I want positive emotions. We create positive emotions. What are positive emotions?

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Positive emotions

This is a positive response to an event that causes a state of joy and is fully consistent with the expectations and internal attitudes of the person himself. Positive or positive emotions for most people are the basis of their happiness and happy moments in life. Positive emotions are a derivative of the positive energy received and directed towards us. various types - verbal, mental, material or in combination, coming to us from other people or things. Example: The word “Thank you!..” as gratitude for something is part of a positive energy message that evokes an emotion of satisfaction in a person. A material thing such as a telephone evokes Emotions of Joy and a Happy moment, since it includes work and the result of positive work, positive energy large quantity

of people.

The main source of positive Emotions and Happiness in your life is you yourself, your inner World and all your beliefs and attitudes. Consciousness and subconsciousness, the human brain, realizing that the desired result has been achieved, a goal or a small victory has been achieved, give a command to our endocrine system to do something pleasant for the brain - to release the hormone of pleasure and joy into the blood.

Your personal attitude to what is happening around and inside you determines how much you yourself can radiate smiles and positive Emotions.

Without positive emotions, life becomes sad, a person becomes despondent, depressed, and hysterical. An even more powerful option is when high, bright feelings also live in a person, along with a whole range of positive emotions. In this case, the state of happiness may approach maximum. What are Emotions and what are they?

There is one single basis for positive emotions and feelings - these are happy moments! It is happy moments that are the basis of all other positive states, emotions and feelings. If a person does not have joy from happy moments, then all other positive emotions and feelings quickly fade and die, and his life turns into continuous suffering. Positive emotions and high feelings have a single basis - this is, first of all, a positive attitude towards something, positive thoughts and attitudes.

What is Positive Attitude and Feedback? A positive attitude and positive inverse is a set of a person’s ideas and beliefs, life attitudes and images, and his idea of ​​the world around him and himself..

Accordingly, negative beliefs and ideas form a negative attitude, while positive beliefs form a positive attitude. A negative attitude, in turn, is fundamental to any

negative emotions For your own positive emotion and the energy that this emotion radiates, it is important to experience more positive feelings yourself and you need to form in yourself as many positive beliefs and ideas about the world around you, about yourself and your Self.

The path to happiness lies through many positive emotions!

What are positive emotions?

Positive emotions are joy of varying strength with hundreds of shades: the Emotion of Joy, the Emotion of Jubilation, the Emotion of Pleasure, the Emotion of Pride, the Emotion of Admiration, the Emotion of Attraction, the Emotion of Anticipation.

Positive emotions like smiling and laughter are nonverbal expressions of positive emotions. Some emotions, such as Sympathy and Mercy, are very closely related to feelings. How to get positive emotions? Of course, the world around us is not only an endless source of positive impressions and joyful moments.

This is life, so there are both black and white stripes. It must be remembered that for a true and lasting state of Happiness, you need to accumulate the sources of your positive emotions in the form of additional Money, real estate, family life, money, independent business. Constantly improve, learn, set new goals and achieve them. Of course you will say that money does not buy happiness, according to the classic catchphrase. However, money is frozen fragments of people’s gratitude, and it is this gratitude at the right moment that brings significant relief and emotional uplift.

There is one point in positive emotional outbursts - the person himself must be open and receptive. If he is completely negative, nothing in this world will please or satisfy him. On the contrary, even something good around him will make him angry and irritated. Hence the conclusion follows: only development, the formation of correct knowledge and strong positive beliefs within a person creates a powerful basis within a person for the constant development of positive emotions and feelings. An indicator that you are moving correctly in your development and in life in general will be your constantly growing satisfaction with life and the average line of Happiness.

Positive emotions are human states that bring positive feelings. Everyone knows what the expectation of success, a feeling of happiness, satisfaction or trust is. Everyone has experienced love and compassion at least once in their lives.

Why did nature reward humanity with the gift of the ability to experience positive emotions? They make you feel happy and energetic. It is these states that help people achieve their goals, and also make life happier and improve relationships with others.

How to Induce Positive Emotions If You Use the tips below.

Tune in to the positive immediately after waking up. Tell yourself: “Today is a beautiful day. I radiate smile, goodwill and happiness.”

If you feel that the blues have suddenly begun to set in, close your eyes and imagine how one of your dreams came true.

When you feel anger, disappointment and other negative emotions, read a positive book, watch a comedy, play a funny song.

Remember that negative thoughts come to mind more easily and are difficult to get rid of. Therefore, as soon as they begin to overcome you, immediately switch to happy memories.

Use positive statements - affirmations. They can be easily found in the books of such writers as: N. Pravdina, L. Hay, etc. There are a huge number of affirmations on sites on the following topics: esotericism, psychology, etc. You can come up with them yourself. For example, “Luck is always with me”, “Fortune always helps me”, “Success for me” and others.

If you have to communicate with unpleasant people during the day, try to fill yourself with a feeling of understanding and warmth before talking to them. Your attitude towards those you dislike will gradually change.

Always avoid communicating with negative people. Strive to talk to leaders, rich people. They always have positive emotions and thoughts.

Even if you have an unpleasant life situation, go to the mirror and smile through your strength. Tell yourself: “Everything is only changing for the better.” And remember that there is a way out of any problem, and you will find it.

Stop watching news, horror films, thrillers, crime. They fill you with negative thoughts. You will remember the situations you saw for a long time and will attract similar problems and troubles into your life.

Positive emotions are created by yoga and qigong. Practice meditation, chant mantras, study Feng Shui. Eastern arts were originally created to evoke inner peace and surround a person with abundance, goodness and joy.

Program yourself before bed for a good rest. Relaxation practice will help with this. First concentrate on the toes of your right foot, relax them, then your foot, shin, thigh, etc. Alternately move your attention to your legs and arms. Then relax your body, neck, head. As a result, you will stop feeling your body and feel lightness and freedom. At these moments, imagine something pleasant and gradually fall asleep. All night long the subconscious will work to fulfill your desires. And in the morning you will wake up with good mood.

So, what are the emotions? Positive and negative. The first ones simplify life, create successful situations and help avoid many problems and disagreements. Negative emotions are the path to depression and blues. They complicate life with scandals and despondency. And when a person is under their influence, the world seems gray and hateful. Change your inner feelings using the methods described above, and your life will become bright, and luck will always accompany you. Every day will delight you with new events and pleasant changes.

I have already touched on the importance of energy in our lives. Especially in the mini-book "". Today I would like to talk about this in more depth.

I tried to describe as many sources of energy and techniques for quickly obtaining it.

Of course, we will do without artificial energy drinks (coffee, sweets, energy drinks, alcohol, drugs, etc.), which do more harm than good.

1. Positive emotions

Positive emotions are a very important source of energy. Here you can get unlimited supplies of it. Everything that we like and brings joy to our lives gives us a good boost of energy.

Do what you like. Make your favorite business a source of money and do it constantly.

Laughter perfectly energizes us. Joke more, approach life with a smile, have fun like a child.

Enjoy life and the changes in it, be amazed at its versatility and thoughtfulness, enjoy every moment.

Life is a great gift that is given to man. Thank the Universe for this gift.

Hang out with nice people. And also with those who have already achieved what you strive for.

Listen to energetic music that gets you dancing. And start dancing. This will bring even more joy.

Have sex regularly. If a person is not satisfied in this regard, he spends a lot of energy trying to regulate this area of ​​life. Sex takes energy in the short term, but gives it even more overall.

“Unreasonable Fun” Technique. You just start running, jumping, screaming, laughing. Out of the blue. You receive an injection of positive emotions and energy.

“Distorted Mirror” technique. Just go to the mirror and start making faces, making scary and funny faces, laughing, smiling from ear to ear. This is both a warm-up for the facial muscles and an excellent charge of positivity.

Gratitude technique. Think about the fact that you live and can feel the world around you. About what was good in your life. Thank the world and the people around you for this priceless gift. You will immediately feel great.

2. Physical activity

In a healthy body healthy mind. Is not it? Exercise your body and be sure to feel a surge of energy.

Pleasant fatigue after training indicates an increase in your potential. And it gives you the positive emotions that we talked about earlier. When playing sports, we spend a small amount of energy to get much more in the long run.

Exercise in the morning. Warm up, do a series physical exercise, do some stretching. Jog in the morning if circumstances allow.

Also do some stretching throughout the day. If you work at a computer, get up and walk around several times a day, drink water, stretch your muscles, or maybe do a couple of exercises.

Walk more and take the stairs to the desired floor. Why not walk a couple of stops instead of jostling on public transport.

Do yoga, join a gym, take up some kind of sports discipline (for example, gymnastics).

Take up martial arts (for guys) or dancing (for girls). This is not only useful, but also interesting and brings a huge amount of positivity. Practice this constantly and develop your body.

Sleep correctly. Go to bed early and get up at dawn. Be sure to get enough sleep. After waking up, we should feel energized, not overwhelmed.

"Warming Up" Technique. Quickly and vigorously massage the muscles of your arms, legs, chest, and neck. Get the blood flowing throughout your body. Massage your face, head, rub your ears. And the blood will rush to your head. This simple technique provides a sharp surge of strength.

3. Cleanliness

The feeling of cleanliness also carries a certain energy. You feel fresh and ready for action.

Be sure to take a shower in the morning. Preferably with a washcloth. This is how you cleanse your body of dead skin and dirt, open your pores, and allow your body to breathe. This means getting energy directly from the air.

Pouring cold water or a contrast shower will give you several times more energy. By provoking this little stress, you strengthen your body and increase its potential. And of course you recharge with energy. Blood rushes to the skin.

Also take a shower before bed (this will improve your sleep) and during the day after exercise and walking (this will allow you to get back into your normal rhythm of life).

It is also beneficial to undergo more intensive cleansing procedures from time to time. For example, go to the bathhouse once a week. And after a good steaming session, jump into a pool of cold water.

Technique "Refreshment". Always works great. It is not necessary to take a shower in the morning. Do this whenever you want to recharge your batteries. It is advisable to take a cold or contrast shower.

To be continued…

These are just 3 of the 12 energy sources that I wrote down on a piece of paper today. This means there will be a lot more interesting and useful things on the blog. To get the most best materials, subscribe to the newsletter

What are they, positive emotions?This is a pleasant feeling of happiness, satisfaction, trust and expectation of success. These are feelings of compassion, love, tolerance and understandingWhy do you need positive emotions?

Positive emotions make you feel good, energetic, happy, capable and ready to take action to continue what you want to achieve and achieve. Positive emotions will also make life happier and easier, make you more likable, and improve your relationships.

How can you create positive emotions?

Below are some tips and suggestions to help create positive emotions.

1. Understand the importance of positive emotions and how they can improve your life.

2. Stop being associated with negative thoughts and feelings.

3. After waking up in the morning, smile and say to yourself silently or out loud: “I will have a wonderful day today, it will be happy and successful. I will remain patient and positive in any situation.”

4. Sometimes during the day, for a few minutes visualize some happy moments and situations in life, a place you visited that you liked or communication with loved ones.

5. When something makes you angry, wait a few seconds before reacting.

6. When you feel some despair, anger, unhappiness or disappointment, do not give in to these feelings and let them grow. Visualize what makes you happy, read what makes you happy, repeat positive affirmations or just try to create some happy feelings within you.

This may not be easy, as the negative feelings may be too strong, however, you must do your best, no matter how many times you may not have generated positive feelings. But if you keep chanting, you can change your attitude and feelings.

7. Understand that you cannot always control the situation in your life, but you can control and change your attitude and reaction. A negative attitude and anger will lead to negative emotions, a positive attitude and positive emotions will make the situation better.

8. Try to show some positive emotions towards people you don't like. You don't have to be their friend, but you can stop being negative and allow some feelings of warmth and understanding to emerge. You may be surprised at how your attitude and reactions to you change.

9. Read some inspirational quotes every day.

10. Repeat statements such as:

"I feel happy and confident."

“I get more happiness and more positivity every day.”

11. Stay away from negative people, and if you must be around and work with them, don't let their state of mind affect you. Try to be detached to them. Fill your mind with positive emotions and thoughts so that there is no room for negative thoughts in your mind.

12. When you feel depressed, listen to music.

13. Allow yourself to smile more often, even in difficult situations. Smiling tends to clear your mind of worries, even if temporarily, and wins you sympathy and support from those around you.

14. Watch comedies, read and watch happy news.

15. Find time to meditate. Among its benefits is the ability to filter the feelings and thoughts that enter your mind. This will help avoid negative emotions and allow positive emotions to appear.

16. While lying in bed at night, say to yourself silently or out loud: “I will have a wonderful day tomorrow, it will be happy and successful, I will be patient and positive all day in any situation.”

Now that you know how to create positive emotions, you can get creatively inspired and find new ideas for creating positive emotions in your life.

Energy and positive emotions are the basis of happiness in life. You can attract them using the characteristics of each Zodiac Sign.

For each Zodiac Sign, the sources of energy and positive emotions are different, but the basis for achieving well-being in life is the person himself. There are six basic rules for a happy life, thanks to which we can change our personal attitude towards what is happening and get rid of negativity forever.


The most dynamic and impulsive Sign needs the continuous generation of ideas. However, it will not be enough for Aries to simply come up with something to do for themselves and their loved ones. In order to saturate their inner world with positivity, they need to bring their plans to life. A dream that has come true can give them a second wind and become an impetus for finding harmony with the world.

The source of energy for Aries is active work, support of loved ones and a leadership role in their own endeavors. Truly happy representatives of this Zodiac Sign should rule an empire built only on their ideas and the admiring views of their followers.


Taurus can restore and increase their internal resources through work. By zodiac horoscope they represent the element Earth, so everything related to agriculture can bring them maximum pleasure. Construction of a plot, raising livestock, gardening, landscape design - all these are sources of positive emotions for Taurus.

But representatives of this Zodiac Sign can draw energy from gourmet dishes, expensive alcohol and any prepared food that suits their taste. Many Taurus people love to cook and feel happy if their work is liked by loved ones.


Traveling to another country, city, or street can bring joy to Geminis. This Zodiac Sign is so imbued with inconstancy that its representatives are depressed by staying in one place for more than 10 minutes. The new emotions that Geminis experience immediately become positive.

Dating, whether pleasant or not, can increase their energy due to the receipt of new information. Almost all Geminis need constant nourishment with conversations, impressions, and news. Having learned new things, they are saturated with strength for the next feats and adventures. Traveling work or traveling around the world will bring the greatest happiness to this Zodiac Sign.


The comfort of home can bring harmony and, as a result, happiness to the most sensual sign of the Zodiac according to the horoscope. Some Cancers are ready to put in a huge amount of effort to furnish their home the way only they want. The main thing is that no one interferes with this, and then they will achieve balance. And when they come home after a hard day, they will draw energy and inner strength from the wonderful surroundings.

The source of positive emotions for Cancers is communication with loved ones, solitude and doing what they love. Any hardships in life can pass by if representatives of this Zodiac Sign spend time with their families. Meditation can also help them get rid of negative experiences, if, of course, Cancers do it at home.

a lion

Leos are accustomed to restoring energy and vitality through the attention of people, sometimes without even noticing it. Nothing can make them happy more than public recognition and praise from the public. To maintain peace of mind, representatives of this Zodiac Sign do not need much - just fame, success and global domination among people.

Leos derive positive emotions from luxurious, bright and beautiful things. And the more they can afford, the greater their joy and self-satisfaction. This Zodiac Sign wants to stand out among the crowd and be a guide to the world of success.


According to the horoscope, Virgos are very careful, selective and know how to spend their energy correctly. This Zodiac Sign differs from others in that its representatives achieve internal balance through an established regime. Virgos have already drawn up a concept of action for all occasions. And if, God forbid, something doesn’t go according to plan, they take out plan B. Their influx of energy directly depends on organization in all areas of life.

But they can naturally be charged with positivity. This Zodiac Sign will benefit from any walk in the fresh air, a foray into the forest or a trip to the sea. Contemplating the beauty around them, Virgos are delighted. And after that they try to describe how and what to spend their positive emotions on by day of the week.


Libras restore their vitality to the maximum when everything around them is beautiful. Anything can delight their gaze: a chic setting, a charming child, painting, art films, landscape, animals, cute trinkets. And it is not at all necessary that it belong to them: the main thing is to see, feed the energy and forget. But many Libras strive to surround themselves with beauty so that they don’t have to go far to find internal resources.

The most romantic nature among all Zodiac Signs, Libra receives pleasant emotions from a loved one. Especially if the other half surrounds you with care, has beauty and gives sweet surprises. A candlelit dinner, a bath with rose petals or a wonderful movie can lift their spirits even after the hardest day.


Scorpios have their own unconventional ways to restore internal resources. The sources of their energy are quite unusual, because this Zodiac Sign tends to draw strength through communication with people. But, unlike Gemini, Scorpios feed on the energy of everyone they communicate with. Their natural energy vampirism brings maximum benefits and gives them harmony. Especially if you managed to make a person angry: angry, upset, deprived of balance.

Contact with magic brings positive emotions to Scorpios. You can talk about it, feel it, or engage in rituals. Everything that, in their opinion, is incomprehensible and unknown, charges with positivity.


Sagittarians know how to find sources of energy in everything related to spirituality, be it contact with the religions of different peoples, the manifestation of moral values, acquaintance with the traditions of society, artistic activity. According to the horoscope, this is the most inquisitive sign of the Zodiac, which strives for self-knowledge and self-regulation of a mature personality.

Traveling and contemplating ancient monuments helps Sagittarius gain positive emotions, which play a major role in self-improvement. It is desirable, of course, that your stay in another place be exciting and long, so as not to plunge into the routine of days longer.


Capricorns restore internal resources through active recreation, especially in nature. Any foray into the forest, fishing, hunting or just a hike brings them to harmony. The main thing is not to languish in the city and worries. And if it turns out that representatives of this Zodiac Sign go to the mountains, to the sea or to stormy rivers, then you can expect a surge of powerful energy, which will be enough to achieve success in the shortest possible time.

A source of positivity is communication with loved ones, family or work colleagues. Conversations on familiar topics can improve the mood of Capricorns. And common interests or hobbies with your significant other bring positive emotions that last for a long time.


Representatives of this Zodiac Sign know how to easily restore their energy, but they can just as quickly lose it. The surprising thing is that the internal resources of Aquarius directly depend on their mood. Some insignificant trifle can upset them, and any experience immediately takes away all the accumulated strength. Therefore, astrologers advise attracting as many positive thoughts and emotions into your life as possible.

To be filled with positive feelings, Aquarians need to be the center of attention and manage to do a little bit of everything in one day. Communication with people in whom they see a reflection of themselves greatly improves their mood. Like-minded people are able to charge them with pleasant emotions, and subsequently with energy to move forward.


Inner forces And Pisces gain energy when they help others. The income of a person who finds himself in a difficult situation gives them harmony and replenishes vital activity. Perhaps this is the only Zodiac Sign that would suit the role of Superman. However, Pisces can also restore their resources with the help of art: of course, no one forces you to do it, it will be enough to look and feel it.