What vitamins to buy for facial skin. Vitamins nourish and heal the face. For oily skin

Facial beauty depends on the condition of the skin.

Over time, the body's resources are depleted, and the skin requires special care to maintain excellent condition: protection, additional nutrition, hydration, renewal.

One way to maintain beauty and youth on your own is to use vitamins for your facial skin.

What vitamins do facial skin need?

Disruption of the natural biochemical processes that occur in skin cells leads to problems such as sagging of the face, the formation of skin creases (wrinkles), the appearance of acne and pimples, and peeling. Problematic or sagging skin really needs vitamins - special coenzyme substances - to restore its functions.

They enter the human body with food, but this is not enough to satisfy all the body’s needs. That is why it is possible and necessary to nourish the skin from the outside, with the help of aqueous and oil solutions of the most important vitamins.

What vitamins are needed for facial skin? Most discovered by man:

Vitamin A, or retinol;

Vitamin E, or tocopherol;

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid;

B vitamins;

Vitamin H, or biotin;

Vitamin F (several substances are hidden under this name).

Depending on your health and skin needs, you should definitely take good vitamin and mineral complexes at least twice a year. In February, you need to start taking beauty vitamins so that by spring your hair will shine with health, your face will be beautiful, and your nails will be strong and strong.

But beauty vitamins can and should be used externally all year round. Inexpensive pharmacy solutions can solve almost any skin problem.

Biologically active complexes for skin

Taking care of your skin from the inside is very important. For example, using IMEDIN® complexes, which include the exclusive Biomarine Complex®. It is rich in proteins similar in composition to the components of human skin, and biologically active substances that stimulate the production of collagen, the main protein that maintains skin elasticity.

What are the benefits of vitamin A for the face?

Retinol, or vitamin A, is essential for mature or problematic skin. It is the content of this vitamin that determines the condition of skin cells. The most important properties of retinol are:

The ability to stimulate the production of your own collagen, thereby increasing the elasticity and smoothness of the dermis (it’s not for nothing that this wonderful substance is called the beauty vitamin);

The ability to restore the production of your own hyaluronic acid, that is, literally fill the skin from the inside with freshness, elasticity, health and restore the structure of the dermis;

The ability to protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals, thereby slowing down the aging process. It is thanks to the antioxidant properties of retinol that skin elasticity is maintained for a long time.

If the body has enough vitamin A, you can forget about fine wrinkles, dry skin, sagging and sagging. If there is a deficiency of retinol, then the face will age early, the skin will become dry, comedones and pimples will appear on it. The diet must include seafood, meat, beef liver, egg yolks, orange fruits and vegetables, greens. All of these foods are sources of natural vitamin A.

Retinol perfectly protects the dermis from the aggressive effects of solar ultraviolet radiation, strong wind, frost, and high humidity on the face. It prevents the destruction of collagen fibers, preventing the formation of fine and deep wrinkles. Cosmetics with retinol perfectly even out skin color, relieve inflammation, and erase fine wrinkles from the face.

Vitamin A for the face works most effectively on mature skin. For a young face, it may be too heavy, since in the young dermis the processes of active production of collagen and hyaluronic acid are already going well. But for rapid rejuvenation, regeneration of skin tissue, restoration of normal levels of moisture and collagen reserves, this vitamin is simply irreplaceable.

Retinol creams need to be used correctly. The following conditions must be taken into account:

It makes sense to start using cosmetics with vitamin A after 35 years. These can be creams, masks, serums, lipsticks;

The cold season is best for using products with retinol;

It is best to apply oil formulations to the skin in the evening so that the vitamin component works overnight. Moreover, under the influence sun rays the vitamin is oxidized.

It is very important to understand, that an excess of vitamin A is dangerous for the face, especially when it comes to young skin. Therefore, you need to use creams with retinol in courses, no longer than two months. Then the skin needs to be given time to rest by stopping using products with vitamin A for three months.

What are the benefits of vitamin E for the face?

If we talk about what vitamins are necessary for facial skin, then it is simply impossible to forget about tocopherol. Vitamin E is also called beauty vitamins, referring to its powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, regenerating properties. The main cosmetic role of tocopherol is to strengthen cell membranes. External use of tocopherol restores youth to the face, makes the skin elastic and smooth.

Deep nutrition, hydration and prevention of skin problems are the main tasks of vitamin E for the face, used for cosmetic purposes. The vitamin works on the skin as follows:

Heals external damage to the skin;

Has a powerful lifting effect;

Perfectly cures pimples and blackheads;

Protects against ultraviolet radiation;

Slows down skin aging at any age;

Prevents tissue degeneration;

Completely eliminates dryness and flaking, restoring the water and fat balance of the dermis;

Relieves skin from puffiness;

Gradually erases traces of acne, scars, and freckles from the face.

Vitamin E for the face usually becomes a component of anti-inflammatory cosmetic products. In addition, it is also included in anti-aging creams, as it copes well with the problem of sagging and dryness.

How to use vitamin A for facial skin

Using vitamins A and E for facial skin is very simple:

Firstly, just add 2-3 drops to your day or night cream;

Secondly, you can simply apply the oil solution to the skin in the form of a mask, removing the remaining oil after half an hour with a dry cloth;

Thirdly, using a solution of retinol or vitamin A, you can prepare wonderful homemade masks by mixing them with suitable ingredients (cottage cheese, eggs, etc.).

Retinol belongs to the group of fat-soluble substances, so it must be mixed with oils. Since this wonderful vitamin has a low melting point, you cannot add it to homemade masks, which are prepared in a water bath and generally exposed to heat.

You need to be very careful when using pure vitamin A solution. “Naked” application without mixing with oil or cream can cause a strong negative skin reaction (burning, tingling, redness), and after a while - peeling.

Here are the recipes for the simplest and most effective masks with retinol:

To combat wrinkles, you can mix one capsule of the oil solution with a spoon of olive oil. Apply to face as a regular mask, pat dry after 20 minutes;

To restore dry skin, you can mix a capsule of vitamin A and E with egg yolk and a spoon of olive oil;

If the skin is sensitive, mix a retinol capsule, a spoonful of olive oil and cottage cheese;

To rejuvenate and relieve dryness, mix a spoonful of sour cream with aloe extract and 5-7 drops of retinol;

To nourish the skin, you need to mix one capsule of vitamins A and E with a small amount of any skin care cream and a teaspoon of aloe juice or extract.

Don't forget about the anti-aging effect of retinol on facial skin. You can use masks and creams with active vitamins only after 35 years.

How to use vitamin E for facial skin

Vitamin E goes very well with vegetable or cosmetic oils. It can be mixed, for example, with olive oil, rose oil, almond oil, wheat germ oil, peach oil, etc. You need to add 1-2 capsules of tocopherol to a spoonful of base oil and distribute the life-giving composition over your face in the form of a mask.

There are also more complex recipes for homemade cosmetics. So, to deeply moisturize and nourish the skin, you can prepare the following mixture: half a teaspoon of pharmaceutical glycerin, a teaspoon of camphor oil, the same amount of castor oil, 20 drops of tocopherol oil solution and two large spoons of chamomile flower infusion. Leftover mask can be kept in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

An excellent effect is obtained by mixing vitamin E with cottage cheese, aloe juice or extract, chicken egg, and sea buckthorn oil. The mixture is applied to the skin like a regular mask and washed off after 25 minutes.

How to use masks from a mixture of vitamins “Aevit”

The absorption of retinol together with vitamin E is more effective. It is no coincidence that on pharmacy shelves you can find Aevit - a solution of two vitamins that are important for the beauty and youth of the face. In combination, the effect of vitamins A and E is enhanced, and with regular use of this unique product, the skin of your hands and face will be in ideal condition.

The excellent rejuvenating properties of aevit are manifested as follows:

Vascular walls become stronger;

Normal cellular respiration is restored;

The wrinkled mesh disappears;

Swelling goes away;

Dark spots are lightened;

The severity of deep wrinkles is reduced;

Dry skin is actively moisturized.

As a result, the use of a unique composition on the facial skin results in significant visual rejuvenation. Aevit perfectly fights premature aging. The drug can be added not only to creams and masks. Mixing vitamins A and E with a homemade scrub gives a very good effect (mix 2-3 tablespoons of coffee with the same amount of olive oil and a spoonful of sugar). After the procedure, the skin becomes soft, tender, and radiant.

Vitamins for facial skin are irreplaceable. To preserve beauty and youth for many years, you must use their strength and benefits.

Skin health, beauty and youth of a person directly depend on the vitamins supplied with food. A healthy diet and an active lifestyle will provide the body with the necessary amount of nutrients. Given our rhythm of life, this is almost impossible, and then, since there are not enough vitamins in the body, doctors advise compensating for this deficiency by taking pills for the skin of the face.

Vitamins for beauty and health

Scientists have proven that there are a number of vitamins in tablets intended for facial skin, which also help strengthen hair and nails. They are all available at the pharmacy:

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For useful information about the necessity and beauty of our skin, watch the video:

Youth from the pharmacy

If a person eats right, plays sports, and does not have bad habits, his body is fully provided with all the necessary nutrients for a normal life. He doesn't need to accept medications to maintain health. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast in a healthy way life. If you have a poor diet, you simply need to supply your body with vitamin complexes.

Reviews from many people say that preventive medication strengthens the immune system, the body becomes healthier, and the mood is in order.

Modern pharmacies offer their visitors a lot of different vitamin complexes. In this article we will try to highlight a number of the best of them:

  1. "Supradin". The product is available in various forms for ease of use, for example, in the form of chewing candy or in the form of syrup. "Supradin" provides the body with all vitamins and coenzyme Q10. The duration of the course is one month. The course should be repeated no more often than six months later. It is advisable to choose a time when the body especially needs vitamins - this is autumn and spring. The price of the drug ranges from 200 to 300 rubles.
  2. . Many items are produced under this brand medicines. A special formula “Shine” has been released for women. This series supports the production of collagen by the female body and ensures constant tissue regeneration. The course of prevention is a month. The price of the product is about 300 rubles. .jpg" alt="Complete" width="450" height="311" srcset="" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/img-2017-06-23-16-03-23-450x311..jpg 768w, https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/img-2017-06-23-16-03-23.jpg 812w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}
  3. "Imedin". It contains not only vitamins, but also additives that work directly in the skin cells. Imedin contains proteins and other substances that make the skin more elastic.
  4. Series "Alphabet Cosmetics" created to help a woman find and preserve her natural beauty. Contains a number of vitamins and coenzyme Q10. To ensure maximum benefit during administration, the substances were divided into 3 groups. Depending on the color, the tablet must be taken at different times. The course of admission is 2 weeks. The cost of packaging is about 300 rubles.
  5. Biological additive "Laura"- one of the most popular among buyers and doctors. According to statistics, up to 60 percent of therapists in Russia prescribe it. This is not surprising, because the complex contains vitamins and microelements, as well as antioxidants and bioflavonoids to maintain tone. However, the supplement is only suitable for young women. For older women, the company produces other dietary supplements, for example, Beauty Elite. The price for one package fluctuates around 600 rubles.
  6. The product fights aging quite well. Doctors often prescribe it for the treatment of skin diseases, because the complex increases the body’s ability to fight harmful factors. The price per piece of such a product is about 420 rubles. .jpg" alt="Perfectil" width="450" height="351" srcset="" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/img-2017-06-23-16-05-21-450x351..jpg 514w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}
  7. Our list ends with a product from Spain called "Revidox". It contains no vitamins produced by artificial chemical means. It consists entirely of natural plant extracts - grapes and pomegranate. It significantly slows down the aging process and improves the general condition of a person. The main disadvantage of such a product is the price, because for a standard package of goods in a pharmacy you will be required to pay more than 2 thousand rubles.

Types of vitamins for facial skin in tablets

Many problems with appearance can be solved by vitamins, available in the form of tablets designed to improve the condition of facial skin. These include vitamin complexes and various dietary supplements.

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Since each vitamin affects skin cells differently, it is best to take complex preparations. Let's look at their most popular types:

  1. "Aevit". It consists of two vitamins A and E. Together they tighten the skin and heal wounds on blood vessels faster.
  2. "Aekol". It differs from the previous one in that it contains another vitamin K. It is necessary to improve blood circulation.
  3. "AlfaVITCosmetics" consists of vitamins B, C and K. Together they will make your skin healthy and youthful.
  4. "Vitasharm" contains vitamins from group B. The vitamin complex tones the skin, removes wrinkles and speeds up food digestion. That is why cosmetologists recommend using it for women aged 40 years and older.
  5. Ideal for people who care about the condition of their skin and hair. In its composition you will find a number of vitamins, the combined use of which makes the body work more efficiently: cellular renewal is accelerated, collagen is produced.

When using medications to provide the body with nutrients, remember that you should not neglect the instructions for use from the manufacturer. Keep in mind that before each course of use it is recommended to talk with a therapist about contraindications. Otherwise, there is a danger of harming your body, and not gaining beauty and youth.

Hormonal tablets to combat acne

Hormonal pills are prescribed if a woman’s skin rashes are caused by increased level testosterone. Birth control pills are able to change hormonal levels, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, thus the problem with the appearance of acne will be solved quite quickly. The most best medicines These types are listed below:

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Good medications that protect against unwanted pregnancy can really save you from acne. However, remember that they are not products that are aimed at combating unwanted inflammation on the skin in the first place. They have many contraindications, so they are recommended to be used only after the approval of the attending physician.

Antibiotics for facial rashes

Drugs containing an antibiotic are prescribed to people with advanced acne. They are needed if other, “weaker” means have not been able to solve the problem. The name of the drug that the doctor prescribes to the patient, the duration of treatment for acne - all this depends on the stage of damage to the face, the causes of the disease. Depending on the clinical picture Your doctor may prescribe one of the following medications:

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Long-term and uncontrolled use of potent pills is detrimental to the body; self-medication with such drugs is dangerous!

Basic rules for the use of medicines

To achieve only the positive effect of drugs from the pharmacy, follow a number of rules:

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To effectively combat the appearance of acne on the face, it is necessary to use cleansing creams and lotions suitable for oily facial skin.


When dealing with imperfections on your facial skin, do not self-medicate. Only a competent specialist can determine the cause of skin imperfections after conducting the necessary research. To build an effective treatment regimen, the doctor also needs to take into account the weight, age and other characteristics of his patient. Trust an experienced doctor, and facial rashes will no longer bother you.

What is the largest organ in the human body? Ask this question to anyone and you will hear a lot of assumptions, but few will give the correct answer. And when you say that this organ is the skin, the answer will be silent surprise. Skin vitamins play a big role in maintaining youth and are simply necessary for our health.

But we are so accustomed to our natural “clothing” that we take it for granted. Well, of course, we all know about the structure of the skin, all its layers and how to care for it. Our skin sometimes gives us a lot of trouble: sometimes a pimple, sometimes a new wrinkle, heels and elbows peel, and “orange peel” on soft places is generally a sore subject... But, buying a cream for the face or hands, attacking the hated cellulite and furiously scraping off the keratinized heels, We don’t think about the fact that all skin manifestations are not only its inevitable age-related changes, but also signals about problems within the body. Even the smallest pimple is not a “clogged pore”, but toxins that the liver or kidneys have failed to remove. And wrinkles do not always mean the onset of old age, most often it is just weakening muscles... But first things first.

The skin is not only the largest, but also the most multifunctional organ of our body. Its very first function is, of course, protection. We are dressed in a “skin” that protects us from the external environment, including dangerous microbes and various radiations (infrared and ultraviolet). Skin also protects us from heat and cold. It saves you from the cold, of course, not as effectively as a warm fur coat, but the skin copes perfectly with the problem of thermoregulation in the heat. We sweat from the heat - and thereby save ourselves from overheating. Another function of the skin is breathing. Skin respiration takes up only about 2% of gas exchange in the body, but if it is disrupted, it can lead to big troubles. Among other things, the skin can absorb (absorb) various substances, and also has a very important excretory function. The latter is especially important, because if the liver or kidneys cannot cope with their responsibilities for some reason, then it is through the skin that substances that usually excreted in urine (for example, acetone or bile pigments). And finally, the skin plays a big role in metabolic processes. In addition to the gas exchange that occurs during skin respiration, intermediate carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin and water-salt metabolism also occur in it.

Some facts are simply amazing! For example: the skin weighs more than 2.5 kg - almost twice as much as the liver. A piece of skin the size of a penny contains on average about 90 cm of blood vessels, 100 sweat glands, more than 360 cm of nerves, 25 baroreceptors for sensing touch, from 6 to 23 nerve endings for sensing cold and only 3 for sensing heat, 15 sebaceous glands, 10 hairs. Our skin removes up to 800 ml of water vapor per day - 2 times more than the lungs!

Now it becomes clear that any change in the skin - peeling, pimples, unevenness, ulcers - are not just cosmetic defects, but a signal that there is something in the body has broken down and is not working properly. After all, harmful substances (decomposition and metabolic products) are removed from the skin not only through sweat. These substances are deposited in the upper layers of the skin, in cells that gradually exfoliate, removing accumulated toxins from the entire surface of the skin. That is why on the heels, where the skin renewal process is faster, whole layers of keratinized dead skin grow, and the skin on the elbows always peels off, not responding to any anointings...

And you shouldn’t immediately get rid of all kinds of pimples, blackheads, boils and other “charms” by covering them with a variety of medicinal (or, God forbid, cosmetic!) products. In this case, we will get rid of the effect - but not the cause. And the reason must be sought in an incorrect lifestyle, bad habits, physical inactivity, overeating or undereating (if you are tightly “sitting” on an unbalanced diet), as well as in a lack of vitamins. We know that a person cannot live without vitamins. A lack of vitamins can lead to many problems. Our The skin is a mirror that reflects the state of our health, and if there are not enough vitamins for the skin, it can be seen almost immediately. Let's figure out which vitamins are simply necessary for the skin and what they are responsible for.

For example, vitamin A, which is responsible for maintaining skin moisture and elasticity. Lack of vitamin A leads to dryness and flaking. If even oily skin becomes unpleasantly dry and flaky, this directly indicates a vitamin A deficiency.

Or, let's say, vitamin C is one of the most essential vitamins for the skin. The fact is that the youth of the skin largely depends on the rate of formation of collagen fibers, and it is vitamin C that promotes their active formation. With collagen deficiency, the skin becomes flabby and dull. In addition, vitamin C ensures faster healing of wounds and less bruising, as it strengthens blood vessels.

Another vitamin for the skin, without which healthy skin is unthinkable, is vitamin E. Thanks to it, skin cell renewal is significantly accelerated. Vitamin E also helps protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

No less beneficial for the skin are B vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B10. In particular, vitamin B1 helps prevent premature skin aging, vitamin B2 helps improve complexion, and vitamin B9 helps protect skin from harmful effects. environment. A lack of vitamin B6 can cause dermatitis, and a deficiency of vitamin B10 (para-aminobenzoic acid) can lead to sunburn, as this vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that protects our skin from damage from the sun.

Our skin needs skin vitamins such as vitamin PP, Vitamin D and vitamin K. Deficiency of vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) leads to loss of elasticity, deterioration of skin color and flaking. Vitamin D helps slow down the aging process of the skin, maintaining its tone and youth. Vitamin K helps fight various age spots, including freckles, and also relieves swelling and inflammation of the skin.

Of course, this is far from a complete list of vitamins for the skin, but, strictly speaking, vitamins cannot be divided into “for skin” or “for nails” - all vitamins are needed, since they affect the entire body.

It's no secret that proper nutrition and movement are the main conditions for health and longevity. The number of fitness clubs is growing year by year, and this indicates serious attitude more and more people to their bodies. This is good. But with nutrition, things are much worse. The abundance of products on the shelves sometimes just my eyes widen... But, probably, there is no point in saying that semi-finished and canned foods are not nearly as healthy as we would like. Therefore, in order for our skin not to upset us, we need to reconsider our diet and change some eating habits and cooking methods.

Skin vitamins are present in almost all foods. But deep freezing, improper storage and preparation can destroy almost all the vitamins and other beneficial substances in food. Traditional cooking methods - boiling, frying, stewing - destroy vitamins, making food unhealthy, and sometimes even harmful. Deep frying and repeated use of frying oils "enrich" our food with carcinogens. What beauty of skin can we talk about when it is literally suffocating, trying with all its might to remove all this nasty stuff from the body...

There is an exit! There are many cooking methods that can preserve as much as possible. beneficial features products. And in fact it turns out that these methods take less time and effort. For example, baking. In foil or in a special baking sleeve, food is cooked without the use of fat, faster, and the food remains juicy and tender. Or steaming is perhaps the most gentle method, which preserves not only the beneficial substances, but also the color and shape of the food. And if you can’t imagine life without a crispy fried crust, then the meat can be fried using an accelerated method - with sugar and almost no oil. To do this, dry the meat, place it in a well-heated frying pan without oil or fat, sprinkle with a pinch of sugar and quickly fry. When the juice and fat released from the meat have boiled away from the pan, you can add a drop of vegetable oil and add salt as usual. Sugar, when melted, forms an appetizing crust, and also reduces cooking time. If you are preparing boiled vegetables, do not discard the water in which they were boiled, but use it to prepare sauces. It is good to steam cereals for a side dish or by evaporation - this method does not allow the beneficial substances to be washed out, they all remain in the cereal. And if you cook porridge with milk, then first boil the cereal in a large quantities water until almost ready, and then pour in the milk. Once boiled - and it's ready! Milk really does not like long boiling, which destroys vitamins and turns calcium into an indigestible form. The value of such milk and cereals is minimal.

And more raw vegetables and fruits! This is where there is a storehouse of vitamins and valuable microelements. Just don’t forget that all the benefits from plant foods are better absorbed if you eat them with a small amount of fat. Dress your salads with low-fat sour cream, yogurt, vegetable oil or one of the delicious sauces, recipes for which can be found on our website.

Eat varied and healthy and be healthy!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Our appearance - the condition of hair, nails and skin - depends very much on external factors, but even more on the health of the body. When our skin looks unhealthy, peels, and our hair splits and falls out - all this can be a signal of a serious illness in the body. Almost all diseases have a strong impact on a person’s appearance. As they say, the result is obvious. This is especially true for intestinal diseases and digestive system, heart, lungs, kidneys and liver.

Today we’ll talk about the dependence of our appearance on the vitamin complex and which one is the most best vitamin for skin and hair.

A little about appearance

Any negative change in our appearance - peeling skin, acne, hair loss, dull color - these are not cosmetic flaws, but a signal about the improper functioning of the body. You shouldn’t struggle with all kinds of pimples, acne, and hair problems. cosmetics. They will not give any result. With their help you can only get rid of the consequences, and then not for long. For the best effect, you need to get rid of the cause, the source of the problem. And you need to look for them in yourself and in your way of life.

The condition of the skin and hair can worsen:

  • Negative environmental factors.
  • Weather.
  • Stress and fatigue.
  • Use of antibiotics.
  • Unbalanced diet - abuse of fatty foods, spices, smoked meats and others harmful products or, conversely, a too strict diet.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Avitaminosis.

Do you need vitamins for nails and skin? Are they necessary for hair? Of course yes! Everyone knows that without a sufficient amount of vitamins, the normal functioning of the human body is impossible. Vitamin deficiency is fraught with many serious troubles. Our skin is a mirror that reflects our state of health. Which ones are for the skin? Let's try to understand this issue.

By appearance You can often tell a person which vitamin is insufficient in his body. This is immediately apparent to those who know what functions this or that element in the human body performs and is responsible for. What vitamin is best for skin and hair?

Essential vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy appearance

As already mentioned, it is very important to know the role of a particular vitamin or mineral for human body. What vitamins will be the most useful for facial skin? For those to whom this is important, the following information will be interesting.

  • Vitamin C- provides skin elasticity, participates in the synthesis of new collagen fibers. With its deficiency in the body, the skin loses its healthy appearance, elasticity, and becomes dull. Pigment spots may appear on the face. Vitamin C is enriched with foods such as broccoli, grapefruit, kiwi, citrus fruits, bell peppers, and strawberries.
  • Vitamin A (retinol)- acts as a protector of the skin and mucous membranes from the effects of negative environmental factors. If the amount of this element is insufficient, the skin begins to dry, peel, become inflamed and covered with red spots. The main sources of vitamin A are the following foods: liver, eggs, dairy products, carrots, red peppers, pumpkin, tomatoes, dried apricots, citrus fruits, greens.
  • Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) participates in the metabolic process, helps cells breathe. An insufficient amount of riboflavin leads to dermatitis, cracked lips, and “seizing.” Sources B 2 - dairy products, eggs, meat, liver, baker's yeast.
  • Vitamin B 7 (biotin)- an element that stimulates the restoration of cells in the scalp and face, hair and nail growth. If there is insufficient amount of biotin in the body, the skin looks very pale, flakes, wounds do not heal for a long time, and hair falls out.

  • Vitamin PP (niacin)- takes part in the process of enzyme synthesis. In the absence of the required amount of niacin in the body, the skin becomes very pale and dry. Lips acquire a bluish tint. PP is found in cereals, bran bread, dried mushrooms, legumes, garlic, cabbage, sweet peppers, potatoes, asparagus.
  • Vitamin B 9 (folic acid) activates the restoration of skin cells, protects the walls of blood vessels from destruction. If there is not enough folic acid in the body, then the hair breaks, falls out heavily, becomes dull and lifeless. Folic acid is found in large quantities in foods such as spinach, citrus fruits, asparagus, strawberries, melon, eggs, and liver.
  • Zinc- ensures cell growth and division, participates in metabolism in the body. If there is insufficient amount of it, nails deteriorate and hair falls out. Natural sources of zinc - almonds, walnuts, peanuts, garlic, carrots, Bell pepper, cabbage.
  • Calcium- when it is deficient, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes dry, the hair is thin, splits and falls out, nails begin to peel and break. Food products with high content calcium: dairy products, eggs, apples, lettuce, cauliflower, onions, parsley.
  • Magnesium provides skin cells with energy, is responsible for the complete metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and participates in the synthesis of collagen. With an insufficient amount of magnesium in the body, the first wrinkles appear early, the complexion becomes unhealthy, and swelling is observed. Nails become very thin, brittle, hair has a dull color, and growth slows down.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol)- exhibits very powerful antioxidant activity. What vitamins will be the most useful for facial skin? There is a clear answer to this question - of course, it is vitamin E. With its help, you can slow down the aging of the body and stabilize the processes occurring inside cells. With insufficient amounts of this vitamin, hair becomes dull, skin is rough and ugly.

Today we’ll talk about the last element in more detail. This vitamin is the most essential for skin and hair.

What you need to know about vitamin E

Vitamin E is not synthesized by the body on its own. For this reason, the following methods of enriching the body with tocopherol will be the most effective:

  • eating foods containing tocopherol;
  • the use of vitamin E in oil or liquid form for external use;
  • taking capsules orally;
  • injections of liquid tocopherol.

Food products enriched with the element:

  • nuts;
  • beans;
  • rose hip;
  • vegetable oils;
  • broccoli;
  • Brussels sprouts.

Vitamin E to prevent aging

Vitamin E is simply irreplaceable for the skin, best option can not found. It helps maintain youth. As a person ages, collagen production decreases and the skin loses its elasticity. The influence of the external environment and unhealthy lifestyle also affect skin health. If you “make friends” with vitamin E, then the aging process can be “postponed” for some time. The skin is of great benefit. Reviews are most positive about vitamin E. It can be bought in pharmacies. Tocopherol is sold in capsules or ampoules in liquid form, without a prescription. Vitamin E for facial skin is very easy to use. You can add it to the cream and smear it on your face and neck at night. Vitamin E penetrates deep into the skin through the pores. Tocopherol is recommended for people with both dry and oily skin. For dry skin, this is excellent hydration and maintenance of natural moisture levels. For oily skin - normalization of metabolism and improvement of texture. In the “Best Vitamins for Skin” rating, this element can be given first place.

Vitamin E in the fight against major skin problems

The most common skin problems are: age spots, acne, blackheads, scars. Vitamin E is considered the most effective means when lightening the skin. With regular massage with this element, you can get rid of fine wrinkles and stretch marks. Tocopherol can also heal pimples, acne and old scars. Vitamin E for skin is the most reliable helper. It penetrates deeply and actively regenerates cells. In this way, tissue restoration occurs.

Recipes for face masks with vitamin E

The best vitamins for skin should be affordable and easy to use. Vitamin E is very easy to use. It can be added not only to ready-made cream purchased in a store, but you can make a mask or cream yourself, at home. Here are some recipes:

  • You will need a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers, a teaspoon of castor oil and half a teaspoon of glycerin. The flowers should be poured with boiled water and left for one hour, then strain and add oils and glycerin. Add a few drops of vitamin E to the resulting mixture. The cream can be stored in the refrigerator for five days. Use for dry and flaky skin.
  • For oily skin: mix two tablespoons oatmeal, fifteen drops of lemon juice and five drops of tocopherol. Apply to a cleansed face as a mask for twenty minutes. Then wash your face with water at room temperature and wipe your skin with an ice cube.
  • For dry skin: mix two tablespoons of cottage cheese with two teaspoons of vegetable oil and add five drops of tocopherol. Apply the mask to a previously cleansed face for fifteen minutes. Then wash with warm water.

Improved skin health in the eyelid area

Every woman shudders in horror when she hears about crow's feet around her eyes, or becomes even more horrified if she already sees them. They are the first “beacons” that notify about aging. The skin around the eyes is so thin that cosmetologists always recommend the most gentle care for it. Under no circumstances should scrubs or masks be applied to these areas; not even every cream will do. Vitamins for the skin around the eyes are ideal, especially vitamin E. Using it along with a cream will help prevent the appearance of crow's feet. And if they have already treacherously appeared, then you can smooth them out and give the skin a radiant and healthy look.

To care for the delicate skin around the eyes, you can add a few drops of tocopherol to the cream and apply it with light, patting movements every day before bed. For maximum effect, you can mix a few drops of vitamin E with olive oil. Apply the same patting movements to the skin in the evening, before bed.

Try using vitamins for the skin around your eyes - and in a very short time you will see the result.

Vitamin E in the fight against hair loss and brittleness

Beautiful healthy hair without split ends - what woman doesn’t dream of this? Many people use not only vitamins for beautiful skin, but also for luxurious hair. And again, vitamin E comes first here. It is a very important component for hair growth and strengthening. It acts as a powerful antioxidant that helps maintain beauty, youth and health.

With regular use of vitamin E, blood circulation is normalized, cells are regenerated - this has a very positive effect on the strengthening and growth of hair. The vitamin prevents hair loss and split ends.

With regular use of vitamin E:

  • blood circulation improves, hair follicles are supplied with oxygen and nutrients;
  • hair is protected from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • prevents the appearance of inflammatory processes, fungus and;
  • weakened and damaged hair is restored;
  • the hair acquires a natural shine and silkiness;
  • prevents hair loss and ensures full hair growth;
  • The appearance of gray hair is prevented.

Due to the fact that the use of tocopherol promotes the supply of oxygen to the scalp, the nutrition and hydration of cells improves. If you rub the vitamin into the scalp in liquid form, you will notice that your hair grows much faster, as numerous reviews indicate. An excellent option for hair is a combination of vitamin E and vitamin A, which is also indispensable for hair health and growth. Just when there is a lack of the latter, dandruff may appear.

The most common way to use vitamin E for hair is to add a liquid element directly to shampoo (one ampoule per 250 milliliters of shampoo).

Preparing hair masks based on tocopherol and retinol at home

Here are some effective masks for hair that is easy to prepare at home:

  • Nourishing mask for weakened hair. It is necessary to beat the yolk of a fresh egg, add burdock and olive oil (2 tablespoons each), vitamins A and E in liquid form (one teaspoon each). Rub the resulting mask into the scalp and massage well. Do not rinse for twenty minutes. Then wash off with shampoo.
  • Mask for hair growth. Mix a tablespoon of mustard and vegetable oil, add a teaspoon of tocopherol and retinol. Add to the mixture egg. Apply the mask to your hair and do not rinse for twenty minutes. Then simply wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Mask against split ends. Melt 10 milliliters of honey, add to it a teaspoon of liquid tocopherol and a couple of tablespoons of burdock oil. Apply the mixture to the entire length of the hair as a mask before each shampoo.
  • Mask to revitalize dull and weakened hair. Mix a tablespoon of sour cream with 100 milliliters of burdock root decoction, add a teaspoon each of retinol and tocopherol in liquid form. Apply the mixture to the entire length of the hair, cover the head with a scarf. Wash your hair after half an hour with shampoo.
  • Mask for lifeless hair. It is necessary to mix peach, almond and olive oil. Add a teaspoon of vitamins A and E in liquid form. Keep the mask on your hair for an hour.

Contraindications and side effects

Many women use vitamin E for their skin. Reviews about it are extremely positive. Women notice improvements in just a few days. Tocopherol is the best vitamin for skin and hair, but it must be used wisely and beneficially. When used wisely, in accordance with the instructions, there are no contraindications for vitamin E. In extremely rare cases, there may be an allergic reaction to tocopherol. In this case, vitamin E cannot be used for facial skin.

Only an overdose can cause harm. As a consequence of vitamin abuse, a person may experience:

  • nausea;
  • lethargy, fatigue;
  • visual disturbances;
  • dizziness and migraine;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • liver enlargement;
  • disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels.

Undoubtedly, in order for our body to be healthy, it needs vitamins. Facial skin is no exception. These biologically active substances are needed to improve the condition of the skin and give it youth.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

What vitamins are needed for clear and healthy skin?

When the skin of the face lacks the necessary components, it loses its color, becomes pale, and excessive pigmentation, so hated by all girls, appears on it. In order for your face to glow with health, shine with beauty and make you happy every morning, it needs proper care.

What vitamins should you take in tablets to improve the condition of your facial skin, and which ones will be useful in capsules applied directly to the skin? You can be sure that all 13 vitamins that are currently known to people are very important for your body. But there are certain ones that are more beneficial for clear skin than others.

In order to decide which are more useful and which are less, you need to know what functions each of them performs.

Let's list those very vitamins that do so much for our youth and improve our health:

  • vitamin A or retinol. Helps reduce skin dryness, reduce inflammation and flaking. Combats skin depletion. Its main advantage is its calming effect. Retinol stimulates cell activity, thereby accelerating their regeneration;
  • B1 Or thiamine. "Knight" against aging. This is the most important vitamin for preventing premature aging;
  • B2 - riboflavin. This substance can be called an “oxygen mask” for the skin. It is what ensures cell respiration and helps speed up possible metabolisms. Thus, riboflavin helps the skin gain a healthy color;
  • B5 - panthenolic acid. Auxiliary thiamine stick. Easily and quickly smooths out wrinkles and heals scratches. Useful for improving and youthful your skin;
  • B6 or pyridoxine. Has beneficial properties for treatment skin diseases. Necessary for improving the condition of the entire skin, taking care of its healthy condition;
  • B9 - folic acid. Needed for clear skin. Helps fight pimples and acne. Folic acid actively removes toxins from the body, helps absorb nutrients, and works best if taken in tablets.
  • B12 or cyanocobalamin. Another thiamine helper. This element helps skin metabolism and is useful for skin rejuvenation;
  • Vitamin D. Also fights skin aging processes. Needed for youth and to maintain skin tone. Slows down all aging processes;
  • Vitamin E - tocopherol. The so-called “skin shield”. Protects it from ultraviolet rays. Evens out complexion and helps fight age spots, which is essential for improving the appearance of facial skin;
  • Vitamin K. Considered the best way fight against freckles and other age spots. Helps remove swelling and is very useful in the fight against inflammatory processes.
  • Vitamin PP - niacin. Another microelement that has a stimulating effect on cells. As a bonus, this skin protector is very beneficial for improving your complexion;
  • Vitamin H or biotin. A very interesting element. It is able to simultaneously help fight fat deposits and help break down such cells, as well as accelerate the regeneration of useful and good cells, thereby rejuvenating the skin.

Vitamins for facial skin against acne

By considering the properties of all vitamins, you can determine which ones are needed for clean and healthy skin. As you can see, one of the most important is folic acid. It should be used by every woman at any age. But its most important effect is on female body during the stages of pregnancy and lactation. Since during this wonderful period the child draws vitamins from the mother, she herself may not have enough of them. This can lead to acne problems. To improve the condition of the skin, you need to take a double dose of folic acid, and also use creams that contain Vitamin B6 and Vitamin PP. These two components will help folic acid fight acne and other possible skin diseases.

You can take the vitamin in combination in tablets. But you can also use masks that will act locally and enhance the effect of vitamin complexes. Cosmetic preparations can be purchased in specialized stores or salons, or they can be prepared from ingredients purchased at a pharmacy. To improve the condition of your skin, you need constant and comprehensive care. Therefore, you cannot be lazy or save money here.

What vitamins are needed for dry skin?

Vitamin E or tocopherol was mentioned above. This biocomponent is best friend dry skin. Since it can protect against ultraviolet rays, it is therefore useful for accelerating cell regeneration.

This vitamin helps retain fluid inside cells, gives a lifting effect, and has medicinal properties with microscopic damage to the upper layer of skin. Since tocopherol has a special effect on the entire condition of a woman’s body, it is very important for improving complexion. In its absence, the skin becomes very dry and its recovery processes slow down. To stay young, you should always have enough vitamin E in your body.