Class hour on fire safety at school. Class hour: Fire safety. Reading and discussion of the poem

The life of a child is priceless, but the mobility, prank, gullibility and curiosity of children different ages sometimes have dire consequences. Nothing is so ruthless in relation to human life as an insidious fire. This is the death of children and adults, the loss of property, the fear and grief of those who are faced with such a tragedy. The task of the teacher is to conduct a class hour with the students on the topic "Fire Safety" and study in each class with the students the actions in case of a fire at school, at home, in any other place. The presentation "Fire Safety" and a number of other materials that can be downloaded from our website for free will give children information about the destructive power of the fire element. Slides filled with facts and figures, real photos and vivid pictures tell true stories that took place in someone's life cut short by fires.

Fire safety presentations urge everyone to be more attentive to their lives. The harmless prank with matches and the beauty of flames is the first step to trouble. For some reason, so little class time is still allocated to the topic of fire safety rules and fire at school. But the material that is on the site and can be downloaded for free is convenient to use not only in the classroom, but also in other lessons, in the classroom.

The development of class hours about firefighters and fire safety will tell children how to behave if a fire suddenly breaks out when adults are not around. After watching more than one presentation for children about the rules of behavior in case of fire, everyone will be able to remember the number of the rescue service, what to do in case of a fire at school, at home, in a public place, where the consequences are terrible because of the fuss and panic. Knowledge will be even more valuable if the children, having received fire prevention presentation templates from the teacher, draw up several slides at home with their parents for viewing in the classroom.

Not only rigorous material and dry facts fill every presentation on the topic of fire safety. Children love fairy tales and riddles, songs and proverbs, games and quizzes. All this is in the development of class hours and on slides of presentations for students of primary (1, 2, 3, 4) grades and secondary school (grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), which can be downloaded for school students for free.

The abstract is accompanied by a presentation, a song Goals: promotion of knowledge on the protection of life safety; learn about the causes of fires; to systematize students' knowledge about the causes and consequences of a fire; activation of cognitive and creative activity of students; to cultivate a sense of self-preservation, to form the ability to behave correctly in an extreme situation, to quickly respond to danger.

Lesson progress

Slide 2. Fire is one of the greatest wonders of nature, which man met at the dawn of his existence. Fire gave a person warmth, light, protected from wild animals, it was used for cooking, making tools. Thanks to fire, mankind penetrated into space. People have learned how to make and keep fire. However, having gone out of human control, it turns into a terrible disaster - a fire. To avoid a fire, to warn him, you need to know how the fire breaks free. What is the reason for this? How to act in case of fire? These are the questions we need to find answers to today.

So what is a fire?

Slide 3. Fire - uncontrolled burning, causing material damage, harm to the life and health of citizens, the interests of society and the state.

Do you know the causes of fires?

Slides 4-5. Most often, a fire occurs due to a violation of fire safety rules during the operation of household electrical appliances, gas appliances and heating stoves, carelessness, negligence in handling burning objects and flammable materials.

Fire is dangerous with open fire, high temperature air, poisonous gases, smoke and other adverse factors.

Since ancient times, it has been known that a fire is easier to prevent than to extinguish.

What fire safety rules do you know?

slide 6. To prevent fires in the home, it is necessary to strictly observe simple fire safety rules. Here is some of them:

- do not leave electrical appliances switched on after working with them;

- do not plug several powerful consumers of electricity into one outlet;

- using candles, isolate them from the table with fire-resistant materials;

- do not use sparklers, firecrackers and other pyrotechnics in apartments;

- do not play with matches, other burning objects and flammable materials.

But it also happens that the precautions did not help and the fire started. What to do in such cases?

If still there was a fire in your house:

Slide 7

- call the fire brigade by phone "01", while reporting what is on, the exact address, your last name and phone number;

- do not panic, act calmly and in an organized manner;

- in a smoky room, move as close to the floor as possible - there is less smoke, stick to the walls;

- if you cannot leave the apartment, tightly close the room in which you are. Use wet clothes or towels to seal gaps in doors and vents;

- cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel, this will reduce the amount of carbon monoxide entering the lungs;

Do not break windows, as oxygen can intensify combustion. If you need air, open a crack in the window and be ready to close that gap immediately;

What should never be done in case of a fire in a house (apartment)?

slide 8. Fight the flames on your own without calling the fire department (if you do not cope with the fire in a few seconds, its spread will lead to a large fire);

- Do not try to exit through a smoky corridor or stairs (smoke is very toxic, hot air can also burn the lungs);

- descend down drainpipes and risers with the help of sheets and ropes (if this is not the most urgent need, because a fall here without a lack of special skills is almost always inevitable);

- jump from the window (starting from the 4th floor, every second jump is fatal)

So, what fire extinguishers do you know?

slide 9.(water, sand, earth, asbestos blanket, fire extinguishers).

Now let's test your knowledge of fire safety

Slide 10. Quiz

1. How to get out of a room filled with smoke?

A) crawling

B) crawling along the wall

B) run away

D) go straight

2. What should be done when leaving the apartment to prevent a fire?

A) close the front door

B) turn off electrical appliances

B) close the window

D) turn off gas appliances

3. What should everyone do when a fire is discovered?

A) tell the neighbors

B) call "01"

B) shout out loud

D) start simmering

4. How to evacuate from a multi-storey building?

a) using the elevator

b) through the window

B) emergency exit

D) across the balcony

5. By calling "01" you need to briefly inform that ...

b) what is on fire

C) where do you work, study

D) family composition

D) last name

6. If the fat in the pan catches fire, you must:

A) cover

b) cover with a damp cloth

B) fill with water

D) leave to cool

7. What improvised means can put out the fire?

B) sand

B) a blanket

D) petrol

8. What fire safety rules must be observed on a camping trip?

A) make a fire near a pond

B) do not leave bottles, broken glass

B) make a fire near the trees

slide11. Game situations

1. That evening, the parents were late at work. Maxim was at home alone. He was watching TV, suddenly the TV started to smoke, and a flame appeared. Maxim was not taken aback. He quickly unplugged the plug. However, the TV continued to burn. Then Maxim ran to the bathroom to get some water. And then he remembered that the water had been turned off for the second day.

Question: What else should Maxim have done in this situation?

2. Once Vasya and Petya decided to make a fire in the courtyard of the house. They collected leaves and brushwood, but the fire did not even think of igniting. It was too damp outside. Then Vasily brought a bottle of gasoline.

Almost simultaneously with the foliage, Vasya's sneakers also caught fire. A few seconds later, the fire spread to the trousers. Vasya was frightened and ran ...

Question: What should Petya do? What fire safety rules did the boys neglect?

3. Sasha was playing in the yard and noticed smoke from the fifth floor window. He ran to the payphone and dialed "03". “Fire, fire, the house is on fire here!” - that's all the boy said and hung up.

Question: What did Sasha do wrong? What should be reported about the fire?

4. A brand new bright bottle appeared on my mother's dressing table. “Hairspray,” read the colorful inscription. "Flammable," was written at the bottom. “For the hair, and suddenly it’s flammable?” The boy thought, “It can’t be!” Sergei ran to the kitchen for matches...

Sergei returned a minute later. Twisting the cylinder in his hands, he pressed the trigger and managed to set fire to the liquid that escaped. The balloon caught fire instantly. Instinctively, Sergei abandoned him. The curtain caught fire from the balloon. Then the cornice… Sergei got scared and climbed into the closet. Soon smoke filled the room. The boy could not breathe. From the lessons of life safety, Sergey remembered that it was necessary to protect the respiratory organs and get out of the smoky room by crawling along the wall. So he did, covering his nose and mouth with a T-shirt, and made his way to the balcony. "Fire! Fire! Help!” the boy began to shout, waving his T-shirt, attracting the attention of passers-by. A few minutes later, the fire brigade arrived at the scene of the fire.

Question: what fire safety rules did Sergey violate? What did he do right and what didn't he do?

slide 12. What do these signs mean?

1. The sign of the crossed-out cigarette "It is forbidden to smoke." It is depicted on the outside of the doors of rooms where it is impossible to use open fire and poisonous substances are located.

2. The sign of a crossed-out burning match “It is forbidden to use open fire.” It is depicted on the outer side of the doors of rooms and warehouses with flammable materials, as well as on containers with them.

3. A sign with a crane and a crossed-out fire “It is forbidden to extinguish with water”. It is depicted on containers with alkali metals, as well as on the doors of rooms where these substances are stored.

Classroom hour on the topic: "Fire safety" in grade 9

Topic. "Fire is man's friend and enemy."

Purpose: to teach children to behave correctly in emergency situations, in case of a fire at home or at school, to instill practical fire extinguishing skills, to bring to the students' consciousness the rules for using gas and electrical appliances, to consolidate students' previously acquired knowledge and skills on the topic “Fire Safety Rules”; expand teaching students about the dangers associated with fire.

The course of the classroom.

Fire is one of the greatest wonders of nature, which man met at the dawn of his existence. Fire gave a person warmth, light, protected from wild animals, used for cooking, making tools. Thanks to fire, mankind penetrated into space. People have learned how to make and keep fire. However, having gone out of human control, it turns into a terrible disaster - a fire. To avoid a fire, to warn him, you need to know how the fire breaks free. What is the reason for this? How to act in case of fire? These are the questions we need to find answers to today.

Statistics say that in our country fires break out every 2-3 minutes, about 20 thousand people die in them every year.

Fires lead to large material losses:

Turn residential and industrial buildings into ashes;

Destroy forests;

Destroy crops.

I will give examples of some historical factors that confirm the severe consequences caused by fires:

1470 .- fire in Moscow (only 3 yards left);

1493 .- fire in the Kremlin (the whole of Moscow burned down);

1812 .- fire caused by the excesses of marauders (destroyed 2/3 of the city);

1972 .- peat fires in the Moscow region (the whole of Moscow was shrouded in smoke);

1977 .- fire in the hotel "Russia", 37 guests and 5 employees died, 52 people were hospitalized;

1993 .- fire at the Kama Automobile Plant (the country lost its main supplier of heavy vehicles).

Fire - this is an uncontrolled combustion process, accompanied by the destruction of material values ​​and creating a danger to human health.

Combustion is the process of converting combustible substances into combustion products.

Fire - it is the merciless power of fire, the death of people, cities, buildings, material values, flora and fauna.

Fires accompany a person always and everywhere: on earth, under water, in the air, in space.

The increase in the number of fires, material losses, deaths of people is a consequence of the rapid development of technology and technology, the concentration of production, the creation of new fire-hazardous materials, the increase in population density, the lack of sufficient primary fire extinguishing equipment, the low level of preparation of the population for fire prevention and prevention / absence firefighting skills and safe behavior during fires.

Fires bring incalculable misfortunes, injury and death of people, they destroy everything in their path, cause irreparable harm to the natural environment.


Three conditions are necessary for combustion to occur:

1). the presence of a combustible substance; combustible substances include:

* wood;

* paper;



* gas, etc.;

2) the presence of an oxidizing agent , which includes the following substances:

* air oxygen;

* saltpeter;

* Nitric acid;

* nitrogen oxides;

3) ignition source which can serve as:

* caviar;

* bonfire flame;

* outstanding cigarette butt, etc.

The main causes of fires.

Careless, careless handling of fire.

Violation of safety requirements at work

electrical appliances, stove heating.

Violation of the rules for conducting electric and gas welding and fire works.

Accidental or deliberate arson.

Neglect of danger, ignorance and underestimation of the possible consequences of a fire.

Lightning strike.

Children play with firemostly with matches.

Spontaneous combustion.

To prevent fires in the home, it is necessary to strictly observe simple fire safety rules.

Here is some of them:
Do not leave electrical appliances switched on after working with them;
Do not plug several powerful electrical consumers into one outlet;
When using candles, isolate them from the table with fire-resistant materials;
Do not use sparklers, firecrackers and other pyrotechnics in apartments;
Do not play with matches, other burning objects and flammable materials.

But it also happens that the precautions did not help and the fire started. What to do in such cases?

· Urgently call the fire brigade, report the exact address and what is on fire;

If the burning has just begun, the fire can be easily extinguished with water, covered with a blanket, blocking the air supply;

Do not extinguish with water burning electrical wiring and electrical appliances that are energized;

· If it was not possible to eliminate the fire on your own, then immediately leave the premises;

· If it is impossible to leave the apartment because of the smoke, tightly close the doors, ventilation openings with towels moistened with water;

· Never hide in a smoky room in secluded places.

Signs of a starting fire.

The presence of a smoke smell.

Minor fire, flame.

The presence of a characteristic smell of burning rubber or

Plastics, a decrease in voltage in the mains, a power failure are signs of burning electrical wiring.

Bustle of people on the stairscells, in the entrance.


Fire in an apartment, house, school building.

    Do not panic.

    Call firefighters and rescuers by phone 01.

    Try to extinguish the fire yourself at the initial stage of burning: pour water, cover with sand or earth, cover with a thick cloth, pour the contents of the fire extinguisher. Tear down burning curtains, trample the fire with your feet, fill it with water or throw it into a container of water.

    Turn off electrical and gas appliances. In the event of a TV fire, it must be quickly disconnected from the power supply, covered with a wet thick cloth or poured with water through the ventilation holes.

    Close all windows and doors.

    Find and take out (take out) small children whohiding incupboards, under tables, in bathrooms.Helpold people who are affected.

    Take your documents with you. money, valuables.

    Quickly, without pressure, leave the danger zone of a fire along a previously studied safe route, using emergency exits, fire escapes.

    Constantly beep.

    Lie on the floor, wait for help or crawl to the exit.

    Breathe through a wet cloth. Protect yourself from smoke at all costs. A few breaths of smoke-laden air can lead to loss of consciousness.

    Go out to the balcony, close the door behind you,call for help.

    Do not open windows and doors.

    Use forprotectionfrom fire and thermal radiation damp dense fabric.

    Do not lock the front door with a key.

    Do not use the elevator.


    Remove burning clothing quickly.

    Do not run in burning clothes.

    Don't roll on the ground.

    Protect your head, face, eyes with your hands.

    Do not use fire extinguishers to extinguish.

    Plunge into water or pour water over it.

    lie down onsnow.

    Cover yourself with a thick wet cloth, leaving your head open so as not to suffocate with combustion products.

    Do not tear off clothing that is stuck to the body.

    Provide first aid to the victim, calm him down and promptly take him to the hospital.

game situations.

Game situation number 1
Your TV is on fire. What should be your actions? Show them using these items: TV, bucket of water, blanket, sand.


1. Turn off the TV;
2. Cover with a damp cloth;
3. Call "01".

Situation #2
Sasha decided to heat the porridge in a pan,
At the same time, sing songs in the next room.
Sasha started playing and lost his vigilance,
Didn't follow the safety rules.
And the lights jumped around,
And flared up like chips, grandmother's house!

The oil caught fire in the pan. What should be your actions? Show them using these items: a frying pan, a mug of water, a towel.
1. Turn off the gas;
2. Put on a wet towel

Situation #3
Your clothes are on fire. What will you do?
1. It is necessary to fall to the floor;
2. Cover with a damp cloth;
3. You can't run!

Situation #4
I saw a man with burning clothes. How will you act?
1. Catch up, cover with a cloth;
2. Drop on the floor;
3. It is impossible to extinguish with a fire extinguisher.

Situation #5
You come home in the evening and you smell a strong smell of gas. What will you do?
a) First things first! turn on the light and check with a match where the gas is coming from
b) I’ll go and smell where it smells from
c) I will call the gas service and go outside to wait for them to arrive
d) I will open the window, try to turn off the gas and call 04. and I will do all this without turning on the light

Situation #6
There is a fire in the house that you cannot put out. What to do?
a) run away b) scream c) call the firemen.

Most of the troubles in a dwelling or in the forest arise through negligence, absent-mindedness, and sometimes out of ignorance and connections with fires, burns, exposure to electric current, and poisoning. Knowledge of the dangers, the implementation of the simplest rules for handling household items, fire is the key to our safety.

View video.

In order to prevent fire in the natural environment, it is prohibited:

Throw burning matches, cigarette butts, smoldering rags in the forest.

Make a fire in dense thickets and coniferous young growth, under low-hanging tree crowns, next to timber warehouses. peat, in close proximity to mature crops.

Leave spontaneously combustible material in the forest: rags and rags soaked in oil, gasoline, glassware, which in sunny weather can focus Sunshine and ignite dry vegetation.

Burn dry grass on forest glades, in gardens, in fields, under trees.

Set fire to the reeds.

Make a fire in windy weather and leave it unattended.

Keep the fire burning after leaving the parking lot.

The purpose of the class hour: to show the role of fire in human life; to identify the causes leading to the occurrence of a fire; make a memo about behavior in case of fire.

Class tasks:

  • know the rules of fire safety;
  • develop the cognitive interests of students, creative abilities; communicative and speech qualities; cultivate strong-willed qualities, a good attitude towards others and to each other
  • friend, a sense of patriotism, professional orientation.

Equipment: presentation, exhibition of literature on the topic, student drawings, proverbs for group work , memo “Rules of conduct in case of fire”.

Preliminary preparatory work: excursions to the 21st fire station of the State Institution “1 FPS detachment in the Saratov region” and the 23rd fire station of the State Institution “1 FPS detachment in the Saratov region”; reading literature and preparing an exhibition of drawings on the topic: “Fire safety”.

Class hour progress

1. Introduction to the topic.

Teacher. Before I tell the topic of the lesson, guess the riddles: <Рисунок № 1>

1) Feed - he lives, give him a drink - he dies. (Fire.)

2) I am shaggy, I am shaggy,
I am over every hut in winter,
Over the fire and the factory
Over the fire and the steamer.
But nowhere, nowhere me
There is no fire. (Smoke.)

3) Mined in Siberia,
Runs in a pipe along the bottom of the seas,
Appears in the apartment
Under your pan. (Gas.)

4) This is a cramped, cramped house:
One hundred sisters huddle in it.
And any of the sisters
May flare up
like a fire. (Matches.)

5) A little blue spark runs along the wires.
Helps to sew, wash, vacuum cleaner - to swallow dust.
Takes to work for us
But it is not given in the hands. (Electricity.)

Guys, as you probably guessed, the topic of our lesson will be fire safety. <Рисунок № 2> , <Рисунок № 3>

2. Preparatory work.

- Guys, what kind of excursions did you and I have? <Рисунок № 4>, <Рисунок № 5>

- What are your impressions?

- What do you remember more?

- What professions did you learn?

The profession of a firefighter (driver, squad leader, head of the guard, senior firefighter, firefighter, dispatcher, inspector).

- What is the complexity of the profession?

- What qualities should people of such professions have?

Presentation of guests.

Congratulations on the holiday.

3. Conversation. How did the fire get to people.<Рисунок № 6>

First, we will talk about the meaning of fire and remember how fire got to people. (Children say that the ancient people made fire by friction, carved sparks from stone.)

Do you know who Prometheus is?

This is the legendary ancient Greek hero who gave fire to people.

In ancient times, when Zeus ruled the whole world, people who had just settled on earth were weak, powerless, shy. They could neither think nor understand what they saw around them. With horror they looked at the thunderclouds, the scorching sun, the endless sea and high mountains. From everything that frightened them, people hid in caves. At that time they had neither housing nor a family hearth - people did not cook food, did not warm themselves near the fire. And it was such a miserable existence.

The titan Prometheus took pity on people with his big heart, and boldly violated the ban of Zeus: not to give fire to people. Having made his way to the palace, the titan took a small spark of fire and, hiding it in an empty reed stalk, brought it to people on earth.

Have shone since then bright lights fires on the ground. Whole families gathered around them, fried meat, warmed themselves, danced. Now people have healed more cheerfully and more friendly, and the titan Prometheus sincerely rejoiced at this. He taught people to tame fire, to melt copper, to forge weapons. Thanks to Prometheus, people learned to think and, probably, for the first time felt like people.

Fire has become a reliable companion and helper of people. It is difficult to imagine such a branch of human activity, where fire would not be used. List the uses for fire.

(Cooking, internal combustion engines (machines), metal smelting, glass and brick making, pottery firing, home heating, thermal power plants, etc.) <Рисунок № 7>

You can list for a long time how fire helps us all both at home and at work, but you must always remember that careless handling of fire, pranks with fire, can lead to trouble. Listen to the poem. <Рисунок № 8>

Matches are the best toy
For bored kids.
Dad's tie, mom's passport -
Here is a small fire.
If you throw slippers,
Or put a broom
You can fry a whole chair,
Boil the ear in the nightstand.
If adults are somewhere
Matches are hidden from you
Explain to them that matches
For a fire you need. G. Oster

Of course, this is a comic poem, but is it possible to joke with fire? What can play with fire lead to? (To the fire.) <Рисунок № 9>

Fire - uncontrolled burning, causing material damage, harm to the life and health of citizens, the interests of society and the state.

The houses in which we live are provided with gas and electrical appliances. Almost every family uses a variety of household chemicals. In residential buildings, fires occur much more often than in public or industrial buildings. The causes of fires in all cases are the same. <Рисунок № 10>, <Рисунок № 11>, <Рисунок № 12>

Causes of fires

– Careless handling of fire (90%).

– Careless use of household heating appliances.

– Violation of fire safety rules during the operation of the network and electrical wiring.

- Inability to properly operate gas appliances.

– Ignition of televisions, radio equipment.

– Incorrect design and malfunction of stoves and chimneys.

- Pranks of children with fire.

Statistics show that usually 15 to 20% of the total number of fires comes from the mischief of children with fire or heating devices. There are about 5 million fires in the world every year. Every third person who died in a fire is a child.

4. Reading and discussion of the poem.<Рисунок № 13>

The flame is always like this
Both good and bad:
He shines, he warms,
And he knows how to play pranks.
Three little rabbits
They sit with a spark, play pranks.
They, the hares, are unaware,
What a dangerous light.
Near the gas stove
Played up - expect trouble.
Better not even stand
In front of a gas stove.
Everyone knows that iron
A kind but serious friend.
The one who is familiar with the iron,
Doesn't play with iron.
Who studies science
So appliances does not include:
Overheated outlet
Lights up often
The kettle kept boiling, boiling,
And he managed to boil everything.
And dragged from anger
Black smoke on the ceiling.
“At the window,” said the mother,
- Do not turn on the heater!
- It's late, - the bunny says,
- The curtain is on fire!
If a thunderstorm rumbles
Close your eyes in fear
Unreasonable and funny.
We have to close the window.
The look of the forester is stern:
“This is no place for fires!”
Put out the fire
And ended the conversation.
For wheat to grow
It takes a lot of effort.
And don't light a fire
Where the harvest is.
Hay will flare up for sure
From the fire neighbor...
And do not give Burenka hay,
You won't get milk.
Ran like a stream
There is a light in the old grass.
Will anyone say
Where will he end his journey?

D. Lapina, P. Yurtsinsh

A conversation is held on these illustrations, the children express their opinion on what pranks with fire lead to.

Do not dry your pants over the gas after washing,
And then there will be holes from the pants.
Without turning off the appliance
You can stay without brand new curtains.
Curtains will smoke first, and then
Together with the curtains, the whole house will flare up.

Adults also need to remember:

More often in fires they die from smoke! (Together).

5. Report on a brief history of fire fighting and the consequences of fires.<Рисунок № 14>


- In the "Sudebnik" of Ivan III, introduced in 1498, it is said about the Kurts (those who smoke): "Do not give the lighter of the stomach (life), execute him with the death penalty." Such a severe punishment awaited the perpetrators of the fire. Why do you think?

(All buildings used to be wooden, and the fire could easily spread. It was very difficult to put out the fire, there was no fire fighting equipment. The fire brought great disasters, destroying people's homes, livestock, various buildings, food, and, finally, people died in the fire. That's why the punishment was so cruel. It's easier to prevent a disaster than to correct the consequences - even the ancient people understood this.)

- Since 1689, Peter the Great ordered fires to be extinguished by the forces of Moscow archers, sotsk elders and townspeople.

– In 1803, Alexander I signed a decree on the organization of fire protection in St. Petersburg.

- The first fire brigade in Kyiv was organized in 1841, it consisted of 25 people.

- On April 17, 1918, the Decree “On State Measures to Fight Fire” would be signed. This day became the day of the formation of the fire department.

- During the explosion of a nuclear reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, a fire broke out, a radioactive cloud rose into the atmosphere. Although the exploded reactor was a source of mortal danger - radioactive contamination, the flame had to be extinguished. Firefighters from the protection of the nuclear power plant were the first to arrive at the reactors in a few seconds on alarm. It was they who were the first to take the brunt of the elements, averted the misfortune from hundreds of thousands of people, while showing courage and heroism. They rushed to save people and the station, not thinking about their lives.

Let us be silent in memory of these brave and courageous people. (Moment of silence.)

Thus, man-made accidents also pose a serious danger to humanity and the environment. And society should take care that the Chernobyl tragedy never happens again.

And today, firefighters are practicing measures to fight the fire during exercises. <Рисунок № 15>, <Рисунок № 16>


- Any play with fire can lead to injury - burns. Doctors divide burns into four degrees. First - when the skin turns red. Second - when blisters appear on the burned area. Third and fourth - the most severe, which can lead to death. But most often people die from suffocation from the smoke formed during combustion.

6. Work in groups.<Рисунок № 17>

How do you understand proverbs?

  1. Water and fire are good servants, but terrible masters.
  2. A small spark causes a big fire.
  3. There is no smoke without fire.
  4. Fill fire with oil - just add fire. Fire is afraid of water.
  5. The spark of the carcass before the fire, take away the trouble before the impact.

Teacher. “My phone rang...”

Each of you is familiar with these lines of Korney Chukovsky.

What are these children's poems about? (About games with the phone).

- Are there any among you who called the number “01” as a joke?

Are such actions allowed?

- Why? <Рисунок № 18>

Every citizen knows
This number is 01.
If trouble comes to you -
Call there soon.
And if there is no phone.
Call the people from the balcony.

(Fake calling the fire brigade is unacceptable, as at the moment the help of firefighters may be needed by someone for real.

Pranksters who falsely call firefighters face a heavy fine.)

7. Collective compilation of a memo.<Рисунок № 19>

“Rules of conduct in case of fire”

– Call the fire brigade by calling “01”.

– If an electrical appliance catches fire, try to turn it off by unplugging the cord from the socket with dry hands.

- Try to extinguish a small fire by covering it with a blanket and thus blocking the access of oxygen.

– If possible, leave the premises through the door or the fire escape.

- You should breathe through a wet rag or towel, move around crouching down to the floor, as the acrid smoke rises.

- If it is not possible to leave the room, do not open windows and vents, as the air flow intensifies combustion.

– Seal cracks under the door with a damp cloth to prevent acrid smoke from entering.

- Breathe through a wet rag or towel and lie on the floor, wait for the firemen.

First aid for burns.

- Apply a clean gauze bandage.

– Urgently go to the hospital or call “03” and wait for the “Ambulance”.

8. Questions for the quiz.

Teacher. Now we will check how well you learned today's lesson. <Рисунок № 20>

1) What things are allowed to be hung on electric wires?
2) What kind of nails can be hammered between the wires?
3) What kind of fabric can wrap a light bulb?
4) What kind of wallpaper is allowed to paste over the wires?
5) In which hand should a car driver hold a cigarette while driving over a wooden bridge?
6) From which side should a fire be lit in windy weather?

(The answer to all questions is negative. This cannot be done at all.)

9. Summing up.<Рисунок № 21>

a) Word to the inspector of the state fire supervision.
b) The song of the firemen.