information about the state of the body , warning: something is wrong.

    Therefore, before masking yellow fingernails with external influences, you need to heal the body from the inside: saturate with vitamins and minerals .