Step-by-step recipes for candied fruits at home from unripe and ripe apples for the winter, with or without cooking. Candied apples at home - recipe with photos and videos Candied apples for the winter

Thin, translucent, sun-soaked slices of candied apple are an exquisite and healthy delicacy for both children and adults. This is a great substitute for sweets when you want to eat something sweet and not too burdensome for your figure.

Candied apples are easy to prepare at home - the recipe is technologically simple, and all products are available. They can be served not only as an independent dessert, but also to decorate baked goods (cakes, pastries) with them, and used as a filling for pies. Unlike jam or jam, candied fruits as a filling for pies will not leak onto the baking sheet and will not burn, which, you see, is very convenient.

The history of preparing candied fruits goes back centuries. In our area, this dish was previously called “Kyiv dry jam”, or “balabushki” - in honor of Semyon Semenovich Balabukha, a famous producer of candied fruits. Our ancestors prepared them themselves, and not only from apples. Pears, plums, peaches, apricots, cherries, watermelon and melon rinds were used. Catherine II was a big fan of this fruit dessert, who even ordered this delicacy to be supplied to her table by a separate decree.

Candied apples “Favorites”

Let's try to remember the traditions and prepare delicious candied fruits, using apples as a basis. These fruits are the most accessible, quite inexpensive, and also very healthy, rich in pectin, iron and many other minerals. Just be prepared for the fact that preparing candied apples will take a little longer than making jam. The entire process may take up to 7 days. But the taste will be divine!


  • 1 kg apples;
  • 1 liter of apple syrup (for 1 liter of pure apple juice - 700 g of sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon);
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice or a little citric acid;
  • Water.


It is better to take candied apples of medium size, fragrant, firm, even slightly unripe. Then they will not boil down into a shapeless mass. Wash, peel, and carefully cut out the core, leaving the apple whole. To prevent the fruits from darkening, place them in a saucepan with water acidified with lemon juice or acid (for 2 liters of water - 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or 1 pinch of citric acid).

Then prepare the syrup. An option is to buy ready-made apple juice (natural, without sugar) or squeeze it yourself, then strain. Pour a liter of juice into a saucepan, heat gradually, stirring, and add granulated sugar in parts. Make sure that the sugar is well dissolved and does not burn. Skim off any foam that has formed. Add a little cinnamon at the end (if you don't like this spice, don't add it). If there is no juice, then boil the apple peelings that remain after processing the apples in water, then remove them with a slotted spoon and add sugar until dissolved.

Proportions: for 1 liter of water – 1 kg 200 g of granulated sugar. Bring the syrup to a boil.

Now remove the apples from the saucepan with acidified water and quickly cut them into thin slices or rings about 8 or 10 mm wide. If you have special devices for curly cutting, then it would be nice to cut out beautiful stars, diamonds and other interesting things. Children will then be delighted to try these fruit candies and ask for more. Place the fruit slices in a saucepan with the simmering syrup and cook for about 5 minutes. Skim off the foam, turn off the heat and leave the apples in the syrup for at least 6 hours (overnight is possible). During this time, the gradually cooling syrup will displace the fruit juice from the apples, the fruit slices will wrinkle a little and become translucent.

Place the apple slices in a colander. Bring the remaining syrup in the pan to a boil again, stirring, and skim off any foam that has formed. Then immerse the apple pieces in it again, cook them for 5 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat. Place the hot apples in a colander and wait for the syrup to drain.

Line a tray or baking sheet with parchment paper and place the apple slices on it in a single layer. You can generously sprinkle the fruit with sugar, cinnamon, and grated orange zest. It is best to dry in the fresh air, turning over every day and changing the parchment soaked in syrup. Make sure that no dust or insects settle on the fruits. In five days the candied fruits will be ready. It’s easy to speed up the process by drying the apples in the oven over low heat for 10-12 hours. But dried in the open air, having absorbed the energy of the sun's rays, they will turn out much tastier. And the syrup left in the pan is perfect for a new batch of candied fruits or for soaking cakes and pastries.

Transfer the finished candied fruits into jars. Cut a circle from parchment to the diameter of the neck of the jar, lightly moisten it with alcohol. Cover the jars with such circles, wrap them on top with cellophane or cling film, tie them with an elastic band around the edges or tie them with a beautiful ribbon. Store jars of candied apples in a cool, dark place. Bon appetit!

Candied apples “Kiss” in the dryer

Preparing natural candied fruits at home is much easier if you have an electric dryer. True, you will still have to tinker with pre-treatment and cooking in syrup, but drying will not take much time.

If you prepare the delicacy correctly, then candied apples in the dryer will retain maximum of their beneficial properties, and they will also turn out tastier than store-bought analogues. They are rich in fiber, vitamins and microelements, look beautiful and are stored for a long time.

Ingredients and equipment for making candied apples:

  • 500-600 g apples;
  • 300 ml fresh or candied honey;
  • 100 ml water;
  • Electric dryer for fruits or vegetables.


  • First prepare the fruit. For candied fruits, medium-sized, firm, slightly unripe fruits are best suited. Wash the apples thoroughly, peel, remove the core and grains, cut into 4 or 6 pieces.
  • Now prepare the syrup. You can use different syrups for candied fruits; in this case, we offer you honey syrup. It will give fruit slices an incomparable aroma and additional benefits. If the honey is candied, then it must first be melted in a water bath at a temperature no higher than 40 degrees (otherwise the honey may lose its beneficial properties). Then heat drinking water to the same temperature (approximately 40 degrees), add honey to it and stir until smooth.
  • Ratio: one part water – three parts liquid honey. Leave some honey, it will be useful later.
  • Place the chopped apples in a large saucepan, pour in the syrup, and stir well. It is advisable that the honey syrup completely covers the fruit. Then place the pan with the apple slices in a warm place for 12 hours. During this time, the fruits will infuse, release juice and soak in syrup.
  • Remove the prepared apples from the pan with a slotted spoon and evenly place them in a special container of the electric dryer so that the juice does not flow down to the lower tiers. Place a drop of the remaining honey in the middle of each slice. Set the temperature to 40 degrees and dry for 12 to 16 hours.
  • Place the prepared candied apples for storage in glass jars, tightly closing them with lids. To make the tasty slices better stored and not stick together, sprinkle them with powdered sugar. I recommend using the remaining honey syrup for the next portion of candied fruits or for preparing a delicious and very healthy drink. Bon appetit!

Quick recipe for candied apples in the oven

Autumn is often generous with apple harvests for summer residents, and this makes us happy. But the question arises: where to put all this wealth? The fruits ripen every day, fall off, and you really want not a single rosy apple to go to waste. Therefore, housewives make jam and compotes from the fruits, press and sterilize the juices, and dry fruit slices for dried fruits.

To diversify your winter preparations, try making candied apples - a quick recipe that won’t take much time. This delicious and healthy dessert will delight children and will surely appeal to adults. In this recipe, we will increase the proportions of sugar by the amount of water and reduce the cooking time by quickly drying the candied fruits in the oven.

For candied apples you will need:

  • 1 kg apples;
  • 400 g of water;
  • 1.2 kg sugar.


  • Sort through the fresh apples, wash them thoroughly, and peel them. Cut into thin slices or curly pieces - to your taste. Boil water in a saucepan and place the apples in it, blanch them for about 10 minutes. Then quickly remove them with a slotted spoon and place them in a bowl of cold water.
  • Now, from the water in which the fruits were blanched, prepare a syrup: based on 400 ml of water - 1.2 kg of sugar. Measure out the required amount of water, carefully add sugar and heat, stirring, until it dissolves. Immerse apple slices in hot syrup and forget about them for 4 hours. Then put the pan back on the stove and boil the apples in the syrup for 10 minutes over low heat. Remove from heat and leave to steep for about 8 hours (overnight is possible). Then boil the fruit again for 7 minutes and leave in the syrup for 5 hours. It is better to repeat this procedure if you want the slices to become more transparent. In this case, reduce the settling time in syrup to 3 or 4 hours.
  • Remove the candied fruits with a slotted spoon and place in a sieve to drain excess liquid. Cover a baking sheet with parchment, arrange the fruit slices and place in the oven, preheated to 150 degrees. Dry the candied fruits for 15-20 minutes, with the oven door slightly open, to make them more elastic. After 10 minutes, you can sprinkle the fruit with sugar and dry it in the oven until ready.

Candied fruits are ready! You can serve them right away, pouring them into a beautiful vase. You can decorate homemade cakes, cookies, and pastries with them. Better yet, stock up on lots and lots of candied fruits and store them in glass jars in a dry and dark place. And the problem of processing a large apple harvest will be solved! Bon appetit!

Whole candied paradise apples

Fragrant paradise apples, or ranetki, are perfect for preparing candied fruits. Due to their small size and dense pulp, they are not capricious in preparation, are evenly soaked in syrup and then look very presentable - like small pieces of the sun. Whole candied paradise apples are truly a heavenly dessert!


  • 1 kg of paradise apples;
  • 1 kg of sugar (if the apples are not particularly sweet, increase the amount of sugar to 1.2 kg);
  • 250 ml water;
  • Lemon slices - to taste.


Select apples of approximately the same size, wash them, and pierce the skin with a pin in several places. Then blanch them entirely for 2-3 seconds in boiling water, and then put them briefly in cold water.

Prepare a thick sugar syrup, immerse the apples in it, bring to a boil and cook, reducing the heat to low, for 10 minutes. Then turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave the fruit until it cools completely (from 4-5 hours to a day).

Then add a couple or more lemon slices to the syrup and put on fire. Cook again for 10 minutes and leave to cool (overnight). By this time, the apples will be almost ready, but will not yet acquire the desired transparency. For the third time, put them on the fire and cook for 10 to 20 minutes. Place the resulting amber “suns” on a sieve. If the fruit is still not transparent, you can repeat the entire procedure a fourth time.

Line a baking sheet or tray with parchment paper and place the apples of paradise in a single layer. Dry outdoors in the sun. On the second day, remove the parchment and continue drying for another 4 days. Or you can quickly dry them in the oven at a low temperature (130-150 degrees). But outdoors they will turn out tastier and more aromatic.

Store prepared candied paradise apples in any hermetically sealed container. You can sprinkle them with powdered sugar to prevent them from sticking together, add a little cinnamon. Choose any recipe, prepare candied apples at home and enjoy their taste and aroma. Bon appetit!

If you, like me, are struggling with a large harvest of apples, then this is the place for you. A tasty treat that can be stored all winter. It will remind you of the wonderful summer time...

Ingredients for Candied Apples:

Recipe for Candied Apples:

For this recipe, it is better to take hard apples; they hold their shape better after cooking. Cut the apples into slices or halves, depending on size. I prepared candied fruits with the skin, but you can do it without it. Still, the skin turns out tough. If you have time, spend it cleaning. I had large volumes, I made it with peels. Small apples can be cooked whole by piercing them on several sides.

Dissolve lemon juice in 1/4 cup of water and mix with apples. Boil water in a large saucepan and place apples in it for 5-7 minutes.
Remove the apples and immediately place them in cold water to cool. Add sugar to the water where the apples were boiled and, stirring constantly, wait until it dissolves, forming a syrup.

Remove apples from cold water, place in a bowl and pour hot syrup over them. Leave for 6 hours, then boil again and cool. In general, the procedure must be repeated 2-3 times - the apples should become transparent. Not all of my apples became transparent, perhaps it depends on the variety. In any case, you will notice that the apples have become elastic and sufficiently saturated with syrup.

After this, place the apples in a colander and let as much of the syrup drain as possible. Or spread on a towel to remove excess liquid.

Place the apples on a sheet lined with parchment and dry in the oven or in the open air (covered with gauze). You can use email. dryer I dried it in the open air. It took me 4 days.
Sprinkle dried candied fruits with granulated sugar or powder and store in a tightly sealed container in a dark place. The syrup can be sealed in sterile jars and used for baking and sweet desserts.

Fruits and berries


Whole candied paradise apples They are either jam or some kind of delicious dessert. The appearance of these apples alone will literally make you want to try the delicious juicy fruits. Due to the fact that we will boil the apples of paradise in sugar syrup, after infusion they will acquire a rich amber color, very noble and natural. To create this delicious winter preparation, we only need additional water and sugar. It may seem to you that it is unreasonable to use sugar so wastefully, because we do not close the syrup itself, but it can subsequently be used to prepare other equally tasty dishes.

Now let’s talk specifically about apples of paradise, or more precisely, about their benefits for the body. It’s worth starting with the fact that paradise apples contain even more pectin than the larger varieties that are more familiar to us, and it is this substance that is responsible for removing heavy metals from the body. Also, the trace elements contained in apples of paradise are responsible for the removal of excess salts and water, which has a beneficial effect on blood pressure. These fruits are rich in vitamins, beneficial microelements and biologically active substances that the body simply needs to function properly. These beneficial qualities should be enough to not only eat apples of paradise raw, but also prepare winter preserves from them. Below we have prepared for you a visual and simple step-by-step photo recipe that will tell you how to properly prepare whole candied paradise apples at home. Let's start creating a delicious dessert for the winter.



    We select apples that suit us to create such an unusual dessert. There are no fewer varieties of paradise apples than ordinary ones, so here you are free to choose according to your taste and desire. It’s better to choose not the smallest apples, but also not too large ones, otherwise they will take a very long time to cook and it’s not a fact that they will turn out the way they should.

    We thoroughly wash the apples in cold water several times; you can even let them sit in the liquid for a while. Place the apples in a colander and wait for them to drain completely. After this, we often prick each fruit over its entire area with a pin or needle and blanch it. What does this mean? In a saucepan, bring water to a boil and lower each apple into it one by one for a few seconds.

    After the apple has been in boiling water, it must be immersed in cold water for a few minutes to stop the softening process. After this, the fruits need to be given time to rest and dry.

    During this time we will have time to prepare sugar syrup. Pour clean cold water into an enamel pan, the volume of which is indicated in the ingredients, and add all the prepared refined sugar there. Place the pan on the stove and cook the syrup until all sugar crystals are completely dissolved. As a result, we will get a fairly dense liquid in which we will prepare our whole candied apples.

    Carefully immerse all prepared apples in thick sugar syrup. (it’s better not to remove the tails), bring the liquid to a boil again and cook the candied fruits for 10 minutes over low heat.

    After the specified time has passed, turn off the heat, cover the top of the pan with a clean cotton cloth and leave the apples in this form until they cool completely, about 4-8 hours. Then place the pan on the fire again, drop a couple of lemon slices into the syrup if desired, cook the apples in the syrup for another 10 minutes from the moment the liquid boils, and leave to cool again.

    We must repeat the procedure one more time and additionally one more time if desired. During cooking, the candied fruits will significantly decrease in size and also change their color as shown in the photo. It may seem that candied apples are already ready, but that’s not all, although such apples are already a ready-made dessert.

    Line the dryer tray with parchment paper, lay the apples on top in an even layer and dry until completely dry. In this case, candied apples will take a very long time to dry; the time depends on the capabilities of your dryer, as well as on the size of the apples themselves.

    The finished dessert can be stored for a very long time and will delight you with its extraordinary rich taste all winter. Whole candied paradise apples are ready for the winter according to a delicious homemade recipe.

    Bon appetit!

Candied apples are a favorite dessert in the cold season for many families. Making fruit dessert at home is not difficult. The process does not require special equipment or special skills. Sweet apple preparation can easily replace candy and at the same time bring much more benefits to the body.

Homemade candied apples are much healthier and tastier than store-bought sweets. The dessert retains all its beneficial properties: pectin, vitamins, fiber and valuable microelements.

To ensure a pleasant result with a delicate aroma and taste, follow these recommendations:

  1. Do not reduce the amount of sugar called for in the recipe. This may cause the candied fruit to spoil.
  2. Select only high-quality fruits for preparation. You should not prepare dessert from damaged, limp or overripe fruits.
  3. Give preference to homemade apples, they are more flavorful and fresher than store-bought ones.
  4. Good quality candied fruits are obtained from low-juiciness, dense fruits that are slightly unripe.
  5. Slice the pulp as thinly as possible, so the pulp will be better saturated with syrup.

The process of fruit preparation is no less important for the quality of candied fruits:

  1. Wash the selected apples thoroughly with a brush.
  2. Place on a cloth towel to dry.
  3. Carefully remove the core. If you have a special knife, use it.
  4. Cut the pulp into thin slices (circles, rectangular plates).
  5. Remove the peel if it is very dense.

Preparing candied apples takes much longer than making jam. But the result is several times tastier and healthier.

How to make candied apples at home - a simple recipe

Candied fruits are not only a delicious dessert, but also an excellent addition to baked goods, cakes and muffins. Beginning housewives often ask for the simplest recipe. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • apples – 750 g;
  • water – 900 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 500 g;
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.

Prepare syrup from the specified amount of water, sugar and lemon juice. Place apple slices in boiling syrup. Cook the contents over low heat for about 5 minutes.

Remove container from heat and set aside to cool completely, 4 hours. After the time has passed, put it back on low heat, boil for 5 minutes and let it cool completely again. In general, repeat the procedure 3-4 times until the apple pieces become transparent.

After final cooking, drain the apples in a colander. Leave for a couple of hours to allow all the syrup to drain.

The last stage of preparing candied fruits is drying. To do this, you can use the most suitable method:

  • outdoors (the longest process will take several days);
  • in the oven (5 hours at 50°C);
  • in a special fruit dryer.

On a note! Do not allow candied fruits to actively boil or fry. The cooking and drying process should be slow.

It is easy to determine the readiness of candied apples - they are elastic, dry, and not sticky. If desired, you can additionally sprinkle the fruit with powdered sugar.

Quick recipe for candied apples

The process of preparing candied fruits takes a lot of time. However, there is a quick way to prepare apple dessert. This method differs in that the fruits are cut into small cubes, thereby reducing the number of times they boil in syrup.

Preparation stages:

  1. Peel apples (1 kg) and chop finely.
  2. Boil apple peels in a liter of water.
  3. Place the skins in a colander and let the broth drain.
  4. Add a glass of sugar to the apple broth and cook the syrup.
  5. Place the prepared apple cubes into the boiling syrup and simmer over low heat for about 3-5 minutes, avoiding active boiling.
  6. Remove container from heat and let cool for about 3 hours.
  7. When the apples have cooled, strain them through a colander and let the syrup drain completely.
  8. Candied fruits must be dried in the oven (40-50 minutes at 50°C).

To ensure that the moisture evaporates evenly from the apples, open the oven door every 10 minutes to allow steam to escape.

Remove the finished candied fruits from the oven and leave to cool at room temperature. Then place them in prepared containers and store them.

How to make whole candied paradise apples

Candied paradise apples, cooked whole, are very popular among lovers of sweets. Ranetki are so small that it is not necessary to cut them into small slices.

Sort the fruits (1 kg), wash thoroughly. Pierce each fruit with a toothpick in several places so that during the cooking process the apple retains its integrity and absorbs the syrup.

Paradise apples must be blanched before cooking. Dip the fruit into boiling water for a few seconds and then immediately into ice (or ice water).

Make a thick syrup from a glass of water and one kilogram of sugar. If the apples are not sweet enough, add another 200 g of sugar.

Many people like to complement the apple aroma with candied fruits. To do this, add 2-3 slices of fresh lemon to the syrup.

Place the apples in the prepared syrup and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then remove from the stove and let it sit for 6-7 hours. After the time has elapsed, the procedure is repeated twice.

When the fruits have steeped after the last cooking, they should become transparent and bright as amber. If after three procedures the apples do not become transparent, then perform another one.

You can dry candied paradise apples in any way. First option: place on a prepared surface and dry in the open air. This process may take 3-5 days.

A faster second option: dry in the oven at 130°C. This process will only take a few hours. Place the finished candied fruits in a container with an airtight lid.

Drying recipe

It is much easier to prepare candied sweet apples in an electric dryer. The initial stage does not differ from the classic recipe, but the drying process is significantly reduced.


  • apples - 500 g;
  • honey - 300 ml;
  • water - 100 ml.

Prepare the apples: wash under running water, remove the core and seeds, cut into thin slices.

Make syrup from water (100 ml) and honey (250 ml). Honey can be used freshly collected or candied. Melt the candied honey in a water bath. Then heat boiled water (up to 40°C) and combine with honey. Leave a little honey (about 50 ml).

Dip apples (0.5 kg) into the prepared honey syrup. The syrup should completely cover the slices. Mix thoroughly and leave to infuse for 1⁄2 days in a warm place.

Once the time is up, remove the fruit from the syrup. Place in a colander to drain the remaining syrup. Distribute the apple pieces evenly in the container. Try to distribute the fruit so that the syrup flowing from them does not fall on the lower tiers with slices.

It's time to use up the reserved honey. It will be very tasty if you put a small drop of honey on each candied fruit.

Turn on the electric dryer, set the temperature to 40°C and leave for 12-15 hours. After drying is complete, let the candied fruits cool and store.

Candied apples with cinnamon

Fans of unique dishes should love this recipe for candied apples with cinnamon. The spice perfectly complements the fruit and fills the dessert with a wonderful aroma.

You can take the classic recipe for preparing candied fruits as a basis. In addition to the main components, you will need cinnamon and citric acid, one teaspoon each, and a glass of sugar.

It is necessary to combine spices and sugar in a separate container and mix. Sprinkle this mixture over candied apples prepared for drying in the oven (or in another way).

Storage conditions

In order for candied apples to retain their taste and be edible for as long as possible, it is necessary to provide the necessary storage conditions:

  1. Glass, plastic, or tin containers with an airtight lid are suitable as storage containers.
  2. Limit exposure of candied fruits to sunlight.
  3. When placing in a container, cover the layers with parchment.
  4. The room should be dry, cool and dark.

Candied apples take a long time to prepare. But the result will please the doubly hardworking housewife. Candied fruits are truly an amazing and unforgettable sweet.

Candied fruits are an excellent substitute for sweets; they are not only tasty, but also healthy. Especially if you make them yourself from natural fruits, such as apples. Knowing how to make candied apples at home, you will always have a delicious natural dessert on hand.

Fragrant candied apples can be used to decorate baked goods or ice cream.


Water 500 milliliters Apple 1 kg

  • Number of servings: 1
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes

Recipe for candied apples

For candying, aromatic and firm varieties of apples that are not too sweet are best suited. Even unripe and padanka will do.

For a kilogram of apples you will need:

  • 1.2 kg granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of water.

Wash the apples, cut them into slices or cubes, it is not necessary to remove the skin. Small apples can be left whole, but pierce the skin in several places with a toothpick.

Blanch the apples by immersing them in boiling water for 5 minutes, remove, rinse with cold water and let cool.

Add sugar to the water where the apples were blanched and cook the syrup over low heat.

Immerse the apples in the syrup and leave until completely cool (overnight possible).

Bring to a boil again and let cool. Repeat until apples become translucent. Place the finished apples in a colander to drain the syrup.

Line a baking tray with baking paper and place apples on it. Dry in the oven on low heat or in the open air, protected from insects.

When the candied fruits are dry, sprinkle them with powdered sugar and put them in a container or jar with a lid and store in a dark place. Shelf life – up to 1 year.

The remaining syrup can be used to make compote, jam, or sealed hermetically for the winter.

Recipe for candied apples with aromatic additives

We take apples and sugar in a 1:1 ratio, although you can take less or more sugar, depending on the sweetness of the apples.

To make candied apples more flavorful, use various additives, for example, orange or lemon zest, cloves, cinnamon.

Boil syrup from half the sugar, put prepared apples in it and cook until transparent. Add the remaining sugar, zest and spices, cook until the syrup thickens.

Dry the candied fruits with the oven door open and a temperature of about 50 °C. For the first drying, 2 hours are enough, after which remove the candied fruits and leave to cool at room temperature.

The next day, dry it in the oven again, and after cooling, sprinkle the candied fruits with sugar or powder.

Making candied apples is not at all difficult, although it will take some time. But you will make a supply of healthy treats that will last for a long time.