Will there be an alien invasion? Alien invasion. Psychic says it's inevitable

Trailer for the film "Edge of Tomorrow"

A NASA research probe returns to Earth, its mission to search for extraterrestrial life in remote corners solar system. The probe makes an emergency landing in Mexico, and strange creatures emerge from it to the surface. They destroy everyone who gets in their way. Among other things, a virus was hidden in the probe, which, after a hard landing, ends up in the atmosphere of our planet.

Trailer for the film "Monsters"

An unidentified cosmic body is rapidly approaching the Earth, which turns out to be a spaceship that looks like a shining sphere. The ship lands in New York's Central Park. To inform people about the coming End of the World, a representative of the alien civilization Klaatu was sent to Earth. According to the aliens, people are waging too many wars, which over time could lead to the death of the Earth. Since there are few planets in space that are potentially suitable for life, Klaatu gives people time to reform. If they fail to do this, humanity will be destroyed.

Still from the film “The Day the Earth Stood Still”

The events of this film by the director begin on July 2, 1996, when a giant spaceship approaches our planet. With the help of smaller ships, the aliens begin an attack on the largest cities in the world: Moscow, New York, Washington, Berlin, Rome and others. Absolutely everything burns in the hot plasma - people, buildings and equipment. Attempts to destroy the aliens turn out to be a failure - the alien ships are invulnerable to earthly weapons. Now several brave Americans will have to save the planet at once, led by the president himself.

Trailer for the film "Independence Day"

One fine and warm evening, New York is rocked by a series of explosions and the lights go out in the city. When a cheerful group celebrating a friend’s promotion runs out onto the roof of the house in a panic, it becomes clear that a strange-looking creature has attacked the Earth. There is panic all around, the army cannot do anything to oppose this monster - there is only one thing left: to flee. In this turmoil main character– Rob – decides to go after the girl in trouble. The director of the film was , and the producer was . The film is shot in the "found footage" genre from the first person.

Trailer for the movie "Monstro"

Aliens arriving from Mars land on Earth. They are going to destroy humanity, as well as all their heritage. The largest cities in the United States are destroyed by powerful explosions, and the number of small and evil green creatures is increasing every hour. The US President orders urgent measures to restore order, but the military, subordinate to the head of state, has its own opinion about what is happening. One of the responsible generals believes that the aliens should be sent to Mars, and the second thinks that it is better to establish friendly relations with them.

Trailer for the film “Mars Attacks!”

The film is based on the board game of the same name. A NASA research station is sending signals into space - scientists are confident that the exoplanet closest to Earth may harbor intelligent life forms. This signal is intercepted by five alien ships, which then head towards our planet. Four of them land in Pacific Ocean, where international naval exercises were taking place at the time. In order to calmly dig in, the aliens cover the Hawaiian Islands, as well as the sea surrounding them, with an extended impenetrable dome. The aliens' task is to convey a signal to their fellows that the Earth is ready for colonization, as well as to suppress possible resistance from local residents.

Movie trailer " Sea battle»

The film is based on the novel of the same name. Ray Ferrier works on the New York docks. He has two children, but he is separated from his wife. Now, according to a court decision, he can only see them on weekends. On one of the usual weekends, the Earth is attacked by aliens who have been observing the life of mankind for many years, looking for an opportune moment for a deadly attack. Frightening giant machines spread death around - people simply evaporate after being hit by a beam that looks like lightning. Ray, who is trapped with his children, must find a way to survive this Judgment Day.

Trailer for the film "War of the Worlds"

Thousands of aliens live on Earth secretly from ordinary people. After the first contact, which took place in the middle of the 20th century, a secret organization was created on the planet calling itself “Men in Black” - the Bureau for Cooperation with Extraterrestrials. Thanks to guests from other planets, the bureau acquired various gadgets that allow them to interact with aliens, as well as help hide their existence from humanity. A veteran of the organization, Agent Kay, is looking for a new partner, who he offers to become a local police officer, James Edwards, who managed to catch up with the alien.

Trailer for the film "Men in Black"

The first part of the film series. The film is based on the animated series of the same name, as well as toys created by Hasbro. The film tells about the war between the Autobots and Decepticons - aliens from the planet Cybertron, who by chance ended up on Earth. Their mission is to find the so-called Great Spark, which is the source of life for giant robots. The Autobots learn that the leader of the Decepticons, Megatron, was the first to discover the trace of a powerful artifact, but was never able to get out of the planet. A squad of Autobots heads to Earth to stop their enemies - where people come to their aid.

Trailer for the film "Transformers"

The film takes place in 2135. By this time, humanity had survived two invasions by an alien race, nicknamed “bugs” due to their resemblance to insects. Now preparations are underway for a new attack, which will happen sooner or later. New pilots capable of withstanding a mortal threat are sought among children, since their minds are not burdened by anything extraneous. On Earth, Ender Wiggin is studying in a special military school, destined to become humanity's last hope for salvation.

Trailer for the film "Ender's Game"

A squad of commandos played by Alan Schaeffer is sent to the jungles of Central America to rescue a high-ranking official and his colleagues from rebel captivity. There, professional soldiers encounter a mysterious hunter who, for his own pleasure, kills people one by one. Gradually, the squad realizes that this is a creature of unearthly origin and that in order to resist it they will have to avoid technological innovations, resorting to primitive tricks.

Trailer for the film "Predator"

In April 2011, objects that on Earth were mistaken for meteorites fell on our planet. Later it becomes clear that these are not space stones, but alien ships. An alien race begins a large-scale offensive, planning to completely destroy humanity. The film tells the story of the confrontation with the invaders of the Marines who are trying to keep Los Angeles from aliens.

Trailer for the film "Alien Invasion: Battle of Los Angeles"

Near future. Our planet survived an invasion by aliens who destroyed the Moon before attacking humanity. This, in turn, caused various natural disasters to occur on Earth. The invasion was repulsed with the help of nuclear weapons, the use of which resulted in the destruction of almost all cities. It became impossible to live on the planet. Earthlings moved to the Teth space station, and then to the satellite of the planet Saturn - Titan. Stations specially created by humanity remained on Earth, with the help sea ​​water producing thermonuclear energy. The stations are guarded by combat drones. To serve them, an observation post was built on the planet, whose employees were former Marine Jack Harper and signalman Victoria.

Trailer for the film "Oblivion"

Aliens are attacking Earth again, but this time they appear before humanity in the form of classic heroes computer games of the past. The American government is gathering a squad of former gamers. The president of the school himself has to take the lead of this unusual team, along with whom a dwarf, a paranoid and an eternal loser will resist the invaders.

Trailer for the film "Pixels"

Updated 09.03.2019

Not everyone benefits from human evolution. Alien invasion into the development of the human race became possible for the following reasons:

  1. Extremely increased level negativity on Earth.
  2. The invasion of alien malicious structures has become practically unhindered due to the increase in the number of so-called human guides, people who use alcohol and psychotropic drugs.
  3. The unification and commonwealth of aliens with part of the population serving directly.

Invasion of alien structures. Part 1

Hidden Enemy

It is known that at the moment of painful mental and physical experiences, a person throws into space a colossal amount of special energy (gavvaha), which is collected by aliens using special technologies. Such energy serves as food for these creatures.

This energy is released especially for a long time and a lot at the moment of death and the subsequent decomposition of the remains. We were artificially instilled with a similar method of getting rid of the bodies of the dead in order to feed on us for as long as possible. By the way, lifespan is also regulated by aliens in a direction that is unfavorable for us.

Previously, they lived for a thousand years or more (in Atlantis), but the destroyed ecology, artificial and harmful products nutrition, decline in morals, chemtrails, departure from the natural path of development have turned the entity called man into a painful and pathetic creature in its aspirations.

Control occurs from the astral space, which human vision is not capable of perceiving.. The noosphere (information space) is filled with destructive and immoral content. An artificial frequency barrier is created, extinguishing most brain impulses, destructively changing human DNA; there is a blocking of access to information coming from the soul and various collective levels of consciousness.

Every day, every person undergoes mental cleansing, i.e. At the moment of sleep, our memory is partially erased and over time we are no longer able to remember certain things. As a result, when trying to chronologically reproduce the path of life, nothing meaningful comes out - everything is confused and it is impossible to distinguish between what is contrived and what happened in reality, perception becomes kaleidoscopic (clip-like).

Invasion of alien structures. Part 2

The Enemy's Hidden Ally

False values ​​are introduced into our consciousness, destroying the body, mind, and society. With the help of technical devices (electrical appliances, gadgets, computers) we are blocked from the energies of space and the messages of allied civilizations.

Alien Invasion is directly connected with the secret world government, which, in exchange for new advanced technologies (these are advanced for us, but long outdated for aliens), allows them to kidnap people with impunity and conduct genetic experiments on them, and also participates in the plunder natural resources for the purpose of power and profit.

In 1930, the American government launched a secret project to develop invisible planes and aircraft, in which the brightest minds of that time participated: Tesla, Einstein, von Neumann and others. The Zetas (a race of aliens) shared technologies that made objects invisible from radar, helped “ allies" in WWII, discovered the secret of teleportation and much more.

But the goal they actually pursued was to create a cosmic conflict that would alter the Earth's energy grid to cause a space-time rift that would allow unhindered and final takeover of the planet and all its contents. Already, throughout the planet there are many alien bases of enormous size (up to 250,000 sq. km) at a depth of up to 240 km under the Earth.

Access to such bases is primarily underwater or through a labyrinth of complex tunnels. Each base employs people from the surface and about 150 thousand humanoids who ensure the safety of underground work.

Humanoids are specially grown in chambers for up to twenty years and after that they do not change in appearance. The peculiarity of their structure is that a crystal implant is built at the base of the skull, which does not allow a mature soul to move into the body; Only undeveloped or lost souls are admitted. By nature, they are overly aggressive and ruthless. Since the alien races act together not only among themselves, but also in alliance with the Secret World Government, they get away with everything.

What's the outcome

Light Space Force They help people as much as they can, but Cosmic Law prohibits direct interference in the problems of earthlings, as this will harm the evolution of our souls. Moreover, it is not advisable to do this at the final stage of the quantum transition, when the issue is about to be resolved.

Each of us has only two ways to develop the plot, but everyone needs to make a choice on their own. Having chosen the path of the spirit, the person transforms into a representative of the new root, sixth human race and learns all the splendor of the subtle plans.

One cannot envy the one who has chosen a different path - he will have to begin his descent down the ladder of degradation until someone or something intervenes in the process. Three-dimensional space on Earth is doomed. A chain of terrifying events, as if in a spiral, will tighten around the necks of the last representatives of the fifth root race, as in the case of Atlantis (the fourth root race).

Looking at the night, dotted bright stars sky, everyone at least once thought about what is there, in the Universe, where a person simply cannot get. Various theories arise, but the most common is the theory about extraterrestrial inhabitants who are intellectually superior to humans by many times. The topic could not help but touch on cinema. Here are alien invasion movies, a list of the best.

Alien Invasion: Battle for Los Angeles (2011)
Suddenly, a threat hung over the city of Los Angeles and the entire Earth. The government comes to the conclusion that alien creatures are trying to colonize them. An alien civilization destroys all life in its path. People are forced to fight for existence, races fight for survival. A large-scale battle has begun around the world. A detachment of Marines is faced with the task of liberating Los Angeles no matter what.

Alien Invasion: Battle for Los Angeles / Battle Los Angeles (2011)

Genre: fantasy, action
Budget: $70 000 000
Premiere (world): March 8, 2011
Premiere (Russian Federation): March 11, 2011, "WDSSPR"
A country: USA

Starring: Aaron Eckhart, Michelle Rodriguez, Bridget Moynahan, Michael Peña, Ramon Rodriguez, Will Rothaar, Corey Hardrict, Jim Parrack, Gino Anthony Pesi, Ne-Yo

The Avengers (2012)
Brief summary of the adventure film. Loki, Thor's half-brother, returns, and this time he is not alone. The earth is on the verge of enslavement, and only the best of the best can save humanity. Nick Fury, head of the international organization S.H.I.E.L.D., gathers outstanding champions of justice and goodness to repel the attack. Led by Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Hawkeye and Black Widow go to war against the invader.

The Avengers (2012)

Genre: science fiction, fantasy, action, adventure
Budget: $220 000 000
Premiere (world): April 11, 2012
Premiere (Russian Federation): May 3, 2012, “WDSSPR”3D
A country: USA

Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, Clark Gregg, Cobie Smulders

Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
The film takes place in the near future, when a race of aliens attacks the Earth. Having destroyed everything in their path and taken millions of human lives, they were ready to conduct a final battle that would destroy humanity forever. Realizing that this was their last chance to survive, people pooled all their forces and threw them into the fight against the conquerors. Colonel Bill Cage, who has never been on the battlefield, also takes part in this battle. He dies within minutes of the fight.

Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

Budget: $178 000 000
Premiere (world): May 28, 2014
Premiere (Russian Federation): June 5, 2014, “Karo-Premier”3D
A country: USA, Canada

Starring: Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton, Brendan Gleeson, Noah Taylor, Jonas Armstrong, Tony Way, Kick Harry, Franz Dramech, Dragomir Mrsic

Independence Day (1996)
A huge alien ship approached our planet on July 2. Small ships separated from it and entered the Earth's atmosphere, and now no one knows what to expect from this visit. However, it soon becomes clear that the aliens did not come with peaceful intentions, and at night the ships begin mass destruction of the largest cities in the world. Huge waves of hot plasma destroy everything in its path: cars, factories, buildings, people. The next day, the US Air Force attempts to attack the alien ships.

Independence Day (1996)

Genre: fantasy, action, adventure
Budget: $75 000 000
Premiere (world): June 25, 1996
A country: USA

Starring: Will Smith, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman, Mary McDonnell, Judd Hirsch, Robert Loggia, Randy Quaid, Margaret Colin, Vivica A. Fox, James Rebhorn

Transformers (2007)
For many centuries, two races of robotic aliens - the Autobots and the Decepticons - waged a war in which the fate of the Universe was at stake. And now the war has reached the Earth. At a time when the forces of evil are looking for the key to supreme power, our last chance for salvation lies in the hands of a young earthling. The only thing that stands between the evil Decepticons and the higher authorities is the key, which is in the hands of a simple boy. An ordinary teenager, Sam Witwicky is preoccupied with everyday worries - school, friends, cars, girls.

Transformers / Transformers (2007)

Genre: fantasy, action
Budget: $150 000 000
Premiere (world): June 12, 2007
Premiere (Russian Federation): July 4, 2007, UPI
A country: USA

Starring: Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, Rachael Taylor, Anthony Anderson, Jon Voight, Kevin Dunn, Julie White

Battleship (2012)
For many years, humanity has been sending signals into space and waiting for a response from alien civilizations. But there is always a possibility that the aliens may not be friendly to Earthlings and we are in vain trying to meet them. After the report of Edgar Mitchell, a NASA astronaut, in 2009 in Washington, the world realized that there was indisputable evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life. Contact became inevitable and soon took place, but as skeptics feared, the aliens turned out to be extremely aggressive.

Battleship (2012)

Budget: $209 000 000
Premiere (world): April 3, 2012
Premiere (Russian Federation): April 19, 2012, UPI
A country: USA

Starring: Taylor Kitsch, Tadanobu Asano, Brooklyn Decker, Rihanna, Liam Neeson, Alexander Skarsgård, Jesse Plemons, Gregory D. Gadson, Hamish Linklater, John Twohy

Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)
Twenty years have passed since the first alien attack on our planet. Humanity has not yet fully recovered from those terrible events, but was able to master alien technologies, on the basis of which a new Earth defense system was created. Part of this system is deployed on the Moon, where there is also a secret military base. Dylan, the son of Stephen Hiller, who died several years ago, joined the army and became a fighter pilot. The military leadership is confident that the aliens, leaving our planet, left a beacon on it.

Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)

Genre: fantasy, action, adventure
Budget: $200 000 000
Premiere (world): June 20, 2016
Premiere (Russian Federation): June 23, 2016, “Twentieth Century Fox CIS” 3D
A country: USA

Starring: Joey King, Maika Monroe, Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum, Vivica A. Fox, Bill Pullman, Jesse Usher, William Fichtner, Brent Spiner, Charlotte Gainsbourg

Cowboys & Aliens (2011)
1873, Absolution, Arizona. A stranger who has lost his memory arrives in this remote American province. The only hint of his past is the strange shackles on one of his wrists. The wanderer quickly learns that the residents of the town are not welcoming to strangers, and in general they only go out onto the streets on the orders of Colonel Dolarhyde, who rules the area with an iron fist. Soon the strange behavior of the residents is explained. Periodically, terrifying creatures fall from the sky and take everything.

Cowboys & Aliens (2011)

Genre: fantasy, action, thriller, western
Budget: $163 000 000
Premiere (world): July 29, 2011
Premiere (Russian Federation): August 11, 2011, “Central Partnership”
A country: USA

Starring: Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, Olivia Wilde, Sam Rockwell, Adam Beach, Paul Dano, Noah Ringer, Keith Carradine, Raoul Trujillo, Clancy Brown

Scary Movie 4 (2006)
Journalist Cindy Campbell is still reeling from the terrible events that happened to her recently. To change the situation, she gets a job as a nurse for an elderly woman. Soon Cindy meets her widowed neighbor Tom Ryan and falls in love with him. It would seem that life is starting to get better, when suddenly aliens land on Earth and want to destroy all of humanity. Tom and Cindy engage in a desperate battle with the aliens...

Scary Movie 4 (2006)

Genre: horror, comedy
Budget: $45 000 000
Premiere (world): April 12, 2006
Premiere (Russian Federation): April 13, 2006, "Cascade"
A country: USA

Starring: Anna Faris, Regina Hall, Craig Bierko, Bill Pullman, Anthony Anderson, Leslie Nielsen, Molly Shannon, Michael Madsen, Chris Elliott, Carmen Electra

Pixels (2015)
Another alien invasion of Earth... You say: “What could be more banal?!” Yes, if this time they had not appeared in the form of heroes of universally popular computer games. A team of former gamers is called upon to fight the aliens, including: the President of the United States of America; a dwarf prisoner, a great connoisseur of the fair sex; a paranoid bore who firmly believes in the theory of a universal conspiracy; a professional loser and cynic who showed great promise as a child.

Pixels (2015)

Genre: cartoon, science fiction, action, comedy
Budget: $88 000 000
Premiere (world): July 16, 2015
Premiere (Russian Federation): July 23, 2015, “WDSSPR”3D
A country: USA, China, Canada

Starring: Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Michelle Monaghan, Peter Dinklage, Josh Gad, Brian Cox, Matthew Lintz, Sean Bean, Jane Krakowski, Dan Aykroyd

Ender's Game (2013)
Brief summary of a science fiction film. The action takes place in 2135. Humanity has survived two invasions by the alien race of “bugs”, only miraculously surviving, and is preparing for the next invasion. To search for pilots and military leaders capable of bringing victory to Earth, a military school is created, to which the most talented children are sent. Among these children is Andrew (Ender) Wiggin, the future commander of the International Earth Fleet and humanity's only hope for salvation.

Ender's Game (2013)

Genre: fantasy, action
Budget: $110 000 000
Premiere (world): October 24, 2013
Premiere (Russian Federation): October 31, 2013, "West"
A country: USA

Starring: Asa Butterfield, Harrison Ford, Ben Kingsley, Viola Davis, Hailee Steinfeld, Abigail Breslin, Aramis Knight, Suraj Partha, Moises Arias, Kailyn Rambeau

Mars attacks! (1996)
Our planet has undergone a monstrous attack. The Martians, passionless and soulless beings, these little green creatures, land in the desert from their spaceships and then advance in all directions. Metropolitan Washington, Las Vegas and other cities are shaken by powerful explosions, the destruction is endless... The US President calls on the command of his armed forces to take action, but the opinions of the commanders themselves and the two generals are divided.

Mars attacks! /Mars Attacks! (1996)

Genre: fantasy, comedy
Budget: $70 000 000
Premiere (world): December 12, 1996
A country: USA

Starring: Jack Nicholson, Glenn Close, Annette Bening, Pierce Brosnan, Danny DeVito, Martin Short, Sarah Jessica Parker, Michael J. Fox, Rod Steiger, Tom Jones

5th wave (2016)
An alien ship with aliens, whom people nicknamed “Others,” hovered above our planet. Their main goal is to destroy humanity and take over the planet, and they will not stop until they achieve their goal. The first thing they did was turn off the electricity and plunge our world into darkness; then the aliens took over big cities, having previously destroyed them to the ground; the third wave was an incurable virus that took the lives of most people on Earth; after all this, they descended to Earth and began to destroy those who managed to survive.

The 5th Wave (2016)

Genre: fantasy, action, thriller, adventure
Budget: $38 000 000
Premiere (world): January 14, 2016
Premiere (Russian Federation): January 21, 2016, "WDSSPR"
A country: USA

Starring: Chloe Grace Moretz, Nick J. Robinson, Ron Livingston, Maggie Siff, Alex Rowe, Maria Bello, Maika Monroe, Liev Schreiber, Zachary Arthur, Tony Revolori


Signs (2002)
Life never spoiled farmer Graham Hess with amazing events and incidents. Exactly until the day when he saw that his cornfield was dotted with incomprehensible, giant signs of crushed stalks. Residents of a small town in Pennsylvania are trying to find a solution to this phenomenon. But no one craves to find it more passionately than the farmer himself, because the fantastic events taking place in his field challenge everything he knows and believes in in this world.

Signs (2002)

Genre: fantasy, thriller, drama
Budget: $72 000 000
Premiere (world): July 29, 2002
Premiere (Russian Federation): October 17, 2002, "Cascade"
A country: USA

Starring: Mel Gibson, Joaquin Phoenix, Rory Culkin, Abigail Breslin, Cherry Jones, M. Night Shyamalan, Patricia Caelember, Ted Sutton, Merritt Weaver, Lanny Flaherty

The Gendarme and the Aliens (1978)
All earthly enemies have already been defeated by the fearless detachment of gendarmes and their sergeant Cruchot. All that remains is to measure your strength with the aliens. And they actually land in the vicinity of Saint-Tropez. Cunning creatures do not appear in their true evil form. They take on the appearance of the gendarmes themselves, differing from people only in that they drink oil and rust from water... This leads to countless comic situations and it is unknown what would have happened to the earth if it were not for the idiotic courage of Sergeant Cruchot.

The gendarme and the aliens / Le gendarme et les extra-terrestres (1978)

Genre: fantasy, comedy, crime
Premiere (world): January 31, 1979
A country: France

Starring: Louis de Funes, Michel Galabrew, Maurice Riche, Jean-Pierre Rambal, Guy Grosso, Michel Modo, France Rumilli, Jean-Roger Cossimon, Mario David, Jacques Francois

Men in Black (1997)
Aliens are secretly living on our planet. To resolve issues of their protection, a bureau of cooperation with extraterrestrials has been created. Earthling agents have modern technology for interacting with aliens. Bureau veteran Agent Kay recruits police officer James Edwards. A newcomer to the bureau receives the code name Jay. Agents receive a case about a representative of the race of “beetles” invaders - an illegal alien. The Beetle, which has possessed the driver Edgar, mercilessly kills everyone in its path.

Men in Black (1997)

Genre: fantasy, comedy
Budget: $90 000 000
Premiere (world): July 2, 1997
A country: USA

Starring: Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Vincent D'Onofrio, Linda Fiorentino, Rip Torn, Tony Shalhoub, Siobhan Fallon, Mike Nussbaum, Jon Gries, Fredrik Lehne

Starship Troopers (1997)
In the new millennium, mortal danger looms over humanity. Countless hordes of giant intelligent beetles from the distant planetary system Klendat threaten all life in the universe. Elite unit soldier Johnny Rico and pilot Carmen, as part of the Earthling Starship on the space warship Ticonderoga, are sent into the ominous depths of space to decide the fate of the Earth in the final decisive battle. In their hands are the most modern weapons and the future of the human race.

Starship Troopers (1997)

Genre: fantasy, action
Budget: $105 000 000
Premiere (world): November 4, 1997
A country: USA

Starring: Casper Van Dien, Denise Richards, Dina Meyer, Neil Patrick Harris, Jake Busey, Clancy Brown, Michael Ironside, Patrick Muldoon, Seth Gilliam, Rue McClanahan

Gender: X-Files (2011)
Brief summary of the film "Gender: The Secret Material". Two English geeks go to one of the most significant fan events in the field of fantasy - the ComicCon convention in America. Along the way, not far from the famous Area 51, they meet an escaped alien named Paul, who asks for help getting him home. While trying to escape government agents, the heroes accidentally kidnap a woman and stumble upon a stoned witness to Paul's emergency landing on Earth.

Gender: Secret Material / Paul (2011)

Genre: fantasy, comedy, adventure
Budget: $40 000 000
Premiere (world): February 14, 2011
Premiere (Russian Federation): March 24, 2011, UPI
A country: USA, UK

Starring: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Seth Rogen, Kristen Wiig, Jason Bateman, Sigourney Weaver, Bill Hader, Joe Lo Truglio, Blythe Danner, John Carroll Lynch

The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
In the midst cold war A flying saucer lands in Washington: the envoy Klaatu and his powerful robot Gort, delegated by the federation of planets, arrive in it to deliver an ultimatum to the peoples of Earth to stop nuclear testing. Panicked military personnel open fire on the spaceship and wound the envoy. Klaatu realizes that the only way to come to an agreement with earthlings is to get to know them from the inside: he escapes from the hospital and begins his own exploration of the planet.

The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

Genre: fantastic
Budget: $1 200 000
Premiere (world): September 18, 1951
A country: USA

Starring: Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, Hugh Marlowe, Sam Jaffe, Billy Gray, Frances Bavier, Locke Martin, Patrick Ahern, Walter Bacon, Rema Bai

Falling Skies (TV series 2011 – 2015) (2011)
As a result of an alien invasion of Earth, one of the sons of history professor Tom Mason is captured and his wife dies. She turned out to be one of the millions of people who died at the hands of aliens. People who were lucky enough to survive join partisan detachments and unite to resist the invaders. In the TV series Falling Skies, the Earth is attacked by two types of aliens - the upright, well-armed Mechs robots and the insect-like Skitters.

Falling Skies (TV series 2011 – 2015) / Falling Skies (2011)

Genre: fantasy, action, thriller
Premiere (world): June 19, 2011
A country: USA, Canada

Starring: Noah Wylie, Moon Bloodgood, Drew Roy, Connor Jessup, Maxim Knight, Seychelle Gabriel, Will Patton, Sarah Carter, Colin Cunningham, Peter Shinkoda

War of the Worlds (2005)
No one would believe at the beginning of the 21st century that everything that happens on Earth is vigilantly and attentively monitored by beings more developed than humans; that while people went about their business, they were examined and studied. With endless complacency people scurried all over to the globe, busy with their affairs, confident in their power over matter. Meanwhile, through the abyss of space, creatures with a highly developed, cold, insensitive intellect looked at the Earth with eyes full of envy.

War of the Worlds (2005)

Genre: fantasy, thriller, adventure
Budget: $132 000 000
Premiere (world): June 13, 2005
Premiere (Russian Federation): June 29, 2005, "UIP"
A country: USA

Starring: Tom Cruise, Dakota Fanning, Miranda Otto, Justin Chatwin, Tim Robbins, Rick Gonzalez, Yul Vasquez, Lenny Venito, Lisa Ann Walter, Ann Robinson

The Invaders (TV series 1967 – 1968) (1967)
The hero of the series “Invaders,” architect David Vincent, was returning home after a hard day. He stopped the car in an old ghost town to take a break. But at night he was suddenly awakened by something: he saw a strange object landing on the ground in front of his eyes. From now on, David will have to convince a skeptical world that an alien invasion of Earth has begun. Aliens are creatures from a dying planet who have unique knowledge in science and have weapons of incredible power.

The Invaders (TV series 1967 – 1968) / The Invaders (1967)

Genre: fantasy, thriller, drama
Premiere (world): January 17, 1967
A country: USA

Starring: Roy Thinnes, Kent Smith, Mark Russell, Max Kleven, William Windom, Lyn McCarthy, Alfred Ryder, Michael Rennie, Anthony Isley, Diana Hyland

Dark Skies (2013)
Strange things begin to happen in an ordinary suburban family. Electronic devices turn off for no reason. Children find dead birds everywhere. Their home is infiltrated by alien creatures who, for some reason, are keeping an eye on the family. The more strange, mystical things begin to happen in the house, the faster it becomes clear: mysterious creatures who have flown from another planet in search of a new life are hunting the children living there.

Dark Skies (2013)

Genre: horror, fantasy, thriller
Budget: $3 500 000
Premiere (world): February 21, 2013
Premiere (Russian Federation): February 21, 2013, “Top Film Distribution”
A country: USA

Starring: Keri Russell, Josh Hamilton, Dakota Goyo, Kaydan Rockett, J.K. Simmons, L.J. Benet, Rich Hutchman, Mindy Crist, Annie Thurman, Jake Brennan

Phantom (2011)
The events of the film take place in Moscow. Two friends, Ben and Sean, come to the capital to present a new online service. However, their idea was stolen. The guys go to the club. There they meet Anne and Natalie, American tourists. Here the guys also discovered a guy named Skyler, who stole their idea. But unexpectedly the fun of the young people was interrupted by a global shutdown of all electrical appliances and the complete disappearance of electricity. When our heroes took to the streets.

Phantom (2011)

Genre: fantasy, thriller
Budget: $30 000 000
Premiere (world): December 22, 2011
Premiere (Russian Federation): December 22, 2011, “Twentieth Century Fox CIS” 3D
A country: USA, Russia

Starring: Emile Hirsch, Olivia Thirlby, Max Minghella, Rachel Taylor, Joel Kinnaman, Veronica Vernadskaya, Dato Bakhtadze, Gosha Kutsenko, Nikolay Efremov, Georgy Gromov

Skyline (2010)
A group of friends after a late party wakes up to a bright light shining through the window. It turned out that huge spaceships were hovering over the city, pulling many people inside. Friends decide to immediately leave the city. The next day, the US military tries to attack the aliens, but the bombers and drones are powerless against the aliens. Even after one of the alien ships was shot down.

Skyline / Skyline (2010)

Genre: fantasy, action, thriller
Budget: $10 000 000
Premiere (world): November 11, 2010
Premiere (Russian Federation): November 11, 2010, “Central Partnership”
A country: USA

Starring: Eric Balfour, Scottie Thompson, David Zayas, Brittany Daniel, Donald Faison, Crystal Reed, Neil Hopkins, Robin Gammell, Tanya Newbold, J. Paul Bomer

Space: Far Reaches (TV series 1995 – 1996) (1995)
2063-2064. The Earth was attacked by alien invaders. Recent graduates of the flight academy were able to successfully repel the forced strike on our planet - most of them sacrificed their lives. An unsuccessful attempt to conquer the Earth from the fly provokes the aliens to more severe actions - but they are also repelled by earthly forces.

Space: Far Corners (TV series 1995 – 1996) / Space: Above and Beyond (1995)

Genre: fantasy, drama
Budget: $5 000 000
Premiere (world): September 24, 1995
A country: USA

Starring: Morgan Weisser, Kristen Cloke, Rodney Rowland, Joel de la Fuente, Laney Chapman, James Morrison, Tucker Smallwood, Robert Crow, Tasia Valenza, Michael Mantell

Alien invasion(entries in the category: 67)

The “alien invasion” section contains articles about phenomena related to alien creatures. Here you can also find information from the aliens themselves, which they transmit through sensitive representatives of humanity, thereby conveying important information to people. The appearance of UFOs, contacts between people and aliens, abductions by aliens, alien bases on the Moon and Mars, and indeed in the solar system in general.

UFO scientists, conducting research in the lands of China, discovered a very interesting cave. She received the name - Hebit. But it was not the cave itself that attracted the attention of scientists, but what it contained - the remains of the tribe's people...

Humanity was able to see the first unique photographs of the lunar wastelands and the invisible side of the Moon in October 1959. The photographs were obtained thanks to the Soviet automatic interplanetary station "Luna - 3"....

Recently, the Orion constellation has become an attractive area due to the big bang, which is difficult to explain. Most likely, what happened is a mystery of astronomical events and incidents. But what...

It has long been no secret that governments of different countries are involved in concealing the existence of aliens on Earth. Moreover, it is not surprising that aliens have built their bases on the Moon. Like all statements...

Just yesterday it was an ordinary day, but today the world has changed forever! Who could have imagined that all these crazy ufologists would be right! Who could believe that aliens would attack us!

The video version of the article can be viewed here (the text is continued below):

The fact is that today we will talk about such a thing as alien invasion! Some argue that this is impossible, others are waiting every day contact with extraterrestrial civilization, still others say that the invasion has already begun and now earthly governments are ruled aliens in disguise! My opinion on this matter is extremely reserved. I look at this phenomenon from the point of view what if? But if this really happens, then like it or not, you’ll have to somehow resist all this and survive.

What do we people know about them today, where is this truth that is so close? What do all these crop circles mean? Are these messages? aliens? Or maybe nature is playing around like this, or some ugly man in special stilts is fooling us all? Whom abducted by aliens and placed theirs over him experiments, and who just makes up excuses to justify, say, another absence from work. Let's throw away these useless questions and just imagine - we were attacked!

And if attacked most likely these alien creatures , much more developed, how in scientifically, and in questions bloodthirstiness! Here someone will notice that this may be a forced attack, and the aliens can be both good and bad! It is clear that you cannot take into account all scenarios, but one thing is clear: there are enemies on our land and they are attacking!

It is quite important what our enemy is, but stepping back from the lyrics, and without discussing too much in detail appearance, first of all to us as humanity , and how individuals need to think about enemy weaknesses and if you manage to discover such weaknesses, be sure to hit them!

After all, these aliens came to us from another world, and, for example, they can even breathe only with a certain device. Or maybe a person is superior to the enemy in some way? There is also a chance that they just need to hold out for a while, and they will die on their own, say, having failed to adapt to earthly conditions!

Naturally, the enemy will have to be studied, but this is precisely where there will apparently be problems, especially if the attack is sudden and well thought out! Will there be time for this at all if, for example, in just 5 minutes the resistance of the earthlings is practically crushed! By the way, it cannot be ruled out that the attack itself may fail, or the resistance of the earthlings will turn out to be much stronger than expected; it is in such cases that it will be possible to best study the enemy!

But closer to the point, where should a person go, say, to buy some bread? Obviously, first you need to try not to turn yourself into a target, or in other words, avoid instant death, find some kind of shelter, save your own family and start resistance! So that it doesn't fall on us!

Obviously, in this situation, it would be nice for humanity to unite and defend Mother Earth - together! But if there is discord here, all that remains is to heroically partisan! If it’s difficult to kill an enemy with earthly weapons, you still need to try to kill at least one creature, use your imagination! They don’t take bullets, perhaps a hundred-ton crane falling on the enemy will stop him, a Molotov cocktail or a bottle of sulfuric acid! After the death of your adversary, try to arm yourself with extraterrestrial weapons, they will certainly be more effective if their use is possible! Be sure to study what we are dealing with! Naturally, we must not forget about caution and before our own attack you need to have at least some kind of weapon!

However, perhaps alien weapons can fall into your hands without a fight. It could be an unsuccessful alien paratrooper, or a downed pilot - in general, a specific corpse or a wounded reptile that does not pose much of a danger! You can try to interrogate the prisoner, if of course he understands our language or you speak it, remember that the information received from him or in the process of studying it is no less important than weapons, and perhaps more!

In any case, it seems that the aliens will prepare an unenviable role for humanity: they will use them for canned food or fertilizers, make slaves out of us, or simply destroy us! They will remake, say, the earth to suit themselves, change the living conditions on it, transforming the planet beyond recognition, or they will simply pump resources out of it, however, things could go completely differently.

But what if the invasion is of such a plan - asteroids, viral weapons, climate weapons, or could be used against the earth, but there are other threats, such that the aliens themselves may not be visible - one thing remains the same, we will have to survive. And since it is so obvious that if we study survival skills, we will have some kind of weapons, equipped shelters, have supplies of food and drinking water, equipment, and in general treat this issue as survivalists, asking the question “what if ?", TWhen, naturally, we will have less shock in the event that an alien attack does occur. And while skeptics will rush around in panic and wonder “How is this possible?!”, We will already act! Let's draw up a survival plan based on the circumstances and perhaps we will have a greater chance of success, which means there will be a greater chance that the alien attack will end in the victory of humanity.


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