What to do about kitten bad breath. The main reasons why a cat's breath smells. Digestive tract problems

The breath of any pet, even a young and well-groomed one, can hardly be called fragrant and fragrant. But if a cat’s bad breath becomes intrusive, constant and clearly noticeable, something is clearly wrong with the pet’s health. What do strange odors from the mouth indicate? What to do if, when communicating with a cat, you constantly want to wrinkle your nose from the heavy amber?

In a cat's mouth, just like in a person's mouth, beneficial bacteria constantly live and work. They process food fragments, inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and maintain the local flora in normal condition. Breathing becomes unpleasant if, for some reason, pathogenic bacteria multiply too quickly. Veterinarians distinguish two groups of such reasons - problems with oral cavity and illness internal organs/system.

Problems with gums and teeth can arise due to infection, malocclusion ( congenital pathology, breed feature), improper care of the pet’s oral cavity. According to veterinarians, only about 5% of owners regularly brush their cat's teeth. As a rule, adult pets over 5 years of age, Persian cats, and kittens with pathologies more often suffer from oral ailments.

If a cat has a tooth or gum pain, the pet chews with caution, eats more slowly than usual, chews on one side, rubs the sore side of its muzzle against the furniture, and holds its head at an angle. When the pain is severe, the cat suddenly screams sharply, cannot close its mouth, drools, and does not allow itself to be stroked on the head.

Owners forget that the domestic cat does not eat the way nature intended it to eat. Wild cats tear their prey with their teeth, swallowing small pieces. Domestic cats often eat soft food - minced meat or finely chopped boiled meat/fish, cereals, eggs, cottage cheese, etc. Soft food leaves a plaque on the gums, pieces get stuck between the carnivorous teeth, not intended for chewing. Leftover food rots, putrefactive bacteria destroy the enamel and lead to gum inflammation. Plaque covering the enamel eventually turns into hard tartar, which injures the gums. In this case, an unpleasant odor from the pet’s mouth is inevitable, and soon more serious problems will appear - stomatitis, etc.

Dry food is also not a panacea. Although hard granules mechanically remove some of the plaque from the enamel, small particles still remain between the teeth and rot in the same way as soft natural products.

🐱 Why does a cat’s breath smell? Reasons why cats' mouths stink. What to do if you smell ammonia or acetone. Treatment of bad breath in cats.

The mouth of a meowing pet is home to many bacteria, both pathogenic and beneficial. The latter help maintain the normal condition of the oral cavity, inhibiting the growth of bad micro-residents, and a violation of this balance brings not only an unpleasant stench from the mouth, but also health problems.

Causes of bad breath in cats

If suddenly your pet opens its mouth, and from there comes the aroma of the Kraken’s mouth, then you urgently need to figure out why the cat has bad breath:

    Age: most often this attack occurs in young animals aged 1-3 years. If a “charming” amber is heard from an elderly cat, the cause is probably a disruption in the functioning of the internal organs.

    Changing baby teeth to permanent teeth: halitosis in kittens is quite rare, but it does happen during the period of teeth change.

    Oral diseases: gingivitis, caries, pharyngitis, stomatitis, cysts and other diseases often smell bad.

    Breed: Brachycephalic breeds (cats with a flattened face) also often cause their owners to suffer from bad breath.

    Problems with internal organs: diseased kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, upper respiratory tract - any organ can betray its illness in this way.

    Inflammation: Any inflammation, from the lungs to an abscess in the oral cavity, can manifest itself as a stench.

    Helminths: as a result of the activity of bacteria, a cat’s mouth develops a bad odor.

Based on the above reasons, it becomes clear that the pet needs to be examined by a veterinarian.

Diagnosis of bad odor from a cat's mouth

By the specific smell coming from the pet’s mouth, you can determine the organ that is malfunctioning:

    Smells of acetone: If your cat smells of acetone from its mouth, and this is accompanied by copious amounts of water, the most likely cause is diabetes. Carbohydrates are not digested, and due to the breakdown of fats, ketone bodies that smell like acetone are formed;

    rotten smell of rot: it makes sense to worm the cat. The cause may also be a disease of the digestive system. The stomach may fail because it cannot cope with the cat’s diet;

    ammonia: problems with the kidneys or other organs of the genitourinary system.

    fishy smell: the probable cause is poor oral hygiene and dental disease.

Whatever The cat's breath stank, the real reason A veterinarian can identify and prescribe treatment not for the symptom, but for the disease itself.

Reviews from veterinarians about halitosis

Veterinarians often encounter an unpleasant odor from the mouths of cats. The reason for this is often an incorrectly formulated pet diet, which leads to diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, and poor oral care of animals.

The owner will definitely be consulted regarding proper nutrition Kotofeya. If the cause of the stench turns out to be poor hygiene, the specialist will recommend brushing the cat’s teeth regularly.

Treating cat bad breath

You should not listen carefully to the words of your cat-loving neighbor, who cured his purring dog’s mouth stench in some way. The causes of the problem can be completely different, so the first thing you should do is visit a veterinarian: after the appointment, it will be clear on what principle to treat the disease.

If the trouble was caused by an incorrect menu, then the first thing you need to do is balance your diet. The doctor will prescribe medicines that will help eliminate the cause.

Problems with metabolism will be revealed by a blood, urine and stool test, as well as a swab of the oral mucosa. An additional symptom will be diarrhea in the cat or rare bowel movements. The diet will require the exclusion of economy-class feed and food from the host’s table.

If diabetes is suspected, it will require lifelong therapy and veterinary supervision.

If problems with internal organs or chronic diseases are indicated, an ultrasound scan or x-ray is taken.

Sometimes it is difficult to independently assess the condition of the oral cavity, so the cat is shown to a specialist: if periodontitis, tumors, caries, or excessively grown tartar are detected, qualified treatment methods will be taken.

How to remove odor from a cat's mouth

In the case where the cause of a cat’s bad breath is a disease of the cat’s mucous membrane or tartar, then you can cope on your own: brushes and gels can and should be purchased at the veterinary pharmacy that can and should be used to clean the cat’s teeth. It is better to accustom your pet to cleaning from childhood, but if the moment is missed, you will still have to start.

If the examination reveals wounds, then they must be regularly treated with miramistin or hydrogen peroxide 3%: after such simple steps, there is a chance that the cat will have much less bad breath if the cause is wounds or diseases of the oral cavity.

Remedies for cat bad breath

There are several remedies that can be used to help if your cat’s breath stinks.

Fresh Breath Tablets - Beafar company offers products containing chlorophyll. The medicine acts as a disinfectant on the mucous membranes of the mouth and is easily combined with food. The pet is given 2 tablets per day, one in the morning feeding, the second in the evening. The pack contains 40 tablets, the price of the medicine is about 500-800 rubles.

Another product with a lot of positive reviews is called Api-San spray or gel “Zubastic”. The medicine costs about 200-250 rubles. Instructions for use: apply the product only from the factory bottle 2-3 times a day for one or two weeks. Since the animal will experience profuse salivation in the first half hour, food is offered no earlier than 30 minutes after treatment.

Cats are affectionate and devoted animals that bring a lot to the family. positive emotions. A caring owner always monitors the condition and health of his pet and if he notices any unfavorable changes, he sounds the alarm and looks for ways to eliminate them. One of possible problems Your cat's breath may smell. We will tell you why it appears and how to deal with it in our article today!

Causes of strong odor

A cat's bad breath indicates certain health problems. It is unacceptable to ignore such a symptom! To help the animal and eliminate possible complications, you need to choose the right treatment, but first you need to establish the causes of bad breath.

For what reasons can a pet develop terrible breath:

  1. Dental problems (diseases of teeth and gums).
  2. Inflammatory processes.
  3. Organ diseases digestive system.
  4. Liver diseases.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Infectious and viral diseases.
  7. Systemic pathologies.
  8. Injuries to the oral mucosa.
  9. The formation of benign and malignant tumors.
  10. Nephrological pathologies.

It is almost impossible to find out the cause of the unpleasant odor on your own. It is better to consult a veterinarian with this problem. The doctor will examine the animal and prescribe the necessary diagnostic procedures. Based on the results of tests and instrumental techniques, it will be possible to accurately determine the main cause of the cat’s bad breath.

A foul odor can appear not only in adult cats, but also in small kittens.

If your pet is 2-3-4 months old and you notice a bad odor coming from its mouth, show it to a specialist. Perhaps the cause of this symptom is the change of baby teeth or the presence of wounds in the oral cavity. But there may also be more serious reasons associated with certain pathologies in the kitten’s body.

In middle-aged cats, bad breath often appears due to inflammation of the gums or the formation of tartar.

Mature cats often suffer chronic diseases internal organs, which affects the appearance of bad breath.

This symptom is often accompanied by other signs of illness: problems with bowel movements, vomiting, frequent urination, increased salivation, etc. Clinical picture clarifies the main cause of the pathology, but only a qualified doctor can understand these nuances.

In addition, you should not self-medicate, and if you really want to help your cat, contact a specialist!

  • You can determine the probable disease in a domestic cat by the type of smell: a putrid odor often appears in cats with advanced organ diseases;
  • gastrointestinal tract
  • with diabetes and other systemic pathologies, the smell of acetone may be felt;
  • with diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, an ammonia odor is observed;
  • liver diseases are characterized by a slightly sweetish odor from the mouth;

Based on the specifics of the stench, it is only possible to preliminarily establish the main problem, but diagnostics will be required to confirm it. Based on the results of a clinical examination, the doctor will make a diagnosis and determine how to get rid of the smell and the main reason causing this unpleasant symptom.

Oral hygiene products for cats

Veterinary pharmacies sell special products for caring for cats’ teeth and gums. Maintaining oral hygiene is a mandatory procedure for all pets, and even more so for purebred individuals bred through selective breeding.

If you have a cat of a British, Scottish or other breed, immediately purchase a special toothpaste and brush for cleaning your teeth. Mechanical cleaning can be combined with disinfecting procedures involving the use of special solutions.

If there are signs of inflammation in the cat's mouth, the doctor will recommend the use of dental gels that eliminate painful symptoms and bad breath. These products must be applied systematically for 7-10 days. Exact prescriptions are given by the attending veterinarian.

Disinfecting sprays, solutions and powder formulations are effectively used to combat bacteria in a cat's mouth.

Special food additives and food labeled “Dental” will help you cope with plaque on your teeth.

All these products can be purchased at a pet store or veterinary pharmacy. Treatment is best carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Do I need to contact a veterinarian?

If your cat had a delicious meal of fish, after which you noticed an unpleasant odor coming from her mouth, there is no need to see a doctor. After such a product, a foul aroma appears not only in animals, but also in people.

If the smell does not disappear within a few days, then a visit to the doctor should not be postponed for a long time. The sooner you determine the cause of your cat's bad breath, the sooner you can eliminate it without causing possible complications the underlying disease causing this symptom.

What treatment will the veterinarian suggest:

  1. For problems with teeth and gums, effective dental therapy is carried out. It may be necessary to remove rotten teeth or mechanically clean tartar.
  2. The smell that occurs against the background of diseases of the urinary system can only be eliminated through complex treatment, which involves taking medications that help restore the diseased organ.
  3. If a cat is diagnosed with problems with the digestive system, it will require complex drug treatment in combination with a diet.
  4. Treatment with pharmaceutical drugs will also be prescribed to cats suffering from diabetes and other systemic diseases.
  5. If bad breath appears due to trauma, the doctor will recommend treating the oral mucosa using a special gel, spray or ointment. Daily hygiene care is required to reduce the risk of wound infection!
  6. The smell may appear in cats infected with helminths. In such cases, the veterinarian will prescribe an anthelmintic drug.
  7. When tumors are detected, complex therapy is carried out. Surgery may also be required.

To prevent your cat from developing bad breath, monitor its health with early age and follow the preventive recommendations of experienced specialists:

  1. Brush your teeth daily using special toothpastes and a miniature brush for animals.
  2. A balanced diet will eliminate the risk of developing diseases of the digestive system.
  3. You can use pet toys to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth. While playing, the cat will chew the product, which will help clean plaque from the teeth.
  4. If you detect wounds in your cat's mouth, disinfect them using special solutions and sprays.
  5. Preventive examinations by a veterinarian will allow timely detection of pathological processes in the animal’s body, preventing the progression of the disease and the development of complications.

Bad breath from a cat should not be ignored. If you identify this symptom, take your pet to an experienced veterinarian! Any disease is easier to eliminate in the early stages. Neglected pathologies become chronic and often cause serious consequences, which can significantly shorten the lifespan of a furry friend.

More articles on this topic.

Bad breath can be caused by a number of health problems. Don't worry, your cat's breath shouldn't smell minty fresh, but if you smell a very strong, foul odor, it may be due to some kind of medical problem.

What can cause bad breath in a cat?
Most often, bad odor is caused by an increase in bacteria in your pet's mouth. This may be the result of dental problems (tooth disease) or gum disease, for example, or. So, some cats are especially prone to the formation of plaque and tartar. Diet and dermatological problems can also contribute to the appearance of unpleasant odor. However, persistent strong bad breath may also indicate more serious health problems, such as diseases of the mouth, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, liver or kidneys. In all these cases, bad breath indicates the need for a thorough and complete examination of the pet.
How can I determine the cause of bad breath?
Only your veterinarian can accurately determine the cause of the unpleasant odor. A simple examination can reveal the cause of your cat's problems. If it does not help, then you will need further research. Be prepared to answer questions about your cat's diet, her oral hygiene, her physical activity, general condition and behavior.
When should you contact a veterinarian?
The following symptoms require close attention from your veterinarian:
Excessive amounts of brownish tartar, especially if accompanied by eating difficulties and red, inflamed gums. This situation may indicate serious dental problems or gum disease.
Unusually sweet or fruity breath odor may indicate diabetes, especially if your cat drinks a lot and urinates more often than usual.
Breath that smells like urine may be a sign.
If an unusually foul odor is accompanied by vomiting, lack of appetite, yellowing of the corneas of the eyes and yellowish gums, this may indicate liver problems.
The cat scratches and scratches its mouth and the area around the mouth with its paws.
How to treat bad breath?
Treatment depends on the diagnosis made by your veterinarian. If plaque or tartar is the cause of the unpleasant odor, your cat may need a professional dental cleaning. If the cause of the odor is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract or problems with the liver, kidneys or lungs of your pet, consult with your veterinarian about the treatment and steps you should take to preserve the life and health of your pet.
How can I prevent my cat from having bad breath?
Many people believe that cats have bad breath, especially in certain age, this is a given, although it is far from true. In fact, consistently taking care of your pet's oral health will make your life together much more enjoyable. What should be done?
Take your pet to the vet for regular checkups to make sure there are no underlying medical problems that could be causing bad breath.
Make sure your veterinarian takes a good look at your cat's teeth, gums, breathing, and bad breath.
Brush your cat's teeth daily (remember to use a cat-specific toothpaste; human toothpastes can upset your pet's stomach). Read the article "" about dental care and brushing.
Talk to your veterinarian about feeding your cat properly, and ask him to recommend a diet that will help prevent dental disease. So, some veterinarians believe that the abrasive effect of dry food can slow down the formation of plaque.

A variety of bacteria, both beneficial and pathogenic, live in the oral cavity of cats, as in humans. “Good” bacteria maintain normal oral microflora, help process food consumed by animals and inhibit the growth of “bad” microorganisms.

Determining the source of bad breath in a cat

If beneficial bacteria do not cope with their function, the cat’s breathing can become quite unpleasant, which causes considerable discomfort to the owner. How to determine and what methods of combating this phenomenon are the most effective?

Most common reasons

In healthy cats that do not suffer from any serious diseases, breathing is specific spicy smell . But a pronounced unpleasant aroma from a pet’s mouth can signal certain problems with the animal’s health.


Examination of the cat's oral cavity when he yawns.

In medicine there is a scientific term - halitosis, denoting diseases of the internal organs or oral cavity, which are accompanied by bad breath. And before starting treatment for an animal, experts strongly advise you to figure out what caused the unpleasant odor.

Oral diseases

Preparing the cat for an oral examination.

A cat's bad breath may be due to problems with the teeth or gums, such as:

  • caries;
  • presence of tartar;
  • malocclusion (congenital pathology);
  • loss of baby teeth (in kittens);
  • stomatitis;
  • periodontal disease.

Oral diseases.

If treatment for these diseases is not started in time, this can lead to tooth loss in the cat.

Some diseases also cause your pet's bad breath. These include.

Diseases of internal organs

Cat's gastrointestinal tract.

  • problems with the digestive system;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • or gallbladder;
  • diseases of the lungs and respiratory system;
  • (angina, bronchitis);
  • formation of tumors, both benign and malignant.

Only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis, so under no circumstances should you try to treat your pet yourself.

Important! Some breeds of cats, for example, Persians, Britons or Siamese cats, are more prone than others to diseases that cause an unpleasant odor. Owners of these breeds should be especially careful about the health of their pets.

A characteristic smell will help identify the disease

The veterinarian examines the oral cavity.

Sometimes you can determine what caused a cat’s bad breath by the smell characteristic of each disease.

  1. Persistent ammonia smell or urine indicates kidney disease.
  2. Cats, like people, are susceptible to diabetes. If you feel the cat's breath sweetish, fruity or mild vinegar aroma , this may be a signal that your pet has diabetes.

If the owner notices at least one of the above symptoms, he should seek help from a veterinarian.

The cat's breath smells rotten

Putrid odor (rotten meat) may signal diseases of the digestive system or inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Bad breath from an animal may not always indicate health problems with your pet. Very often, bad breath can be caused by poor diet or poor quality food.

In this case, it is better to completely abandon fish.

Products such as fish, canned fish or dry fish food may cause your cat's breath to smell. After eating these products, the cat's breath takes on a specific fishy aroma, but there is no reason to worry.

As a rule, the not very pleasant smell disappears when fish is excluded from the animal's menu.

Feeding your pet cheap dry food containing many preservatives and flavorings also causes bad breath. In this situation, replacing the food with a higher quality one will help.

How to treat bad odor

First of all, you should determine the source that causes the unpleasant odor from the cat’s mouth.

The owner needs to carefully examine the pet's oral cavity. If there is inflammation and redness of the gums or ulcers on the gums and tongue, more attention should be paid to the animal’s oral hygiene.

Tartar or plaque You can remove it yourself with a special toothbrush, and there are a variety of medical ointments to treat inflamed gums.

Diseases of internal organs

If everything is in order with the cat’s oral cavity, then an unpleasant odor can be caused by serious diseases of internal organs. The disease can only be determined in a veterinary clinic by examining the animal’s blood and urine. Only after accurate diagnosis the doctor can prescribe the correct treatment.

You can’t take your pet’s health lightly and hope that the unpleasant odor will disappear over time. The cat cannot overcome the disease on its own and needs the help of its owner.

Preventive measures

Prevention of bad breath.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. This rule should be remembered by all owners of furry pets.