Marinade for pork shish kebab. Pork kebab - the marinade is the most delicious so that the meat is soft! Milk marinade with vegetables

You can go to a barbecue with family and friends at any time of the year, the main thing is that the rain does not extinguish the fire or the coals in the grill. There are no specific seasons for preparing wonderful pork kebab. Both in winter and summer, aromatic pork kebab will decorate any table.

Meat has never been famous for its cheapness, so its choice must be approached carefully and attentively. Delicious kebab is made from pork, the meat is soft, with fat melting from the heat, dripping onto the vegetables, giving off incredible aromas. Such a spectacle can be seen by choosing not only a successful piece of meat, but also choosing the most delicious marinade for pork kebab.

How to choose the right cut of pork for barbecue

The main secrets of preparing a successful pork kebab

Marinade recipes for pork shish kebab

Marinade for pork shish kebab with vinegar

(recipe for 1 - 1.5 kg of meat)

Cut the previously peeled onion into the prepared meat into rings. Add pepper and bay leaf to the raw shish kebab along with the onion. This marinade for pork kebab is prepared with salt, as it is dissolved in water along with sugar, vinegar is added, and mixed well.

Marinade - sugar and salt dissolved in water and vinegar, poured over pieces of pork and onions mixed with pepper. Let it brew for about 3.5 hours in a cool place, not in the sun, but in the shade.

Marinade for pork kebab with kefir

(recipe for 1.5 kg of meat)

The prepared meat should be mixed with black pepper and suneli hops and left for half an hour. Then grate the onion on a fine grater, half the specified amount. Add to meat, mix well. After a few minutes, pour in kefir, mix well so that all the pieces are covered, add the onion cut into rings and powdered sugar. Stir again, leave the pork kebab marinade, which will soak the meat for 5-6 hours. You can leave it for 10 hours, it will only taste better.

Marinade for pork shish kebab with pomegranate juice

(recipe for 2 kg of meat)

The beauty of this recipe is that no matter what spices and seasonings you choose, it will invariably give off a pomegranate flavor, become soft and piquant in taste.

  • Seasonings and spices - ground black and white pepper, cumin and coriander, oregano, paprika. Any dried herbs, bay leaf.
  • Onions – 3 pieces.
  • Pomegranate juice, natural, not packaged – half a liter.
  • Salt - to taste when serving.

Prepare the meat, cut the onion into rings, add to the raw kebab and leave for an hour. Then mix with spices and marinate for another hour. Then pour pomegranate juice, mix well and leave overnight or day, in general, for 8 hours.

Marinade for pork shish kebab on onions

(recipe for 1 kg of meat)

Grate half the onion, cut half into rings, not very large, preferably thinner. To the prepared pieces of meat, washed and dried, add the onion cut into rings, mix very well, leave for an hour. Then add marinade consisting of a mixture of spices and pepper, grated onion to the pork kebab. Mix well and cover the bowl with cling film. Leave in the dark and cool overnight.

Marinade for pork shish kebab with lemon

(recipe for 1 kg of meat)

Mix the chopped, washed, dried meat with spices and mix well with your hands. Then you need to add the zest of 2 lemons. This is easy to do - remove the peel from the lemon using a fine grater, add to the meat and stir. We supplement the marinade for pork shish kebab with onion, cut into rings, mix well with meat and spices. It is better to cut the onion into not very thick rings so that it gives more of its juice to the meat. Leave for an hour, then add the juice of 1 lemon. We marinate for about 5 hours, you can leave it overnight, it’s even better, the meat will become more pliable for frying and not dry out.

Mineral water marinade for pork shish kebab

(recipe for 4 kg of meat)

When there is a large amount of meat, and it urgently needs to be marinated, the best remedy is mineral water. It quickly makes the meat soft and juicy. And by adding some non-standard ingredients, the marinade for pork kebab will be perfect.

  • Mineral water, carbonated – 1.5 liter bottle.
  • Onion – 1 kilogram.
  • Dried tomatoes and dried paprika. Mixtures of these ingredients are available and sold in stores.
  • Coriander beans (also called dried cilantro) – half a teaspoon.
  • Black pepper, ground – 1 tablespoon. You need a lot of pepper, as mineral water kills its aroma, but if large quantities are used, it will taste great.
  • Salt - to taste when serving.

We prepare the meat, wash it, cut it and dry it. Cut the onion into rings, thin, mix well with the meat, leave for an hour, two, so that the pork is saturated with onion juice. Then add coriander, ground black pepper, mix well, add dried vegetable mixture (tomatoes and paprika), mix again.

Now pour the main part of the marinade – mineral water – into the pork kebab. Pour in the meat so that the water slightly covers the pieces of meat. It is better to leave for 8 hours, preferably overnight. Wrap the vessel with shish kebab in cling film and store it in a cool, dark place.

Marinade for pork shish kebab with red wine

(recipe for 1 kg of meat)

We wash the meat well, cut it into cubes and dry it. Rub the pork with seasonings and spices, add bay leaves. Mix very well and leave for an hour. In the meantime, peel and cut the onion into rings or half rings, as in the end it will be convenient for you to put it on a skewer. Add to the meat, stir so that the onion gives juice, and the marinade for pork shish kebab gets its “shish kebab” flavor.

We leave the meat with onions and seasonings in a dark and cool place for a while, and after an hour you can pour wine over the pork and mix again. The kebab should marinate for about 12 hours, if possible, let it sit a little longer.

Marinade for pork shish kebab with cognac and herbs

Let's start preparing the marinade for the prepared meat. You need to mix the juice of 2 lemons with sunflower oil in a separate bowl. Add the herbs, rubbing them well with your hands or in a mortar and pestle. This will release the aroma and saturate the meat with it faster. To make the marinade for pork shish kebab piquant, add cognac, then ground red pepper. Mix everything well.

Now rub the pork well with the marinade, pour it in and knead it with your hands to be sure that each piece has received its portion of the “hoppy” dressing. It is recommended to leave the kebab for at least 2 hours.

Marinade for pork shish kebab with sour cream and mayonnaise with herbs

Prepare the marinade for the pork shish kebab by chopping the onion on a grater or in a blender and turning it into a puree. Mix it well with the prepared pieces of meat, leave for an hour so that the meat absorbs onion juice properly.

After this time, add seasonings and spices, mix well again and leave for another hour. If you marinate shish kebab in this way, you can get the most intense taste from each marinade ingredient.

Now add mayonnaise mixed with sour cream, soak the meat well, stirring with your hands. Leave overnight in a cool and dark place, wrapping the dishes in cling film.

Marinade for pork shish kebab with mustard and soy sauce with cilantro (recipe for 0.5 kg of meat)

This spicy marinade for pork shish kebab is great for both grilling and barbecuing meat. All ingredients must be mixed and mixed well. Coat the prepared pork well with the marinade, stir until each piece is coated with the dressing. Leave for 3-4 hours in a cool and dark place, under cling film.

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Warm days have finally arrived! Who wants to sit at home in good weather? “Hurry, hurry out of the city, into nature,” the soul calls, and thinking about the upcoming trip makes you feel even warmer and happier.

And in nature, in the fresh air, a great appetite always awakens. And even unimportant eaters in normal times, having inhaled the intoxicating aromas of the forest or having worked on their beloved six hundred square meters, begin to really want to eat. In such a situation, everyone invariably has one simple thought: “I would eat an elephant.” Stop. No need for an elephant. Better sit down in the shade on a comfortable stump and reinforce your strength with the most favorite dish of all vacationers - delicious kebab! Made from the most flavorful pork! Hot, hot, hot! Beauty!

But in order to have such a pleasant and comfortable dinner with the whole company on vacation, you need to prepare in advance on the eve of the desired trip. Buy meat, marinate it properly, and then fry the kebab, and do it correctly, according to all the rules. After all, you don’t want to get a pile of pieces, hard as a sole, and even burnt, instead of juicy, nutritious pieces?

In fact, you also need to know how to cook shish kebab so that it turns out really tasty. Now we will share with you all the secrets and subtleties of this craft.

How to deliciously marinate pork for barbecue so that the meat turns out soft

Real, proper shish kebab is juicy, but at the same time well fried. It is necessarily soft, but with a thin crispy crust, with a light (and I mean light!) hint of coal in its aroma. Let's learn how to cook just such a kebab.

Today we will look at all the cooking secrets:

We prepare shish kebab in different ways:

So let's get started:

Step 1 How to choose meat for barbecue

We will start, of course, from the very foundation of this culinary masterpiece - with the choice of meat. In short, in a nutshell: we take the best meat suitable for our dish.

So, we are going to make pork kebab. In general, pork is very suitable for this dish; if you choose it, you won’t lose. For it is this type of meat that meets the main requirements - softness and juiciness.

This is because pork is always rich in fat, and it is thanks to fat that the finished dish can avoid becoming dry and tough in the end.

Therefore, firstly, choose pork with small streaks of fat throughout the piece, or with a thin layer of fat evenly lying on top of the selected part.

Secondly, look carefully to ensure that the piece of meat you like does not have any substandard inclusions such as veins. We take, as we have already said, only the most selected, beautiful piece. It literally has to please you visually. Typically, pork neck, ham and ribs satisfy these requirements. The pork shoulder is a little tougher, but in principle it will do just fine.

Thirdly, do not look towards the back of the carcass, as it has more developed muscles and, accordingly, is quite tough.

Fourthly, proper barbecue meat is only fresh. This means no freezing. When you come to the market, be careful: under the guise fresh meat Sometimes they can sell defrosted. Remember: fresh meat is always elastic and quite dense to the touch. There should be no looseness, no dents from touching it.

Fifthly, it often happens that unscrupulous sellers, in an attempt to make money, try to increase the weight of meat by pumping it with water. Buying such meat is a sure way to ruin your mood, since good food You definitely can’t cook from it. Therefore, before buying, do not be shy, carefully touch the piece you like: it should not be wet and sticky, but only dry, but at the same time be a little shiny in appearance.

And finally, sixthly: carefully calculate the amount of finished dish you need by weight. And after that, go to the market and buy exactly one and a half times more pork. The point is that due to high content Fat, this type of meat tends to greatly decrease in volume during the frying process. Therefore, do not take risks, take pork with a reserve, because it will be very unpleasant if family and friends remain hungry.

Step 2. How to cut meat for pork kebab. What kind of pieces should there be to make the meat juicy?

So, the meat has been purchased and you are full of enthusiasm to start cooking. Proper cutting determines whether the meat is cooked well and does not dry out, losing the necessary softness.

Therefore, firstly, remember the volume of meat pieces: approximately the size of a box of matches. It can be a little smaller, but not less than 3 cm on each side.

Secondly, take a close look at the meat. Do you see such light strings of veins on it? These are meat fibers. Cut the pieces exactly across them. This cutting method will ensure that the pieces of meat retain their original shape after cooking.

Thirdly, if you choose meat with a thin layer of fat throughout the piece, cut it so that the fat is located on top of each future piece. You can even cut along the grain if you can’t do otherwise. But each piece must have fat on top. Then, when frying, it will melt and soak the meat, providing it with softness and juiciness.

Fourth, if you choose ribs, cut them in pairs, that is, two bones for each piece.

Step 3 How to make marinade for pork kebab

Well, now we get to the marinade. Here the scope for the culinary imagination is simply limitless. Each type of marinade did not arise out of nowhere, but depending on the different circumstances in the kitchen that each cook encountered. After all, there were times when people were not always able to get ideal meat, and then simpler raw materials were used, and therefore tougher and coarser. Therefore, it was necessary to show imagination in order to bring the meat to the required softness and juiciness.

The basic rule for marinating meat for barbecue is to do it in some liquid that has a sour taste. It is this environment that allows you to soften the meat and make it more tender.

The main nuance here is that the marinade in the end should in no case “overwhelm” the taste of the meat itself. All other additives only emphasize its aroma and do not suppress it. Below we will offer you different variants suitable marinade, but for now let’s note some more important points.

It is not customary to salt meat either in advance or during the roasting process. The fact is that salt has the property of drawing out liquid, which means it will successfully dehydrate the meat. As a result, the end result will be tough pieces that lack proper flavor.

Dishes with marinated meat are placed exclusively in the cold. In a warm environment, the product runs the risk of simply deteriorating.

It is also worth carefully calculating in advance the time during which you plan to marinate the meat. The rule here is simple: the softer the pieces, the longer they are kept in the marinade. Experience shows that meat marinates well for at least 8 hours. But sometimes it is necessary to keep it in the marinade for 12 or 18 hours.

Here is another reason to choose higher quality meat - it can be marinated shortly before the intended picnic. Because tough meat will have to be kept in the marinade for much longer, and special tricks will have to be used to better soften it. We'll talk about these tricks now.

7 delicious marinades for pork kebab to keep the meat soft and juicy. Advantages and disadvantages

Let's figure out which marinade to choose for our meat. After all, the taste of the finished dish largely depends on this. And we will choose taking into account all the pros and cons.

1) Shish kebab with vinegar and onions. Correct proportions for the Soviet recipe. Pros and cons of vinegar marinade

So, let’s take a marinade that has gained popularity in our country for a very long time. This is ordinary vinegar, slightly diluted with water.

Why was this recipe so widespread? Yes because in Soviet time There was a widespread food shortage; everything had to be literally obtained, and meat was no exception. Therefore, when a Soviet person decided to enjoy shish kebab, he had to be content with the meat that he was able to purchase, and it, as a rule, was tough and not very presentable in appearance.

But a delicious dish requires only the best meat. So we had to resort to cunning in order to turn a second-class product into something acceptable and more or less tasty. Therefore, vinegar marinade was used everywhere. The name “Soviet” even stuck to it. After all, vinegar in this situation has the undeniable property of turning even the toughest pieces of meat into soft and juicy ones.

  • Take a couple of kilograms of pork
  • a lot of onions, 4 large onions
  • half to two thirds cup of apple cider vinegar
  • black pepper

The meat is cut quite large, each piece the size of a box of matches.

The onion is cut into fairly thick rings.

In a glass or enamel bowl of a suitable size, mix the pork with onion rings and pepper.

The vinegar is diluted with water by about half. You need to try this liquid before pouring it into the meat. Its taste should be sour, but still not sharp. If it tastes too sour, add a little more water.

The resulting vinegar solution is poured over the meat. It should be completely covered with marinade.

Any oppression is placed on top.

Cover the dishes and leave everything to marinate overnight in a cool place.

Here we would like to draw your attention to the fact that vinegar for marinating meat is a rather insidious substance. Without knowing its properties, you can easily spoil the meat. Therefore, remember the following:

Marinate only tough meat in vinegar solution. This type of marinade is absolutely not suitable for soft marinade! Under its influence, soft meat will simply become loose and unsuitable for future dishes.

A vinegar marinade will serve you very well if too much time must pass between the stages of marinating meat and cooking it, and you are concerned about the safety of the product. It is in the vinegar solution that you have a chance to transport the future delicacy to its destination without spoiling it.

Do not cut the pork finely! The vinegar will cause pieces that are too small to dry out during frying.

The vinegar marinade has one more disadvantage: it quite significantly “clogs” the taste of the meat itself. But, however, if the meat is not first grade, then this fact does not matter.

Therefore, remember once again the rules for using the “Soviet” marinade: only for tough meat not of the highest grade, only for long-term storage and only for fairly large pieces.

Still, now there is no shortage of products, which means you will most likely have a good meat fillet on your hands. Therefore, try other marinades that are more suitable for prime meat.

2 How to cook pork kebab in mayonnaise with onions

After such a marinade, the kebab turns out to be very tender, but at the same time has a delicious, appetizing crust.

Prepare foods:

  • Meat about 2 kilograms
  • Half a liter of mayonnaise, but in no case diet! It’s better to generally use high-fat mayonnaise
  • Half a kilo of onions

Everything is prepared very simply.

Chop the meat and onions and mix them.

Pour mayonnaise over everything, stir thoroughly and compact.

Cover the dishes on top and put them in a cool place.

3 Pork shish kebab in its own juice with onion and lemon

This marinade retains the original smell of meat better than others.

Prepare for him:

  • A couple of kilos of pork
  • At least a kilogram of onions.
  • One big lemon.

Cut the meat.

Peel the onion and - attention - do not cut it, but turn it through a meat grinder.

Squeeze the juice out of the lemon well.

Mix onion mixture with juice.

Now mix this mass with meat.

Be sure to put oppression on top.

That's it, send it to the cold.

4 Marinade for pork with soy sauce. Soy sauce marinade recipe for juicy meat

Thanks to this marinade you will get a truly oriental dish. Very juicy and spicy!

Let's take:

  • 4 tablespoons sesame oil
  • 5 tablespoons soy sauce
  • A couple of heads of garlic
  • A couple of tablespoons of sugar
  • Paprika
  • Bay leaf
  • 8 large onions

Cut the pork

Chop the peeled onion and garlic very finely. The smaller the better.

Mix soy sauce with butter, sugar and paprika.

Mix everything with pieces of pork, not forgetting to add a few whole bay leaves.

Press down on top with pressure.

Cover and store in a cool place.

5 Marinade for shish kebab with mineral water

An inexpensive and simple marinade, it is, however, good because, while softening the fillet, it does not damage its texture at all.


  • a couple of kilos of meat
  • A liter bottle of mineral water, only carbonated
  • Paprika
  • Rosemary
  • Khmeli-suneli seasoning

Simply rub the chopped meat with seasonings and pour over it mineral water so that it is completely covered with it.

Be sure to tamp down well.

Cover and refrigerate.

6 Marinade for pork kebab with kefir

And in conclusion, we offer you a very simple and light, but always tasty kefir marinade. Thanks to him, the meat turns out just to lick your fingers.

For this marinade take:

  • About a liter of kefir. It can also be replaced with ayran.
  • A couple of kilos of pork
  • A couple of onions
  • A large bunch of fresh cilantro (if you don’t like it, cook without it)

Place the pork, cut into pieces, in an enamel bowl in layers, alternating with finely chopped onion and also finely chopped, almost to crumbs, chopped cilantro.

Attention: each layer (meat-onion-cilantro) must be filled with kefir.

Compact well and refrigerate.

Marinade for pork with kiwi

Do you want to cook meat in an unusual marinade? Try making it with kiwi. The meat will be tender and juicy, the kiwi marinates the pork very quickly. All the details are in the video.

How to cook shashlik in a jar is tastier than on the grill. All the cooking secrets

So, we have looked at recipes for different marinades for pork. And, of course, you can’t wait to try everything out in action. But here’s the problem – there is no opportunity to go out into nature yet. Dont be upset. Prepare it at home in a jar. We assure you, it will turn out no worse than on the grill.


  • pork, about a kilo
  • 3-4 pieces of onions

Cut the meat into small pieces; it will be enough to make pieces of 3 by 3 centimeters.

Pre-marinate it using any method suggested above.

Since we are not going to cook over a fire and do not risk drying out the meat, be sure to salt it.

Thread the meat pieces onto skewers, alternating them with raw onion rings.

Carefully place the skewers with meat in a three-liter jar vertically. Most likely, for this amount of meat you will need not one can, but two.

Wrap the neck of the jar with the skewers protruding from it properly with foil.

Now be careful.

We don't heat the oven! Just like that, in the cold, we install our jars.

Now set the oven indicator to a low setting. high temperature, 180 degrees will be enough.

Close the oven and note the time. Let the dish cook for an hour or a little more. After the set time has passed, turn off the oven.

Under no circumstances should you rush to open it, no matter how tempting the meat aromas attract you. Let the jars stand like this for another seven minutes.

Well, now you can finally open the oven. Don't rush to take out the finished dish! It must stand for at least 5 minutes.

Now you can take the jars out of the oven and take out the delicious kebab.

How to properly grill pork shish kebab on the grill. Step-by-step cooking recipe with photo illustrations

So, you went out into the countryside, the pork was marinated, the fire burned properly. It's time to start cooking. There are also many subtleties in this matter, without which you cannot get a good dish. Now we will teach you them.

First of all, you need the right fire. The light should be calm, without a hot flame.

For a fire, use only deciduous wood, preferably fruit trees - cherries, sweet cherries. If you use coniferous species, the meat will be bitter.

When the fire burns out, start cooking.

Be sure to grease the meat skewers with any fat.

Salt the meat only before cooking. If you add salt in advance, the meat will turn out dry.

String the pieces on them, piercing them in the center. If you took rack of pork ribs, drag the skewer between the bones. If the meat has a layer of fat, place the pieces so that the fat is only on top.

Contrary to popular tradition, we do not recommend that you alternate pieces of meat with onions, vegetables and lard. The fact is that vegetables cook faster than meat. And at the end you risk getting pieces of meat with burnt onions or tomatoes. And the fat flowing down from the pieces of lard causes the coals to smoke, which will have an extremely negative effect on the taste.

Place skewers with meat at least 15 cm from the coals so that your kebab does not burn. But don’t push this further, otherwise you risk getting dry, dried meat instead of juicy fried meat.

After you have placed all the skewers, do not even think about relaxing and moving away from the grill anywhere - you will ruin all your hard work! Stay nearby, watch carefully and be sure to rotate the skewers every 5 minutes.

When the meat turns light in color where the skewers were pierced, everything is ready.

If the weather is still bad and you still haven’t made it out, here are a few more ways to prepare this wonderful dish at home.

Pork shish kebab in a frying pan - fast and tasty


  • kilogram of pork
  • 150 grams of ghee
  • Half a kilo of onions

Cut the meat, but not coarsely, and marinate it in any desired way.

Chop the onion into rings.

Melt butter in a hot frying pan.

Fry the prepared meat in it until golden brown, 15-20 minutes on each side.

Add onion.

Close the pan with a lid and simmer the dish for another 10 minutes.

Shish kebab in the oven on skewers or on a baking sheet without skewers.

Prepare a kilogram of pork and the other ingredients required for the marinade you like.

Marinate the meat pieces. Don't forget to add salt to the marinade.

Grease a rimmed baking sheet thoroughly with any fat.

Place the meat pieces on skewers. If they are not there, then you can place the meat directly on a baking sheet in one layer.

Place in a preheated oven.

Every 10 minutes, add the used marinade to the meat in small portions. For this purpose, more marinade should be made, with a reserve.

After frying on one side, turn the meat over to the other. Continue cooking.

Pork kebab in the oven in the sleeve. Cooking shish kebab on an onion bed

The meat here will be especially tender.

For a kilo of pork, take half a kilo of onion.

Marinate the meat along with the chopped onions the way you want.

Place the prepared onion in the sleeve in a thick, uniform layer.

Place the meat on top of the onion layer. Turn the package over to the other side.

Tie the sleeve and place in a preheated oven for an hour.

After an hour, remove and carefully untie the bag.

Shish kebab in an air fryer

You can also cook wonderful soft meat in an air fryer. See the video for all the details.

Shish kebab in an electric kebab maker - how to cook tasty and juicy meat

If you have become the proud owner of such a miracle of technology as an electric kebab maker, then you are incredibly lucky. Now you can treat yourself and your loved ones to barbecue every day. It is very easy to prepare it using this unit, and the taste is no worse than on the grill. Well, except that it won’t smell like coal.

Prepare the pork as necessary: ​​cut it and marinate it in any marinade of your choice.

When using this method of cooking, cut the meat into smaller pieces.

Don't forget to salt the marinade.

Now that the meat is marinated, carefully place it on the skewers. You shouldn’t be too zealous and string a lot of pieces, otherwise there will be a risk of them sliding down under their own weight.

Now we place the skewers with meat on the kebab maker vertically. Make sure that the sharp edges of the skewers are firmly seated in the grooves below.

That's it, you can turn on the device. The frying process has begun.

You can close the barbecue grill with a special cap before turning it on. Then you will protect your kitchen from splashes of fat and meat juice. Just time the desired time for the meat to be cooked (about 20 minutes).

But if you still want to control the frying process yourself, leave the kebab maker open.

In about 20 minutes, wonderful juicy meat will be ready.

Well, now you know almost everything about barbecue: what kind of meat to choose for it, all the intricacies of frying, whether over a fire or just at home, how you can deliciously marinate pork so that it remains juicy... Isn’t it true that the variety makes your eyes wide open?

But there are many sunny days ahead, when you can get out into nature and try in practice all the ways to deliciously marinate a dish beloved by many. Cook without rushing, create alone or together with loved ones, find out which marinade you think is the most delicious. As a result, you yourself will be able to decide which of all the marinades you like best, which one you will always choose so that the meat is soft and the kebab is successful.


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Hello again, dear friends and guests of my blog! I continue this burning topic about kebabs and the most delicious marinades for them. Last time we looked at pickling methods. However, I already talked about that too.

Just incredibly many different recipes for meat in nature, which cannot be fit into one article. Therefore, today I want to talk a little more about this and describe it in detail.

I myself am so captivated by this topic that I simply cannot stop, summer is just around the corner. Weekend trips out of town are ahead. What's a picnic without a good barbecue? Yes, none!

My husband has already run out of prescriptions, but I am persistent and am not going to back down. I scoured the Internet and found many more interesting ways to marinate kebab. In particular, from pork, since it is one of the most popular types of meat that Russians choose for outings.

Since I already wrote about this, I’ll just briefly remind you how to choose the right meat:

  • Choose only chilled food, never from the freezer.
  • Check freshness with your finger. Just poke it and if it recovers quickly, then everything is fine.
  • Color - the darker the meat, the older it is. Take the pinkish color.
  • The most suitable parts for barbecue are the neck, tenderloin, carbonate and ham.

Very interesting recipe, is prepared in warm sunflower oil, which absorbs all the aroma of onions and spices. The meat infused in it is very soft and juicy.


  • Pork tenderloin – 1.5 kg
  • Soy sauce - 20 g
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 5-6 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 15-20 gr.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Ground red pepper - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Paprika - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.

1. Remove all the peel from the tomato. To do this, make small cuts on top with a cross and place in hot boiling water for just a couple of seconds, then drain the boiling water and the skin can be easily removed. Then grate them into a bowl on a coarse grater and add salt and mix.

2. Cut the onion into half rings and place in a preheated frying pan, heat it up a little and squeeze the garlic into it, stir. Let it heat in the pan for another minute and turn it off. There is no need to fry the onion, just let it become slightly translucent.

3. Directly into the frying pan with the onions, while the oil is still warm, pour the spices, broken bay leaf and tomato pulp. Stir and add soy sauce. We do all this so that the warm oil gives an amazing aroma, saturated with onions and other spices. This effect will not work in cold oil.

4. Cut the tenderloin into portions that you will put on a skewer. Pour the marinade into it and mix well with your hands. Leave at room temperature for 2 hours, then you can put it in the refrigerator overnight. Although after 2 hours it can be fried on the grill.

The meat takes approximately 18-20 minutes to cook. Turn it over every 30 seconds to ensure it cooks properly on all sides. And your meat will be simply incredibly tasty, soft and juicy.

Recipe for pork shashlik with vinegar and onions in mineral water

Here's another one for you quick recipe marinating for barbecue in carbonated mineral water. Mineral water does wonders for meat. It speeds up the process and the meat is quickly soaked in the prepared brine.

If you don't like regular vinegar, substitute apple or grape vinegar, but then add a tablespoon or two more.


  • Pork neck - 1.5 kg
  • Large onions - 3 pcs.
  • Ground pepper - 1 teaspoon
  • Tomato paste - 4 tablespoons
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 50 g
  • Vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons
  • Any spices for barbecue - 2 teaspoons
  • Sparkling mineral water

1. Cut the meat into pieces, about the size of a matchbox. Cut the onion into half rings and add to the meat. Next, alternately add salt, spices, sugar, tomato paste, vegetable oil, vinegar and cover everything with mineral water.

2. Taste the marinade; it should be spicy, a little salty, a little sweet, a little sour. If there is something missing, add a little more. The main thing is that it is sweet, sour and salty. The kebab will be ready for frying in two to three hours.

3. It takes about 15 minutes to cook on the grill, and at the same time requires constant attention. It must be turned over all the time so that the meat is fried evenly. For this he will thank you with his indescribable aroma and taste.

A quick way to prepare juicy carbonated kebab

I just couldn't pass up this recipe. Here we will do without marinade at all. But, despite all this, the meat will be so juicy that you will definitely want to make such a kebab more than once for yourself and your friends or guests at the dacha. The taste is simply amazing.


  • Pork carbonate - 1.5 - 2 kg
  • Bacon – 150 gr
  • Butter - 150 gr
  • Dill - bunch
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Salt and pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance to soften it a little. Mash the butter in a bowl with a fork, add the dill chopped with a knife. Season with salt and pepper. Squeeze the garlic there or grate it on a fine grater. Mix everything well.

2. Cut the bacon into small pieces.

3. Cut the carbonade into steaks. The steaks should be the same thickness. Then you need to hit them with a hammer. Spread the prepared butter on each piece. Place the chopped bacon pieces there.

4. Then simply roll it into a tube. And do this with each piece. Place all the rolls in the freezer for -20-30 minutes to freeze and make it easier to cut. After the time has elapsed, cut the rolls into small rolls. And put it on the grill.

5. Place the skewers so that the sides with the oil look not down, but to the side. The coals should not be very hot, let them sit for a while so that the heat subsides. Cook for about 10-15 minutes, turning constantly.

This kebab turns out just super juicy. And note, you don’t need to keep it in any brine, you don’t have to wait until the meat is soaked. I highly recommend trying it at least once. You definitely won't regret it.

Super quick marinade using kiwi

Kiwi contains an enzyme that very quickly begins to corrode the meat, so if you choose this recipe, you must start cooking with a hot grill. The coals will just reach the desired state. If you overcook the meat in kiwi, it will lose its appearance, as if shabby.

Watch the detailed video recipe. Everything is described there in detail. The meat is really very soft and juicy with a slight sourness.

Delicious marinade for meat with pomegranate juice

But try it armenian recipe cooking barbecue. Another quick way, for those who don’t like to wait long.


  • Pork – 1 kg
  • Onions - 3 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper, spices - to taste
  • Pomegranate - 1 pc.

1. Cut the meat to your liking, but preferably not too large pieces. Add salt, pepper and spices to it.

2. Cut the onion into half rings and mash in a mortar. However, you can mash it in a bowl with your hands, the main thing is that it produces juice. Place it over the meat. Mix well with your hands.

3. Peel the pomegranate. Divide into several parts and using a mortar, mash the pomegranate so that it produces juice. Place the remaining pulp with bones into the meat and pour the squeezed juice there. Stir and leave to marinate for 40 minutes.

4. As usual, the time for frying, depending on the part of the pork, will be from 15 to 30 minutes. And don’t forget to constantly turn the skewer over the heat. When you cook it on the grill, place pine cones on the coals for smoking. The aroma will be amazing. But this is more like a recommendation for the described recipe, and not an obligation.

Classic quick recipe with onions in 3 hours

Most the simplest way starter meat for barbecue. Originally from the Soviet Union. This is how they usually liked to cook when hiking, fishing, or at their dachas. The main thing here is to thoroughly mash the onion with the meat to get more juice.


  • Meat (neck) - 1 kg
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 50 g

Cut one onion into large rings. Chop the second onion finely. Salt and pepper the meat and add finely chopped onion. Mix well with your hands and pour in the oil. Stir again.

Then add large onion rings and stir gently so that the onion rings do not break. Leave for at least 3 hours. You can leave it overnight.

The onion rings can then be put on skewers along with the meat. Fry for about 15-20 minutes and you are ready to eat. I love eating straight from the skewer. But if it is more convenient, remove the meat onto plates. Very pleasant taste and soft meat.

Prepare delicious shish kebab using mustard

For this recipe, you can choose regular hot mustard, or you can use French beans. Just then take the proportion 1.5 times larger. This sauce imparts a special flavor to the meat, and it softens it well.


  • Pork neck – 1 kg
  • Mustard - 1 tablespoon
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste

Cut the meat into medium pieces. Pepper and add mustard to the meat. Stir for about two minutes to ensure the mustard is thoroughly coated on each piece.

Cut the onion into rings and half rings and add to the meat. Add salt and mix everything well, pressing directly on the onion to extract juice. Leave our starter at room temperature for 3-4 hours. After this, you can put it on skewers and cook.

Marinade with mayonnaise for juicy meat

Ingredients for 1 kg of pork:

  • Onions - 5-6 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise – 250 gr
  • Ground paprika - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Sumac - 1 teaspoon
  • Ground coriander - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste

1. Cut the onion into rings, chop half the onion in a blender or on a fine grater to make a paste. And mix with mayonnaise.

2. Cut the meat into portions and add all the spices and salt. Then add mayonnaise and onion paste. And mix again.

3. Place a layer of onion rings in a separate bowl, then the next layer of meat, another layer of onion on top, and so on. Alternate layers of meat and onions. Place the remaining mayonnaise on top and cover everything with a lid. Place in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours, or preferably overnight.

4. The next day, place the meat on skewers, wait until the wood burns down to gray coals and place the skewers on the manga. 15-25 minutes and you have a wonderful, juicy and aromatic kebab.

Video on how to prepare two marinades using beer and kefir with honey

I found a wonderful video that shows two recipes for marinating meat for a picnic. The first one is on beer with honey. And the second one is made with kefir and honey. Both recipes use a blender to puree all ingredients.

Ingredients for the beer recipe:

  • Meat - 1.5 kg
  • Light beer – 0.5 l
  • Vegetable oil - 100 g
  • Garlic - 2-3 pcs.
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Sumac - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ginger root - 20 gr.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp
  • Ground pepper - to taste

Ingredients for the kefir recipe:

  • Meat - 1.5 kg.
  • Kefir - 0.5 l
  • Honey - 1 tbsp
  • Garlic - 2-3 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste
  • Lemon - 1/2 pcs.

Now see how to cook meat for barbecue.

Dear friends, I really want to hope that you will appreciate all these recipes. Each has its own “zest”, and each is worthy of your barbecue. Try them at least once, you definitely won't be disappointed. Write in the comments which one you liked best.

Now I'm finishing up and see you in the next articles. Don't forget about me and I will delight you with new wonderful recipes. All the best to you.

Pork shashlik is one of the most common dishes of Caucasian cuisine. It gained particular popularity due to its juiciness and tenderness. How to marinate pork kebab so that the dish meets all your expectations? You just need to know a number of secrets. Most of them concern the preparation of marinades.

At its core, a marinade is a mixture in which meat is soaked. This mixture consists of acid (wine, vinegar, fruit juices, mayonnaise, kvass), spices, herbs, onions and salt. The task of all these ingredients is to give the meat a delicate texture and aroma. However, before preparing the marinade, you should choose the right meat. To learn how to make real Caucasian kebab, take note of several marinade recipes.

How to choose meat for pork barbecue

The ideal option for preparing this dish would be fresh, fresh, boneless meat with a moderate amount of fat. The freshness of pork is determined by a pleasant smell, and a pink, uniform color when cut.

When choosing a part of a pig carcass, preference should be given to the flesh from the neck, loin, brisket and lumbar region. Ham, shoulder or ribs are not suitable for these purposes. It is an undeniable fact that pork kebab turns out to be the most delicious, juicy and aromatic, but an alternative is beef, lamb or chicken breasts.
In the absence of fresh pork, using a chilled and frozen product is quite acceptable. The main secret of preparing a delicious dish from a frozen product is its proper preparation and how long it will be in the marinade. To do this, the meat needs to be defrosted, it is best if this happens on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. This defrosting option will preserve the taste and nutritional properties of the product. Some chefs advise salting frozen meat and leaving it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Repeated freezing is not recommended, as this will result in loss of juiciness. The photo shows what fresh pork looks like.

In what container to marinate shish kebab

For marinating, it is better to use an enamel, glass or ceramic pan. It is not recommended to use aluminum and plastic containers for these purposes, since during the marinating process the meat can absorb harmful substances released by the dishes.

Composition of the marinade

What products and spices are needed depends on the chosen marinating recipe. So for classic recipe You will need onions, dried paprika, coriander, dried basil, ground allspice, savory, dried chili, turmeric, curry, adjika, salt and vinegar. However, this is not a definitive list; it may be supplemented or some ingredients may be replaced with other products. Take advantage ready-made recipes, performing the cooking process step by step.

For this recipe you will need:

  • 2 kg pork;
  • 300 g onions;
  • 1 package of store-bought barbecue seasoning;
  • 250 ml vinegar 6%;
  • salt to taste.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut the pork into medium-sized cubes, about the size of 4 matchboxes folded into a cube.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings. Place it in a marinating pan and squeeze it lightly, wait until the juice begins to release.
  3. Place the meat in the onion and mix everything.
  4. Add seasoning and mix.
  5. Add vinegar and mix again.
  6. Leave to marinate for two hours until done. Some chefs believe that it is better if the meat sits in the vinegar liquid a little longer - about 5 hours.
  7. Before you start skewering the meat, you need to salt it.
  8. Fry, placing skewers over hot coals.
  9. Serve the finished dish with ketchup or homemade tomato sauce.

Tomato sauce


  • 200 g tomato;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • parsley.

Cooking instructions:

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for two minutes at full power. The sauce is ready.

Tip: When choosing spices, you can purchase ready-made store-bought seasonings or use a mixture of your own taste. Try not to overdo it with the variety of spices. You need to have a sense of proportion in everything.

Many chefs are ardent opponents of vinegar, believing that it only spoils the taste of the dish. In their recipes, they suggest replacing it with other products such as kefir, mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard powder, lingonberries, pomegranate juice and tomatoes.

Lemon juice is considered a good alternative to vinegar.


  • 1.5 kg pork;
  • 5-6 large onions;
  • 10 g spices;
  • 2 lemons;
  • a mixture of peppers to taste;
  • salt.

Shish kebab prepared using lemon juice is no less popular. The process of its preparation is not much different from the version using vinegar. The main difference is the use of lemon. To do this, you need to take lemons, cut them in half and squeeze all the juice onto the cut pieces of pork. While pouring the juice over the meat, mix it thoroughly. Marinating time is no longer than 3 hours.

The success of this recipe largely depends on the right amount of lemon juice. If you overdo it with juice, the dish will acquire an unpleasantly sour taste.

How to marinate pork kebab with kefir

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg of steamed pork;
  • 15 g sugar
  • 0.5 l of kefir with a fat content of 3.2%;
  • 6 medium sized onions;
  • pepper, salt.

This recipe is slightly different from the previous one. Its main difference is that the kefir marinade has a milder effect. For this reason, the meat should be infused more long time– about 12 hours, preferably 24 hours. The marinade does not contain kefir. large quantity spices

During the cooking process, it is necessary for the kefir to gradually permeate the meat. To do this, pour kefir into the onions and meat prepared in the usual way and mix. Add sugar and mix again. Let the meat brew for an hour at room temperature. Then put it in the refrigerator and leave it to soak for 10-11 hours.

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • 1 kg pork;
  • 300 g mayonnaise;
  • 3 large onions;
  • spices to taste;
  • salt.

Pour mayonnaise over the meat, cut into pieces. Add spices and onion, cut into half rings, to the mixture. Mix everything and leave for 1 hour. In the meantime, prepare the grill and light the coals.

One of the most original marinade options is wine. In it, the role of the main component is assigned to wine (dry white or dry red). The meat is poured with wine and left to marinate for 2 hours. (For such a recipe, 2 glasses of wine are needed per 1 kg of meat.) After 2 hours, spices are added to it and left to marinate for another two hours; if the wine is absorbed, it is necessary to top it up periodically. Salt as usual before frying.

Marinate pork shish kebab with cream

This recipe requires the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg pork loin;
  • 500 g 20% ​​cream or natural yoghurt without additives;
  • 5 grams of dried basil;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • a mixture of red and black pepper to taste;
  • salt.

Step by step guide:

  1. After peeling the garlic and onions, finely chop them by hand using a knife or use a blender.
  2. Mix the resulting mass with finely chopped basil and pepper.
  3. We cut the meat into pieces.
  4. Rub each piece with the resulting onion-garlic-basil sauce.
  5. Place the meat in a deep bowl, sprinkle with the leftovers cream sauce from garlic and onions and fill with cream.
  6. Place in a cool place for 6 hours.
  7. Before frying, drain the marinade.
  8. This recipe will also be suitable for grilling.

How to marinate pork kebabs in mineral water marinade

This recipe differs from the previous ones in its unusualness and creative approach.


  • 2.5 kg pork;
  • 1 liter of any mineral water;
  • 6 medium-sized onions;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • spices and salt to taste.


The cooking process remains the same, except that the mineral water takes on the role of the sour ingredient. Marinates - no more than three hours. Half an hour before frying, add vegetable oil to the marinade. TO raw meat You can add champignons and pre-fry them with onions in a frying pan.

Prepare tasty dish You can also use ready-made marinades. Their range is amazing. On store shelves there are marinades with mustard, with pomegranate juice, marinades with pieces of fruits and vegetables, and classic marinades. Their advantage is more fast process marinating.

Little tricks for cooking barbecue

  • If barbecue is prepared in the summer, then the meat should be cut into larger pieces. This way it will be more juicy.
  • If the meat has been frozen, mustard will help maintain its juiciness. Just add mustard to the finished marinade, coat the pieces of chopped meat and leave for an hour or two hours. At the end specified period The meat is marinated to your taste.
  • The marinating process is very important: the taste of the future dish depends on how successful the marinade turns out.
  • To build a fire for cooking meat, it is advisable to use wood rather than ready-made coals. This way the pork will be more flavorful and soft.
  • To prevent the meat from drying out on the coals when frying, it is sprinkled with homemade wine, water or beer.
  • The coals in the grill should not burn, they should smolder. If a fire breaks out during frying or the coals smoke heavily, either lightly fill it with water or knock it down with a special spatula.

So that everyone at the picnic enjoys a successful barbecue, we invite you to learn all the secrets of its preparation from this video

Good day, my valiant chefs! Agree that cooking delicious shish kebab is a real art. There are many recipes, but not all of them give equally good results. One of the main secrets of this dish is what kind of meat is used. No less important is what it is marinated in. And today I will tell you how to make a marinade for soft pork kebab.

I would like to note that shish kebab turns out very tasty also from beef, veal and lamb. Only it has its own cooking peculiarities. Here I will describe the basic principles of marinating pork.

How to marinate and cook pork

First of all, you need to cut the meat into pieces. I’ve already said how to do this, a little higher, so I won’t repeat myself.

Immerse the prepared meat in the marinade. For entrecote, pork neck, Korean and others tidbits There are many options for flavor blends. I described the recipes below. But how long to marinate pork largely depends on the composition of the seasonings. In the presence of “aggressive” components (wine, lemon juice), the time is reduced.

The minimum residence time for pork in the aromatic mixture is 4 hours. But it is better to marinate the meat for 8-12 hours

The pieces should be placed on skewers along the grain. Place larger pieces closer to the center. Well, then string the small ones along the edges. This way the pork will cook better.

To prevent the pork from burning when frying, sprinkle it periodically with wine, water or lemon juice. If you want to check the readiness of the kebab, do not pierce the pieces with a knife. Otherwise, all the juice will leak out and the kebab will be a little dry.

Recipes for marinades for juicy pork

And here are the promised options for aromatic mixtures for meat. Here's a quick and easy marinade. Or choose an exotic option, for example, lingonberry or pomegranate. Have fun cooking, and don’t forget to post what you did better afterwards.

Cooking with kefir and lemon

For the neck (3 kg) take:

  • 500 ml low-fat kefir;
  • 1 lemon fruit;
  • 700 g onions;
  • 1 tbsp. salt;
  • pepper + other spices.

Peel the citrus fruit and remove the seeds. Then cut the fruit into slices and grind in a meat grinder. Cut a couple of peeled onions into neat rings 4 mm thick. They will need to be threaded with marinated pork onto skewers. And grind the rest of the onion in a meat grinder.

In a lemon mixture, mix onion pulp, kefir, pepper and other spices. Add a little salt to the mixture. The kefir marinade is ready. Place meat and onion rings in layers in a glass container. And pour it all over evenly with the aromatic mixture.

Here is another version of a simple marinade with kefir and spices.

Marinade with soy sauce

For a kilo of pork you will need:

  • black and red pepper (to taste);
  • 1 PC. onions;
  • 1-2 bay leaves;
  • 100 ml soy sauce.

Pour the sauce over the chopped pork. Chop the onion into thin rings and place in a bowl with meat. Next, add spices and mix everything thoroughly. Well, then we leave the pork to marinate. On the grill, the meat turns out incomparable.

Kiwi flavored blend

For a kilo of meat you will need:

  • 1 PC. lemon;
  • 1 PC. ripe kiwi;
  • pepper;
  • thyme (a couple of sprigs);
  • salt.

Grind the peeled kiwi in a blender into a paste. Pepper the pork pieces and add some salt. Cut the citrus fruit in half and squeeze out the juice from ¼ of the lemon. And cut the rest of the lemon into slices and send to the meat. Next, we enrich the composition with kiwi pulp and thyme. Marinate for a minimum of 4 hours. Do not hold it longer, because the neck will turn into “porridge”.

How to make beer marinade correctly

For a kilo of pork, take half a liter of beer, pepper and salt. Use high-quality beer - take a “live” drink. It wonderfully softens and gives the kebab an original bready flavor. Fill the pieces with beer, salt and pepper them. And then mix everything well.

Pork marinated in mayonnaise

For a kilo of tenderloin you will need to take:

  • 2 pcs. onions;
  • black pepper;
  • 3 pcs. bay leaf;
  • salt;
  • 200 g mayonnaise;
  • dried dill

We cut the peeled onion into rings and send it to the meat pieces. Salt and pepper the pork. We send there bay leaf, mayonnaise and dill. Mix everything thoroughly and leave the meat to absorb the flavor.

Cooking pork in mineral water

This is a fairly easy recipe to make. For 3 kg of neck take:

  • 1 liter of mineral water;
  • a kilo of onions;
  • 2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • pepper + spices.

Cut the peeled onion into thin half rings. Salt the neck pieces, season and crush with spices. Add onion, oil and fill everything with mineral water. And then we put it in the refrigerator. In 12 hours the meat will become very tender and soft.

Check out the option of marinating with spices and mineral water

Making honey mustard marinade

For the neck (2 kg) take:

  • 100 g honey;
  • a pinch of paprika;
  • 500 g onions;
  • pepper mixture;
  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • thyme;
  • 4 tbsp. French mustard;
  • 1 PC. lemon

Mix butter and freshly squeezed lemon juice with honey. Mix it all with mustard. Add pieces of pork to the aromatic mixture. Salt, pepper and sprinkle with thyme and paprika on top. Cut the onion (peel in advance) into rings and add to the meat. Mix everything well and put it in the refrigerator.

Tomato marinade for barbecue

For 1.5 kilos of tenderloin take:

  • 2 tsp adjika;
  • 2 large cloves of garlic;
  • large lemon;
  • 150 g tomato sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. mayonnaise;
  • 1.5 tsp. salt.

Squeeze the juice from a citrus fruit. Mix it with chopped garlic, adjika, sauce and mayonnaise. Salt the mixture. And we send meat pieces into it.

Marinade with vinegar and onions

Essentially this is classic version marinade for carbonate. You can also marinate frozen meat in vinegar. The recipe is:

  • 3 kg pork neck;
  • 2 tbsp. 9% vinegar;
  • 3 pcs. onion heads;
  • 0.5 liters of mineral water;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • basil;
  • turmeric.

Pour the mineral water into a deep container. Mix it with vinegar, chopped onion rings, salt and spices. Dip pieces of pork into this mixture.

Option with balsamic vinegar

For 1.5 kilos of meat take:

  • 60 ml balsamic vinegar;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tbsp. mustard;
  • 4 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp each rosemary and oregano (take dried herbs);
  • 1 tbsp. honey

Pass the peeled garlic through a garlic press. Then we mix this slurry with the rest of the mixture components. Dip the pieces into this aromatic mass and marinate.

Marinade for pork neck with sour cream

For a kilo of meat you will need:

  • 250 ml wine vinegar;
  • 2 pcs. apples;
  • 2 pcs. onions;
  • 200 ml sour cream (fat content 10%);
  • 100 g prunes;
  • pepper;
  • salt.

Rub the pieces with pepper and place in vinegar for 3 hours. Place the dishes with pork in the refrigerator or other cool place. Peel the apples and remove seeds, and then cut them into small cubes. Pour boiling water over the prunes and chop them too. Heat the sour cream to 40 degrees, add apples and prunes. Then simmer this aromatic mixture over the fire for a couple of minutes (don’t forget to stir).

Next, remove the sour cream marinade from the stove. Place pieces of meat into a warm mass (about 30 degrees) and marinate it. It turns out that the pieces get “from the ship to the ball” - from vinegar to sour cream :) Cut the peeled onion into rings (you will need to string it with the pork onto skewers). Salt the kebab while frying it.

Pork in lingonberry marinade

For 1.5 kg of neck take:

  • 160-180 g frozen or fresh lingonberries;
  • 2 tbsp. brown sugar;
  • 3 tbsp. wine vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. orange zest;
  • 120 ml water;
  • pepper;
  • 1 PC. onions;
  • salt;
  • 4 tbsp. vegetable oil.

If the berries are frozen, defrost them. Sort fresh ones and rinse thoroughly. Add the zest to the lingonberries and fill it all with water. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to low. Cook, stirring, until the berries are burst. Cover the pan with a lid while you cook the berries.

Then cool the “compote” to room temperature and mix it using a blender. We enrich the composition with vinegar, sugar, pepper and salt. Cut the onion into cubes and send it there. Mix everything thoroughly. Next, gradually add oil to the marinade and mix everything again. And then we immerse the pieces of pork in it.

Shish kebab in red wine

This aromatic mixture can be made with white wine. It all depends on your desire. The marinade recipe is as follows (for 2 kg of meat):

  • 200 ml dry wine;
  • 700 g onions;
  • salt;
  • Caucasian spices.

Pour wine into chopped onion rings. Add spices there and salt the mixture. And then we immerse the chopped pork into pieces into this aromatic mass.

Sweet and sour marinade

For 2 kg of tenderloin you need the following set of products:

  • 4 tbsp. honey;
  • 500 g sour juicy apples;
  • 1 PC. onion;
  • 300 ml dry white wine;
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Grate the peeled and seeded apples on a coarse grater. Grind the onion into a paste. Mix salt + onion mass + pepper and rub the meat mixture with this mixture. Place the meat and apple mixture in layers in the container where you will marinate the shish kebab. Mix the wine with butter and honey, and pour this marinade over the pork. Next, we put everything in the refrigerator so that the kebab marinates there.

Marinate the neck in pomegranate juice

You will need:

  • 2 kilos of pork;
  • 700 ml pomegranate juice;
  • 4 things. Luke;
  • 30 g rosemary;
  • salt;
  • pepper + spices (your choice).

Chop the onion into large half rings and add it to the pieces of pork. Salt, pepper, add rosemary and spices. Afterwards, mix everything and pour pomegranate juice on top. Then we put it in the refrigerator to marinate.

Additional Tricks

It’s no secret that the most flavorful black pepper is the one that is taken as peas and crushed before use. Just don’t rush to put it in the mortar. First fry in a dry frying pan. A clear sign its “readiness” is leveling the wrinkled surface. And then grind the seasoning. By the way, roasted peppers are not only more flavorful, but also easier to crush.

Marinate the meat in a special container: made of glass or clay, or in an enamel container. Never use aluminum. It may interact with the components of the marinade. As a result, in best case scenario the taste of the kebab will deteriorate, and in the worst case, a toxic residue will appear.

Want to enhance the flavor of your barbecue? To do this, sprinkle the coals with fine wood shavings a few minutes before the end of frying. If you like a citrus flavor, add orange zest instead of shavings to the coals.

Among so many recipes, you will certainly find the option that will allow you to cook a shish kebab masterpiece. Don't be greedy - share the link to the article with your friends. They will then treat you to kebabs prepared according to these recipes. And I wish you an unforgettable picnic holiday and say: see you again.