The dead weather Jack White. The Dead Weather: psychedelic masterpieces from recognized rock geniuses. New project of “old” rock stars

The Dead Weather - American alternative rock band from Nashville, Tennessee. The supergroup was created in 2009 by members of a number of famous bands: Alison Mosshart (The Kills, Discount), Jack White (The White Stripes, The Raconteurs), Dean Fertita (Queens of the Stone Age) and Jack Lawrence (The Raconteurs and The Greenhornes). .

Composition of the group

* Alison Mosshart; vocals, guitar, percussion
* Jack White; drums, vocals, guitar
* Dean Fertita; guitar, organ, piano, synthesizer, bass guitar, backing vocals
* Jack Lawrence; bass guitar, guitar, drums, backing vocals

History of the group

The group was created by the leader of The White Stripes and founder of The Raconteurs, American musician Jack White, in early 2009. During three weeks of January, their first album, “Horehound,” was recorded at his studio in Nashville. During the recording, Jack was accompanied by no less eminent musicians - Alison Mosshart, Dean Fertita and Jack Lawrence, for each of whom The Dead Weather was not the first project. It is characteristic that all members of the group took an active part in the work on the album. In addition to their own compositions, the musicians included a cover version of the Bob Dylan song “New Pony” on the album.

The album's first single, "Hang You from the Heavens", was released via iTunes on March 11, 2009, and was released on vinyl on April 18, 2009. The second single, "Treat Me Like Your Mother", was released on May 25, 2009. The third single, entitled "I Cut Like a Buffalo", was released after the album's release on October 26, 2009 and contained a cover of the song "A Child of a Few Hours is Burning to Death" by The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band as the second number. The band's first album, Horehound, debuted at number 6 on the Billboard 200 and number 14 on the UK Albums Chart on July 13, 2009 in Europe and July 14, 2009 in the United States.

On October 1, 2009, Mosshart announced that the band's new album was halfway done. On February 3, 2010, Jack White confirmed that the first single from the new album, in which White himself sang lead vocals, would be called "Blue Blood Blues". Speaking about the album itself, which was scheduled for release on May 10 and 11, 2010 in the UK and US respectively, White described its sound as "more bluesy and heavier


Sea of ​​Cowards


Horehound 2009
"Hang You from the Heavens"
"Treat Me Like Your Mother"
"I Cut Like A Buffalo"

Sea of ​​Cowards 2010

The Dead Weather is an American alternative supergroup formed in Nashville, Tennessee in 2009. Featuring vocalist/guitarist Alison Mosshart from The Kills, guitarist Dean Fertit from Queens of the Stone Age, bassist Jack Lawrence from The Raconteurs and The Greenhornes, and drummer/vocalist Jack White from The White Stripes and The Racounters.

Quote #1. “I wrote a great song, and literally everyone who heard it said: that’s it, it’s a hit. One problem: I tried to record it with Meg, and it didn't work out. Then he brought it to The Raconteurs' studio - again bypassed. And what do you want us to do here?” (Jack White)

Fact No. 1. The recording of The Dead Weather's debut album "Horehound" took place in White's newly built studio in Nashville and took three weeks. In addition to Jack and Alison, the cast new group included guitarist Dean Fertita (Queens of the Stone Age) and bassist Jack Lawrence (The Raconteurs), and White himself took the place behind the drum kit.

Detail No. 1. Jack White hasn't played drums since 1995, when he still went by the name John Gillis and played in the Detroit country-punk band Goober & the Peas.

Fact No. 2. The Dead Weather's first performance took place on March 11 at the Third Man Records record store, another of White's Nashville businesses, which opened that day. The debut of the newly minted supergroup was witnessed by 150 guests, each of whom became the owner of the single “Hang You from the Heavens” released on vinyl.

Detail No. 2. Contrary to first impressions and general opinion, the author of “Hang You from the Heavens” is not White, but Fertita and Mosshart. All the band's musicians took part in the recording of the eleven songs included in Horehound, and only one of them, “I Cut Like a Buffalo,” was written by Jack alone.

Quote #2. “Not a day went by without Jack punching me in the face. Well, not literally. But we constantly tease each other and get on each other's nerves all the time. That’s just the way our relationship is, there’s nothing we can do about it” (Alison Mosshart).

Rumor #1. In mid-May, the tabloids reported a fight between Jack and Alison that allegedly happened in a New York bar. Mosshart denied the rumor, describing it as “absurd.”

Detail No. 3. As in the case of The Raconteurs' first tour, The Dead Weather intend to compensate for the lack of their own material with covers. Their concert repertoire already includes songs by Them, Bob Dylan and Gary Numan.

Opinion No. 1. "The Dead Weather shamelessly exploit White's habit of delivering great pop hooks under the guise of overexcited garage rock" (Brand Burstyn, Q).

Opinion No. 2. “It’s clear that White can make records like this in his sleep” (Chris Campion, The Observer).

USA Where Language of songs Label Compound Related projects The Dead Weather The Dead Weather

History of the group


The group was created by the leader The White Stripes and founder The Raconteurs, by American musician Jack White in early 2009. During three weeks of January, their first album was recorded at his studio in Nashville - Horehound . During the recording, Jack was accompanied by no less eminent musicians - Alison Mosshart, Dean Fertita and Jack Lawrence, for each of whom The Dead Weather was not the first project. It is characteristic that all members of the group took an active part in the work on the album. In addition to their own compositions, the musicians included a cover version of the song on the album. Bob Dylan"New Pony".

bluesier and heavier than we ever thought we could be

Subsequently, the first single of the album was the album “Die By The Drop” released on March 30, 2010, and for the first time everyone could hear the album in its entirety on April 30, when it was broadcast from vinyl for 24 hours through the band’s official website.

Composition of the group

    Alison Mosshart (Discount and The Kills)

    Dean Fertita (Queens of the Stone Age)

    Jack Lawrence, Stockholm.jpg

    Jack Lawrence (The Greenhornes and The Raconteurs)

    Jack White Aug 2008.jpg

    Jack White (The White Stripes and The Raconteurs)



Year Information Chart position
2009 Horehound 6 7 14 50 24 25 43 14 19 63
2010 Sea of ​​Cowards
  • Release date: May 11, 2010
  • Label: Third Man Records
  • Format: CD, LP
5 6 32 28 13 11 - 19 30 76
2015 Dodge and burn
  • Release date: 09/25/2015
  • Label: Third Man Records
  • Format: CD, LP


Year Single Chart position Album
US Singles US
2009 « Hang You from the Heavens » 8 - - Horehound
« Treat Me Like Your Mother » - 40 168
« I Cut Like A Buffalo » - - -
2010 « Die by the Drop » - 20 154 Sea of ​​Cowards
« Blue Blood Blues » - - -
"-" means the song did not chart

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