How to properly transplant a money tree. How to properly transplant a money tree from pot to pot to attract money. High air temperature

Crassula or Crassula is a popular indoor plant that many people know as the money tree. The plant has an attractive appearance, while it is unpretentious to the conditions and does not require complex care, but from time to time it requires mandatory replanting, the implementation of which requires knowledge of the features of this process. All rules for implementing this procedure are discussed in detail in this article.

Features and rules of transplanting a money tree

Transplanting a money tree usually does not cause any difficulties, but first you still need to familiarize yourself with the main features of this process:

  1. Particular attention must be paid to the choice of pot; it is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the plant’s root system.
  2. You should not try to transplant Crassula into a large container, as this may negatively affect its condition; it is better to carry out several procedures, gradually increasing the size of the pot as the plant grows.
  3. Crassula needs periodic transplants, but they should not be too frequent, since the plant will spend a lot of energy adapting to new conditions.
  4. The frequency of this procedure also depends on the age of the money tree. Considering the predisposition of Crassula to various diseases, it is necessary not only to choose high-quality soil, but before replanting it is recommended to additionally subject it to heat treatment by placing it in the oven. After this, the soil will have to settle for at least 1.5-2 months so that the natural microflora is restored and beneficial bacteria are re-formed, so preparations for this procedure must begin in advance.
  5. After transplantation, special attention should be paid to caring for the plant., as it is quite fragile, which increases the risk of accidental damage.

Necessary materials and tools for transplantation

Carrying out this procedure does not require significant preparations, so you will need to first make sure that only the following necessary materials are available:

  1. A new container into which the Crassula will be transplanted.
  2. Soil that has previously undergone the necessary preparation.
  3. The material that was chosen to create the drainage layer. Expanded clay is most often used for these purposes.
  4. Water that must first undergo a filtration process or sit in a dark and cool place.

Step-by-step transplant instructions

After all the preparations have been made, you can proceed directly to the procedure itself; a detailed algorithm of actions is given below:

  1. Initially, the material chosen to create drainage is poured into the bottom of the new pot. The thickness of the resulting layer should be approximately 2 cm.
  2. Prepared soil is poured on top, it should fill the pot no more than a quarter.
  3. To remove Crassula from an old pot, you need to hold it by the edges with one hand and pull the plant out with slow and careful movements with the other.
  4. It is necessary to grasp and hold it exclusively by the trunk, trying to avoid contact with the leaves if possible.
  5. After removing the fat plant, you need to shake it slightly so that the remains of the old soil fall off the roots.
  6. You should not try to completely clean the plant, since some of the soil to which it has become accustomed should be preserved and placed together with the crassula in a new pot. Crassula is placed in a new pot strictly in the center.
  7. After placing the plant in the pot, you can add more soil to the required level.
  8. There is no need to try to compact or compact the soil; after some time it will settle naturally, this usually happens after the first or second watering. When this happens, you can add more soil to the pot.
  9. It is necessary to water immediately , for the first time you can use a larger volume of water than is usually used., as this may cause burns. At this point, the transplant procedure can be considered complete; now all that is required is to provide the Crassula with proper care to help it adapt to new conditions.

Choosing a pot and soil

As already mentioned, choosing a pot is one of the most important processes, since the health, growth and comfort of the plant will depend on it.

The container in which the crassula will grow must meet the following requirements:

  1. The height should be small, since the Crassula root system does not go deep down, and the presence large quantity free soil underneath will lead to a gradual deterioration of the soil, which will subsequently negatively affect the plant itself.
  2. Instead of height, the pot should have significant width, since the root processes are of the superficial type and grow very strongly to the sides.
  3. The required size is quite easy to determine, just measure the diameter of the pot and correlate it with the dimensions of the crown of the money tree, the indicators should be identical or close to each other. If you neglect this rule, then the container with the crassula will be extremely unstable, which increases the risk of it falling, moreover, a container that is too small will significantly slow down or completely stop the growth of the plant.

No less important stage is the choice of suitable soil, everything possible options discussed below:

  1. Universal store-bought soil mixture, which is suitable for growing any variety of indoor plants in it.
  2. A highly specialized soil mixture, which is intended for growing cacti and succulents in it. Sand must be added to such soil; its amount should be no more than 1/4 of the total volume. Sand must undergo preliminary heat treatment, since it has an environment in which many microorganisms that can infect Crassula with dangerous flower diseases prefer to develop.
  3. Regardless of the type of soil chosen, there should be several centimeters of drainage layer underneath it, which will serve to absorb excess moisture, which minimizes the risk of root shoots rotting during heavy watering.

Care after transplant

After the transplant has been carried out, the money tree will need special and more careful care; all its features are discussed in detail below:

  1. For some time, the pot with the transplanted crassula should be in a place where there is constant access to fresh air.
  2. After this, you will need to choose a permanent location for it and not disturb the Crassula with frequent rearrangements, since it prefers constancy and stability, especially during the period of adaptation to new conditions.
  3. Crassula will need to be pruned until the trunk extends upward; this measure is necessary for the correct formation of the crown.
  4. During the summer, it usually grows up to 20 cm, after which the upper part of the shoot will need to be pinched, which will stimulate the growth and development of lateral branches. This stage needs to be given special attention, since improper crown formation will lead to excessive growth of Crassula superior and the formation of a large number of shoots with an increased degree of fragility.
  5. It is necessary to avoid direct sunlight on the money tree, but at the same time it must be provided with high-quality diffused lighting, otherwise the shape of the crown will be deformed, active leaf fall will begin and the Crassula will lose its attractive appearance.
  6. Closer to winter, the money tree will go into a dormant state, so it will need to be placed in a room with a temperature of about +5°C.
  7. Watering during this period should be carried out every 20 days, and any frequent changes in the location of the pot with crassula will also be prohibited. You can keep it on the windowsill if there are no heating connections nearby, but you need to make sure that the foliage does not come into contact with the window glass, as this can lead to frostbite. In March, it will be possible to return to the process of crown formation; for this, you will need to trim off too large and overgrown shoots, giving the plant the desired shape. Immediately after this, abundant watering should follow, then the Crassula is again left alone. Starting in spring, you can hold warm showers, which have a very positive effect on the condition and health of the money tree.

The frequency is 2-3 times every month, in parallel with this, regular watering is carried out twice a week.

There is no need for additional soil fertilization

  1. Slowdown of natural growth and development of monetary growth, as well as its complete stop. This indicates that the pot has become too small for the plant, and it needs a larger container.
  2. For a long time, Crassula did not receive long-term care, which is why her condition worsened. In this case, comprehensive measures are required, which begin with the transplantation.
  3. It is visually clear that the pot used has become too small for Crassula. The increase in its size should be insignificant and carried out gradually as the money tree grows.
  4. General deterioration of the plant’s condition, loss of its decorative qualities. There can be many reasons: from deterioration of the soil to lack of proper care or violation of the water regime. Transplantation will help improve the comfort of the conditions in which Crassula grows.

When is the best time to replant Crassula?

There are certain rules that determine the timing and frequency of transplanting a given plant, and they may vary depending on various factors.

The main nuances associated with this issue are discussed below:

  1. The only successful period when you can transplant Crassula into another pot is the beginning of May. In this case, she will have enough time to adapt to new conditions and get stronger before entering a state of rest, which begins with the arrival of winter.
  2. Young plants can be replanted every six months or a year, but as soon as Crassula reaches 3 years of age, this procedure should be carried out no more than once every 2 years.
  3. Growing a money tree in the most comfortable and favorable conditions for its development with proper care can change the frequency of replanting.

This is due to the fact that such content of Crassula will actively stimulate its growth and development, so the money tree will require more frequent changes of pots to larger containers.

  1. Basic mistakes Violation of the watering regime.
  2. Excess moisture is the main danger for the money tree, which very quickly leads to rotting of the root shoots and death of the plant. If you are not sure how much water Crassula needs, then it is better not to add it than to overfill it, as this will lead to less negative consequences. Implementation of watering. Crassula is a fairly heat-loving indoor plant, so only warm water can be used for watering; non-compliance with the temperature regime can lead to shedding of foliage and deterioration in appearance.
  3. Wrong choice of place to place the pot with crassula. In some periods, the money tree requires access to fresh air, but it is necessary to avoid drafts, which are destructive. Also, despite being thermophilic, Crassula does not tolerate direct sunlight; it is especially necessary to avoid their contact with the base of the plant.

Crassula (otherwise Crassula) is better known as the money tree, which, according to many, brings financial success and prosperity to the house. How to transplant a money tree if it has been growing as a indoor plant, and the time has come to improve the conditions for greater growth and development of this legendary flower.

Reasons for replanting a money tree

Crassula belongs to the genus of succulents, especially common in South Africa. The tree grows in its native conditions above two meters. As a house plant, Crassula rarely reaches such an impressive size. However, with good care, it gradually increases in volume and rises in height. Approximately once a year, the fat plant requires a transplant, the reasons for which may be the need for:

  • increase the size of the landing tank;
  • improve the composition of the soil, saturate it with microelements necessary for tree growth;
  • renew the plant and get new trees using layering or rooting leaves;
  • improve the health of the flower if it is affected by any disease.

Plants older than 3 years are replanted every three years.

Propagation by leaves

Money tree can be propagated by leaves. This method is one of the most difficult, since the main problem is the rapid decay of the leaf during rooting. To prevent this from happening, you need to perform several mandatory steps.

Propagation by cuttings

Crassula is quite easily propagated by cuttings - this is the most common method used by any gardener, even not the most experienced one.

To do this, cut off a branch of the plant and place it in water for several days, and after the roots appear, plant it in a planting container. You can read more about this in the article at the link.

Preparing to transplant a money tree at home

To transplant a money tree, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work regardless of which method is chosen.

The right time to transplant

Spring and summer are the times when the plant can be replanted. If the florist wants to more accurately determine the specific day of transplanting the money tree, he can determine it according to the lunar calendar, in accordance with the recommendations of which best time are the second or third lunar day.

In the autumn-winter period, it is better not to disturb the Crassula, since it is in a state of rest or “hibernation”. But all these recommendations only apply when it comes to a healthy plant. If it is clear that the flower is sick, then think about best day it is not necessary, since urgent measures must be taken to save him.

Choosing a new pot

To choose the right planting container, you need to know that the money tree has a superficial root system, and the plant itself has a powerful upper part. Therefore, when looking for an answer to the question of what kind of pot you need, it is better to choose wide and low ones. If we are talking about planting a young plant, then a container with a diameter of 7-8 cm will be sufficient. As it grows, the size of the container is increased.

When choosing a pot, preference should be given not to plastic, but to clay or ceramic ones. Their weight is greater, which means the dishes will be more stable and will not tip over under the weight of the flower.

Preparing the soil mixture

The planting mixture should be loose and light so that oxygen reaches the roots of the tree. You can either buy ready-made soil mixtures for succulents, or make the required substrate yourself from the turf part of the soil, sand and leaf soil in a ratio of 1:1:3.

It is strictly forbidden to add peat or moss to planting mixtures, as they will retain moisture, which is death for the money tree. Before planting, you also need to stock up on expanded clay to create a drainage layer.

Methods of transplantation at home

When transplanting a money tree from a small pot to a large one, if the plant is healthy, you must use the conventional planting method, which requires:

  • pour a drainage layer into the planting container and place the soil mixture on top of it, filling the pot to about half;
  • carefully remove the plant from the old container so as not to break the Crassula trunk;
  • shake off the soil from the roots, inspect them and make sure that the root system is healthy and has no rotten parts;
  • place the plant in the center of the container;
  • cover with soil;
  • pour settled water at room temperature;
  • after the soil has settled, add the mixture if necessary, without deepening the root collar. If, during replanting, rotting of part of the root system is discovered due to constant waterlogging, then it is necessary to cut off the damaged roots and plant them in the same way as a healthy plant. How to transplant a money tree into another pot, if we are talking about an adult and large-sized plant - in this case, transferring the flower is used, since it is less traumatic for the money tree.

To do this you need:

  • prepare a landing container with expanded clay;
  • pull out the plant along with the earthen lump;
  • estimate the volume of the root system along with the soil;
  • In accordance with the size, pour soil into the pot so that the flower is located freely;
  • fill up the rest of the soil;
  • water the plant.

  1. It is believed that well-being is improved by a flower grown independently.
  2. In order for the tree to be “charged” with monetary energy, it is better to take a shoot from a person with good income.
  3. When selecting a container, you need to choose a pot that is green, brown, red, black or gold or even silver.
  4. You need to place 8 identical coins in the soil under the roots of the plant so that the coat of arms minted on the coin is on top.
  5. It is better to plant the plant on Wednesday or Friday on the waxing moon and always early in the morning.
  6. It is believed that best water for watering the money tree, which contained items made of silver or gold.
  7. After planting, the tree must be moved to the southeast side of the house or apartment.

Possible difficulties during transplantation

As a rule, the main difficulties when transplanting a money tree are associated with its fragile stems. Even though the main stem of the flower looks quite strong, it can easily break. This is due to the large weight of the plant, because all the moisture it needs to ensure life and development is contained in the fleshy leaves. It is thanks to this feature that the flower can tolerate drought and long-term lack of watering. Therefore, in order to properly transplant a money tree, you need to be careful and support it by the trunk.

After the fat plant is planted, it is most often necessary to provide support for the plant so that the plant gains stability and does not tilt.

Caring for the money tree after transplantation

Caring for a money tree at home after transplantation is not difficult even for inexperienced gardeners. To grow it properly, several conditions must be met. As a rule, flower growers have a question about how much to water a money tree. Watering should be plentiful, but rare. In this case, it is necessary to immediately remove excess liquid from the trays. From time to time it is necessary to spray the flower with a spray bottle or wipe its leaves with a damp cloth to remove accumulated dust. The money tree does not like bright sunlight, which can burn its leaves. Therefore, it is better to place it not on the window sills, but below, on additional stands.

Since the Crassula is a tree, its crown can be shaped by timely pruning. To do this, you can pinch the shoots after 4 pairs of leaves have formed on them. To do this, a new bud is plucked out. After some time, several buds will appear in its place, from which new branches will further develop. It is important to consider that the plant does not tolerate heat well. Therefore, in summer it is better to choose a place for it in partial shade, and in winter, keep it cool and not place it next to a radiator. Many owners want to know what rules for caring for a money tree must be followed so that it really brings good luck.

It’s up to everyone to believe it or not, but it is believed that for this it is necessary to behave correctly with the plant:

  • there should be no quarrels and squabbles in the house;
  • you need to talk to the flower, ask it to improve its well-being;
  • there should be no debris or clutter near the tree;
  • Cacti should not be placed next to the plant, as they drive away any energy with their spines;
  • on an adult tree you need to place coins, hanging them with a red ribbon;
  • do not place the fat plant next to water, for example, near an aquarium, since it is believed that water extinguishes the energy of money, which belongs to the element of fire;
  • You can place unfolded and uncrumpled banknotes next to or under the flower;
  • after the money starts coming in, next to the flower you need to place a figurine of a dragon, which should guard and protect well-being.

Whatever rules are used, do not forget that the money tree is, first of all, a house flower that requires care, like all other house plants. And a fat cat that receives care and attention will definitely please its owners beautiful view, and if you are very lucky, you may surprise with unusual flowering.

From time to time we all have to replant indoor flowers, and it is very important to do this in compliance with the replanting rules for each plant, for which you need to know these rules. Today we will tell you about how to properly transplant a money tree, what kind of substrate is needed for the plant, what pot is suitable for it and how to care for the fat plant in the future, that is, how to water the money tree after transplantation and when you can feed the plant after the procedure.

Transplanting a money tree at home

When to transplant a crassula

Young Crassulas change their pots annually, but starting from the age of three, the money tree is transplanted once every three to four seasons, and this should be done in May, at the beginning of the growing season. Astrologers claim that the easiest time to transplant a crassula is on Wednesday, during the waxing moon phase. Crassula grows slowly, but in favorable conditions the money tree grows faster, and it is quite possible that you will have to replant it often.

Substrate and dishes for Crassula

Crassula is a succulent, and you can purchase ready-made potting mix for cacti or succulent plants at the store. The money tree will grow even in universal store-bought soil, but for those who like to do everything themselves, it will be easy to prepare a substrate for Crassula from three parts of leaf soil, adding to it one part each of coarse sand and leaf soil, a handful of humus, ash and clay and mix it all thoroughly.

There are other recipes for soil mixtures for money trees, but the main requirements for the substrate are looseness, lightness and nutritional value.

When choosing a container for Crassula, give preference to stable, wide and not very deep pots.

Ideally, the diameter of the pot should be equal to the diameter of the Crassula crown.

It is also worth considering the fact that a thick-walled ceramic pot is much more stable than a plastic one.

The process of transplanting Crassula at home

If you believe in omens, then place a few coins at the very bottom of the new pot: they say that they awaken the positive energy of the flower. Then place a layer of drainage material in the pot, and it is better if it is pebbles, which will give the vessel greater stability than light expanded clay. The drainage layer must be at least 2 cm thick. After this, the substrate is placed in the pot, filling it to a quarter of its volume.

Now you need to take the fat plant out of the old container, shake off the soil from its roots, but it is better to keep part of the old substrate on the root system: this way the plant will quickly take root in the new soil. Inspect the plant and, if you find traces of rotting or dried areas on the underground organs, remove them with a sharp sterile instrument and sprinkle the wounds with charcoal powder.

A money tree that has undergone surgery cannot be planted immediately. Leave it for a day with the roots exposed to allow the cuttings to dry.

If the root system of the Crassula is in order, place the plant in a new pot and fill the remaining space with substrate. There is no need to tamp the soil or tap the pot: this treatment will easily cause the fragile leaves of Crassula to fall off. Water the plant after replanting with settled water at room temperature, and when the substrate in the pot settles, you can add as much more soil as needed.

Money tree after transplantation

Until the Crassula takes root in the fresh substrate after transplantation, it needs protection from direct sunlight and soaking of the roots. This means that the pot is placed in light partial shade, and watering is done only after the top layer of the substrate has dried. To make the plant breathe easier, maintain hygiene: wipe the Crassula leaves with a damp cloth or sponge.

From time to time, you should carefully loosen the soil in the pot so that it does not cake and allows air to pass to the roots of the plant. There is no need to feed a money tree transplanted into fresh substrate for at least one and a half to two months. You will know that the plant has recovered after replanting when you see new leaves on it.

Many people strive to grow a collection of succulents. One of these interesting varieties is the Crassula or. With its specific structure and leaf shape, it attracts attention; at first glance, it vaguely resembles Japanese ornamental Bonsai trees. But they differ significantly in both appearance, and by cultivation methods.

The money tree is a prominent representative of the Toloknyankov family tree; it acts as a succulent plant. There are more than 330 species in wildlife, and there are different types: small ornamental plants, and giant bushes with large trunks, as well as aquatic flora. All species, although different in size, are very similar in appearance. Their foliage is located on the branches in pairs, as well as crosswise with adjacent locations.

Succulents have their roots in the distant hot South Africa and Madagascar. In tropical climates, they develop dense stems and thick leaves with a glossy surface. At home, the plant is presented in a somewhat reduced form, but in appearance it is no different from specimens growing in a pristine climate.

The succulent is fully equipped to survive in dry, hot areas. Thanks to this, it has such a foliage structure. It is small in size, compact, and has a fairly fleshy interior. This is necessary to absorb as much water as possible and retain it for a long time. Due to the small surface of the leaf plates, the plant gives up nutrient moisture in minimal quantities. The chessboard arrangement of the tree is not accidental.

Some leaves that remain in the shade allow them to retain moisture even longer.

In addition, the rosette placement, when releasing a small amount of moisture into the air, allows the condensation that emerges to settle on the foliage and then slide to the base, thereby being reabsorbed by the plant. The trunk and branches also have a specific structure. The bark of the tree is lignified, with small growths found on it. Such convexities help retain existing nutrients and moisture in the trunk.

Flowering of the succulent is observed only 8 years after planting in a new place. At the same time, for the release of buds, the following conditions must be observed: ideal conditions. At the ends of the branches, small inflorescences are formed, white or pale pink. There is a slight pleasant aroma.

In domestic plants, Crassula grows for quite a long period, but at a slow pace. Therefore, transplantation should be carried out no more than once a year. The older the money tree, the less often it is transplanted into a new container.

The first step is to select the necessary container for transplanting to a new location:

  • It is recommended to take a wide flowerpot, but it should not go very deep. If you plant a plant in a deep container, the water will stagnate below, but will not reach the root system and provoke the emergence of pathogenic fungal bacteria. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right size container for the succulent’s future residence.
  • The diameter of the pot should be selected according to the circumference of the plant crown. After all, no matter how large the above-ground development is, the root system of the tree is just as developed. If you choose a pot of significantly larger volume, then the slowly developing Crassula will take even longer to gain growth.
  • The fat plant itself is heavy, so it is usually not moved from one place to another. It is recommended to immediately purchase a beautiful ceramic or clay flowerpot in which the exotic plant will look spectacular.

For replanting, you should choose fresh soil. It is best to purchase ready-made soil in a specialized store. It will already be saturated with all the nutrients necessary for good growth and development.

If you have a universal soil mixture at home, it is perfect for replanting.

But for better filling, additional expanded clay or river sand should be added. In this case, you should take 1 part of ordinary soil and 4 parts of sand or expanded clay. It is possible to prepare the required substrate completely yourself. To do this, it is recommended to take humus, river sand and turf, mix well without compacting the soil. The following actions are carried out when carrying out transplantation work.

Many gardeners carry out all planting work according to Feng Shui or lunar calendar. Such methods are not always suitable for the fat woman. It has been experimentally revealed that the best time for active development, good survival rate and further growth is warm spring days.

The following rules for transplanting a money tree are distinguished:

  1. Drainage is poured into the bottom of the prepared pot. It can be made from sea pebbles, broken slate or brick. Next, a small layer of earth is poured.
  2. You need to pull the bearberry out of its habitat. For this purpose, you need to slightly moisten the soil in the pot. After waiting 15-20 minutes, you can begin careful extraction.
  3. It is not recommended to remove soil from the roots. This will cause damage to the delicate root processes.
  4. If the plant was previously heavily flooded, this will be indicated by rotten rhizomes. They are carefully cut off and sprinkled with wood ash or crushed activated carbon.
  5. The plant is placed in the middle of a new pot and sprinkled with fresh soil on top.
  6. The soil should be well compacted so that there are no hollow spaces left in which water can stagnate, causing rotting of the rhizomes.
  7. The plant should be watered well. All soil flowing from the ground is poured into a tray. Leaving moisture is not recommended.
  8. Although the succulent is a lover of sunlight, after transplanting you should not immediately send the tree to the south window. In the first days, the shrub should be slightly shaded, stimulating all the forces of the tree for high-quality rooting.

Thus, in order for the fat plant to further develop and grow actively after transplantation, it is recommended that during planting work you follow all the recommendations, and not act according to foreign planting methods according to Feng Shui.

After transferring the succulent to a new place of residence, you should take good care of it. It is believed that the money tree is not too demanding to care for, but watering it once a month is not suitable for it. It is not recommended to immediately expose the plant to the scorching rays of the sun. The plant should be kept in the shade for several days. It is recommended to limit the introduction of nutrient moisture. The only recommended action is to spray with warm water.

After rooting in a new place, you can add nutrients 1 time per month. It is best to fertilize during the growing season (active growth). This time occurs in autumn and spring. Watering in summer is not carried out daily. It is recommended to apply nutrient moisture once a week.

IN winter months Irrigation is carried out no more than 1-2 times every 30 days.

The shrub loves the summer heat, but at the same time tolerates cool temperatures. It feels comfortable at +12 C. Lowering the room temperature is possible, but you should not leave the succulent in a room where the temperature has dropped to +6 C. Thus, proper care will allow you to grow a beautiful tree and wait for delicate flowering.

The most difficult problems when growing are to understand the reason for the fall of leaves from the branches. Factors stimulating the shedding process may include non-compliance with plant care rules:

  • Improper watering - a long absence of water, leads to complete drying out of the soil in the flowerpot. Due to this, the foliage loses its elasticity, becomes thin and falls off. In this case, excessive watering leads to rotting of the roots and death of the entire plant.
  • Excessive exposure to ultraviolet light - light spots appear on the leaves, indicating a burn on the plant. Damaged leaf blades fall from the bush.
  • Large application of fertilizing - if mineral salts and other microelements are excessively added to the soil, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and fall off. It is better to feed with less nutrients than to overdo it.
  • Reduced temperature in the room in which it is kept.
  • Watering with cold tap water. Otherwise, the color of the foliage will become whitish. You should first fill the container with water to carry out irrigation. plant from southern countries requires watering with warm water, previously settled.

All problems appear due to improper care of the plant. Detecting the problem at an early stage will allow you to get rid of the disease quickly and without much loss for the succulent. If all the recommendations are followed correctly, then there is no need to worry about diseases, they simply will not arise.

More information can be found in the video:

The money tree is a plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family, named for the shape of its leaves. Other common names are Crassula and Crassula.

About 350 species of this succulent are found in nature. Crassula ovoid is common in indoor floriculture. Its oval leaves are dark green and fleshy. The trunk is lignified, thickened at the base. The plant is spreading and branched, and can reach two or more meters in height. Learn how to grow a money tree at home from scratch.

Methods of propagation of the beautiful Crassula

Growing a homemade money tree yourself is very easy, even for a novice gardener. This can be done in several ways.

With the help of a shoot. Rooting of a Crassula cutting occurs quite quickly.

Rooting in water:

  1. A cutting 7-10 cm long is placed in a container of water, removing about 3 cm of leaves from the bottom.
  2. You can add rooting stimulants to the water, for example, kornevin, but this is not at all necessary, since without any additives the cuttings will take root in about a week.
  3. The resulting shoot is planted in the ground.

Plant the shoot directly into the ground:

  1. The base is buried 2-3 cm into the ground for cacti or succulents, sprayed with water and, if necessary, a support is installed.
  2. small in size, a layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom.
  3. Roots appear quickly, within 1-2 weeks.

Using a sheet. A money tree is grown from a leaf using the same methods as from a cutting. First, I root the leaf in water, then plant it in the ground, or immediately plant the leaf in the ground and wait for young shoots. The principle is the same as when growing.

Conditions and rules for growing fat plants

In order for the money tree, according to popular belief, to bring profit and improve financial well-being, it must be properly cared for. After all, as legends say, only a healthy, powerful and properly formed plant has magical properties.

Ideal soil and the right pot

The best soil for Crassula is suitable for cacti and succulents. If a universal mixture is used, then part of the river sand is added to it in a ratio of 3:1. If the soil is acidic, then dolomite flour is added to it - Crassula does not grow well in an acidic environment.

The pot should be low and wide. Select the size of the pot based on the size of the plant. The diameter of the pot should be approximately equal to the diameter of the crown. The money tree grows equally well in clay and ceramic dishes, as well as in plastic pots. Be sure to add a few centimeters of drainage to the bottom of the container.

Location and regular care

The fat woman prefers a bright and warm place. Ideal for growing it east side, however, western and southern are allowed. When grown on a southern windowsill, the tree must be shaded from the scorching rays of the sun.

Every 2-3 weeks the pot should be rotated on 1/4 axis towards the light source. It is necessary to protect the plant from drafts. They can cause leaves to fall. By the way, toast is recommended as a food; it is believed that its presence improves the relationship between spouses.

The money tree should be watered regularly and abundantly. The earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out more than 2-3 cm. The water should be at room temperature. In winter, watering is slightly reduced.

Feed the fat plant with universal fertilizer or fertilizer for cacti and succulents. The frequency of fertilizing during the spring-summer growing season is once every 2-3 weeks. The rest of the time, fertilizers are not used.

Crown formation and wintering

To grow thick money tree, you need to plant it in a small pot. When the entire earthen ball is entwined with roots, the fat plant will begin to increase the mass of the trunk, and then the crown.

To stimulate education lush crown, pinching begins already when the young plant has a bud above four pairs of leaves. It is pinched so that after some time two shoots form in its place, which, in turn, are pinched in a similar pattern.

Crassula does not have a pronounced period of rest. However, from October to February-March it is advisable to keep the plant in a cooler place, approx. temperature regime 15-20 degrees. Watering is carried out when the earthen clod is half dry.

Dangerous diseases and pests

Most common cause Crassula disease is spider mite. In this case, the trunk, branches and leaves are covered with a white coating of cobwebs. A soap solution will help get rid of it. A soft sponge is moistened with soap dissolved in water and wiped all areas of the plant. In case of severe damage, it is worth using the drug "Fufanon".

If brown or rusty spots appear on the leaves of the money tree, then we can conclude that there is an infection scale insect. The affected areas are wiped with a brush dipped in alcohol, then, as in the case of spider mites, the leaves, branches and trunk are wiped with a sponge dipped in a soap solution. It is recommended to use "Fufanon" or "Fitoverm" among the drugs.

White flakes in the leaf axils indicate infection mealybug. In this case, the plant slows down its growth, the shoots become deformed, and the leaves may fall off. If the lesions are small, then foreign formations are cleaned off with a brush. If a significant part of the plant is affected, then it is necessary to use actellik for treatment.

If the leaves have lost turgor, become lethargic and yellow, then there may be several reasons:

  1. One of the most common is insufficient watering. The pot is placed in a container with warm, settled water for 15 minutes, then the excess moisture is allowed to drain.
  2. The second reason is decay. The leaves become wet. The plant is taken out of the pot, the soil is shaken off, the roots are inspected and damaged ones are removed. The cut areas are sprinkled with crushed coal. Plant the tree in fresh soil and reduce watering for a while.
  3. Long exposure to direct sunlight can cause leaves to yellow and fall off. To prevent this, the pot with the plant is removed to the back of the room and sufficient watering is provided.

In the warm season, the money tree can be kept in the fresh air - used for or in. It is important to ensure that the air temperature does not fall below 15 degrees and not leave the plant in the rain.

Nastasya Vorob, an expert on how to properly grow a money tree from a shoot or leaf, spoke about how to properly grow a money tree. Tips for proper care for house plants they are waiting for you in .