What is a mechanical device? Vehicle. Foreign cars and their classification system

A mechanical vehicle is a piece of machinery other than mopeds. It is driven by a fairly powerful engine. The presented term also applies to self-propelled vehicles, as well as multifunctional tractors.

Vehicle categories

1. Rail

These mechanisms are designed for fast and comfortable movement on specially equipped roads. They are equipped with special guides, so as a whole they form a special transport system. Rail cars are of regular type, narrow gauge, universal, combined and monorail. All of them are specially adapted for movement on railway tracks.

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This type of transport includes high-speed trains equipped with magnetic levitation. Some manufacturers are engaged in the production of hovercraft.

A tram is a type of street and partly rail transport that is intended for public use. It transports passengers along a predetermined route. Most often, the presented designs operate using electric traction.

2. Trackless

This group of mechanisms includes buses, cars, all-terrain vehicles, bicycles, unicycles, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, tractors, trolleybuses, and cotton pickers. Trackless transport is the general name for absolutely all types of land transport that do not use rail tracks. To move such equipment, it is enough to have a flat, hard surface. An important property of a trackless vehicle is

This is an excellent cross-country ability on uneven or soft ground surfaces.

These machines are designed to carry out specific operations that are directly related to work or other activities. The presented mechanisms are equipped with a powerful engine. Citizens who have received a special certificate are allowed to drive self-propelled vehicles.

This document can be obtained from the authorized state supervision bodies regarding the current technical condition of the car, as well as other equipment of the Russian Federation. The certificate includes several categories of admission.

4. Non-self-propelled

These are units that need to be moved by hand.

Main types of vehicles

To deliver goods to a warehouse, it is customary to use the following types of vehicles: rail, air, road, water and pipeline. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the following factors - speed of delivery, honesty, reliability, geographical accessibility, maneuverability, cost, and the ability to quickly control.

  1. Mechanical. These are self-propelled vehicles that are designed and manufactured for use on public roads. They must be equipped with at least two wheels. The presented equipment is subject to traffic rules, which are approved by current legislation.
  2. Vehicles that are not mechanical. This technique must be controlled using your own power, as well as using other cars. This category includes mopeds and mokicks, even though they are equipped with an engine. Non-motorized transport is considered to be bicycles, horse-drawn carts, trailers, and pack animals.

What is a mechanical vehicle?

The vehicle helps transport passengers and various goods. If we compare lifting or lifting devices, then mechanical transport is used for transportation over fairly long distances.

Land vehicles can be classified by the type of engine they use, as well as the way the surface moves.

It is consumed from one or more major sources. A large number of vehicles are equipped with internal combustion engines during production. They are inexpensive and easy to maintain. Internal combustion engines are reliable, safe, and also have small dimensions.

Such units consume fuel gradually and therefore provide every opportunity to cover long distances. But they are capable of significantly polluting the environment.

Categories of mechanical vehicles

  1. This category includes motorcycles. It is a two-wheeled or three-wheeled vehicle that is equipped with a functional mechanical engine. It comes in pneumatic, electric and internal combustion types. The main distinguishing features are the driver's upright seating position, side foot rests, and direct control of the front swivel wheels.
  2. This category includes cars with a permissible maximum weight of no more than 3,500 kilograms. The exception is motor vehicles of group A. The factor that the number of seats other than the driver should not exceed eight is also taken into account. This category also includes cars that have a trailer. But their total weight should not exceed 750 kilograms.
  3. This includes vehicles with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3,500 kilograms. But the total weight cannot exceed 7500 kg.
  4. This category includes vehicles whose maximum weight does not exceed 750 kilograms.
  5. These are combinations of vehicles that have a tractor. Also included in this category are trucks with trailers.

terms of Use

Absolutely every driver of a motor vehicle must have the following list of documents with him:

  1. A driver's license that allows you to drive a vehicle of the appropriate category.
  2. A registration document issued for each vehicle. If we are talking about transport at the disposal of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, then it is worth issuing a technical certificate.
  3. If special flashing lights or other audible signaling devices were installed on the vehicle, then care must be taken to obtain permission. It is issued by the State Automobile Inspectorate.
  4. Minibus taxis in the cabin must have a route map and an exact schedule.
  5. A valid agreement on compulsory civil liability insurance of the vehicle owner. This list does not include drivers who operate vehicles of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Owners of a vehicle, as well as persons who operate it legally, have every right to transfer control of their vehicle to other persons.

They must have a driver's license of the appropriate category.

To ensure maximum safety while driving, drivers are fully committed to:

  1. Regularly check and ensure that the vehicle is in good technical condition. It is also necessary to check the completeness and exact placement of the transported cargo;
  2. Be attentive, monitor all situations on the road, quickly and correctly respond to all changes that occur, and also pay attention to the integrity and securing of the cargo.
  3. When driving a two-wheeled motorcycle or moped, you must wear a motorcycle helmet. The current legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits the transfer of passengers who are not wearing a motorcycle helmet.
  4. Do not litter on the roadway or create obstructions on the highway median.
  5. Drivers are not allowed to create a traffic safety hazard through their own actions.
  6. The State Automobile Inspectorate and other road maintenance organizations must promptly report facts of obstruction to traffic.
  7. It is not permitted to carry out actions that entail damage to the road or its other components. Also, drivers should absolutely not harm users.

If a police officer stops a car, the driver must follow the following rules:

  1. Show the documents listed above for verification.
  2. Do not interfere with checking license plates and completeness of the vehicle.
  3. A police officer must inspect a motor vehicle in accordance with current legislation. This action is carried out provided that the necessary legal grounds exist.
  4. Police officers are required to check the technical condition of the vehicle, which, according to current legislation, is subject to inspection.

Drivers must undergo a medical examination in a timely manner and within the established time limits, and also come to the technical inspection station for inspection.

Classification transport funds– this is the distribution of various cars into groups, classes and categories. Depending on the type of design, parameters of the power unit, purpose or features that certain vehicles have, the classification provides for several such categories.

Vehicle(TS) is a technical device for transporting people and/or goods. Unlike lifting and handling devices, vehicles are usually used for transportation over relatively long distances.

According to the classifier of types of vehicles for international transportation, trailer- a vehicle without an engine, intended for the transport of passengers or goods, the vertical load of which is transmitted to the supporting surface through the wheels and which is adapted to be towed by a car.

The rolling stock of road transport currently represents a wide range of vehicles, varying in technical characteristics and purpose. In order to streamline the classification of vehicles⭐ a number of criteria have been adopted that serve as their characteristic features. Based on these features, vehicles are divided into groups that have common properties and characteristics.

In order to highlight the area of ​​vehicles subject to this classification, the term “road transport” was defined, highlighting from the entire range of vehicles those that are operated primarily on public roads of all categories. This classification excludes other wheeled trackless vehicles, which due to their mass and size characteristics are not intended for driving on public roads. These are, for example, quarry vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, airfield and mine tractors, etc.

According to the current Traffic Rules, the following overall dimensions are currently accepted for road vehicles:

  • in height - no more than 4 m from the road surface
  • in length - no more than 12 m for a truck, bus, trolleybus and trailer, no more than 15.18 m for an articulated bus or trolleybus
  • in width - no more than 2.60 m for vehicles with an isothermal body, no more than 2.63 m for a KrAZ vehicle, MAZ-509A, MAZ-543 timber trucks, no more than 2.55 m for other vehicles

The total length of the road train should be no more than 20 m.

Currently, two types of classification are used - by type and by category of vehicles. Classification by type is the most common in our country, it was used for many years in the USSR, and continues to be used in many regulatory documents related to vehicles (state standards, traffic rules, etc.). In addition, this classification is applied when registering vehicles. The scheme for classifying vehicles by type is shown in the figure.

Rice. Scheme of classification of vehicles by type

The presence of an engine is used as a criterion for the most general division of vehicles. In this case, vehicles are divided into mechanical, equipped, and towed, not equipped with an engine.

A motor vehicle and one or more towed vehicles can form a combined vehicle, which is called a road train if it consists of a car and one or more trailers coupled to it by means of a coupling device.

Motor vehicles are divided into:

  • for cars
  • for motor vehicles
  • for tractors

Automobile- this is a mechanical vehicle that is driven by a power source, has at least four wheels located on at least two axles, is intended for movement on trackless roads and is used for transporting people and (or) goods, towing vehicles intended for transportation of people and (or) cargo, performing special work. This term also applies to vehicles whose engines are powered by direct electric current from an overhead contact network (trolleybuses), as well as to three-wheeled vehicles whose curb weight exceeds 400 kg.

Curb weight means the gross shipping weight of the vehicle plus the weight of coolant, lubricants, windshield washer fluid, fuel (tank filled to at least 90% of rated capacity), spare tires, fire extinguishers, standard spare parts, wheel chocks, standard set of tools.

Motor vehicle is a single-track, two-wheeled motor vehicle.

Tractor is a mechanical vehicle used to implement pressure or traction force through equipment mounted on it.

Towed vehicles are divided into:

  • for trailers
  • for semi-trailers

Trailer- a vehicle without an engine, intended for the transport of passengers or goods, in which the entire vertical load is transmitted to the supporting surface through its wheels, and adapted for towing by a car.

Semitrailer is a trailer that, by its design, is intended for use with a truck tractor and part of the total weight of which is transferred to the truck tractor through the fifth wheel coupling device.

A characteristic feature of the automobile division is their main purpose. It can be used to transport passengers or transport goods (special equipment).

Passenger car is a car that, by its design and equipment, is designed to transport passengers and luggage while providing the necessary comfort and safety. In this case, a passenger car with no more than nine seats, including the driver's seat, is called a passenger car, and more than nine are called a bus.

For transportation of goods a truck is used. If the chassis of a truck is used to transport special equipment (truck crane, aerial platform, drilling rig, etc.), a certain cargo (tank truck, concrete mixer truck) or is equipped with loading and unloading means, then such a vehicle is classified as special.

To transport goods, tractor-trailers and truck tractors are also used, which perform their function by towing trailers and semi-trailers.

There are a number of intermediate types of vehicles, characterized by a specific feature. So, for example, a single-decker bus with no more than 17 seats, including the driver’s seat, is called a minibus; a car that, by its design and equipment, is designed to transport passengers and cargo is called a cargo-passenger vehicle; A trailer designed to be used on the road while parked as a mobile living space is called a caravan.

Despite these vehicle type clarifications, they still refer to the bus, truck, and trailer types, respectively.

The classification of vehicles into categories is more specific in terms of the clarity of the division of transport according to criteria and complies with the UNECE Consolidated Resolution on the Design of Vehicles. It is according to this classification that the requirements of international regulatory legal acts are imposed on vehicles.

Vehicles are divided into categories as follows:

  • category L1 - a two-wheeled vehicle in which the engine displacement in the case of an internal combustion engine does not exceed 50 cm3 and the maximum design speed for any engine does not exceed 50 km/h;
  • category L2 - a three-wheeled vehicle with any wheel arrangement, in which the engine displacement in the case of an internal combustion engine does not exceed 50 cm3 or the maximum design speed for any engine does not exceed 50 km/h;
  • category L3 - motorcycle - a two-wheeled vehicle in which the engine displacement in the case of an internal combustion engine exceeds 50 cm3 or the maximum design speed for any engine exceeds 50 km/h;
  • category L4 - motorcycle with sidecar - a vehicle with three wheels asymmetrical with respect to the median longitudinal plane, in which the engine displacement in the case of an internal combustion engine exceeds 50 cm3 or the maximum design speed for any engine exceeds 50 km/h (motorcycles with sidecar );
  • category L5 - tricycle - a vehicle with three wheels symmetrical with respect to the median longitudinal plane, in which the engine displacement in the case of an internal combustion engine exceeds 50 cm3 or the maximum design speed for any engine exceeds 50 km/h;
  • category C6 - light quadricycle - a four-wheeled vehicle, the unladen mass of which does not exceed 350 kg, excluding the mass of batteries for an electric vehicle and the maximum design speed does not exceed 50 km/h, characterized by:
    • when installing an internal combustion engine with forced ignition - an engine displacement not exceeding 50 cm3, or
    • when installing an internal combustion engine of another type - maximum effective power not exceeding 4 kW, or
    • when installing an electric motor - rated maximum power in continuous load mode not exceeding 4 kW;
  • category L7 - quadricycle - a four-wheeled vehicle, the unladen mass of which does not exceed 400 kg (550 kg for a vehicle intended for the transport of goods) excluding the mass of batteries for an electric vehicle and the maximum effective engine power does not exceed 15 kW;
  • Category M1 - vehicles used for the transport of passengers, having, in addition to the driver’s seat, no more than eight seats;
  • category M2 - vehicles used for the transport of passengers, having, in addition to the driver’s seat, more than eight seats, the maximum weight of which does not exceed 5 tons;
  • category M3 - vehicles used for the transport of passengers, having in addition to the driver’s seat more than eight seats, the maximum weight of which exceeds 5 tons;
  • category N1 - vehicles intended for the transportation of goods, the maximum weight of which does not exceed 3.5 tons;
  • category N2 - vehicles intended for the transportation of goods, the maximum weight of which exceeds 3.5 tons, but does not exceed 12 tons;
  • category N3 - vehicles intended for the transportation of goods, the maximum weight of which exceeds 12 tons;
  • category O1 - trailers whose maximum weight does not exceed 0.75 tons;
  • category O2 - trailers whose maximum weight is more than 0.75 tons, but does not exceed 3.5 tons;
  • category O3 - trailers whose maximum weight is more than 3.5 tons, but does not exceed 10 tons;
  • category O4 - trailers whose maximum weight exceeds 10 tons.

In this classification, there is a certain difficulty in clarifying the requirements according to which vehicles of category M1 can be classified as a category. This can be done if the following conditions are met:

  • The number of seating positions does not exceed six, and seating space is considered available if the vehicle is equipped with “accessible” seat anchorages. “Available” means mounts that can be used to install seats. To prevent fasteners from being "accessible", the manufacturer must prevent them from being used, for example by welding butt plates onto them or installing similar fixed parts that cannot be removed using normal tools;
  • the condition P- (M + N 68) > N 68 is ensured, where P is the technically permissible weight of the vehicle, kg; M is the mass of the vehicle in running order, kg; N is the number of seats other than the driver's seat.

Since 68 kg is the average calculated weight of a passenger without luggage, the last condition should be understood as follows: the carrying capacity of the vehicle must be more than twice the weight of all passengers on board or the maximum permissible weight of cargo on board the vehicle when it is fully loaded passengers must be greater than the total mass of all passengers on board.

The technically permissible maximum weight means the maximum weight of a loaded vehicle with cargo (passengers), established by the manufacturer as the maximum permissible according to the operational documentation.

During state technical inspection, situations often arise when it is necessary to determine the correspondence between types and categories of vehicles. The categories belonging to the main types of vehicles located in the registration database of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus are presented in the table:

Table. Correspondence of categories to vehicle types

Vehicle type


Passenger car M1
Bus With a maximum weight of no more than 5 tons
With a maximum weight of more than 5 tons
Minibus With a passenger capacity of up to 17 seats
Freight car With a maximum weight of no more than 3.5 tons With a maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons, but not more than 12 tons
With a maximum weight of more than 12 tons
Tractor and tractor unit
Utility vehicle According to category N classification
Trailer and semi-trailer With a maximum weight of no more than 0.75 t With a maximum weight of more than 0.75 t, but not more than 3.5 t
With a maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons, but not more than 10 tons
With a maximum weight of more than 10 tons
Motorbike If you don't have a stroller
If you have a stroller
Scooter With two wheels
With three wheels
Motorized stroller With a maximum weight of up to 400 kg
M1 With a maximum weight of more than 400 kg

Remember the very beginning of “The Golden Calf” by Ilf and Petrov? “You have to love pedestrians. Pedestrians make up the majority of humanity. Moreover, the best part of it.”

As an experienced driver, I beg to differ with this – clearly outdated – statement. The overwhelming number of pedestrians simply do not know about the Rules of the Road. Moreover, they don’t even want to know about them.

Or they naively believe that traffic rules are written not for them, but for drivers. As a last resort, for passengers. This is a fundamentally wrong position and a very dangerous delusion.

Although, in fairness, it is worth agreeing that the lion’s share of the Rules concerns the movement of transport. Let's talk about it in more detail.


“Vehicle” is a device designed to transport people, goods or equipment installed on it on roads.

A very simple and comprehensive definition. Anything that is invented by man to facilitate movement and transportation and at the same time is capable of moving on roads is a vehicle. And there are a huge number of types of vehicles.

So, they can be railed (moving on rails) and trackless.

Or self-propelled (equipped with an engine) and non-self-propelled.

However, the Traffic Rules operate with other concepts when qualifying types of vehicles:

  1. Motor vehicles;
  2. Vehicles other than motor vehicles.

This is the most common classification.


“Motor driven vehicle” is a vehicle driven by an engine. The term also applies to any tractors and self-propelled machines.

By definition, the main characteristic of a motor vehicle is the presence of an engine. What engine? Yes, any: gasoline, diesel, gas, electric, hydrogen or nuclear (the latter - God forbid, of course!).

True, there is another hidden criterion here: the vehicle must be designed for road use. This seems to go without saying...

Consequently, the list of motor vehicles is incredibly large. These are motorcycles, cars and trucks, tractors and other self-propelled vehicles, etc.

In this regard, it becomes clear why a bicycle is not a motor vehicle. After all, it is not equipped with an engine.

“Bicycle” is a vehicle, other than a wheelchair, which has at least two wheels and is generally propelled by the muscular energy of the occupants of the vehicle, in particular by means of pedals or handles, and may also have an electric motor of rated maximum power in continuous load mode not exceeding 0.25 kW, automatically switches off at speeds over 25 km/h.

Ask why? It's simple.

  1. The maximum speed allowed by the manufacturer does not exceed 50 km/h.

In other words, we have two criteria for classifying a vehicle with an engine as NON-MECHANICAL. And in this same group, the Rules also include mokicks, scooters, “gazulkas” (bicycles with a suspended engine) and similar vehicles, seemingly equipped with an engine.

What does this mean? Driving these vehicles does not yet (that is, YET!) require a driver’s license. And the vehicle itself does not go through the registration procedure and issuance of state registration plates (numbers).

However, persons driving such vehicles are drivers, and, therefore, are obliged to strictly observe the Rules of the Road.

Now let’s return to the concept of “Vehicle” and note a number of fundamental points.

A special characteristic of any vehicle is its MAXIMUM PERMITTED WEIGHT.

“Permitted maximum weight” is the weight of the equipped vehicle with cargo, driver and passengers, established by the manufacturer as the maximum permissible. The permissible maximum mass of a vehicle composition, that is, coupled and moving as one unit, is taken to be the sum of the permissible maximum masses of the vehicles included in the composition.

Let us comment on the first part of the concept. It is important to understand these two terms related to vehicle weight: 1) permitted; 2) maximum.

“Maximum” weight is the maximum permissible weight of a vehicle - with driver, passengers and cargo. Exceeding this mass is unacceptable. Why? Yes, because the car body itself, its suspension, engine, brake system and steering do not guarantee their normal functioning when the permissible weight is exceeded.

For example, the braking system will be ineffective because... exceeding the vehicle mass means greater inertia during movement and greater centrifugal force.

So, “maximum” weight means the maximum permissible weight of the vehicle.

Who sets this limit? Of course, the manufacturer. And this is an explanation of the term “allowed” mass. It is the manufacturer who determines – allows – this maximum mass.

And further. The permissible maximum weight is a certain “theoretical” weight specified in the vehicle passport (PTS) and registration certificate.

This mass should not be confused with the actual (“current”), that is, the one that the vehicle currently possesses (now). And if the actual weight of a car is an extremely dynamic phenomenon, constantly changing, then the permissible maximum weight is a mark for life.

Another important point. The permissible maximum weight is also a criterion for distinguishing categories of vehicles. The fact is that trucks differ in this indicator into 2 types:

  1. Trucks with a permissible maximum weight of no more than 3.5 tons (category B) - for example, a GAZelle truck;
  2. Trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons (category C) - for example, KamAZ.

The figure of 3.5 tons is a kind of indicator of the size of the truck. That is why trucks with a permissible maximum weight not exceeding 3.5 tons belong to a category that also includes passenger cars.

Now let's remember the second part of the concept “Permitted maximum weight”.

“The permissible maximum mass of a combination of vehicles, that is, coupled and moving as one unit, is taken to be the sum of the permissible maximum masses of the vehicles included in the composition.”

To understand this situation, let us turn to two more concepts - road train and trailer.

“Road train” is a mechanical vehicle coupled to a trailer(s).

“Trailer” is a vehicle that is not equipped with an engine and is intended to be driven in conjunction with a power-driven vehicle. The term also applies to semi-trailers and trailers.

It happens that a motor vehicle travels with a trailer (which, by the way, also requires registration). And in this case, the permissible maximum mass will be calculated as the sum of the permissible maximum masses, on the one hand, of the motor vehicle itself and, on the other hand, of the trailer.

Let's summarize. Permitted maximum weight is the maximum permissible weight of a vehicle (with driver, passengers and cargo), which is set by the manufacturer as the maximum for a given vehicle.

And the last term that should be considered in this block of concepts.


“Route vehicle” is a public vehicle (bus, trolleybus, tram) intended for transporting people on roads and moving along a set route with designated stopping places.

This vehicle belongs to a special category. Its criteria are:

  1. Belonging to the infrastructure for transporting people (passengers);
  2. Driving along a designated (approved) route;
  3. Carrying out stops at designated places (as well as stops upon request.

In other words, a route vehicle is the same public transport that moves along the roads and transports people all day (and sometimes at night).

It is important to note that a route vehicle is only a route vehicle when it is on a route (in operating mode). For example, a passenger GAZelle heading to a garage or parking place after a hard day is no longer considered a route vehicle.

But the same “Gazelle” that moves out in the morning to the passenger pick-up point is not yet one.

Why are we talking about this in such detail? The fact is that the driver of a route vehicle has the right to ignore the actions of some road signs - prohibitory, mandatory signs, signs of special instructions.

Moreover, a specially allocated lane is designated for route vehicles, indicated by appropriate signs and markings.

Finally, the text of the Rules provides for other concessions and privileges that apply to route vehicles. We talked about this in the “” and “” sections.

An ordinary driver must remember these circumstances and not blindly copy the actions of his colleague from a route vehicle. Otherwise, he may grossly violate the Rules.

Let's complete the fourth block of concepts. We made sure that the vehicles are presented in their diversity and splendor. However, if you dream of becoming a real driver, then a mechanical vehicle is your choice

If this information was useful to you, please write about it in the comments. If you have any questions, write, we will definitely try to help you.

  • vehicle
  • the vehicle is
  • vehicles
  • what is a vehicle

Discussion: 10 comments

    Good afternoon.

    Thanks for the article - quite informative. Unfortunately, a misunderstanding has arisen (I’ll make a reservation right away: I don’t have rights at the moment, so the question may be one of the “stupid” ones, but I consider it appropriate to ask it, since, I believe, not only me may have such a question..).

    There is a moment in the article in which the author explains why a moped is not a mechanical vehicle... the arguments are given, but they all collapse when reading the definition itself (“Moped” is a two- or three-wheeled MECHANICAL vehicle..) Stupor: it is mechanical definition, but is not essentially mechanical?? (or did I miss some clever trick?)

    Ask why? It's simple.

    “Moped” is a two- or three-wheeled mechanical vehicle, the maximum design speed of which does not exceed 50 km/h, having an internal combustion engine with a displacement not exceeding 50 cubic meters. cm, or an electric motor with a rated maximum power in continuous load mode of more than 0.25 kW and less than 4 kW.

    If we select a rational grain from all this verbal husk, then two criteria will be fundamental in defining a moped:

    An engine with a displacement not exceeding 50 cubic centimeters;

    The maximum speed allowed by the manufacturer does not exceed 50 km/h. Doesn't it seem like the information is outdated?

    of course everything is wonderful, but just not a word about walk-behind tractors, how are they? whether they are T.S or not, they have a design speed of less than 50 km, h, but the volume is more than 50 km, h

    Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

    Note. In this article, a vehicle should be understood as a motor vehicle with an internal combustion engine displacement of more than 50 cubic centimeters or a maximum electric motor power of more than 4 kilowatts and a maximum design speed of more than 50 kilometers per hour......

    in general, LEARN not only traffic rules but also open the Code of Administrative Offenses!

    • Vladimir: Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, in general, LEARN not only traffic rules but also open the Code of Administrative Offenses! You are right, everything needs to be studied, but the laws should be uniform both in the traffic rules and in the Code of Administrative Offences, i.e. for example, if you call a donkey a vehicle, then you cannot call a bicycle and a tank a vehicle in the traffic rules, and in the Code of Administrative Offenses it should be explained that a different fine must be applied to the one that purrs and the one who moos.

Motor vehicle- a vehicle propelled by engine . This term applies to tractors, self-propelled machines and mechanisms (except for vehicles whose engine displacement does not exceed 50 cc), and also trolleybuses and vehicles with an electric motor with a power of more than 3 kW .

These include: cars and motorcycles.

Cars, depending on their purpose and the number of seats, are divided into cars, buses, minibuses and trucks. Passenger cars and buses are designed to transport people and their luggage, but they differ from each other not only and not so much in appearance as in the number of seats.

A car– a car with a maximum number of seats 9

Bus– a car with more than one seating position 9 with the driver's seat inclusive, which by its design and equipment is designed to transport passengers and their luggage while ensuring the necessary comfort and safety.

Minibus– single-decker bus with a maximum number of seats 17 , including the driver's seat.

It is noteworthy that in the previous traffic rules there was no term “bus” and especially “minibus”. In the new traffic rules, the differences between them are determined by the approach to determining their speed limit when driving outside populated areas and some other restrictions.

Freight car- a vehicle that, by its design and equipment, is designed to transport goods. Depending on the permissible maximum weight, the movement of trucks may be subject to the requirements for the movement of passenger cars - (if the GVW is up to 3.5 tons) and only as trucks - (with the GVW of more than 3.5 t).

Permitted maximum weight (RMM)– the mass of the equipped vehicle with cargo, driver and passengers, established by the technical characteristics of the vehicle as the maximum permissible. The permissible maximum weight of a road train is the sum of the RMM of each vehicle included in the road train.

In addition, trucks can be used to transport people if they are trucks with a flatbed or van body, specially prepared in accordance with the requirements of Section 21 of the Traffic Regulations and intended for such transportation.

Motorbike- a two-wheeled motor vehicle with or without a side trailer, having an engine with a displacement 50 cc and more. Motor scooters, sidecars, three-wheelers and other mechanical vehicles are considered motorcycles. permissible maximum weight which does not exceed 400 kg.

3 . Thus, to non-motorized vehicles can be attributed bicycle, moped, horse-drawn vehicles and trailers .

Bike- a vehicle, other than wheelchairs, driven by the muscular power of the person who sits on it.

Moped– a two-wheeled vehicle with an engine with a displacement of up to 50 cc.

Trailer– a vehicle intended to be driven only in combination with another vehicle. This type of vehicle includes semi-trailers and trailers.

In this case, movement with a trailer can be part of a road train in accordance with the instructions for operating transport trains as a single vehicle, or when towing.

Operation of transport equipment– transportation of a trailer by a tractor in accordance with the instructions for its use (matching the trailer to the tractor, the presence of a safety connection, a unified alarm system and braking system, lighting, etc.).

Towing- this is the transportation by one vehicle of another vehicle, not related to the operation of transport trains on rigid or flexible coupling, or way partial loading on a platform or on a special support device.

4. Route vehicles ( public transport vehicles ) – buses, minibuses, trolleybuses, trams and taxis moving along established routes and having designated places on the road for boarding (disembarking) passengers.

Among the above-mentioned vehicles there is a special category - vehicles operational, special And road services.

Vehicles operational, special And road services by doing urgent official tasks identify themselves using special flashing beacons, and to attract the attention of others, road users also use special sound signal. The order of movement of such vehicles and their relationships with other road users are set out in section 3 of the Traffic Rules.

  • cars;
  • motorcycles and scooters;
  • buses;
  • trucks;
  • other self-propelled machines and mechanisms on pneumatic and caterpillar tracks;
  • boats, motor boats and other water vehicles;
  • yachts and other sailing-motor vessels;
  • jet skis;
  • airplanes, helicopters;
  • non-self-propelled (towed) vessels, etc.

Category Definition

When determining the types of motor vehicles and classifying them as trucks or cars, you must be guided by the data of the vehicle passport (PTS). This procedure is confirmed by letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 13, 2012 No. 03-05-06-04/137 and dated October 21, 2010 No. 03-05-06-04/251, Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 15, 2012 No. BS -4-11/2450 and dated December 1, 2009 No. 3-3-06/1769.

The type and category of the vehicle are indicated in lines 3 and 4 of the PTS on the basis of the Convention on Road Traffic (Vienna, November 8, 1968), ratified by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 29, 1974 No. 5938-VIII (Regulation approved by joint order dated June 23, 2005, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 496, Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia No. 192, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia No. 134).

Vehicle types refer to the characteristics of a vehicle, determined by its design features and purpose (truck, passenger car, bus, etc.). There are five categories of vehicles:

1) A – motorcycles, scooters and other motor vehicles;

2) B - cars whose permissible maximum weight does not exceed 3500 kg and the number of seats, in addition to the driver’s seat, does not exceed eight;

3) C – cars, with the exception of those belonging to category “D”, the permissible maximum weight of which exceeds 3500 kg;

4) D – vehicles intended for the transport of passengers and having more than 8 seats in addition to the driver’s seat;

5) E – trailer – a vehicle intended to be driven in conjunction with a vehicle. This term includes semi-trailers.

If the data on the category (type) of the vehicle specified in the PTS does not allow one to unambiguously determine the tax rate, then this issue should be resolved in favor of the organization (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 1, 2009 No. 3-3-06/1769).

Situation: What category of vehicles does the car belong to when calculating transport tax: passenger cars or trucks? According to the PTS, the vehicle type is indicated as “cargo”, category – “B”?

The car belongs to the category of cargo vehicles.

The indication of category “B” in the PTS does not indicate that the car belongs to a passenger vehicle. Category “B” can be assigned to both cars and trucks (Appendix 3 to the Regulations approved by joint order dated June 23, 2005, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 496, Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia No. 192, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia No. 134, letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated December 1 2009 No. 3-3-06/1769).

Therefore, in the situation under consideration, the transport tax must be calculated taking into account the type of vehicle indicated in line 3 of the PTS. If the PTS simultaneously indicates the category of the vehicle – “B” and the type of vehicle – “truck”, then calculate the transport tax as for a truck. In addition, you can use the transport markings, which are given in line 2 of the PTS. The second character of the digital designation of the vehicle model indicates its type (type of car). For example: “1” – passenger car, “7” – vans, “9” – special.

Similar clarifications are contained in letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 13, 2012 No. 03-05-06-04/137, dated October 21, 2010 No. 03-05-06-04/251, dated March 19, 2010 No. 03- 05-05-04/05 and the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 7, 2016 No. SA-4-7/6024.

Situation: When calculating transport tax, what type of vehicle according to PTS are truck-based cranes: self-propelled vehicles or trucks?

Truck cranes belong to the category of trucks.

Truck cranes mounted on the base of trucks belong to the category of cargo vehicles. This conclusion can be drawn based on the data in the table, which provides a comparative analysis of vehicle categories according to the UNECE ITC classification and according to the classification of the Convention on Road Traffic.

The legitimacy of this approach is confirmed by the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 17, 2008 No. 03-05-04-01/1 and arbitration practice (see, for example, the resolutions of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated July 17, 2007 No. 2965/07, FAS Western- Siberian District dated October 3, 2011 No. A46-14465/2010, FAS Volga-Vyatka District dated September 24, 2009 No. A29-133/2009).

Situation: When calculating the tax, what category of vehicles do UAZ-3962, UAZ-2206 category “B” cars belong to: buses or cars?

Transport tax must be calculated taking into account the type of vehicle indicated in line 3 of the PTS (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 13, 2012 No. 03-05-06-04/137, dated January 17, 2008 No. 03-05-04-01/ 1). In addition, you can use the vehicle markings, which are given in line 2 of the PTS. The second character of the digital designation of the vehicle model indicates its type (type of car). For example: “1” – passenger car, “7” – vans, “9” – special. Similar clarifications are contained in letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 19, 2010 No. 03-05-05-04/05 and the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated April 7, 2016 No. SA-4-7/6024.

If the type of vehicle (“truck”, “passenger car”, “bus”, etc.) cannot be determined, please refer to the Comparative table of vehicle categories according to the IEC EEC OOC classification and the Convention classification. In the Comparison Table, buses are classified as category “D”. Therefore, if the PTS of a sanitary van indicates category “B”, then it is not a bus. In arbitration practice, there are examples of court decisions in which it is recognized that category “B” indicated in the PTS of UAZ-3962, UAZ-2206 vehicles confirms the classification of this vehicle as a passenger car (see, for example, the determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2007 No. 1369/07, resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the West Siberian District dated October 18, 2006 No. F04-6867/2006(27536-A81-15), East Siberian District dated March 12, 2009 No. A58-3798/08- F02-869/09, Northwestern District dated July 17, 2006 No. A05-1765/2006-13).

In cases where data on the category (type) of a vehicle specified in the PTS do not allow one to unambiguously determine the tax rate, the Federal Tax Service of Russia recommends that tax inspectorates resolve this issue in favor of organizations (letter dated December 1, 2009 No. 3-3-06 /1769).

Situation: To which category of vehicles do BelAZ mining dump trucks belong when calculating transport tax?

BelAZ mining dump trucks belong to the category of other self-propelled vehicles, pneumatic and tracked machines and mechanisms. This is stated in letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 27, 2008 No. 03-05-05-04/12, dated May 31, 2006 No. 03-06-04-04/21. The legality of this approach is confirmed by arbitration practice (see, for example, the ruling of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated January 31, 2007 No. 29/07, the resolution of the Ural District dated October 22, 2007 No. F09-8633/07-S3, dated March 26, 2007 No. Ф09-1943/07-С3).