What is strawberry sick and how to treat. Diseases and pests of strawberries: possible problems, control and prevention measures. Video: wilting strawberries for no apparent reason

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Today is an article about strawberry diseases with photos, detailed description and methods of treatment and assistance to berries.

Currently, a lot of strawberry varieties have been bred in the world. Some ripen early, others contain a lot of sugar, and others withstand long transportation. In the same way, they treat diseases differently. Some are resistant to gray mold and vulnerable to powdery mildew, others are not damaged by spotting, but are vulnerable to fusarium wilt.

Each disease exists in certain climate and soil conditions, which means that when a gardener decides to plant a particular variety, it is necessary to take into account the predisposition of this variety to diseases and the likelihood of their occurrence under specific conditions. Preventive measures and recognition of symptoms in the early stages allows you to cope with plant diseases more successfully. And now more about

Strawberry diseases with photos and descriptions

The most common strawberry diseases:

  • white rot
  • gray rot
  • black rot
  • root rot
  • powdery mildew
  • fusarium wilt
  • white spotting
  • brown spot
  • anthracnose or black spot
  • strawberry late blight

white rot

If in summer there is a lack of heat and an excess of rain, then strawberry bushes can be affected by a disease such as white rot. Its appearance is indicated by the lightening of the leaves, which subsequently rot. A white coating appears on the leaves, the berries rot.

The spread of the disease is facilitated by dense plantings and weeds on the site.

It is possible to contain the spread of this infection if you use healthy seedlings for planting, observe the recommended distances when planting, and remove weeds.


Drugs that inhibit the spread of rot help to fight the outbreak of white rot - Horus or Svitich

Most often, strawberry plantings are affected by gray rot. Its appearance is favored by warm and humid weather. On dense plantings with poor ventilation, where berries are grown for a long time, up to 60% of the crop is damaged.

A strawberry plantation is affected by gray rot if:

  • brown spots with a gray coating are noticeable on the berries;
  • over time, diseased berries dry out;
  • gray or brown spots appear on the leaves.

There are several sources of infection - weeds, unharvested leaves and affected berries.


  1. Keep soil free of weeds
  2. Sprinkle the soil with ash or lime
  3. Shortly before flowering, it is useful to treat the planting with Bordeaux liquid or the Barrier preparation.
  4. After harvesting, all leaves must be removed from the plantings, but this must be done in such a way that healthy leaves can grow on the bushes before the onset of frost.
  5. It is advisable to alternate rows of strawberry bushes with rows of onions or garlic.
  6. At least once every three years, change the place of cultivation of the crop.
  7. Use pine litter or straw as mulch.
  8. Timely and completely remove diseased berries.
  9. Harvest ripe crops quickly and completely.

Varieties in which flower stalks are located above the leaves are less affected by rot.

Varieties resistant to gray rot:

  • Leningrad Late;
  • Aliso;
  • marvelous;
  • Ruby Pendant;
  • Redgontlite;
  • Early Dense;
  • Talka;
  • Beam VIR;
  • Olympus;
  • Festival Chamomile;
  • Ducat;
  • Bravo;
  • Fireworks;
  • Bohemia.

Highly susceptible to gray mold are varieties such as:

  • Hope;
  • Beauty of Zagorye;
  • generous;
  • Krasnoselskaya;
  • Cinderella;
  • Zenga Zengana;
  • Relay race

black root rot

The disease begins with the fact that small black spots appear on young roots, then all young roots turn black. Further, the whole plant from the roots to the outlet becomes brown. Constrictions appear on the rhizome, it becomes brittle. Productivity decreases, bushes do not develop. Root rot infection is active throughout the growing season of the plant


  1. When laying beds and feeding plantings, use only well-rotted compost. In unripe compost prepared with the addition of weeds, the infection persists.
  2. After the snow melts, the plantings are treated with Trichodermin
  3. Before leaving the plantation for the winter, it must be sprayed with "Phytodoctor".
  4. The predecessor of strawberries should not be potatoes.
  5. The place for laying a plantation of beds should be sunny with well-warmed soil.


Root rot disease is not curable. Infected plants are dug up and destroyed. The vacated space is disinfected.

Hot and humid summer provokes the appearance of such a strawberry disease as black rot. This disease affects only berries. Affected berries become watery, lose their color, turn brown. The fruits lack their characteristic strawberry flavor and aroma. A plaque appears on the berries - first colorless, and then black.


  1. Grown in high beds, strawberries are less likely to be affected by black rot.
  2. A place for a future landing is chosen well-lit and ventilated.
  3. By feeding strawberries with potassium permanganate (2g per bucket of water), we improve the quality of the berries and destroy the infection.
  4. Nitrogen fertilizers, including organic ones, should be used in limited quantities. .


There is no treatment as such. You can prevent the spread of the disease if you collect and destroy all the berries affected by the infection.

The causative agent of powdery mildew, a fungus, damages the leaves, fruits and heart of the bush.

Symptoms of its appearance :

  • First, separate spots of light white dust appear on the wrong side of the sheet;
  • Over time, the spots increase in size and merge into one;
  • The leaves become wrinkled and thickened;
  • The ovaries stop growing, turn brown and dry up.
  • A white coating appears on the formed fruits, the berries become gray and rot.
  • Brown spots appear on the whiskers, which also die off.

Contribute to the spread of the disease heat and environmental humidity.


  1. Plant seedlings, keeping the recommended distance.
  2. Avoid excessive soil moisture.
  3. The roots of the acquired seedlings immediately before planting must be disinfected with copper sulphate.
  4. Before flowering and, having harvested, plantings are treated with Topaz.
  5. Strengthen plant immunity by carrying out top dressing on a leaf full mineral fertilizer(tablespoon per bucket of water).


Powdery mildew is a serious and very common disease. It is difficult to fight him, but it is possible. In early spring, immediately after the snow melts, it is necessary to collect and burn the old leaves. Bushes that were affected by this fungus in the previous year are treated with a solution of soda ash throughout the growing season (50 g is dissolved in 10 liters of water).

This solution is used before flowering strawberries and after harvesting. During the filling and ripening of berries, unpasteurized whey, which is diluted ten times with water, will help to destroy the fungus. To increase the effectiveness, an iodine solution is added (1 mg per 10 liters of liquid). Spraying is carried out until the symptoms disappear every three days in dry weather.

Fusarium wilt

When planting strawberries are affected by Fusarium wilt, their green part of the bush changes its color to brown-brown. On such bushes there is no ovary. Bushes stop growing and die. The spread of infection is promoted by high air temperature. The stock of infection is stored on weeds.


  1. You need to plant only healthy seedlings, without the slightest sign of disease.
  2. It is necessary to return strawberries to their original place no earlier than after 4 years. The forerunner of the plantation should not be potatoes.
  3. Prevent the growth of weeds.


Fusarium wilt is treatable only when it is detected in the early stages of the disease. In this case, "Phytodoctor", "Trichodermin", "Horus" or "Fundazol" can help.

A common disease in strawberry plantings. Small, red-brown dots appear on young leaves. On older leaves - rounded brown spots, bordered by a wide darker stripe. With the development of the disease, the spots combine into one and spread to the entire leaf. The lighter center crumbles, the sheet becomes perforated.

The causative agent of this disease is a fungus that develops throughout the warm season. The result of the activity of this fungus is the loss of up to 50% of the leaves, which ultimately leads to a decrease in yield and deterioration in the quality of berries. The abundance of moisture in the air and soil accelerates the development of the disease.

You can find out about the appearance of white spotting if:

  • The newly appeared heel is almost invisible - up to 3 mm in size. at the very beginning of the development of the disease, these spots are small in size - up to 3 mm and are colored brown, with time they become lighter;
  • The leaves are covered with spots, light in the middle and dark along the rim.
  • The spots are concentrated along the central vein of the leaf and along the edge.
  • The dried centers of the spots crumble, leaving small holes.
  • With the development of the disease, the holes are combined into a large one and spread to the entire leaf, which dies along with the petiole.


  1. Maintain recommended distances between strawberry bushes. Immediately remove excess mustache, weeds, maintaining the necessary air exchange.
  2. As early as possible in spring, remove and destroy not only old leaves, but also old mulch, in which wintering pests and pathogens are concentrated.
  3. Treat the plantings with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture three times a season before flowering, immediately after harvesting and before sheltering for the winter.
  4. Do not plant strawberries in areas where potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, corn, or cucumbers were the last crop grown.


Bushes with spotted leaves are removed from the site and destroyed. After harvesting, the plantings are fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which increase the immunity of plants. Nitrogen fertilizers and organics must be applied in limited quantities. Healthy bushes are sprayed with systemic fungicides and copper-containing preparations.

Strawberry varieties resistant to white spot:

  • Redgontlite;
  • Zenga Zengana;
  • Talka;
  • Ruby Pendant;
  • Maria;
  • marvelous;
  • generous;
  • Beam VIR;
  • Early Maherauha;
  • Early Dense;
  • Olympus;
  • Anniversary;
  • Bravo;
  • Bohemia.

Another common and very insidious disease. In humid warm weather, up to 60% of the leaf plate can be affected. The manifestation of brown spotting can be seen on the bushes from the end of April to the end of July. The outbreak of the disease is facilitated by the presence of weeds, increased humidity of the air and soil, and the activity of insect pests.

You can learn about the infection of strawberry plantings with brown spotting by the appearance of brown spots. At the very beginning of the disease, the darkening is located along the edge of the leaf, later the spots merge into one. Soon, black pads with spores appear on the outer surface of the leaf plate. Blurred purple spots appear on peduncles and mustaches.

The insidiousness of the disease manifests itself in the later stages of development. At this time, when the leaves resume their growth, it is difficult to understand the reason for the lag in the growth of bushes. The reason is found in the lack of nutrition, there are no signs of the disease on the leaves and it seems that the disease is over. But it only seems. In August, the disease returns with renewed vigor and affects previously healthy parts of the plant.


  1. Remove old and diseased leaves in early spring and, if necessary, after harvest.
  2. Keep the soil on the plantation moderately moist, it is acceptable to use dry mulching materials, such as peat, sawdust or straw, isolating the bushes from wet soil.
  3. Timely destroy pests, carriers of infection.


Plantation treatment should begin with the removal and destruction of all bushes with signs of the disease. The remaining bushes are treated with rapidly decaying fungicides. Apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to increase resistance to diseases. If necessary, reduce watering, if possible, improve illumination. Reduce application nitrogen fertilizers, increasing the leaf mass and moisture content in the leaves. After harvesting, the entire plantation must be treated with Fitosporin.

Strawberry varieties resistant to brown spot:

  • Lun VIRA,
  • Early Dense,
  • Olympus,
  • Bravo,
  • Maria,
  • Ruby Pendant,
  • Fireworks,
  • firefax,
  • cardinal,
  • Premier,
  • redcoat,
  • epic,
  • Marieva Makheraukh,
  • Anniversary Govorova

Anthracnose or black spot

Cause Strawberry black spot is a fungus called Ascomycetes. It affects the entire plant from roots to berries.

The fungus begins its dirty work in rainy but warm weather in spring and early summer. Distinctive feature of this fungus is a great variability and adaptability to chemical remedies.

The fungus enters the site on infected seedlings, with irrigation water, is carried by untreated tools or on the wheels of equipment.


The appearance of the disease is evidenced by the appearance of reddish-brown spots, which subsequently crack and tear. The diseased leaf remains on the bush and spreads the infection further. Shoots are covered with deep dark ulcers with a light center. Subsequently, the stem dies. On the roots, anthracnose provokes the appearance of root rot. The strawberry bush dries up. On unripe berries, sunken spots of dark color appear. The berry dries up. On such mummies, the fungus hibernates. On mature berries, the spots are small and watery at first, then darken. Such berries are not used for food.


From the beginning of the season until the formation of berries, they are twice treated with a 3% Bordeaux mixture, to which sulfur is added, or with ready-made preparations such as Thiovit-jet. Plant strawberry seedlings at the recommended distances between adjacent bushes. Timely apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and limited nitrogen. Early in the spring, remove and burn last year's dead leaves and fruits.

Anthracnose treatment

If the disease spreads on plantings for no more than a week, fungicides such as Ridomil-gold, Metaxil or Quadris can help. At later stages of the development of the disease, a 1% Bordeaux mixture is used.

Late blight of strawberries

The most harmful rot. Losses from its activities can reach the total loss of the crop.

The whole plant as a whole suffers from the disease, but berries get the most. Dark leathery spots first appear on the ovaries. The pulp begins to taste bitter, becomes elastic. Dark purple spots appear on the berries, the fruits dry up.

Infected stem and leaves dry up.

The development of the disease is provoked by increased humidity of the soil and air. The infection spreads especially actively in rainy weather or with improper use of drip irrigation.

The infection remains in the soil and on strawberry bushes. For preventive purposes, generally accepted protective measures are effective - agrotechnical and chemical.

Effective landing protection

  • After harvesting, remove diseased plants, excess mustache and foliage.
  • Timely and in the right proportions to feed the plantings.
  • Before sheltering landings for the winter, they are treated with Topaz, Switch, Euparen.
  • Use for planting varieties that are genetically resistant to diseases.
  • Different varieties of strawberries are separated by a distance of 2m.
  • The term of growing strawberries in one place is no more than 3 years;
  • When planting, it is necessary to observe the necessary distances: at least 30 cm between rows and at least 25 cm between plants in a row. Such a landing will provide the necessary ventilation and lighting.

Video about the treatment and prevention of strawberries from diseases

I am sure that now you can easily recognize strawberry diseases from photos and descriptions and be able to cure them.

Wishing you beautiful and healthy berries.

The first berry that should delight gardeners in the summer is garden strawberries, or, as it is commonly called, strawberries. Everyone is looking forward to its harvest, admire the aroma and taste. Unfortunately, our expectations are not always justified: instead of juicy, large berries, we get small fruits covered with an incomprehensible coating, withered bushes with damaged foliage, blackened inflorescences. This means that strawberries need your help and protection. To avoid disappointment, you need to know how to identify strawberry problems by external signs and take adequate measures in time to maintain its health, and, therefore, the quality of fruiting.

What can the appearance of strawberries tell about

Strawberries, like any plant, require our attention. In addition to weeding, watering and fertilizing, an important procedure is to inspect the berry. Healthy strawberry bushes should be strong, have juicy green leaves without spots and raids, strong inflorescences with a large number of ovaries.

Healthy strawberry bush forms a large number of peduncles

A negative change in appearance is a signal to the gardener that the strawberry needs something. It is important to correctly classify problems and find solutions in time.

Table: signs of problems and ways to solve them

ChangesPossible reasons
wilting leaves
  • The activity of pests (medvedka, mole, etc.) that damaged the roots of the plant;
  • verticillium wilt;
  • lack of moisture.
Drying of the leavesFungal diseases: gray rot, powdery mildew.
Twisting, curling of leaves
  • lack of moisture;
  • excess doses or frequency of treatment with chemicals;
  • damage by pests: aphids, spider mites;
  • powdery mildew disease.
fruit decay
  • The root system of strawberries is affected by root, black or gray rot;
  • high humidity in the area;
  • plantings are thickened, poorly ventilated and, as a result, the berries rot and rot.
Yellowing leaves
  • Lack of nitrogen or magnesium in the soil;
  • strawberry mite attack;
  • chlorosis disease.
Spots on leaves
  • Increased acidity of the soil,
  • lack of nitrogen;
  • fungal diseases.
Strawberries don't bloom
  • Boarding violation. The bush spends all its strength on rooting;
  • severe prolonged (more than 2 weeks) hot weather;
  • oversaturation with nitrogen fertilizers. In this case, the bush has an excess of green mass, but does not bloom;
  • distribution of weed bushes on the site. They have all the external signs of a strawberry, look strong and healthy, give a lot of whiskers, but do not bloom. Such bushes must be ruthlessly removed, otherwise they can drown out and displace fruit-bearing plants.

Photo gallery: negative changes in the appearance of strawberries

In autumn, daylight hours become shorter, resulting in the natural destruction of chlorophyll in the leaves. Yellowing of strawberry leaves can be caused by improper care of the bushes, deficiency or excess of vitamins and minerals, diseases and pests. There are several reasons for the appearance of rot on a strawberry ridge: an excess of moisture, dense plantings, cold weather, fungal infections When strawberry leaves become stained, prematurely begin to change color from green to yellow, red, brown or black, this is a clear sign that the plant urgently needs your help. In case of non-compliance with the rules for caring for berries, as well as damage to the bushes by pests or fungal infections, strawberry leaves can curl, curl Reasons for drying strawberries: diseases, pests or improper care

Causes, symptoms of strawberry diseases and ways to protect against them

It is impossible to be completely insured and confident that strawberry plantings will not be subject to diseases or pest attack, so knowledge of these problems is extremely important.

verticillium wilt

This fungal disease affects the vascular system of the plant, roots, rosettes and root neck. Infected plants droop, wither, leaves turn red-yellow and then dark brown. Almost no new leaves are formed. Affected whiskers and petioles have dark stripes and spots. If urgent measures are not taken, then up to 50% of strawberry bushes can die in a year.

Important! If strawberries grow on sandy soil, then the diseased plant may die within a week; on other types of soil, dying is slower.

The main source of infection is the soil, in which the fungus can be viable for several years. In addition, the pathogen settles on weeds and vegetables, which can also be a source of infection.

Severely affected by verticillium wilt will be stunted and drooping with few yellowish brown leaves.

To prevent and protect the plant, the following measures must be taken:

  • observe crop rotation. It is not recommended to plant strawberries after tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, chrysanthemums and other crops susceptible to the disease;
  • choose varieties that are resistant to the disease;
  • destroy the affected strawberry bushes;
  • use healthy planting material.

Late blight is dangerous because it is quickly transmitted from bush to bush and leads to the death of the plant. The disease affects the root system, leaves, petioles and peduncles. Brown, gradually decaying spots appear on them. Strawberries suffer the most from the disease: the flesh is covered with brown leathery spots, the berries become hard, bitter, and mummified.

Yield losses in case of late blight damage can reach 100%

Note! The fungus overwinters on infected plant debris, as well as on live strawberry rosettes.

Measures to prevent and protect against this disease are as follows:

  • correct watering regime;
  • the use of varieties resistant to late blight;
  • compliance with planting and crop rotation schemes;
  • timely destruction of infected bushes and plant debris;
  • treatment of plantings with Bordeaux liquid, copper sulphate, copper oxychloride, Abiga-Peak and Oxyh preparations.

Gray rot

The disease is manifested by the appearance of brown weeping spots, on which a grayish-smoky coating gradually forms.

The spread of the disease is facilitated by increased air humidity at moderate temperatures, thickening of plantings both in the open field and in the greenhouse. Pathogen spores can spread through moisture, through the air, and can be carried by insects.

To prevent the disease and fight it, it is recommended to do the following:

  • place strawberry plantings in well-ventilated areas;
  • prevent thickening of landings;
  • select varieties resistant to the disease;
  • do not overfeed the bushes with nitrogenous fertilizers, so as not to provoke a large accumulation of green mass;
  • mulch plantings;
  • remove infected plants;
  • when a disease is detected, treat with fungicides: Alirin-B, Switch.

Video: mulching strawberry plantings to combat gray rot

Brown, white and brown spots

If spots appear on the leaves, petioles, shoots of strawberries, then their cause may be a fungal disease - spotting. There are several types of spotting, the most common of them are brown, brown (or angular) and white.

brown spot

First, small focal lesions appear on the plant, which gradually grow into large, reddish-brick color with brown edges, blurry spots. They affect the entire leaf plate, sap flow is disturbed in it and it dies.

Brown spot begins to develop in early spring and spreads most intensively after harvest (in June), infecting mainly old leaves.

The spread of the disease is facilitated by a warm, humid environment, sprinkler irrigation, thickening and weediness of plantings. Insects can be carriers of fungal spores. The pathogen overwinters in fallen leaves, and the next year it attacks plantings again.

Note! The spores of the fungus develop intensively and infect strawberry bushes during the formation and laying of new buds, which negatively affects the next harvest.

Preventive and protective measures in the fight against brown spotting are:

  • autumn pruning of berry leaves and removal of old leaves in early spring;
  • planting varieties resistant to the disease;
  • regular removal of weeds;
  • spraying plantings with Bordeaux liquid;
  • fungicide treatment: Switch, Falcon.

White Spotted Strawberry

If spots up to 1 cm in diameter appear on the leaves, petioles, strawberry peduncles, which have a white lattice middle and a dark brown or purple rim, the plantings are infected with white spotting. Subsequently, the affected part of the leaf plate falls out, the plant becomes oppressed, spreads along the ground. The peak of the disease occurs during the flowering period.

White spot appears during flowering, formation and ripening of berries and continues until the end of the growing season.

It's important to know! White spot infestation can result in a loss of 15 to 100% of the strawberry crop.

The following factors contribute to the intensive development of the disease:

  • rainy weather;
  • abundant dew;
  • sprinkler irrigation;
  • density of landings;
  • overfeeding strawberries with organic fertilizers.

In order to prevent and protect plants, the following measures should be taken:

Infection of plantings with angular spotting can lead to the death of the entire crop. It appears as spots on the leaf plates of strawberries, but they have a peculiar shape and arrangement on the leaf: purple spots with a gray-brown core stretch along the main vein or along the edge of the leaves, have a pronounced angular shape. The disease reduces the winter hardiness of the plant, weakens it, affects the next year's harvest. The spores of the fungus hide in the fallen leaves for the winter, and in early spring they begin to attack the plants again.

Brown spotting is a common disease that causes massive damage to the berry in the second half of the growing season, followed by leaf death.

The following preventive and protective measures will help protect the crop and cope with the disease:

  • use for planting varieties resistant to spotting and healthy seedlings;
  • immediate destruction of diseased bushes;
  • if a planting disease is detected, it is recommended to move it to another place. The return of strawberries to the site can be carried out no earlier than after 5 years;
  • preventive spring spraying with Falcon, Quadris, Metaxil, Ridomil;
  • timely mulching, weeding and loosening of ridges;
  • cessation of fertilizing containing nitrogen;
  • spraying plantings with a Bordeaux mixture;
  • autumn and spring cleaning of plantings from foliage, plant residues;
  • treatment with Fitosporin.

Important! Treatment with chemicals against spotting should not be carried out during fruiting!

powdery mildew

The disease develops on leaf plates, petioles, mustaches and strawberries. First, a barely noticeable whitish coating appears on the underside of the leaves, which gradually passes to the upper part of the leaf, and then to other parts of the plant. The bush stops growing, diseased leaves coarsen, curl. The affected mustache also twists. The fruits acquire an ugly shape, have a waxy coating and an unpleasant aftertaste.

Favorable conditions for the spread of the disease are warm, moist air.

The following are distinguished as preventive and protective measures in the fight against powdery mildew:

  • use of varieties resistant to powdery mildew and healthy seedlings;
  • in areas with high humidity, planting plants on high ridges;
  • preventive spraying with a soap-copper solution or Quadris preparation;
  • spraying plantings after harvesting with Switch, Fundazol preparations.

Strawberry pests

Planting strawberries, berry crops can be damaged not only by diseases, but also by pests. There are a huge number of them: all kinds of insects, slugs, snails, rodents and even the defenders of forests and fields - birds.

Protection of strawberries from birds

By attracting birds to their plot, many gardeners believe that their crop is practically protected from harmful insects. It turns out that many birds (starlings, sparrows, magpies, rooks, crows, blackbirds and others) themselves like to feast on strawberries, and they always choose ripe and large ones.

Regular bird raids are especially dangerous as the berries ripen, because a small flock of birds can almost completely destroy the berry crop.

Gardeners use various methods to deal with this threat:

Slugs on strawberries

Slugs are a serious problem for strawberry plantings. They damage the plants themselves, gnaw on young leaves, spoil the presentation of berries. In addition, the ugly pest leaves a slippery, nasty trail along the way.

Note! Usually, a naked slug, which leads a nocturnal lifestyle, settles in vegetable gardens and gardens. During the day, it hides in cracks in the soil and under the leaves of plants.

The pest spreads massively in wet areas under warm weather conditions. To protect against slugs, preliminary measures should be taken that will not allow the pest to enter the site:

Important! Radical measures to combat slugs are preparations Thunderstorm, Meta.

Strawberry-raspberry weevil is a small (up to 3 mm) grayish-black bug that hibernates on fallen leaves, in soil cracks, and in spring lays eggs in strawberry buds. At the same time, the pest gnaws through the stalk under the bud.

Helpful information! One insect can destroy up to 50 strawberry ovaries.

The emerging larvae feed on an unblown flower, pupate in it, and in the middle of summer a new generation of pests attacks the plantings, damaging the young leaves of the plant. Then the weevil settles down for wintering in order to resume its attacks in the spring. Only radical measures can help in the fight against the pest: spraying plantings with Karbofos, Aktellik, Corsair or Zolon.

The weevil gnaws through the stalk, as a result of which the flower dries up and disappears

May beetle larvae on strawberries

This incredibly voracious larva can spoil the root system of almost any garden and horticultural crop.

Important information! The pest hibernates at a depth of 50-60 cm, so it is not easy to get to it with a simple digging of the garden.

A three-year-old larva of the May beetle is able to gnaw the roots of strawberries, creating optimal conditions for the reproduction of various microorganisms.

Most often, gardeners use the following measures to combat the larvae of the May beetle:

  • collect them by hand;
  • knowing that the larvae of the beetle do not like the soil enriched with nitrogen, they sow white clover in the aisles. Nodule bacteria of this culture are able to absorb nitrogen from the air;
  • use folk remedies: water plantings with infusion onion peel or a solution of ammonia;
  • with the mass spread of the pest, chemical or biological preparations are used (Nemabakt, Antikhrushch, Zemlin).

Video: wilting strawberries for no apparent reason

Nematodes on strawberries

  • leaves turn yellow, wrinkle, curl;
  • plant growth slows down;
  • strawberries bloom poorly;
  • berries are ugly.

If you suspect that a strawberry is affected by a nematode, you need to dig up a bush and inspect its root system. On the affected roots, a poppy scattering of white cysts can be found.

The nematode gradually harms the soil and plants, worsening the crop, or leading to its complete absence.

Preventive pest control measures are:

Helpful information! Planting flowers such as nasturtium, marigolds, marigolds, and calendula among strawberries will help scare away the pest.

Ants are useful insects, but in the garden they cause a lot of trouble. Ripe berries, leaves and the root system of strawberries fall under the impact of insects. Sod ants in the rhizome of strawberries like to arrange anthills, damage the roots of the plant, which can lead to its death. Among other things, ants bring aphids, which are the pet of the anthill. They protect, guard, and graze aphids, in return receiving the main diet of their food - sweet honeydew, which is a waste product of aphids.

Aphids secrete carbohydrate-rich sweet honeydew, which is the staple food of ants.

Aphids cause great harm to strawberries:

  • she is a carrier of various diseases;
  • her settlements weaken the plant;
  • blooming of flowers and formation of fruits is difficult on the affected bushes;
  • strawberry leaves curl, wither;
  • there is a change in the tops of the shoots.

Insects are visible on the shoots, on the lower part of the leaf blade

In the arsenal of gardeners a huge number of means of protection against these pests:

  • bait traps for ants with slow-acting poison;
  • folk remedies using boric acid, tobacco, garlic, yeast;
  • treatment with chemicals Fitoverm, Aktara, Spark.

strawberry mite

This pest is difficult to see even with a strong magnifying glass. It is very small, but the damage that the strawberry mite can cause by planting strawberries is huge. Infection of plantings occurs through seedlings, and then the tick spreads along the site during care: through a working tool, shoes, clothes. For mass infection, certain weather conditions are needed - warm, humid weather (+ 20-25 degrees with a humidity of more than 80%).

The harmfulness of the mite lies primarily in the fact that it causes damage to the future crop, as it damages the flower buds that are being laid. Signs of the appearance of a pest on strawberry plantings are:

  • underdevelopment, weakness of the bushes;
  • crushing and twisting leaves;
  • yellowish foliage,
  • desiccation of berries.

The harmfulness of the mite increases in proportion to the age of strawberry plantations, reaching a maximum in three to four year old plantations.

  • use healthy planting material;
  • choose a well-lit and ventilated area for the ridges
  • observe crop rotation. Planting strawberries can be planted in the old place no earlier than after 4 years;
  • timely destroy plant debris, old leaves;
  • adhere to the regime of watering and top dressing;
  • destroy infected bushes immediately.

Video: ticks on strawberries, the struggle for the harvest

Remember that preventive measures are the most effective remedy control of pests and diseases of strawberries. Timely identified signs will help protect strawberry plantings from mass lesions, save not only the crop, but also the plantings.

In order to recognize the signs of strawberry disease or insect pests in time and start fighting them, you need to familiarize yourself with the description of the most common of them, which can weaken the plant and destroy the entire crop in a matter of days.

Garden strawberries enter the growing season and flowering early, and the period of use of chemicals in the spring is quite limited, so it is also necessary to take into service folk remedies that do not harm the future crop. Many experts attach great importance to preventive measures that reduce the likelihood of strawberry damage to a minimum throughout the season.

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    The main diseases of strawberries

    All fungal diseases of remontant and ordinary strawberries have the ability to develop due to the lack of prevention or in violation of the rules of agricultural technology, committed in the process of growing this crop.

    In order to recognize the disease in time and take action, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with their description and methods of struggle in advance. This will help the gardener to save the crop and plants.

    Experts distinguish three main types of fungal diseases of strawberries:

    1. 1. Leaf spots.
    2. 2. Withering.
    3. 3. Fruit rot.

    Varieties of spotting

    Leaf spot is the most common fungal disease of strawberries, which is divided into several main types. Each of them has its own characteristics and differences:

    Name Description
    brown spotIt is a dangerous disease of garden strawberries. The peak of the defeat of the bushes occurs in the middle of summer, as evidenced by the appearance of purple spots on the leaves. It is in them that fungal spores multiply. During the rainy season, these dark-colored pads have the ability to burst and thereby increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage to plants throughout the garden. Damaged leaves completely darken and die over time, which significantly weakens the immunity of the bush and negatively affects the future harvest. In the absence of timely treatment, the disease can lead to the death of entire rows of strawberries.
    White spotting, or ramulariasisThe disease begins to progress in early spring. At the same time, initially small spots of a white or purple hue appear on the leaves, which eventually grow to the size of a pea. In the future, this place becomes discolored and holes appear. The disease can affect not only foliage, but also flower stalks, young shoots and strawberry mustaches. As a result, characteristic dark spots form on them, slightly pressed inward. If left untreated, the disease can destroy the entire future crop, as the affected flower stalks dry out.
    Brown or angular spottingA characteristic feature of this fungal disease are rounded brown spots with a darker edge, which are located along the main vein. As a result, the affected leaves die off at the end of July, when flower buds are laid for the next season. In this regard, you can not count on a good harvest.
    Black spot, or anthracnoseThe disease affects absolutely all parts of the plant: leaves, peduncles, roots, fruits. In addition to the fact that anthracnose can destroy up to 80% of the strawberry crop, it can also successfully pass to other crops in the garden. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that it can destroy the plant for a long time without obvious characteristic signs. Anthracnose appears due to rainy but warm weather over a long period. Initially, red-brown spots appear along the edge of the leaf plate and on the mustache, which gradually increase and cover an ever larger area, which eventually leads to the complete death of the leaf. Then the disease gradually passes to flowers, and subsequently to fruits.

    To cope with various types of spotting, you must follow simple rules. First of all, in the spring, when the snow melts, it is necessary to clean up the fallen leaves. Then spray the bushes and the topsoil with a 4% solution of Bordeaux mixture or Nitrofen, following the instructions for the preparation.

    During the growing season, before the appearance of buds, it is necessary to re-treat with Bordeaux mixture with a 1% solution, for the third time - after harvesting.


    This type of disease can also often be found in the garden, due to the favorable environment for the development of pathogens. But depending on the pathogen, it can differ significantly:

    Name Description
    Fusarium wiltWhen plants are affected, their green part gradually turns yellow, and subsequently acquires a dark brown hue. Bushes cease to develop completely and eventually die after 30–40 days. High air temperature contributes to the rapid spread of infection. Fungal spores can survive on weeds
    verticillium wiltIt is manifested by slow growth of leaves, while their number is significantly reduced. As a result, the bushes acquire a dwarf flat shape. Initially, the disease leads to the death of the lower sheets, and subsequently the entire bush. On sandy soil, the disease can kill the plant within 3-4 days, and on loamy soil, the process slows down a bit.
    late blight wiltThe disease can be both chronic and transient. In the first case, it manifests itself in the weak development of the bushes, the twisting of the leaf plates and the characteristic gray tint of the leaves. The plant does not bear fruit well and dies in the second year after the defeat. In the second case, the main root becomes red, and the lateral processes die off completely. As a result, the plant droops completely. It is useless to treat the bushes, it is necessary to remove them
    Late blight leathery rotIt is considered one of the most harmful strawberry diseases. It affects all above-ground parts of the plant, but most often appears on the fruits, forming hard, leathery brown spots. Affected berries acquire a characteristic bitter taste. Spores of the fungus, falling on the stem, peduncle or bud, form spots irregular shape, after which the pathogen attacks the growth point. In some cases, the disease also passes to the root of the plant. Its development is associated with abundant long rains. Pathology persists in winter in plant residues on the soil surface

    For treatment, experts recommend using chemicals such as Ridomil, Quadris, Metaxil, Falcon, spraying the bed on the leaf before flowering and with mandatory re-treatment after harvest and in the fall. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to observe crop rotation, changing the plot for strawberries every three years. It is recommended to purchase seedlings from trusted sellers.

    fruit rot

    A common group of fungal diseases that affect garden strawberries. Their appearance is often associated with improper watering of plants or high humidity in case of prolonged rainy weather.

    Common types of rot:

    Name Description
    white rotThe disease affects the foliage and berries of strawberries. The spores of the pathogen travel through the air. The peak of damage occurs during the harvest period in the case of dense plantings and high humidity. A characteristic sign of the disease is the presence of white fluff on the fruits, the affected leaves first turn yellow, and then completely die off.
    Gray rotThe disease can be recognized by the characteristic gray coating on the berries. The spores of the fungus live on the surface of the soil and plant debris. The disease can destroy more than half of the crop. The reason for the development is the long-term cultivation of strawberries in one place, the thickening of plantings and high humidity. It affects not only berries, but also leaves, flower stalks, while it forms brown spots, and in wet weather, gray fluff appears on top. Sick plants should not be dumped into a common compost pit, but it is recommended to bury them in a specially designated place. The reason for the development of the disease is the planting of strawberries in the lowlands, excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers and thickening of plantings, which prevents air from entering.
    powdery mildewIt affects leaves, berries and the growing point of the bush. Initially, it appears on the reverse side of the leaf plate, and then spots are formed on top, covered with a light bloom, which eventually grow and merge into a single whole. The leaves are deformed and thickened at the base, the ovary acquires a brown tint, and subsequently dries completely. Affected berries are covered with a white coating and rot. The development of the disease is promoted by high humidity at high temperatures.
    black rotThis disease can only affect berries at high humidity. They become watery, lose their natural color and turn brown. The fruits lose their strawberry aroma, and subsequently turn completely black
    root rotInitially, it manifests itself as dark spots on young roots, which later leads to their complete death. Then the whole plant becomes brown. Bushes cease to develop, the yield of the beds is significantly reduced. The reason for the development is the use of unrotted manure, planting strawberries after potatoes, using infected seedlings

    The main methods of combating the manifestation of various types of rot on strawberries is the treatment of the beds after harvesting with Switch, Ordan and Horus preparations. And in early spring, you should carefully remove all the remnants of fallen leaves and treat the plants and soil surface with a solution of soda ash at the rate of 50 g per 10 liters of water.

    General measures for the prevention of fungal diseases

    Experts say that it is best to fight fungal diseases with preventive measures. This will help to get a good and healthy crop, as well as protect plants from pathogens.

    Preventive measures:

    1. 1. It is necessary to plant seedlings in compliance with the required distance.
    2. 2. The root system of the acquired seedlings should be soaked in a solution of copper sulfate immediately before planting.
    3. 3. Do not plant strawberries after potatoes.
    4. 4. Observe crop rotation, transplanting seedlings after three years to a new place.
    5. 5. A bed with strawberries should be located in a sunny area with well-warmed soil.
    6. 6. Timely remove the remains of foliage after the snow melts and loosen the aisles.
    7. 7. Use straw or pine needles for mulching.
    8. 8. Timely remove weeds.
    9. 9. Harvest in time, preventing the berries from overripe.
    10. 10. Sprinkle topsoil with wood ash.

    Strawberry pests

    In addition to fungal diseases, garden strawberries are also susceptible to certain types of pests that can cause significant damage to the garden bed in the absence of timely control measures.

    strawberry mite

    The pest is small in size within 2 mm or less, so it is very difficult to recognize the lesion at the initial stage. The tick feeds on the juice of young foliage, as a result of which the growth of bushes slows down. In the absence of control measures, the leaves shrivel, and the plant acquires a dwarf form. The peak of damage occurs in the second half of summer, if warm, humid weather sets in. Especially often affects strawberries in a greenhouse with a favorable microclimate.

    Main control measures:

    • use healthy planting material for bookmarking;
    • at the beginning of the growing season, it is necessary to carry out treatment with a 2% solution of Keltan or 3% Karbofos;
    • in autumn, it is recommended to repeat spraying with Aktellik.

    bronze hairy

    This pest eats all the aerial parts of strawberries, which negatively affects the full development of the bushes and the future harvest. Insect black matte color with a body length of 12 mm. Pest activity falls on the last decade of May and throughout June, causing serious damage to leaves and peduncles.

    Control measures:

    • regular digging between rows;
    • treatment during the period of mass appearance with Calypso, the effect of which occurs 3 hours after treatment;
    • it is recommended to dig a bed for planting strawberries in advance and irrigate with Aktara insecticide.


    The insect is a gray-black beetle, the length of which reaches 2–3 mm. It feeds on young foliage, flower stalks and buds. You can recognize the pest during the period of flowering and budding of strawberries by peduncles, on which buds hang on a thin film or are completely absent. Weevil does the most damage early varieties crops, eating flower stalks with the first buds, giving the largest berries. It is in them that female insects lay their eggs, which, moving into the larval stage, eat the contents of the buds. The period of their development is about 25 days.

    Subsequently, young individuals move to the foliage, forming holes in it. The pest hibernates in the upper soil layer at a depth of 1–1.5 cm and in plant debris.

    The main measures to eliminate the insect:

    • observe regular crop rotation;
    • treat the beds in early spring and autumn with Actellik, Karate, Zolon, Nurell D;
    • dig aisles;
    • timely collect plant debris in early spring.


    The most dangerous common pest of strawberries, which can reduce the yield of the garden bed by 2 times. It is a sand-colored cylindrical worm, the length of which reaches 1 cm. It settles in the buds and axils of the leaves. You can recognize the pest by the deformed shape of the buds and ovary, and subsequently the bush acquires a dwarf form. Severely affected seedlings remain infertile.

    The nematode can survive in the soil for 3–4 years.

    The main control measures: the affected plants must be removed, after which the soil should be treated with a 5% solution of copper sulphate.

    Prevention measures:

    • use of healthy seedlings;
    • compliance with crop rotation;
    • tillage and plants in early spring and autumn with Aktellik, Zolon preparations.

    leaf beetle

    The pest is a brown beetle with a body up to 4 mm long. It feeds on strawberry foliage, forming holes and winding passages. The female insect lays her eggs on the underside of the leaves. The period of their development is 10-15 days, after which the larvae appear, destroying the young strawberry foliage. With a strong defeat of the bush, the leaves dry up, and the berries remain underdeveloped.

    In winter, the pest persists in plant debris.

    Control measures:

    • spring removal of fallen leaves;
    • treatment during the growing season with preparations Sharpei, Nurell D, Aktellik;
    • compliance with crop rotation.

    May beetle larva

    The egg-laying of the beetle occurs in the soil at a depth of 20–30 cm. After 4–6 weeks, the larvae appear light shade and with a body length of up to 6 cm. In the first year they feed on humus in the ground, and subsequently they move to the roots of plants, causing serious damage to plantings. A feature of the larvae is that they do not move around the site, but remain in one place. This makes processing much easier. Their development continues for 4 years, after which the pests pupate and turn into May beetles.

    The pest cannot be seen with the naked eye. You can recognize it by the characteristic web that initially covers individual leaves, and subsequently the entire bush. The pest settles on the underside of the leaf plate, after which small bright dots appear on it. Initially, it affects weeds, and then moves to strawberries. Bushes significantly slow down growth, then completely stop developing. Peak breeding occurs in the second half of June.

    Control measures:

    • the introduction of the predatory mite phytosailus in the ratio of 1:25 or 1:50;
    • the use of chemicals in the spring and after harvest (Omayt, Aktellik, Sunmayt, Ortus);
    • timely removal of weeds;
    • compliance with crop rotation.

    green aphid

    The development of the pest is due to high humidity and optimum temperature in the range of 15–17 degrees. Slugs infect berries, eating holes in them, thereby causing severe damage to the crop. They also feed on young leaves, after which holes appear in the center or along the edge. Egg laying is carried out under wet clods of soil or in earthen depressions with increased level moisture. Slugs are active in the evening and at night. The life span of some species reaches 4 years.

    Fighting methods:

    • avoid crowded landings;
    • observe crop rotation;
    • sprinkling the soil surface with wood ash;
    • mulching the beds with a film;
    • scattering on the bed of granules of the drug Metaldehyde or Slimaks.

    Folk remedies

    It is not always possible to carry out chemical treatment, as many pests attack during the fruiting period. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt folk remedies that will help reduce the number of insects without damaging the future crop.

    Common insecticidal plants:

    Name Collection time Recipe for effectivefacilities
    pharmacy chamomileDuring the flowering period - inflorescences and leavesPour 500 g of dry collection, pour 5 liters of hot water and insist for 12 hours. For processing, add another 15 liters of water and 40 g of laundry soap
    Tobacco ordinaryAutumn - leavesTo prepare the product, you need to pour 400 g of dry raw materials into 2 liters of water and leave for 2 hours. It is recommended to use in a ratio of 1:1 with water, adding 40 g of laundry soap
    YarrowPour 500 g of dry collection with 2 liters of boiling water, soak for 40 minutes. For processing, add 10 liters of water and additionally rub 20 g of soap
    Gorchak creepingDuring the flowering period - the entire aerial partPour 1 kg of dry grass with 5 liters of hot water and keep the infusion for 1 day. For processing, add another 5 liters of water and 40 g of laundry soap

    To grow strawberries, it is necessary to respond in a timely manner to the characteristic signs of the appearance of diseases or pests, and follow simple prevention. This will help to avoid negative consequences for plants and save the harvest.

The beginning of May is a riot of colors and flowers, as well as the appearance of a dangerous fungal disease, powdery mildew, on your favorite berry - strawberries. It's easy to recognize her. A diseased plant loses its vital colors, its leaves change. The bushes begin to dry out before our eyes. The berry is sick throughout the growing season. This disease is common in all countries of the former Soviet Union. Know her in the world.

Dew on strawberries: why is it powdery

The first desire of the gardener is to cure powdery mildew on strawberries, using effective chemicals in order to destroy the cause of the disease once and for all. But, with the proper organization of preventive measures, the use of folk remedies, the use of insecticides can be avoided.

Powdery mildew on strawberries (its first signs) appears on the petioles of the rosettes of the berry, the lower leaf plate. Underground parts, the fungus does not touch the roots. Powdery coating resembles a white coating in the form of a thin cobweb. The specks are clearly visible on it. These are spores of marsupial fungi. The disease spreads quickly to arrows of flowers, mustaches of strawberries, berries. The vascular system of the leaves is affected. They change their color: they turn brown with a touch of rust. The leaves are deformed, curl up, lifting the wrinkled edges. Then they dry up. The fruits that have become white crack, lose juice, are affected by putrefactive bacteria, and smell like mold. They become dark, brown in color, dry out. No less damage is done to strawberry flowers. Powdery mildew inhibits the pollination of inflorescences. Overgrown mustaches lose color, inhibit growth, then die off.

Attention! White plaque is nothing more than a well-developed mycelium, consisting of conidia (carriers) and conidia (pathogen). Both species are single-celled protozoa with a size of only 20x15 microns. Spread by wind or carried into the ground along with seedlings.

In favorable summer conditions (warm air, high humidity), the fungus repeatedly infects new crops. Favorable (optimal) conditions for reproduction are: + 18-23 ° C and humidity 70%. At temperatures below +3°C and above +35°C, the fungus dies.

The disease reaches its maximum critical threshold during the formation of flower buds. The real "Klondike" for the flourishing of diseases is the old, unthinned plantings of strawberries. The abundance of weeds also contributes to the spread of the disease, as well as excessive fertilization of the soil with nitrogen fertilizing. When a fungus enters a closed space (greenhouse, greenhouse), it can destroy more than half of the crop.

The causative agent of powdery mildew - the marsupial fungus - hides from frost under the remains of plants, mainly in the form of mycelium. An increase in outside air temperature promotes its active germination. The shoots available at this moment, the young growth is immediately exposed to infection. At the same time, hardened leaves that have gained strength and are 25 days old or more are not affected by the powdery mildew fungus.

Infection prevention

  • The cultivation of special, pure-bred, fungus-resistant strawberry varieties will help prevent the occurrence of a fungal infection: “Early Makherauha”, “Source”, “Polka, Dukat”, “Beauty Zagorya”, “Ruby Pendant”, “Sparkle”, “ Redgauntlet”, “Galician”, “Pandora”, “Sochi beauty”, “Olivia”.
  • Ensuring the protection of plants from powdery mildew is achieved by the right choice of places to purchase it. These can be specialized farms of research institutes, nurseries that provide certificates for their resistance to diseases along with planting material.
  • The key to a good harvest is the initial purity of planting crops. Seedlings intended for planting should not be infected. This applies to the root system, shoots, leaves.
  • At the same time, seedlings are planted among themselves in increments of 1.5 m, at least. And the width of the row should be 300 mm, no more.
  • When growing strawberries (strawberries) under a film cover, it is necessary to organize constant ventilation in warm weather.
  • Constant inspection of bushes and removal of damaged leaves and berries.
  • In the same place, the berry should not be more than two years in a row. Even once on a bush, the pathogens will not have time to completely infect the plant and spread throughout the plantation during this time. After that, the bushes need to be transplanted to another place that is safe from pests and diseases.
  • Agrotechnical measures for moderate watering, periodic weeding, timely feeding with humus or mineral supplements with a set of necessary trace elements will help prevent many strawberry diseases, including powdery mildew.
  • Mustache growth should be prevented, weeding should be organized in time between rows of fruit crops.

The system of various measures is aimed at increasing the resistance to the disease. Adequate ventilation contributes to a good harvest.

Fight anyway

And how to deal with powdery mildew if strawberries susceptible to the disease have already been growing for more than a year on the site?

Attention! Never apply insecticides to flowering plants. The first time the treatment is done during the formation of the first young foliage. It is repeated again, immediately, before the start of blooming inflorescences. Strawberries are sprayed for the last time after the last berries of the crop have been harvested. So that the pathogen does not get used to the insecticide, the drugs need to be changed.

Fungicides will help prevent the appearance and spread of the disease.

  • Topaz has proven itself well: it is enough to take 5 ml of the drug and dilute it in a bucket of water. Bayleton is also used for these purposes. It is taken 2 g per 10 liters of water.
  • During the formation of new outlets, strawberries are treated with a complex composition of neonicotinoid (pyrethroid) insecticide and fungicide for prevention purposes. This may be Kuproksat (30 ml) and Fructosporin (50 g). During the formation of the ovary, you can use Gaupsin, Horus. These are fast acting drugs. They are consumed 500 g per 100 square meters. m plantations of strawberries.
  • Control measures include pollination with Kulbikikt, Karatan, Euparen (0.2%), colloidal sulfur (1%), Plondrel (0.1%).
  • The composition of NAT is used: it needs 100 g per 10 liters of water.

The last processing of strawberry bushes is carried out after the complete cutting of the remaining shoots in the fall. You can treat berry crops with Euparen, Topaz, Switch. With these preparations, the soil is poured between the rows 2 or 3 more times with an interval of one and a half weeks.

Always at hand: we use folk recipes

Spring garden work should begin with the first warm days.

  • When the snow cover melts, the bare bushes are irrigated with a 3% composition of the Bordeaux mixture.
  • You can treat strawberries from powdery mildew with a soap-copper composition: 20 g of laundry soap and vitriol (copper) are diluted in 15 liters of water.
  • Treatment for infection with a marsupial fungus is also carried out with the help of soda ash (0.4%). 40 g of powder and the same amount of soap are added to water (10 l). This composition is used in the formation of buds, as well as after the entire strawberry crop has been harvested.
  • Foliar top dressing is carried out with boric acid. 10 g of powder is diluted in a bucket of water.
  • For the same purpose, zinc sulfate is used (20 g of the drug per 10 liters of water.)
  • Wood ash in the amount of 3 tbsp. spoons infused in 10 liters of water for two days. 40 g of soap is added to hold the composition on the plant.

These simple methods will help get rid of a dangerous disease on strawberries - powdery mildew.

Diseases and pests on strawberry bushes often cause a decrease in the quality of the crop, and in advanced cases, its death. This article will help to identify the disease at an early stage and begin its treatment.

Every owner of a garden plot dreams that only healthy and productive strawberry bushes grow on his property. But numerous diseases and pests can quickly destroy the gardener's dreams and destroy the entire crop. Knowing what strawberry diseases are (photo) and their treatment will help you quickly start preserving the crop.

We will analyze the main diseases and pests that are found everywhere. Knowing the main signs of the onset of the disease, you can prevent its spread, and preventive measures will allow you to completely avoid infection. And pests, methodically destroying the strawberry crop, will forever forget the way to your garden plot.

Most often, strawberries are affected by fungal diseases. The main cause of such diseases is high humidity, shading and the presence of weeds in the area where strawberries grow.

The first preventive measure should be the complete cleaning of the site from weeds, and avoiding excessive thickening and choosing the right site for planting strawberries will lead to a solution to the problem of high humidity.

The causative agent of the disease are fungal spores that develop in dry leaves. When this type of strawberry disease is affected (photos and their treatment), brown spotting is very easily detected.

  • Small brown spots with a distinct purple tint form on strawberry leaves. In the future, the affected area expands significantly, spreading over almost the entire surface of the sheet.
  • The danger of brown spot is to reduce the development of strawberry bushes. Fruit ripening is significantly slowed down, which leads to a decrease in yield.
  • Good efficiency is shown by antifungal drugs - fungicides. When using these products, you must follow all the rules described on the package with the drug.
  • From folk methods treatment of brown spotting, the most common is the treatment of plants with Bordeaux liquid. It should fall on the leaves not only from the top, but also from the bottom.
  • Of the preventive methods, it should be noted the complete cleaning of the area with strawberries from weeds and dry leaves, which are the main source of this disease. Every 3 years, plants should be transplanted to a new place, as the fungus can accumulate in the soil itself.

This disease is considered the most dangerous, since immunity from it simply does not exist. Only preventive methods show good efficiency.

Growing strawberries on your site, you can find the most dangerous of strawberry diseases (photos and their treatment) - Fusarium wilt.

  • Fusarium wilt affects the entire aerial part of the plant. The leaves begin to gradually turn yellow and wither. A month and a half after the first symptoms appear, the plant becomes completely unviable and dies.
  • The fungi are spread by weeds growing among strawberry bushes, as well as some types of vegetable crops growing in a garden plot.
  • The fungus has the peculiarity of accumulating in the soil, so the main method of dealing with it is prevention. Crop rotation should be observed, and once every 3 years, change the place of residence of your strawberries. Healing plants should be planted in its place. Weeding and removing weeds also gives good results.
  • At an early stage of detection of the fungus, the use of Tichoderma shows good efficiency. At a later date, Fundazol should be used for tillage.

This fungal disease manifests itself most often in greenhouse conditions, where optimal conditions for its development are created - warm air and high humidity. In conditions open ground the disease develops in high humidity during the warm harvest season.

Strawberry leaf diseases pose a great danger to plant viability (photo), and their treatment is also necessary. White spot affects strawberry leaves and impairs its defense mechanisms.

  • A sign of the disease are small spots that appear on the leaves. In the future, they turn white, and a brown edging appears around the edges. In the final stage, the central part of the affected area dies off, and holes form on the leaves.
  • The danger of the disease lies in the general decrease in yield. The overall protection of strawberry bushes against other diseases, as well as resistance to frost, is reduced.
  • To combat the disease, dry and diseased leaves should be destroyed. Treatment is carried out with preparations of nitrafen and Bordeaux mixture. Processing should be carried out, observing the basic rules. The leaves must be processed, both from the top side and from the bottom.
  • White spot, like any fungal disease, breeds well in wet places. Strawberry bushes should not be thickened. Weeds should be strictly avoided.

Folk methods of treatment

If signs of the disease appear at the moment when the berries have already formed, the use of chemical treatments is not recommended. Their use is a necessity if the disease is in an advanced stage. Detection of strawberry diseases (photo) and their treatment with folk remedies can also show high efficiency.

  • Planting onions and garlic in relative proximity to strawberries helps against gray rot. The enzymes they produce destroy the fungus that penetrates the soil.
  • At the initial stage of development of powdery mildew, mullein infusion helps well. The solution is prepared in the ratio of 1 part of mullein to 3 parts of water. The solution is infused for 3 days, after which it is filtered and used for spraying strawberry bushes.
  • An infusion of garlic or onion peel shows excellent results against all fungal diseases of strawberries. To prepare the solution, chopped garlic and water are taken in a ratio of 1: 1. The remedy should be insisted for at least 10 days. For 10 liters of water, 25 ml is used. ready tool.
  • You should always keep the site clean and remove dry berries and leaves when they appear on the site. Pinching rows is strongly discouraged.


In addition to diseases, pests can also cause significant harm to strawberries. To preserve the crop, strawberry diseases and pests should be detected in time (photo), and their treatment should be carried out immediately.

Slugs love warm and humid places. Therefore, thickened plantings of strawberries, where a large amount of moisture is retained, are a great place for them to live. They destroy some pests that can start in the garden.

However, the harm caused by slugs far exceeds the benefits. They love tender strawberries. They quickly destroy already ripe fruits, making it impossible to enjoy their taste.

Folk remedies do not give high efficiency when compared with chemical ones, but their use is necessary if the berries have already formed. Good results from folk remedies are shown by sprinkling strawberries with wood ash, black pepper and saline treatment.

strawberry nematode

The nematode is a small worm that lives in the soil. It is almost impossible to detect them in the soil at the initial stage. They can only be identified by the relevant symptoms, which include yellowing of the leaves, thickening of the veins, wrinkling, slow growth and change in the shape of the berries.

These signs are similar to many strawberry diseases (photo), and their treatment of the nematode makes them useless. Trying to cure the disease, you will not get the desired result, because the pest is the cause.

  • You can reduce the impact of the strawberry nematode on strawberry bushes by observing simple crop rotation rules. It is recommended to periodically transplant plants to new places. The nematode, not finding a favorite treat, will soon leave this area.
  • There are varieties of strawberries that are resistant to this pest. They just ignore strawberries. Choosing the right strawberry variety will help you deal with the nematode in your garden.
  • The use of chemicals is also allowed. The roots are usually treated with special preparations, for example, fosdrin or parathion. Strawberry roots should be cleaned from the ground and lowered into the solution for 10 minutes. After that, the roots are washed with running water.
  • Beneficial fungi can also become detrimental to worms. Adding compost to the soil increases their population. This method is also useful for the plants themselves, which will begin to receive more nutrients.

The key to success in the fight against diseases and pests is the timely detection of symptoms. An attentive gardener will always be able to see that his plants have changed and need urgent support.

Late treatment of damaged plants can lead to the death of both part of the crop and the plants themselves. Having found the symptoms, you should immediately begin the appropriate treatment of the disease and the destruction of pests.

The description of the strawberry disease (photo) and their treatment in the video below gives a clear understanding of what to do if obvious symptoms of the disease are found.