Strict diets for quick weight loss: effective or not? Here is a competent, not rigid, but effective diet from Kovalkov. There is definitely an effect on this diet and it is significant. The most brutal diet for weight loss

Everyone who has tried this diet confirms 2 facts: there is definitely an effect on this diet and it is significant; It is not difficult to comply with it. Here is the basis of the technique:
Preparatory stage
You should start with the most important thing.
Eliminate so-called “bad” carbohydrates from your daily diet, which cause an increased “release” of insulin. First of all, white sugar in its pure form or in combination with other products is sent under lock and key. You should categorically avoid all sweets, including sugar, honey, jams, sweets, chocolates and ice cream, canned fruits and compotes, concentrated fruit juices and sweet carbonated drinks. Remember that sugar dissolved in liquid is absorbed much faster, and that sugar is often hidden in foods such as sauce.
The use of sugar substitutes is allowed.
Try to avoid processed foods, such as white rice or white bread, where the food industry adds white sugar with a generous hand. Instead of white rice, eat only brown rice or wild rice. You should especially avoid corn and potatoes in any method of preparing them.
Start eating only “good” carbohydrates. These include coarse grains and some starchy foods such as beans and lentils, as well as most fruits and vegetables. They contain a maximum of fiber and a minimum of glucose and, unlike “bad” carbohydrates, do not cause a sharp increase in blood sugar.
Try to stick to the principle separate power supply according to the familiar scheme - “proteins and fats separate from carbohydrates.” In this case, the body will have to increase the production of energy from its own fats, which leads to weight loss. Never mix “bad” carbohydrates (sugar, White bread, flour, starch-containing foods), with lipids (meat, eggs, vegetable oils).
If possible, avoid processed foods that contain both carbohydrates and fats (chocolate, avocado, liver, fried potatoes, baked goods, fatty dairy products, canned goods). Sausages and frankfurters pose a considerable danger because they contain starch, as well as a large number of hidden fat.
A well-balanced food should, first of all, be rich in proteins, fiber and limited in carbohydrates and fats.
You will be surprised how comfortable your body can feel!
Eat fruit. Provided the stomach is “hungry”, they are digested in 15 minutes and perfectly stimulate the intestines. Thus, the stomach volume will be filled with low-calorie foods. Remember that fruits should be eaten strictly on an empty stomach.
Avoid all types of alcohol for at least a week. This applies especially to beer. Only a small amount of light dry wine is allowed. Drink less liquid during meals so as not to dilute gastric juice. For the same purpose, do not drink immediately before meals. By the way, it is better to prepare fruit juices yourself. After all, unlike store-bought drinks, they do not contain “fast” sugar.
If you are invited to a festive feast or guests come to you, remember the simplest rules, the observance of which will not harm your body.
- from many delicious dishes try to choose “healthy” ones and eat them as slowly as possible, learn to enjoy food and eat beautifully;
- start your holiday meal with a salad of fresh vegetables - this dish goes well with any drinks;
- chew your food thoroughly, do not rush to “mind” everything in one sitting;
- try not to arrange an assortment of fish, meat and other dishes on your plate, choose one thing, preferably the least fatty;
- remember that strong alcoholic drinks increase appetite and dull vigilance towards food (and not only!). If you absolutely cannot give up alcohol, give preference to dry wines. They are at least good for digestion and metabolism.
Look no longer at the table, but at those sitting next to you, compliment them and make small talk. Talk more, eat less.
And, of course, try not to miss a single dance. Dance is a good release during the feast.
The most important factor leading to the development of obesity is low physical activity. Moreover, even a normal amount of food taken is excessive, since the calories entering the body are not burned in the process physical activity and turn into fat. Therefore, more movements.
Drink only water! Minimum 8 glasses a day! Excess water is stress for the body. The more you drink, the more stress hormones your adrenal glands secrete, because these are the “fat-burning” hormones. Increase your daily intake by about 2.5 liters. Remember: You need still water! But it's not only that.
Additional advantages: “Burning” fat is accompanied by the collateral formation of toxins. When there are too many of them, the body stops fat metabolism so as not to be poisoned. Water flushes out toxins, and the body gives the go-ahead to continue eliminating fats.
Be patient in order to consistently and persistently implement all these tips. You have been spoiling your appearance, consciously or unconsciously, for many years, and there is no way to restore your lost physical attractiveness within a month or two. This requires some time, and success in this depends on you and the experience of the doctor supervising you.
Losing weight means not only improving your health, but also regaining your youth.
Trust my experience. You will feel ten years younger.

First stage

The first stage should begin on the second clean day after CD (critical days).
The first stage lasts from 2 to 3 weeks. The main task of the first stage is to remove dependence, i.e. weaning the body off “fast” carbohydrates and simultaneous gentle cleansing gastrointestinal tract with restoration of normal intestinal microflora. At this stage of my technique, you will need some restrictions. Before you begin to cleanse the intestines, you need to unload it.

I will give, as an example, the average daily diet for those undergoing the first stage of the technique:
In the morning, on an empty stomach: a glass of water (200g).
a glass of Activia (or any low-fat kefir with bifidobacteria or lactobacteria) without sugar and aromatic additives (pay attention to the expiration date);
a handful of mixed nuts: (pine nuts are preferable), almonds, walnuts, no more than a full tablespoon;
a handful of bran (or fiber) from 40 to 100 g;
after 1.5-2 hours - one apple (eat with seeds);
after 0.5-1 hour - Meridia capsule (used only as prescribed by a doctor).
Greek salad or any other of any vegetables and lettuce leaves, with 1-1.5 teaspoons of unrefined olive or flaxseed oil (the amount and time of use is not limited, but the amount of oil per daily serving is unchanged, no more than 1-1.5 teaspoons).
At night: right before bed - the whites of two eggs or a glass of warm milk 1.5% fat.

During the day: 2-3 cups of green tea without sugar (can be with a substitute other than fructose), 1.5-2 liters of raw water, amino acid vitamins (prescribed by a doctor).
In addition to the specified diet, you are allowed to eat 2-3 more apples, but not earlier than an hour after any meal or an hour before it.
During these two weeks, it is advisable to consume only apples from fruits, but grapefruits are also allowed. You cannot mix different fruits on the same day. Completely prohibited: bananas, beets, carrots.
Main principle: NO HUNGER!
If you just feel the initial signs of hunger, immediately eat an apple or a handful of bran.
All these days, meat and fish products are completely excluded. The protein deficiency is partially compensated by nuts, fermented milk products and egg whites.
If you did everything correctly, then the weight loss by the end of the second week will be about 5 – 7 kg. You can move on to the second stage of the program.

Second phase
The main goal of this stage is direct weight loss against the background of further cleansing of the intestines and restructuring of metabolism. This period can last quite a long time until you get closer to the optimal weight for your body.
At this stage, the restrictions are no longer as strict as in the first two weeks. These restrictions will be smoothed out by moderate portions of low-fat cottage cheese, chicken, turkey, fish, and seafood. It is best to cook them boiled, steamed, but not fried, and periodically replace them in the diet.
It is worth noting that at this stage the first problems may arise. And the main one is that the more you lose weight, the slower the process goes. Finally, the moment comes when the body, tired of fighting excess weight, responds to all your persuasion with a categorical refusal. For everyone, this moment comes at its own time. This depends on the correct fulfillment of the conditions of the method and the characteristics of a particular organism. The length of the second stage depends on the reaction of your body and the initial amount of fat mass. As a result of passing this stage, you should get as close as possible in terms of your indicators to your normal weight. But I always recommend saving some small amount of fat tissue, at least for one year.

The third stage at this stage is the consolidation of the desired weight.

If you urgently need to fit into a small dress, lose the remaining couple of kilograms to your ideal weight, in short, lose weight very quickly - use the tips from this article.

Do not start a diet on critical days or during emotional outbursts, quarrels, depression, or moving. The most best time to lose weight means quiet everyday life with a well-established routine and schedule. If you decide to lose a few kilograms in an extremely short time, then get ready for serious work on yourself. You should not plan trips, holidays or other events during these days that could undermine your mood. Before starting a diet, be sure to weigh yourself and measure your waist, chest and hips with a centimeter. This will help you record your results before and after losing weight. Also take a full-length photo in a swimsuit or underwear, in daylight.

Diet itself effective diet For fast weight loss must be accurately calculated and selected in advance. The main condition is to consume a maximum of 1200 calories per day. You need to make a grocery list and think through your menu for the week. Find the calorie content of the products you use on the Internet or look at the packaging. Eat meals several times a day, every 3-3.5 hours; small portions will help you not to overeat. Three hours before bedtime, eat your meal, and after it drink only water. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Drink only clean, still water.

The fastest diet for weight loss

Authorized Products

  • any vegetables;
  • all fruits except grapes, bananas, peaches, melons;
  • whole grain cereals, unprocessed, unpolished;
  • dairy products with the lowest fat content;
  • dietary meat: poultry fillet, rabbit, lean beef;
  • white fish, unsalted;
  • whole grain bread or crispbread, minimum quantity.

Cooking methods

  • steaming;
  • grill;
  • boiling in water;
  • baking in a sleeve, slow cooker or foil.

Spices and seasonings

  • ginger can be added in any quantity to all dishes;
  • red, black pepper;
  • herbs;
  • coriander;
  • nutmeg;
  • Salt should be consumed minimally, as it retains water in the body and prevents fat from leaving.

It is better to season salads and dishes with low-fat yogurt, lemon juice, and balsamic vinegar. Save olive oil or any other oil for later.

Sample menu for 1 day of a strict diet of 1200 calories

  • breakfast: 150 g oatmeal with milk, apple and cinnamon, 170 kcal;
  • snack: 1 loaf of bread with hard cheese, black coffee without sugar, 113 kcal;
  • lunch: salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and white cabbage, seasoned with lemon juice and soy sauce, 150 g, 1 loaf, 120 kcal;
  • lunch: buckwheat soup with chicken fillet, 200 g, 130 kcal. Black tea with lemon, 1 cup, 5 kcal, 1 apple, 60 kcal;
  • afternoon snack: 2 chicken eggs, hard-boiled, 1 grapefruit, 230 kcal;
  • dinner: chicken fillet baked in foil with lemon, herbs and tomato, 20 g, 160 kcal, drinking yogurt without additives 108 kcal;
  • second dinner: low-fat cottage cheese, 200 g, 110 kcal.

To improve metabolism and prevent the body from becoming accustomed to a constant amount of calories, make one day a week a fasting day. On this day, you should eat foods that are slightly lower in calories than usual, about 700-900 kcal per day. Such calorie “swings” will help speed up your metabolism and lose weight even faster. During fasting day cancel sports activities and other physical activity. It is advisable to make a diet of 700-900 kcal per day from a minimum amount of food. For example, this could be 500 grams of boiled chicken breast combined with a simple

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


For one reason or another, girls, and even some men, periodically need to lose weight in an amazingly short time. As a rule, a strict diet for quick weight loss helps them, which should have a menu of products with minimal calorie content, be effective and safe for the body. There are many similar power systems, but not all of them fully meet the above requirements. Read on to find out which option is best for you.

What is a strict diet

This is the name for power schemes that provide a large plumb line in a short period of time. Quick diets for weight loss are a serious test for the body, so only those people who are not in poor health are allowed to go on them. All hard programs have different diets, but there are several general rules that must be adhered to:

  1. Be sure to drink plenty of purified water.
  2. It is recommended to take healthy vitamin complexes.
  3. The total calorie content in food consumed per day is a maximum of 1200.
  4. Be sure to take time physical exercise, but you can’t overexert yourself.
  5. It is not allowed to eat sweets, fried foods, baked goods, fatty foods and foods with fast carbohydrates.

Hard weight loss programs have a number of advantages:

  • up to one and a half kilograms of weight is lost per day;
  • a person gets used to eating in smaller portions not only when on a diet, but also at ordinary times;
  • effective intestinal cleansing occurs;
  • swelling subsides;
  • metabolism improves.


  1. The body receives few vitamins, nutrients. This can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.
  2. If you go on strict diets too often, your body will get used to it. As a result, the plumb line will be smaller each time.
  3. Rapid weight loss is accompanied by a constant feeling of hunger, which causes a person to experience stress, weakness, and irritability.
  4. The diet of most is too monotonous, so it is difficult for them to maintain their diet.
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • a drinking diet should not be followed by people prone to swelling;
  • age under 18 years;
  • allergies to foods that form the basis of the diet;
  • chronic diseases stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • hypertension.

Strict diet options

Nutrition systems differ not only in diet, but also in their duration. There are strict nutrition systems for quick weight loss for a few days, a week, two. Each option provides a different plumb line and this is the main criterion that you need to pay attention to in order to decide on your choice. In addition, you need to take into account your taste preferences, make sure there are no intolerances to any foods, this will help you decide on the best strict diet for you.

For a week

This way to lose weight is one of the most effective and fastest. Menu for the week:

  1. In the first two fasting days, the body should get used to a low-calorie diet. In each of them you are allowed to eat three eggs (boiled) and a kilogram of apples. It is better to limit yourself to water, but you can afford tea.
  2. Breakfast on the third day - two soft-boiled eggs. Lunch – 150 grams of boiled beef and a little spinach. Dinner – cucumber salad with cabbage, one hard-boiled egg.
  3. You will have to fast for the fourth day. You are allowed to eat in the morning boiled egg, in the afternoon, a piece of steamed fish with vegetables (you can’t fry it). In the evening you should limit yourself to two soft-boiled eggs and a cup of unsweetened tea.
  4. On the morning of the fifth day, drink weak coffee. Boil and eat one egg. Have two tomatoes for lunch. Dinner – boiled fish with half a cucumber.
  5. Breakfast on the sixth day - a soft-boiled egg and a cup of herbal tea. Lunch – 100 g of boiled veal and beet salad. Dinner – 100 g steamed turkey and egg.
  6. Over the last day you will be able to gently return to your normal routine. For breakfast you will need to eat one egg, toast with cheese and tea. For lunch you need to cook 150 g of baked veal with salad. Dinner is very light - toast with tomatoes, chamomile tea.

For 3 days

Thanks to this diet plan, you will be able to lose up to three kilograms, and if you get out of it correctly, then up to five. A strict diet for 3 days is based on the consumption of low-fat fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits, and lean meat. You need to have dinner no later than four o'clock in the evening. Menu:

  1. Have breakfast with lean borscht, and for dessert eat three dried apricots. For lunch, pour yogurt over 50 g of cereal and stew some vegetables in water. Have dinner with grapefruit and 200 ml of kefir.
  2. On the morning of the second day, eat a couple of baked potatoes sprinkled with dill and tomatoes. Have lunch with a sandwich with a thin slice of ham, carrot salad and a glass of fermented baked milk. Dinner – boiled egg and yogurt.
  3. On the third day, have breakfast with a slice of salted cheese and two small tomatoes. Lunch menu - 250 g of cottage cheese and several lettuce leaves. Dine with grapefruit and green tea.
  1. Make the fourth day curd.
  2. Over the next three days, completely avoid salt. Boil or steam food.
  3. For the next two weeks, make up your menu so as not to exceed the maximum norm of 1300 kcal.

Losing weight by 20 kg

It is very difficult to achieve such a result and you must understand this well. A strict diet for losing weight by 20 kg is divided into 5 blocks of 4 days each. Following it, you must give up playing sports. Menu:

  1. Days 1-4. In the morning – 160 g of low-fat cottage cheese, a large sour apple and green tea. Lunch – 120 g of rice, 180 g of boiled chicken without skin, 200 g of salad (carrot, cabbage, beetroot, spinach).
  2. Days 5-8. Breakfast – a cup of tea. During the day, cook 200 g of steamed white fish fillet, 100 g of buckwheat and one boiled egg. Have dinner with 200 g of vegetable salad and green tea.
  3. Days 9-12. In the morning you should eat 200 g of salad, and in the afternoon you should drink only green tea. It is recommended to have dinner with boiled beans and 200 g of steamed chicken breast.
  4. Days 13-16. Morning – low-fat cottage cheese (150 g), weak coffee. Day – 200 g of steamed broccoli. Evening – 200 ml green tea.
  5. Days 17-20. Drink green tea in the morning, eat 200 g of steamed white fish and vegetable salad in the afternoon, and have 200 g of rice with tomato for dinner.

For 5 days

A strict diet will help you lose up to 5 extra pounds. A strict diet for 5 days involves eating by the hour. The daily menu is the same:

  • 7:30 – unsweetened tea;
  • 9:30 – coarsely grated carrots, mixed with olive oil;
  • 11:30 – 200 g boiled chicken fillet;
  • 13:30 – sour apple;
  • 15:30 – hard-boiled egg;
  • 17:30 – apple;
  • 19:30 – 5-7 prunes;
  • 21-30 – 200 ml of kefir.

Products for fast weight loss

There are many foods that will speed up weight loss. As a rule, foods that promote rapid weight loss have a fat-burning effect. If you want to improve your figure, eat more:

  • bell pepper;
  • blueberries;
  • cabbage;
  • buckwheat;
  • carrots;
  • beets;
  • celery;
  • cucumbers;
  • spinach;
  • pumpkins;
  • zucchini;
  • turkey fillet;
  • Luke;
  • lean beef, boiled or grilled;
  • squid;
  • watermelons;
  • apples;
  • radishes;
  • grapefruits;
  • raspberries;
  • spinach;
  • fat-burning spices (horseradish, ginger, cinnamon, black and red pepper, chicory, mustard);
  • lean beef;
  • greenery;
  • pineapples;
  • lemons;
  • cranberries;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cod;
  • tomatoes;
  • chicken fillet;
  • oatmeal;
  • avocado;
  • melon;
  • kiwi;
  • drain;
  • strawberries

If you want to lose weight, give up:

  • fast food;
  • flour and especially baked goods;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sweets;
  • smoked meats;
  • potatoes;
  • fatty meat;
  • canned food;
  • meat broths;
  • sausages.

Extreme diets for weight loss

You have already made sure that there are a lot of options, but it is still difficult to decide which one to choose. Study the most effective diets for very fast weight loss, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by a huge number of positive reviews on the Internet. Remember that you need to approach your choice very seriously, not forgetting for a second about your health. Assess the state of your body, set a realistic goal and only then make a decision.


You can sit on this from one day to a month. The longer the strict drinking diet, the more you can lose. Key rules:

  1. You should completely abandon solid food in favor of liquid food and not deviate from the menu.
  2. The monthly diet is allowed to be repeated only after a year.
  3. You need to not only eat liquid food, but also drink water.
  4. Vitamins, fish fat take extra.
  5. There should be four to five meals a day.
  6. If you play sports, then train with minimal intensity.

The most stringent diet for quick weight loss has the following advantages:

  1. Products for the drinking diet are very easy to prepare.
  2. Already in the first days of losing weight, you will feel cheerfulness, a surge of strength and energy.
  3. When following a diet with such a menu, the body is perfectly cleansed.

Allowed to use:

  • non-carbonated mineral water without salt;
  • chicken, meat, fish, vegetable broths (homemade only);
  • unsweetened natural compotes;
  • vegetable puree soups;
  • low-fat fermented milk and milk drinks;
  • jelly and fruit drinks;
  • freshly squeezed juices.
  • solid and semi-solid products;
  • sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise, marinades;
  • food additives;
  • canned food;
  • alcohol;
  • butter and animal fats;
  • caffeinated drinks;
  • pork, lamb broths;
  • soda.


An incredibly simple and affordable option for those who want to lose weight in one week. Cereals for this food system should be poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:2, covered with a lid and left overnight. You can’t salt it, you can’t add oil either. The buckwheat diet for 7 days comes in two varieties:

  1. Strict. You can eat any amount of buckwheat during the day. You can only drink water or herbal teas.
  2. Moderately strict diet for quick weight loss. You are allowed to eat any amount of buckwheat. You can drink a liter of kefir and as much water as you like per day.


You need to follow it for a week. The diet should contain only foods rich in protein. Small amounts of complex carbohydrates are allowed. Tough protein diet prohibits eating sweet fruits, starch-rich vegetables, canned food, semi-finished products, and confectionery. Sample daily menu:

  1. Breakfast. 4 boiled egg whites, 150 g oatmeal in water (added sugar and salt are prohibited).
  2. Dinner. Boiled chicken breast(150 g), steamed broccoli.
  3. Afternoon snack. 50 g steamed tuna, 100 g rice, tomato.
  4. Dinner. 180 g low-fat cottage cheese with a tablespoon of crushed nuts.


This option is effective, although strict. The kefir diet minus 10 kg per week prohibits the consumption of fatty foods, alcohol, sugar, flour, salt, and sweets, because all these foods overload the liver. Every day you need to drink one and a half liters of low-fat kefir (divided into equal portions) and one additional product per day:

  1. 4 boiled potatoes, sprinkled with herbs.
  2. 150 g boiled chicken fillet.
  3. 120 g boiled beef.
  4. 120 g boiled fish.
  5. Any number of vegetables or fruits.
  6. Only kefir and water.
  7. The same diet as on the sixth day.

Rice diet

You should eat according to this program for three, maximum four days, and during this period you will be able to get rid of 5 kg. Tough rice diet requires preliminary cleansing of the intestines. You can do a special enema or drink a laxative. Cook yourself a glass of rice every day. Consume it in five doses in equal portions. You are allowed to drink water, green tea, herbal infusions, and natural juices. If it's really hard, eat an apple or a fresh stalk of celery.

Low carb

By eating the following program for two weeks, you will lose 5-8 kg. A fast low-carb diet involves consuming a minimal amount of calories, but is not too difficult to follow. Be sure to drink a lot during weight loss clean water. Alcoholic drinks, fruits and juices are strictly prohibited. One of the daily menu options:

  1. Breakfast. A small grapefruit, tea, a thin slice of salty cheese with a slice of black bread.
  2. Dinner. 215 g low-fat cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. l. beans, a slice of gray bread, unsweetened tea.
  3. Dinner. 125 g of boiled meat or lean fish, tea, several cherry tomatoes.

Diet of models

Every woman wonders how the girls on magazine covers always manage to look perfect. What saves them is the models’ strict diet, which was calculated for three days. It is difficult to eat according to it, but you can lose from one to one and a half kilograms per day. You can adhere to this nutrition system once a month, not more often. Menu for the day, from which any deviations are strictly prohibited:

  1. Breakfast (9:00). 200 ml water, one soft-boiled egg.
  2. Lunch (12:00). 185 g low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened green tea.
  3. Dinner (15:00). 125 g low-fat cottage cheese, a slice of lemon, green tea without sugar.

Consequences of a strict diet

Express programs can be harmful to your health, especially if you break the rules. The danger of losing weight quickly is as follows:

  1. Performance decreases.
  2. Nails become brittle, and the condition of hair and skin may worsen.
  3. The development of atherosclerosis, colitis, urolithiasis, and gout is possible.
  4. The menstrual cycle is disrupted.
  5. There is a risk of malfunction digestive system, the appearance of liver problems.

Video about the most restrictive diets for quick weight loss

If you dream of losing weight, but are still undecided on how best to do it, watch the following videos and it will be easier for you to make a decision. Thanks to the video, you can learn the features of the most popular strict diets, their advantages, disadvantages and secrets. Remember that in order to have beautiful figure, you need to put in some effort, but the final result is definitely worth it.

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The most stringent diets for quick weight loss

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist, honored author of Evehealth


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Verified information

This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

The huge number of existing diets allows anyone to find the most suitable one. Strict diets for quick weight loss are very popular. In most cases, such diets consist of low-calorie foods with little dietary fiber, protein and minerals. Fast diets can eliminate 2-3 extra pounds in the shortest possible time.

Advantages and disadvantages of strict diets

The advantages of strict diets include, first of all, their low cost. As a rule, fast diets do not require large financial expenditures. In addition, with their help you can lose from 500 g to 1 kg of excess weight per day. A strict diet is the best choice if you need to quickly lose weight before any significant event.

The disadvantage of losing weight quickly is the stress it puts on the body. Rapid weight loss can cause significant harm to health. That is why the express diet should last no more than 2-3 days. During this time, such a power system will not cause much harm. Nutritionists do not recommend using strict diets for more than 3 days, during which you can lose up to 3 kg of excess body weight.

Another significant disadvantage of rapid weight loss is its reversibility. If you do not follow the diet after completing the diet, the lost kilograms will quickly return.

We should not forget that almost all strict diets have contraindications. These include heart disease, stomach disorders and digestive tract, colds and general weakness of the body.

Another significant disadvantage of such a diet and rapid weight loss is the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Moreover, scars may remain even after weight regain. To prevent this from happening, doctors recommend combining a diet and the use of special cosmetics, such as modeling cream. But you should choose this product very carefully, and here's why.

Many manufacturers add substances such as animal fats, mineral oils and synthetic preservatives – parabens – to their products. The latter accumulate in the body and can lead to serious health problems in the future. So, when buying a cream, carefully read the label and make sure that it contains only natural ingredients. For example, like the modeling cream from the Russian company Mulsan Cosmetic. The natural cream of this company has passed laboratory tests and has all the necessary certificates. Women who tried Mulsan Cosmetic products were very pleased with them. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews left on the website.

Alternative to strict diets

As an alternative to strict diets, they are often used. At its core, a fasting day is one-day. The menu for such a day is similar to the diet of a strict diet. However, according to doctors, such weight loss does not harm health. The use of a fasting day is a rather useful procedure for the body, as it promotes it. Therefore, even people who do not suffer from excess weight are recommended to have fasting days from time to time.

Popular strict diets

All of the following diets promote rapid weight loss. But despite their effectiveness, it is not recommended to use them for more than the prescribed 3 days. It is advisable to supplement diets designed for a longer period by taking multivitamin complexes to prevent a deficiency of nutrients in the body.

Low carb diet- the easiest strict diet, lasting 3 days. Her menu is seriously limited in caloric intake, but in general the carbohydrate content is not critical (about 60 g per day). Throughout the diet, you need to drink as much water as possible, 2 liters is the required minimum. The consumption of any drinks containing alcohol, fruit juices and fruits, with the exception of grapefruit, is strictly prohibited.

One day menu

Diet of models- the most stringent diet, since there is no dinner at all. Allows you to lose from 3 to 5 extra pounds in 3 days. You can repeat it no more than once a month. It is strictly forbidden to consume salt and sugar during the diet.

One day menu

Jockey Diet- a strict diet, the effect of which can be enhanced by massage and a visit to the sauna.

Menu for 3 days

Seven days- the entire daily food intake is divided into 5 meals.

Menu for 7 days

It is included in the most stringent diets, due to its two-week duration and the possibility of losing 4 to 5 extra pounds.

Menu for 14 days

Day Product norm
1 Hard-boiled eggs (3 pcs), green apples (3 pcs), unsweetened coffee (3 cups) - all products are divided into 3 doses.
2 Repeat of the first day.
3 Breakfast - eggs (2 pcs). Lunch - beef (50g). Dinner - egg (1 pc), a bunch of spinach.
4 Breakfast - egg (1 piece). Lunch - tomato (1 piece), boiled fish fillet (200g). Dinner - eggs (2 pieces), unsweetened coffee.
5 Breakfast - egg (1 piece), unsweetened coffee. Lunch - tomato (1 piece), eggs (2 pieces). Dinner - fish baked without oil (200g), vegetable salad with a dressing of a small amount of vinegar.
6 Breakfast - egg (1 piece), unsweetened coffee. Lunch - cucumber (1 piece), boiled beef (200-300g). Dinner - fried veal without fat (200-300g), tomato (1 piece), unsweetened coffee.
7 Breakfast - egg (1 piece), unsweetened coffee. Lunch - baked chicken without fat (half a carcass), fresh vegetables. Dinner - the remaining half of the chicken, apple (1 piece), unsweetened coffee.
8-14 Repeat the first seven days.

Tokyo diet- a six-day strict, highly effective diet that allows you to lose about 5.5 kg of excess weight. The daily menu consists of a kilogram of chicken, tobacco and two liters of liquid.
The diet of actresses is a long-term strict diet that can be followed for a long time, since the content of its menu does not interfere with the normal functioning of the body.

Semi-liquid weekly diet a - a very strict diet, but in 7 days only about 3 kg of weight is lost, which makes the result more stable.

Menu for 7 days

Day Product norm
1 Milk (1.5 l).
2 Yogurt (0.5 l).
3 Hard-boiled eggs (6 pcs).
4 Boiled beef (400g).
5 Fresh vegetables (600g).
6 Any fruit, except grapes and bananas (600g).
7 Return to normal diet.

Strict diets are effective way for quick weight loss. In principle, any diet in which the daily calorie content does not exceed . In addition, all mono-diets are considered strict diets, since their use limits the supply of nutrients to the body.

Based on all of the above, it can be noted that strict diets can be used. However, they should not be abused. It is also necessary to remember that any weight loss becomes meaningless if, after completing the diet, you do not follow proper nutrition and don't watch your figure.

You can learn more about strict diets by watching the following video:

Video about unique diets


There are often situations when you urgently need to lose extra pounds. In this case, conventional diets, which require strict adherence to a diet for up to 3-6 months, will not help. Going to the gym will also not help: it will take a lot of effort and time. The only way out is to resort to strict diets.

It should be noted that this is not the most useful way lose weight, but in some cases such diets can be described as cleansing the body. They do not get rid of accumulated fat deposits. The peculiarity of this nutritional action is that it helps to remove excess fluid from the body or cleanse it of waste and toxins.

There are many options for such diets, but you should turn to the most effective ones. These diets have already been tested by many people and have positive results. If you strictly follow the principles, you can lose up to 5 kilograms per week. However, the overall figure depends on the initial weight.

In addition, such diets cannot be followed regularly to avoid health problems. However, for short-term but rapid weight loss This method of losing weight will be ideal.


This diet is the most effective, satisfying and inexpensive. It lasts about one week, if you need to consolidate the result, then no more than two weeks. Buckwheat should be poured with boiling water at a ratio of 1:2 and left for half a day. Steamed buckwheat should be consumed without salt in any quantity. You can add seasonal greens to it.

As drinks, it is allowed to drink herbal teas, water (at least two liters per day) and kefir with a low fat content (no more than a liter per day).


The peculiarity of the diet is that it is suitable for long-term adherence. The effectiveness of this method of nutrition depends on the number of days that you manage to survive. The basic rules of the diet are:

  • consumption of liquid food, solid food is excluded for a while;
  • it is necessary to additionally take vitamin complexes, supplements and fish oil;
  • sports during a drinking diet should be limited to minimal exertion;
  • Meals should be divided into 6-7 meals per day.

The advantages of such a diet are many: quick weight loss, cleansing the body, removing excess water, easy cooking.

As a drink on a diet, you can drink:

  1. Plain and mineral water;
  2. Herbal teas, unsweetened coffee, chicory;
  3. Compotes, fruit drinks, unsweetened jelly;
  4. Smoothies and fresh juices;
  5. Fermented milk products with a low fat content;
  6. Vegetable broths, low-fat varieties meat, fish, poultry;
  7. Puree soups.


The kefir diet is the most accessible and easiest. It is filling, but rather monotonous: it’s hard to sit on it for a long time. However For rapid weight loss, one to two weeks is enough!

The essence of the diet is that you should drink two liters of kefir a day. You should choose a fermented milk product with no more than 1.5% fat content. You are also allowed to eat one product per day, depending on the day of the week:

  • Monday: potatoes (4 boiled pieces);
  • Tuesday: chicken breast or turkey fillet (150 grams);
  • Medium: lean beef (no more than 150 grams);
  • Thursday: lean fish fillet (no more than 150 grams);
  • Friday: vegetables and sour fruits (no more than 0.5 kg per day);
  • Saturday: kefir, pure or mineral water;
  • Same food as on Saturday.


This diet is designed for seven days. The main condition is that the diet must contain many foods containing protein. They are allowed to be eaten with virtually no restrictions. However, there is a rule: dinner must be light, with plenty of vegetable dishes. You should drink more than two liters of water per day.

On a protein diet you can eat:

  • egg white in any quantity, yolk about 2 pieces per day;
  • lean meat dishes, fish fillets;
  • all vegetables (excluding potatoes, beets, carrots) boiled, stewed, baked;
  • low-fat fermented milk products, hard cheese;
  • legumes, mushrooms;
  • seafood;
  • cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice);
  • seeds, nuts.

Prohibited for use:

  • sugar, bakery products, sweet fruits;
  • alcohol;
  • sauces;
  • fat meat;
  • smoked, salted, marinated dishes;
  • cereals with a high glycemic index (pasta, wheat, white rice).


On average, the diet lasts about 12 days. The main rule is that you need to consume 2/3 of grapefruit every day throughout your diet, which burns fat. This diet is considered strict due to several nutritional principles:

  1. Last meal 2 hours before bedtime;
  2. Drink about 2 liters of clean water daily;
  3. Total caloric intake per day is no more than 800 calories (including grapefruit);
  4. Refusal of alcohol, sweet, smoked, salty, fried foods;
  5. Half a grapefruit should be eaten 20 minutes before meals.