Poker combinations – list in pictures, general rules of construction and precedence. ♠ Card combinations in poker - poker hands by seniority How suits are designated in poker

Every player should know the meaning of cards in poker; the success of the played hands depends on this. After all, if you don’t have an idea of ​​the basic designations, it will be difficult to understand what kind of symbols are displayed in text format. That's why we decided to devote today's article to the meaning of cards in poker. We will dwell in detail on how it is customary to designate their ranks and suits.

Let's start with the most important thing - the value of the cards. The figures two through nine have very simple designations in the form of numbers according to their denomination. It's a different story when it comes to higher value cards. This is where many novice players have difficulties. The whole point is that they are used for this the first letters of their English name.

So, ten in English is Ten, hence its designation with the letter T. Jack in this translation foreign language sounds like Jack. That is why it is always marked with the letter J. Other senior figures follow a similar analogy, namely:

  • Lady - Queen - Q
  • King - King - K
  • Ace - Ace - A

When considering the designation of cards in poker, you also need to focus on the suits. After all, in such a card game, when collecting some combinations, they play important role. So, translated into English, diamonds will be Diamonds, hence the marking with the letter d.

Peaks translated into this foreign language sounds like Spades. This is why this suit is always marked with the letter s. Worms are translated as Hearts. That's why such a suit is marked h. Clubs or simply crosses sound like Clubs in English, hence the marking with the letter c.

Due to such poker notations, it is possible to describe any card game in a text version. For example, if a player was dealt an ace of diamonds and queen of spades, then it will be displayed as follows: Ad and Qs. If the poker player has a nine of a cross and a jack of hearts as a pocket pair, then the entry will look like this: 9c and Jh.

Let's give another example so that you can understand the topic even better. The following pieces are on the board: Queen of Crosses, Two of Hearts, King of Spades, Eight of Diamonds and Jack of Spades. In this case, the entry will look like this: Qc, 2h, Ks, 8d, Js.

There are also additional designations. In particular, this applies to suited and unsuited pieces. In the first case, the letter S is used, and in the second, O.

Let's also look at an example. Let's say there are such figures on the board as the queen of spades, the jack of hearts, the ten of diamonds, the ace of clubs and the deuce. In this case, such a layout will be marked with the letter O. It would be a different matter if there were similar figures on the board, but all of them had a diamond suit. In this case, they would be given the label S.

Remembering the meaning of the pieces in poker is a simple task. In just 10-15 minutes you will know them by heart. As a result, it will be much easier for you to navigate the educational literature and the distributions. However, in many modern books, for a simpler understanding of materials, suits are written with familiar signs: ♠ ♣ ♦. As a result, there are no difficulties here.

In poker, each card has a specific designation with letters or symbols. When we see a deck of cards, we can easily understand the suits and values. However, in professional poker articles and books, all combinations and card names are abbreviated. This is why it is important to study the meaning of cards in poker.

How to quickly determine the seniority of cards?

Understanding the designation of cards by seniority is quite simple. Each card from Two to Nine is determined by numbers familiar to us. For example, Three is 3, Five is 5, etc.

However Ten often has a slightly different designation - T. The English word Ten (translated as “ten”) was taken as a basis. The same situation with Jack. In English it sounds like Jack, so it will be denoted by the letter “J”.

Lady from the word Queen is denoted by the letter "Q". King from the word King - the letter “K”. Ace translated as Ace and written in poker with the letter “A”.

As you can see, you can simply remember English translation and take the first letter from it. There should not be any difficulties with the value of the cards and their reading.

How to quickly determine suits in poker?

Poker cards have 4 suits. Their first letters of translation from English will be a definite clue for us in the designation of the cards:

  • Tambourine(trans. Diamonds) is written with the letter “d”.
  • Pike(trans. Spades) is indicated by the letter “s”.
  • Worms(trans. Hearts) is written with the letter “h”.
  • Clubs(trans. Clubs) is written with the letter “c”.

Here the situation is similar to the seniority of cards. We just remember the translation of the suit in poker and take the first letter.

Why are letters used?

When we see a poker game “live”, we immediately understand the size of the card and its suit. However, if you need to quickly describe a certain game in the text, the letter values ​​of the cards in poker are used.

An example of recording card values ​​in poker: the player has in his hands and – denoted as Qс and Js.

An example of writing cards on the table: the flop opened , and . We write it like this: 2c, 9s, Jc.

This English letter meaning of cards is used all over the world. It is used in books about poker, articles. Sometimes you can use Russian-language letter designations from Jack to Ace - V, D, K, T. But they are used quite rarely. Moreover, poker card designations for suits do not exist in Russian.

General designations of suits

Sometimes in poker literature the suits of each card are not written in detail. It is more convenient for the author to say “suited cards have been revealed” or “we can see unsuited cards.” For such cases there are two terms in poker:

  • Suited– suited cards. They are designated by the letter “S”.
  • Offsuited- unsuited cards. They are designated by the letter "O".

Example No. 1. On the table opened , , . In this case, we can use the letter "S" to describe the flop.

Example No. 2. On the table opened , , . In this case we use the letter "O".

We always write the designation of the suits after the value of the card.

Sometimes in the text, suits can be indicated by certain figures that we are used to seeing on cards. Let's figure out which figure is responsible for which suit:

  • Hearts. A red heart is used.
  • Diamonds. Indicated by a red diamond ♦.
  • Peaks. An inverted black heart with a small protrusion at the bottom ♠.
  • Clubs. The intersection of two straight lines ♣.

You don’t even need to remember anything here, since any card in a poker game shows the same figures. Sometimes in literature they have only black colors (in black and white publications). Therefore, for many players it is unusual to see Hearts or Diamonds as black rather than red. Here you need to be guided only by the shape, not the color.


Every player who wants to become a professional must know the symbols of cards in poker. They are quickly remembered if you study them in detail once. this information. To practice notation, you can read any poker book with examples. There you will see letter variants of poker cards and combinations. Try to identify them correctly and check the “hint” first. After this, this skill will become automatic, and you will be able to quickly read poker books and articles.

I already wrote in one of the articles that poker terms should be learned, but then I offered a short list. It's time to take a look at what's unfolded. Learning and using in speech is still encouraged.

To simplify things, I will give poker terms in alphabetical order:

Aggressive- a style of play in which players often bet themselves rather than call other people's bets. They are also called aggressors. There is also a division between tight aggressors and loose aggressors.

  • Tight Aggressor (TAG) is a concept in poker that refers to a player playing a narrow range of hands, but by doing so, constantly raising the stakes;
  • Loose aggressor (LAG) - on the contrary, plays a wide range, but still bets a lot, and really does not like to bring things to the showdown stage.

Shark- like its namesake fish, an ancient, experienced predator at the poker table. It is better for young fish to leave the table where this representative is sitting. Forget about the truth: if you don’t play with the strongest opponent, you won’t learn how to play. In poker you pay a lot for this, but whether it teaches you how to play is highly debatable.

Ante is a concept included in the group of poker terms Texas Hold'em and Stud. It is in these species that it is found. It means a certain number of chips that each player at the table puts into the pot.

  • Stud poker ante is much more common, since there it is a standard bet for all tables instead of the usual blinds in poker;
  • Hold'em is a much rarer occurrence and occurs in tournaments. A record of the presence of an ante is in the name of the tournament.

Outs- cards remaining in the deck that improve your chances of winning. For example, you are missing one card to get a flush, that is, there are two spades on the table and two more in your hand, which means there are still nine spades left in the deck that will help you.

Bank or Pot- a group of terms and concepts in poker that are relevant for all types, without exception. Represents the totality of all bets made in the game. In Texas Hold'em it is replenished, at the beginning of a new stage of trading.

Unlimited- a type of poker in which there is a certain minimum bet, and the maximum can be up to all the player’s chips.

Blandy- another concept - poker terms Texas Hold'em. It is also called a blind bet or a mandatory bet. They are divided into small (MB or SB) and large (BB or BB).

  • SB - half of the large one;
  • BB is the minimum bet in no-limit poker.

Bluffing in poker is deceptive actions in order to show the strength of your hand, when in fact there is none. Often a profitable move should be adopted.

Broadway- in essence, this is senior street. Since the United States is considered the populist of our game, the basic concepts in poker often echo the world of entertainment in the United States.

Bad Beats- an awkward, but unfortunately quite common situation when your powerful hand, at the last stage of bidding, turns into a pumpkin, since the opponent was more lucky and collected something higher. You should just forget about it; by lamenting, you are confidently moving towards a bad mood.

Two pair in poker is a combination of four cards of two denominations. For example, a pair of threes and a pair of sevens (3377).

A draw is an incomplete combination that, through reaching outs, turns into a full-fledged hand. Concepts in poker often turn into slang. So the “dro” underwent a transformation and became “Firewood”.

Inside Street- a type of “firewood” that only applies to street. In such a draw there is not enough card to complete the combination. Pocket pair - a pair in your hands. It is she who often dreams of the magical transformation into a set.

Cards on the board- those notorious five cards that are open for general use.

Cut-off- a very interesting position to the right of the dealer. Some poker terms originate from English verbs. Like that case, because cut-off means to cut. A very accurate description, because from this position you “cut” the table into before and after.

Kicker - this is the name of the cards that complement your combinations to a complete picture of five cards. The seniority of the kicker is taken into account when comparing hands of the same strength that do not contain five cards. For example, couple against couple.

Button, button- a plastic plate to indicate the position of the dealer. This is the very case when the terms and concepts of poker originate from English words, while for the Russian-speaking audience they are simply transcribed or translated.

Call is an action that equalizes a previous bet. The most popular button among slowplayers.

Connectors- two cards with values ​​in order. Connectors are also divided into suited and unsuited:

  • Suited connectors - according to the name of one suit;
  • Assorted connectors - different suits. Just like bread.

Limit poker- unlike unlimited, bets are limited to both minimum and maximum.

Loose - A playing style in which the player plays a wide range of cards. If he manages to play without a showdown, it looks like he's damn lucky. Play with him until the opening stage at least a couple of times and you will understand - it only seems like it. If he is really lucky, just run away from him, you won’t be able to defeat him today.

Our dictionary of poker terms is already half full and in order to take a break - a small lyrical digression. When you watch movies about poker, and after learning all the intricacies, you will definitely want to watch or rewatch them. Because, believe me, they will look new. Don’t judge the translators strictly, they just didn’t come across the same magical article about poker terms and concepts as you did. Although it will hurt your ears.

The pause is over, the letter is ahead "N":

Nats- also called a monster, the strongest combination in a single hand. The nuts can also be a high ace, if you are sure that no one even has a pair.

Bottom pair- the lowest match between a pocket card and a card on the board. Pocket pairs can also be bottom, but shhh - only you know that;).

Odds - chances of winning. We already know what outs are. But 9 cards out of 47 help close the flush - difficult information to perceive. That's why odds have been introduced. According to them, the flush draw is closed in one case out of five. Important to know if you will use an English poker dictionary, odds calculation will be different from ours. There, a flush draw will have a chance of 1 in 4. Literally translated as in one case it is buried, but in four cases it is not.

Suited- a concept from the group of prefix terms for the game of poker. Always used with other names. For example, suited connectors or a suited board.

All-in- an action in which a player bets all the chips available at the table. In gaming slang, this action is called “move the deer.”

Pair- two cards of the same value. For example, two twos are a pair of twos.

Passive- a style of play that is the opposite of aggressive. Players of this style often call and miss a move rather than raise the bet. From personal experience, a passive style rarely brings profit.

Pot-limit- the concept belongs to the group of hold'em poker terms. The maximum bet is limited by the size of the pot, and the minimum is still the table limit.

Pot odds or pot odds in poker- are obtained from the ratio of the size of the required bet to the possible pot won.

Preflop in poker is another term from the Hold'em poker term. First round of betting in Texas Hold'em.

Raise- increasing the bet at the trading stage in poker. It is important not to confuse it with beta.

Beth- first promotion.

Rake- a micro percentage charged by the organizer of poker tables on each hand or the price of a ticket to participate in a tournament.

River is the fifth and final stage of trading. Often the main point of joy or disappointment in a giveaway. Includes basic concepts in poker, which is a must-learn.

Royal flush- NOT a separate hand in poker. A high version of a straight flush consists of ten, jack, queen, king and ace of the same suit (T, J, Q, K, A).

Hand- common among players, meaning, depending on the context, either the cards with which you entered the game, or the final consisting of five cards.

Set- three cards of the same value.

Rock- the type of players who only play powerful combinations. The dictionary of poker terms cannot but be replete with such wonderful comparisons, because we are all, under the masks of logic and mathematics, a little romantic.

Slowplay- careful play, akin to a passive style. The difference is that slowplay is a specific action. Sometimes it's the player's permanent line, and sometimes it's a hidden monster.

Bet (Bet)- the first promotion in the game. It is this “first” that makes the whole difference between a bet and a raise.

High card- a combination, yes, you can’t imagine it. In cases where even a pair does not come together, the one whose card turns out to be higher wins.

Straight is a combination of five cards, going in ascending order. For example, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Straight flush in poker - tops the poker terms that refer to combinations. It is a suited straight.

Stack- all the funds available at the gaming table, in the form of chips.

Tight - a playing style in which a player plays only strong hands preflop. He also plays strictly according to position.

Turn- the third stage of bidding in poker, in which the fourth card comes to the table.

Tilt is a period that happens in the life of every poker player. Due to a series of failures or a prolonged downswing, your peace of mind is at risk. There are cheaters everywhere, a tweaked RNG and, in general, everything is against you at this moment. And the worst thing is that it really is ;).

Fish in poker - as usual, is found in shallow waters, namely at micro-limits. Plays poorly. Favorite opponent for regulars and sharks.

The flop in poker is the second stage of betting in poker. Opens the so-called postflop. The first community cards appear on the table and there are three of them.

Flash- five suited cards.

Fold - discard cards, while you refuse to participate in the distribution. Participation in the distribution ends regardless of how much money you put into the pot.

Full house in poker - three of a kind and pair. This is such a simple but explosive mixture. As I already said in a separate article “poker terms - combinations” - full is my favorite hand.

Check - skip a move. At the same time, when playing at a real table, you can simply tap the table twice abruptly.

Check raise in poker - miss and then raise. It acts roughly like a mousetrap. You miss, showing your indecisiveness, and double your bet. The opponent is puzzled - you are on horseback.

Showdown- time to show who lied and who didn’t believe. All players take turns opening their cards and the winner is determined.

Here's the one a must-have list of terms that should be included in your poker vocabulary. After all, this is so necessary for reading books and all sorts of articles. Memorizing everything is strongly recommended.

Play poker and let your results reach unprecedented heights.

Combinations are the basis of poker. It is by these that the winners of the distributions are determined. This is why it is very important for beginners to know all the variations of card combinations in poker. Then, during the game, it will be easy to determine the strength of your hand, which will allow you to make the right moves and increase your win rate at a distance.

There are a total of 10 combinations in poker, which are also sometimes called hands or combinations. The combination consists of 5 cards. Each of them has its own seniority. The higher the rank of the poker combination, the greater the chances of winning the hand.

The older the combination, the less likely it is to collect it during the game.

Let's take a closer look at the playing combinations in poker. We will start with the youngest combinations and gradually move towards the older ones.

High card

The lowest hand in poker is the High Card, sometimes called the Kicker or Blank. This arrangement can only play if none of the participants at the table was able to get a higher combination. In this case, the winner is the one who has the highest rank card in his hands.

Let's look at an example. Only two players reached showdown - you have a king and three in your hands, and your opponent has a queen and two as pocket cards. There is an ace on the table, but it is common.

The winner of the High card is determined by the highest pocket card. In this case, this is the king - the second highest figure, which means you will win the hand and take the money at stake.

Note that in a small number of hands the poker player with the strongest Kicker will take the pot. Usually in games the participants manage to get stronger hands.


After the kicker comes "Pair". It is formed by two figures of the same rank. The player will receive this combination in approximately 50% of hands. Of course, the probability of making a Pair is high. But even with such a hand you can win the game.

At many WSOP tournaments, players have won with the Couple.

When a poker player has such a combination, he can win without reaching showdown. With such a hand, players usually try to knock their opponents out of the game and often bluff.

High Pairs are the most valuable in poker. These include: A-A, K-K, Q-Q. With one of these hands you can safely resort to various techniques in poker – there is a high chance of winning the game.

In a hand, a situation may arise when both players have a Pair. In this case, their denomination is compared. If it is identical, then the Kicker is taken into account. The winner is determined by it.

Let's look at an example. One player has 8-8-10-J-K and the other has 8-8-7-K-A. In this case, the second poker player will win, since he has an Ace - the highest-ranked piece. If both opponents have equal hands, then the winnings will be distributed equally between them.

Two Pairs

The probability of getting such a combination in a hand is 42.5%. This hand is formed from two groups of paired cards and a kicker. The most valuable Two Pairs are when one of the pairs has a high rank.

K-K-10-10-2 is an example of Two Pairs. When several poker players have such a combination in a hand, the winner is determined by comparing the top pairs. If they are the same in rank, then the younger pairs are compared. If they are equal, then the winner is determined by the kicker.

Three of a kind

Let's continue to look at the meaning of combinations in poker. Now let's focus on Troika. It is easy to get ahead of such a combination in the hand, since it is formed by three cards of equal rank. You get this deal in 1 out of 46 hands.

Here is an example of Three of a kind: Q-Q-Q-3-5. Here we have Three Queens. When another player has a similar combination, the winner is determined by the kicker. Let's say one poker player has Q-Q-Q-3-5, and another has Q-Q-Q-9-10. The second player will take the pot since he has 10 as a kicker.


This layout consists of 5 figures that follow each other in rank. You will be able to get such a hand in 0.39% of games. The older your Street, the higher your chance of winning the pot.

When composing Straight, the Ace can act as either a low or high card.

When an ace opens the order, it acts as a one and stands in front of a two - A-2-3-4-5. When such a card closes the layout, it acts as the eldest and goes after the king - A-K-Q-J-10.


The next poker hand is the Flush combination. It is represented by five figures of the same suit. At the same time, they do not have an order by face value, otherwise it will be a different combination, stronger.

The chance of getting Flush is only 0.20%. Thanks to Flush, poker players have the opportunity to win big pots when implementing a competent strategy. When two or more opponents have a Flush, the winner is determined by the rank of the highest cards or by the subsequent ones, if the first ones are equal.

The suit does not matter in poker hands. It does not determine the seniority of hands.

Let's consider a specific situation. One player has 5-6-9-10-Q of hearts, and the other has 2-5-7-J-Q of spades. Here the first kickers of the players are equal, which is why the next ones are compared - 10 and J. The poker player with the jack wins the game.

Full House

Poker combinations on Wikipedia and other sources necessarily include Full House. It is formed by a Three and a Couple. It turns out that Full House consists of two non-senior combinations. However, this alignment is quite strong. It is not so easy to collect it - it is possible to obtain it in 0.14% of cases.

When a player has a Full House, he has a high chance of winning the pot. If both players have a Full House in the hand, then the hands are compared first by Threes, and then by Pairs.

Four of a kind

Let's move on to the Four of a Kind layout. It is not easy to obtain, since the probability of formation is 0.0024%, taking into account those games where a fold is announced.

Four of a kind are four pieces of the same rank (for example, K-K-K-K-10). The higher it is, the stronger the Kare. Situations when several poker players have such a situation in one hand arise extremely rarely.

When a Four of a Kind is received on the board in a game, the winner is determined by the Kicker. If there are equal hands, the pot is divided equally.


Collecting a Straight Flush is a real success for a player. This situation occurs very rarely - in 0.0015 games. He represents you symbiosis of Street and Flash. This means that such a hand consists of suited pieces, going in order at face value.

When several players have a Straight-flush, which happens infrequently, the winner is determined by older card. If the hands are equal, then the pot is divided equally.

Example: one player has diamonds 7-8-9-10-J, and another player has spades 8-9-10-J-Q. The second poker player has the highest kicker, which is why he will take all the money on the line. But if both had the following figures: 8-9-10-J-Q, then the pot would be distributed equally between them.

Royal Flush

Royal Flush is a special case of Straight-flush, as it represents the highest variant of this combination. The same combination as a Straight Flush is formed. Only in it the highest figure is always an ace.

The probability of getting a Royal Flush is 0.0008%.

Royal Flush can be called an unbeatable hand. However, some poker players, after playing games for years, never receive a Royal Flush. This is why players usually bet on the weaker combination, since it is easier to collect.

How to quickly remember layouts?

So we looked at all the card combinations in poker for beginners. It's up to the player to remember them. However, such a task is not an easy one. After all, you need to not only remember the rules for the formation of each layout, but also its seniority.

We suggest that you keep everything in front of you during the game. basic poker combinations in poker in the picture. Then you will quickly navigate the games. As you play through the hands, it will become easier and easier for you to determine the type of layout and the strength of your hand.

Above is one of the combination tables you can use. To save it to your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the presented table.
  2. In the menu that opens, select “Save image as...”.
  3. Select the location on your PC where you want to download the table, and then click on “Save”.
  4. Now all you have to do is print out the picture and keep it in front of your eyes while playing.

First, we recommend playing games with play chips. This opportunity is available in many poker rooms, including. By betting on interest, you can delve into the gameplay without risk, reinforce the rules and remember card layouts.

When you start winning games with play chips, then move on to playing for money. Choose cash tables with micro limits. The level of the opponents there is low, as are the bets themselves. This is why you will have a high chance of winning pots, and your losses will be minimal on bad hands.


There are only 10 poker combinations. Each of them has its own rules of education and seniority. Every beginner should know them, then when playing hands he will not have problems assessing hands and making the right moves. Good luck!