A log of on-the-job training. Why do you need a workplace training log? Sample log of induction training on fire safety

The work of occupational safety specialists involves filling out a large number of document forms, such as, for example, logs. Despite the variety of regulatory legal acts regulating the availability of certain journals, it is possible to identify general principles for maintaining these forms of documents.

The training log should be:

    1. numbered. You can number the pages or sheets of the magazine; numbering the sheets will be less labor-intensive;
    2. laced. It is up to you to choose what you will use for lacing: it can be twine, linen cord, ribbon, stitched nylon thread, etc. The ends of the lacing material should be released on the cover of the magazine or on its last page and secured with a sticker so that the ends of the lacing remain visible. To avoid inconvenience when using a laced magazine, the length of the extended ends of the lacing must be at least 5 cm. drawing;
    3. signed by the person responsible for its maintenance. The following inscription should be placed on or next to the sticker: “The magazine contains ___ sheets numbered, laced and sealed. "date"_month_20__ Full name, position, signature_______.” The journal is signed by the person authorized to keep this journal;
    4. sealed with the seal of the organization. We place the seal so that its imprint is both on the sticker and on the cover/sheet of the magazine to which the ends of the lacing are glued. See picture.
  1. When filling out the journal, we do not leave empty lines and do not make corrections.
  2. Defining a journal form in a regulatory document as recommended means that we can make changes to this form, for example, adding columns.
  3. It is not necessary to purchase magazines printed in a printing house; you can print them in your organization yourself.
  4. The shelf life of completed logs is 10 years(Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558 “On approval of the “List of standard management archival documents generated in the process of activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods”), unless otherwise provided by regulatory documents regulating the maintenance of the relevant magazines. For example, a log of accidents at work is kept for 45 years.

Let us dwell in more detail on some aspects of filling out logs related to the registration of briefings.

How to fill out the induction training log

Who fills out the log (conducts instructions)? Occupational safety specialist or employer, or employee assigned this function by order of the organization.

Information to fill out. To conduct induction training you will also need to have:

  1. Introductory training program on labor protection,
  2. Instructions for conducting introductory training on labor protection.

As a rule, an organization maintains one log of induction training, but:

  1. if there are separate units in the structure of your organization, the functions of conducting induction training in separate units can be assigned to the specialists of these separate units, who will keep logs of induction training for their units;
  2. some organizations prefer to keep a separate logbook for induction training for employees of third-party organizations. If you decide to follow their example, it would be logical to also develop a separate program and instructions for conducting induction training on labor protection for employees of third-party organizations.

Recommended reading: You can read about introductory briefings in clauses 7.1-7.1.5, Appendix 3 of GOST 12.0.004-90 “Interstate standard. System of occupational safety standards. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions”, clause 2.1.2 of the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 N 1/29 “On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations.”

How to fill out a workplace briefing log

Magazine form: recommended - Appendix 6 “GOST 12.0.004-90. Interstate standard. System of occupational safety standards. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions." Highlighted in blue are those items that we suggest you include in the form proposed by GOST.

Who fills it out (conducts instructions)? Direct supervisor of the work. Assign the responsibility for conducting workplace training to specific employees by order for the organization (for example, “On conducting training on labor protection”), the order should cover all structural divisions of your company. Remember that your responsible persons must have a valid certificate of completion of special training in labor protection (at least once every 3 years).

Information to fill out.

This journal records the conduct of initial, repeated, unscheduled, and targeted briefings. Each person responsible for carrying out the listed briefings maintains his or her own workplace briefing log for their department. For the instructions you will also need:

  1. A list of labor safety instructions in force in your organization;
  2. Instruction programs;
  3. Labor safety instructions.

“Type of briefing (primary, repeated, unscheduled, targeted)”

Briefing When do we do it?
primarybefore the start of production activities, after the employee has received introductory instructions on labor protection.
repeatedat least once every six months (in fact, we repeat the initial briefing at the workplace), unless other deadlines and frequency are specified by industry and cross-industry regulatory legal acts that apply to the activities of your organization. For example, driver Ivanov I.I. undergoes repeated instruction once every 3 months (clause 10.10 of the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of May 12, 2003 N 28 “On approval of Inter-industry rules for labor protection in road transport”). Regulate the frequency of repeated briefings by order of the organization (for example, in the same order “On conducting briefings on labor protection”). At the same time, if some of the employees of one division must undergo training once a quarter, and another part - once every six months, you can establish repeated instructions once a quarter for all employees of this division, since this does not contradict the current legislation and will allow the person responsible for Conducting briefings for this unit will not cause confusion.
  • upon the introduction of new or amended legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing labor protection requirements, as well as labor protection instructions;
  • when changing technological processes, replacing or upgrading equipment, devices, tools and other factors affecting labor safety;
  • when employees violate labor safety requirements, if these violations create a real threat of serious consequences (industrial accident, accident, etc.);
  • at the request of officials of state supervision and control bodies;
  • during breaks in work (for work with harmful and (or) dangerous conditions - more than 30 calendar days, and for other work - more than two months);
  • by decision of the employer (or his authorized person).

“The reason for conducting an unscheduled, targeted briefing”

Possible reasons listed in clauses 7.4.1, 7.5.1 of GOST 12.0.004-90. Interstate standard. System of occupational safety standards. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions”, paragraphs 2.1.6-2.1.7 of the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 N 1/29 “On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations”, we have already indicated in the table above, they can be briefly formulated as follows:

“Workplace Internship Information.” The employer is obliged to conduct an internship for employees entering work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions (Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and the requirement for an internship may be contained in regulatory legal acts in the field of labor protection. The employer determines the duration of internship shifts independently (from 3 to 19 shifts), based on the qualifications and work experience of the employee and the nature of the work performed. It is worth noting that in addition to an entry in the Journal for an internship, you also need: an internship program, an order for the employee’s internship, an order for the employee’s permission to work independently (upon successful completion of the internship), a local regulatory legal act that contains the procedure for the internship, the specifics of the internship internships in your organization.

How to fill out a logbook for assigning group 1 electrical safety to non-electrical personnel

Magazine form: is described in paragraph 2 of the Note to Appendix No. 1 to the Labor Safety Rules during the operation of electrical installations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 N 328n.

Who fills it out (instructs)? An employee from among the electrical technical personnel with at least III electrical safety group, appointed by order of the head of the organization. Please note that labor protection specialists do not belong to electrical technical (electrical technological) personnel, therefore they do not have the right to conduct this type of instruction (clause 6 of the Note to Appendix No. 1 to the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24. 2013 N 328n).

Information to fill out. To carry out the training you must have:

  1. List of positions, jobs that require production personnel to be classified in group I. The head of the organization (separate division) independently determines who to include in the List. The logic is simple: there is a possibility of an employee being injured by an electric shock while performing work, the employee is neither an electrical technician nor an electrical engineering personnel (i.e., he is a non-electrical personnel) - we include it in the list;
  2. an approved training program, instructions for conducting training for non-electrical personnel in group I on electrical safety.

"Date of previous filling." The frequency of assigning group I is at least once a year. If we are instructing a new employee, we put a dash in this column; if the instruction is being repeated, we put the date of the previous employee’s instruction.
Where does the information appear: clause 1.4.4.Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 N 6 “On approval of the Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations.”

How to fill out a fire safety briefing log

Journal form: mandatory

Appendix 1 of the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 N 645 (as amended on June 22, 2010) “On approval of fire safety standards “Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations.”

Information to fill out.

Briefing When do we do it? Who conducts it?
introductory fire safetybefore starting independent workthe head of the organization or the person responsible for fire safety, appointed by order (instruction) of the head of the organization
primary firefighter in the workplaceat the workplace, before the start of production activities, after the employee has received introductory fire safety training
repeated fire protectionat least once a year, and with employees of organizations with fire-hazardous production, at least once every six monthsthe person responsible for ensuring fire safety in each structural unit, appointed by order (instruction) of the head of the organization
unscheduled firefightingwhen performing one-time work, when eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and work for which a permit, permit or other special documents are issued, as well as when holding mass events in the organization.
  • when introducing new or changing previously developed rules, regulations, fire safety instructions, and other documents containing fire safety requirements;
  • when changing the production process, replacing or upgrading equipment, tools, raw materials, materials, as well as changing other factors affecting the fire safety condition of the facility;
  • in case of violation by employees of the organization of fire safety requirements, which could lead or did lead to a fire;
  • for additional study of fire safety measures at the request of state fire supervision authorities when they identify insufficient knowledge among employees of the organization;
  • during breaks in work for more than 30 calendar days, and for other work - 60 calendar days (for work that is subject to additional fire safety requirements);
  • upon receipt of information materials about accidents and fires that occurred in similar industries;
  • when establishing facts of unsatisfactory knowledge of fire safety requirements by employees of organizations.
the person responsible for ensuring fire safety in the organization, or the direct supervisor of the work
target fire fighting
  • when performing one-time work associated with an increased fire danger (welding and other hot work);
  • when eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and catastrophes;
  • when performing work for which a permit is issued, when performing hot work in explosive industries;
  • when conducting excursions to organizations;
  • when organizing public events with students;
  • when preparing for the organization of events with a large number of people (collegium meetings, meetings, conferences, meetings, etc.), with the number of participants more than 50 people.

To conduct all types of fire safety briefings, one log form is used, so the number of these logs in your organization will depend on how you divide the responsibilities for conducting briefings in your organization (for example, the order “On conducting fire safety briefings”). Each person responsible for fire safety training will have their own log. Also, your responsible persons must have a valid certificate of passing the fire-technical minimum knowledge test. At the same time, if the introductory and primary briefing is carried out by one person, in column No. 5 “Type of briefing”, separate by commas, mark: “introductory, primary.” In addition to the magazine, to conduct fire safety briefings you will also need: training programs, instructions.

Explore: paragraphs 5-30 of the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 N 645 (as amended on June 22, 2010) “On approval of fire safety standards “Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations”, Appendix No. 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 N 645 ( ed. dated June 22, 2010) “On approval of fire safety standards “Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations.”

Information from the site http://www.unitalm.ru

Unscheduled briefing is carried out directly by the work manager. Targeted briefing is necessary: ​​when performing one-time work not related to the direct duties of the employee in the specialty; when involved in the liquidation of the consequences of an accident, natural disaster, etc.; when performing work for which a permit is issued. , permit and other documents. Targeted briefing is carried out directly by the work manager and is recorded in the briefing log and, if necessary, in the work permit. “Legal Defense Center” all types of legal assistance in Smolensk, Glinki, 7, floor 4 (opposite Registry Office), tel.

How to fill out training logs

The Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Education of the Russian Federation “On approval of the procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations” dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) established the types of instruction and situations when they should be carried out. Instruction is required upon hiring, transfer to a new workplace, as well as in special cases established by law.
When repeated briefings are carried out Only repeated briefings are carried out at regular intervals. At intervals of at least 6 months, those who have attended the initial briefing are required to update and consolidate their safety knowledge and undergo repeated briefing.
The frequency of labor safety briefings can be regulated by industry and intersectoral by-laws (clause 2.1.8 of the Procedure).

Correctly filling out training logs


The completion of the briefing must be recorded in a log, which is confirmed by the signatures of the person being instructed and the person conducting the briefing. Unscheduled briefing should be carried out: when new or revised standards, rules, instructions, as well as changes to them; when changing the technological process, replacing or upgrading equipment, devices and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor safety; in case of violation by employees of labor safety requirements, which can lead to injury or occupational disease, emergency situations; at the request of supervisory authorities; during breaks in work (30 and 60 days).

Unscheduled briefings are carried out directly by the work manager.

On-the-job training log


In this case, in the column of the special journal, the reason that led to this kind of circumstance is indicated (a certificate proving the injury, indicating the name and passport number of the product that is being put into circulation).

  • Target. This type of briefing is carried out for specific tasks, the implementation of which may be associated with great danger, or with the introduction of changes relative to normal, planned activities.

Examples may be conducting instructive conversations (practical exercises) if it is necessary for an employee to go onto the railway tracks, unscheduled unloading work, cleaning the territory, work to eliminate the consequences of accidents and disasters associated with natural disasters, work performed under a permit or special permit.

The results that were obtained during the briefing are entered into the journal.

How to fill out a workplace briefing log


To avoid inconvenience when using a laced magazine, the length of the extended ends of the lacing must be at least 5 cm. drawing;

  • signed by the person responsible for its maintenance. The following inscription should be placed on the sticker or next to it: “The magazine contains numbered, laced and sealed sheets.


Full name, position, signature.” The journal is signed by the person authorized to keep this journal;

  • sealed with the seal of the organization. We place the seal so that its imprint is both on the sticker and on the cover/sheet of the magazine to which the ends of the lacing are glued.
  • Briefing at the workplace: frequency of its different types

    System of occupational safety standards. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions”, clause 2.1.2 of the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 N 1/29 “On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations.”

    How to fill out a logbook for workplace training. Logbook form: recommended - Appendix 6 “GOST 12.0.004-90. Interstate standard. System of occupational safety standards.
    Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions." Highlighted in blue are those items that we suggest you include in the form proposed by GOST.
    Also, your responsible persons must have a valid certificate of passing the fire-technical minimum knowledge test. At the same time, if the introductory and primary briefing is carried out by one person, in column No. 5 “Type of briefing”, separate by commas, mark: “introductory, primary.”

    In addition to the magazine, to conduct fire safety briefings you will also need: training programs, instructions. Study: paragraphs 5-30 of the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 N 645 (ed.

    dated June 22, 2010) “On approval of fire safety standards “Training fire safety measures for employees of organizations”, Appendix No. 2 of Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 N 645 (as amended on June 22, 2010) “On approval of fire safety standards “Training fire safety measures” safety of employees of organizations."

    Frequency of on-the-job training

    As a rule, an organization maintains one log of induction training, but:

    1. if there are separate units in the structure of your organization, the functions of conducting induction training in separate units can be assigned to the specialists of these separate units, who will keep logs of induction training for their units;
    2. some organizations prefer to keep a separate logbook for induction training for employees of third-party organizations. If you decide to follow their example, it would be logical to also develop a separate program and instructions for conducting induction training on labor protection for employees of third-party organizations.

    How often should you fill out the workplace training logbook?

    So, the persons who must undergo it:

    • People who are hired.
    • Employees who arrived on a business trip to this enterprise.
    • Workers from other organizations who arrived to perform certain work under a contract or on the basis of other legal documents.
    • Employees who are undergoing internship at this enterprise, students, students of various levels of educational institutions.
    • Persons who participate in the production activities of the organization.

    Place of induction training: occupational safety office or other place specially equipped for conducting such classes. Duration: selected in accordance with the scope of the organization, while duration standards are specified in legal acts and other documents issued by the government.

    How often to fill out the workplace training logbook?

    An internship is work for the purpose of acquiring necessary, safe work skills. A record is made for each day of the internship, describing what the employee did during the shift.
    For example: getting to know the workplace, preparing the machine for work, cleaning the machine, drilling workpieces, turning, etc. On the last day, a conclusion is made: “the internship has been completed, admitted to the initial knowledge test.”

    Repeated training is carried out at least once every six months (unless another period is specified in the Labor Safety Regulations). Since its goal is to repeat the basic labor protection requirements, the same instructions are used as during the initial briefing.

    The final record of the re-instruction: “instruction received, approved for work.”
    Add to favoritesSend by email Instruction at the workplace - we will discuss the frequency of this event in the article. In connection with the tightening of penalties for violation of labor protection laws, this issue becomes especially relevant. Let's talk about why such instruction is needed, in what cases it can be omitted, and how often employees should be instructed. What determines the frequency of briefings in the workplace? When is repeated briefing carried out? How often is briefing carried out in the workplace? Results What determines the frequency of briefings in the workplace? The frequency of briefings depends on what kind of briefing it is.

    Who fills it out (conducts instructions)? Direct supervisor of the work. Assign the responsibility for conducting workplace training to specific employees by order for the organization (for example, “On conducting training on labor protection”), the order should cover all structural divisions of your company. Remember that your responsible persons must have a valid certificate of completion of special training in labor protection (at least once every 3 years).

    Information to fill out. This journal records the conduct of initial, repeated, unscheduled, and targeted briefings. Each person responsible for carrying out the listed briefings maintains his or her own workplace briefing log for their department.

    It is used to record, record and register information about persons who have undergone instruction and about managers who have conducted instruction on labor protection.

    View of the main section of the magazine:

    Occupational safety magazines necessary to monitor work in the field of labor protection and compliance with established deadlines for conducting briefings. The organization must keep safety logs in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-2015 “Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions."

    Procedure for conducting briefings, training and knowledge testing at a specific enterprise must be regulated Regulations on labor protection. It must be approved by the manager and agreed upon by the trade union. The log form for recording workplace briefings is an appendix to the Regulations and must be uniform for all divisions of the enterprise.

    The log forms are kept by the security engineer or other employee assigned this responsibility by order. The employee responsible for conducting on-the-job training (site foreman, department or service manager) receives the logbook from the safety engineer.

    The magazine must be laced, numbered, certified with the seal of the enterprise and the signature of the manager.

    According to GOST 12.0.004-2015 "Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions":

    7.2.1. Initial training at the workplace Before the start of production activities, the following is carried out:

    • with all those newly hired at the enterprise (collective farm, cooperative, rental collective), transferred from one unit to another;
    • with employees performing new work for them, business travelers, temporary workers;
    • with builders performing construction and installation work on the territory of an existing enterprise;
    • with students and students who arrived for on-the-job training or practice before performing new types of work, as well as before studying each new topic when conducting practical classes in educational laboratories, classes, workshops, areas, during extracurricular activities in clubs and sections.

    Note. Persons who are not involved in the maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, the use of tools, the storage and use of raw materials and materials do not undergo initial training at the workplace.

    The list of professions and positions of workers exempt from initial instruction at the workplace is approved by the head of the enterprise (organization) in agreement with the trade union committee and the department (bureau, engineer) of labor protection.

    7.2.2. Initial training at the workplace is carried out according to programs developed and approved by the heads of production and structural divisions of an enterprise, educational institution for certain professions or types of work, taking into account the requirements of safety standards, relevant rules, norms, and instructions on labor protection, production instructions and other technical documentation . Programs are coordinated with the department (bureau, engineer) of labor protection and the trade union committee of the unit or enterprise.

    Exemplary list of main issues Initial training at the workplace is given in Appendix 5.

    7.2.3. Initial instruction at the workplace is carried out with each employee or student individually with a practical demonstration of safe techniques and work methods. Initial instruction is possible with a group of people servicing the same type of equipment, and within a common workplace.

    7.2.4. All workers, including graduates of vocational schools, training and production (course) plants, after initial instruction at the workplace must, during the first 2 to 14 shifts (depending on the nature of the work, the qualifications of the employee), undergo an internship under the supervision of persons appointed by order ( order, decision) for a workshop (site, cooperative, etc.).

    Note. Management of a workshop, site, cooperative, etc. in agreement with the department (bureau, engineer) of labor protection and the trade union committee, may exempt from internship an employee who has worked in his specialty for at least 3 years, moving from one workshop to another, if the nature of his work and the type of equipment on which he worked previously , does not change.

    7.2.5. Workers are allowed to work independently after an internship, testing of theoretical knowledge and acquired skills in safe working methods.

    According to GOST 31282-2004 control seal- a unique single-use indicator device designed to detect unauthorized access.

    Before starting to work with the Journal, you must fill out the title page and certification. Be sure to enter the seal number in the appropriate line; without this, the Journal is not considered sealed.

    Regulatory materials:

    What are the requirements for accounting journals and how the journal should be designed in accordance with these requirements, see our video.

    Helpful information:



    1. General information about the technological process and equipment at a given workplace, production site, or workshop. The main dangerous and harmful production factors arising during this technological process.

    2. Safe organization and maintenance of the workplace.

    3. Dangerous areas of the machine, mechanism, device. Equipment safety equipment (safety, braking devices and guards, locking and alarm systems, safety signs). Requirements for the prevention of electrical injuries.

    4. The procedure for preparing for work (checking the serviceability of equipment, starting devices, tools and devices, interlocks, grounding and other protective equipment).

    5. Safe practices and methods of work; actions in the event of a dangerous situation.

    6. Personal protective equipment at this workplace and rules for their use.

    7. Scheme of safe movement of workers on the territory of a workshop or site.

    8. In-shop transport and lifting equipment and mechanisms. Safety requirements for loading and unloading operations and transportation of goods.

    9. Typical causes of accidents, explosions, fires, cases of industrial injuries.

    10. Measures to prevent accidents, explosions, fires. Responsibilities and actions in case of an accident, explosion, fire. Methods of using fire extinguishing means, emergency protection and alarm systems available on the site, and their locations.

    Ensuring production safety is a top priority for any enterprise. In order to record information related to the familiarization of employees with safety rules, a special journal is created, which contains information confirming that the person has undergone special training and studied the rules.

    The norm is not a whim of the management of an enterprise or organization, but is prescribed by the relevant GOST 12.0.004-90.

    So what is this important document?

    For what purposes is this magazine needed?

    The on-the-job training log is a special log that has a certain shape according to GOST standards, in him training is registered before a certain type of work activity. There are several types of on-the-job training:

    • during employment is carried out induction training;
    • initial instruction carried out when the employee starts work;
    • work aimed at eliminating narrow-profile problems is preceded by targeted instruction;
    • unscheduled;
    • every 180 days must be carried out repeated learning the rules.

    Important! The employer needs to have a log of workplace briefings in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The workplace training log is an important document that will be needed for various checks from the relevant government supervisory authorities.

    The employer's primary task is to create non-hazardous working conditions for each employee. One of the mechanisms that should protect a person at work from unexpected injuries is training him in special rules.

    The current legislation of the Russian Federation requires not only to conduct various briefings, but also to record this fact in a journal.

    The workplace training log is an effective mechanism for exercising the legal rights of any individual employee to safe work.

    In addition, the marks in it are the only evidence that confirms the employer’s compliance with legal standards related to training employees in industrial safety.

    What instructions are recorded in it?

    Conducting briefings at different levels guarantees minimizing emergency incidents on the territory of the work complex.

    GOST requires that the following types of training:


    • safety introduction. Carried out for the following categories of listeners:
    • all trainees who undergo a probationary period before being hired;
    • specialists from other organizations who were sent on temporary assignments;
    • students from educational institutions of various levels of accreditation who were sent for internships;
    • all other persons who are involved in the production cycle of the organization.


    It is carried out after the employee has been hired and is preparing to begin independent work at the enterprise. The following categories of persons must listen to it:

    • All employees who have been hired are tested. This may include employees who have entered into an employment contract with the employer, work remotely or carry out part-time work;
    • employees who were transferred from another workplace, as well as those employees who are performing this type of work for the first time;
    • specialists who were seconded from other enterprises, workers hired temporarily for a position, students of educational institutions sent for internships.


    Implemented every 6 months in relation to all employees hired and who have already undergone initial training.

    Unscheduled training

    This type of explanation of safety regulations is carried out in the following cases:

    • when there are changes in legislation or any other regulations governing safety standards;
    • when modernizing, changing, launching a new type of production, replacing equipment, purchasing new tools that may pose a danger to employees;
    • in a situation where an emergency occurred involving a stoppage of production or injury to an employee;
    • labor protection authorities may require an unscheduled lesson;
    • the work stoppage occurred for a period exceeding thirty calendar days for enterprises with a high level of danger and a period of sixty calendar days for all other organizations.


    Should be carried out in the following situations:

    • when carrying out one-time work;
    • when carrying out work or activities involving ten or more people;
    • performing work when special permission is required;
    • when eliminating accidents, emergencies or the consequences of various natural disasters.

    Types of information provided to enterprise employees must be displayed in the workplace briefing log.

    Frequency of filling

    GOST No. 12.0.004-2015 in paragraph 8.8 prescribes activities related to the study of safety rules at least once every six months. The law does not prohibit an employer from conducting training sessions more often; in such a matter, he can independently reduce the interval between repetitions of safety rules, but conducting seminars less frequently than prescribed by GOST norms is prohibited.

    GOST also states that the frequency of classes is different for different industries, depending on working conditions.

    Accordingly, the log should be filled out immediately after on-the-job training. It is not allowed to fill it out retroactively or without conducting classes; if this is revealed during the inspection, the employer will have to pay a significant fine.

    General design rules

    A person who keeps a log of workplace training, must adhere to the following rules:

    • the name of the enterprise and the name of the magazine must be indicated on the cover;
    • pages in the magazine must be numbered;
    • the entire magazine must be laced (the lace material is chosen independently by the responsible person in charge of maintaining this magazine);
    • the cord that stitches the entire magazine must be secured on the last page with a special sticker;
    • the journal is signed by the person involved in its maintenance; it is necessary for senior management to sign the journal;
    • the sticker that secures the cord with which the magazine is sewn must have the signature of the person in charge and the person in charge and be sealed with the seal of the organization;
    • It is prohibited to make corrections when maintaining a journal, or to leave free space between lines.

    These rules are generally binding for all forms of enterprises and organizations engaged in various economic activities.

    Filling example

    GOST No. 12.0.004-2015 shows the general characteristics of the journal that must be met in order to create the correct document.

    The most important logging requirements:

    • personal data of the person undergoing the internship;
    • the date of birth should be indicated to avoid repetitions in the instruction;
    • the position of the person being instructed should be indicated;
    • It would not hurt to indicate the type of instruction;
    • Column 6 provides additional information about the reasons for unscheduled training;
    • F.I. O., a specialist who conducts training;
    • the signature is the main evidence that the person has been instructed.

    Completed sample:

    Person responsible for maintaining the journal

    There are several options for who will instruct staff:

    • one or more employees from the organization’s staff are appointed responsible;
    • a specialist who has been certified to conduct safety training is hired.

    The differences are that a staff member is appointed as a special by internal order. A safety specialist provides his services on a contractual basis.

    Sometimes, the person in charge of production can directly provide instructions.

    Shelf life

    Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 558 dated August 25, 2010, this type of magazine shelf life 10 years, unless there are special regulations regarding this document and the time of its storage in archival structures.

    For example, a log of industrial accidents should stored for 45 years.

    For your attention, there is a video that contains visual instructions for filling out the workplace briefing log.

    The state is attentive to occupational safety and health issues and is always ready to monitor how the employer complies with the requirements of the law. The on-the-job training log helps him with this. The document records that the company’s employees were informed about safety precautions that protect their lives and health.

    Why do you need a log book?

    The safety journal confirms that the employer, in compliance with the Labor Code, promptly and regularly conducts various types of briefings to subordinates. There are five of them in total:

    • induction (carried out when hiring new employees);
    • primary (organized directly at the workplace if it is associated with increased danger or risk to health);
    • targeted (for a specific situation that requires knowledge of certain rules - for example, during the replacement it is necessary to teach them to an employee who usually performs completely different professional duties);
    • repeated (to consolidate and clarify previously received information on OT);
    • unscheduled (required due to current circumstances: industrial accident, re-equipment of workshops, accident that occurred with an employee, etc.).

    Information about the briefings carried out must be recorded in occupational safety journals. The document is proof not only of the fact that the employee has been trained in the basics of occupational health and safety (HS), but also shows its frequency. It must be observed if the law establishes clear deadlines for safety and occupational safety training.

    How to keep a journal

    The issuance of labor safety instructions is carried out by a separate personnel employee - an occupational safety specialist (engineer). He can familiarize workers with the rules of safe work activity both orally and in writing. He will also have to draw up and maintain a log of safety briefings at the workplace.

    The form of the magazine is unified, so you don’t need to think long about its compilation. A sample document is presented in the appendix of the new GOST (12.0.004-2015). It is recommended to divide the table into 12 columns:

    1. Date of instruction.
    2. Full name of the employee being trained.
    3. The year of his birth.
    4. Position in the organization, profession.
    5. Type of training provided.
    6. The basis for the unscheduled training session (if there was one).
    7. Position and full name of the person conducting the instruction.
    8. Signatures of the occupational safety instructor and employee (for each - a separate column).

    Another 3 columns are devoted to internships organized for work. place. Indicated:

    • number of shifts;
    • signature of the employee certifying that the internship was completed;
    • confirmation from the instructor that the employee is allowed to work.

    There should be no empty spaces in the columns. If any of the columns is not filled in, you need to put a dash. Entries in the table are made by hand. The magazine must be stitched. The ends of the used cord and the resulting knot are sealed to the back of the document.

    Before stitching the magazine, its pages are numbered, starting with the title page. It must contain the following details:

    • name of the employing organization;
    • name of the structural unit;
    • document's name;
    • start and end dates of document maintenance.

    When the journal is completely filled, it is handed over to the responsible person for storage. The document is stored for 10 years.

    In addition to the employee workplace briefing log, there are a number of safety documents with similar names:

    • log of labor safety instructions;
    • record book for testing knowledge of the rules and regulations for the operation of electrical installations (or registration of electrical safety training);
    • OT induction training log;
    • book of registration and accounting of targeted instructions;
    • log of employee briefings on fire safety, etc.

    All such documents have a special tabular structure. However, they also have several similar points. In particular, each journal must contain:

    • date of the organized inspection;
    • by whom and in relation to whom it was carried out (positions, full names are indicated);
    • type of employee instruction (extraordinary, primary, etc.);
    • personal signatures of the instructor and the instructed employee.

    The set of columns in the journal table differs depending on the purpose of the document. In particular, the log of introductory training on labor protection contains a column indicating the name of the department where the employee instructed by the occupational safety specialist will work. When conducting induction training on fire safety, a similar column will also be required.

    The fire safety briefing log records the topic of the training session. If the instruction was carried out unscheduled, then the reason why it was necessary is indicated.

    The employee training log indicates the employer’s responsible attitude towards his subordinates. Failure to comply with the requirement to maintain it during inspection will be regarded as employees being allowed to work without the necessary instructions. For such negligence, both the organization and the official responsible for the availability of the document can be fined (Article 5.27.1 of the Administrative Code). The maximum penalty reaches 130 thousand rubles. In addition, in the event of an emergency at work, the presence of a log will prove that the employer has taken the necessary actions to prevent it. Therefore, its design should be taken seriously.