Sound and letter w homework. Agranovich Z.E. To help speech therapists and parents: Sat. home tasks to overcome background underdevelopment. Introduction to the topic

Corrective and developmental tasks.

1. Teach how to pronounce the sound [Ш] correctly.

2. Teach the child to determine the sequence of sounds in a word, improve the skills of analytical-synthetic activity, and develop sound-syllable representations.

3. Learn to independently perform sound-syllable analysis of words.

4. Learn to transform words.

Exercise 1. Didactic exercise “Continue the chain of words.” The adult invites the child to identify the last sound in the word house and choose a word that begins with this sound, and then “continue the chain”;

house - poppy - cat...

Task 2. Introducing the sound [Ш].

Listen to the tongue twister. What sound is often heard in it?

Six little mice

There is rustling in the reeds.

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [Ш]:

lips are rounded and slightly extended forward;

a wide tongue at the top forms a “cup”;

a warm air stream flows through the center of the tongue;

the neck is “silent”.

Sound symbol: snake hisses: SHSHSHSH...

Hacharacteristics sound: consonant (the tongue creates a barrier to the air), always hard, deaf. Designation: blue circle.

Task 3. Phonetic exercise.

Let's pump up the wheel: SHSHSHSH (the sound is pronounced abruptly). The wheel is pierced with a nail, air comes out of the wheel: ShSh...shsh... (the sound is pronounced smoothly, with a transition to a whisper).

Task 4. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [Ш]”:

sh, p, k, sh...; sha, pa, ka, shu...; hat, cat, cat, crow, pencil...

Task 5. Repeat after the adult a series of syllables:

sha-sho-shu-shi...; ash-osh-ush-ish...; wow-wow-wow...

Task 6. Didactic exercise “Say the opposite”:

sha-ash, sho-...; ash-sha, ush-...

Task 7. Finish the last sound in the word ([Ш]):

karanda..., mala..., landsa..., kama...

Task 8. Remember words starting with syllables:

SHA: -ry, -kal, -lun...;

SHI: -na, -lo...;

SHU: -ba, -ra...;

SHO (SHE): -roh, -sweat...

Task 9. Finish the word with the syllable SHA (SHI). What words did you get? Which of these syllables forms the plural of nouns (many objects)?

Ka..., kry..., gru..., cha..., afi...

Task 10. Replace the first sound in words with the sound [Ш]. What words did you get? Make sentences with each pair of words.

Cup - checker, bear - ..., flank - ..., gift - ..., lips - ..., Garik -...

Task 11. Didactic exercise “Guess the word” (make a word from sounds):

closet; fur coat; cat.

Task 12. Didactic exercise “Name all the sounds in a word.” The adult pronounces the word, and the child separately names the sounds of this word in the proper sequence:

noise [sh y m]; jester [sh u t]; Masha [masha].

Task 13. Guess riddles, name the first (last) sound in the riddle words.

I'm sitting on horseback

I don’t know who. (A cap)

Grows on dry land

Plush head. (Reeds)

White peas

On a green leg. (Lily of the valley)

Task 14. Select as many words as possible with the sound [Ш], in which the sound [Ш] is at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of the word.

Task 15. Learn pure sayings:

Sha-sha-sha - the mother washes the baby.

Shu-shu-shu - help the baby.

Shi-shi-shi - there are kids in the clearing.

Sho-sho-sho - we say good.

Ash-ash-ash - give me a pencil.

Osh-osh-osh - I have a knife.

Ish-ish-ish - I have a baby.

Ush-ush-ush - warm shower.

Ashka-ashka-ashka - the insect is flying.

Oshka-oshka-oshka - there is a cat on the window.

Ear-ear-ear - frog-croak.

Ishka-ishka-ishka is a little mouse.

Task 16. The adult names a number of words and asks the child to make a sentence out of them; name all words with the sound [Ш], name the preposition (if there is one in the sentence).

Masha, shop, walk, in. Car, drive, road, on, quickly.

Cat, milk, lap. Shura, school, walk, in.

Task 17. Introducing the letter Sh.

Letter Ш with three spikes -

Don't grab it with your hands.

O. Hoffman

What does the letter Sh look like?

Letter Ш from fingers: connect the thumb and little finger of the right hand, and raise the index, middle and ring fingers up.

Letter games.

Task 18. Independent sound-syllable analysis of words:

wardrobe, fur coat, Misha, cat, shower, noise.

Transforming words using letters of the split alphabet, reading words, copying in block letters, composing sentences with each word:

mouse - bear - fly - midge - cat - porridge - Pashka - donut - cannon - darling - Dashka - Dasha.

Reading sentences, finding a preposition:

Here is Dasha. Dasha has a fur coat. Fur coat in the closet. Hat on the closet.

The cat is under the closet. The cat is behind the closet.

Kostikova E.N., teacher-speech therapist of MBDOU No. 186, Kemerovo.

  • Consolidating the correct pronunciation of sounds, familiarization with the letter;
  • Development of skills in sound analysis and word synthesis;
  • Continue teaching children to compose a sentence using a diagram and two supporting words;
  • Development of attention, memory, imagination;
  • Cultivating neatness.

I Organizational moment:

Guys, in the last lesson we learned a tongue twister. Let's remember her.

My, my chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean.

There will be, there will be a chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean.

Let's say a tongue twister with movements. We will make movements as if washing a person.

Let's say it slowly.

Who will say it one more time on their own?

Which sound is most common?

What is he like? Why?

Hard or soft?

Does he have a solid brother?

Is that right, the sound “sch” is always soft?

What color do we use to indicate a soft consonant in the diagram?

II Topic message:

Today we will get acquainted with a new sound, and we will find out which one later.

III Main part:

  1. Getting to know sound.
  2. Let's play the game “Fourth Wheel”

    Socks, closet, dress, trousers.

    Lily of the valley, rowan, pine, birch.

    Onions, potatoes, pear, beet.

    Boots, slippers, felt boots, a cap.

    What identical sound is found in the words?

    The symbol of this sound is a snake crawling and hissing: “shhhhhhhh.”

    Let's depict the movements of a snake. We make wave-like movements with our arms to the sides and forward. First with your right hand, then with your left hand and with both hands at once and hiss: “shhhhhhhhhh”

    Now let’s pump up the tire of our car: “sh”, “sh”, “sh”, “sh”...

    The wheel is pierced with a nail, the air comes out of the wheel: “shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThe wheel is pierced with a nail, the air comes out of the wheel: “shhhhhhhhhhh”.

    Let's take a mirror and see if your lips and tongue are working correctly when you pronounce this sound.

    The lips are rounded and slightly extended forward.

    The wide tongue at the top forms a “cup”.

    A warm air stream flows through the center of the tongue.

    The neck is “silent”.

    Let's pronounce the sound “sh”. What kind of vowel or consonant is it?

    Hard or soft?

    Does he have a soft brother?

    Remember, the sound “sh” is always hard!

  3. Introducing the letter:
  4. The sound “sh” in writing is represented by the letter Ш. What does this letter look like?

    What does the letter Sh look like?

    On the teeth of this bucket.

    Shura raked the hay,

    I forgot my pitchfork in the hay.

    Look at the letter Ш -

    The letter is very good

    Because from her

    You can do E and E.

    Ah, the stool is good!

    Turned it over, and the letter Sh.

    Let's write the letter Ш in the air. First we write from top to bottom, then from right to left.

  5. Tactile perception:
  6. On the table are letters made of velvet paper. Let’s run our finger over the letter and say “shhhhhhhhh”.

  7. Reproduction of syllable rows:
  8. Take a mirror and say after me:

    Sha - sho - shu - shi

    Ash - osh - ush - ish

  9. Playing pure sayings:
  10. Let's put it bluntly:

    Sha - sha - sha - mother washes the baby;

    Sho - sho - sho - we say good;

    Shu - shu - shu - help the baby;

    Shi - shi - shi - there are kids in the clearing;

    Ash - ash - ash - give me a pencil;

    Osh - osh - osh - I have a knife.

    Ush - ear - ear - warm shower;

    Ish - ish - ish - I have a baby.

  11. Fizminutka:
  12. Once - get up, stretch.

    Two – bend over, straighten up.

    Three - three claps of your hands,

    Three nods of the head.

    By four – your arms are wider.

    Five - wave your arms.

    Six - sit down at the table again.

  13. Working on the sound composition of a word:
  14. On the board there are pictures with the sound “sh”. Let's say it after me.

    Find words so that the sound “sh” is at the beginning of the word, in the middle of the word, at the end of the word. (3 people) Let's check!

    Let’s make a diagram for the word “hat”

    How many syllables? Why?

    Which syllable is stressed? What number is he?

    Name the unstressed syllable? What number is he?

    Say the first syllable.

    Do we highlight the first sound of the first syllable? Characteristic.

    What is the second sound of the first syllable? Characteristic.

    What is the third sound of the first syllable? Characteristic.

    Say the second syllable.

    We highlight the first sound of the second syllable. Characteristic.

    Select the last sound. Characteristic.

    (Children work individually. Display on the board. Children identify sounds and characterize them in a chain)

    Let's say the words again.

    What word does this diagram correspond to? (knife)

  15. Work on the syllabic composition of the word:
  16. And now we are in a toy store. Let's move our toys into houses. In a house with one window there will live toys whose names have one syllable. In a house with two windows there will live toys whose names have two syllables. And in the house with three windows there are toys whose names have three syllables.

  17. Work according to the proposal scheme:
  18. Here is a proposal diagram. How did you guess that this was a proposal?

    How many words are there in this sentence?

    Make up a sentence with the words “tire”, “car” according to the diagram.

    ___________ _______________ _____________ .

    Pronounce with an exclamatory intonation, with a question intonation.

  19. Fizminutka:
  20. How are you? Like this!

    How are you swimming? Like this!

    Are you looking into the distance? Like this!

    Are you waving all the time? Like this!

    How are you running? Like this!

    Are you threatening? Like this!

    Do you sleep at night? Like this!

    Are you silent? Like this!

  21. Working on a story:

Listen to the story. Remember words with the sound “sh”.

Natasha and the bear.

For Natasha's birthday she was given a teddy bear. Natasha sewed him a shirt and pants, and grandma knitted a scarf and hat. In the evening, Natasha went for a walk with the bear. In the yard they met Misha, who had a large car. Misha invited Natasha to give the bear a ride in the car.

What did you give Natasha for her birthday?

What did Natasha sew for the bear?

What did grandma knit?

Who did Natasha go for a walk with in the evening?

Who did Natasha meet in the yard?

What did Misha have?

Who did Misha suggest to take for a ride in the car?

Retelling in a chain.

Let's play the game “Add a syllable”. I start a word, and you add the syllable “shka”


I'll lie down - we - shka


Katu - shka mi - shka

Nevalya – shka garmo – shka

What sound did you encounter today? What is he like?

“Sound and letter Ш” is intended for correctional and pedagogical work with children in the preparatory group. The lesson is conducted in a playful way and covers work with children on pronunciation, literacy and the development of coherent speech.

Objectives: Correctional and educational objectives: to teach children to characterize the sound [w] according to acoustic and articulatory characteristics, to consolidate the skill of correct articulation of the sound [w] with the inclusion of all analyzers; improve skills in sound analysis of words; train children in dividing words into syllables; practice writing sentences;

Correctional and developmental tasks: develop phonemic hearing, auditory attention; develop breathing, general and articulatory motor skills; develop creative abilities; train fine motor skills, logical thinking, attention, memory.

Correctional educational tasks: to develop the ability to follow the rules of the game; learn to finish what you start.

Equipment: mirrors, clothespins; doll Masha; subject and plot pictures with sound [w];

Progress of the lesson 1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys. Every day, always, everywhere: In classes, in games. We say it right, we say clearly, We are not in a hurry.

Guys, make sure you have everything ready for class. Sit down.

  1. Articulation gymnastics. - Now I’ll tell you an interesting story. Once upon a time there lived one ill-mannered girl. She came to her friend and something was sure to happen. A girl once came to drink tea from a cup (Exercise “Cup” is performed) with jam (exercise “Delicious Jam”) and spilled all the tea on the table and began to lick it like a cat (exercise “Pussy lapping”), but then she saw how a bunny digs carrots with a shovel (exercise “Shovel”) and ran towards him, and on the way jumped over the fence (exercise “Fence”). She got tired, stumbled and sat down, sticking out her tongue. (Exercise “Tired Tongue”) She rested, looked around, and saw her friend Misha sitting and playing the pipe (exercise “Pipe”). - Guys, did you recognize our guest and friend? (Music from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” sounds) That’s right, Masha came to visit us today. The Masha doll appears. Maybe today she will see what we do, such smart and diligent children, and she will also become well-mannered and kind. Shall we help her with this?
  2. Characteristics of the sound [w] according to articulatory characteristics. - What sounds are repeated in the words Masha and Misha? - That's right, this is the sound [Ш]. Today in class we will play with him. - What do our lips do when we pronounce the sound [w]? - Lips move forward. Do they look like a tube? - What does our tongue do when we pronounce the sound [w]? (rises up) - Open your mouth, show where your tongue is when we pronounce the sound [w]. - And what kind of air - warm or cold - comes out of the mouth when we pronounce the sound [w]? Let's bring our palm to our mouth and pronounce the sound shhshsh along the chain. - So, when we say [w], the lips are rounded, slightly pushed forward, the wide tongue rises to the tubercles behind the upper teeth. A stream of warm air comes out.
  3. Characteristics based on acoustic characteristics. - What does the voice do when we say [w]: sleeps or sings songs? Place your hand on your neck, say shhh.. Was it quiet in the house or was a voice singing songs and the walls of the house were shaking? - It was quiet in the house, the voice was asleep and the walls of the house did not shake. - Guys, what is the sound [w]: a vowel or a consonant? - Correct, is the sound [sh] consonant, voiced or unvoiced sound [sh]? - Deaf. - Is the sound [w] hard or soft? - Yes, that’s right, the sound [w] is a hard, dull, consonant sound. This sound also has a peculiarity - it is never soft, always hard.
  4. Pronunciation of the sound [ш] in isolation, in syllables. - Guys, Masha came to our lesson from afar. She walked through the forest and listened. And the forest rustled: “Ash-osh-ush-ish!” (Masha became wary). What-what-thing-thing! (I got scared.)” But then the leaves whispered: “Shu-shu-shu.” And Masha calmed down. What sounds did you hear in the whispering of the leaves? (Sounds [w], [y].) Complete them with the sound [m]. What word did you get? (Noise.) Let's look at this word by sound - SHSHSHUM. What is the first sound in the word "noise"? - WHOOM. What is the second sound in the word noise? - NOISM. What is the third sound in the word noise? - Name all the sounds in order. - Name the vowel sound. - Name the consonant sounds. Children lay out the sound pattern of the word using colored clothespins.
  5. Automation of the sound [sh] in words. (Pictures are displayed). Masha came out of the forest and saw that ... (daisies, lilies of the valley, porridge) were growing at the edge of the forest, and on the river ... (water lilies, egg capsules). On the bank of the river Masha saw ... (pebbles), on a pine tree - ... (cones), on a hazel tree - ... (nuts). Under the bush there grew... (red flowers). What bird did Masha see on the tree? (Cuckoo).
  6. Practical learning of prefixed verbs. - This is what Masha tells about how she came to us, and you help her. Game "Add a Word". The speech therapist speaks on behalf of Masha, and the children help lead the story. - I was walking through the forest and a wave... (found). Then I went into the forest... (went), into the thicket of the forest... (went) and to the hut... (went), then into the hut... (went), nothing there... (found), then... (went). I ... (approached) the tree, there I found sweet honey ... (found). Along the path... (went) and to your lesson... (came).
  7. Dividing words into syllables. Game: “Lay out the pictures” - And when Masha walked along the road, she saw 3 houses. There are three houses on the board (one-story, two-story and three-story). The children have pictures on the table. Children must attach their pictures with clothespins to houses depending on the number of syllables in the word.
  8. Physical exercise (carried out on the carpet). Stand up together and stretch! Walk around, spin around. Hands to the right, hands to the left, and then sit down boldly. Stand up again, stretch and smile at each other. Now get your hands ready. The girls and boys in our group are friends. You and I will make friends with little fingers. One two three four five. Start counting again. One, two, three, four, five We're done counting. (children recite a poem about pens while biting their fingertips with clothespins)
  9. Pronunciation of sound in a poem. Guys, Masha offers to learn a poem about her friend Mishka. Mishka has cones. Mishka threw a stick on top. - Fall into the hat from the tree, big shot! A bump is a slap on the head. There were two cones at once.
  10. Development of sound analysis and synthesis. - Guys, remember what words you heard in the poem. - We will distribute these words into two groups: the first group - the sound [w] is heard at the beginning of the word, the second - the sound [w] is heard in the middle of the word. So, I show the pictures, and you name what is shown on them and where the sound is located in the word.
  11. Getting to know the letter Sh: what the letter Sh looks like. Look at the letter Sh - The letter is very good, Because you can make E and E from it. Tracing along the contour, typing it with your finger on the table, composing it from clothespins.
  12. Summary of the lesson. - Let's remember what sound we talked about today? That's right, the sound [w]. - What sound is that? (this is a hard, dull, consonant sound) - What else did we do in class? - Did you like the lesson? - Masha also really liked the lesson. Now Masha will no longer misbehave, but will go to school just like you.

Speech therapy session. Topic: sound and letter “SH”.


Develop phonemic awareness

Automate sound [Ш] in words, syllables, text

Ability to find places sound in a word

Reinforce pronunciation sounds in words

Teach inflection

Strengthen the skill sound-letter and sound-syllable analysis of words

Getting to know letter Ш

Development of fine motor skills (learn to accompany speech with hand movements)

Develop attention, thinking, memory

Expand words knowledge

Explanation of the spelling of proper names


Pictures from sound [Ш], envelopes with individual cards, flashlights, diagrams, figures of characters from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear", notepad, pencil, stencils with the image of a hedgehog, " syllabic house"

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizing moment - name the first one sound in name.

2. Game for attention "The Fourth Wheel".

Four pictures are displayed, of which the “extra” one is sound [Ш], which is in different positions ("tire", "machine", "bucket")

Speech therapist: “Guys, what a sound we hear most often in the names of these pictures?”

Suggested answer: « Sound"sh"

3. Speech therapist: "Guys, let's practice pronouncing sound [Ш] is correct. Please take your mirrors."

Articulation gymnastics.

"Fence", "Tube", "Window", "Spatula", "Swing", "Cup", "Delicious jam"

To the sound came out beautiful,

Wider tongue and higher.

Breathing exercises "Inflate the balloon".

4. Characteristics sound.

[Ш]-consonant, always hard, dull, hissing.

Started the car - Sh-Sh-Sh!

Inflated the tire - Sh-Sh-Sh!

Smile more cheerfully

And let's go quickly!

Children imitate the movement of the car and go to visit the heroes of the fairy tale.

5. Automation task sound

Speech therapist: “Oh, trouble, guys! A hedgehog without needles is running along the road. He must have gotten sick. Shall we help the hedgehog? He will show us the way to our heroes.”

(children draw needles for the hedgehog on the template, saying sound [Ш])

6. Playback syllable rows:

A) sha-sho-shu

B) ash-osh-ush-ish


B) asha-osha-isha


D) shma-shmo-shmoo

Walked, walked, walked

Pure speech:

Shi-shi-shi – the kids became quiet.

Sho-sho-sho - it’s good for us to walk.

Shu-shu-shu - I sit and don’t rustle.

Sha-sha-sha - our Masha is good.

7. Task: highlight the specified sound by ear(flashlights).

Fairy-tale heroes Masha and the Bear appear.

Masha: “You guys called me?”

Speech therapist: "The guys are getting acquainted withsound [Ш] . Do you want to help us?

Children highlight sound[Ш] using flashlights V:

A) in syllables

B) in words

B) in a poem

We were at the mouse's

They drank tea from cups,

We ate cheesecakes

Flatbreads and donuts.

The mouse was playing

On the harmonica

I danced from my heart,

She felt happy.

Speech therapist: “Mishutka is learning to speak, that’s right. pronounce sounds. Place sound look for the word and clearly name it.”

8. Game "Findsound in a word » - With speech therapist Pictures are hung on a flannelgraph.

9. Sound analysis of words("Masha" And "Misha")

10. Game "I-you-he-they-we": (change words according to the example).

A) I interfere and you interfere, he interferes and she interferes, they interfere and we interfere.

I sew and you...

I darn and you...

I write and you...

I'm in a hurry and so are you...

B) I darn the pants of a teddy bear.

11. Game “Divide the words into syllables”

Speech therapist: “The bear is tired of sleeping in his den, he divides the words into syllables”.

Mice, mouse, fur coat, hat, car, frog...

Speech therapist: “Guys, open the envelopes, take the picture. This is a gift to Masha and Misha.” (children see hanging pictures in "sound house ")

There is a house in a clearing,

Well, the path to the house is closed.

I open the gates

I invite you to visit the house,

Say the words syllable by syllable

And hurry through the gate.

12. Physical education minute “The bear walked, walked, walked...”

13. Getting to know letter.

a) Speech therapist: "What is the differenceletter sound

b) Display letters

c) Title letters and sounds.

d) Explanation of the spelling of proper names

14. Children print letter, syllables, words (Masha, Misha)

15. Finger gymnastics

A car was walking down the street

The car was driving without gasoline,

There was a car without a driver,

No traffic light signal.

She walked on her own, where she didn’t know,

The car was running fast.

16. Summary classes


“Oh, thanks, guys!

I’ll treat you all to some gingerbread!”


“Oh, thank you, kids!

I’ll treat everyone to a delicious cone!”

MADO "Kindergarten No. 6" Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad region.

Teacher Somkina Marina Vasilievna

Summary of a lesson on preparing for literacy training in a preparatory group

Subject: sound[w] , letter Ш.

Target: Exercise in determining the presence or absence of the sound [w] in words; in determining the position of the sound [w] in a word (beginning, middle, end). Improve the analysis and synthesis of the syllables ША, ШО, ШУ. Reading the syllables SHA, SHO, SHU. Teach the synthesis of the word Shusha. Introduce the letterSh . Develop auditory attention, memory, coordination of speech and movement.Develop skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, and goodwill.


Demo material: symbols of the sounds “A”, “O”, “U”, “I”, “W”, colored magnets, “Magic bag”; magnetic letters: Ш, У, А...Toy: mouse Shusha. Items: with and without the sound “Ш”; chips for sound analysis, sound rulers; "Games for Tiggers."

Progress of the lesson

    Organizational moment:

Invented by someone

Simple and wise

When you meet, say hello.

Good morning!

Good morning to the sun and birds.

Good morning, smiling faces!

I want to wish you all a good morning and good afternoon today.

Today in class we will get acquainted with a new sound and letter. But first, let's remember how a sound differs from a letter. (We pronounce and hear sounds, and we write and read letters).

We can't see the sound
And we can’t take it in our hands.
We can only hear the sound
And also to say it.

What two groups are all sounds divided into? (Sounds are divided into vowels and consonants.)

How do vowels differ from consonants? (When pronouncing a vowel sound, the air does not meet any obstacles and therefore the sound can be

take a long time. The consonant sound does not last because the air encounters obstacles when pronouncing it).

The vowels are drawn to the ringing song.
They may cry and sob.
In the dark forest calling and calling,
But they don’t want to whistle and grumble.

And the consonants agree
Rustle, whisper, creak,
Even snort and hiss,
But I don’t want to sing to them.

Let's play: I show the letter, and you take turns calling the sound and the word that begins with this sound.

Guys, someone came to visit us today, I’ll tell you a riddle now, and you’ll immediately guess who came to us.

Lives in a mink, gnawing on crusts.
Short legs; afraid of cats. (Mouse)

The teacher takes out the mouse.

Guys, this mouse's name is Shusha. He has come up with many tasks for you, and if you complete all the tasks, he will give you something.

What sound is repeated in the words Shusha and little mouse?

That's right, this is the sound [sh].

Guys, our guest Shusha is a naughty guy. Shusha climbs behind the screen and rustles there: shu - shu - shu. “Cat!!!”, mom squeaks, and she and dad hide behind the closet.

Guys, how was Shusha rustling?

That’s right, let’s all say it together: shu – shu – shu.

What is the first sound?

Let's say it.

Guys, what is the sound [w]: a vowel or a consonant?

That's right, the sound [sh] is a consonant.

Is the sound [sh] hard or soft?

This sound has a peculiarity: it is never soft, always hard. Unlike our mouse, this sound does not like to play pranks and make noise, and if someone starts making noise, he always says shhhh.

(There are red and blue houses on the easel, and next to them there are corresponding chips to indicate sounds.)

What sounds live in the red house?(Vowel sounds).

What sounds live in the blue house?(Hard consonants).

Which house will we put the sound [sh] in?(In blue, since the sound “SH” is consonant and ALWAYS hard).

What color chip will we use to mark the sound [w]?(blue chip).

D/i “Yes or not.”

The mouse brought various objects with him, but he doesn’t know whether their names contain the sound “SH” or not? If the name of an object contains the sound Ш, you “hiss”; if not, then you are silent. (I take out 1 object and the children determine the presence of a sound in the words).

The mouse has prepared an interesting game for you: “Where is the sound hidden?” - “Games for Tigers” - determining the sound “sh” at the beginning, middle or end of a word.

Dynamic pause with a mouse.

Jump and jump, jump and jump

The mouse jumped onto a tree stump.

He beats the drum loudly,

Calls me to play leapfrog.

Paws up, paws down,

Pull yourself up on your toes!

We put our paws on the side,

Jump-jump-jump on your toes.

And then squat down,

So that your paws don't freeze.

Let's read, let's play

You need to read the syllable and add it to the word

SHA...(hat, chess...)

SHU….(fur coat, joke…)

SHO...(shorts, seam...)

SHI...(spikes, tire...) We write I, but we hear Y. The letter Ш does not like to be followed by the letter Y (propaedeutic work).

"Light the lights"

The mouse Shusha has prepared one last task for you. He brought multi-colored lights (blue, red, green).

Sound analysis of the word (Shusha). Open as many windows as there are sounds in the word Shusha.

Name the first sound (What kind of fire will we light? Why?...

What sound and letter did we meet today? What games did you play?

Will give you pictures in which you will find the favorite letter of the mouse Shushi (Ш).