Beautiful English words starting with the letter v. English-Russian-English dictionary and search with alphabetical index

English is one of the most popular languages ​​all over the world. Probably, there is no corner on our planet where there would be no people speaking it. Even taking into account the fact that today it occupies the third place in the system of international means of communication, it has not lost its significance and prevalence over the years.

The alphabet of this language is based on the Latin alphabet. Today it has 26 letters. If we turn to history, then earlier - back in the 19th century, 1 more character was presented. It was the "&" sign.

As in the Russian alphabet, English letters are divided into:

  • vowels - 5;
  • consonants - 21.

The phonetic feature of consonants is that in some words, when merged with certain letters, they are not readable and in such cases are called "silent".

Today we will talk a little about the letter "Bb". It is the first consonant in the English alphabet and a full-fledged equivalent of the Russian "Bb". If we turn to transcription, then it looks like this:. AT B words there are lexemes with the same transcription, but different in terms of spelling and translation. The only thing that unites them is the same pronunciation. These include the verb to be - to be, a bee - a bee.

Many adults, not to mention children, sometimes confuse the spelling of lowercase "b" and "d". Learning a foreign language with children always requires a certain approach. Children memorize rules and new words through associations and games. Toddlers should always be interested, they should be literally immersed in educational process. A fairy tale can help you remember how these letters are written.

Once upon a time there were Bee and Dee. They had carts. Bee always rolled it in front of her, and Dee - behind. The letters were afraid to hurt their friends and always gave signals when someone appeared nearby. Since Bee had a wheelbarrow in front, she said loudly: “He who is in front - take care of your legs! Bi-bi-bi!". Letter Dee warned others: “Don’t come from behind! Dee-dee-dee!"

If you turn to the dictionary, then the letter "Bb" in English language there are a lot of lexemes. Of course, we will not list them all here, but we will cite the most frequently used words with translation.

  • Nouns

boots - shoes;

ball - ball, ball;

balloon - balloon;

bear - bear;

bat - bat;

bull - bull;

beaver [ˈbiːvə] - beaver;

badger [ˈbæʤə] - badger;

bee - bee;

blood - blood;

brain - brain;

ball - ball;

bed - bed;

baggage [ˈbægɪʤ] - luggage;

bag - bag;

business [ˈbɪznɪs] - business;

businessman [ˈbɪznɪsmən] - entrepreneur;

banana - banana;

bottle [ˈbɒtl] - bottle.

  • Verbs:

back- support;

ban- forbid;

bandage[ˈbændɪdʒ] - to bandage;
bang- hit, hit
be- to be;

become- to become, become

believe- believe;

belong- belong;
bless- bless;
book- to book;

build - build;
break(broke, broken) - break, destroy;

bring- bring;
buy - buy.

  • Adjectives:

brown - brown;

beautiful [ˈbjuːtəfʊl] - beautiful;

best - the best;

blessed - blessed;

bad - bad;

big - big.

You can find even more words in the English-Russian dictionary or in specialized electronic online dictionaries on the Internet. By memorizing new lexemes, you not only expand your knowledge, but also increase the level of foreign language proficiency. After all, spoken English depends not only on memorized grammar, but also on the ability to apply the rules in practice, as well as vocabulary.

Several randomly found pages

Part of the text: Joseph (Joseph von Kürschner), June 22, 1893. 484. Joseph von Kürschner. Draft. 1893 June 22. J. P. Monsieur, Je regrette beaucoup de ne pouvoir consentir à votre proposition de publier l'ouvrage que je vous ai fait parvenir dans votre journal. Cet écrit perdrait beaucoup en paraissant mensuellement et surtout sans le dernier chapitre qui doit déjà vous être parvenu. Tous les jugements portés sur l'ouvrage publié en parties sans la conclusion 1 ne produiraient que des malentendus. C'est pourquoi la condition de publier l'ouvrage en entier posée aux traducteurs est une condition sine qua non. 2 J'espère que cela ne vous empêchera pas de publier l'ouvrage et que cela 3 My dear sir, I am very sorry that I cannot agree to your proposal to publish in your journal the work I sent you. This scripture would lose a lot by appearing monthly, and especially without the last chapter, which you probably already got. All judgments about a work that appears in parts without conclusion 1 and would only serve as a pretext for misunderstandings. That is why the condition set by the translators to publish this work only in its entirety is a condition sine qua non....

Website: Size: 4kb.

Part of the text: ihnes schicken, damit, sie es, wenn sie es wünschen und der Mühe werth finden, in ihrem Journal erscheinen lassen. Mit Hochachtung L. Tolstoy. Your Majesty. It was my intention to reply immediately to your worthy letter. But the questions you have so well put are of such deep interest to me that I have tried to answer as fully as possible, which has taken me more time than I thought, so that I have only now finished with my answer. Answer, I wrote an article in approximately one printed sheet in Russian 1 and now I will translate it into German. 2 As soon as the translation is finished, I will send it to you, if you so desire, in order that it may appear in your journal, if you so desire and find it worthwhile. With deep respect, Leo Tolstoy. Notes Published according to a draft autograph written on a sheet of draft versions of Tolstoy's article "Religion and Morality". The original version of the letter is on the same page. The date is mentioned in Gizhitsky's letter to Tolstoy dated 13 December new. Art. 1893 Georg von Gizicki (Georg von Gizicki, 1851-1895) is a professor of philosophy at the University of Berlin, the ideologist of bourgeois pacifism. Wrote on ethical issues. In 1898 he edited the weekly magazine Ethische Kultur (Ethical Culture). Reply to Gizhitsky's letter of 6 August new. Art. 1893 in German, in which Gizhitsky, reporting on the goals of the Ethical Society founded by him to promote social and ethical reforms, asked Tolstoy two questions on behalf of the editors of the journal Ethical Culture: “1. What do you understand by religion? 2. Do you believe in the possibility of a morality independent of religion?” 1 The answer to Gizhitsky grew into an article "Religion and Morality". It was first published in Russian with the title changed for censorship reasons - "Contradictions of the empirical moral ...

3. Tolstoy L. N. - Bertha von Suttner, January 24 (February 6), 1898

Website: Size: 3kb.

Part of the text: LN - Bertha von Suttner, January 24 (February 6), 1898 30. Bertha von Suttner. 1898 January 24 - February 6? Moscow. I would only like to inform the friends of the world, therefore our friends, that the only way to achieve the goal we are pursuing is to take no part, even the remotest, in everything that has anything to do with war, and that the most effective means of continuing the present order of things is to compromise with one's conscience and to be sure that our speeches and our writings can produce some effect if our actions do not correspond to them. The liberation of people from military slavery cannot come either from crowned persons or from writers, but from the clergy, who must bring their whole life in line with their conscience. But this will happen only when people realize their human dignity, which is possible only with a correct understanding of religious life. Militarism is only a symptom of the disease. If the disease (lack of religion or false religion) disappears, along with...

Website: Size: 7kb.

Part of the text: agréable de savoir que vous me gardez un bon souvenir. Au risque de vous ennuyer en repétant ce que j'ai dit maintes fois dans mes écrits, et ce que je crois vous avoir écrit, je ne puis m'abstenir de vous dire encore une fois que plus j'avance en âge et plus je médite la question de la guerre, plus je suis convaincu que l'unique solution de la question est le refus des citoyens à être soldats. Jusqu' à ce que chaque homme à l'âge de 20, 21 ans abjurera sa religion - non seulement le christianisme, mais les commandements de Moïse: tu ne tueras pas, et promettra de tuer tous ceux que lui ordon[n]era de tuer son chef, même ses frères et parents, comme le dit à toute occasion cet idiot bavard et cruel qu'on appelle Empereur d'Allemagne, 1 - jusqu'alors la guerre ne cessera pas et deviendra de plus en plus féroce, ce qu 'elle deviant de nos jours. Pour que la guerre disparaisse il ne faut ni conférences, ni sociétés de paix, il ne faut qu'une chose: le rétablissement de la vraie religion et à la suite de cela le rétablissement de la dignité de l'homme. Si la moindre partie de l'énergie qui est dépensée à présent pour les articles et les beaux discours dans les conférences et les sociétés de paix était employée dans les écoles et parmi le peuple pour détruire la fausse religion...

Website: Size: 2kb.

Part of the text: Tolstoy LN - Bertha von Suttner, December 19, 1895 248. Bertha von Suttner. 1895 December 19. Moscow. Chère Madame, J'ai reçu votre lettre trop tard pour avoir le temps d'envoyer une dépêche, et je regrette beaucoup ce contre-temps, qui m'a privé du plaisir de remplir votre désir et de l'occasion de témoigner de ma haute estime de vos travaux, ainsi que de ceux de la société de la paix. Recevez, Madame, l'assurance de ma consideration. Leon Tolstoy. 19/30 December 1895. Gracious Madam, I received your letter too late to send a telegram, and I am very sorry for this delay, which deprived me of the pleasure of fulfilling your desire and the opportunity to testify to you my deep respect for your activities, as well as for the activities of the society peace. Accept, gracious madam, the expression of my perfect respect. Lev Tolstoy. December 19/30, 1895. Notes Printed according to the sheet (without number) of the copy book. Bertha von Sutner (1843-1914) - Austrian writer, pacifist, author of the novel "Die Waffen nieder!" ("Down with Arms!"), 1889. Reply to Sutner's letter of December 8 n. Art. 1895, in which she informed Tolstoy about the upcoming December 18 annual meeting of the Society of Friends of the World founded by her and "conjured" him to send a telegram to this meeting.

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English-Russian-English dictionary and search with alphabetical index

The site has an English-Russian dictionary, in which you can search for any words for any letter required at the moment. To find the desired translation of a word, you should study the options and synonyms provided by the online translation, and, having selected what you need, click on the word from the dictionary.