Homework deciduous trees mushrooms. Lexical topic "trees and shrubs". Cartoon about the bear "Uncle Misha"

1-hare, 2-bear, 3-fox, 4-wolf, 5-squirrel

1.who has babies in winter?

2. This animal feeds on berries, nuts, acorns, and sometimes eggs and chicks.

3. Who gathers in flocks for winter?

4. Which animal has enemies: eagle owls, crows, foxes, wolves, magpies?

5. What animal do they say this about? “Runs fast, can crawl, swim, very curious”?

6. Who does his amazing endurance help to survive: he can go without eating for many days without losing strength or getting out of shape?

7. They are caught and eaten by wolves, large birds of prey kidnap the cubs, and the golden eagle attacks adults. What kind of animal is this?

8. The tail serves as its rudder and sometimes as a parachute.

9. Runs quickly uphill, and downhill head over heels.

10. When oats and corn begin to ripen, he appears in the fields.

2. One artist decided to paint a forest.

What is a forest? - he thought. - Of course, trees!

I painted birches, spruces, pines and aspens, oaks and lindens. Yes, they turned out so similar that the branches were about to sway. And in the corner, as expected, he drew an old forest man. I hung the picture, and after a while I saw dry trunks.

The artist painted grass and flowers, but the forest dried up again.

Did you draw insects? - the voice of the forester was heard again. The artist painted insects, but they stuck to all the trees.

We need birds, and also bushes and berries,” the old forest man continued.

I completed the drawing, but the forest still began to wither.

Draw a toad and a lizard!

No, said the artist.

They argued for a long time, and the artist agreed and also painted many different animals.

It was dark, and the artist wanted to turn on the light, but suddenly he heard the crackling of branches and someone snorting.

This is a forest! - said the old man and disappeared. Or maybe he didn’t disappear, but hid behind a bush or tree. After all, thousands of inhabitants are hiding in it. And all of them are forests.

Get to know me.

I am a very interesting animal. Only I know how to build dams on rivers and streams, lay canals in the forest and, like a real lumberjack, cut down thick trees and build huts for housing. I’ll find an aspen or willow tree and start gnawing at the tree from all sides. I carefully cut up the branches of a fallen tree, gnaw the trunk into several parts, and then carry it all across the water to the hut and put it in large piles. This is how I stock up on “food” for the winter. The pond will freeze, and I will sit in my hut and happily gnaw on the bark and young branches of trees.

I'm a very careful animal. I hunt at night, so it’s not easy to see me. My body is covered with silver-gray stiff stubble. Yellowish-white stripes stretch from the nose to the back of the head, and a black stripe runs through the eyes and ears. Closer to autumn, I begin to gain fat - to prepare for winter. Although I look clumsy, I deftly catch rodents, frogs, lizards, and dig up worms. I destroy a lot of cockchafer larvae. By the time it gets cold, I’ll accumulate so much fat that I can go to bed for the whole winter!

Animals are enemies, some escape in hollows, some hide under the snow, some in holes. And I don’t know how to do any of this. I have a lot of enemies. And yet I live, I don’t grieve. My nose and sensitive ears help me out, quick legs and an inconspicuous fur coat. It’s not for nothing that my eyes are “slanty” - I see with them not only in front and to the sides, but even a little back. The ears also turn in all directions - there is no need to turn your head in vain. In the fall I shed: instead of gray fur, snow-white fur grows. I feed at night - it’s safer this way - on tree branches and bark from their stems.


This forest is dense, shady,

It smells like resinous pine needles. (Elnik.)

Green in winter and summer,

It's called... (pine).

To every home

New Year's Eve

This tree will come.

Green and prickly,

It's called... (Christmas tree).

On oak branches

The kids are swinging

Small, mischievous,

They have carved hats. (Acorns.)

Trunks in black lines

Silky and white. (Birches.)

The forest is mighty and majestic

And his name is... (oak tree).

Explain what words helped you find the answers?

Fourth wheel

Highlight the extra word and explain your choice.

1. Dubrava, birch forest, swamp, spruce forest

2. Birch, rose, maple, aspen.

3. Aspen, linden, oak, spruce.

4. Rosehip, hawthorn, hazel, pine.

5. Linden, aspen, maple, lilac.

6. Tulip, daffodil, oak, rose.

7. Pine, spruce, fir, apple tree.

8. Osinnik, cedar forest, birch forest, oak forest.

Word game

Clap your hands when you hear a word that matches a spruce (pine, birch, aspen, oak) forest. Explain each word choice.

Acorn, Birch juice, pine cone, New Year's guest, spruce paw, boletus, oak grove, white-trunked, coniferous tree, shady, resinous, amber, mighty, red-purple leaf, light-loving, grows on the edge of the forest, bitter bark, a treat for squirrels, blueberry, sorrel, long green needles, shedding needles, pine cone.

After the game, to activate memory and speech, children can be offered the following tasks.

Remember what words you have heard that are suitable for a spruce (pine, oak...) forest?

Write a descriptive story based on the plan.

1. What is the name of the forest?

2. What does it look like?

3. What trees grow in this forest?

4. What shrubs, herbs, flowers, mushrooms grow in this forest?

5. What animals and birds live in this forest?

6. Additional information known to children.

Proverbs and sayings

Why do people say it?

1. Forest and water paint the field.

2. Forest and water are brother and sister.

4. A forest without birds and birds cannot live without a forest.

5. They are looking for mushrooms - they are scouring the forest.

6. There are not only boletuses under the birches.

7. We go into the forest empty-empty, and out of the forest - thick-dense.

9. Without happiness, don’t go picking mushrooms in the forest.

10. They don’t carry firewood into the forest, they don’t pour water into the well.

11. If you don’t go to the forest, you’ll freeze on the stove.

12. Living near the forest means you won’t face hunger.

13. And the forest makes more noise when there are a lot of trees.

15. The uncut forest is growing again.

16. The hunter hears the forest breathing.

17. The forest was burned, and the nightingales are crying for their nest.

19. Don’t look for a hare in the forest: it’s sitting at the edge of the forest.

20. A small spark ignites the fuss.


1. What is a forest?

2. What types of forests are there?

3. What trees grow in coniferous forests?

4. Why are spruce and pine called conifers? What other coniferous tree species do you know?

5. What trees grow in deciduous forests?

6. What is a mixed forest?

7. What animals and birds feed on cone seeds?

8. What is the main tree in the oak forest?

9. What animals and birds like to treat themselves to acorns?

10. What mushrooms grow under birch trees? And under the aspen trees?

11. What is a forest edge?

12. Where is the edge: in the thicket or at the edge of the forest?

13. What trees grow in deciduous forests?

14. What plants grow in forest clearings?

15. What benefits does the forest bring to humans?

16. What benefits does the forest bring to living and inanimate nature?

17. Why is the forest called the “green lungs” of the planet?

18. Why is the forest called the keeper of waters?

19. Why can’t you light fires, make noise, or pick flowers in the forest?

20. What is the name of the profession of a person who protects a forest?

21. What are the names of forests where you can’t hunt or cut down trees?

Learn to compare

1. What is the difference between deciduous forest and coniferous forest?

2. What are the similarities and differences between spruce and pine forests?

3. What are the similarities and differences between cedar and pine?

4. What are the similarities and differences between fir and spruce?

5. What are the similarities and differences between birch and aspen trees?

6. How does a spruce forest differ from a deciduous forest?

7. What do a forest edge and a forest clearing have in common?

8. What is the difference between an edge and a thicket?

9. How does a mixed forest differ from a coniferous forest?

Municipal budget educational institution

"Kustovskaya secondary school"

Nomination “Save the forests of Russia”

The game is a journey on the topic:

"The Forest and Its Inhabitants"

Completed by: Lezhneva O.S.

primary school teacher

MBOU "Kustovskaya Secondary School"

Goal: to instill in children a love of nature, careful attitude To her.

  • Contribute to the development of love for native nature;
  • Introduce the rules of behavior in nature;
  • Arouse interest in the lessons of the surrounding world.
  • Cultivate observation skills.
  • Decor:

  • 1st poster “Save nature - save life on Earth.”
  • 2nd poster “To protect nature means to protect the Motherland” (M. Prishvin).
  • Plates with environmental signs.
  • Cards with proverbs.
  • Painting “nature”.
  • Children's drawings.
  • Tokens.
  • Music: “Sounds of nature”, “Voices of birds”, Yu. Chichkov “This is called nature”.
  • Teacher: Hello, forest, dense forest,
    Full of fairy tales and miracles!
    What are you making noise about?
    On a dark, stormy night?
    What are you whispering at dawn?
    All in dew, like in silver?
    Who is hiding in your wilderness?
    What kind of animal?
    What bird?
    Open everything, don’t hide it:
    You see, we are our own!

    Today we will play an unusual game - a journey on the topic: “The forest and its inhabitants.” We'll go along the forest path and make several stops. Two teams and fans take part in the game. Based on the results of the game, we will be able to reward the best team and the best forest expert. For each correct answer at each stop, the student who not only answers correctly, but also demonstrates knowledge of the rules of behavior in the forest will receive a token.

    (Music “Sounds of Nature” sounds).

    On our globe on the earth,
    Where we were born and live,
    Where is the summer dew in the grass?
    And blue skies
    Where is the sea, mountains, steppes, forest -
    Full of mysterious miracles.
    - A gray wolf wanders through the forest,
    And the thin lily of the valley blooms,
    In the steppe feather grass is like delicate silk,
    The breeze brushes.
    A waterfall thunders on the rocks,
    And the splashes fly like a rainbow.
    And in the blue sea there is a blue whale -
    Big as a house, it sleeps on the waves.
    Don't destroy this world
    Girls and boys
    Otherwise these miracles
    They will remain only in the book.
    - So that there is Narzan in the springs,
    From the clearing - strawberries,
    Be careful like Tarzan
    Make friends with wild nature!
    - You are also part of her miracles,
    And the forest darkens for you,
    And the bright river flows,
    And everything will bloom in the spring.
    And we have to try
    We can't part with this!
    So our game begins!

    1Tour “Add a proverb”

    Each team is given envelopes with cut cards on which proverbs are written. Participants need to correctly collect proverb cards within the allotted time.

    Stork on the roof - // peace in the house.
    Although the earth feeds, // it also asks for food.
    Life is given // for good deeds.
    A good deed // praises itself.
    A lot of water - // a lot of grass.
    Plant - // earth decoration.
    A lot of forest - // don’t destroy it, a little forest - // take care, no forest - // plant it.
    Feed the birds in winter, // they will repay you with kindness in summer.
    The nightingale does not need // a golden cage, but he needs // an earthly branch.
    The bushes were cut down - // goodbye to the birds.
    I saw a starling - // spring at the porch.
    Spark the carcass // before the fire, avert trouble // before the blow.
    Groves and forests are the beauty of our native land.
    The fate of nature is // the fate of the Motherland.

    Tour 2 “What do we know about trees”

  • What wood are flutes and clarinets made from? (Maple.)
  • What kind of wood are the internal parts of the Moscow Kremlin buildings made of? The wood of this tree does not rot. (Larch.)
  • Which wood burns the hottest? (oak, birch.)
  • What kind of wood are matches made of? (From aspen.)
  • Which tree blooms first and which tree last? (Alder, linden.)
  • What kind of wood is used to make skis? (Birch.)
  • What wood is a piano made from? (From spruce.)
  • Which tree, like the birch, produces sweet sap? (Maple.)
  • Pine is planted to strengthen the sands, but spruce is not. Why? (Pine has a deep root system, while spruce has a superficial one.)
  • Why does a hare eat aspen in winter, because it is bitter? (Aspen bark contains 10% fat.)
  • What can you get from pine needles? (Vitamin flour, artificial wool.)
  • What kind of wood are ships made of? (Oak.)
  • What tree is most often planted in cities? (Lipu.)
  • Which trees have red leaves in autumn? (At aspen, rowan, maple.)
  • Which tree is the best vacuum cleaner? (Poplar.)
  • 3 Musical tour “Who will sing who?”

    The holiday is more fun with a song,
    We can't live without her,
    Because for the song contest
    We invite you, friends!

    Each team in turn must sing a song about nature, about animals, about birds, about plants.

    4 Tour “Guess the riddles”

    White-sided Magpie
    flew from far away
    She didn't say where she was.
    - But she, guys
    Very tricky riddles
    She brought it to us on her tail.
    Who can guess faster?
    He gets the chip.

  • He's been looking for crumbs all day,
    Eats bugs and worms.
    Doesn't fly away for the winter
    Lives under the eaves. (Sparrow)
  • He comes every year
    To where the house awaits him,
    He can sing other people's songs,
    And yet it has its own voice. (Starling)
  • Spinning, chirping,
    Laughs all day. (Magpie)
  • These friendly guys
    They grow on a stump in the forest. (Honey mushrooms)
  • Gray hats, speckled legs.
    They grow under the birch trees, what are their names? (Boletus mushrooms)
  • He has a nondescript appearance, keep in mind - he is very poisonous!
    Don't take him out of the clearing, what's his name? (Death cap)
  • And this handsome guy has a little white leg.
    He is wearing a red hat, and there are pots on it. (Amanita)
  • I'll look out the window,
    Thin Antoshka is coming. (Rain)
  • I’m flying - I’m spinning, I’m grumbling to the whole world. (Blizzard)
  • It's fun in the spring, cool in the summer,
    It dies in autumn and warms in winter. (Tree)
  • Over the river, over the valley
    a white canvas hung. (Fog)
  • The moon is blooming
    The rye is ripening
    When does this happen? (In summer)
  • What will not be sown? (Grass)
  • On snow-covered hummocks
  • Under the white snow cap

    We found a little flower

    Half frozen, barely alive! (Snowdrop)

  • The little blue bell rings
  • He never calls. (Bell)

  • The house is open on all sides,
  • Entering the green house -

    You will see miracles in it. (Forest)

    5 Fine tour “Let's save our Earth together”

    Each team must draw an environmental poster within the allotted time (5 minutes). Participants are given markers and whatman paper.

    While the teams are preparing for this competition, we have a “Game with Spectators”.

    Summer is a wonderful time
    The kids are screaming... (Hooray!)
    - We have both rivers and forests
    They give in the summer...(miracles)
    - Who performed the miracle?
    In the summer, into a fairy tale... (turned)?
    - Who made the whole world like this:
    Loud, joyful...(colored)?
    - The whole Earth became circled
    Bright, colorful... (carpet).
    - Where above the dome of heaven
    It turns lushly green... (forest).
    - And flowers are blooming around
    Unprecedented... (beauty).
    - Here, greeting the guys,
    The bells are ringing).
    - How nice it is for us to run
    Along the chamomile... (meadows)!
    - Like sunbeams,
    Golden... (dandelions).
    - Into the world of goodness and beauty
    Transform the world... (flowers)!

    Guys, telegrams have arrived for you. Listen to what they say.

  • "I need help! Urgent! The beetles came out, climbed the trees, chewed everything. In winter they sat in the ground - they hid 2 meters deep, but now they attacked the trees. I work for two people, but I still can’t cope – there are a lot of them. Need urgent help! Pass this on to the guys. Urgently.
  • Your woodpecker."

  • “We are the first green, and for this we are broken. Everyone who doesn’t care about the forest breaks it. We are even afraid to be the first to bloom in the forest. What's good? They'll break it anyway. Help us! It really hurts when you get broken. Very!
  • Your faithful friends: Willow, Bird Cherry, Lilac.”

    Teacher: What answers will you send to these telegrams? What help can you provide?

    Guys, I suggest you answer the questions.

  • While going on an excursion to the forest, the children saw dream grass. Gena wanted to pick it and bring it to class, but Ira suggested digging it up and planting it on school site. The guys argued for a long time, but never decided. Who is right.
  • (You can’t pick up the dream grass, it is under protection. You also can’t replant it. In the fall, you need to collect the seeds and plant them in a place that is not too dark.)

  • Seryozha said that when he and his dad were walking in the forest, they lit a fire and baked potatoes. Then dad lit the fire from the stream so that there would be no fire, and buried the cans and bags. How to convince Seryozha’s dad that you can’t light a fire in the forest.
  • (A fire pit in the forest does not become overgrown for 5-7 years, and it takes 90 years for a tin can to completely decompose, and 200 years for a plastic bag.)

    6 Tour “Ecological signs”

    Take care of the Earth
    Take care of the earth!
    Take care of the lark
    At the blue zenith.
    - Take care of the mountains,
    rivers and forests,
    Let it not disappear
    There is beauty in life!

    Each team is given 5 symbols. Participants, in turn, must name the rules of conduct in the forest, according to the signs:

  • Don't pick flowers.
  • You can't destroy anthills.
  • Do not break branches of trees and bushes.
  • Do not damage the bark of trees.
  • You cannot take eggs from nests.
  • Don't light a fire in the forest.
  • Do not pick mushrooms, even those that are not edible.
  • You must not dig holes or disturb animals.
  • In the forest, in nature, it is prohibited to make shouting and noise.
  • When relaxing in the forest, do not leave trash behind!
  • Help birds and animals in winter when they are having a hard time.
  • Teacher: - Famous writer M.M. Prishvin said: “Take care of nature! If there is water and not a single fish, I won’t trust the water. And even if there is oxygen in the air, but birds don’t fly in it, I won’t trust the air either. A forest without animals is not a forest...”

    ...You, man, loving nature,
    At least sometimes feel sorry for her.
    On pleasure trips
    Don't trample its fields!
    And don't exhaust it to the bottom.
    And remember the simple truth:
    Don't burn her recklessly
    There are few of us - and she is alone! (V. Shefner)

    The song by Y. Chichkov to the words of M. Plyatskovsky “This is called nature” is performed by all participants:

    We love the forest at any time of the year,
    We hear the rivers speaking slowly...
    All this is called nature,
    Let's always take care of her!

    The results of the game are summed up. Teams are awarded.

    Teacher: Guys, I hope you will love even more native nature, show interest in her, protect her. Our competitions helped you expand your knowledge about nature, as well as show your caring attitude towards it. Thank you.

    Lezhneva Oksana Sergeevna

    1. Show your child different types of trees on a walk, note the structural features(trunk, branches, leaves (needles), fruits, etc.).

    2. Look at the pictures with your child. Introduce him to the names of trees. Write down the general concept of “trees” in the dictionary.

    3. Exercise “Which tree does the fruit come from?”: Tell me what fruit each of the forest inhabitants found under the tree. Connect each fruit with a line to the tree it is on.grew up, and tell me what grows where. (The hedgehog found acorns. Acorns grow on oak trees. Andetc.) Make up sentences following the example: “The hedgehog ran, ran and reached the oak tree.”

    4. Exercise “Say the opposite”: The pine is tall and the rowan is low.

    Pine has long needles, but spruce....

    The oak has a thick trunk, and the birch....

    The maple has large leaves, and the birch....

    The birch has a light trunk, and the maple....

    5. Exercise “Complete the sentences with the correct words”:

    6. Exercise “Which tree is the leaf or twig from?”: Color the leaves and twigs located above. Draw a line from each of them to the corresponding tree. Name what kind of leaves and twigs these are. (Birch leaf - birch. Etc.)

    7. Exercise “What happens to the leaves?”: Make up a story using pictures and supporting words.

    8. Exercise “Count and name”: Connect trees of the same type with lines of the same color.

    Tell us what kind of trees there are a lot (many oaks, firs...). Count (write in circles or draw in dots the quantity) and name them. (One birch, two birches, ..., five birches).

    9. Exercise “Prompt words”: Insert the missing words (the text is read adult).

    The squirrel was sitting (on) a tree and gnawing nuts. Suddenly one nut fell and a squirrel came down (from) the tree. The nut lay (under) the leaf. The squirrel grabbed the nut and hid (behind) the tree. Children were walking past and saw a squirrel’s tail peeking out (from behind) a tree. The boys came closer (to) the tree. The squirrel heard footsteps and instantly climbed (up) the tree. She hid (in) a hollow.