Horoscope for September Taurus the Serpent. Zodiac horoscope for Taurus men and women. Seasonal allergies: causes, symptoms and treatment

Taurus in 2016 Monkeys will face a period of change that can affect both career and family. Taurus will rethink their previous experience, their worldview and decide to change something themselves. A year of rethinking and change. Taurus can also change their life goals.

This year is also characterized by increased expectations of you from your relatives and friends. You will have to work a lot, to match the hardworking horse under whose patronage you have been for a year, but when has this scared Taurus? The year will also bring you many acquaintances.

The year will end well, ushering in a favorable period of constancy, tranquility and wonderful future prospects. In general, the year is turbulent; a lot of patience and endurance will be required.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus woman

The beginning of 2016 was not entirely successful for the Taurus woman. It is accompanied by constant troubles at work, for some this can even result in the loss of their job. But if we manage to withstand this pressure, then by the end of spring everything will calm down.

In the year of the Monkey, you will have to resort to diplomacy in family relationships. Otherwise, squabbles, showdowns, and sometimes even assault cannot be avoided. Thanks to your ability to find the right words, you can get around all the sharp corners with your soul mate. The Year of the Monkey for a Taurus woman is wonderful for creativity. And even those who have never noticed any talent in themselves can easily discover it. The most important thing is desire and inspiration. It is inspiration that will accompany you in all your endeavors.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - man

For representatives of the stronger half of this zodiac sign, the Year of the Monkey will turn everything upside down. A Taurus man will do things that are unusual for him. Some of them will surprise others, and the representative of the sign himself will be shocked.

At the beginning of 2016, he will feel confused, but then he will reconsider his positions, gather his strength and change his attitude towards others. From the middle of the year, favorable conditions and opportunities will appear for change and the realization of your goals. If you give your all to your work, you will soon feel tangible rewards.

The Year of the Monkey is great for self-education and improving your skill level. This will help change your life, as it will be possible to look for a well-paid job. This year there is a great opportunity to meet new and very influential people; they can be the starting point for a Taurus man in new and fruitful endeavors.

Love horoscope for 2016 Taurus

2016 is the year for Taurus love relationships will be quite stable. Everything will proceed as usual in a calm direction. At the beginning of spring, you decide to take your relationship to a more serious level. Taurus begins to view life in a more mature, balanced way. Single Taurus will seriously think about marriage, because they are full of love and faithful to their partner. You shouldn’t expect decisive action from your significant other, take the first step, otherwise you may miss the time to create happy life. It may seem to your partner that your intentions and relationship are only superficial, and he will decide to break up. If you are afraid of getting rejected, then go ahead, you won’t get rejected. A strong and friendly marriage awaits you.

However, in the year of the Monkey, Taurus, you can also commit rash actions, and even more so frivolous ones. Some representatives of this sign may have a light affair in the spring, thereby hurting their partner. It’s better to restrain your emotions, don’t throw your feelings around, just wanting fun and entertainment. You may hurt your partner's heart. Be more responsible, otherwise your conscience will torture you later, and this can lead to depression or neurological diseases. The end of the year is not the time for secret relationships; they will all end in failure. It is better to avoid short-term relationships on the side, for the sake of great and true love.

In family relationships, the Year of the Monkey will constantly require a search for compromise. Only constant concessions to each other can save an already shaken marriage. Otherwise, there will be quarrels, squabbles, and showdowns all the time in the family. Even children will not calm the spouses down. If you do not learn to listen to each other, then a breakup is inevitable.

Business horoscope for 2016 TAURUS

The Year of the Monkey will pass smoothly only for those representatives of the sign who work in government agencies, but you should not expect promotions. The rest will have to make a lot of efforts to survive and stay afloat. Those Taurus who, to the detriment of their family and themselves, plunge completely into work, can also make a profit. And those who are used to working the old fashioned way will have a hard time. You should not risk your finances; investing them in the Year of the Monkey will be unsuccessful. For Taurus businessmen, it is necessary to keep an eye on market trends, otherwise there is a risk of going broke.

Financial horoscope for 2016 Taurus

Back in the year of the Snake, Taurus made a successful start. And in 2016, Taurus will continue to make profits. At the beginning of the year, you can even reward yourself for your fruitful work in 2015. Spend a certain amount for your pleasure. For example, take a luxury trip.

In the spring, you may receive an offer to jointly inject finances with your friends; refrain from such a step. Do business yourself, otherwise friends may turn into enemies. In the summer you will need additional financing. Do not take out a loan or debt under any circumstances. Be patient for a while and you will be able to solve this problem on your own.

Health horoscope for 2016 Taurus

The Year of the Monkey for Taurus will not bring major health problems. Your busy schedule will not allow you to focus on some problems. And yet there is a risk of disease, but you still won’t go to the doctor. Prefer self-medication and treatment folk remedies. Of course, this is not an entirely correct approach to the disease. Better consult a doctor. Otherwise, you can get seriously ill for a long time. Be sure, despite the frantic pace that the Year of the Monkey sets, give yourself a rest and restore your strength. Otherwise, you will be attacked by depression and nervous diseases.

Eastern zodiac horoscope for 2016:

Taurus - Rat

From the beginning of the year, relationships with the people around you may be quite strange, but by the end of the year everything will get better. Finally, you will learn to enjoy your work.

Taurus - Ox

At your workplace, approach your work calmly and carefully, fulfilling all the requirements of your superiors. Show yourself from the best side, and the path to promotion on the career ladder will open for you.

Taurus - Tiger

In the year of the Monkey, it will be advisable to combine creative inclinations and work. You will get a second chance to do something that you couldn’t do before. Don’t indulge in narcissism, pay attention to your actions and casual phrases.

Taurus - Cat

This year you may have problems in relationships with those closest to you, because there are omissions and deception between you. Only sincerity can lead you out of the dead end into which you are driving yourself. This year is great for expanding your range of interests, to do this, sign up for some courses that are interesting to you.

Taurus - Dragon

Don't lecture others, take a closer look at yourself. Understand your ambitions and vanity, otherwise you will have huge problems with others.

Taurus - Snake

To be completely happy, you need to take care of your family. Support your husband, take part in the lives of your children. For peace of mind, renovate or rearrange furniture in your home.

Taurus - Horse

In the Year of the Monkey, all you have to do is work and work. But it is necessary to work on the mistakes made last year. Otherwise, you risk continuing to do them. Deal with your relatives' grievances against you. Otherwise you will be tormented by remorse.

Taurus - Goat

The Year of the Monkey will allow you to discover new qualities in yourself that you didn’t even know about. Thanks to them, you can get a promotion or help from sponsors.

Taurus - Monkey

Great time for research activities. This will give you a chance for further development. Trust your intuition, it will not let you down. You will succeed this year.

Taurus - Rooster

The Monkey will awaken your literary talent or open up the world of art. Children will cause a little trouble. But this will only help you get closer, you will begin to understand each other more.

Taurus - Dog

Complete mutual understanding in the family and at work will be an accumulator of new ideas for you. Take on everything new, the Monkey guarantees you success. Don't stagnate, but gallop forward.

Taurus - Pig

You are confused in your amorous romances. Stop, don't waste your time. Consult with loved ones who know your situation from the outside. Choose one partner and forever. It's time to think about family and children.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus

What awaits Taurus in 2016

The Year of the Fire Monkey for Taurus will begin quite calmly. He will be able to successfully resolve material issues and receive a predictable income. And nothing will indicate any changes, not to mention sudden drastic changes in the life of Taurus. But the results obtained will strengthen Taurus’s self-confidence, lift his spirits and give him strength, which will push him to active, decisive and spontaneous actions.

If emotions overwhelm Taurus and he forgets about his slowness and practicality, he will take actions that will change his life. If Taurus shows excessive patience and practicality, he will not be able to achieve success and the desired results by the end of the year.

2016 will be a striped year for Taurus - a white stripe will replace a black stripe. Taurus will experience the joy of victory and the bitterness of defeat, the betrayal of partners and colleagues, the acquisition of new friends - everything will be enough this year. In order not to get confused by this swing, Taurus needs to give up false confidence in his power and hold on to his ideas, for the implementation of which he finds like-minded people, and then optimism will not leave him.

The Year of the Fire Monkey for Taurus is a great time to change your life. But along this path, Taurus will face stress and disappointment. He may experience severe nervous stress if he is not sufficiently active and purposeful.

A great year for self-affirmation at work and study.

You need to be extremely careful in the second half of the year, the likelihood of car accidents is very high.

Great time to plan long trips and trips.

Taurus should have a good rest new year holidays. There will be no further time for relaxation. Most likely, they will be presented with bills for old debts accumulated in previous years. You will have to spin around and finish what is not finished. The work promises to be intense and responsible. In addition, there will be plenty of new projects and ideas. The Fire Monkey will generously give you chances in 2016. Just have time to grab it and implement it.

The obstacle will be lack of time. You will (involuntarily) take on so much that you will not have time to get acquainted with the necessary information and data. In addition, your success in various areas can cause well-deserved praise, and therefore envy from competitors. They will try to hide the necessary information from you. Be on the lookout!

You will have to devote a lot of time to communication. Even homebodies will find themselves caught up in the whirlwind of social life. Don’t be shy and don’t hesitate, Fortune will be on your side in 2016. Feel free to enter into negotiations and disputes. You are so convincing that victory will be yours in any case! The stars say that your stubbornness, which often causes irritation among others, will play into your hands this year! Move forward boldly. By the middle of the year you will have followers, if not admirers!

Love horoscope for Taurus

It seems that stressful activities will not allow you to pay enough attention to your personal life. A pleasant surprise awaits you! You will not remain alone in your problems and worries. There will definitely be a person nearby who you can rely on. Maybe he is not able to help everyone in resolving issues, but he will listen, encourage, just make tea or cook a delicious dinner for anyone!

Lonely Taurus probably already feels the “wind of change.” He may not have patted you affectionately on the cheek yet, but you can already hear his approaching roar in your soul. Hang in there. Something extraordinary awaits you. Many of you will have a magical chance. Love will suddenly cover you with its enchanting wing. Rest assured, the feeling will be mutual. Take care of him. There may not be a second chance!
Married people are likely to face a test of the strength of their relationship. They will seduce you, almost “queens”. The point is that you grow morally in the eyes of others. The experience of past failures and victories turns into image capital. Don't be surprised if people turn to you for advice and help. The respect you deserve comes to you. However, if everyone feels the respect of others, then many simply will not react to temptations. Taurus people are known for their loyalty and constancy.

The stars strongly recommend that you plan a vacation with your loved one. It is advisable to spend it near the water. And for those who already have children, advice: give them more independence. You will be pleasantly shocked by the sound mind and practicality of the offspring (no matter how old they are).

Money horoscope for 2016

2016, such a busy and active year, will please Taurus with serious cash receipts. Almost none of them (except people burdened with karmic problems) will experience need. It is recommended to delve into all the details of the things you plan to do. It will pay off handsomely. It is advisable to prevent errors or eliminate them in the bud. The fact is that there is no time to correct them. Taurus, like a horse on a hippodrome, will only strive forward, to new victories.

Some (not all) representatives of the sign may receive an offer to change their service, even industry. It will be very promising. Although, at first you won't think so. With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that an experienced person, therefore not open, will want to lure such a valuable employee. Perhaps he will seem insincere, especially since you will only know him casually (or he will appear out of nowhere). The horoscope recommends that Taurus agree to change: most likely, you will not go wrong. Only in the old place will have to be completed a lot.

2016 Year of the Monkey is good for starting your own business. Even schoolchildren and retirees are recommended to try themselves in some area related to creativity. The chances of making unexpected profits are high. The second half of the year will be especially successful. You should plan big expenses during this time. Some, despite the crisis, will change their car, others will make repairs, and others will dare to look for new housing. Don't worry, there's enough money. Just don't lend it. Giving will be difficult. There are still many alluring, but expensive desires ahead. If you get into debt, you can safely put an end to it.

Health in the Year of the Monkey

You've probably already realized that it's going to be a busy year. Unfortunately, such a load will most likely have a negative impact on your health. Taurus needs to develop a clear routine from the very beginning of the year. Rest is necessary for any person, especially as happy as you will be in 2016! Try to set aside some time for yourself.

A very useful activity in 2016 will be contemplation of fire and aromatherapy. The fact is that the tension of the period can lead to flickering headaches. This is just a warning. Those who heed the advice of the stars and take care of themselves will not experience any discomfort. To strengthen your strength, you can make it a habit to take regular walks. For some, the option of avoiding transport on the way to work is suitable. Others can take a walk in the park with their children in the evenings. There will always be an idea if you love and value yourself.

There is a special recommendation from the stars for people who are preparing for surgery. If you can’t avoid it in any way, then don’t delay making a decision. Everything must be done on time. If you become stubborn, you will most likely acquire additional problems. The same goes for Weight Watchers. Taurus people have a tendency to accumulate “social deposits.” Get rid of them during the “acquisition” process, that is, watch your diet. Otherwise, you will have to fight a “fierce battle” with a dubious result. In general, in 2016 everything needs to be done in a timely manner, without shelving it.

Horoscope for Taurus women

For beautiful ladies born under the sign of Taurus, it is best not to get bogged down in professional issues. The fact is that throughout the year there will be a high probability of a breakdown or scandal. It is not so easy for the nervous system to withstand such enormous loads. Some ladies may even lose their jobs as a result of overexertion. The stars strongly recommend not to accept this as a tragedy. This can only happen to those who are destined for a more successful and profitable place to “apply their talents.” By the end of the year, you yourself (if this happens) will laugh at your experiences.

Instead of being sad about missed deadlines or other production problems, take care of your appearance. Look in the mirror: are you given such attractiveness as to ruin it with early wrinkles or paleness and eyes red from crying? Of course not! Believe me, you are very much appreciated for who you are. Try not to disappoint your fans. One (or several) of them will be happy to solve all your problems. Just don’t catch his eye with your disheveled look. Otherwise, you will have to drag the whole cart yourself!

The stars laugh! Not over you, but over your confusion. Believe me, you yourself will laugh when it’s all over! The Fire Monkey will force Taurus males to do things that have never occurred to them in their lives. Maybe creativity will come to them in work or love? Or perhaps this Angel will take you by the hand and begin to lead you out of the confusing situation into which Taurus has driven himself? The period will not be easy. However, you can do it, who would doubt it! There is nothing that a Taurus man cannot do!

You also have to take an “inventory” of your inner values. Take a closer look at those around you. Do you have close relationships with those people, do you trust them? 2016 will dot the i's. Don’t be sad when it turns out that your circle of loved ones is rapidly shrinking. You shouldn’t feel sorry for the people who pull you to the bottom, both financially and morally. Loyal and reliable friends will definitely come in their place. Together you will pave the way to happiness for yourself and your passionately beloved lady!

Neptune will rule your dreams and relationships with friends throughout 2016. It will make you a little more dreamy and compassionate. The situation will reach its climax with the lunar eclipse on September 16, 2016. The friendship may be broken, or you may be able to create a more trusting relationship; realize your dream or realize that you no longer dream about it. Neptune will be sextile (and this is a favorable sign) to the Sun for those Taurus born between April 26 and May 2, enhancing your intuition, creativity and spirituality.

Pluto in this sector of the horoscope throughout 2016 will contribute to the tendency to learn, as will Mars, being in this sector of the horoscope from October to early November 2016. You may be more motivated to continue your education, eager to discover more opportunities to change yourself and your life. Mercury retrograde will be in this sector of the horoscope in January and December, so if you have already received higher education and want to do it again, now is the time. Travel can also open up new opportunities during this time period.

Pluto will be in trine to the Sun (positive aspect) for those born May 3-8, 2016. This position of the planets will give these people a chance to become stronger and gain more control over their lives, to make changes for the better.

Love horoscope for 2016 Taurus

Throughout 2016, Saturn will be in your intimate sector of the horoscope, and it will require you to take a serious approach to relationships. You'll be able to let go of people with whom you don't feel a strong connection and form relationships with people who you think will take it seriously. You may find that sex is unsatisfying without deep intimacy with your partner, which can lead to dryness if you don't have that.

This will show up even more with Mars retrograde in the relationships sector from mid-April to May, and you may be able to re-evaluate your relationships. What do you need to form strong relationships, intimacy, and satisfaction with your loved ones, and what prevents you from meeting these needs? This is an issue that you will be able to fully concentrate on in 2016 with Saturn in the intimacy sector and Mars in these two sectors all the time until September 2016.

Jupiter will try to bring some lightness to this duet when it transits the love sector until September. Normally, this is a time for you to enjoy love and yourself, but Jupiter's action will wane under the influence of Saturn. It will be easier for you to fall in love, even though it is unusual for you. And you will feel more love for your loved ones. September could be an important month for your love with the September 1st solar eclipse in your love sector of the horoscope and Mercury retrograde being here for the first three weeks of September. Renew your relationship, try to remember how it felt when everything just began and was so new, and find the strength for passion again. Overall, 2016 will be a good year for Taurus in love and relationships.

Career horoscope for 2016 Taurus

Almost at the very beginning of 2016, Mercury will appear in a retrograde position in the career sector of the Taurus horoscope. This will happen on January 5th, so you may experience a temporary surge of energy or short-term doubts about your career direction at the beginning of the year, but this will pass quickly. The lunar eclipse on March 23 in the working sector of the horoscope will be good time reap significant benefits from your efforts, be recognized for your professional achievements, or quit your job.

In September, Jupiter will appear in the sector of the career horoscope, and from this moment a favorable period for work will begin, lasting a year. You will work on a big project and open up new opportunities for yourself. This will also be a great time to look for a new job. The opportunity to change jobs will arise even if you were not looking for it. Mars will be in the career horoscope sector from November to mid-December, and you will become more ambitious and persistent in achieving your goals, and the professional year 2016 will end successfully for Taurus.

Family horoscope for 2016 Taurus

Jupiter in this sector of the horoscope rules relationships with children until early September, so if you have children, they may encounter new opportunities and gain new experiences and understand the world better. This may be scary for the parents and it may be difficult to accept, but everything will benefit the offspring and Jupiter is on their side. The solar eclipse in this sector of the horoscope on September 1 may bring something wonderful for them, but Mercury will be in retrograde position in this sector of the horoscope in September, so children may face bad luck too. Growing up hurts for us all sometimes! But Jupiter will help smooth out relationships with children for most of the year.

Pluto in this sector of the horoscope will manage your relationships with the older generation and distant relatives throughout 2016. So your relationship with them will transform and evolve as you learn how to maintain a balance of power. You can spend more energy on this when from October to mid-November in the horoscope sector family relations Mars will appear. Mercury retrograde can cause some problems in relationships at the beginning and end of the year - in January and December.

Mental horoscope for 2016 Taurus

Uranus will rule your subconscious and past issues in 2016, so you will continue to use different alternative methods of working with the subconscious and be able to accept the past. You tend to be traditional, but sometimes unconventional approaches can bring you the most benefit in these situations.

Saturn in this sector of the horoscope will influence your deep-seated problems throughout the year, encouraging you to bring to the surface what you have been hiding deep inside for years. You can no longer run away or push them deeper without causing pain and problems. This can be most difficult when Mars is retrograde in this sector of the horoscope from mid-April to late May, and you will have to face truths and painful wounds. What previously did not require your attention will now require it and you will not be able to hide. The planets want you to grow and transform into a better version of yourself, and everything is needed to do just that. You will be disappointed in something, but only in order to build everything anew: bigger, better and more beautiful.

Mercury will be retrograde in this sector of the horoscope from mid-April to mid-May, and at the same time Mars will be retrograde, so this will be the most difficult time for you and you will not be able to escape from your demons. And don't run. Turn your face to them, and they will become not so terrible.

Tarot horoscope for 2016 Taurus

Isolation, Hoarder, Letting Go

Something important may come up at the end of 2016 for Taurus, but it may be something you don't want to end. You may want to hold on to it for as long as possible, refusing to accept that it's over because you don't want to deal with the pain of emptiness. But by doing this, you are holding back your further progress and are unable to see all the opportunities that lie in front of you. Don't try to hold it. Let go. Allow yourself to feel everything that you don’t want, but that you need to feel. You can finally heal and move on to the next level of better opportunities that await you.

Horoscope for each month of 2016 for Taurus

Horoscope for January 2016 Taurus

You may be puzzled at the beginning of the year about how to gain new experiences, but don't rack your brains over it. Instead, take a closer look at your past experiences that brought you satisfaction. Now you can find completely new ways to enjoy it, and thus gain new experiences.

Horoscope for February 2016 Taurus

This month you may want to spend more time with your loved ones. You will feel better with them than without them. It seems that together you feel more energy, drive and positivity, and it is easier for you to move in the right direction. Make sure you show how much you appreciate everything they do for you and return the favor.

Horoscope for March 2016 Taurus

You will be able to significantly step out of your comfort zone this month, and this can lead to new opportunities in realizing your dreams, as well as help you reach a new level in your career. You might be noticed by the right people, or you might achieve something you've been working hard on lately. Enjoy it because you deserve it.

Horoscope for April 2016 Taurus

This month may be hard because you will try to get as much as possible for yourself, but is it right for you? Perhaps it is your subconscious that is pushing you to be so greedy, so try to figure out what is behind it and how you can change it. As long as you act this way, you may experience difficulties in relationships.

Horoscope for June 2016 Taurus

With Mercury retrograde in your sign for most of the month, you'll want to practice patience, give yourself more free time, and not be too hard on yourself. Instead, allow yourself to work in a direction where you would like to give yourself a second chance. This is the time for you to try again and achieve the desired result. Don't be afraid to try a second time.

Horoscope for July 2016 Taurus

It seems that this month you are not very tolerant towards others, especially friends. You've been a little manic in your relationship for the past few months, and it's time to put things into perspective. You can focus on your friends first and then work on your relationships with all the people in your life. You will feel better once your efforts begin to pay off.

Horoscope for August 2016 Taurus

You will be completely focused on what you want to do right now, and everything else will fade into the background. You have a lot of energy and drive not only to take action right away, but also to keep it going and see it through, no matter what. This will require a lot of time, discipline and attention, not to mention the strength of desire, but you have it all. Use this and see what happens.

Horoscope for September 2016 Taurus

Make sure you plan enough time for your vacation in September. You have the energy for this, and it seems that work has become boring for you for some time. You're tired, your focus and discipline have weakened, and you want someone to help you get through it all. You need a break, so take every opportunity to do so. Don't demand or expect too much from yourself, and try to have a little fun.

Horoscope for October 2016 Taurus

This could be an excellent month to do something new and exciting. Be brave and reckless. Go to a distant and exotic country, choose a destination and be open to the world, give yourself enough freedom to do whatever you want. No rules, no attachments. Be wild and carefree. Dare to dream and seize the chance.

Horoscope for November 2016 Taurus

This month you will be more practical and want to focus on the goals you have set for yourself. You feel the end of the year approaching and want to make sure that you have not wasted your time. This month, Taurus will be motivated to do something significant that they can be proud of. Work hard, be disciplined and get progress on what you really want.

Horoscope for December 2016 Taurus

You'll continue to focus on the big picture as you approach the end of 2016 and think about what you'd like for the next year. Plan, set goals, think about the future and dream boldly. At the end of the month, you may feel that not everything in life is going the way you would like, and you will want radical changes, but it is better not to rush. Be patient and things will get better.

2016 will be a relatively stable year. Undoubtedly, this year you will experience a number of unexpected turns and difficult situations, but in general there will be more positive and constructive events than negative ones. First of all, it is worth noting the increased influence of the Moon, which is traditionally responsible for the prosperity and vitality of Taurus.

In other words, the location of the Moon in the horoscope for 2016 for Taurus indicates that during this period representatives of this sign will be able to acquire what they have been deprived of all this time. It is difficult to say how strong the influence of this celestial body will be on the lives of representatives of your zodiac sign, but there is no doubt that you, dear Taurus, can still count on its powerful and dynamic support in truly difficult situations. This is more of a nice bonus than a solid foundation that you can rely on when planning an event. Rely only on your own strengths, give it your all, and maybe then (and only then!) you will be able to get help, being just a couple of steps away from your goal - and not some “superhero” will help you, but a loved one Human. In general, Luga is responsible for your social circle; she teaches you to control your emotions and direct your life in a direction favorable to you.

Forecast for 2016 for Taurus, divided into main periods

From the beginning of 2016 until mid-May, the Moon will indirectly influence your life. In winter and early spring, Taurus will also feel the influence of dark Pluto, which has destructive power. It is not difficult to guess that the influence of these luminaries is unlikely to make this period positive. You will have to mobilize all your resources. Under no circumstances give in to provocations - even if they come from those people whom you have known for a long time and to whom you have already become accustomed. In fact, even that friendship that seemed strong and almost indestructible to you can easily turn into hostility or even open hostility. Best friends can become sworn enemies, and this is in no way reminiscent of the relationship between Tom and Jerry from the cartoon - the reality in most cases is much more serious and large-scale. Taking into account all of the above, the psychology of men becomes more understandable: they face a problem, deal with it “like a man”, hitting each other a couple of times, and then go to a bar to “heal their wounds” and become friends again. Women - especially ladies born under the constellation Taurus - use much more complex tactics. However, we are not saying here that you should adhere to the biblical commandment of forgiveness. Let's face it: if a person is truly bad and does not have high moral principles, then you should not even think about showing respect towards him.

The period from the end of May to the end of June will be the time of the Moon, the patron saint of Taurus. The influence of this celestial body will manifest itself in full force, and the dynamics of the positive effects of this influence will become maximum. In the first half of summer, try to resolve as many different issues related to relationships as possible. Do not be afraid of radical decisions and the most drastic measures. Sometimes this strategy is the most suitable - it will literally free your hands. Due to their character traits, Taurus tend to “complicate” everything, and their excessive emotionality can only add fuel to the fire. However, you should not think that you are literally responsible for everything - it is quite enough to realize the harmlessness of the events taking place: this understanding will help you draw reasonable conclusions and ultimately come to a compromise. If you learn to control your feelings and rely primarily on reason rather than emotions, then everything will be fine. We do not suggest that you turn into an “unfeeling blockhead” or a “logical soulless machine.” Try to find a balance - something between two extremes: this will be your path to success.

In the second half of the summer of 2016, a new phase will begin in the life of Taurus, which will last until early autumn (until the end of September). During this period, representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to reach a fundamentally new level in terms of perception of the surrounding reality. In fact, such changes await only those Taurus who turned out to be the most honest and unbiased towards themselves at the previous stage. Without delving into the jungle of metaphysical principles, we can say that the laws of karma work here. If you behaved “properly” in the first half of 2016, then you will now reap the fruits of your labor, and this harvest may turn out to be very bountiful and very pleasant for you. But who will judge your actions? Of course, you yourself or your conscience. During the period from late summer to early autumn of 2016, you will be able to objectively evaluate yourself and reflect on your recent actions. You will feel that you are now able to analyze such volumes of information that you previously could not access, or they simply did not lend themselves to your understanding. Here we are talking not only about “dry” information, but also about the feelings and experiences of other people. All these processes are the result of the strengthening of the dynamics of Venus, combined with the influence of the still strong Moon, which continues to influence your life, despite the fact that the strength of its influence is gradually waning.

The end of autumn and winter of 2016 will not bring any significant changes to the life of Taurus; representatives of this sign can expect only a few changes in the professional sphere. Again, this is all very individual and depends on the specific life circumstances of each person. For people born under the constellation Taurus, the last months of 2016 will generally be stable and calm. You will be able to fully understand all the events of this year and summarize all the consequences and outcomes of your actions. In general, all this is quite logical, but you should not think that with the end of the calendar year this special period in your life will end. Firstly, according to Chinese horoscope, the year of the Monkey ends on January 27, 2017, and for some reason many people lose sight of the subtleties and small details. Secondly, in the horoscope for 2016 - especially in the horoscope for Taurus - there are indications that in December 2016, completely new processes for us will begin to take place in our lives, which will be fundamentally different from what was before. earlier, and in general will seem vague and incomprehensible to us. This could be a change of job or a transition to a fundamentally new level of self-awareness. Don't be afraid of change - boldly welcome it, invite it into your life, make space for it if necessary. It's time to get rid of old and ineffective methods of communication, as well as unwanted qualities and character traits. It's time to stop making the habitual mistakes that you have made so often in the past. At the end of 2016, you will have a chance to look at the processes taking place in your life from a different perspective, and this new perspective can give you a lot.