Which vitamin is best for tanning? Review: Vitamins for tanning: benefits, which ones to choose What to take for a good tan

I would also like to add to the title of the post - for safe tanning. And this is much more important than any beauty. Now it is already obvious to everyone that tanning and the sun are not the friends of a girl who takes care of herself; her skin must be protected from them.

It is no coincidence that the production of sunscreens is growing all over the world, UV filters are not added except to food, and new vitamin complexes with protective effects are appearing. Therefore, the bleak prospect of turning into pale toadstools in the name of preserving beauty, fortunately, no longer threatens us.

But let's take advantage of what they offer us best manufacturers Dietary supplements for a safe and beautiful tan. Opinions like “it’s better to eat fruit than drink some dietary supplements” are inappropriate in this case: no modern fruit contains the amount of antioxidants that can protect the skin.

Sunscreen dietary supplements are intended for those who think about the future of their skin and intend to keep it in perfect condition until old age. The composition usually contains antioxidants, vitamins and plant extracts - accelerators of melanin production.

Capsules "Bevital - san" (Belupo, Croatia)

60 capsules – 250 rubles

Can be found in some pharmacies

Ingredients: vitamins E, B1, B2, B6, beta-carotene (about vitamin A), microelements of brewer's yeast, biotin, choline.

“Bevital-san” prepares the skin for sunbathing, accelerates the process of melanin production, protects the skin from dryness and flaking, and prevents photo-aging. If you often visit a solarium, or experience any skin problems, you can take these capsules all year round.

30 capsules – around 1000 – 1500 rubles.

In online stores and points of sale of professional cosmetics.

Ingredients: carrot oil, dunalea extract (it contains a lot of beta-carotene), soy lecithin, vitamins E, C.

The capsules protect the skin from photo-aging, accelerate the appearance of a uniform and lasting tan, and improve the condition of the skin.

Take them 1-2 capsules a day 30 days before visiting a solarium or beach, then during exposure to the sun and to maintain a tan, 1 capsule a day for several more months.

30 capsules – 1219 rubles

From representatives of the company "Visione"

Ingredients: turmeric powder, zinc, selenium, grape extract, soy isoflavones, beta-carotene, vitamins E and C.

An antioxidant complex aimed at protecting the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays. Prevents skin aging, maintains a normal level of moisture, prevents the development of sunburn and redness.

The course of taking “Nature Tan” begins at least 15 days before the start of active transformation into chocolate.

60 capsules – 2000 rubles

Ingredients: palm and carrot carotenoids, alphacarotenes, betacarotenes, gammacarotenes, lycopenes), selenium, natural vitamins E and C, zinc, soybean and carrot oil.

The French are leaders in the production of “tanning vitamins,” and Oxelio is the best example of such preparations. Oxelio capsules will protect your skin from aging, increase moisture levels and accelerate the appearance of tanning.

In online stores and pharmacies

Ingredients: vitamins C, E, B2, beta-carotene, zinc, selenium, lutein, epigallocatechin gallate, flavonol glycosides.

An antioxidant complex that first of all protects the skin from harmful UV irradiation and photoaging, and only then affects the quality of tanning.

Ideal for people with bad heredity for oncology and who simply want to improve their skin condition.

10 ampoules – 1770 rubles

In online stores, beauty salons and points of sale of professional cosmetics.

Ingredients: orange juice, water, fructose, fruit oligosaccharides, vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, lemon bioflavonoid complex, flavorings, aspartame.

The cocktail accelerates the production of melanin and protects the skin from premature aging. According to reviews from friends, this is the best tanning accelerator.

Depending on your photo type, you will need from 1 to 3 boxes of cocktails per course.

“Capsules against skin aging, to enhance and prolong tanning - Pro Soleil” /(Guinot, France)

30 capsules – 2000 rubles

In online stores and beauty salons

The composition is quite standard: beta-carotene, lutein and vitamins. I couldn't find any details.

Capsules help to enhance and prolong tanning, protect skin cells from aging and preserve its youth. I recommend them, first of all, to fans of Guinot cosmetics and to everyone who uses their sun protection system. For others, there are more affordable alternatives.

Take two capsules daily. It is better to start the course 2 weeks before active tanning.

“Carrot oil” (Russia)

200 ml – 130 rubles

In online stores and pharmacies

Ingredients: flaxseed oil, carrot oil extract, oil extract of blueberry fruits and leaves.

The composition, although simple, is very tanning :). Here you will find carotenoids from carrots, antioxidants from blueberries, and the healing effects of flaxseed oil.

I see one downside - a not very pleasant smell, reminiscent of fish (due to linseed oil).

Manufacturers claim that even in winter, with a lack of sun, just a few tablespoons of this oil per day can maintain a light tan. External use will enhance the effect.

Flaxseed oil “Elixir of Cleopatra” (Russia)

200ml – 350 rubles

Internet shops and pharmacies

Ingredients: flaxseed oil enriched with St. John's wort, carrots, sea buckthorn, amaranth, burdock.

The oil contains plant extracts that increase skin sensitivity to the sun, enhance pigmentation, and at the same time protect against free radicals and photo-aging. A completely natural product, can be used in long courses.

It also allows you to maintain a light tan without the sun.

The minimum course is 6 weeks, which will require 5 packs of oil.

100 capsules – 720 rubles

In pharmacies

Ingredients: seal oil.

Is a source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, natural forms of vitamins A and E.

And although PUFAs have a very weak effect on the quality of tanning and the speed of its production, they do an excellent job as skin protectors.

Omega-3 prevents the process of photo-aging, improves the condition of the skin in any pathology, and prevents it from drying out and flaking.

It is believed that seal oil is healthier than any fish oil, since it is initially purer and easier to digest.

You can take it constantly.

20 ml – 150 rubles

In all pharmacies

Ingredients: water-soluble form of beta-carotene, vitamins A and C.

The most budget option for those who want a safe tan. It contains all the most important things for the skin, contraindications and side effects No.

The course of treatment must be started at least 2 weeks before active tanning, and continued almost all year round.

Essential vitamins for dark skin tones, benefits and harms of taking dietary supplements. Products that help you achieve a beautiful tan. Review vitamin complexes and recipes for refreshing cocktails.

The benefits of vitamins for an even tan

A beautiful tan is the dream of many girls, because it perfectly masks skin defects and looks sexy and attractive. The sun helps to cope with acne on the face and back, making the female form more appetizing to men. Many people think that buying a good body lotion is enough, but this is not true. The skin needs to be nourished not only outside, but also inside.

People living in the south with access to fresh fruit and vegetables, have a dark skin color. The whole secret is that along with food they receive a huge amount of vitamins that promote a beautiful tan.

The benefits of vitamins are as follows:

  • UV protection.
  • The skin becomes darker much faster.
  • Reducing the number of burns.
  • Formation of a bronze skin tone.
  • Preservation of tan for a long time.
  • Preventing skin aging.
A substance called melanin is involved in the formation of a tan. It helps the skin darken quickly. The more it is produced by the body, the better person sunbathing. Some vitamins increase the body's ability to secrete this substance. Others help to consolidate excellent results for a long time.

Contraindications to the use of vitamins for tanning

Taking vitamins is a useful thing; they are prescribed for illnesses and as a preventative measure to help the body cope with illnesses. However, they may be harmful to certain categories of people.

When not to take tanning vitamins:

  1. Not all vitamins are beneficial during pregnancy;
  2. With hypervitaminosis;
  3. For allergic reactions;
  4. For hypersensitivity.
You should not take vitamin complexes without stopping “just in case.” Preparations often contain dyes and additives that have a negative effect on digestive system. Since the tablet enters the stomach first, it can cause nausea or attacks of gastritis.

People prone to allergies should be careful about eating foods that cause a reaction. If you are allergic to citrus fruits, do not abuse them for the sake of a beautiful tan; there are many other healthy fruits. It’s the same with vitamin complexes: if one doesn’t work, perhaps another will give positive results.

What vitamins are needed for tanning?

It's no secret that the sun is dangerous for our skin and contributes to premature aging. However, many people tend to spend the whole day on the beach and are not afraid of the sun. Ultraviolet rays affect the formation of free radicals, and only vitamins can neutralize them.

Vitamin A from sunbathing

Retinol was one of the first vitamins discovered by man. There is also a provitamin called carotene, which is converted into retinol in the body. It binds free radicals and enhances the effect of vitamin E. Very often they are combined in one preparation.

There are plant sources of vitamin A: carrots, pumpkin, Bell pepper, greens, broccoli, spinach, peaches, apples, apricots, watermelon, melon, grapes.

For a beautiful tan, you need to take care of a balanced diet. To keep your skin fresh and smooth, it is important to consume animal sources. Foods rich in vitamin A: liver, fish fat, butter, egg yolks, milk and cream.

Most quick way to tan - eat carrots every day, because they give the skin a beautiful bronze tint. Make it a habit to drink a glass of fresh carrot juice before heading to the beach. Scientists have long discovered that beta-carotene contained in carrots is best absorbed with fats. Therefore, it is important to eat it with sour cream or vegetable oils.

If you want richer color, eat more melon. To protect the body from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, consume watermelon after sunbathing, and you can also restore the water balance in the body.

Vitamin E for tanning

Tocopherol protects the body from premature aging and is a vitamin of youth and beauty. Thanks to its intake, the skin is enriched with oxygen, metabolic processes in the body improve. Vitamin E perfectly nourishes skin cells and improves their resistance to harmful substances.

Tocopherol is found in the following products: peas and beans, buckwheat, oatmeal and corn, squid and shrimp, mackerel and pike perch, apples and pears, nuts, liver, vegetable oils.

Vitamin E is very important for tanning as it will help protect the body from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. To get vitamins from food, do not forget to season fresh vegetable salads with vegetable oils.

If you are relaxing at sea, do not give up seafood, because they are the main source of tocopherol.

Vitamin D and tanning

Calciferol is called the “sun vitamin” because it is produced by the body when ultraviolet rays hit the skin. It takes an active part in the absorption of calcium and magnesium.

Taking vitamin D is important in winter when there is a lack of sunny days. Calciferol is found in foods such as fatty fish, cheese and milk, eggs, and liver.

Some doctors advise visiting a solarium in winter to avoid vitamin D deficiency. This will help improve your mood, avoid depression and bone problems. In the summer, while visiting the beach, taking calciferol is not justified.

Vitamin C for bronze skin tone

The basis for a beautiful and even tan is ascorbic acid. It protects the skin from redness and prevents burns. Thanks to it, the skin tone becomes even and beautiful for a long time. Vitamin C protects hemoglobin from oxidation and has a positive effect on the formation of collagen fibers.

Vitamin C on our table: citrus fruits, tomatoes, leafy vegetables, rose hips, berries. To get a beautiful and long-lasting color, take freshly squeezed tomato juice, alternating it with orange and carrot juice. They will not only help your skin, but will also refresh you well on a hot day.

Add leafy green vegetables as a side dish to meat dishes; they will keep your body slim and enrich your body with essential vitamins. In the evening, you can take a decoction of rose hips, which improves immunity.

Try to make as many fruit drinks as possible from berries such as cranberries, currants, and blueberries. This drink perfectly quenches thirst and has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Amino acids and microelements for tanning

It is difficult to imagine a complex of vitamins without additional microelements, which not only help their absorption, but also play a significant role in the metabolic processes of our body. For a beautiful tan you also need: selenium, iron, tryptophan, tyrosine, zinc.

Amino acids (tryptophan and tyrosine) are involved in the formation of pigment, which contributes to the rapid darkening of the skin. Zinc is very useful for tanning, because it makes it even and uniform. Selenium works in several directions at once: neutralizes tumors, fights skin dehydration, protects blood vessels and activates the action of vitamins E and C. You can get this important component by eating seafood, liver and eggs.

There is one invaluable and important product for tanning, containing both vitamins and minerals - turmeric. This yellow oriental spice is itself a coloring agent. When consumed during tanning, it will promote the appearance of a more lasting skin color.

How to take vitamins for a beautiful tan

If you are going on vacation, start taking vitamins in advance. You must first prepare your skin and body for active sun exposure. It is best to take a vitamin complex purchased at a pharmacy, since creating a balanced menu and sticking to it is not easy. Also, if you live in the north, you won't have as much access to fresh vegetables and fruits as you do in the south.

Inneov is considered the leader among vitamin complexes for tanning. The drug helps to obtain an even, beautiful shade and protects against burns. The package contains 30 capsules, which are taken once a day. The manufacturer advises you to start taking it four weeks before active exposure to the sun and continue throughout the summer season. This vitamin complex is distinguished by the fact that it contains emblica extract, which grows in the Himalayas in conditions with high solar radiation. Composition of Inneov “Perfect Tan”: vitamin E, beta-carotene, emblica extract.

In the Inneov line of products there is a preparation “Sun” for people with delicate fair skin. As you know, it is very difficult for them to achieve a beautiful tan without getting burned. This vitamin complex provides very strong protection against ultraviolet rays due to its composition: beta-carotene, probiotics and lycopene.

The Yves Rocher company has created a special product - vitamins for tanning “Protecting Beautiful Skin”. The drug helps not only protect the skin from the sun, but also maintain its water balance. Composition of Yves Rocher vitamins: blackcurrant seed oil, glycerin, tomato extract, evening primrose oil, rapeseed lecithin, sodium selenite, micro- and macroelements. Agree that it is difficult to find all these components on your own, so it is easier to purchase a ready-made vitamin complex.

Another French company Algologia took care of the beauty and health of our skin during the hot period. She developed a “Sun Protection” complex, which must be taken a month before visiting the beach. Ingredients of the drug: dunalea extract, carrot oil, vitamins E and C, soy lecithin.

The action of the drug is aimed at protecting against photo-aging. These vitamins are also taken during sunbathing and after to consolidate the results. You can also trust domestic preparations, for example, “Beautiful Tan” vitamins from Ecomir. This complex will cost you less and will help you achieve the perfect tan.

You shouldn’t forget about taking vitamins for a beautiful tan while on vacation. There may not be a need for special complexes, despite the assurances of dietary supplement manufacturers. It will be enough to eat seafood, vegetables, and fruits.

Make it a rule to drink freshly squeezed juices after every meal. In the morning, eat porridge, eggs, and dairy products. For lunch, eat meat or fish dishes with vegetables. In the evening, vegetable salads and fruit desserts will ideally satisfy your hunger. This diet will help make your tan beautiful, lasting and safe for the body.

Recipes for vitamin cocktails for tanning

If you are not a supporter of taking vitamin complexes, but still want to refresh yourself on a summer day, recipes for vitamin cocktails will be indispensable for you. Such healthy drinks are especially available for preparation during hot periods, when there are plenty of fruits and vegetables on store shelves.

Recipes for vitamin cocktails:

  • Carrot-lemon. You will need a juicer and some free time. Take two peeled carrots and half a lemon, squeeze the juice out of them. Add a teaspoon of olive oil to the carrots.
  • Citrus blend. You need to squeeze out 50 ml of lemon juice, 100 ml of orange juice and the same amount of grapefruit. Mix all ingredients and add a couple of ice cubes.
  • Vegetable smoothie. Mix 200 ml of fresh carrot juice with 70 ml of beet juice, also add 70 ml of celery juice. This fresh juice will not only help you get a good tan, but also remove harmful substances from the body.
  • For a bronze tan. Take a blender and blend two stalks of celery, half an apple and one carrot.
  • Tonic drink. Peel half the beets and carrots. Place them in a blender, add one red apple, a handful of spinach and one-fourth cup of dill. Mix all ingredients and take after visiting the beach. The drink will help relieve fatigue after the tiring scorching sun and will invigorate you well.

Vitamin cocktails are a great way to saturate the body with essential nutrients, prepare the body for sunbathing and strengthen skin protection from burns.

What vitamins to use for tanning - watch the video:

By taking tanning vitamins throughout the summer season, you will benefit from a beautiful skin tone and will be able to maintain it for the long autumn days. And most importantly, such a tan is safe for you, and the principle “beauty requires sacrifice” will not be relevant in this case.

Oh, how many times have women cried out for justice and prayed for an even, beautiful tan. And how many times our expectations were not met. Every season, many products appear on the modern market that are aimed at making as many women as possible happy. And today I will try to talk about one of them in more detail, namely, Tan optimizer Imedeen.

The topic of tanning is not only relevant in summer. In the fall, you want to look even better, so that your colleagues and friends will envy your chic and even skin tone, and white blouses will look chic in the office. But not everyone manages to get it either at sea or in the solarium. And here various creams and dietary supplements come to the rescue.

"We didn't know each other until this summer." As they say, there is a first time for everything. Although I have naturally quite dark skin (like a true southerner), sometimes I can’t do without a purple tint. Do you know that situation when the tan goes on unevenly, in spots, some kind of blueness appears on the skin, and the condition of the epidermis sharply worsens? I went through all this and finally, the solution to all the problems!

IMEDEEN® is a dietary supplement that is aimed at improving the condition of skin, hair and nails. The brand is part of the Pfizer company. It was founded in 1849 in Brooklyn and is now headquartered in New York. From humble beginnings in the production of fine chemicals, Pfizer has grown into a major pharmaceutical company and a leader in the global pharmaceutical market.

Course of application

Tan optimizer Imedeen It is advised to start taking it a few weeks before going out into the sun and continue the course of 1 tablet per day for 1 month. And since there are 60 tablets in the package, I took the course with my dad to understand the effect. And my dad has a very dark skin tone, so his main problem is that he doesn’t get a chocolate tan, it turns blue.

IMEDIN round tablets contain a mixture of carotenoids, including lycopene, beta-carotene and natural lutein (natural plant carotenoids of yellow-orange color). Thanks to this, Tan Optimizer helps prepare the skin for sunbathing and protect it from the aggressive effects of UV radiation. Vitamins C and E are antioxidants that help protect cell membranes and proteins and neutralize free radical molecules (prevent skin aging processes).

The effect impressed me. Since the supplements arrived in mid-July, and I went to the sea at the end, the preparation lasted only 1.5 weeks. Plus, at sea, I took a pill every day and strictly followed the instructions. And in the end I got what I deserved :) Surprisingly, my skin did not become dry and dehydrated, as usually happens after the sea. With the help of body moisturizers and Tanning Optimizer, I was able to come home with, dare I say it, perfect skin without rashes, allergies, irritations and peeling.

On the first day at sea, we were so glad of the sun that we burned everything to the state of the leaders of the Redskins. And the merit of these dietary supplements is that they prevented peeling and the skin did not peel off afterwards. Indeed, the blue tint on my dad’s skin disappeared and a noble chocolate tan appeared, which did not fade into a bluish tint :-D I noticed that the condition of the skin improved noticeably in 1 month, the tan went on evenly without any problems. So now I plan to test it in a tanning bed!

Grade: 5\5.


It seems like everyone has already heard about how harmful tanning is. The fact that the skin is constantly exposed to free radicals, UVA and UVB radiation and that all this leads to aging has been buzzing all over our ears. Yes, the body's own antioxidant systems can provide comprehensive protection, but if you are vacationing in hot countries or in the countryside during a sunny summer, this is not enough. The body needs external support, and sunscreen is not the only option.

In fact, tanning is nothing more than a natural protective reaction of the skin. This desirable and beautiful skin color is associated with the production of the pigment melanin. Both UVB and UVA rays stimulate the production of this pigment. People with light and dark skin have the same number of melanocytes, but their level of “responsiveness” is different, just as the ratio of “brown” pigment to “orange-red” differs between southerners and northerners.

What should fair-skinned blondes from northern latitudes do? Today the market offers “tanning tablets”, which can be divided into 2 types: those that stimulate the production of melanin and those that protect against the damaging effects of the sun.

Melanin stimulation

What is this: Some substances are involved in the production of melanin, which means they could theoretically help you tan faster. The most famous are L-tyrosine, L-cysteine ​​and PABA.

How it works: You should take dietary supplements containing these amino acids and para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) immediately before going to the beach. Your body will begin to produce more melanin, which means you will be able to spend less time in the sun, while gaining beautiful tan. If you take these tablets throughout your holiday and for several weeks after, your tan will last much longer. A very attractive solution, especially for people with sensitive skin who want a long-lasting, deep golden color.

What's the catch: The thing is that the body already has almost always a “full complement” of tyrosine and its excess will simply be excreted by the body as “unclaimed.” As a result, you risk wasting your money. However, according to some studies, you can speed up the conversion of “extra” tyrosine into melanin if you add vitamin B6, copper and vitamin C to your diet.

UV protection

What is this: First of all, these are carotenoids - yellow, orange and red pigments synthesized by plants. The most common are alpha-carotene, beta-carotene (carrots), beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin (algae), and lycopene (tomatoes). They are already present in human blood and form the first line of defense.

How it works: The photoprotective activity of carotenoids is associated with their antioxidant properties, in other words, they “capture” free radicals, neutralizing them. Sometimes this trick succeeds, and sometimes, alas, it doesn’t. It is worth considering that mixtures of carotenoids are always more effective than individual components.

What's the catch: Carotenoids accumulate in the skin. This provides additional protection against UV radiation, but not only that. Sometimes they affect skin color, causing a “yellowing effect”. For “redskins” this may even be useful, the color will turn into “golden”, but if you overdo it, the tan can become similar to pigmentation. The fact is that carotenoids absorbed by the body reach the upper layers of the skin (along with sweat and sebum) at different speeds and generally unevenly. As a rule, the maximum accumulations occur on the forehead and cheeks (not very healthy, you must agree). Therefore, if you still decide to take something, strictly follow the instructions on the package or the doctor’s recommendations.

Keep in mind that significant results appear only after 10-12 weeks of taking such dietary supplements, and shorter-term experiments do not make sense. Another pitfall is that natural carotenoids are more effective than synthetic ones. That is, carrot and tomato juice give much better results than “pills”.

In fact, the results of research on dietary supplements for tanning are quite modest, but if you have ever drank carrot juice with cream and then went to the solarium, you know that there is a result - the tan goes on more evenly, the color is richer and more beautiful, and lasts longer. So some tips are really worth checking out in practice.

Tatiana Morrison

Collage by Alina Trout