Density of foreign Europe, population of countries with average and highest numbers. Population of Europe Which European country has the densest population?

Routing lesson academic discipline OUD.16 “Geography”

on this topic "Population Foreign Europe»

Developed by:

Geography teacher


Arslanova Rima Vakhitovna


to form an idea of ​​the characteristics of the population of Foreign Europe

Lesson Objectives

Educational: to generate knowledge about the population of Foreign Europe, its characteristics and composition; study national composition, religion and migration; find out the reasons for the unfavorable demographic situation in the region being studied

Educational : cultivate a sense of responsibility, promote the formation of personal ideas about the value of knowledge; cultivate a sense of patriotism and pride for one’s homeland; promote the development of communication skills; develop interest in the subject being studied

Educational: create conditions for cognitive activity, intellectual and creative abilities in students;develop the ability to independently work with a textbook, additional literature, apply various sources of knowledge for proof, comparison, and specification

Planned results


Define the concepts: demographic winter, depopulation, population migration, national composition, urbanization; explain the reasons and characteristics of the population of Foreign Europe


development of sustainable cognitive motivation and interest in the need to know about the population of foreign European countries; formation of the ability to self-determination, respect for other opinions


Develop the ability to set educational goals; ability to work with the text component of the textbook and additional sources of information, explain the meaning of the topic being studied

Universal learning activities


independently highlight, formulate the cognitive purpose of the lesson, define the concepts of reproduction, depopulation, population migration, urbanization, suburbanization. characterize the national and religious composition; structure knowledge; consciously and voluntarily construct a speech statement in oral and written form; analyze, select information, process information to obtain the desired result


cooperation with the teacher and classmates in searching and collecting information, the ability to express one’s thoughts

Organization of educational space

Geography textbook, geography atlas for grades 10-11, political map world, projector, teacher presentation, TsOR: social network educators,

1. Organizational moment. Self-determination for activity (goal setting)

Hello guys. In the previous lesson we started getting acquainted with European countries.

The topic of our lesson today is “Population of Foreign Europe”. (Slide 1)

More than 40 states on the map of Europe are as different as Europe itself: ancient and young, with old castles and modern cities, with a raging sea and calm surface of lakes, with flower beds and pastures, with a population speaking dozens of languages.

Population...Behind this in a simple word hidden are the fates of millions of people who lived hundreds, thousands of years ago. They live now and will live in the future. What concepts related to population are you already familiar with?

birth rate, mortality, density, national, sex and age composition, migration, employment. All this will make our task easier - to characterize the population of Europe. Today we must demonstrate our knowledge, creativity, and the ability to cogently express our point of view. (Slide 2)

Setting a lesson goal

Entering into a conversation. Students answer questions and formulate the purpose of the lesson - to identify the features of population reproduction, national, religious, gender, age composition, and migrations of Foreign Europe.

Regulatory Communication

2. Checking homework. Frontal survey.

Let's remember what we know about Europe.

How much area does Europe occupy? (5.4 million km 2)

What are features of the EGP European countries

They are located compactly, most countries have access to the ocean, the coastline is highly rugged, providing an opportunity for the development of maritime transport

Situational tasks

The political map of Europe has undergone many changes throughout the history of its formation. How did the political map of Europe change in the 20th century?

How many countries are there on PC Europe today?

What are natural conditions Europe?

What natural resources does it have?

Name and show on the world map the countries of Foreign Europe that determine the economic power of the region. (G7 countries)

Working with the map.

3 times: after World War 1, after World War 2, in the 90s. After World War II - the split of Germany, the 90s - the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia left Yugoslavia in 1991-1992, at the beginning of 2006 Yugoslavia broke up into Serbia and Montenegro and actually ceased to exist, in connection with the collapse of the USSR - December 26, 1991 - Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia were formed)

Over 40

Most of them are plains (60%) and hills (24%), high mountains only in the south (6%), the terrain and climate allow the development of many sectors of the economy, the climate is temperate over most of the territory

Baltic shield - ore, coal - basins of the Ruhr, Saar, Yorkshire, Wales, Upper Silesia, oil and gas - on the shelves of the North and Caspian seas, in the foothills of the Pyrenees, southern Poland - sulfur, iron ore - Lorraine basin in France and Kiruna - Sweden , hydropower and forest resources - Norway, Sweden, Finland;

Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy – countries Western Europe

Cognitive Communication

Individual tasks for two students -Task: (check in pairs)

Which pairs are correct:

a) neighboring countries: b) capital countries:

Bulgaria – Romania Belarus – Kyiv

Germany – Slovakia Sweden – Oslo

Italy – Liechtenstein Iceland – Reykjavik

Belgium – Luxembourg

Norway – Finland Latvia – Riga

Iceland – Denmark Poland – Warsaw

Spain – Andorra Albania – Tirana

Monaco – France Slovakia – Ljubljana

Croatia – Romania Austria – Copenhagen

Greece – Hungary Switzerland – Bern

Annex 1.

Two students work in pairs

What conclusion can you draw about Overseas Europe from all that has been said?

Students formulate a conclusion: Foreign Europe is one of the centers of world civilization, the birthplace of the Great geographical discoveries, industrial revolutions, urban agglomerations, rich natural resource potential. This region occupies one of the leading places in world politics and economics. In particular, in terms of the size of industry and agricultural production, the export of goods and services, and the development of international tourism.

Communicative Cognitive

3.Learning new material

a. Population

b. Age composition

c.Gender composition

g.Population reproduction

d.National composition

e.Religious composition

and. Density and urbanization

h. Migrations

1.The population of Foreign Europe is 740 million people. (Slide3) This region has a very complex and not very favorable demographic situation. Compared to the world, it has the lowest birth rate and natural increase rates. (Slide4) Demographers call this phenomenon demographic winter. In most countries in the region, there is a downward trend in the birth rate. As a result, according to 2014 data, the average birth rate is 11 people per 1000 inhabitants (Russia - a little over 11 people). The reasons for this low birth rate are varied. But the main ones should be considered general demographic processes. (Slide 5) This is an increase average duration life (76 years), (in Russia - 65, women - 73, men - 59) a sharp increase in the “price” of a child, the influence of an urban lifestyle, the fragility of the family, the weak influence of religion. In addition, there are political, social and other problems that are shaking modern Europe. The mortality rate, which averages 11 per 1,000 inhabitants for the entire region, is higher than the world average. The result of this is an aging population and a violation of gender composition. (Slide 6) But one cannot ignore such factors as industrial injuries, occupational diseases, accidents, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. More than 100,000 people die every year on European roads and more than 2 million are injured. Since this applies to a greater extent to men, the number of men in Europe is significantly lower than the number of women. .

Exercise 1. Before you lies the table “Reproduction of the Population of Foreign Europe”. Analyze the table. In the route map, indicate the countries that are leaders in terms of fertility, mortality, and natural increase (1 g). 2 gr. – indicate the countries that have the lowest rates of fertility, mortality and natural increase. Try to draw a conclusion. (3 min.) (Slide7, 8, 9)

2.By national composition (Slide 10) The population of Europe is relatively homogeneous. Representatives of 80 ethnic groups live in Europe. (map at the end of the textbook) The majority of the population belongs to the Indo-European language family. The most numerous groups are Slavic (Poles, Czechs, Serbs, Bulgarians, Russians, Ukrainians, Croats..), Germanic (Swedes, Germans, English, Dutch, Icelanders...), Romanesque (French, Italians, Spaniards, Romanians, Portuguese. .). In Europe there are languages ​​of the Uralic family, spoken by Finns, Estonians, Hungarians, etc.

Remember which countries are called single-national and which are multinational?

Task 2.

Which European countries belong to each of these groups? Analyze the atlas map, additional information, and present the results in the form of a table in the route map.

In Europe there are many states with a complex national composition, in which there is an aggravation of interethnic relations. Let's listen to the report that I have prepared for you

3.(Slide 11) In Foreign Europe, the dominant religion is Christianity. IN Southern Europe Catholicism predominates, the center of which is in the Vatican. In Northern Europe - Protestantism, and in Central Europe these faiths are represented almost equally. Orthodoxy is practiced by the population of Eastern and South- of Eastern Europe. This is the population of countries such as Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Greece, Montenegro.

Islam is practiced in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and the partially recognized republic of Kosovo. Recently, the Islamic factor has been strengthening due to the influx of migrants from Islamic countries.

4. (Slide 12) Foreign Europe is one of the most densely populated regions of the world. The average population density is 100 people per 1 km2. But the population is distributed unevenly from 3 people. per 1 km 2 in Iceland up to 406 people - in the Netherlands. The highest density in Monaco is 15,000 people. The distribution of the population is determined primarily by the geography of cities. The level of urbanization in Europe is one of the highest in the world. In Belgium it is 99%, in Denmark – 87%, in France – 78%. The total number of cities reaches several thousand; they are located compactly and form agglomerations.

Using the atlas map, (page 15 of the atlas) additional information classify European countries into highly, moderately and highly urbanized. Present the results in the form of a diagram in the route map. ( individually) (5 minutes). (Slide 13,14,15,16,17,18)

5. Since the time of the Great Geographical Discoveries, foreign Europe has been the main supplier of migrants overseas. (Slide19 Currently, Europe is the main center of gravity for labor. At the end of the 90s, the number of migrants in the countries of the European Union alone, according to some data, exceeded 20 million people, and Europe’s share in the total volume of world migrations increased to 20%. This number includes migrants for various reasons, but the bulk of newcomers are labor migrants, the so-called guest workers. The influx of migrants has led to the aggravation of many social contradictions, both in the labor market and in general demographic terms, which is associated with a much greater natural increase in migrant families and an increase in their share in general population.

Trace the directions of migrations, reflect the results in the form of a table in the route map.

They start a conversation and remember the population of Foreign Europe.

Notebook entries.

Determine the age and sex composition of Europe using diagrams in the textbook.

Appendix 2.

They analyze the table and draw conclusions about the most disadvantaged countries in terms of reproduction. All countries of Foreign Europe belong to type I of population reproduction, except Albania. The reasons for the high natural increase in Albania are the influence of Islam.

Recall language families and groups.

Notebook entries

Appendix 3.

Fill out the table.

They draw conclusions.

Student report

They remember the directions of Christianity. They determine the belonging of different peoples to them.

Appendix 3.

Using the atlas, students identify highly urbanized, moderately urbanized, and weakly urbanized countries, and record the results in a route map.

They conclude that the level of urbanization in the countries of Southern Europe is quite low. This is due to the fact that this region has favorable conditions for development Agriculture, traditions of large families are preserved, etc.).

Give a definition of migration, types, reasons for migration.

Students fill out the migration table in the appendix and draw conclusions that there is a pattern between countries of emigration and immigration. Countries of emigration are countries of former colonies, countries of immigration are countries of the metropolis. Appendix 3.






















4. Fastening

Offers a test for consolidation. 1. Population of Europe in millions of people according to 2014 data?

A) 390 B) 620 C) 540 D) 740 E) 850

2. Country with type 2 reproduction in Europe:

A) Macedonia B) Italy C) Finland D) Estonia E) Albania

3. The average population density of Europe (not including Russia) is (per 1 km2):

A) 86 people; B) 366 people; C) 100 people; D) 406 people; E) 230 people.

4. What % is the level of urbanization in France?

A) 69 B) 89 C) 93 D) 58 E) 78.

5. Europe is the main distribution center:

A) Christianity; B) Buddhism; C) Judaism; D) Islam.

Working with the dough.

Appendix 4.

Communicative Cognitive

5. Reflection

What did you find difficult while studying the topic?

Why are we studying this topic?

What contribution can each of you make for normal interaction between different nationalities?

Student answers


6. Homework. Ratings

Study paragraph 17, mark the countries of Europe and their capitals on contour maps.

Write down homework.

Literature and websites

1. Federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education

2. Federal component of the state standard of general education. Geography / Ministry of Education Russian Federation. – M., 2004.

3. Maksakovsky, V.P. Economic and social geography of the world: textbook. for 10th grade educational institutions / Maksakovsky V.P. M.: Enlightenment. 2007.

5. Site materials:

    Unified collection of digital educational resources //

  • Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources // . wikipedia . org

    Annex 1

    Exercise: (check in pairs)

    Which pairs are correct:

    a) neighboring countries: b) capital countries:

    Bulgaria – Romania Belarus – Kyiv

    Germany – Slovakia Sweden – Oslo

    Italy – Liechtenstein Iceland – Reykjavik

    Belgium – Luxembourg Portugal – Rome

    Norway – Finland Latvia – Riga

    Iceland – Denmark Poland – Warsaw

    Spain – Andorra Albania – Tirana

    Monaco – France Slovakia – Ljubljana

    Croatia – Romania Austria – Copenhagen

    Greece – Hungary Switzerland – Bern

    Appendix 2

    Population reproduction



    Natural increase



    Great Britain












    Appendix 3

    Route map

    Exercise 1.

    Task 2.

    Task 3.


    Task 4.

    Appendix 4

    Test to reinforce the lesson.

    1. Population of Europe in millions of people according to 2014 data?

    A) 390 B) 620 C) 540 D) 740 E) 850

    2. Country with type 2 reproduction in Europe:

    A) Macedonia B) Italy C) Finland D) Estonia E) Albania

    3. The average population density of Europe (not including Russia) is (per 1 km2):

    A) 86 people; B) 366 people; C) 100 people; D) 406 people; E) 230 people.

    4. What % is the level of urbanization in France?

    A) 69 B) 89 C) 93 D) 58 E) 78.

    5. Europe is the main distribution center:

    A) Christianity; B) Buddhism; C) Judaism; D) Islam.

The population on Earth is unevenly distributed. There are countries with the highest population density, while others are sparsely populated.

Population density is an indicator that shows the number of people living per 1 square kilometer. km. You can also calculate population density separately for cities and rural areas.

All countries, depending on the number of inhabitants per 1 sq. km, are divided into 4 groups:

  • with the lowest population density;
  • with an average;
  • densely populated states;
  • with the highest density.

Taking into account population density helps determine the required amount of material goods per capita.

Population density indicator value

When determining population density, seas, oceans and uninhabited areas are not taken into account. The population of a territory may differ not only on one continent, but also within one country.

The rate of population of a territory by people can be influenced by the following factors:

  • proximity to the sea;
  • climatic conditions;
  • relief of the territory;
  • agriculture and crop growing;
  • birth rate;
  • economic and industrial development.

Man has always often changed his habitat in order to find Better conditions for life. Due to the lack of many benefits (transport accessibility, infrastructure, drinking water), many people migrate to other states where conditions are much better.

Top 10 States with the Highest Population Density

Countries with the highest population densities are distinguished by the fact that they have a small territory in which many people live.

The 10 most populated states are:

Monaco 18850 people/sq. km.

The Principality of Monaco is the most populous dwarf country, which is located in the southern region of Europe. On an area of ​​just 2 sq. km. Almost 38 thousand inhabitants live. Behind last years The country's territory increased by almost 40 hectares. This was achieved by draining part of the sea zone.

Countries with the highest population densities are characterized by a large number of people living in a relatively small area

Singapore 7600 people/sq. km.

The Republic of Singapore is located in southeast Asia and occupies about 720 square meters. km. Almost 5.9 million people live on the territory of a small state. The government is gradually expanding the territory by draining the sea zone and reclamation of soil.

Vatican 1910 people/sq. km.

The smallest state, the Vatican, is located inside Rome and covers an area of ​​about 0.45 square meters. km. Almost 1000 inhabitants live in a small area.

Malta 1430 people/sq. km.

The Republic of Malta is located on an island in the Mediterranean Sea. On an area of ​​315 sq. km. More than 475 thousand people live there.

Maldives 1360 people/sq. km.

The Republic of Maldives belongs to South Asia. It has access to the Indian Ocean. The state is home to almost 402 thousand people on an area of ​​298 square meters. km.

Bahrain 1110 people/sq. km.

Bahrain is the smallest Arab country, which is located in southwest Asia and belongs to the countries of the Persian Gulf. Territory of 765 sq. km. inhabited by more than 1.3 million inhabitants.

Bangladesh 1080 people/sq. km.

Republic of Bangladesh, with an area of ​​144 thousand square meters. km. and a population of about 168 million inhabitants, is located in southern Asia.

Barbados 660 people/sq. km.

Barbados is located on an island in the Caribbean Sea. The island occupies about 430 square meters. km. More than 277 thousand inhabitants live on the territory of the state.

China 640 people/sq. km.

The People's Republic of China has the most large numbers population. On an area of ​​almost 9.6 million square meters. km. More than 1.38 billion people live.

Mauritius 630 people/sq. km.

Mauritius is located on an island in the Indian Ocean and belongs to East Africa. The country also includes several small islands that have total area over 2000 sq. km.

Over 1.2 million people live on the territory of the state.


Africa ranks 2nd in terms of territory size. More than 1.1 billion people live in Africa. The population density indicator remains 30.5 people/sq. km. This is due to the fact that most of the continent belongs to deserts and semi-deserts, and people tend to live near water sources.

Residents also choose places with fertile soil for farming and developed industry.

Countries with the highest population density located in Africa:

A country Territory area (sq. km) Number of inhabitants (people)
1. Mauritius 639 2040 More than 1.2 million
2. Mayotte 560 374 256 thousand
3. Rwanda 431,5 26 338 More than 11 million
4. Comoros 426,7 2238 900 thousand
5. Reunion 403,5 2512 850 thousand
6. Burundi 367 27 830 More than 11 million
7. Seychelles 194 455 94 thousand
8. Sao Tome and Principe 187 1001 199 thousand
9. Nigeria 168 923 768 More than 190 million
10. Gambia 159 10 380 More than 2 million
11. Uganda 143,5 236 040 More than 41 million
12. Malawi 134 118 484 More than 18 million
13. Cape Verde 128 4033 540 thousand
14. Togo 119 56 785 Almost 8 million
15. Ghana 104 238 537 15.6 million
16. Benin 82,7 112 622 More than 10 million
17. Ethiopia 82,3 1 104 300 More than 102 million
18. Egypt 82 1 001 450 Almost 95 million
19. Swaziland 79 17 364 More than 1.4 million
20. Sierra Leone 74,9 71 740 More than 7 million


Asia has always had the highest population density. The main reason is that in such countries a lot of land is devoted to rice and other plant crops. More than half the world's inhabitants live in Asia. The population density on the continent is 87 people/sq. km.

brief information about the largest and smallest population densities in the world:

In some countries it can be more than 1000 people, while in others there are barely 3 people/sq. km.

Asian states with the highest population density:

A country Population density (persons/sq. km) Territory area (sq. km) Number of inhabitants (people)
1. Singapore 6705 722 More than 5.8 million
2. Hong Kong 6415 1104 Almost 7.5 million
3. Bahrain 1711 765 More than 1.4 million
4. Maldives 1316 298 About 427 thousand
5. Bangladesh 1101 147 570 More than 171 million
6. Palestine 702 6,2 More than 2.1 million
7. Taiwan 641,1 36 178 More than 23 million
8. South Korea 489 100 210 More than 54 million
9. Lebanon 398,4 10 452 More than 6 million
10. India 361,7 3 287 263 More than 1.3 billion
11. Philippines 339,4 299 764 More than 100 million
12. Israel 338,5 20 770 About 8.6 million
13. Japan 334,6 377 944 More than 126 million
14. Sri Lanka 324,4 65 610 More than 22 million
15. Vietnam 273,3 331 210 More than 94 million
16. Pakistan 235,3 803 940 More than 207 million
17. North Korea 203 120 540 More than 25 million
18. Nepal 199,6 140 800 Almost 29 million
19. Kuwait 145,6 17 818 About 4.5 million
20. China 139,3 9 596 961 About 1.4 billion


Europe covers an area of ​​10 million square meters. km, which is home to about 692 million people. The population density in Europe is 73 people/sq. km. The number of inhabitants of the continent is increasing every year. People flock to highly developed countries to find better living conditions.

Military conflicts in African and Islamic countries force many people to migrate to Europe, which contributes to the population increase.

Countries with the highest population density that belong to Europe:

A country Population density (persons/sq. km) Territory area (sq. km) Number of inhabitants (people)
1. Monaco 18850 2,02 Almost 38 thousand
2. Gibraltar 2895,5 6,5 32 thousand
3. Malta 1276 316 475 thousand
4. Guernsey 834,1 65 62 thousand
5. Jersey 811,7 116 100 thousand
6. San Marino 530,3 61 33 thousand
7. Netherlands 405,6 41 543 More than 17 million
8. Belgium 341,6 30 258 More than 11 million
9. UK 257,4 242 495 More than 66 million
10. Germany 228,2 357 021 Almost 83 million
11. Liechtenstein 220,1 160 38 thousand
12. Italy 202,5 301 340 More than 60 million
13. Luxembourg 194,3 2586 602 thousand
14. Switzerland 185 41 285 8.4 million
15. Andorra 181,2 467 77 thousand
16. Kosovo 167,6 10 908 Almost 2 million
17. Isle of Man 148 572 86 thousand
18. Czech Republic 129,1 78 866 More than 10 million
19. Denmark 128,3 43 094 5.7 million
20. Moldova 127,5 33 846 More than 3.5 million


America includes the territory of the Northern, Central and Southern parts and nearby islands, which cover an area of ​​42.5 million square meters. km. More than 937 million people live in all of America. There are 35 states on 2 continents and islands.

Higher population densities are found in Central America and the Caribbean.

Countries with the highest population density, representing North and South America:

A country Population density (persons/sq. km) Territory area (sq. km) Number of inhabitants (people)
1. Barbados 666,8 439 284 thousand
2. Aruba 589,5 178 104 thousand
3. Martinique 453 1128 380 thousand
4. Puerto Rico 445,7 9104 More than 3 million
5. Haiti 350,2 27 750 More than 10 million
6. Grenada 319 344 107 thousand
7. Virgin Islands 313,3 153 25 thousand
8. El Salvador 307 21 040 6.4 million
9. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 266,3 389 109 thousand
10. Jamaica 261 10 991 More than 2.7 million
11. Saint Lucia 260,5 616 178 thousand
12. Antilles 254,7 228 662 42 million
13. Trinidad and Tobago 239,3 5128 1.2 million
14. Dominican Republic 204,5 48 442 More than 10 million
15. Cayman Islands 194,5 264 62 thousand
16. Anguilla 166 91 15 thousand
17. Guatemala 119 108 889 More than 14 million
18. Cuba 100 110 860 More than 11 million
19. Costa Rica 83 51 100 4.8 million
20. Honduras 63 112 090 About 19 million
21. Mexico 62 1 972 550 More than 120 million
22. Ecuador 53 283 560 More than 16 million
23. Panama 44,5 78 200 3.7 million
24. Nicaragua 44 129 494 Almost 6 million
25. Colombia 39,1 1 141 748 Almost 50 million

Australia and Oceania

Oceania consists of many islands that are located in Pacific Ocean. More than 12 million people live throughout the territory. Average The population density in Oceania is 8 people/sq. km. Together with Australia, they occupy an area of ​​8.52 million square meters. km.

The population on the islands is unevenly distributed, as many of them are uninhabitable. Most are of volcanic or coral origin.

Countries and island states belonging to Oceania:

A country Population density (persons/sq. km) Territory area (sq. km) Number of inhabitants (people)
1. Nauru 466 21 11 thousand
2. Marshall Islands 373,1 181 55 thousand
3. Tuvalu 351,5 26 11 thousand
4. Tonga 141,2 748 105 thousand
5. Kiribati 124,3 812 115 thousand
6. Northern Mariana Islands 100 463 52 thousand
7. Wallis and Futuna Islands 77 142 12 thousand
8. French Polynesia 73,7 4167 285 thousand
9. Samoa 68 2831 190 thousand
10. Fiji 48,3 18 274 912 thousand

Population density in the world's largest cities

The world's population is increasing every year. Many cities on our planet are overcrowded with residents. Migration of people is associated with the development of industry and business in such cities.

Mumbai 28,850 people/sq. km.

Mumbai covers an area of ​​603 sq. km. and has the largest population in India (more than 12.4 million people).

This number of residents is due to the fact that Mumbai has a large port and is an important economic and cultural center of the country. The city requires a lot of labor, which attracts migrants.

Kolkata 27,460 people/sq. km.

Another Indian city with an area of ​​205 square meters. km., which attracts many people with jobs, developed industry and economy. The stock exchange is located in Kolkata. Not only Indian companies, but also many foreign ones have opened their office here.

The number of inhabitants in Kolkata is almost 4.5 million people.

Dhaka is the main city of Bangladesh and occupies 815 sq. km. The number of inhabitants is almost 7 million people. The city has a lot industrial enterprises.

Karachi 18900 people/sq. km.

Karachi is located in Pakistan and occupies 3530 sq. km. More than 23.5 million people live in the city. Karachi has 2 large seaports. This city is the economic and financial center of Pakistan. Main share of GDP it is Karachi that gives the country.

Shanghai 18620 people/sq. km.

Shanghai is the first city in China in terms of population (more than 24 million people). The area of ​​the city is 6340 square meters. km. Shanghai has a large cargo port. The city is industrialized. Exists a large number of enterprises.

Lagos 18100 people/sq. km.

The port city of Lagos is located in Nigeria, home to more than 13 million people. The area of ​​the city occupies almost 1000 square meters. km. Almost 50% of Nigeria's industrial enterprises are located in Lagos. The city has a developed film industry.

Shenzhen 17100 people/sq. km.

Shenzhen belongs to China and has about 11.4 million inhabitants. The administrative center is located on an area of ​​1991 square meters. km. Shenzhen is free economic zone. It attracts many foreign companies due to the price of land and inexpensive labor.

Seoul 16,700 people/sq. km.

Seoul is the main city of Korea with a population of more than 10 million inhabitants. The city covers an area of ​​605 square meters. km. Seoul is home to many industrial enterprises.

Taipei 15150 people/sq. km.

Taipei is located in China and occupies almost 272 square meters. km. The number of inhabitants in the city is 2.7 million people. Taipei is industrial center China, where a large number of enterprises are located.

Chennai 14300 people/sq. km.

The Indian city is inhabited by more than 4.5 million. Chennai occupies an area of ​​181 square meters. km. The city is the automotive hub of India and has a large cargo port. Chennai is also widely represented in the banking sector and has its own stock exchange.

The most spacious countries in the world

States with the lowest population density usually have large areas, but due to topography and other factors, residents choose only suitable areas.

Mongolia 2 persons/sq. km.

Mongolia is the most sparsely populated country located in East Asia. A state with an area of ​​more than 1.5 million square meters. km. and a population of more than 3 million people, consists largely of desert and mountains.

Namibia 2.6 people/sq. km.

The Republic of Namibia is located in South Africa. The country has access to the Atlantic Ocean. More than half of the territory belongs to deserts and mountains.

Australia 2.8 people/sq. km.

Australia is located on the mainland and has a large area. It also includes islands. Many of them are uninhabited. Residents prefer to live in the coastal zones of the state, since more than half of the territory belongs to deserts.

Suriname 3 persons/sq. km.

The Republic of Suriname is located in South America near Guyana. Most of the country's territory is not suitable for agriculture, so the population tends to settle closer to the Atlantic Ocean.

Iceland 3.1 people/sq. km.

Iceland belongs to Northern Europe and is located on a small island in the Atlantic Ocean. About 350 thousand people live in the state. There are mountains and active volcanoes on the island.

Mauritania 3.1 people/sq. km.

The Islamic Republic of Mauritania is located in West Africa. On an area of ​​more than 1 million square meters. km. about 3.3 million people live. Due to the fact that more than half of the country's territory is desert, people settle closer to the water. The state has access to the Atlantic Ocean.

Libya 3.3 people/sq. km.

Libya, a large area, is located in North Africa. More than 90% of the state's territory belongs to deserts, so the population occupies the remaining suitable land.

Botswana 3.4 people/sq. km.

The Republic of Botswana is located in South Africa. In terms of area, the country occupies more than 500 thousand square meters. km, but almost 2/3 of the territory is desert and swamps. More than 2 million people live in the republic.

Canada 3.5 people/sq. km.

Canada is in North America. More than 34 million people live in the country, but they are mostly settled closer to the border with the United States. More than half of the territory has harsh weather conditions and mountainous terrain, resulting in uneven settlement over a large area.

Guyana 3.5 people/sq. km.

The Republic of Guyana is located in the northeast of South America. It has access to the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Almost the entire population of the country lives in coastal areas. Despite the fact that Guyana is located in South America, its official language is English.

About 730 thousand people live in the country.

Population Density Outlook

Every year the population on Earth increases. This leads to the fact that previously uninhabited territories are gradually occupied by people for living. Many species of animals and plants are disappearing. People strive to move to highly developed countries to improve their lives and find decent work.

This leads to overpopulation of cities and states and a struggle for resources.

The populations living in the countries with the highest densities are distributed unevenly. Most live in cities, and in rural areas the number of people per 1 sq. km. the territory is low.

Article format: E. Chaikina

Useful video about countries with the highest population density

Story about population density in Japan:

More than 500 million people, or about 9%, live in the region.

Population distribution

– one of the most densely populated areas in the world with an average population density of over 100 people per 1 km. At the same time, the distribution of the population is primarily determined by the geography of cities. The level of urbanization here is one of the highest in the world - 74%, and in some countries up to 80 and even 90%.

In foreign Europe it has its own distinctive features:

  • very dense network of cities;
  • a special Western European type of city (the presence of an “old town” with a main square, town hall and cathedral and
  • radial narrow streets diverging from the square, as well as new buildings);
  • since the 70s of the 20th century, the increase in population concentration in large urban agglomerations has been replaced by the process of suburbanization (the growth of suburban areas and satellite cities); this leads to the “spreading” of the urban population and the formation of vast urbanized areas and zones;
  • The border between urban and rural areas is becoming more and more arbitrary.

National composition of the population

The population of Foreign Europe is characterized by relative national homogeneity, since the vast majority of the peoples of the region belong to the Indo-European language family.

However, the ethnic map of the region is very complex. Along with single-national states, there are many states with a complex state, in which there has recently been an aggravation of interethnic relations.

Europe is quite complex. The dominant religion is Christianity. In general, we can say that Protestantism predominates in the north, Catholicism predominates in the south, and their different ratios prevail in the center. In addition, in some countries Orthodoxy predominates.

Foreign Europe is characterized by a very difficult situation with depopulation and the “aging of nations.” Natural population growth is very low (about 1.5%) and in some countries (, etc.) there is even a natural population decline. There is a significant layer of older people. All this led to a change in the role of the region in the external system: from the main source of emigration, foreign Europe turned into the main global center of labor immigration (12-13 million foreign workers). A significant part of foreign workers are not citizens, but temporary guest workers (“guest workers”).

Main directions of labor immigration:

According to the latest data, on average, about seven billion people live on the globe. Their distribution is characterized by extreme unevenness: more people live in one part of the world, and fewer in another. Today we are talking about the average population density of Foreign Europe.

General information

Before moving on to the topic “Density of Overseas Europe”, the concepts of “Overseas Europe” and “population density” should be defined. The countries of Foreign Europe include 40 sovereign states located on the European part of the Eurasian continent.

The term “population density” refers to the ratio of the number of inhabitants per 1 sq. km. This indicator is calculated using the following formula: the population of a country, region, or world is divided by the total land area, which is favorable for habitation.

So, if we divide the population of planet Earth - 6.8 billion people, by its total area - 13 million square meters. km, then we get an average population density of 52 people per 1 sq. km.

Rice. 1 Population density of Europe on the map

Population of Europe

Foreign Europe is one of the most densely populated regions in the world. If we take for comparison the average population density per globe- 52 people per 1 sq. km, then a completely different picture emerges here - more than 100 people per 1 sq. km. km. In addition, the distribution of people in Europe is relatively uniform: there are no unpopulated or large sparsely populated regions. Distinctive feature settlement in Europe is also the urbanization of the population. In other words, there are tens of times more city dwellers than rural residents (more than 70%, and in Belgium 98%).

Rice. 2 Map of night Europe from satellite

Countries of Foreign Europe

The population density of the countries of Foreign Europe is presented in the following table:

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Countries can be divided into three groups based on population density:

  • High density (more than 200 people per 1 sq. km): Belgium, Germany, Great Britain and others;
  • Average density (from 10 to 200 people per 1 sq. km): Spain, Czech Republic, Slovakia, France and others;
  • Low density (up to 10 people per 1 sq. km): Iceland.

As can be seen from the table, the northern territories of Europe - Finland, Sweden, Norway - are sparsely populated. This is due, first of all, to unfavorable natural and climatic conditions for life and economy. In contrast, population concentrations are observed in Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands and further south to the Mediterranean coast, where geographical position(access to the sea), relief, climate are favorable for the development of agriculture, trade, and industry.

The population density of Monaco is 16,500 people per 1 sq. km, is the highest not only in Europe, but also in the whole world.

Rice. 3 Monaco is the most crowded place on the planet

What have we learned?

Foreign Europe includes 40 countries, the average population density of which is 100 people per 1 sq. km. This figure is quite high. In general, the settlement of people in Europe is uniform. There is only one country with low population density in this region - Iceland.

Test on the topic

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The video lesson is dedicated to the topic “Population of Europe”. This lesson will help you develop knowledge about the population of the region and identify patterns in the formation of the population of Foreign Europe. The teacher will tell you about the main characteristics of the European population and give examples of the largest nations.

Topic: Regional characteristics of the world. Foreign Europe

Lesson: Population of Europe

The population of Europe is more than 500 million people. The region has a rather difficult demographic situation.

Recently, the population of foreign Europe has begun to increase very slowly. This is explained by the fact that the population reproduction of the region is characterized by a difficult demographic situation. In some countries there is even a natural population decline. At the same time, the age composition of the population is changing, and the proportion of older people is growing.

Characteristic of almost all European countries modern type population reproduction. Countries with minimal rates of natural population growth (population decline): Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary.

Rice. 1. Map of population growth/decline in European countries (green - population growth, red - decline). ()

All this led to a sharp change in the region’s share in the global system of external population migrations. Having been the main center of emigration since the Great Geographical Discoveries, foreign Europe has become the world's main center of labor immigration. Now there are 18 - 20 million foreign workers, a significant part of whom are not citizens, but temporary guest workers (in German, “guest workers”).

In terms of national composition, the population of foreign Europe is relatively homogeneous: the vast majority of the 62 peoples of the region belong to the Indo-European language family. At the same time, related languages ​​of the Slavic, Romance, and Germanic groups have significant similarities. The same is true for the languages ​​of the Uralic family. However, the ethnic map of the region, which has evolved over thousands of years, is not so simple. Along with single-national ones, there are many states with a complex national composition.

Types of state by national composition:

Uninational (i.e. the main nationality is over 90%). There are most of them in Europe (Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Italy, Portugal),

With a sharp predominance of one nation, but with the presence of more or less significant minorities (Great Britain, France, Spain, Finland, Romania);

Binational (Belgium);

Multinational countries with a complex and ethnically diverse composition (Switzerland, Latvia, etc.).

In many countries there are complex problems of interethnic relations: Great Britain, Spain (Basques), France (Corsica), Belgium, Cyprus, etc.

The most common languages ​​in Foreign Europe: French, German, Italian, English.

In all countries of foreign Europe, the dominant religion is Christianity. In Southern Europe, Catholicism sharply predominates, in Northern Europe - Protestantism; and in the Middle they are in different proportions. The world center of Catholicism, the Vatican, is located in Rome. In the southeastern and eastern countries of Foreign Europe they profess Orthodoxy. Islam is practiced in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Foreign Europe is one of the most densely populated regions of the world. Moreover, the distribution of the population in it is primarily determined by the geography of cities. The level of urbanization here is one of the highest in the world: on average, 74%, and in some countries, more than 80% and even 90% of the total population live in cities. The total number of cities is measured in many thousands, and their network is very dense. Gradually, over thousands of years, a Western European type of city emerged, the roots of which go back to the times of the Roman Empire and the Middle Ages.

A characteristic feature of the urbanization of foreign Europe is a very high concentration of the population in cities and urban agglomerations. The largest of them are London, Paris and Rhine-Ruhr. In the 70s After a period of rapid growth of cities and agglomerations, an outflow of population began from their centers (nuclei), first to near and far suburbs, and then to more distant small towns and rural areas (“green wave”). As a result, the number of residents in the central areas of London, Paris, Hamburg, Vienna, Milan and many other cities either stabilized or even began to decline. This process is called suburbanization in science.

The largest number of migrants go to the following countries: France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria. In addition, Foreign Europe is characterized by migration within the region - and from east to west.

Rice. 3. London is one of the largest cities in Foreign Europe ()


Topic 6, P.1

1. What are the features of the distribution and reproduction of the population in Foreign Europe?

2. Give examples of foreign European countries with a demographic crisis.



1. Geography. A basic level of. 10-11 grades: textbook for educational institutions / A.P. Kuznetsov, E.V. Kim. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2012. - 367 p.

2. Economic and social geography of the world: Textbook. for 10th grade educational institutions / V.P. Maksakovsky. - 13th ed. - M.: Education, JSC "Moscow Textbooks", 2005. - 400 p.

3. Atlas with a set of contour maps for grade 10 Economic and social geography of the world. - Omsk: FSUE "Omsk Cartographic Factory", 2012 - 76 p.


1. Economic and social geography of Russia: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Bustard, 2001. - 672 pp.: ill., map.: color. on

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

1. Geography: a reference book for high school students and those entering universities. - 2nd ed., rev. and revision - M.: AST-PRESS SCHOOL, 2008. - 656 p.

Literature for preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

1. Thematic control in geography. Economic and social geography of the world. 10th grade / E.M. Ambartsumova. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 80 p.

2. The most complete edition of standard versions of real Unified State Examination tasks: 2010: Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyova. - M.: Astrel, 2010. - 221 p.

3. The optimal bank of tasks for preparing students. Unified State Exam 2012. Geography. Tutorial./ Comp. EM. Ambartsumova, S.E. Dyukova. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2012. - 256 p.

4. The most complete edition of standard versions of real Unified State Examination tasks: 2010: Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyova. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2010.- 223 p.

5. Geography. Diagnostic work in the format of the Unified State Exam 2011. - M.: MTsNMO, 2011. - 72 p.

6. Unified State Exam 2010. Geography. Collection of tasks / Yu.A. Solovyova. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 272 p.

7. Geography tests: 10th grade: to the textbook by V.P. Maksakovsky “Economic and social geography of the world. 10th grade” / E.V. Baranchikov. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2009. - 94 p.

8. Textbook on geography. Tests and practical tasks in geography / I.A. Rodionova. - M.: Moscow Lyceum, 1996. - 48 p.

9. The most complete edition of standard versions of real Unified State Examination tasks: 2009: Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyova. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2009. - 250 p.

10. Unified State Exam 2009. Geography. Universal materials for preparing students / FIPI - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009 - 240 p.

11. Geography. Answers on questions. Oral exam, theory and practice / V.P. Bondarev. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2003. - 160 p.

12. Unified State Exam 2010. Geography: thematic training tasks / O.V. Chicherina, Yu.A. Solovyova. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 144 p.

13. Unified State Exam 2012. Geography: Model exam options: 31 options / ed. V.V. Barabanova. - M.: National Education, 2011. - 288 p.

14. Unified State Exam 2011. Geography: Model exam options: 31 options / ed. V.V. Barabanova. - M.: National Education, 2010. - 280 p.

Materials on the Internet

1. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ().

2. Federal portal Russian Education ().