Game changeover theme on corruption. Intellectual game: Youth - against corruption. Lotto “Corruption: structural elements”

Quiz “We are against corruption!”

(8-11 grades)

QUESTION 1: When is International Anti-Corruption Day observed? And since what year is this day celebrated?
ANSWER: 9th December. Since 2004.

QUESTION 2: Which government bodies, classified by territorial basis, are empowered to combat corruption?

ANSWER: "Federal authorities state power, public authorities of the subjects Russian Federation and local governments"

QUESTION 3: Give a short phrase or one word for what is about to be listed:

1) recognition, provision and protection of fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen;

2) legality;

3) publicity and openness of the activities of state bodies and local governments;

4) the inevitability of responsibility for committing corruption offenses;

5) integrated use of political, organizational, information and propaganda, socio-economic, legal, special and other measures;

6) priority application of measures to prevent corruption;

7) cooperation of the state with civil society institutions, international organizations and individuals.

ANSWER: principles of anti-corruption policy

QUESTION 4: Is the failure of a citizen to provide information about his income, property and obligations upon entering the civil service as a basis for refusing to admit a citizen to the public service? property nature, as well as about income, property and property-related obligations of their spouse and minor children, or the provision of knowingly false or incomplete information?


QUESTION 5: The criminal law of Tsarist Russia divided bribery into two types: bribery and...

ANSWER : Extortion.

QUESTION 6: To what extent of responsibility (punishment) should persons holding public office be held liable for failure to submit a declaration to the tax authority, if the act does not contain signs of a criminal offense?

ANSWER : Dismissal

QUESTION 7: In accordance with which legal acts responsible government positions are established

ANSWER : Constitution of the Russian Federation, Constitutional and other laws of the Russian Federation

QUESTION 7: Which king issued the Code of Laws (1832, 1842, 1857), which included a chapter on liability for bribery and extortion?

ANSWER : NikolayI

QUESTION 8: M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin said “Under such laws, life in Russia is without (them) ... would be impossible." What does the writer mean?

ANSWER : Bribes

QUESTION 9: What actions did Catherine II take towards officials to reduce corruption?

ANSWER : Increased salary, which was paid on time

QUESTION 10: Critics of Tsar Nicholas l regarded the fight against corruption that he initiated as an increase in corruption itself. In addition, officials came up with new ways of theft, circumventing the measures taken by Nicholas I, as evidenced by the statement of Senator K. I. Fischer:
“Clerical impudence has been a chronic ulcer of Russia since ancient times... Under Nicholas, this impudence began to take on correct forms, despite the severity of the emperor... Previously, arrogance acted by breaking laws, now it began to draw laws that promoted theft... Demoralization remained underground; office rats, in the darkness of the night, gnawed at the state machine... Finally, insolence of the highest kind comes in, where high dignitaries take the initiative and take the office bastard as their accomplices... Nikolai Pavlovich served Russia conscientiously, but he made mistakes in the system and was deceived with disgusting cynicism.”
Nicholas I himself was critical of the successes in this area, saying that those around him were the only ones who did not steal and... Who, besides Nicholas I, does not steal?


QUESTION 11: Anti-corruption can be successful if its main causes are eradicated... (what should be revealed?)

ANSWER : Causes

QUESTION 12: What was the name of the body created by Peter I to combat lawlessness and to supervise the observance of law and order, including by civil servants?

ANSWER : Prosecutor's office

QUESTION 13: Who was the first Prosecutor General of Russia?

ANSWER : Pavel Ivanovich Yaguzhinsky

QUESTION 14: What penalties can be applied to a civil servant for corruption offences? (for each correct answer – 1 point)

ANSWER : 1) remark; 2) reprimand; 3) warning about incomplete job compliance; 4) dismissal due to loss of confidence.

QUESTION 15: What is the name of a bribe in Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov’s dictionary?

ANSWER : Bribe

Scenario business games

"We are against corruption"

Rhythmic music sounds and the presenter comes out in the background.
Leading: Threatens the people with revolution -
There are many problems and gaps in life:
The authorities decided to tackle corruption -
There is already success in this matter
From our short introduction, you guessed that our program is dedicated to corruption, one of the most pressing problems of our society. Corruption is a controversial phenomenon and very difficult to understand. Here is one of its definitions:

“Corruption is bribery and any other conduct by persons entrusted with the performance of certain duties in the public or private sector, which leads to a breach of the duties entrusted to them and is intended to obtain any illegal benefits for themselves and others.”

Corruption is a fairly widespread phenomenon throughout the world. In socio-political and socio-economic life it manifests itself in various forms: let us now hold a small auction of WORDS related to corruption. The participant who says the word last will receive a small reward.

(Bribery, embezzlement, fraud, extortion, arbitrariness, abuse of official position, receiving illegal benefits, benefits, or remuneration, the appointment by an official of his relatives and friends to official positions is called favoritism, receiving illegal benefits, benefits or remuneration)

1. Auction of definitions on the topic CORRUPTION.
Leading: So, we have defined the main words associated with corruption: these are Bribery, Embezzlement, Fraud, Extortion, Abuse of Official Position, Receipt of Illegal Benefits, Benefits, or Remuneration, Favoritism. And now we ask three people from each team to come up on stage, and these can be not only participants in the action, but also guys from the support group.

Leading: So - you are a working group whose task is to make a poster in the form of a collage in 20 minutes and give your definition, that is, as you understand the word that defines corruption. For example: Arbitrariness is arbitrary use of official authority to provide unjustified benefits to any group or individual, or discrimination against them. Each working group will have its own task, which you will receive right now.

(a tray with envelopes containing assignments is brought out)

Leading: The task has been received, and you can go to the foyer, where the materials at hand are waiting for you.

(Participants leave to complete the task)

Leading: Well, let's get back to our topic - CORRUPTION . Fraud. What does the definition of this word tell us? Fraud is any behavior intended to deceive or fool a person or legal entity, for your own benefit. In common parlance this is called SCAM. To confirm this, I ask one team representative to come up on stage.

(participants go up to the stage and are given ONE BALLOON)

Leading: Take one balloon in your hands and at my command you will inflate them. Whoever inflates the largest balloon will receive a reward. Your time is 30 seconds. So, let's start!

Musical soundtrack plays

When the time runs out, the game stops. If the players' balloons burst during the time, the host says that their scam has BURSTED! If all the balls remain intact, the presenter proposes to expose the fraud and burst all the balls at the same time.
Leading: Well, everyone has completed the first task, and we move on to the second definition of corruption - Bribery. What is the definition of this word? Bribery involves influencing the actions or decisions of an official by promising, offering, or providing some benefit. Most often, bribes are offered in monetary terms, and we will try to play this with you now.

We invite two participants from the team to the stage, preferably a boy and a girl.

(participants go up on stage and are given banknotes)
Leading: I ask you to stand facing each other. As you already guessed to one of you, they will give a bribe. The person who will give the bribe is given banknotes. While the music is playing, your task is to quickly hide one bill in different places for your partner. Is the task clear? Ready? Let's start!
The musical soundtrack sounds One minute
Leading: Stop the game! So, one of our participants received a bribe. Now we'll switch places for you. (helpers break up pairs) The next task: act as law enforcement agencies and find the money that your rivals managed to hide. Attention, let's start!

4. Game “Give a bribe!”

Leading: Thank you for participating. You have experienced yourself that giving and seeking bribes is not an easy task.

(sweet prizes are given to participants)
Leading: Let's continue our knowledge of acts of corruption and define the word Favoritism. The appointment by an official of his relatives and acquaintances to official positions is called favoritism.

Since you are all united here by one goal, you can be called relatives. We invite two participants from each team.

(two teams of 7 people are assembled)

Leading: The first participant is the official who will promote his relatives up the career ladder. So, the task: at the signal, the “official” runs to the chair, runs around it and returns to the team. He takes the next participant as a train and runs along the same route. They return and the next participant joins them, and so on until all the “relatives” have reached the “finish line first.” I remind you that you must run strictly like a train, without breaking the chain. Ready? Let's start.

Musical soundtrack

7. Game “Assemble a team!”

Leading: Team_______ was the first to gather all their relatives. Receive your reward and go to your seats.

(participants go to the place)

Leading: Are there any participants in the hall who have not yet taken the stage? We ask teams to send one person to the stage.

(participants go up to the stage)

Leading: In any institution there is a warm place that each of the careerists aspires to get into. Let's conduct such an experiment and find out which of our participants is the fastest. While the music is playing, everyone runs around the chairs; as soon as the music stops, you need to take a free chair. The participant who does not get a chair is eliminated from the game. Is the task clear? Get ready, let's start!

8. Game “Warm Place!”

Leading: Dear friends, like this in a comic way, game form We touched on the problems of corruption and comic “mechanisms” to combat it. But in fact, corruption is a big, serious problem that has a corrupting effect on all aspects of people’s lives.

The time has come to invite our working teams, who tried to explain in their own way the meaning of forms of corruption. Guys, we are waiting for you on stage.

Scenario for the business game “We are against corruption” - page No. 1/1

Business game scenario

"We are against corruption"

Rhythmic music sounds and the presenter comes out in the background.
Leading: Threatens the people with revolution -
There are many problems and gaps in life:
The authorities decided to tackle corruption -
There is already success in this matter
From our short introduction, you guessed that our program is dedicated to corruption, one of the most pressing problems of our society. Corruption is a controversial phenomenon and very difficult to understand. Here is one of its definitions:

“Corruption is bribery and any other conduct by persons entrusted with the performance of certain duties in the public or private sector, which leads to a breach of the duties entrusted to them and is intended to obtain any illegal benefits for themselves and others.”

Corruption is a fairly widespread phenomenon throughout the world. In socio-political and socio-economic life it manifests itself in various forms: let us now hold a small auction of WORDS related to corruption. The participant who says the word last will receive a small reward.

(Bribery, embezzlement, fraud, extortion, arbitrariness, abuse of official position, receiving illegal benefits, benefits, or remuneration, the appointment by an official of his relatives and friends to official positions is called favoritism, receiving illegal benefits, benefits or remuneration)

1. Auction of definitions on the topic CORRUPTION.
Leading: So, we have defined the main words associated with corruption: these are Bribery, Embezzlement, Fraud, Extortion, Abuse of Official Position, Receipt of Illegal Benefits, Benefits, or Remuneration, Favoritism. And now we ask three people from each team to come up on stage, and these can be not only participants in the action, but also guys from the support group.

Leading: So - you are a working group whose task is to make a poster in the form of a collage in 20 minutes and give your definition, that is, as you understand the word that defines corruption. For example: Arbitrariness is arbitrary use of official authority to provide unjustified benefits to any group or individual, or discrimination against them. Each working group will have its own task, which you will receive right now.

(a tray with envelopes containing assignments is brought out)

Leading: The task has been received, and you can go to the foyer, where the materials at hand are waiting for you.

(Participants leave to complete the task)

Leading: Well, let's get back to our topic - CORRUPTION . Fraud. What does the definition of this word tell us? Fraud is any behavior intended to deceive or deceive a person or entity for one's own benefit. In common parlance this is called SCAM. To confirm this, I ask one team representative to come up on stage.

(participants go up to the stage and are given ONE BALLOON)

Leading: Take one balloon in your hands and at my command you will inflate them. Whoever inflates the largest balloon will receive a reward. Your time is 30 seconds. So, let's start!

Musical soundtrack plays

When the time runs out, the game stops. If the players' balloons burst during the time, the host says that their scam has BURSTED! If all the balls remain intact, the presenter proposes to expose the fraud and burst all the balls at the same time.
Leading: Well, everyone has completed the first task, and we move on to the second definition of corruption - Bribery. What is the definition of this word? Bribery involves influencing the actions or decisions of an official by promising, offering, or providing some benefit. Most often, bribes are offered in monetary terms, and we will try to play this with you now.

We invite two participants from the team to the stage, preferably a boy and a girl.

(participants go up to the stage and are given banknotes)
Leading: I ask you to stand facing each other. As you already guessed to one of you, they will give a bribe. The person who will give the bribe is given banknotes. While the music is playing, your task is to quickly hide one bill in different places for your partner. Is the task clear? Ready? Let's start!
The musical soundtrack soundsOne minute
Leading: Stop the game! So, one of our participants received a bribe. Now we'll switch places for you. (helpers break up pairs) The next task: act as law enforcement agencies and find the money that your rivals managed to hide. Attention, let's start!

4. Game “Give a bribe!”

Leading: Thank you for participating. You have experienced yourself that giving and seeking bribes is not an easy task.

(sweet prizes are given to participants)
Leading: Let's continue our knowledge of acts of corruption and define the word Favoritism. The appointment by an official of his relatives and acquaintances to official positions is called favoritism.

Since you are all united here by one goal, you can be called relatives. We invite two participants from each team.

(two teams of 7 people are assembled)

Leading: The first participant is the official who will promote his relatives up the career ladder. So, the task: at the signal, the “official” runs to the chair, runs around it and returns to the team. He takes the next participant as a train and runs along the same route. They return and the next participant joins them, and so on until all the “relatives” have reached the “finish line first.” I remind you that you must run strictly like a train, without breaking the chain. Ready? Let's start.

Musical soundtrack

7. Game “Assemble a team!”

Leading: Team_______ was the first to gather all their relatives. Receive your reward and go to your seats.

(participants go to the place)

Leading: Are there any participants in the hall who have not yet taken the stage? We ask teams to send one person to the stage.

(participants go up to the stage)

Leading: In any institution there is a warm place that each of the careerists aspires to get into. Let's conduct such an experiment and find out which of our participants is the fastest. While the music is playing, everyone runs around the chairs; as soon as the music stops, you need to take a free chair. The participant who does not get a chair is eliminated from the game. Is the task clear? Get ready, let's start!

8. Game “Warm Place!”

Leading: Dear friends, this is how we touched upon the problems of corruption and comic “mechanisms” to combat it in a comic, playful way. But in fact, corruption is a big, serious problem that has a corrupting effect on all aspects of people’s lives.

The time has come to invite our working teams, who tried to explain in their own way the meaning of forms of corruption. Guys, we are waiting for you on stage.

(demonstration and explanation of posters)

Leading: Thanks to all participants of the “We are against corruption” program! Goodbye, see you again!

(speech by Shmakova N.Yu., deputy director of the school for educational resources, at the regional pedagogical conference, August, 2011)

School is a reflection of the life of society with all its problems and achievements. Currently, one of the most pressing problems is the problem of corruption.

Thus, in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2010-2011” it is noted that “despite the measures taken by the state and society, corruption still seriously impedes the normal functioning of all public mechanisms and prevents social transformations and modernization of the national economy, causes serious anxiety and distrust in state institutions in Russian society, creates a negative image of Russia in the international arena and is rightfully considered as one of the threats to the security of the Russian Federation.” This means that the topic of combating corruption today is one of the central ones in Russian society and the world community as a whole. As part of the Anti-Corruption Strategy, one of the most important components is the school.

The issues of anti-corruption education and enlightenment of students at school seem to be quite complex and require the development of new methods and approaches to be solved.

The main problem for young people is the need to develop models of behavior in a free democratic society, which high school students cannot borrow from their parents, since it will not be a revelation to anyone that in modern Russian society corruption is increasingly becoming everyday, generally accepted, the so-called “white” corruption."

The complexity of the task places special demands on its implementation.

In 2010, at our school we began to develop a system of anti-corruption education and training. We pay great attention to the development of the legal culture of the individual. Tomorrow our current students will have to occupy responsible positions in the system of state authorities and local self-government, public life, and business. Therefore, it is important not only to give children certain knowledge in this area, but also to form a negative attitude towards corruption, to help them master practical social skills and communication skills that allow them to avoid corrupt practices.

In the presence of a large journalistic and scientific material available to students, the teacher is only one of the sources of information, which means that what comes first here is not a monopoly on information, but methods and forms of working with students. At the same time, the teacher is currently one of the few who is able to discuss social problems with the student, analyze them, helping to understand the essence of what is happening, but only if there is mutual trust and understanding. The result of such classes is the accumulation of the student’s own experience, the formation of views on social phenomena and processes.

In relation to the implementation of anti-corruption education, the social competence of high school students appears as the competence of growing up.

It is during this period that children come close to a situation of life-determining choice: not only professional, but also socio-political, moral, etc. Choice presupposes reflection and understanding of the situation.

When developing our programs in this area, we include in the content not only the legal orientation of the problem, but also moral and ethical aspects, and various forms and methods of work are selected based on the cognitive and age characteristics of students. The problem of moral choice, which should become a psychological new formation for a graduate of a modern school, is the most difficult in pedagogical practice (teaching a student to consciously make his choice and bear responsibility for it). This allows us to classify anti-corruption activities in schools as innovative.

So, based on the above

Targetanti-corruption activities: the formation of anti-corruption thinking among students.

Main goals:

● inform students about the phenomenon of corruption;

● foster an intolerant attitude towards corruption;

● develop motivation for anti-corruption behavior;

● develop skills of confident behavior;

● adjust students’ attitudes to problems


These tasks are implemented through various forms and methods of working with students: traditional (mini-lectures, seminar), gaming, active (imitation and business games, debates, discussions, etc.), which should help to concretize the material being studied and increase the educational potential of this course.

Requirements for learning outcomesBased on the results of the implementation of this program, students should develop the following key competencies:

● information competence (the ability to work with information, with Internet resources, computer skills, the ability to express one’s opinion, the ability to be active in discussing various issues, establishing new communication connections and acquiring communication and interaction skills);

● personal competence (self-esteem, ability to evaluate one’s resources, stress tolerance, decision-making, ability to make a choice);

● civil legal competence (knowledge of regulatory legal acts,

the ability to apply this knowledge in practice, the ability to provide social role);

● independent cognitive-subject competence (the ability to see problems, ask questions, put forward hypotheses, define concepts, classify observations and skills in conducting experiments, draw conclusions and inferences, structure material and work with text);

● cultural and leisure competence (ability to organize your leisure time, knowledge of games);

● problem solving (the ability to say “No”, the ability to make your choice and give reasons for it).

Criteria for the implementation of tasks.

In this regard, we will highlight five parameters by which you can track the implementation of the objectives of the program “Formation of anti-corruption thinking among schoolchildren”:

2. Sustainability of students’ interest in the subject

2.1. safety of the contingent (the number of students at the beginning of the program - at the end (since this program is implemented in the form of an elective));

2.2. the presence of positive motives for attending classes (the knowledge that students gain in classes can be applied in everyday life) is revealed through interviews, conversations, surveys, and during reflection.

3. Level of creative activity of children

3.1. identification of position (participation of students in games, debates, conversations)

3.2. identifying attitudes and interests of students in various types activities (to tasks offered by the teacher).

4. Creative achievements of children (systematic journaling, writing essays, creating collages, completing a project).

5. Educational results (the nature of the relationship between the teacher, children, each individual member of the team (friendliness, mutual understanding, work in pairs, collective completion of tasks).

At first school year An anti-corruption work plan is being drawn up at the school. It includes activities of both educational and educational nature:

Introduction of elements of anti-corruption education into the work programs of teachers of history, social studies, literature, and life safety.

Implementation of an educational program to develop an anti-corruption worldview among students at school (grades 1-11);

Conducting classroom hours;

Design of stands on this topic;

Informing the parent community about the activities of the school;

It should be noted that it was difficult to start. Here the books of Tatyana Borisovna Kachkina turned out to be of great help, which became the starting point in our work. In addition, Tatyana Borisovna is always ready to provide personal, practical assistance in solving problems that arise during the work. Having created a package of documents, we moved on to the practical implementation of this project.

It was unclear how children would perceive the introduction of this course. But when we began to conduct classes with students in grades 9-10, we saw that they were interested, made contact, actively participated in discussions, expressed their point of view, even if it differed from the generally accepted one. During the first lessons, it became clear that children actually do not see anything beyond natural and criminal in corruption. This confirms the conclusions made above. This means that we are actually faced with a very difficult problem - the formation of a certain worldview, the unacceptability of solving problems through corruption. Therefore, we approach the organization of classes with the utmost seriousness. This is not a lesson, although it teaches a lot, which means our task is to make it interesting, but not entertaining, the main thing is to teach children to analyze life situations, making the right choice not only from the point of view of law, but, most importantly, morality and ethics . That is, we again come to the definitions of “good” - “bad”, “good” - “evil”.

Work in such classes is structured as follows: an information block (teacher's story or student messages), discussion of the problem, and then practicing practical skills through role-playing games, various trainings, etc. Children like these forms of work more, since here, based on the knowledge they have acquired, they learn to overcome problems that life may present to them in the future.

In December 2010, at our school, a regional seminar was held “Formation of an anti-corruption worldview and standard of behavior for schoolchildren through the organization of educational educational process", during which a lesson was given and extracurricular activity in this direction.

Of course, at first the children were shy, but when it came to training, the situation changed dramatically. Here they were already in a familiar environment, and even the presence of more than 20 completely unfamiliar teachers did not prevent them from participating. Moreover, there were some funny cases: the children played out situations based on the life experience of their parents, that is, after playing out the given situations, there was something to discuss. Here the teacher must make every effort to unobtrusively convince the child, explain to him his mistake, and try to convince him otherwise.

Here are some trainings that we use in our lessons.

For example, to give the opportunity to try on the roles of people, even if their life position does not coincide with the personal position of the students.

Task: focus on your emotional experiences while performing a particular role.

1. A student, who usually diligently fulfilled his duties, did not have time to prepare for the exam for a number of reasons. In case of failure, he decides to bribe the teacher. The teacher is opposed to bribes. Not only did he not take it, but he also gave a whole lecture about how bad and humiliating it was for him.

2. A patient at a doctor’s appointment tries to give a bribe in order to get sick leave. The doctor is opposed to bribes. Not only did he not take it, but he also gave a whole lecture about how bad and humiliating it was for him.

3. The boss forces the subordinate to become a “snitch”, otherwise he will simply be fired.

Issues for discussion:

How did you feel when trying to pay a bribe? Did you have any other choice?

What choice did the person to whom the bribe was intended?

Reading or hearing about something else does not mean experiencing it, and change and understanding often only come with actual experience. It is easy, for example, to mentally understand humiliation and talk about the feelings that disadvantaged or oppressed people experience. It is quite another thing to experience discrimination and helplessness first-hand. If they feel the unenviability of such a situation in their own skin, then perhaps in the future they will think before breaking the law. General overview about helplessness does not coincide with reality at all.

Role-playing places the student in a situation that involves certain restrictions, motivation and coercion, such as those that exist in real world; it can be used in many teaching situations. Where experience is needed, role-playing is ideal.

Benefits of Role Playing:

Helps the student express hidden feelings.

Helps the student discuss personal issues and problems.

Helps the student to empathize with the feelings of others and understand their motivation.

Gives you the opportunity to practice different types of behavior.

Highlights common social problems and the dynamics of group interaction, formal and informal.

Allows for a lively and direct presentation of academic descriptive material (history, English language, economics, geography).

Provides an opportunity for deaf and mute students to learn and emphasizes the importance of non-verbal, emotional reactions.

It is motivating and effective because it involves action.

Provides fast feedback, both student and mentor.

Centered on the student and addressing their needs and concerns; the group can control its content and pace.

Bridging the gap between learning and real life situations.

Changes settings.

Teaches you to control feelings and emotions.

Disadvantages of Role Playing

There are three main areas of concern. The first thing that usually comes to people's minds is the impact that role-playing practice can have on the overall atmosphere and routines of a classroom. It deals with the debate over whether teaching should be "serious" and also addresses the issue of social and power relations between mentor and students.

The mentor loses control over the content and process of learning.

Simplifications can be misleading.

The game takes a lot of time.

Other resources are used - human, spatial, material.

The game depends on the personal characteristics of the mentor and student.

Encounters can trigger rejection and defense mechanisms.

The game may look too exciting or frivolous.

Can dominate the educational process, relegating theory and facts to the background.

May depend on students' background knowledge.

Role-playing is ideal in situations where students need to learn new roles, gain a better understanding of their own, and gain a deeper understanding of other people's positions. This technique is very good to use in social skills training, not only because it increases the flexibility and sensitivity of people in this regard, but also because it can include direct information about how to act in certain situations and how to deal with the bureaucracy. This is why it is becoming increasingly important in teaching life skills.

Lessons - role-playing games can be divided into 3 groups as their complexity increases:

ü Imitation, aimed at simulating a certain professional action;

ü Situational, related to the solution of any narrow specific problem - a game situation;

ü Conditional, dedicated to resolving, for example, educational conflicts, etc.

Forms of role-playing game: imagination of travel; discussions based on distribution of roles, press conferences, lessons - courts, etc.

Stages of developing and conducting role-playing games:

  • Preparatory;
  • Game
  • Final

Analysis of results.

Preparation stage. Preparation of a business game begins with the development of a scenario - a conditional representation of the situation and object. The content of the scenario includes: the educational purpose of the lesson, a description of the problem being studied, justification for the task, a business game plan, general description the procedures of the game, the content of the situation and the characteristics of the characters. Next comes the introduction to the game, orientation of participants and experts. The mode of operation is determined, the main goal of the lesson is formulated, the formulation of the problem and the choice of situation are justified. Packages of materials, instructions, rules, and guidelines are issued. Going to Additional Information. If necessary, students turn to the leader for advice. Preliminary contacts between game participants are allowed. Unspoken rules prohibit refusing a role assigned by lot, leaving the game, being passive in the game, and violating regulations and ethical behavior.

Stage of implementation- game process. Here group work on the task, intergroup discussion (group presentations, defense of results) are carried out. Once the game begins, no one has the right to interfere or change its course. Only the leader can correct the actions of the participants if they move away from the main goal of the game.

At the final stage solutions to problems are developed, reports from the expert group are heard, and the most successful solutions are selected.

The stage of analysis, generalization and discussion of the game results. Experts speak, exchange opinions, students defend their decisions and conclusions. In conclusion, the teacher states the results achieved, notes mistakes, and formulates the final outcome of the lesson. Draws attention to the establishment of a connection between the game and the content of the educational subject.

IN role-playing game there must be convention, seriousness and elements of improvisation, otherwise it will turn into a boring dramatization.

Here are examples of several trainings:

Game "Refusal". Mastering the skills of reasoned refusal in a situation of choice.

The work is carried out in subgroups, each of which is offered one of the situations:

● a classmate asks you to leave some things at your house;

● a classmate asks you to take something to a stranger;

● a classmate asks to get a large amount of money for him;

Assignment to subgroups: within seven minutes, come up with as many arguments as possible for refusal in this situation. After this, each subgroup “plays out” its situation in front of the other participants. One plays the role of “persuader”

the other - “refusing”.

Exercise “5 steps of refusal”.

Introduce students to the 5 steps of refusal:

● Say firmly “no” immediately;

● Agree with all the arguments, but say “no” at the end.

“I agree with you, but...”;

● If the pressure continues, you can go on the offensive;

Game "Puppets".

The students' task is to determine how a person can feel when someone controls him, when he is not free. Students should form groups. Each trio is given a task: two participants must play the role of a puppeteer - completely control all the movements of the puppet doll, one of the participants plays the role of the puppet. Each participant must play the role of a doll. For each trio, two chairs are placed at a distance of 1.5-3 meters. The goal of the “puppeteers” is to move the “doll” from one chair to another. At the same time, the person who plays the “doll” should not resist what the “puppeteers” do to him. It is very important that each participant be in the place of the “doll”. After the game is completed, a discussion takes place and players are asked to answer the following questions:

● How did you feel when you were in the role of a “doll”? After the exercise, discuss:

● Give examples.

If children find it difficult to answer, the teacher gives examples.

Thus, using gaming technologies in history lessons in combination with other forms and methods of teaching, the teacher gives students the opportunity to gain experience in dialogue and discussion, engage in creative activities, develop communication skills, demonstrate the ability to model and predict situations, defend their position, that is, it contributes to the formation of those personality qualities that are necessary for every citizen of a democratic state. All of the above features of the game as a form of educational activity or element of a combined lesson make the game a reliable assistant to a teacher who wants to achieve high-quality teaching of history to children.

So, to summarize the above, it can be noted that classes on anti-corruption education and training should differ from lesson activities in the forms and methods of implementation. We need to ensure that they are not boring and monotonous. And then goals and objectives. The goals set in this direction will become achievable, although it is impossible to guarantee 100% implementation.

“Anti-corruption mechanisms”

In order to intensify anti-corruption education of young people, increase awareness and develop intolerance towards manifestations of corruption, and subsequently improve their compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of combating corruption, a business game is being held for higher education students on the basis of the Siberian Institute of Management - a branch of RANEPA educational institutions economic, legal and managerial areas of training.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The business game is held by the Siberian Institute of Management - a branch of RANEPA (hereinafter referred to as the Branch).

1.2. The business game is held as part of the II International Forum of Students, Postgraduate Students and Young Scientists “Managing the Future!” (hereinafter referred to as the Forum) on the basis of the Branch with the involvement of experts - representatives of government authorities and the business community.

1.3. Goals and objectives of the business game:

Raising awareness and intensifying anti-corruption education for young people;

Formation of intolerance towards manifestations of corruption in professional and everyday situations;

Forming among young people an understanding of the basic mechanisms of anti-corruption

Development of students' creative abilities and strengthening professional teamwork skills;

Strengthening relations with authorities and the business community.

1.4. The management of the business game is carried out by the organizing committee, approved by order of the director of the Branch.

1.5. Responsibilities of the game organizers:

The Faculty of State and Municipal Administration of the Branch is responsible for conducting the business game, preparing tasks (cases), forming and organizing the work of the evaluation jury; takes part in the procedure of congratulating the winners;

The scientific and organizational department of the Branch is responsible for accepting applications for participation in the business game; organizational and technical support at all stages;

The game is financed from the Branch’s research and development funds, as well as targeted funds from other persons attracted to conduct the business game.

2. Conditions and procedure for conducting a business game

2.1. The business game is organized and conducted in two stages. The first stage is carried out in absentia. Based on the results of its conduct, participants in the second (full-time) stage are selected. Teams from universities of 5 to 7 people are invited to participate.

2.2. Applications for participation are accepted in the form and within the time frame established by the Forum organizing committee.

2.3. The correspondence stage is carried out until October 31, 2014 (inclusive) in the form of preparing and submitting to the commission a presentation of 5-7 slides on the topic “Youth against corruption”. The presentation must reflect the author’s view of the main tasks social group“youth” in anti-corruption activities, as well as the problems of its implementation, taking into account the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2014–2015.

2.4. The work of the correspondence stage of the business game is assessed by a commission composed of practitioners and teachers of the Branch.

2.5. The face-to-face stage of the business game is held on November 26, 2014 at the Branch at the address: Novosibirsk, st. .

The full-time stage consists of 3 parts.

The first part is a simulation game, the action of which takes place in a conventional economic system consisting of identical (in terms of capacity, capital, number of personnel) enterprises. The number of participants is 3-5 people. Each team, upon completion of the simulation game, must provide recommendations for solving problems caused by corruption in the economic system.

The second part is the implementation of a practice-oriented task (case), covering the following issues:

The essence, conditions and causes of corruption, forms of its manifestation;

Social, economic, political and cultural consequences of corruption;

Legal framework, ways and means of combating corruption;

Principles of interaction between the state, non-state institutions, citizens in the process of combating corruption;

Conflict of interest and measures to resolve it.

Participants of up to 2 people present their solution in the presence of the jury and spectators.

The third part is group work on the topic “Denunciation as a problem”, the results of which are presented in the Captain’s report on the set of schemes and methods for carrying out denunciations from the point of view of the effectiveness of combating corruption.

2.6. The business game is summed up and awarded on November 26, 2014. Based on the results, the winners who took first, second and third places in the individual and team competition are determined. The winners are determined by summing up the points from all stages of the game. The winners are awarded diplomas and valuable prizes. By decision of the jury, individual participants in the business game may be thanked.