Draw a letter and bring it to life. Living alphabet, living letters in pictures, Russian alphabet in pictures. Subjects of competition works

Restless, they are quickly distracted and quickly jump from one topic to another. So how can you get them excited about learning letters and the alphabet? Of course, with the help of cheerful and funny pictures - living letters in pictures. All children love to look at colorful pictures, they will not even realize that at that moment they are having classes, for them it is just another game.

Here we invite you to download for free and print on a color printer entertaining “live letters in pictures.”

Each of the letters is illustrated in the style of the word that begins with that letter. This is a kind of rebus puzzle that is very interesting to solve with your child. You show him a card with a letter, and he must guess which word is encrypted.

Such lively letters in pictures are perfect for home activities with your child and for classes in kindergarten.

How to make living letters in pictures for kids

This educational material is presented in the form of cards with letters of 2 pieces. on a sheet of A4 format.

All you need to do is download and print the files with the letters and glue the sheets onto cardboard. On top, if desired, you can paste them with tape.

Cut the sheets into cards and you can study them with your child.

Using these cards, the letters of the Russian alphabet are learned quickly, and most importantly, they are very fun and interesting.

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet, Letters A, B

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet, Letters V, G

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet, Letters D, E

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet, Letters E, F

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet, Letters Z, I

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet, Letters J, K

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet, Letters L, M

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet, Letters N, O

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet, Letters P, R

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet, Letters S, T

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet, Letters U, F

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet, Letters X, C

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet, Letters Ch, Sh

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet, Letters Ш, ъ

Educational cards with letters of the Russian alphabet, Letters ы, ь

The alphabet is a set of pairs of cards that are connected to each other like puzzles: one card shows a letter, and the second shows an association picture.

The author of this project, Yulia Tarakanova, is a teacher, psychologist, and specialist in eidetics, or the development of figurative memory in children. For 16 years, she has been successfully teaching letters to children using a method based on the formation of vivid images in memory.

How does the alphabet work?

The secret of the alphabet is that it uses the child’s associative memory. The association picture matched to the letter is very similar in shape to the letter itself. So, in the process of playing with cards, a stable association “picture - letter shape - letter name” is formed in the child’s memory, which will certainly emerge in the child’s memory at the right moment.

Project features

Along with the cards, the set includes detailed instructions for parents on how to properly teach the alphabet to their children.
Many associations and how to derive them from letters were suggested to the author by her little students. So they will definitely be close to your child.
While the artist Masha Sergeeva was drawing illustrations for the alphabet, her 2-year-old son learned the entire alphabet from the sketches.

The idea of ​​creating an associative alphabet came to me in 1997, when at the Moscow School of Eidetics I studied memorization techniques based on the ability to create vivid images in memory. I taught my two-year-old daughter letters in exactly this way - using her own associations. In front of her eyes, I completed drawing the letter to the association. For example, I “turned” the letter “B” into a bicycle on which my beloved brother Vovka rides, and from the letter “Z” we got a bunny. It was so effective for memorization that I began to constantly use “reviving” letters in my teaching practice, and have continued to use the associative alphabet to teach children for 16 years.
This set contains the most common children's associations that we drew with the kids. I hope that your baby will be fascinated by the “living” letters, and that he will learn them with ease and pleasure.

Who is this alphabet for?

I have always been an excellent student: I graduated from school with a gold medal and from Saratov University (Faculty of Physics) with honors. She began her career as an engineer-scientist working on liquid crystal indicators. But after perestroika, when the electronics industry in the country was destroyed, she came to work at school. I very quickly realized that the typical Soviet school teaching method did not suit me. I was looking for unconventional, more effective teaching methods. Thus, in 1997, I attended instructor training at the Moscow School of Eidetics. I was shocked by the capabilities of human associative-figurative memory. And she regretted that she was not familiar with mnemotechnical and eidetic techniques at the time when she herself was studying at school and university. This could significantly ease my lot as a schoolchild and student. :-) I remembered how difficult it was to memorize texts, poems, formulas (especially when the teacher demanded that formulas be presented without conclusions).

In the same 1997, she began teaching a course on eidetics at the language center at Saratov University. Developed a course for adult second language learners. Later she taught the course “Effective Memory and Speed ​​Reading” there.

In 2005 she graduated from the Institute of Integrative Family Psychology in Moscow.

In 2006 she came to work in Moscow. At first she taught at the private school "Filippovskaya School" and the children's center "Ogo-Gorod" as an instructor in memory development, a mathematics teacher, and a family psychologist. At the Filippov school I became acquainted with Montessori pedagogy and philosophy. I was fascinated by the process and results of teaching children using this system. Therefore, when in 2008 she opened her children’s club at the River Station “Semeykin Club”, she took the Montessori system as the basis for educating children. At the same time, she actively used her knowledge and skills in the field of psychology of memory and attention (eidetics and mnemonics) and her experience as a family psychotherapist.

Favzana Ayupova

For several years I have been leading the ABVGDeyka additional education club, organized with the goal of developing intellectual abilities in the process of learning to read and write.

Children attending this club know not only everything letters alphabet and can read well, they also have a very high creative potential. They can come up with many words for a certain letter; come up with sentences whose words begin with this letter and even entire stories. And we had a desire to illustrate our stories. Several classes of the circle were devoted to writing stories and making drawings on the topic " Living letter". Here you can get acquainted with the drawing process, stories and drawings children and exhibition"Living letter".

I wish you pleasant viewing!

Katya's story

Petya the cockerel has a birthday. The cook was baking a pie with jam. Little Pasha sang songs to him. The song is wonderful!

Story "About Vanya and Vova" Angelina and her grandmother composed it at home.

Vanya and Vova had fun playing a quiz together on Sunday. Vanya ran out onto the veranda and exclaimed: “Vova, go out and take out the water, there’s a bucket of water hanging above!” Vova climbed into his felt boots, took a bucket of water and poured out the water. Vanya swept the trash from the veranda with a broom. There is a vase on the table. There are cherries and grapes.

Maxim's story on letter"R"

Letter"R" takes care of plants, waters rose and chamomile. Robots Rowe and Ree have made a rocket and will fly to the planet Rovera.

"Me and other letters of the alphabet"

Competition for preschoolers

Invite children to realize any fantasies related to the alphabet, letters and syllables in a drawing. Maybe it will be a fairy tale story, or a simple, unusually beautiful letter, or maybe the children will demonstrate how they learned to write letters and syllables beautifully, and next to them they will draw what they wrote.

No pre-registration required.

System number: 21003718

Deadlines: carried out without time limits, works are accepted continuously.

Deadline for sending a diploma in electronic form: no later than 2 working days after receiving a job during the academic year and no later than 10 days during the summer.

Cost of participation:80 rub. All payment methods

No commissions

1. Please indicate the required amount based on the cost of participation and the number of participants.

2. Choose a convenient payment method and make the payment.
3. If the payment is rejected by the bank, try again.
4. If the payment was successful, click Return to store.
5. Save the receipt received from Robokassa and attach it (scan/screenshot/photo/file) to the letter with your work for the competition or for publication.

Please indicate the amount taking into account the number of participants.

Works (drawings) in any format are accepted for the competition. The size of each individual file should not exceed 8 MB. One letter should not be more than 20MB.

The competition accepts works (answers to questions) in .pdf format (fillable form) or in the form of scanned sheets in any format. One letter should not be more than 20MB.

Send your work to the following email address:
(!!!) Be careful - each competition has its own mailing address. If sent to a different address, there will be confusion and the work may not be reviewed in a timely manner. But (!!!) This address serves only to collect works from a specific competition and nothing more; this address is not intended for correspondence. To discuss current issues with the organizers, use the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. .

In the letter please indicate: Full name of the participant, age, educational institution, city, full name of the teacher and e-mail for feedback. Attach a scan of the receipt to the letter or indicate payment information in the letter.
(!!!) The name of the file with the work for the competition must begin with the participant’s last name and first name.

You can also take part in a literacy competition

In 1st grade, after learning all the letters of the alphabet, children are asked to complete the “Living Alphabet” or “Living Letter” project. In the poems of Soviet writers, before the eyes of amazed first-graders, letters begin to come to life. The letter Z turns into a beetle, the letter M into a swing, etc.

While working on a project, first-graders draw a letter, bringing it to life. Then they learn a poem about their letter. The verse can be written under the picture. Each child brings his own project to class and the result is a living ALPHABET.


On our website we announce a competition of projects completed by first grade students on the topic "Living ABC"

Dear primary school teachers and parents of first-graders! We invite you to participate.

We send certificates to all participants, and diplomas of I, II and III degrees to the winners and runners-up.

Send your work to the site administrator This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Project Living ABC 1st grade

Little lizard

He will quickly hide from you

Finds a loophole in the grass

A sneaky snake will flash by

And from fear oh-oh-oh

Loses his tail

Project "Living Letter"

Children from our class took part in the Living Letter project. They staged poems by famous contemporary poets. The costumes were made in the shape of letters of the Russian alphabet. The first graders really enjoyed our holiday.

I would like to note that the project is not only drawings, but also theatrical performances.

Let it begin with the stork
Just like the alphabet
Starts with A

Letter A, letter A
Alphabet head
Vova knows, Sveta knows,
And it looks like a rocket.

Letter B with a big belly
Wearing a cap with a long visor

Letter B will wake up early.
Letter B - barrel with tap.
Wash your face! Be healthy,
Bogatyr Boris Bobrov!

There are two arms nearby
Here you go
Glasses for a frog

Before us is the letter G
Stands like a poker

There he stands, blowing smoke,
Letter D stove pipe

It came in handy in the garden
Instead of a rake I worked hard

This letter is wide
And she looks like a beetle
And at the same time it’s definitely a beetle
Makes a buzzing sound

This is J
And this is K
Whole beetle
And half a bug.

Project "Living Letter" by Misha Ivanov, 1st grade A, Moscow

Along the white field
In the fog and snow
They wander slowly
Ram's Horns (Letter Z)

Look at the gate:
Why is she not the letter I?
Between two straight boards
One lay diagonally

Signalman holding two flags
With flags it's like the letter K

The alphabet will continue our
Letter L - forest hut

Here's the swing-
Letter M!
Here to swing
Everyone can

On the letter N
I'm on a ladder
I sit and sing

There I will find the letter N,
Where the hammock hangs in the garden.

Look at the wheel
And you will see the letter O

At hockey, at football
Letter P - gate to the field

The letter P is a sail on the mast,
Floats into the distance, touching the sky

Crescent moon in the dark sky
The letter C hung over the house

The hammer knocks: “Knock, knock!
Letter T I'm an old friend"

U is a bitch. In any forest
You will see the letter U

Fedya walks with his hands on his hips
So I learned my lessons

We are not horned
Not angry
We are the goats
Not goats

Letter C -
Hook at the bottom
Exactly with a faucet tank

Yes, you guessed it right:
We write h as four.
Only with numbers, friends,
We can't confuse the letters

Shura raked the hay
I forgot the pitchfork in the hay

On the comb
SH is similar
Three teeth in total
Well then!

And the poor letter Y
Wanders around with a stick, alas

The letter R is upside down
Turned into a soft sign

Above the meadows in the blue
The letter E flies by

So that O doesn't roll away,
I'll nail it firmly to the post.
Oh look,
What's happened:
It turned out... the letter U

Look, friends,
I made a birdhouse.
And she flew into a birdhouse
Instead of a bird - the letter I.

Project "Living Letter", 1st grade, Nizhny Novgorod

You can revive the letter in the project "Living letter" dramatizing Boris Zakhoder's poem "The Letter I". You can make costumes for letters with your own hands and you will end up with a “Costume for a Letter” project.

Everybody knows:
Letter I
In the ABC
The last one.
Does anyone know
Why and why?

- Unknown.
- Interesting?
- Interesting! -

Well, listen to the story.
We lived in ABC

They lived, did not grieve,
Because everyone was friends
Where no one quarrels
That's where things get controversial.

Only time
It's all about
It became
Due to a terrible scandal:
Letter I
Didn't fit in line
Letter I!

I, -
The letter I said, -
I want,
To everywhere
I don't want to stand in a line.
I wish to be
In sight! -

They tell her:
- Get back into place! -
Answers: - I won’t go!
I'm not just a letter to you,
I am a pronoun.
Compared to me -
Misunderstanding -
No more, no less!

The whole alphabet is here
In terrible excitement.
- Fu-you, well-you! -
Snorted F,
Blushing with offense.
- Shame! -
S said angrily.
B shouts:
- I imagined!
Anyone could do this!
Maybe I myself am the excuse! -
P grumbled:
- Try,
Talk to someone so special!

We need a special approach to it -
Suddenly the Soft Sign mumbled.
And the angry Hard Sign
Silently showed his fist.

Ti-i-she, letters! Shame on you, signs! -
The Vowels shouted. -
All that was missing was a fight!
And also Consonants!

We need to figure it out sooner
And then fight!
We are literate people!
Letter I
She will understand:
Is it conceivable
Poke forward?
After all, no one in such a letter
He won't understand anything! -

Foot stamped:
- I don’t want to hang out with you!
I will do everything myself!
I'm crazy enough! -
The letters looked at each other here,
Everything - literally! - smiled,
And the friendly chorus answered:
- Fine,
Let's go for a bet:
If you can
By oneself
At least a line -
Is it true,
That is,

So I
Yes, I couldn’t
I'm not just anyone
...Letter I got down to business:
For a whole hour she
And groaned
And sweated, -
She managed to write

How the letter X will be filled:
- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! -
I started laughing!
I grabbed my head.
I grabbed my stomach...

Letter I
First fastened
And then it roars:
- It's my fault, guys!
I admit
My own fault!
I agree to stand up, guys.
Even from behind
Letters Y!

Well, - the whole alphabet decided, -
If he wants, let him stand!
It's not a matter of location at all.
The point is that we are all in this together!
Is that everything -
From A to Z -
We lived like one family!
Letter I
Always was
Sweet to everyone and everyone.
But we advise, friends,
Remember the place
Letters I!