Recipes for Thai dishes at home. The best Thai food - street food in Thailand. Traditional Thai dishes are a must try

Dishes Thai cuisine- this is an amazing phenomenon, since the Thais managed to preserve all the originality of their national cuisine, despite the enormous influence from India and China. In our article we want to talk about the most famous and popular dishes of this amazing country.

Products used by Thais

Thai dishes are unique in that during their preparation they use an incredible amount of all kinds of spices. Hot pepper is very popular and is the basis of many dishes. In general the dishes are very spicy.

The basis of nutrition for the inhabitants of this exotic country is rice, which is considered the main Asian crop. Almost all Thai dishes contain this product. Moreover, two varieties of rice are used: sticky and white crumbly. The second is eaten with spoons as a side dish, and the first is rolled into balls, which are then placed whole in the mouth. Stir-fry with rice, thin soup, sweet and sour rice... The list of dishes made from this product that Thais prepare is simply endless.

But the most delicious side dish is always served on the table. different sauces(soy, fish). However, it is worth noting that Thai dishes are not just about rice. Vegetables, fish and meat are served along with it.

The next most popular product after rice can be considered soybeans, which are consumed in processed form. Pasta, cottage cheese, and sauce are made from them.

Many Thai dishes are made from fish. Mostly freshwater species are used, which are found in local lakes and streams. Delicious soups and main courses are prepared from the fish, wrapped in banana leaves. Seafood is also very popular in Thailand.

It may seem that Thais only eat fish. But actually it is not. Their diet also includes meat. The most popular are pork and chicken (any poultry meat), from which simply amazingly tasty dishes are prepared.

Features of national food

Thai food has one peculiarity. In Thailand, milk and all kinds of dairy products are almost completely absent. The Thais themselves do not suffer from this in any way and replace them with coconut cream and milk. It is these products that enrich local food with an extraordinary taste, which is difficult to reproduce in our conditions.

The climate of Thailand allows its residents to enjoy ripe fruits all year round. Bananas and papaya are very common here. But fruits such as rambutan, mangosteen and mango appear only in season, but they are always available in abundance.

Thai food is very unusual. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is prepared from very unusual products for us, and the methods of its preparation are unusual. Therefore, it is quite difficult to reproduce such dishes at home, because you need to achieve special flavor shades. But you can still try to cook the most popular dishes.

Beef dish

Thai beef is a completely new interpretation of a seemingly familiar dish. If you offer your guests such food, they will be very surprised and will probably ask for more.

The dish turns out to be slightly spicy and spicy, which gives it some piquancy. A mixture of sauces and spices gives the usual meat a completely new flavor.

For cooking you will need the following products:

  1. Beef tenderloin - 260 g.
  2. One lime.
  3. Lemon grass - 20 g.
  4. Clove of garlic.
  5. Green cilantro.
  6. One chili pepper.
  7. Green onion.
  8. Basil.
  9. Chicken broth - 120 g.
  10. Soy sauce - 15 g.
  11. Cane sugar - 7 g.
  12. Olive oil - 12 ml.
  13. Corn starch - 12 g.

Cooking beef

Thai beef is cooked with a lot of herbs. Cooking should begin by preparing the rice. It must be rinsed thoroughly until the water becomes completely clear. After this, the cereal can be poured with water in a ratio of 1 to 1.5 and sent to cook over medium heat. Rice is considered ready as soon as all the liquid has evaporated.

In the meantime, you can move on to preparing the meat. The beef needs to be marinated. Cut it into small slices and put it in a bowl. Now you need to prepare the marinade: squeeze the juice from the lemongrass, chop its pulp, add soy sauce and exactly half of the prepared starch. The resulting mixture is sent to the beef.

Chop the garlic and finely chop the chili pepper. Mix these ingredients and add fish sauce, as well as sugar and the juice of a quarter of a lime.

Next, you need to chop the green onions and dissolve the remaining starch in the broth. Now fry the beef in a well-heated frying pan for several minutes, after removing the lemongrass. Then add oyster sauce (prepared by us) and broth with starch to the pan. Mix all ingredients and bring to a boil. Finally, basil and onion are added, after which the pan is removed from the stove.

Now you need to serve the dish correctly. Place the beef on boiled rice and garnish it with cilantro on top.

Pad Thai

We would like to bring to your attention a recipe for one of the most popular and delicious Pad Thai, consisting of fried flat rice noodles (about half a centimeter wide) and tamarind (sweet and sour) sauce. Unfortunately, the second component is very difficult to find here. Therefore, you can simply replace it with a mixture of fish and soy sauce with lime juice and vegetable oil (peanut and sesame oil work well).

It is very difficult to reproduce the dish in its original version, but you can prepare a more adapted version, closer to the original. All the necessary ingredients can be purchased in large supermarkets or in specialized Asian cuisine shops. For cooking you will also need a special utensil - a wok.

So, let's start by preparing the noodles. It must be boiled according to the instructions on the package and then rinsed. Next, we clean the shrimp, removing all excess from them. Beat several large eggs in a separate bowl with a whisk.

Chop the onion feathers, chop several shallots and one clove of garlic. Salted roasted peanuts should be chopped.

Next, let's move on to cooking the meat. Cut one hundred or two hundred grams of pork into slices. Place a wok on the stove and heat the sesame oil on it. Place the shallots in a bowl and fry them for about a minute, then add the meat and also cook for a couple of minutes. After this, put the garlic and shrimp in the pan and fry all the ingredients for a few more minutes, remembering to stir constantly.

Now you need to add the eggs into the pan and immediately mix everything thoroughly. If the wok is too hot, you can lift it and stir the contents by weight. The eggs should turn into something resembling flakes. This effect is not so easy to achieve.

In the dish we put a tablespoon of ketchup, two tablespoons of fish sauce, a teaspoon of sugar (it is better to use cane or palm sugar), the juice of one lime, and some sprouted legumes. Mix all ingredients again and remove from heat. Sprinkle the finished dish with onion, ground pepper and chopped peanuts. After mixing the ingredients well, the food is served in special bowls.

Sriracha sauce

Thai sriracha sauce is incredibly aromatic and spicy; it goes well with almost any dish: rolls, fish, meat, and is also used when baking food.


  1. Three cloves of garlic.
  2. Chili pepper - 65 g.
  3. A tablespoon of soy sauce.
  4. One onion head.
  5. Rice vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  6. A tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  7. Tomato paste - 120 g.
  8. Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

This sauce was first prepared fifty years ago by a Thai woman in a small village. Everyone liked him incredibly. And after some time, the recipe was purchased and the sauce began to be produced in large volumes. Sriracha is still very popular in Asian countries. It is used for baking, frying, and as an ingredient for marinade.

Cooking should begin by frying chopped onion and chopped garlic in a frying pan. Next, you need to add pepper and tomato, and simmer the workpiece for five minutes. Now you can pour vinegar, soy sauce and sugar. Cook the dish until the ingredients are soft. After our sauce has cooled a little, we need to grind it in a blender. It can be placed in a glass jar, sealed and stored in the refrigerator.

Massaman curry

A dish with such a beautiful name is included in the TOP 50 of the world's best culinary works. Which means it’s definitely worth trying. Massaman curry is prepared in every restaurant in Thailand. This type of curry is considered the least spicy among other types. In addition, it is worth knowing that the dish is prepared exclusively from beef. Of course, you can use chicken and pork, but then it won’t be entirely original dish.

It is said that during the time of King Rama II of Siam, massaman curry was present on the royal menu. The basis of the dish is pasta. It traditionally consists of shallots, dried red pepper, galangal, garlic, cumin, white pepper, lemongrass, white coriander, salt and shrimp paste.

The stunning combination of beef and potatoes, stewed exclusively in coconut milk, is complemented by the aromas of spices, resulting in a very harmonious dish.


  1. Coconut milk - 220 g.
  2. Beef - 430 g.
  3. Onion sets - 18 pcs.
  4. Tamarind paste - to taste.
  5. Massaman curry paste - 60 g.
  6. Fish sauce - to taste.
  7. Cashew or roasted peanuts.
  8. White cardamom - 5 pcs.
  9. Bay leaf - to taste.
  10. Half a teaspoon of cumin.


Fry cardamom and cumin in a dry wok. Cut the meat into pieces. Take the cream from the can of milk (coconut) and add it to the pan along with the curry paste. Fry the ingredients until the cream begins to release oil. Next, put the meat in the wok and simmer it in the mixture until cooked (about thirty or forty minutes). In the meantime, prepare the onions and potatoes, peel them and cut them into large pieces. Twenty minutes before the end of cooking the meat, add onions, potatoes and fish sauce to the pan. The dish should be ready. At the very end of cooking, you need to add cumin, cardamom, tamarind paste, and bay leaf. The finished dish is served in a deep plate, sprinkled with peanuts on top.

Thai miracle

Panang Gai is an amazing dish. In our article we want to bring simple recipe its preparations. The main thing is to find everything necessary products on sale, because without curry and coconut milk the dish simply won’t work.


  1. Chicken fillet - 350 g.
  2. Vegetable oil.
  3. A teaspoon of fish sauce.
  4. Green beans - 120 g.
  5. Three teaspoons of curry paste.
  6. Two teaspoons of brown sugar.
  7. Coconut milk - 220 ml.
  8. Broccoli - 120 g.
  9. Chili - 4 pcs.
  10. A pinch of lime leaves.
  11. Nuts - 60 g.


The chicken fillet must be washed and dried, and then cut into pieces. Next, chop the broccoli into florets, chop and chili. Fry the meat a little in a frying pan and blanch the beans.

Place the cream from the coconut milk in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Then add the curry paste and stir the mixture until dissolved. Now you can add milk, fish sauce, add some lime leaves and sugar. Next, add broccoli, chili, chicken and beans to the wok. All ingredients should simmer over low heat for ten minutes. Vegetables and fillets should be fully cooked. The dish is ready.

Green curry

Thai green curry is one of the best dishes in northern Thailand. The combination of coconut milk and spicy spices gives an amazing taste, making the dish incredibly popular. Its basis is the green curry paste itself, which can be purchased or prepared.


  1. Pea eggplants - one handful.
  2. Thai eggplants - 6 pieces.
  3. One chicken breast.
  4. Winter melon - 250 g.
  5. A can of coconut milk.
  6. Chili pepper - 3 pcs.
  7. Curry paste (green) - 3 tbsp. l.
  8. Three cloves of garlic.
  9. Two tablespoons of fish sauce.
  10. Lime leaves.
  11. Palm sugar.

Vegetables need to be prepared: pick pea eggplants from the branches, cut round ones, cut the melon into pieces, chop the pepper into rings. Grind the chili and garlic in a mortar and fry in vegetable oil. You can also use coconut cream for frying. Next, add the curry paste to the pan and fry the ingredients for a couple of minutes. Then pour in some of the milk (coconut) and stir the mixture, add the chicken pieces and continue cooking over very low heat. Do not bring the dish to a boil, otherwise the coconut milk may simply separate.

Now you can pour out the remaining milk and cook, remembering to stir. Add sugar, fish sauce, pea eggplant, chili, lime leaves and heat everything again. At the very end of cooking, basil leaves are added to the curry. They are added to the dish and immediately removed from the heat. Curry is usually served with rice noodles and rice.

Thai salad

Som Tam salad is incredibly popular among Thai women. The dish consists of almost nothing but herbs and is quickly prepared. There are two types of Som Tam: with salted crabs and dried shrimp.


  1. Green papaya.
  2. Two chili peppers.
  3. Six cherry tomatoes.
  4. Two cloves of garlic.
  5. Six pods of long beans.
  6. A tablespoon of sugar.
  7. Lime.
  8. Two tablespoons of ground peanuts.
  9. A tablespoon of dried shrimp.

The papaya must be peeled and the seeds removed from the core. Using a special device, we grate the papaya into noodles (the fruit knife is somewhat similar to our potato peeler).

Grind the chili and garlic in a mortar. The spicier we want the salad, the more thoroughly we grind the seasonings. Then add tomatoes and beans to the mortar and crush the contents. The tomatoes should release their juice. Now add shrimp, papaya, peanuts and all other spices, squeeze out lime juice and mix the ingredients thoroughly. The dish is ready!

Thai shrimp

Thai shrimp is an incredibly tasty seafood dish. To prepare it we will need:

  1. Tiger shrimp (large) - 0.8 kg.
  2. Lime leaves.
  3. Lemongrass - four stems.
  4. Ginger - 60 g.
  5. Two chili peppers.
  6. Sesame oil - 6 tbsp. l.
  7. Juice of three oranges.
  8. Sea salt.

Grind the ginger and garlic on a grater, after peeling them. Cut the lemongrass stems into four parts. Finely chop the chili pepper and add it to the ginger and garlic. Pour orange juice, sesame oil there, add salt, lemongrass, lime leaves and mix the ingredients well. As a result, we got a marinade. Add shrimp to it and let it brew in the refrigerator for six hours. We wrap the marinated seafood in several layers of foil and bake it over coals or on a grill. Approximate cooking time is 10-15 minutes.

If you want to prepare such a dish, you can purchase a Tom Yum soup kit, it contains everything you need. This will make your task easier and you won’t have to look for all the components separately to prepare the marinade.

Instead of an afterword

We have provided recipes for only the most famous and popular Thai dishes. In fact, there are an incredible number of them. It is impossible to talk about everyone within the scope of this article. By following the cooking tips, you will be able to treat yourself to a homemade Thai dish, or you will simply be able to figure out what to order in establishments that prepare such food.

17 most delicious dishes Thai cuisine:

Tom Kha

Soup made with coconut milk with mushrooms, tomatoes, galangal or ginger, lemongrass, cilantro (coreander), is not spicy because... coconut milk neutralizes the pepper. There are several types: with chicken (tom kha gai), with shrimp (tom kha goong) and with pork (tom kha muu). This soup is perfect for those who can't or don't want to eat spicy food. I recommend.

Khao Pad

Fried rice mixed with egg (or without egg), served with pieces of chicken/beef/pork/shrimp/crab, or if you don’t want meat, order “khao pad pag” - they will bring you the same dish, only with fried vegetables. You can also ask to put a fried egg on top (as in the photo), to do this, just say “khai dao”. This dish is not spicy. Served with naam pla fish sauce. I recommend.

Yam Woon Sen

Thai salad with seafood and glass noodles. In general, “Yam” (in English transcription Yum or Yam) is a whole “class” of hot and sour salads with glass noodles. The taste and aroma of “Yam” salads is determined by the sauce of the same name, made from sweet onions, fish sauce, lime, sugar, chili, celery or cilantro (hence Tom-Yam: “boiled Yam”). And the fillings can be very different - from minced pork and grilled beef to seafood and shrimp. My favorite version of this salad is Yam Wun Sen Gung i.e. with shrimps. Very fresh, “light” and satisfies hunger well. I recommend.

By default, the salad is served spicy. If you don't want it spicy, say "may phad" - not spicy.

Pad See Yu

It's very simple and hearty dish, consisting of pork, vegetables and noodles quickly fried in soy sauce. The key ingredient in this dish is wide rice noodles. The dish is not served spicy. I recommend.

Kha Tom

Thai rice soup, usually with pork, chicken or shrimp. Sometimes, when serving, chopped ginger is added to it. My husband calls kha tom hangover soup. He says it’s very tasty in the morning after a good drinking session)) The soup is served with chicken/pork/shrimp.

Tom Yum

A masterpiece of Thai culinary art, this is the most popular Thai soup among tourists and guests of the Kingdom. Soup with a huge amount of shrimp, mushrooms, tomatoes, lemongrass, kolgan and lime leaves (kaffir). All this is boiled in coconut milk and served in two versions: with coconut cream - Tom Yum Kung Nam Kon soup (tom yum gung nam kohn) or without it - Tom Yum Gung Nam Sai (tom yum gung nam sai). The second version is a little more sour and lighter. Tom Yam truly combines many flavors: salty, sour, spicy and sweet in one dish. This is a true favorite of Thai cuisine known all over the world.

Som Tam

Garlic and chili pepper are first crushed in a mortar. Tamarind juice, fish sauce, peanuts, dried shrimp, tomatoes, lime juice, sugarcane paste, kidney beans and a handful of green papaya go into the mortar. Sweet, salty and spicy flavors combined with green crispy papaya. Som Tam has many offered options: with crabs - som tam boo, with fermented fish sauce - som tam plah lah.

Pad Thai

Medium rice noodles stir-fried with shrimp and a variety of ingredients - nuts, tofu, bean sprouts, green onions, garlic, pepper, lime juice and fish sauce. Everything is poured with egg and cooked until the dish becomes thicker - this will give it a delicious taste. Squeeze lime onto the finished Pad Thai and sprinkle with peanuts. And again, some people add a few spoons of sugar, dried chili pepper and a small spoon of vinegar to it. Therefore, this set is served as a condiment for the famous Pad Thai salad.

Gang Jued

Gang Jut is considered one of the lightest soups in Thai cuisine. Chopped pork, tofu and glass noodles are added to a vegetable broth made from cabbage, carrots and onions. Be sure to have parsley on top. Almost like our fresh cabbage soup, only instead of Thai noodles and tofu we have potatoes and tomatoes.

Khao Na Phet

Roast duck is recognized throughout Asia for being fattier and more flavorful than chicken. Thai dish Khao Na Phet served on a plate with rice. Select pieces of duck are placed on the rice and duck broth with acacia leaves is poured on top. Khao Na Phet is easy to see - street food carts have ducks hanging in a glass cabinet. It is also customary to serve duck with a simple and nutritious duck broth.

In Thailand, very often you can see certain dishes on display, or even whole chicken or duck carcasses. These are special layouts designed to clearly show what kind of dish is being prepared here.

Kai Ji Moo Sap

Authentic Thai food that anyone can cook for themselves. Beat the eggs with fish and soy sauce, then add minced pork. The resulting mixture is poured over hot boiled rice. The omelette is served with chili sauce and fresh herbs.

Khao Nii Mu Yang

Pork kebab, served with rice, noodles or French fries. All grilled meats in Thailand, like all Thai food - street food and in restaurants, are prepared very tasty and are not expensive. You can buy Khao Nii Mu Yang anywhere, at any time of the day.

Guy Young

Grilled chicken, like grilled pork, moo yang, is a very popular dish in Thai cuisine and is sold everywhere from street food carts to restaurants. Grilled chicken is accompanied by rice and delicious spicy Som Tam (green papaya salad). You can buy a whole chicken, or you can buy a half. On street food carts, from different vendors, it is prepared according to different recipes, but always delicious.

Khao Man Gai

Lean chicken with rice. In Russia we call it chicken bouillon with rice (implying chicken in it, as usual). Thai chicken Khao Man Gai is served on a plate with rice, and the broth is served separately. Of course, chili and soy sauce are offered as seasonings.

Khao Pad Kra Pao

Another very popular Thai dish. This is finely chopped (in some versions minced) meat, fried with Thai seasonings and basil leaves and, of course, chili. You can order gai - chicken maso, muu - pork and nya - beef. Served with rice, you can also add a fried egg (khai dao) on top. A very tasty dish, in my opinion, but it’s not often that a chef can prepare it for you without being at all spicy.

Pla Ka Pang Nung Manu

Whole perch in a pool of steam with hot sauce. Lime juice is poured into a metal mold in which the dish is served. A candle burns at the bottom of the mold to keep the fish steamed all the time. Cloves of garlic and green chilies poke through the cilantro and lime zest for a hint of spice, while the sweet steamed fish melts in your mouth.

Pla Plu

A popular street food to eat with Som Tam and sticky rice is the simple fried fish with salt. The fish is stuffed with lemongrass, lime leaves and other aromatic ingredients and sprinkled heavily with salt. That's why, never overcooked, it's grilled to succulent perfection. The result is soft, sweetish, white fish meat that literally melts in your mouth. Pla Plu in Thailand is prepared from all types of fish.

As you can see, Thai food is very diverse. It is not possible to write about everything. But the most delicious, in our opinion, dishes were selected for us. Worthy of everyone's attention.

Grated ginger, a couple of bergamot leaves, a sprig of lemongrass, fish sauce, chili pepper, thick oyster sauce, lime juice and a spoonful of sugar. The taste of Thai food is an amazing combination of sweet, salty, sour and spicy-spicy. Thai cuisine ranks high in the rankings of the best food from around the world. I myself every time look forward to a trip to Thailand so that I can again order a bowl of Tom Yam soup, papaya salad or my favorite dessert - sticky rice in coconut milk with mango. Today's post is about Thai cuisine, with detailed description dishes and lots of photos. It is better to have a good meal before watching.

We lived in Thailand for three winters and spent a total of 7 months in the Land of Smiles. I took cooking classes and learned to cook Thai food from a real Thai chef. I know first-hand about the ingredients and dishes, I understand well what the main dishes of Thai cuisine consist of. I would be very glad if this post helps you better navigate the gastronomic delights of Thailand.

Thai food ingredients

In order to understand what Thai cuisine is, let's talk about the main ingredients. The basis of the basics is sauces. If Europeans try to preserve the original taste of products and use a minimum of spices and sauces, then in Thai cuisine sauce is the basis. The dish must combine four tastes: sour, salty, sweet and spicy at the same time. And if spiciness is sometimes ignored when preparing some dishes, then Thai food simply must be sour, sweet and salty.

Thais eat a lot of seafood. Shells, snails, squid, fish, crabs, octopuses. Seafood is cooked for a minimum amount of time, boiled or fried with sauces for only a minute or two. Chicken and pork are also held in high esteem; beef dishes are less often served. Tofu cheese, which is also added to fried noodles, also adds variety to the dishes. It is not clear where they put it and where not - only in the noodles, or not only in the noodles? Or noodles for variety, but other dishes - not for variety..

There are a lot of vegetables in Thailand. Thais enjoy using cauliflower, onions, corn, zucchini, small eggplants, tomatoes and cucumbers. Moreover, cucumbers are often fried in a frying pan along with other vegetables.

Herbs are indispensable assistants in preparing Thai food. Lemongrass stalks, kaffir lime (bergamot) leaves, ginger or galangal root, several types of basil, cilantro, green onions... Thais almost never use salt. It is replaced by fish sauce, which is prepared from the juice of fermented small fish, which is stored in barrels for a long time. It is fish sauce that gives dishes a special flavor that you will never achieve by replacing this product with soy sauce. Thai fish sauce is not as smelly as Vietnamese fish sauce, so don't neglect it. Sweetness is added to dishes using regular white or brown sugar, as well as thick jaggery. This is what is put in the famous papaya salad.

The sour taste is invariably created with lime juice. It can be either fresh, just squeezed from the fruit, or concentrated, made at the factory and packaged in bottles.

The base sauces are thick oyster sauce, black pepper sauce, tamarind sauce and sweet and sour chili.

The most famous Thai dishes

Tom Yum Kung soup

This dish is considered by many to be a true masterpiece of Thai cuisine. It brings together ingredients that at first seem completely incompatible with each other. Judge for yourself: shrimp and mushrooms, onions and tomatoes, broth with the addition of coconut milk, sugar, fish sauce and Thai roots and herbs. The Tom Yum soup is quite spicy, and if you don't want to become a fire-breathing dragon after dinner, ask for "no chili" soup. It is impossible to cook Tom Yum without being spicy at all, since the essential ingredient in the soup is chili paste. But still, without additional chili peppers, the soup will be more suitable for the European stomach.

Over many months of living in Thailand, I learned how to cook Tom Yum Kung almost perfectly and I share step by step in a separate post.

Tom Kha Kai soup

Tom Kha soup contains the same set of herbs and spices as Tom Yum Kung. But it has no chili paste and a lot more coconut milk. Therefore, it is absolutely not spicy and children really like it. Another difference - shrimp in the soup is replaced by tender chicken fillet. Tom Kha soup can be the healthiest and most delicious food you can feed children in Thailand.

Soup Rad Na

I discovered it only six months ago. Spicy thick soup in meat broth with soy and fish sauce, seasoned with wide rice noodles and pak choi cabbage leaves. An excellent dish for the whole family.

Thai soups with blood

Thais do not pour out the blood of animals, but prepare blood juice from it. Only the consistency is not as hard as ours. Ours looks like sausage, and in Thailand this jelly-like mass is called blood tofu. It is added to soups as a healthy protein component. Also in the north of Thailand, fresh chicken or goose blood can be poured into soups.

Green papaya salad Som Tam

I love green papaya salad and can eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Green unripe papaya itself is neutral in taste, but the dish turns out simply great due to the special sweet and sour sauce. It is made from garlic, chillies, sour tamarind sauce and thick jaggery.

Dried shrimp and crushed peanuts are added to Som Tam. But in the north of Thailand they can also offer you papaya salad with very salty tiny crabs. Personally, I don’t like them, I prefer the traditional version - with shrimp.

Pancake roti

This dish is not Thai, but rather pan-Asian. It is found in both , and Malay. But in Thailand they came up with the idea of ​​stuffing pancakes not only with fruit, but also with colored candies, condensed milk and chocolate. And unsweetened roti is smeared with hot sauces and canned tuna paste. Be sure to order some roti while strolling through the Thai market.

Rubies in coconut milk - (Tub tim grob)

This is a sweet soup made from coconut milk with ice cubes and red sweet water chestnut balls, along with canned jackfruit pieces, mango pulp or colored thin noodles. The seller will ask you to choose the filling for this dessert yourself. I recommend adding a little bit of everything to your plate so you can taste more flavors. This dessert is sweet and very refreshing.

Also in Thailand, balls are made from coconut milk, miniature cakes and sugar rounds are baked from eggs, flour and coconut flakes.

Thai exotica: trying new things

Deep-fried insects are sold almost all over Thailand. Scorpions, toads, grasshoppers and silkworm larvae can be found in the north of Thailand - in Chiang Mai

At first glance, you might think that Thai food is not at all suitable for children. But take a closer look and you will find a bunch of options on what to feed your baby in Thailand. Boiled rice with chicken and vegetables is sold in any street cafe. You can also order soup in meat broth with chicken or meat, vegetables and boiled egg. Children really like Thai desserts, and you can have a snack with store-bought yogurt and fresh fruit.

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Getting hooked on Thai cuisine may require as little as one or two tastes of dishes flavored with galangal, cardamom, lemongrass, coconut milk and chili pepper. Their taste and smell have such a strong effect on the brain's pleasure center that the desire to please the receptors of the tongue and nose once again with something similar will periodically arise against one's will. Thai dishes will appeal to both inveterate meat-eaters and vegetarians, because almost each of them has a double. According to one of the recipes, the list of ingredients may include pork, chicken, seafood, in another - only components of plant origin. Many Thai dishes can be enjoyed at attractive prices from mobile carts called .

The most famous and popular Thai dish Tom Yam, to which the epithet “sour” is usually added, although it is both sweet and salty, and, traditionally, very spicy. It is very thick, almost everything in the house is put in it. In coastal areas, for example, shrimp, and in villages in the north - mushrooms. Mandatory ingredients are tomatoes, lime leaves, galangal. The basis of Tom Yum soup is coconut milk; in the “basic” version, “Nam Sai” is added to its name. But if the recipe also includes coconut cream (something similar to our sour cream), then “Nam Kon”. This soup has more calories, and the sourness in it is less pronounced.


Second most popular dish Thai cuisine Kung Som. At its core, it is a light vegetable soup prepared in meat broth. The taste is traditional for Thailand - it combines sour, sweet and spicy. Main ingredients: stewed cabbage, carrots, green beans. There is a recipe where omelette and acacia leaves are added to this soup. Then “Cha Om Kai” is added to the name. This soup is served with fresh herbs and the obligatory chili pepper.


Rice for Thais, like all residents of Southeast Asia, is the basis of the diet. Therefore, recipes Thai dishes from rice I can’t count it – one of my favorites. Rice noodles, quite large in size, which is fried with shrimp, simultaneously adding to it everything that is edible at home. For example: tofu, bean sprouts, green onions... The dish is seasoned with lemon juice, fish sauce, and pepper is traditionally added to it. The finished noodles are poured with egg. The result is a kind of casserole. Depending on the degree of readiness of the egg, it can be thick, semi-liquid or chunky. It is topped with lime juice, vinegar, and some gourmets add granulated sugar.


Panang Gai - favorite Thai chicken dish, cooked in red curry sauce and topped with whipped coconut milk cream, which enhances the flavor sensation. To stimulate appetite and suppress the feeling of fullness, serve with finely chopped lemongrass leaves.


A Thai scrambled egg called Gai Pad Pongali, which contains chicken, onions and tomatoes. It differs from the European one, consisting of bacon and tomatoes, with a killer portion of spices. Yellow curry paste and finely chopped parsley are used, which is generously sprinkled on Thai scrambled eggs. In general, many people eat this dish in the morning, but have absolutely no idea that it is Thai.


Very delicious Thai dish It is popular mainly among tourists, since meat is not very common in the Thai diet, and also because each chef can cook it in his own way. For example, use meat in pieces or minced meat. The types of spices used also vary. The main ingredients are meat, garlic, basil and chili pepper. There are recipes that allow deviations from the canons and the use of chicken or fish fillet. It is prepared using the “stir-fry” technology – quick frying in hot oil.


The main ingredients of green, yellow and red curry are: green chilies, lime leaves, lemongrass, basil, shrimp paste, coconut milk. Changes color depending on the recipe. The hottest and hottest is green curry, a little milder is red, and yellow curry is tolerated almost calmly by Europeans. Basic seasoning for rice.


Kung Massaman is a Thai sauce that falls out of a fiery sweet and sour symphony of flavors. It is sweet and moderately spicy. The base includes yellow curry with coconut milk, cumin, cinnamon, nutmeg. Originates from the southern provinces of Thailand, bordering Malaysia, and is considered a halal dish. Served with boiled potatoes and meat (beef), poultry, tofu mushrooms.


Keo Wan - one of the national dishes of Thailand is prepared based on green curry paste. Additional ingredients are: bamboo shoots, eggplant, basil, galangal, lemongrass leaves. Serve thick with rice and boiled chicken.


The most famous and equally unusual salad in Thailand. Firstly, the ingredients for it are not cut, but pounded in a mortar. Secondly, it is often added to fermented fish sauce, known in Vietnam as Nuoc Nam - spicy and fragrant, a real test for European stomachs. For cooking, use: chili pepper, garlic, tamarind juice, tomatoes, lime juice, cane paste (sugar), beans, green papaya, crab meat or shrimp.

As you can see, Thai dishes They are very appetizing and attractive, but if you decide to taste all the delights of Southeast Asian cuisine, then first assess the health of your stomach and start with small portions. Bon appetit!

Today I will tell you a little about Thai cuisine. Lots and lots of things have been written about Thai cuisine, but I prefer to try everything myself, which I advise you to do. For me, Thai food is exotic, it is seafood, exotic fruits and unforgettable, new, unusual tastes. Thai cuisine is interesting, beautiful, sizzling, as if beckoning you to return to this country again and again. In general, Thai food is another way to experience Asia. The abundance of exotic tastes and aromas make Thai cuisine one of the most desirable in all international cuisine. Whether walking around Bangkok, Krabi or Koh Samui, everything around you is persistently reminiscent of these tastes and aromas of Thai dishes. Of course, it’s difficult to fit everything about Thai cuisine into one article, but I’ll try.

Thai dishes

Thais always combine four tastes in food: sour, sweet, spicy, salty. And they add it to literally everything: soup, fish, and dessert.
If you are not a big fan of chili peppers, you can take traditional European food, but there are surprises here too. For example, pizza with sausage, topped with condensed milk. Waffles with jam, sugar and pepper... Salty ice cream with beans and beans... A sour apple in a restaurant is dipped in a mixture of salt and chili pepper and used as a snack.
The amount of pepper that is good for Thais is death for farangs (the local name for Europeans, which does not carry a negative connotation). If you don’t want to get into such a situation, ask for “No Spicy”, then the amount of pepper that they will pour in for you will be quite sufficient for you.

Thai dishes you can try in Thailand

Khao man kai, Khao Man Gai


Khao Man Gai is a famous Thai street food. It is a mixture of Hainanese chicken and Thai rice. Khao Man Gai is an original Thai dish that is rarely included in the menu of most Thai restaurants in the West, but is widely known in Thailand itself. For Thais, however, it is a national favorite dish. In fact, just the mention of the name of the Thai dish Khao man kai can cause you to hyperventilate in eager anticipation.
And the reason is simple: Thai food is delicious. How can you say no to juicy and tender slices of chicken served with aromatic rice cooked in a rich broth with a unique piquant sauce of ginger, garlic, chili, and soy sauce.

Kaeng phet pet yang, Gaeng Daeng, Kaeng Phet Pet Yang

Red Curry with Roast Duck is a famous Thai dish that is popular in Thai restaurants, especially in the West. This is not a Thai dish that locals usually make at home, it is a festive dish prepared in Thailand for special occasions. To prepare red curry with roast duck, you can use your own homemade curry paste, or use ready-made curry pastes.

Made with chunks of meat, red curry paste, coconut milk and finely chopped kaffir lime leaves, Kaeng Phet Thai is a rich, flavorful dish that excites the taste buds. The amazingly tender meat, soft, sweet and moderately fragrant, makes the heart fall in love with Kaeng Phet.

Ho mok, Ho mok

Kho mok is also a popular Thai food. Ho mok is essentially a kind of fish curry “pate” wrapped in banana leaves. This Thai dish is served with a thick coconut cream topping. Fish pate itself is a homogenized mixture of fish, meat, spices, coconut milk and eggs. This salmon-colored pate is typically pink and can be quite spicy, depending on the amount of chili in the mix. As a rule, the portion of this Thai dish is small, so it is difficult to get enough from one serving. But in this situation there is a way out: sometimes Ho Mok is sold in large portions in the shape of a boat. For a large company - just right.
Typically, Ho mok is eaten straight from the leaf wrapper without a plate or packaging, which is why Ho Mok is a popular Thai dish for picnics and also as a snack when traveling. By the way, if you are interested in new unusual tastes of Thai cuisine, I also advise you to read the article about food in Bangkok.

Som tam, Som Tam

Som Tam is another popular Thai dish. This is a spicy and sour papaya salad that is an exceptional addition to Thai BBQ chicken and rice. Som Tam is a low-calorie Thai dish that is healthy and cheap. It can often be found in restaurants and cafes on the beach.

The Som Tam dish is believed to have originated in Laos, but having crossed the border into the north-east of Thailand, it has been firmly adopted in these provinces as a favorite dish, with most people in the north-east of Thailand eating it at least once a day!

Garlic, chili peppers, green beans, cherry tomatoes and grated raw papaya provide a sweet-sour-spicy flavor that's hard to forget. Thai food Som Tam has many varieties because so many types of vegetables or fruits can be used to prepare it, such as papaya, bean sprouts, banana, cucumber, pineapple, tamarind, etc.

Tom Yam Goong - the main dish of Thai cuisine

Tom yam is the hallmark of Thai cuisine. Tom Yum soup (ต้มยำ) comes in several varieties. Shrimp, seafood, chicken, mushrooms, vegetables. The most popular among tourists is with shrimp (Tom Yum Kung) and seafood (Tom Yum Thale). I also really like the white version of this fish soup - Tom Yum Pla, this variety is the most authentic. I like Tom Yum Kung Nam Khon with shrimp - it has coconut milk added. In general, Tom Yam is a sweet-sour-spicy soup in chicken/fish broth with the addition of lemongrass, galangal, kaffir lime leaves, onions, chili peppers, fish sauce, mushrooms, vegetables, and lime juice. Classic dish Thailand. Not everyone likes it.

Tom Kha Kai

Kom Kha is an equally popular Thai dish. Milder than Tom Yum, this famous soup is made with fiery chillies, thinly sliced ​​baby galangal, minced shallots, lemongrass stalks and tender pieces of chicken. However, unlike its more diluted brother Tom Yam, Tom Kha has more coconut milk, which softens it. This Thai food is also infused with fresh lime leaves, resulting in a fragrant soup in the wonderful Thai tradition.

Pad Thai

Pad Thai is the default international Thai dish, famous all over the world! Small, thin or wide noodles along with crispy bean sprouts, onion and egg, fried on the stovetop. The palate is awakened from its slumber by the combination of the quartet of essential seasonings - fish sauce, sugar, pepper and finely ground peanuts - in this exotic Thai dish.

Khao Pad

A popular Thai lunch dish, so simple and delicious - fried rice, herbs, egg, onions, usually served with a wedge of lime and a slice of cucumber. The secret of this simple dish lies in its simplicity. The dish is prepared as if the Thais used whatever was on hand, from shrimp, crab or chicken, chili peppers and vegetables on hand, turning unremarkable ingredients into interesting dish Thai cuisine.

Gaeng Keow Wan Kai

Gaeng Keow Wan Kai is another Thai dish. Pieces of fresh chicken, eggplant, tender bamboo shoots, sprigs of coriander, and generous handfuls of sweet basil form the base of this curried dish. The secret to this Thai food is a spoonful of green curry paste mixed with hot, creamy coconut milk. Thai dish Gaeng Keow Wan Kai served with a bowl of aromatic rice.

Yam Nua, Yam Nua (spicy beef salad)

Yam Nua is a savory Thai food. By the way, Thai dishes are called “yam” here. The fresh, fiery taste of Yam Nua is a mixture of onion, coriander, mint, lime, dried chili and tender slices of beef. This Thai dish evokes an invigorating sensation, like all Thai salads.

Kai Med Ma Muang (chicken with cashew nuts)

Kai Med Ma Muang is an interesting dish from Thai cuisine. Tourists go crazy for this dish. Perhaps thanks to the wild contrast in the combination of braised chicken along with roasted cashews, sweet soy sauce, onions, chilli peppers, carrots and mushrooms. This is a simple but incredibly tasty, slightly exotic Thai dish that is worth trying in Thailand.

Pak Boong

Pak Bung is a Thai dish. The main component of this simple dish- green stems and thin, fragile leaves, common throughout Southeast Asia. This Thai dish contains garlic, chili pepper, oyster sauce, fish sauce and black soy sauce. The result is an interesting dish with a subtle flavour, ideal for those who love Thai food but aren't keen on very spicy dishes.

Thai cuisine my review

After reviewing Thai dishes, I would also like to add my review. Thai food is spicy. Not real to me at all! It is impossible to eat it, BUT spicy food lovers will definitely like it! It’s so delicious... if you ask before ordering without seasoning, it will be edible! But even then they (seasonings) are present and felt, but less pronounced than in traditional Thai cuisine.

For those who don’t like spicy Thai dishes at all, there are a bunch of Russian menus and children’s menus in Thailand: dumplings, pancakes, omelet, and okroshka... If you order fish in Thailand, it all depends on where and how it’s prepared. The same seafood can be tasty or, conversely, disgustingly meager.

In Thai cuisine, sugar and peanuts are added to the soup. I like peanuts in soup, but I haven’t tried them with sugar yet. And in general, Thailand is a country of soups - they are sold on every corner.

I saw local potatoes. It grows in the fields, two meters high. Maybe I exaggerated, I don’t remember honestly, but she is mega tall and “sits” deep in the ground! It tastes very sweet, almost as if sugar had been poured in, and it’s huge, the tuber weighs about a kilogram.
Every time we eat Thai food, we order regular boiled rice... Firstly, because I personally don’t get enough of fish, and secondly, it’s nutritious and cheap.....
As for meat in Thai cuisine, there is chicken, pork, and beef! I love beef steak; in Thailand it is juicy and delicious.
Regular chicken... Runs around the island, lays eggs... It tastes like ours.

A must-try from Thai cuisine is the local banana pancakes with chocolate. Melt in your mouth! Words cannot describe it, divinely delicious!
Food, in general, can be found for any whim, alcohol too...
Only now we are in a situation where we are on a wild island, there are no shops or markets, and cafes and restaurants are open until 10:00 pm. After that there is no food until the morning! Alcohol is available around the clock.
And I love to eat and suffer at night, but I found a way out! I order food at a restaurant for dinner, and take the order with me, ask me to throw it in the box and happily pound beef and French fries at night.

Thai food in hotels

Meals in most hotels in Thailand include breakfast. “All inclusive” is not here, and it is not necessary! Breakfast is excellent: our European dishes and buffet. In addition, there is also some Thai food.
I think when you are in another country, you should try and try to see everything…. Well, or almost everything... Due to this, study the mentality of people, culture, way of life... I had scorpions, and beetles, and spiders, and nasty floating creatures for dinner... I spent the night in the jungle and on the river, and on the islands and on the mainland... I've tried almost everything. It's worth a try, but then it's not for everyone.

Alcohol and soft drinks in Thailand

Alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks…. Uuuuuuuuuuuuu local rum, beer and wine….. Apparently I’m a pampered girl, but this is disgusting…. Very strong, but cheap. “Inserts” almost instantly! There is good beer in Thailand that is pleasant to drink. Martini, beer, vodka have EVERYTHING! But it’s a little more expensive and the difference is in the English letters...
Soft drinks…. Juices, smoothies, fresh juices. Everything is fruity and natural! This is the topic! True, there are also powder ones, but you can feel them right away! But if it’s natural, then the taste is amazing.
Just today I noticed that even children’s cocktails add a lot of ice... Children drink a lot because of the heat... And it’s a LOT of ice!

Other Thai dishes, which I will talk about in future articles, as well as some photos of Thai dishes. For lovers of extreme food, our top 10 creepy dishes from Thailand.

So, today I talked a little about Thai cuisine. Might be interesting.