How to brew delicious green tea. Let's learn how to brew green leaf tea according to all the rules. Rules for brewing tea

In China, the brewing procedure is called the tea ceremony. It helps to reveal the exquisite bouquet of good green tea and fully preserves its properties. Every connoisseur of this noble drink can master the art of such a ceremony. To do this, you just need to know the basic rules of this procedure. They all fit into the answers to the following questions:

  • how to brew green tea correctly;
  • in what container to prepare the drink;
  • at what temperature to brew green tea;
  • what water to fill it with;
  • why you can’t pour boiling water over the tea mixture;
  • Is it possible to brew green and black together?
  • Is it possible to brew tea in a thermos or cup;
  • how to brew green tea with ginger.

The tea ceremony is a series of steps. A delicious invigorating drink can only be prepared in a flat teapot, after rinsing it with boiling water. For the brewing procedure, you cannot use a cold container, because in such a teapot the mixture will heat up unevenly.

This drink is usually prepared in ceramic containers. A faience or porcelain teapot is perfect for a tea ceremony. Do not add liquid to the already prepared brew - this will make the drink less tasty. For brewing, you can use filtered tap water, but it is better to use spring or artesian water - they contain less salts.

The tea ceremony is a strict observance of a certain ritual. There are also rules for choosing dishes. The ideal container is a real ceramic teapot. But you can brew the drink in a thermos or a regular mug, but it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get a traditional drink.

The main mistake of gourmets is to pour boiling water over the tea leaves. Too hot water awakens bitterness in the mixture and kills the subtle aromas of the drink. Use slightly cooled boiled water. The temperature should be up to 90 degrees. Tea is also brewed with ginger, jasmine and a flower that blooms in hot water.

Some lovers mix black and green varieties to obtain an exquisite bouquet. For getting delicious drink You can take mixtures in equal proportions or add a couple of black leaves to the green one.

Important! You should not brew or drink expired green tea. This product produces aflatoxins, highly toxic substances that cause tumors. The shelf life of a tea product is usually indicated on the product packaging, most often it is 1 - 3 years.

How do the Chinese prepare the drink of the gods? Standard use for brewing pure water and a preheated ceramic container. The amount of tea mixture for the drink depends on how rich you want it to be. Usually, for preparation, take one teaspoon of raw material per glass of water.

Brewing rules require that the tea leaves poured into the teapot remain in warm conditions for several minutes. To do this, wrap the container with a towel. After a little time, fill this container a third with hot water. After three minutes, top up the kettle completely.

How long should you brew green tea after this? No more than four minutes. In a real tea ceremony, it is better not to use cheap raw materials and sugar. In general, it is best to replace sugar with dried fruits or honey.

Brewing Chinese tea correctly is a real art. The Chinese have developed certain rules for performing the tea ceremony. They created a number of prohibitions on this matter:

  1. You cannot brew the drink for a long time. During the long brewing process, vitamins and amino acids begin to oxidize. This negatively affects the taste and useful qualities ah fragrant drink.
  2. You cannot pour the same tea leaves several times. Tea leaves that are re-watered still contain beneficial substances. Subsequent brewing is simply useless - by the fourth brew, the tea mixture is completely devoid of beneficial qualities and taste. So how many times can you fill the tea leaves? Ideally - twice. Even after the third time, only 10% of the nutrients remain in the tea mixture.
  3. You cannot store brewed tea until tomorrow. A drink that is stored for 24 hours is a real poison. Yesterday's tea loses its vitamins and nutrients and becomes an excellent habitat for bacteria and fungi. Therefore, not only the Chinese, but also doctors strongly do not recommend consuming such a mixture.

The most popular varieties of green tea

Now you know how to brew Chinese green tea and how many minutes it takes to brew. But what to brew?

  1. Flying Dragon is very popular among gourmets. This variety is grown in Hunan Province. It has a delicious thick aroma and a fresh yellowish tint of tea leaves. The main advantage of this drink is its refined and delicate taste.
  2. The Oolong or Oolong variety is no less loved by connoisseurs. The finished drink has a specific spicy, slightly sweet aftertaste. It comes in bags and sheets. For a tea ceremony, it is better, of course, to use the second option, but if you want to enjoy the drink “here and now,” do not hesitate to take the packaged tea leaves.
  3. Green Tile Pu'er is a unique drink. This is a source of fantastic flavors and medicinal properties: It removes toxins, lowers sugar levels and even helps you lose weight. All tea connoisseurs should try this miracle.
  4. Blooming tea. It is also called bound - these are tea leaves connected to each other, opening in hot water like a flower.

Tea appeared in Russia in the 17th century. It is believed that the first to introduce our compatriots to this oriental drink was Cossack Ivan Petlin, who was tasked with leading an expedition to China and compiling detailed description of this state. In Petlin’s stories about life in the Celestial Empire, tea is also mentioned (this is how the Russian traveler interpreted the word “cha”, which is what this drink is called in China). Gradually, Russian emperors became addicted to tea, and eventually it spread throughout the country. Nowadays it is difficult to meet a person who would not like to drink a cup of tea.

In contact with

Of all the existing varieties, green tea is the richest in beneficial properties. It prevents cancer, promotes weight loss, reduces the harm that nicotine and fatty foods cause to the body, reduces the risk of heart disease, and so on.

Scientists and doctors still continue to conduct experiments, during which more and more new healing qualities of green tea are discovered. However, in order for it to have a beneficial effect on our health, it must be selected and brewed correctly.

Tea selection

The secret to the benefits of green tea lies in its processing. Unlike black tea, it undergoes the least prolonged oxidation - no more than two days. Thanks to this, all the natural properties of the tea leaf are preserved. So, let's figure it out how to choose the right green tea.

Based on its quality, tea is divided into several categories. The cheapest and, accordingly, the least tasty and healthy is tea crumbs - small sifted particles of leaves. It is used to make tea in bags, so this tea, despite its popularity and speed of brewing, will not bring you any benefit and is much inferior in taste to loose leaf tea. The next level of quality is loose leaf tea, which is made from large cut leaves. And finally, tea made from whole young leaves is considered the best and, accordingly, the most expensive; it is often called “gunpowder” (on packaging it is often written in English: ‘gunpowder’).

It should be remembered that tea does not last long.

After 9 months from the date of manufacture, it begins to gradually lose its properties, so when purchasing, you need to check the date on the packaging.

The most beneficial are tea leaves collected in the spring.

How to brew green tea correctly


In addition to good brewing, to obtain delicious tea you also need high-quality water. Spring water is best, but city residents rarely have access to such pleasure. You can purchase water in cans or bottles, and it is advisable not to skimp, because the chemical composition many popular brands, such as Bon Aqua or Aqua Mineral, are harmful. Of those manufacturers that are found in Russian stores, it is best to buy “Volvic” or “Evian”, which are mined in the Alpine mountains. Tap water is also suitable, but it must be filtered.


To learn how to brew Chinese green tea, you need to know that one of the most important secrets is the correct water temperature. Overboiled water kills beneficial features and can impart an unpleasant bitter taste; If the temperature is not high enough, the tea simply will not brew. It is better to boil water for tea not in an electric kettle, but in open container on the stove - it will be easier to keep track of it. There is no need to bring water to a boil (that is, to 100 degrees).– just wait until small white bubbles begin to float to the surface. This stage is called the “white key”. After this, the water should be allowed to cool a little - to approximately 80-85 degrees (of course, there is no need to measure the exact temperature).


The teapot should not be made of plastic or metal. The most suitable material is clay, it holds heat well and does not contain harmful impurities. Porcelain and glass are also suitable. Before brewing, the kettle must be rinsed with boiling water - heated dishes will not take away heat from the drink.


The required proportions are usually indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. If there is no such data, then on average One teaspoon of tea leaves is required for one cup of water. You need to prepare as much tea as you can drink immediately, since it will no longer be beneficial when it cools down.

How long to brew green tea

Brewing time depends on the type of tea. Elite tea from young leaves can be brewed in just 30 seconds. Large leaf varieties usually need to be kept covered for 1.5-3 minutes. You should not brew it longer, as the tea will become bitter. Again, the exact time is often written on the packaging. Tea can be brewed again about 3-5 times, and each new portion will taste slightly different from the previous one.

If you need to pour tea into several cups, then fill them “in a circle”, gradually pouring not a large number of into each cup to ensure the same consistency throughout.


With ginger

Ginger root added to tea enhances its benefits and helps get rid of excess weight. For 1 liter of water you will need about 3 centimeters of ginger root and half a lemon. For taste, you can add a pinch of cinnamon, as well as 2-3 pcs. cloves or cardamom.


The recipe for green tea with ginger is really simple. Brew the tea and let it steep for a while (about 5 minutes). At this time, cut the ginger into thin, almost transparent strips. Strain the infused tea and pour into a small saucepan. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into it and add the lemon itself without peeling. Add cinnamon, cloves and cardamom. After this, the tea is boiled over low heat for 20-30 minutes. Strain the resulting drink again before drinking.

Instead of spices, you can add mint, lemon balm and a spoonful of honey to your tea.

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With cinnamon and apples

Take an apple (one large or two small). If you have the opportunity to use an apple from your own orchard, you don't have to peel it because the skin contains beneficial elements. It would be better to peel store-bought apples first. so that the chemicals used to treat them do not get into the tea. Core the apple and cut it into cubes. Brew green tea and let it brew. Place apples, a teaspoon of cinnamon and a few slices of lemon into the teapot. Pour in the strained tea and keep covered for 10-15 minutes (to better retain heat, you can wrap the kettle with a towel). Pour into cups through a strainer.

With currant leaves

Place several currant leaves (4-6 pcs.) into a heated kettle along with the tea leaves. Both fresh and dried leaves can be used. Pour boiled water (still 80-85 degrees), close the lid and leave for 5 minutes.

With gooseberries

For this recipe you will need berries (1 teaspoon per glass of water) and a few gooseberry leaves. Prick the berries, add sugar and wait for them to release juice. Place the leaves in the teapot along with the tea leaves and pour boiling water over them. Before pouring the tea, add some berries to each cup.

Very interesting video on how to brew green tea correctly:

Bon appetit!

A pleasant drink that many prefer to other types of tea. It is healthy and can be used to quench your thirst on a hot afternoon. This type of tea is part of Chinese and Japanese culture and philosophy. In China and Japan, special attention is paid to the process of preparing green tea. It has also become quite popular in Russia, but do we know how to brew green tea while maintaining all its beneficial properties?

There are a great many varieties of green tea, each variety has its own aroma and delicate taste, which are determined by the location of the plantation, the secrets of collecting and processing raw materials, and the characteristics of brewing. The rules state that some varieties can be brewed up to 5-7 times, and each time the drink will reveal new notes.

Green tea is produced and sold in the form of large-leaf, small-leaf, powder, slab and bagged product. Powdered tea is intended for Japanese tea, and is widely used in Nepal, Tibet, and also for preparing exotic tea drinks. Bagged tea does not differ in quality, since the smallest particles of leaves (tea dust) are used for its preparation. Such tea cannot be used to enjoy a drink, but from it a quick fix You can cook a simple green one, you can’t re-cook it.

The best manufacturers of green tea remain China and Japan. You should pay attention to the color of the leaves; they should retain their greenish tint. Elite Chinese varieties have a pistachio color. If the leaves have darkened, they are overdried, and this will affect the taste of the tea.
It is necessary to know when the tea leaves were collected. Tea is fresh within a year after picking. It is worth noting the following characteristics of tea: tea collected in the spring has a sweetish taste, while summer tea has a slightly bitter taste. Tea should not turn into dust if you rub the tea leaves between your fingers. It should not contain more than 5% debris from broken branches and cuttings.
The marking on a pack of tea indicates the quality of the tea; you just need to be able to read it correctly. The highest quality is indicated by the word “extra”, followed by numbers from 1 to 7.

In order for the drink to turn out correctly, aromatic, with a beautiful shade, it is worth knowing how to use green tea in a teapot.

  • Tea must be of high quality and fresh.
  • Fresh tea leaves should not be kept in hot water for more than 30 seconds. Otherwise, the result will be a bitter drink.
  • You should avoid boiling water; green tea does not like the element of fire, as the Chinese believe.
  • It is not recommended to drink green tea very chilled, although it is a wonderful refreshing drink. In this form everything nutrients and the essential oils from the tea evaporate; it has no benefit other than quenching thirst.
  • If you need to take a tea drink with you, you need to pour freshly brewed and strained green tea into a thermos.
  • Experts do not recommend adding sugar to green tea. It destroys the valuable substances found in tea.
  • Bowls or cups, before pouring tea into them, are rinsed with boiling water and wiped. Tea in a heated container will cool down more slowly.

Classic brewing method

For regular tea drinking, classic brewing techniques are suitable. They do not require the use of special utensils or special accessories. For 150 grams of water, one teaspoon of raw material is enough. It is important to know that high-quality green tea requires low temperatures (up to 70°C). The lower the quality of the tea, the higher the water temperature should be, but not higher than 85°C.

You should not brew tea for too long; prolonged exposure of tea leaves to hot water makes the drink astringent and bitter. In this case, the aromatic and taste characteristics are lost. How long to brew green tea? The minimum brewing time is thirty seconds, the time should increase with each re-brewing.

The container in which the tea will be brewed is heated; for this, the water must be brought to a certain temperature. A certain amount of dry tea leaves is poured into the kettle and filled with hot water. After a few minutes, the drink can be poured into a bowl or cup and drunk.

Regular consumption of green tea increases mental and physical activity, prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, improves immunity.

Other brewing methods

  • You can use step-by-step brewing of green tea. In this case, take 0.5 teaspoon of dry green tea leaves per glass of water. Water should not be higher than 70°C. First, the leaves are filled with water to fill 1/3 of the kettle, you need to wait for one minute, then add water to half the kettle, hold again for a couple of minutes and add water to 3/4 of the volume. After two minutes, you will need to pour half of the water out of the kettle and add hot water to the rest.
  • Pour hot water over loose leaf green tea and leave for a couple of minutes. Then the leaves are transferred to the teapot. Fill it halfway with hot water, leave for two to three minutes, then add water to the top and the tea continues to brew for five minutes.

Japanese tea ceremony

In Japan, much attention is paid to the art of brewing tea. This is a ritual; a special place with a garden and special buildings is used for the tea ceremony. The utensils for tea drinking make up a real artistic ensemble. Tea is stored in a special box. Water for making tea is heated in a cast iron boiler. The brewing process takes place in complete silence.

The Japanese use powdered green tea; it is poured into a deep ceramic container and filled with a small amount of boiling water. A bamboo stirrer turns it into a homogeneous mass. The process continues until a matte foam appears. Gradually add boiling water until the drink reaches the desired consistency.

All guests present are offered a cup of drink according to their seniority. Then the brewed concentrated composition is used to prepare light tea for everyone in a personal container. You can start a conversation and drink aromatic tea, enjoying the process.

Tea ceremony in China

Tea occupies a special place in the daily life of the Chinese. Not a single friendly meeting or official event is complete without tea. The Chinese use various methods of brewing tea. It all depends on the family’s wealth, circumstances, type of tea and other factors. Great importance is given to dishes. Large teapots made of earthenware, clay or porcelain, as well as portioned cups with lids, are considered traditional.

Large kettles are used for large companies. The kettle has a special cup into which the tea leaves are poured. The glass is placed in the teapot. Heated water warms up the tea leaves, they gradually open, giving off the aroma and taste of the drink. High-quality teas can be brewed repeatedly. How long does the ceremony last? The entire process can take from one to two hours. The Chinese are meticulous about all stages of preparation, heating dishes, brewing tea, and drinking it.

Green tea, when prepared correctly, produces a beautiful, rich color. You can smell fruity, herbal and floral notes in its aroma. Each variety of green tea will constantly reveal itself in a new way, surprising and delighting with its taste. And the beneficial properties of this healing drink will help cope with many diseases with regular consumption of tea. Knowing everything about green tea and how to properly brew this elixir of youth, you can delight yourself with a small tea ceremony every day.

Julia Vern 16 807 1

The most popular drink in the east is green tea. It is part of the culture of China and Japan, countries associate their philosophy with it. It influences the way of life of entire nations. Do we know how to appreciate the drink in the same way as in the homeland of its origin? Do we know how to brew green tea correctly? What is the true taste and secrets of a specific ritual?

There are a great many varieties of green tea. Taste and aroma differences are due to:

  • location of the plantation;
  • nuances of collection;
  • secrets of processing raw materials;
  • brewing features.

Some varieties of green tea should be brewed more than once, and each time the drink will have a unique combination of aroma and taste and will fully impart its beneficial properties.

This type of tea is the culture and philosophy of several peoples

Classic brewing techniques are applicable for regular tea drinking. They do not require additional preparations or unnecessary accessories.

A teaspoon of high-quality dry green tea is enough for 150 g of water. If you plan to drink several cups of the drink, dry tea is taken in a larger proportion, and the number of repetitions of the brewing procedure increases.

The higher the quality of green tea, the lower the water temperature - up to 70°. For simpler varieties, use water at 80-85°. Neither variety is brewed for too long.

If you keep tea in hot water, it acquires unpleasant astringency, bitterness, and loses the taste and aroma characteristics inherent to the variety. The shortest brewing time for green tea is 30 seconds. Each subsequent infusion increases in time. It is not recommended to steep tea leaves for longer than 4 minutes.

Boiled water is cooled to the desired temperature. The bowl, teapot or other brewing utensils are preheated. This allows you to keep the drink warm for a long time. The required amount of tea is poured, hot water is carefully poured in. The required time is waited, the drink is poured into a cup and slowly drunk. You can brew tea leaves until the taste of the drink is felt.

Daily consumption of green tea protects against the risk of heart disease, increases brain and physical activity, and improves immune resistance. The substances present in the drink stimulate fat oxidation, but do not increase the number of heart contractions.

Drinking this type of tea has beneficial effects on health

Traditions of Chinese tea drinking

The Chinese are sensitive to their own needs in life. Tea occupies one of the dominant positions in the mandatory daily routine. Official events, friendly meetings, and religious rituals are not complete without tea drinking.

There are many known ways to brew Chinese tea. The process is influenced by the type of tea, the wealth of the family, and the circumstance for which the tea party is organized. It is believed that the taste of the drink is largely determined by the container in which it is prepared. Porcelain, clay, earthenware large teapots or portion cups with a lid are considered traditional.

Large dishes are used to treat a whole company. The teapot for brewing has its own secret - a small, closable, holey cup made of the same material. For convenience, the tea leaves are poured there, and the glass is inserted inside the kettle. The glass should be filled halfway or less, as the tea leaves greatly increase in volume. Heated water is poured through this kind of strainer, washing and warming the tea leaves. For better strength, it is permissible to lightly squeeze the brewed tea. No matter how many times you brew green tea in a teapot, the number of times you get a drink with a new taste. Repeated re-brewing is only allowed for high-quality teas.

In everyday situations or cases when you need to choose tea when purchasing, a set is used for brewing: cup, lid, saucer. You can combine this method with regular tea cups. It is convenient to evaluate the color of the infusion, its primary and secondary aroma, the size of the opened leaves, the impression of taste: the main characteristics of tea. And again pay attention to the brewing temperature. It always depends on the chosen variety.

The tradition of Chinese tea drinking has ancient roots.

Gongfu Cha is considered one of the most popular. It is used more often for individual tea drinking or treating one guest. Predominantly semi-fermented turquoise oolongs are used. The ceremony is revered as a separate art form:

  • The water heats up to 95°.
  • Hot water warms up all utensils for preparing the drink: kettle, cups. All manipulations are performed on a special table with a tray. The teapot is wiped with a tea brush.
  • Pour the tea leaves into a separate bowl, get acquainted with the composition, and smell.
  • Pour the required amount of tea into the teapot.
  • Wrap the kettle in a towel and gently pat the bottom with your palm for a minute. The preparation stage is needed to get rid of tea dust and small fallen particles.
  • Pour heated water into the kettle from a great height and drain immediately. The first water is not drunk.
  • Refill the kettle with water. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds - depends on the variety.
  • Pour into a separate teapot of the same volume with a strainer, and from there - into cups.
  • Use tea pairs with tall cups, they are responsible for the aroma.
  • Next, the long cup is covered with a wide cup and turned over with a quick, gentle movement. Wide cups are responsible for color and taste. The pair is served on a stand - an elongated saucer.
  • Carefully remove the long cup, breathe in the steam from it, and feel the aroma.
  • Assess the color of the infusion and drink from the second cup.

The ceremony is carried out in a state of complete peace and tranquility. All stages are followed; special utensils are required for use. It is allowed to brew oolongs up to 10 times in a row.

In Japan, the aesthetics of tea drinking are truly cultivated. It is associated with many cultural phenomena. For the tea ceremony, a specially selected place is equipped, which includes a whole complex of buildings and a garden. The tea garden is thought out and designed in such a way that the impression of natural disorder and the natural state of things always remains. The tea ceremony also has shortened variations, when in the absence of a separate pavilion or room you can get by with one table.

The utensils form a single artistic ensemble. A wooden box is used to store tea. Water for tea is heated in a cast iron boiler. Drinking tea together precedes many stages: consuming light food, contemplating the surroundings, listening to the crackling of the fire and the boiling of water in the cauldron, reading scrolls with sayings: a calm and pleasant pastime.

The process of brewing thick green tea takes place in complete silence. The owner symbolically prepares the utensils for the sacred rite and begins cooking. Powdered green tea is poured into a deep ceramic bowl and poured with a small amount of boiling water. The bamboo mixer helps to turn everything into a homogeneous mass. Stir until a matte foam appears. Boiling water is gradually added and the drink is brought to consistency. It is the brewing temperature that helps achieve the desired thickness and plasticity of the contents.

The cup of drink is presented to the guests one by one, according to seniority. Symbolic unity occurs. From this moment on, light tea is prepared for guests in personal containers. Allowed to start a conversation.

Entire books could be written about Japanese tea ceremonies.

Generally accepted rules

Europeans gratefully accept the Eastern offering: green tea. Learn to appreciate it unique properties, benefits for the whole body.

In order not to get a strange bitter drink instead of aromatic tonic tea with a beautiful shade, you need to follow the basic brewing rules:

  • Do not brew with boiling water. As the Chinese say: “Away, element of fire.”
  • Do not keep fresh tea leaves in water for more than half a minute. This way you risk getting a bitter drink. Subsequent brewing can be slightly increased in time.
  • If you want to take a thermos of green tea with you, fill it with freshly brewed tea and strained through a strainer.
  • Green tea should not be drunk cold. All essential oils evaporate and their properties disappear. The drink becomes useless.

Drink green tea correctly and let your peace of mind please your friends.

But gradually green tea gained popularity as a tasty and healthy drink for a pleasant pastime and intimate conversation. And the traditions of the tea ceremony were adopted and used in everyday life.

It is worth noting that its beneficial properties directly depend on the correct brewing of green tea. Therefore, in order to get the most delicious and healthy drink, you need to adhere to certain rules that have been tested by generations.


The brewing method directly depends on the quality of the tea itself:

  1. Cheaper varieties of green tea take longer to heat, in order to reveal your taste.
  2. Elite, expensive varieties brew quickly, about 30 seconds, and the water temperature should be in the range of 60-70 degrees.


To brew green tea, you need to use soft, clean, non-mineral water.

Hard or chlorinated water can ruin the taste of the most elite type of tea and prevent its flavor and aroma from developing.

The ideal option is spring water; it does not need to be purified. If it is not available, filters should be used, and then the water should be allowed to settle.


Clay or ceramic dishes will be the best choice and will help the drink to reveal itself in all its glory. A teapot made of this material heats up evenly, retains heat for a long time and is saturated with the aroma of leaves with each brew, making the taste and aroma of tea rich and bright.

The shape of the dish should be close to spherical, with a hole in the lid, so that the drink can be saturated with oxygen.
Water temperature

The water temperature for brewing green tea should be no more than 80°. At first, you should use a thermometer; in the future, you can learn to determine the boiling time of water by eye. There is a concept called “white key”, which refers to the stage of boiling water, when many small bubbles form on the inner surface of the cookware. Afterwards, when they begin to set with the bubbles of the lower layers of water, the process must be stopped - this will be the desired temperature.

You should not repeat boiling, as this will worsen the taste of the water.

Water with a temperature of more than 80° will spoil the taste and make the drink bitter. Too much cold water will not allow the leaves to open and impart their beneficial properties to the drink.

Before brewing, the dishes must be warmed up so that the walls do not absorb the heat, which is intended to reveal the taste of the tea.

Tea brewing process

Pour tea leaves into a heated bowl with a dry and clean spoon at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 150-200 ml of water (the volume of one cup) and fill it with water at the desired temperature. The first brewing time is 1.5 - 2 minutes, after which the tea is drained and brewed again. This is necessary in order to wash away harmful substances and clean the leaves for subsequent brewing. After this, one portion of tea leaves can be used three to five times.

In this case, the drink will change its taste and each time reveal new notes and shades:

  • at first the fermented edges of the leaf will give off their taste,
  • in the next brew - part of the leaf closer to the center, and so on until fully opened.

You should not leave brewed tea in the teapot; it is better to immediately pour it into cups.

The brewing time does not need to be increased, otherwise the drink will become bitter and astringent, because all the beneficial substances and elements that are intended for 4-5 brews will be released into the water for the first time.

Traditional green tea should not be drunk with sugar, as this destroys the beneficial substances contained in the drink.

Green tea should be consumed in moderation so as not to harm the body, as it contains a large amount of potent substances.

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