A story about the structure of an organization in English. Replenishing vocabulary for presentations in English. Phrases for presenting a product or service

Microsoft Company

Paul Allen and Bill Gates founded the Company in 1975.

Microsoft is the best-known American company involved in software production.

Microsoft's wealth and power is growing up for years. It is a giant company. Microsoft's $25 billion market value tops that of Ford, General Motors.

Some time ago, Microsoft dominated the PC market with its-MS-DOS operating system, the basic software that let the computer understand your commands and carry them out, appeared in the beginning of the 80s.

MS-DOS ran on 90 percent of the worlds IBM and IBM-clone computers. Then, Microsoft has extended that presence with releasing of Windows, which is probably the most important and popular operating system in the World. And now it dominates the market.

Firstly, Microsoft released Windows "95 in 1995. It was a graphics interface environment that ran on top of MS-DOS and replaced by DOS in future versions. Then, Microsoft released Windows "98, Windows NT, Windows Millennium, Windows 2000 and Windows XP .

Microsoft also supplies about 50 percent of the world's software applications. Among them, there are three well-known Office Packs; they are also called Microsoft Office programs such as Excel (spreadsheets), Microsoft Word (word processing), Access (databases ) and Outlook Express (e-mail)- There were releases in 1997, 2000, and 2002, when Microsoft Office XP appeared. Microsoft is also in the market of networking, multimedia and even books. ,Microsoft virtually owns the Mac application market.

Paul Allen and Bill Gates founded the company in 1975.

Microsoft is a well-known American software company.

Microsoft's wealth and power have been growing for years. This is a giant company. Microsoft's $25 billion market surpasses the markets of companies such as Ford and General Motors.

For some time now, Microsoft has dominated the market with its MS-DOS platform, an operating system introduced in the early 1980s that allows the computer to understand and execute commands. There were three versions of MS-DOS. MS-DOS ran on 90% of all IBM computers and IBM-compatible computers. Microsoft then increased its presence in the market by releasing Windows, which is probably the most important and most popular operating system in the world at the moment. It now dominates the market.

First, Microsoft released Windows 95 in 1995. It was a graphical shell interface that ran on top of MS-DOS and in the future replaced DOS. Then Microsoft released Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium and Windows HR. Microsoft also supplies about 50 percent of all software in the world. Among them are three well-known office suites, they are also called Microsoft Office programs, such as Ixel (spreadsheets), Microsoft Word ( text editor ), Access (databases) and Outlook Express ( Email

). There were releases in 1997, 2000 and 2002, when Microsoft Office XP appeared. Microsoft is also present in the networks, multimedia, and even books markets. Because Microsoft initially supported the Macintosh company, Microsoft virtually owns the Macintosh computer application market.

It has been estimated that Microsoft controls 80-85% of the total personal computer software market. The company's assortment includes hundreds of types of products and thousands of employees, which makes it the largest company. Many of the company's shareholders are millionaires, and some, including Bill Gates and Paul Allen, are billionaires.

Without a doubt, Microsoft is the fastest growing company in the personal computer software market.
1. Who founded the Company?
2. When was Microsoft founded?
3. What does the company produce?
4. What was the first Microsoft operating system that dominated the PC market?
7. Does the Company dominate the PC market?

to found - to found
to involve - touch, affect
software - software, programs
wealth - cost
PC market - PC market for personal computers
MS-DOS operating system - operating system MS-DOS
to carry out - carry out
to extend - expand, increase
to release - release
graphics interface - graphical interface
to supply - to supply, supply
application - application
spreadsheets - spreadsheet calculation program
word processing - text editor
networking - organization/creation of networks; networking;
network connection
multimedia - multimedia (using various media)
virtually - virtually
entire - whole, whole
employee - employee
shareholder - shareholder, shareholder, owner/holder of shares

doubt - doubt Topic (essay) on English language on the topic "Working in foreign company

/ Work in a foreign company"

My job is a great chance for me

My name is Maxim Sviridov. I work as a manager at the "Star tour" company. It is a Russian company which works in the business travel market. Two weeks ago I was sent by the administration of our company to London where I studied the English travel companies, their traditions, their marketing and management. Now my business trip is coming to an end and I want to share my impressions of English business world with you.

First of all English businessmen are well known all over the world for their honesty and decency. If an Englishman gives you his word he will keep it in any case. Besides that, nothing can prevent him from refusing the once taken decision. Of course, there are some exclusions, but they are so rare that nobody should put attention on them.

After that I went to Mr. Forsberg's office-room to get tasks for the new day and ask some questions about their company, its history, traditions, clients, and so on. After that I usually did what Mr. Forsberg told. My usual job was meeting with potential clients, discussing their rest plans and offering the services of Mr. Forsberg's company. I usually met 10 or 12 people a day. They were representatives of different social groups and communicating with them increased my knowledge of England, Englishmen and their psychology greatly.

This business trip was a great chance for me and I hope I used this chance fully. Now I know a lot about Western business world, about travel business and this knowledge will help me in my future career.


First of all, English businessmen are known throughout the world for their honesty and integrity. If an Englishman gives you his word, he will keep it no matter what. In addition, nothing can prevent him from abandoning a decision once made. Of course, there are some exceptions, but they are so rare that no one should pay attention to them.

Over the past two weeks, my workday has been something like this. Early in the morning I took a taxi to the office of my owners, which is located in the City - the business center of London. First of all, I used to ask Mrs. Lapital - my secretary, if there were any letters or messages for me. Then she gave me my correspondence and the latest newspapers, and I went to my office. There I studied all the documents that came to my name and wrote a short report about the previous working day, and then faxed it to my home company in Vladivostok.

After that, I went to Mr. Forsberg's office to get tasks for the new day and ask a few questions about his company, its history, traditions, clients and so on. After that I usually did what Mr. Forsberg said. My normal job is to meet with potential clients, discuss their vacation plans and offer services to Mr. Forsberg's company. I usually met with 10 or 12 people a day. They were representatives of various social groups and communication with them greatly increased my knowledge of England, the English and their psychology.

This business trip was a great chance for me and I hope that I took full advantage of this chance. Now I know a lot about the Western business world, about business travel, and this knowledge will help me in my future career.

Finding a new job can be quite a tedious task. How many vacancies ( job openings), different companies, interesting offers - you want to try everything at once. But before starting work, you will most likely have to undergo an interview ( an interview). Although no. First of all, you need to write a resume and don’t forget to write a cover letter for it.

  • We talked about how to write a resume in English in our articles “” and “”.
  • And a lot was said about the cover letter in the article “”.
  • Our teacher Alexey prepared our readers for interviews in English with the help of the article “”. Here you will find general interview guidelines and a sample list of questions that are often asked during an interview.

So, at any interview you will definitely be asked about your current (last) place of work. There is nothing difficult about talking about your work in Russian. But how can you talk about your work in English? Even if you are not going to a job interview, in a conversation with a stranger you can somehow touch on the issue of profession and work. Therefore, I would like to provide you with a certain set of cliches, set phrases that are used to talk about your work.

Position - position

Let's see how the teacher Rebecca talks about work. Don't forget to write down all the interesting phrases for yourself.

A job description begins with the title of the position you hold or have held. Shall we begin?

Bill was the president. – Bill was president.

I used to be in charge of the HR team. – I was the head of the recruitment team.

She is the head of the managers’ department. - She is the head of the management department.

Tasks - tasks

Job responsibilities ( responsibilities), as well as performing tasks related to responsibilities, is what interests a potential employer in the first place. Therefore, try to briefly and to the point indicate your main functions at the place of work.

My main task is to take bookings over the phone. – My main task is to take orders by phone.

She handles customer complaints. – She resolves cases with customer complaints.

I had to establish and adjust selling prices. – I had to set and regulate prices.

Time - time

After mentioning the place of work, they usually talk about how long the person has been working in this place. Suggestions will help you:

I worked there for 4 years between 2003 and 2007. – I worked there for 4 years, from 2003 to 2007.

She has been working at the company for 5 years. – She has been working for the company for 5 years.

Bob left that place after just four weeks. – Bob left there after 4 weeks.

If you no longer work there, then you need to use time Past Simple. If you are you still working somewhere, then take the offer to Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

Hiring or employing people

Besides verbs to hire(hire) and to employ(provide work), there are a couple more phrases that will help talk about getting hired. By the way, an employer(employer) - a person who hires someone, and an employee(emphasis on the last syllable / ɪmˈplɔɪiː/) is the employee/person who was hired.

They took me about five months ago. – They hired me about 5 months ago.

A new salesperson has been appointed. - They appointed a new salesman.

She was contracted for the post of a PR manager. “They signed a contract with her for the position of PR manager.

Travel – how to get to work

Perhaps they will ask questions related to the road to work ( commuting). The simplest phrases that are known from the level Elementary, will help answer such questions.

I get to work by bus. / I go to work by bus. – I get to work by bus.

The journey takes about an hour. – The trip takes about an hour.

She gets in early to avoid the rush hour traffic. She arrives early to avoid rush hour traffic.

Firing or telling people to leave – dismissal from work

The longest list of words can probably be found when describing dismissal or termination of employment. Here are the most frequently used phrases:

  • to get the sack- be fired;
  • to be fired– to be fired (informal option);
  • to give somebody a boot– fire someone (informal option);
  • to get a boot- be fired;
  • to be made redundant- get laid off;
  • to be laid off– to be dismissed due to reduction (informal option);
  • to give up work in order to study– quit your job to study;
  • to take maternity (woman) or paternity (man) leave- go on maternity leave;
  • to be on maternity (woman) or paternity (man) leave- be on maternity leave;
  • to be on sick leave- to be sick;
  • to take sick leave- go on sick leave;
  • to throw a sickie– pretend to be sick so as not to go to work (school);
  • to take early retirement- retire early.

Here are a few examples to illustrate the use of some phrases.

They got fired for industrial espionage. “They were fired for industrial espionage.”

My boyfriend was sacked for inappropriate conduct at the party. My boyfriend was fired for inappropriate behavior at a party.

Bill was given the boot for incompetence. Bill was fired for incompetence.

Unfortunately, their brand managers had to cut back on the workforce. “Unfortunately, their brand managers had to save on labor.

Employers laid off everyone in the London office. – Employers laid off everyone in the London office.

Contract, hours – contract, working hours

When hired, an employee must undergo training, internship or trial period. If a person shows himself to be good, he may be offered an indefinite contract ( an indefinite contract), which does not need to be renegotiated after a certain period. When you work full time, this type of employment is called a full-time job, and if you study and at the same time work several hours a day, then this a part-time job. If a person does not like working for someone else, he can be a self-employed entrepreneur or self-employed, that is, working for oneself. In the word "freelancer" ( a freelancer), which has come into our everyday life, is called a person who works without a contract, freelance (for example, a freelance designer). If a company calls an employee when a job becomes available for him or her, then that person is working at a zero-hours contract(the company does not provide full-time work, but calls when there is a task for an individual). The most “dusty-free” job is considered to be office work from 9:00 to 17:00 5 days a week ( to work from 9 to 5). Those who work the morning shift are a little less fortunate ( a morning shift) or, even worse, on the night shift ( a late-night shift).

  • Don't forget to check out our article on business idioms "". Knowing these phrases, you will be able to show off your erudition in any conversation.

Work is what a person does for most of his life. If you know how to talk about your work in English, then you can start or maintain a dialogue with anyone. I suggest looking at examples of people’s stories about their work in the following posts. And to make listening to stories even more interesting, try taking a test in which you need to choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks with prepositions that you hear in the audio recordings. Forward!


Hey, everyone! When was the last time you presented something to someone? Everyone knows that now more and more companies are trying to acquire foreign partners and reach the international level. And in order to attract potential partners from the USA, China, Spain or any other country, it is necessary to conduct a high-quality presentation in English.

As you know, not everyone speaks English at a sufficient level to conduct a high-quality presentation or negotiation. But everyone can master a small amount of specialized vocabulary accepted in business circles around the world.

Naturally, vocabulary alone is not enough for negotiations. It is necessary to understand the structure of the English language and how sentences are constructed in it.

That is, for successful international business dialogue we will need:

  • Basic business vocabulary.
  • Smile and self-confidence.

Basic English grammar You can master it yourself, with the help of tutorials. But it will be easier and faster to do this, of course, with a professional teacher.

Above good mood and self-confidence will have to work on your own, and we’ll try to figure out the vocabulary here. Let's do this!

Phrases for greetings and introductions

It is very important to start the presentation correctly and set the right direction. Depending on the formality of the meeting, you need to choose the appropriate option to start it.

Hello/Hi everyone! I"mand I work for
Hello! I... and I work for...
Good morning / afternoon / evening, ladies and gentlemen. I"m
Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen. I…
Greetings everyone, my name is
Hello everyone, my name is...
On behalf of I would like to welcome you here today. My name is
On behalf of [company name], I am pleased to welcome everyone today. My name…
Let me introduce myself.My name is
Let me introduce myself. My name…
I’d like to take the opportunity to thank you for coming here today.
I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for coming.
For those of you who don’t know me yet, my name’s ... and I'm responsible for
For those who don't know me yet, my name is... I am responsible for...

Phrases for telling about the company

Before the main part, it is better to say a few words about your company and explain why a potential client should choose you.

Let me start with a few words about our company.
Let me start with a few words about our company.
Our company was founded/established in
Our company was founded in…
We were founded/set up in
We are based in…
Our mission is to
Our company's mission is...
Our vision is
Our concept...
Our core values ​​are
Our core values...
We produce/make … / We develop
We produce... / We develop...
Our main sales market is
Our main market is...
Our company has been a market leader in the country for over ... years.
Our company has been the market leader in the country for more than... years.
Our team has more than... employees. / There are more than ... employees in our team.
Our team consists of more than... employees. / Our team has more than... employees.
Our company is divided into ... departments: Sales Department, Quality Control, HR, Customer Support (etc.).
Our company is divided into... departments: sales department, quality control department, human resources department, customer support department (etc.).

Phrases for presenting a product or service

Start main Part presentations your project using the phrases below.

Today I"d like to tell you about our new product/service.
Today I would like to talk about our new product/service.
The subject/purpose of my presentation is ...
The subject/purpose of my conversation is...
My talk will be in three parts. / There are three things to consider. FirstSecondThird
My speech will be in 3 parts. / There are 3 things to consider. First... Second... Third...
In the first part, I will tell you about
First I'll tell you about...
Then in the second part, I"d like to describe
In the second part I would like to describe...
Finally, I'll go on to talk about
In the end, I will continue to talk about...
The main advantages/disadvantages are
Main advantages/disadvantages…
This product/service will be irreplaceable for the customers because
This product/service will be indispensable for customers because...
Its main purpose is to help our customers with
His main goal is to help clients with...
With the help of our service,you can solve such problems as
With our product/service you can solve problems such as...
Our prices are competitive ... Below/above average market price
Our prices are competitive... Below/above the average market price
Please feel free to interrupt at any time if you’d like to ask a question.
Feel free to ask any questions during the presentation.
If you don’t mind, I’ll deal with all your possible questions at the end of my talk.
If you don't mind, I will answer all questions at the end of the presentation.

Phrases for presenting portfolios and successful cases

To convince partners of the success of potential joint work, you should familiarize them with previous thanks to the company and demonstrate the brightest projects.

I"d like to show you
I'd like to show you...
Have a look at
Look at...
Here you can see
Here you can see...
Now I"d like to go through our portfolio.
Now I would like to go through our portfolio.
We have been successfully working with such companies as
We successfully cooperate with companies such as...
Let me introduce you to the list of our main clients.
Let me introduce you to the list of our main clients.
Why companies trust us? Easy ...
Why do companies trust us? Easily....
Our latest successful case is
Our latest successful business...
The partner company awarded us with
Our partner awarded us...
The project we are especially proud of is
The project we are especially proud of...
This successful case has been covered much in media and business schools.
This successful business has received a lot of press coverage and is being studied in business schools.

How to summarize, end your presentation, and invite questions

At the end of the meeting, you should sum up the results and make sure that you were understood correctly and that there were no unanswered questions. Ending the speech on a positive note would be the right decision.

I"d like to conclude by ... / To sum up ...
In conclusion, I would like... / To summarize...
I’d like to end with a summary of the main points.
I would like to end by summing up the main points.
Thank you all for listening/coming ...
Thank you everyone for listening/coming...
Alright. Now, does anyone have any questions or maybe comments?
Okay, does anyone have any questions or comments?
Now I"d like to invite your comments.
Now I would like to hear your comments.
Does that answer your question?
Was I able to answer your question?
If I have understood you correctly, you mean ...
If I understand you correctly, you mean...


We hope you found this article useful and that you will use the phrases above during your speech. Remember that with a good attitude and goodwill, you will succeed.

Good luck with your presentations on whatever they may be and see you soon!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

I am writing to you... Business and personal letters in English and Russian Olga Nikolaevna Azarova

2.1. Company introduction

2.1. Company introduction

Outline of a letter with a proposal for cooperation, products and services of the company, etc. can be presented in the following form.

Writing plan

1. In the first introductory phrase, inform about the purpose of your letter introducing your company, product, services.

I am writing to you to introduce our company.

I am writing to you to introduce our company.

I am very pleased to introduce our company.

I am pleased to introduce our company.

Further to our telephone conversation I am very pleased to write you more about our company and its products.

Continuing our telephone conversation, I am very pleased to tell you more about our company and the products it produces.

With reference to our telephone conversation of May 19 regarding the educational software, I am very pleased to inform you.

According to our telephone conversation on May 19, regarding the training programs, I am very pleased to inform you.

I am writing to you in connection with...

I am writing to you about...

With reference to our telephone conversation this morning I am writing you to confirm...

According to our telephone conversation this morning, I am writing to you to confirm...

I am writing to you regarding...

I am writing to you regarding...

You may remember we met and exchanged addresses at the CeBIT’2004 in Hannover.

You may remember that we met at CeBIT’2004 in Hannover and exchanged addresses.

We are a company which imports tools for the industrial and do-it-yourself markets.

Our company imports tools for industry and DIY consumers market.

2. List the main advantages, innovations, advantages of the proposed product and services.

This is a new reviewed edition including more than 20 new pictures.

This is a new, revised edition that includes more than 20 new pictures.

3. Determine the market segment in which you propose to introduce your product. Identify potential customers.

Our customers are small entrepreneurs.

Our consumers are small business entrepreneurs.

We are working for teenagers.

We work for teenagers. We produce products for teenagers.

We suppose that our products will be of interest for young families and people with rather low income level.

We believe that our products will be of interest to young families and people with fairly low incomes.

4. Make a specific proposal for cooperation: wholesale or retail sales, licensing agreement, creation of a distribution network, etc.

We are particularly interested in long term working relations.

We are particularly interested in long-term working relationships.

We are looking for German companies to create a chain of retailers.

We are looking for German companies to create a retail network.

In fact we are interested in license agreements only.

In reality, we are only interested in licensing agreements.

5. If you are enclosing product samples, you must explain which products are in the series offered.

I am enclosing 5 copies of the software mentioned above.

I am attaching 5 sample programs mentioned above.

Please find enclosed 3 units of the “Smart Styler” for evaluation.

3 samples of the Smart Styler product are included for testing and evaluation.

6. Express your willingness to answer all questions that may arise during the product evaluation process.

If there is any further information you require, please contact us.

Please let us know if you require further information.

We will be pleased to supply any further information you require.

We will be happy to provide you with any information you require.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need any further information.

Please let us know if you require further information.

7. End the letter with a standard phrase, expressing hope for cooperation.

Hope to hear from you soon.

We look forward to hearing from you.

We hope to hear from you soon.

We look forward to doing business with you.

We look forward to working together.

We would be grateful for an early reply.

We would be glad to receive your prompt response.

Hope for future cooperation.

We look forward to working together. Looking forward to working together.

8. Your signature, name and position

Golden Rule:

You need to list all the achievements, advantages of your company, product, service, and your personal ones honestly, without undue exaggeration. Any information can be easily verified.

Golden Rule:

A formal business letter should be written as a personal letter, addressed to him alone, the recipient. No cold, formal phrases! The entire world business is built on personal relationships, and they must be built!

Golden Rule:

The letter should be both informative and concise and should take no more than one page. Remember, no one will read more than one page. The letter should end with a direct statement of what you expect from this company. It is this final phrase that will be remembered most.

Golden Rule:

When writing any letters, you should always be guided by the formula:

KISS = Keep It Short and Simple

Example 1. Representations of a company that develops educational computer programs.

I am very pleased to introduce you to our company and its software products for possible cooperation with your company.

Our interactive software products “Open” versions contain the latest achievements of the modern technologies and make the educational process very attractive and effective. This “Open” version is a unique combination of possibilities to listen and read texts, make computer experiments and solve a set of problems. I would like to point out that there are no such quality educational software products on the German market at the moment.

“Open” version is highly recommended for high school and college students as well as for self education.

This “Open” version includes at the moment:

"Open Physics" (2 parts, 2 CD-ROMs), German/ English/Russian/French, and

“Open Math” (6 parts, 6 CD-ROMs) German/ English/Russian/French.

The software mentioned above was developed by joined venture Open Learn Inc. (USA) – MATHEMATIC Ltd. (Russia) and widely used in USA, Russia and Europe.

Since our business is expanding in German speaking part of Europe, we are interested in long term contacts with German software retailers and consider Media Surep-Market to be one of the best.

Therefore, please, find the “Open” set enclosed for your review and evaluation.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Regional Head for Europe

Open Learn Group

Example 2.

Would “Seans Printers” be interested in marketing the exciting new ink-cartridges from “Russian Rainbow ink”?

I have developed and own all the rights to perfect ink-cartridges for “Seans Printers” which I feel could be selling exceptionally well in a printers industry such as yours.

The new ink-cartridge offers a variety of benefits to its users.

The colors of ink are perfectly fresh and bright.

The cartridge itself is the same size as the item you are using now, but contains two times more different colors.

The quality of printing is higher in comparison with the current models you used.

I honestly believe that this product would fit very well with the realistic pricing and strong distribution channels that seem to be the hallmark of “Seans Printers”.

This letter is not a broadside attempt to attract anyone and everyone who would be interested in new ink-cartridge. It is being sent solely to “Seans Printers”, and I would truly appreciate you getting back to me as soon as possible so we could discuss the prospects of this issue further.

Please consider the new ink-cartridge and let me know your thoughts!

Example 3.

A proposal to produce and sell in Russia a product owned by a foreign company.

I would like to explore the possibility of doing some business with your company.

I recently visited Boston and needed some toy as a present for my own personal use. I bought the “Selfeducable Box” developed by your company and it did exactly what I needed.

The thought struck me that if packaged correctly and properly marked, this product could prove to be a very effective promotional tool, at least for education.

I propose to produce and package your product, along with complementary products, and sell it in Russia initially to our clients in the book stores and libraries field. We believe that this more direct approach to selling you product would help establish some significant long term relationships.

I would like to know what could be worked out in the way of a royalty/licensing agreement for us to use the “Selfeducable Box”. As an alternative means to sell your product, this could prove to be an excellent way to “Magic Tools” and “Selfeducable Box” to the Russian market that is, at the current moment, untapped.

I would appreciate your thoughts.

Sincerely yours,

Example 4.

An offer to find a publisher abroad for a book by a Russian author.

As a follow up to our discussion yesterday, I am enclosing a copy of our “Emergent Markets” book which was published by Moscow Business Press. It has been received very well by the press.

By the spring of 1999, the book will have been published in four languages: Russian, Chinese, Danish and Slovenian. As I mentioned to you, I would very much like to also see an American edition. I believe the issue of Emergent Markets will be very timely in USA. Could you help me to find a good publisher? I would be most grateful.

As such cooperation evolves; I would also like to look into the possibility of talking to some of your colleagues in the Bergamon Press in the same subject. Do you think there would be an interest?

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

With kind regards,

Yours sincerely,

Prof. K.Matroskin

Example 5.

Offer to receive correspondence business education.

Dear Mrs Vancouver

Thank you for your interest in the World Open University Business School.

The Business School provides management development designed for people in full-time employment. In choosing this type of program you will be able to focus on your own organization and situation as a basis for practical assignment, while gaining insight into other organizations and industries from case studies and from interaction with your local study group.

The World Open University is the world’s leading university in “Supported Open Learning”. It has more experience and expertise than any other university in providing effective, high quality education for adults in full-time employment.

Our programs are relevant to your work and career, and guarantee flexibility, where you learn at a pace which fits in with your other commitments.

The World Open University is a recognized British state-university, and the Business School’s MBA is acceredited by AMBA, which accredits only the top 30% of all Europeam MBA programs.

Before deciding on your next step, take advantage of our local advisory service! We offer regular information evenings in Moscow and St.Petersburg or the choice of a personal appointment at a time convenient to you.

World Open University

Example 6. Response to a newspaper advertisement about an offer to represent a Russian company in the USA.

Re: Your Advertisement in the Business Weekly

I learned from the Business Weekly that you are interested in representing Russian companies in the United States.

Our company is not yet represented in the USA. Last year we commissioned a market research institute to investigate the market there for sales of our products. The results of the study were very encouraging, and we are therefore now looking for a representative in this region.

The Business Weekly wrote very highly about your achievements as a new start–up company, so I think that we could cooperate successfully.

Therefore could you please let me have some references and a list of the companies which you represent?

Please mail or fax me the references, together with the name and telephone number of a contact with whom I can discuss the project in detail.

With hope for future cooperation.

Sincerely yours,

President and CEO

Exercise 1. Offer to represent a foreign company in Russia.

Below is the text of a letter offering representation services by a Russian company for a certain foreign company. The text of the letter is divided in any way. Using the above plan for composing such letters, create a letter formula for a real letter. Check the result by clicking the “Check” button.

Dear Mr Heathrow

d. If you are interested in being represented in Russia, I am confident that you would be satisfied with our services.

b. Our company “Soft-System” has been working in the software industry for more than 10 years, and we are very interested in representing you and selling your system software in Russia. Please let us know if you are interested in distributing your software in Russia.

a. We received your address from the Moscow branch of the American Chamber of Commerce.

e. We enclose a brochure and further details of our organization for your information.

f. I look forward to hearing from you soon,

c. We currently represent two American and one French company of great renown here in Russia. I would like to point out that we enjoy above average sales results. We employ a well-trained and efficient sales staff, and also have adequate facilities and means of transportation.

Sincerely yours,

President and CEO,

Correct answer: a, b, c, d, e, f.

Below is the restored text of the letter.

Example 7. Offer to represent a foreign company in Russia.

Dear Mr Heathrow

We received your address from the Moscow branch of the American Chamber of Commerce.

Our company “Soft-System” has been working in the software industry for more than 10 years, and we are very interested in representing you and selling your system software in Russia. Please let us know if you are interested in distributing your software in Russia.

We currently represent two American and one French company of great renown here in Russia. I would like to point out that we enjoy above average sales results. We employ a well-trained and efficient sales staff, and also have adequate facilities and means of transportation.

If you are interested in being represented in Russia, I am confident that you would be satisfied with our services.

We enclose a brochure and further details of our organization for your information.

I look forward to hearing from you soon,

Sincerely yours,

President and CEO,

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