Gemstone of Libra woman according to horoscope. Gems of Libra by decade of the sign. Selection of stones by decade of birth date for Libra

Which stones are suitable for Libra women: in order to choose the right talisman that will not harm the beautiful lady, but, on the contrary, will improve her physical, spiritual health and financial condition, it is necessary to approach the choice of the right one with all care and attention.

In the article:

Which stones are suitable for Libra women?

In order for a woman born under the sign of Libra, it is necessary to pay attention to her positive and negative sides. There is a misconception that such a person very simply maintains himself in harmony and balance. Actually this is not true.

Especially in young and old age, representatives of this sign are susceptible to disharmony and imbalance. Therefore, when choosing talisman stones, you need to pay attention to those that can protect a woman from the harmful negative influence of enemies. It is these negative programs that can lead the Libra representative into a state of imbalance.

Opal for Libra women according to the horoscope

If you want to be in a more harmonious relationship with the world around you, get rid of your fickle mood and bring stability into your life, then you need to arm yourself with opal.

These can be figurines made from this stone, jewelry that should always be carried with you. It is advisable that it be a bracelet made of this stone, as it is considered a symbol of reliability and fidelity.

Turquoise - peace and harmony

Since Libra does not always manage to immediately achieve harmony with the outside world, it is necessary to help this zodiac sign. This can be done using turquoise. It is advisable for women to wear beads, bracelets and earrings with this stone.

This is a symbol of peace, tranquility, success. Turquoise will bring the fair sex confidence in the future, which will significantly improve her relationships with others.

The amulet can bring stability, reliability and good luck to a woman’s life in any area of ​​activity. The talisman is especially suitable for those who engage in mental work. Turquoise will inspire a woman to great deeds.

Beryl - protection from dark forces

If you are interested in the occult, magic and witchcraft, then you need to have a talisman such as beryl with you. It is he who will become a reliable defender, he will be able to. Beryl has long been known for its magical properties. He will endow his mistress with wisdom and will not let her get into an unpleasant situation.

Amethyst - for those who lack self-confidence

Amethyst should be used by those individuals who are not confident in themselves. Often Libra women can feel great, loved, attractive, smart, but are dissatisfied with their position in society. Amethyst will teach a woman to appreciate what she has and will significantly strengthen the will of its owner. You need to wear jewelry constantly.

Important note: the amethyst must be in a silver frame. The use of other metals will significantly reduce the magical properties of the stone. Amethyst is able to bring joy, positive energy and bright thoughts into the life of its owner.

The stone will not only bring happiness to its owner, but will also take away all the negative energy that was directed at the woman throughout the day.

Libra stones for women - malachite

Among all the stones that women born under the sign of Libra need to wear, malachite occupies a special place. It is advisable to always have this amulet in your home in the form of a figurine and carry it with you in jewelry.

Malachite can make a woman more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex and bring self-confidence. Using this talisman, a woman will no longer hide herself from the outside world and will be able to present herself to other people with dignity.

It is very important to use malachite for creative individuals. The magical properties of malachite include the ability to slow down aging. That is why this talisman is necessary for the fair sex.

Cat's eye - eliminating negativity

In order to achieve this, a Libra woman can use a cat's eye. This amulet is not used during witchcraft rituals, but if you always carry it with you, you will never fall under negative impact Dark forces. The talisman will act on the principle of a mirror, reflecting any negative impact that was directed at you.

Which stone is considered forbidden for Libra women?

Representatives of the fair sex born under the sign of Libra are prohibited from wearing jewelry with coil or onyx. You can use these stones as amulets only if you choose this amulet yourself.

If jewelry with a serpentine or onyx was given as a gift, try to get used to such a talisman for a while. You should keep the jewelry under your pillow for two days. If all these nights you have nightmares, feel bad, and minor troubles begin, then you need to get rid of this gift. This decoration cannot become a talisman and protector.

Second air sign of the zodiac Scales- the only inanimate of all signs. By character, people born under this star are distinguished by their friendly nature, they are very intellectual natures, although they are often naive and do not tolerate being bossed around. Scales They always strive for harmony and balance, it is not for nothing that this is an autumn sign - between the cold winter and the hot summer. In any case Scales are especially responsible and scrupulous. Communication with Libra– a pleasure, they are pleasant and cheerful.
Stones for Libra carry a stable energy of balance so that they do not fluctuate. Help them make decisions and overcome personal passivity. Distinctive feature people of this sign are that they are a bridge between Virgo, since she is led mainly by reason, and Scorpio, who is guided by desires.
Most preferred for Libra have three stones - opal, tourmaline and lapis lazuli. And, conversely, onyx stone is extremely undesirable for those born under this sign.
It is recommended to wear stones Libra on the index finger in the form of a ring.

OPAL. Pure opal is colorless, but is almost always more or less milky and opaque. The main advantage of opal is its ability to emit successively different rays under the influence of sunlight, causing a varied play of colors. Three types of opal are known: black opal, which has a very dark blue color with “flashes” of other colors; orange-red fire opal and white opal. Black opal is very expensive - $20,000 for 2 g. The largest opals are found in Australia.
Legend tells of a magnificent gem that adorned the crown of the Holy Roman Emperors; it protected the royal family. This precious stone was a remarkable opal, and Albertus Magnus (1193-1280), when he was Bishop of Ratisbon, wrote about it: “Nothing like it had ever been seen before... Its color is pure, like shining white snow. This translucent stone is according to tradition They show it in the evening because it glows in the dark."
Like many precious stones, opal protects its owner from infectious diseases and warns him of the presence of poison, losing the play of colors near the poison. Opal worn as a pendant to dispel melancholy, and opal necklaces were favored by those who wanted to keep their hair blonde. This stone also protects against base passions, whims and irritation.
Opals are mined mainly in America, Europe, as well as Asia and Australia.

AQUAMARINE. Aquamarine stone (from lat. sea ​​water) is a type of transparent beryl. The color of this pebble can vary from greenish to dark blue. Aquamarine is recommended to be worn during daylight hours. The stone has an interesting property: its color changes depending on the viewing angle; jewelers take this into account when cutting. In Tibetan medicine, aquamarine is considered a healing stone that brings peace of mind and protects its owner from ill-wishers and deception. Aquamarine, thanks to its enormous energy, is able to relieve pain and improve the functioning of the nervous system. If you wear aquamarine beads, then good mood you are guaranteed. Deposits are known on all continents, the most significant: Brazil, Madagascar, Russia (Urals, Transbaikalia).

MOONSTONE or BELOMORITE . The stone got its name due to its beautiful bluish-silver reflection, reminiscent of the shine of the moon. To preserve this shine in the product, the stone is processed in the form cabachons, which are then used in jewelry . The stone is very sensitive to shock and compression and may lose its polish if handled carelessly
In many countries around the world, it is believed that moonstone can protect a person from the harmful influence of the Moon. This is a talisman of love that helps to pacify a strong mental and emotional state. It gives the owner the ability to beautifully and accurately express his thoughts, the gift of poetry, romantic artistic creativity, the gift of insight into the secrets of nature and the hearts of people. For lovers, it brings agreement, fidelity, understanding of each other immediately and even without words, and quite clearly reacts to cooling of feelings: it changes color and saturation, and can become dull. The stone increases luminosity during the full moon. Moon rock strong amulet people of explosive temperament, does not allow them to throw away energy, pacifies unconstructive outbursts. It perfectly protects against the harmful influences of people and unpleasant entities, and clears space for its owner, especially if the owner often talks to the stone. Rough natures Moonstone is almost useless, because he does not want to fight such manifestations, but strives to develop only those who go to this themselves, of their own will. This moonstone makes a person attractive, charming and sophisticated, giving the owner an inimitable charm and the ability to behave even in very unpleasant situations.
On the new moon, it is filled with a special chilling radiance, at this moment all its powerful magical power is concentrated in it.
The main deposit is in India.

RHINESTONE. In ancient Greek myths, gods, heroes and kings drink only from crystal goblets. At that time, it was believed that this mineral expels diseases from water, that is, in modern terms, disinfects it. Modern scientists have discovered the secret of this miraculous healing. It turns out that when ultraviolet rays pass through the crystal, they kill bacteria, which contributes to a speedy cure.
Since ancient times it is believed that crystal endows its owner with the gift of clairvoyance.
As a talisman, crystal brings love and good luck to its owner, filling it with the joy of life and spiritual harmony. To a house where there are products from rock crystal, prosperity is attracted, and crystal relieves the owner from awkward situations and incidents, and helps clarify any information. The sympathies of others also turn out to be on the side of the owner of the crystal. Even if you don't like jewelry, a piece of rock crystal (worn by women in the left pocket, by men in the right) will bring you a lot of benefits. With its purity and tranquility it can be useful for LIBRA to achieve harmony and balance.
In Russia, there are large deposits in the Urals. Also Aldan Shield, Transbaikalia, Primorye.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about the magical power of talismans selected according to the signs of the zodiac, and what stone can become an amulet for the Libra horoscope. To begin with I'll give brief description people born in this astrological sign. Politeness - main feature Libra character. They are delicate, tactful, and try to observe etiquette in everything. They sincerely love people, and therefore do not allow rudeness either from themselves or from other people.

Protective amulets stones suitable for people of this horoscope sign

The seventh sign of the zodiac circle is Libra, typical - balanced, non-conflict people with brilliant manners. A protective talismans according to the horoscope, they maintain a state of mental and emotional balance. Hot-tempered, unbalanced people prone to hysterics are a rarity among them. But suspicious, hot-tempered representatives of the zodiac sign Libra can also be favorably influenced by horoscope talisman stones. Their inner world is rich and multifaceted, they can be... And you can notice this only by looking into the eyes of a representative of this zodiac sign.

The zodiac sign Libra is in the trine of the air element.

Overall these are good open people, kind and smiling. However, these natural qualities can neither be a reliable defense against negativity coming from others, nor a guarantee that they do not have and will not have enemies who want to cause harm by turning to magical powers. Therefore, it is necessary not only to know what stones Libra should wear against damage and other negativity, but also to apply this knowledge in practice.

People born under the horoscope sign of Libra are ruled by Venus. This means that they are looking for love and building harmony around themselves. Using as protectors and helpers amulets stones for the zodiac sign Libra, it will be much easier for them to achieve the desired proportionality of life. But not only positive characteristics have Libra. There is also a dark side to the nature of these people.

Namely, men and women of the Libra zodiac sign, like judges, evaluate situations and make their tough decisions based on the laws of logic and expediency. Quite rarely they delve into the feelings, experiences and emotions, both their own and those of other people. Usually they judge events and courses of action from the point of view of specifics, overly rationally. That’s why there are so many lawyers, judges, and diplomats among them. They are rational people, but, believe it or not, talisman stones according to the Libra horoscope will work. Given that correct settings and activation.

Magic stones talismans by date of birth for the horoscope sign Libra

For Libras born in the first ten days (September 24 – October 2), the patron planet will be Venus. The nature of these people can be described as tenderness, sensitivity and fragility. These are such gentle and friendly natures that they are not able to stand up for themselves in any situation. And strength of character is sometimes necessary. But what can give energy support, which stone protects against the evil eye and damage, and which gems will give energy and physical strength? Protective stones according to the signs of the zodiac will help Libra in the first decade gain strength and resilience from negative magical influences:

  • amethyst
  • Moonstone
  • diamond
  • quartz
  • malachite
  • lapis lazuli
  • rhinestone

People of the Libra sign born in the second decade (03.10 – 13.10) are influenced by Saturn. These people are true workers, serious and tireless, who put all their strength into the good of their family and society. At the same time, people of the second decade are incredibly modest, they do not demand either honors or loud fame. To achieve your goals, while preserving and taking care of yourself, Libra of this period will be helped by amulets stones according to the signs of the zodiac with strong energy:

  • emerald
  • sapphire
  • amethyst
  • ruby
  • zircon
  • topaz
  • tourmaline

Libras born in the third decade (10/14 – 10/23) come under the influence and protection of Jupiter. These people know how to appreciate the blessings of life. They have subtle and sensual natures, they achieve success in various areas of life. The following talisman stones by date of birth are very suitable for them:

  • emerald
  • sapphire
  • diamond
  • topaz
  • beryl
  • ruby
  • tourmaline
  • chrysoprase

What stones are talismans against envy and the evil eye that are ideal for Libra?

Diamond - Of all the protective stones intended for people of the zodiac sign Libra from the evil eye and other negative witchcraft influences, the diamond harmonizes better with the character and nature of Libra than others. This stone is distinguished by its transparency and purity, which is also characteristic of Libra itself.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

It is one of the hardest minerals, and it can impart this property to people of the zodiac constellation Libra, who often lack rigidity of character. Diamond is beautiful a talisman suitable for the horoscope sign of Libra, which can make these people successful by determining the right direction to the goal, and give them magical protection.

Beryl - with its mystical power, is a talisman with Aquamarine - this natural mineral can become an excellent assistant, a stone that protects against the evil eye and envy, especially for those people of the zodiac sign Libra who are engaged in their own business, as well as for those whose line of work involves frequent negotiations. In progress business communication This amulet with its power helps the owner to defend his opinion and convince opponents. However, aquamarine is not only a stone that protects against the evil eye for the sign of Libra, and not only an assistant in negotiations, helping to win victories and avoid conflicts. It also influences the internal state of a person, the bearer of a personal talisman, brings spiritual harmony, sets him up for effective work and obtaining the best result.

Lapis lazuli - this natural talisman is one of those stones of amulets that protect against damage from the evil eye, which still have the ability to attract good luck to its wearer. Lapis lazuli helps men and women of the Libra zodiac sign overcome unpretentiousness and chastity when they become unnecessary and prevent a person from moving towards his goal and being successful in his business.

If you are too modest and unsure of yourself, and cannot always resist people or circumstances, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend activating the stone for protection from the evil eye, gossip, and envy. Freed from the feeling of discomfort when communicating with other people, you will be able to more openly and clearly express your thoughts and demands, and defend your point of view.

Lapis lazuli, chosen as a talisman stone for the horoscope sign Libra, will bring a positive attitude to the worldview and help strengthen friendships and a love union. Lapis lazuli is especially useful as talisman stone for women by date of birth. It will bring happiness to sophisticated girls of this astrological constellation and remind them that they need to take care not only of others, but also of themselves.

Strong stones talismans against damage and good luck for Libra

Tourmaline - often people of the horoscope sign Libra, when faced with a difficult choice and decision-making, need help. Such help, obviously of a magical nature, can be provided by a stone - the talisman tourmaline. If you don’t know which stone amulet to give to a man of the Libra sign, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend tourmaline with truly masculine energy.

Tourmaline brings coherence to the inner world, harmonizes energy flows, and thereby eliminates uncertainty, removes or softens character traits such as duality, inconsistency, doubt and timidity, characteristic of people born in the zodiac sign Libra. A talisman with tourmaline makes its wearer calm and balanced. In addition, the stone can be charged against the evil eye and other magical and non-magical negativity, which will undoubtedly also help a person.

Opal - for those representatives of the Libra zodiac sign who are characterized by indecision, opal is very suitable. This magical stone that protects against damage can also be configured to protect against itself -

  • apathy,
  • uncertainty,
  • laziness,
  • excessive sensitivity
  • and softness.

In difficult moments of mental discomfort, opal will bring good spirits and an active life position.

How to properly wear amulets against the evil eye and energy negativity

It is better for people with the horoscope sign Libra to wear jewelry with recommended gemstones as talismans around their necks as a pendant or medallion. You can also wear beads or a bracelet, but it is desirable that the number of stones in amulets protecting against the evil eye be even. In addition, the stones must be the same size and shape.

Amethyst is a protective stone talisman; It is best to buy jewelry with this gem in a silver frame. In general, silver jewelry should complement natural stones in green, blue and white shades. You can combine several different stones, however they must be similar in size and

Stones amulets for protection against evil eye and witchcraft failures

Turquoise is recommended for women born in the zodiac sign Libra. This stone can become a protective talisman for a woman preparing to become a mother. This natural stone with feminine energy will protect both the expectant mother and her unborn child. In addition to turquoise, during pregnancy I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would recommend that a girl wear lapis lazuli. This a stone suitable for women of the horoscope sign Libra, with its strength stabilizes the psyche and prepares it for a new role - the role of a mother.

In order to preserve youth as long as possible, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend that Libra buy a stone according to their zodiac sign, coral. It is considered one of the best talismans and amulets of youth and beauty for women of this age. Coral will give sensual girls such a useful trait as rational thinking. In addition, coral will help its wearer form his own judgments about everything that happens around him.

The element of the Zodiac sign Libra is airspace, and therefore Libra is characterized by an incredible craving for perfection, reliability and sociability. It is very important for them to have a good relationship with other people and the surrounding reality. Any quarrel takes energy from Libra. large quantities. And to replenish it, talismans are needed.

Who patronizes Libra?

Representatives of this zodiac sign are protected by the planet of love. As you guessed, we are talking about Venus. Her charges are extremely charming people, constantly striving for beauty. Libra will only benefit from an amulet that can bring them aesthetic pleasure. Astrologers say that if a thing is beautiful, it will become a wonderful amulet. But only on condition that the owner of this thing believes in the power of its magic.

Venus is not the only planet that patronizes Libra. Representatives of this zodiac sign are also under the tutelage of the Sun, Mars and Saturn. These planets have their own metals - copper and bronze, which are often used to make amulets.

Now a few words about what metal is suitable for Libra as a talisman. This is definitely silver. This metal helps cleanse the body, normalizes blood composition and provides the necessary conditions for the normal functioning of most organs. If your zodiac sign is Libra, wear a silver talisman. After some time, your creative and energetic potential will increase dramatically!

Amulets for Libra men are not fundamentally different from amulets for Libra women. Talisman stones are especially in demand among the fair sex, but men are not always indifferent to stones on rings, cufflinks and tie clips.

Table of mascots

Libra is a reliable talisman. You can get a figurine in the form of scales, a photograph, a picture, a pendant, earrings or any other little thing dear to your heart that can play the role of an amulet. The most important thing is your belief that the accessory is endowed with the power of magic, which means it is capable of providing the necessary help.

This talisman will become a reliable assistant in... Constantly wearing a heart-shaped pendant helps activate the Anahata chakra, which is responsible for love energy. This will help you gain favor with the opposite sex!

Plants for scales

Violet, calendula and rose are suitable for representatives of this zodiac sign. These plants feel good both in city apartments and in any country and garden plots. You can carry a dried plant with you; its image can also be used as an amulet. The properties of the amulet do not change depending on its type. You can get more information about talismans of plant origin from the article “signs and superstitions about indoor plants", which you can check out.

Best day of the week for Libra

If Libra takes on something extremely important, it is best if it happens on Friday. Venus Day will bring them good luck in any endeavor. The second most important day of the week for Libra is Saturday.

Happiness numbers

Libra should definitely remember these seven numbers: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15.

Plan all the significant events in your life for these dates of the month, and luck will definitely smile on you. And it doesn’t matter that we are talking about your wedding or some important deal. Everything will be fine with you.

Rida Khasanova May 15, 2018, 00:23

Libras are characterized by inconsistency and frequent changes in their mood. It is very difficult for them to come to a final decision, since more and more new arguments are being found. But if they are entrusted with a responsible task, then Libra will do it as it should, and even better. When communicating with others, Libra shows itself nice and friendly. This is a sign that always strives for harmony.

Charms for Libra

Amethyst is perfect as a talisman for Libra, and it is important to put it in a silver frame. Violet amethyst is suitable for all representatives of the sign, regardless of date of birth. Libras who have poor health and often get sick should choose a light-colored amethyst.

Libras often do not do what they want, for which they then reproach themselves for a long time. Amethyst will bring peace of mind and harmony in those moments when Libra does not know what decision is best to make.

An amethyst amulet will help Libra become more decisive and prudent, bring peace of mind and fill them with confidence.

Small amethyst crystals in the form of a pendant on a silver chain are the best amulet against temptations and various addictions of those who have a weak character.

A lapis lazuli amulet in the form of beads will help Libra fill with strength and get rid of emotional discomfort. This stone brings the greatest luck to representatives of the sign. Lapis lazuli in rich colors in the form of earrings or pendants is an ideal amulet for Libra women. For representatives of the masculine sign, lapis lazuli can be worn as cufflinks, and the stone should be quite large.

Silver cufflinks with lapis lazuli, SL(price on the link)

The gem will help young people cope with problems in their studies or when starting work. For those Libras who are engaged in self-development, it is useful to wear lapis lazuli jewelry as a keychain.

A ring or ring with a lapis lazuli insert will attract you to its owner good luck and favorable circumstances. He will help Libra show everything they are capable of, since the representatives of the sign themselves are excessively modest. Gems amulets for Libra, for example, sapphire, help to cope with self-doubt. Sapphire helps develop Libra's willpower, helps protect against unpleasant events, and also protects against serious illnesses and depression.

A dark blue sapphire will help overcome the negative emotions that overcome Libra in the autumn. It also promotes self-control, especially in relations with superiors. A sapphire talisman, like other precious and semi-precious stones, is best worn in a silver frame.

Talisman stones for Libra

Which stone suits Libra's horoscope? The most significant is the diamond. It corresponds to the pure thoughts of Libra and their moral purity. Diamond helps representatives of the sign gain confidence in their abilities and not doubt the correctness of the decision. It helps remove negative energy from Libra and pushes them to action.

No less important for Libra is the stone aquamarine. It will especially help those involved in negotiations and diplomatic activities. Aquamarine helps Libra to control themselves in controversial moments, know how to properly avoid conflict and correctly convey their thoughts. Jewelry with this stone is favorable affects the general mood and condition of Libra, help in achieving goals.

People of the Libra sign often suffer from their modesty and dependence on public opinion Therefore, they rarely reach the top in their careers. A talisman stone will help you demonstrate your abilities and achieve success. lapis lazuli. It attracts good luck to Libra and helps to gain the necessary confidence and perseverance.

If Libra wears lapis lazuli jewelry, then peace and a happy atmosphere will reign in their love and friendship relationships

This mineral helps relieve stress and promotes quality rest.

Libras are susceptible to duality of personality, a stone will help them cope with this tourmaline. It gives perseverance and makes it possible to make important decisions that do not depend on the emotional state of Libra. Representatives of the sign who wear the mineral as decoration have a calmer and more balanced character.

Gold ring with tourmalines and cubic zirconias; gold earrings with tourmalines and cubic zirconia, all Maskom (prices via links)

Libras, who are especially indecisive, are recommended to wear jewelry with an insert made of disgraced. This stone will allow them to believe in their own strength and not doubt the correctness of their decisions. Opal makes it possible to replace apathy with energy, laziness with an active life position. This mineral has a beneficial effect on the immune system and can help eliminate negative thoughts and start thinking positively.

Choosing a stone by date of birth

To choose the right mineral that suits Libra, it is important to start from your date of birth.

  • Libra, who were born in the first decade, from September 24 to October 2, is ruled by the planet Venus, so these representatives of the sign are the kindest and warmest people. They often lack the fortitude and determination to stand up for themselves. Talismans made of quartz, diamond, amethyst, lapis lazuli, moonstone, rock crystal, jasper, and malachite will help them cope with this.
  • Libra, who are under the patronage of Saturn and were born in period between 3 and 13 October. These are humble workers who try their best for their family without demanding rewards for themselves. In order not to forget about themselves, they need stones that have strong energy. These are emerald, topaz, tourmaline and amethyst, zircon and sapphire, opal and ruby.
  • Libra, who were born in the third decade, from 14 to 23 October- these are the most sophisticated representatives of the sign, ruled by Jupiter. These Libras love life and are able to appreciate all the benefits it can provide. They are suitable for talisman stones made of diamond, topaz, emerald, tourmaline, beryl, sapphire, ruby ​​and aquamarine.

Gold earrings with emeralds and diamonds, SL(price on the link)

Gold ring with rubies and diamonds; gold earrings with rubies and diamonds, all SL (prices via links)

Stones for Libra women by date of birth

Libra women should wear talisman stones that will help them in their personal lives. For this task, it is best to purchase jewelry with tourmaline. Women of this sign are often too modest and complex, and tourmaline will help them open up and believe in themselves. It also teaches you not to be shy about expressing your feelings and will help you cope with your emotions. Thanks to tourmaline, Libra women find a life partner faster. This stone is especially useful for those women who are engaged in education or healing.

Coral helps Libra women open up, conquer the people around you and improve your personal life.

If a woman always carries coral with her, it will protect her from gossip, slander and envy. It also helps maintain youth, skin elasticity and excellent health.

Libra women who lack a sense of harmony with themselves and the world around them should carry malachite with them. A talisman made from this stone will help improve relationships with other people. Besides, malachite promotes eloquence, development of the gift of persuasion, which will help make all the assigned tasks a reality.

Emerald is suitable for those Libra women who dream of children. An emerald talisman allows you not only to make your appearance more attractive, but also to fulfill cherished dream of motherhood. This stone will also help young mothers cope with emotional changes and maintain physical and mental health.

Gold pendant with emeralds and diamonds, SL(price on the link)

Protect from the evil eye, find a common language with your beloved man and A turquoise talisman will help protect you from troubles on the road.

Opal will also have a beneficial effect on your personal life. This stone is considered a stone of fidelity; it can make the mood more even, calm, will help you avoid conflicts with your loved one. The beryl talisman has great power and will protect its owner. Amethyst will not allow negative thoughts to grow, and the cat's eye will protect from bad energy that brings destruction.

Which talisman stones are suitable for Libra men?

The best stone for Libra men is sapphire. A talisman made of a yellow-colored gemstone is ideal for strong representatives of the sign, protects them from the negative influence of the outside world and helps them think productively. Since Libra men love to think, the properties of sapphire are simply priceless for them. Carrying jewelry made from this stone, men gain determination and confidence in your actions.

A peridot talisman will help Libra men cope with a stressful situation and relieve internal tension

Peridot helps him achieve success in his career and personal life, and get rich financially. But the trick of this stone is that its help will extend only to those men who act according to their conscience.

To recharge with energy, a man of the Libra sign needs to acquire an opal talisman. It is noteworthy that you do not have to keep it with you all the time; it is enough to just hold the opal in your hand once a day for several minutes. This stone helps fill the body with vitality., helps to cope with problems in your personal life and meet a worthy life partner.

Collect your thoughts and make the right decision Men of the Libra sign will be helped by an aquamarine talisman. He is able to balance the mood of Libra, who is prone to changeability, and set him on a positive wave.

For important negotiations or interviews, it is important for men to keep a piece of zirconium jewelry or talisman with them - it enhances the gift of eloquence.

Stones contraindicated for Libra

Libra's opposite sign is Aries, so they should beware of stones that are suitable for Aries. These include: onyx, hematite, serpentine, carnelian and sardonyx. Libras should not wear talismans made of poisonous red stones, as they have a detrimental effect.

Stone has an adverse effect on Libra jet. Even its black color is not liked by people of this sign; they intuitively avoid it. Jet will contribute to the depressed mood of Libra.

Some of the most harmful stones for Libra are hematite and onyx. The latter makes Libra become even more modest than they already are, and hematite helps to fulfill desires. But the fact is that Libra often cannot decide what they really need, so strong energy hematite will negatively affect the representatives of the sign.


Libras should never wear talisman stones that are intended for other signs. Since Libras have a weak character and almost no willpower, other people's stones will contribute to the development of these negative traits. Best colors for Libra mascots - blue, white and green. If a representative of the Libra sign still loves gold, then you need to remember that only amethysts go well with gold and can be combined with other stones.