Lingonberry leaf: harm and benefits, instructions for use, properties, contraindications. Useful properties and recipes of lingonberry tea

In folk medicine, lingonberry leaves are used much more often than berries. Remember that drinks made from lingonberry leaves wash calcium out of the body

Lingonberries are not only a very tasty delicacy for children and adults, but also a healthy berry. It’s not for nothing that it is called the berry of health. It should be noted that beneficial properties are inherent not only in fruits. Lingonberry leaves have no less a list of medicinal properties. Many medicines are made on their basis.

The benefits of the leaves are due to their rich chemical composition. It is represented by the following useful components:

  • antioxidants;
  • malic and salicylic acid;
  • tannins;
  • phosphorus, manganese, potassium and calcium;
  • vitamins A, B, C and E.
  • protein;
  • sugar;
  • carotene.

Based on the totality of these components, the main ones appear:

  • used in the treatment of rheumatism and kidney inflammation;
  • due to tannins, they have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • cleanse the body of accumulated toxins;
  • used for low stomach acidity;
  • increase the body's resistance to infectious and colds;
  • improve digestive processes and normalize stool;
  • have an excellent diuretic effect;
  • have a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • normalize protein metabolism in the body;
  • improve the condition of the skin;
  • have antipyretic and astringent properties.

In addition, lingonberry leaves can help in the treatment of herpes, diabetes, as well as in the treatment of sore throat, arthritis and osteochondrosis. With their help, cancer is prevented; they are also used to relieve swelling and treat allergies.

How lingonberry leaves will help during pregnancy and edema

During pregnancy, lingonberry leaves are recommended for use in cases of infectious urinary tract diseases and nephropathies. It is also prescribed if the patient has diabetes.

The leaves play an important role in maintaining the physical condition of a pregnant woman. During this period, the body's need for vitamins and microelements increases. The use of lingonberry foliage compensates for the deficiency of nutrients necessary for the female body. Let's look at what actions they have:

  • B vitamins are responsible for the emotional state of the expectant mother.
  • Carotene has a positive effect on vision.
  • During pregnancy, it is undesirable to catch a cold, so in winter, lingonberry leaves, rich in vitamin C, are recommended for use by women.
  • Vitamin P normalizes blood pressure and relieves swelling.
  • Iron is responsible for the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Calcium not only strengthens the mother’s bone tissue and tooth enamel, but also participates in the development of the fetal skeleton.

To get rid of swelling, it is convenient to use packaged lingonberry leaves. The bag is brewed in a glass of boiling water for about 15 minutes. Then it is extracted and the tea is consumed during meals, 1-2 times a day, 100 ml. The course of treatment is usually determined by your doctor.

You can brew 1.5 tsp. dry leaves in 300 ml of boiling water. Cover the cup with a plate or lid for 25 minutes. Stronger tea is obtained by brewing in a thermos. Drink a warm drink 3 times a day. It quenches thirst well on hot days and has a sour taste. The dosage is determined depending on the general well-being of the pregnant woman.

If after the first dose of lingonberry no allergic reactions occur and your health does not worsen, then you can continue the course of administration. The main symptoms of allergies are rash, itching, sneezing and runny nose.

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One of the best diuretics

Lingonberry leaf is rightfully considered a natural diuretic, as it effectively helps and does not cause side effects. Let's look at how to take lingonberries for various diseases. The foliage is used as a diuretic for cystitis, gout, prostatitis, rheumatism, kidney disease, liver disease and to eliminate swelling.

If there is sand in the kidneys and stones in the bladder, it is recommended to prepare the following infusion:

  1. Pour 50 grams of lingonberry leaves into a liter of boiling water.
  2. Leave for approximately 2 hours.
  3. Add 120 ml of vodka and keep the resulting product on low heat for 20 minutes.
  4. Drink 100 ml of tincture half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Lingonberry is used as a diuretic for gout and cystitis in the following form:

  1. The tincture is prepared from 1 tbsp. leaves and 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Combine the components and leave for 1.5 hours.
  3. Filter and drink 2 tbsp. 4-5 times a day.

If swelling is caused by liver and kidney diseases, then make the following tincture:

  1. Pour 20 grams of lingonberry leaves into 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Leave for 1 hour, then strain through cheesecloth.
  3. Drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Cystitis is not a death sentence. Lingonberries to the rescue.

It is believed that the plant is of higher quality when crushed, since the bagged form involves the use of the powder remaining after the main processing of the leaves.

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. This disease most often affects women of any age. It has been established that the most effective herbal remedy is the lingonberry leaf. It contains arbutin. It is this substance that has a diuretic effect, as well as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.

When treating cystitis with lingonberries at home, you must follow several rules:

  • Lingonberry leaves for making teas and infusions must be environmentally friendly;
  • Use only enamel or glass containers;
  • The leaves must be crushed to 5 mm.
  • Maintain the proportions of raw materials and water.
  • Lingonberry infusions are stored for no more than 3 days.
  • You should consult your doctor about the exact dosage and duration of the course.

A decoction of lingonberry leaves for cystitis is prepared from 2 tbsp. leaves and 500 ml of boiling water. Pour the lingonberries into the pan and first add 250 ml of water. Cover with a lid and place in a water bath. After half an hour, add the remaining boiling water. The decoction is taken 3 times a day, half an hour before meals, 50 ml. The course of treatment is 2-8 weeks.

Instructions for use: how to prepare decoction, infusion and tea.

To normalize blood pressure: drink 2 times every day for one week, then once a week. A heaping tablespoon of 250 ml. water. Boil for one minute and let cool slightly.

Simple instructions for use will help you use lingonberry leaves correctly. It includes detailed steps for preparing medicinal drinks, administration order and dosage.

The decoction is prepared in the following way:

  1. Add 1 tbsp. leaves into a saucepan and pour 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes, covered.
  3. Strain the warm broth through a fine sieve.
  4. Add water to the total mixture to make 200 ml.

It must be taken 60 ml 3 times a day before meals. It is used to treat sore throat and urolithiasis.

Lingonberry is an excellent remedy for gout and rheumatism if you prepare the following tincture:

  1. Pour 1 tsp. leaves with a glass of boiling water and cover.
  2. Leave in a dark place for 1 hour.
  3. Filter and take 100 ml 4 times a day.

Vitaminized tea from lingonberry leaves is brewed as follows:

  1. Pour 1 tsp into a glass of boiling water. fresh leaves.
  2. Close the container with a lid and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Divide the total volume of the drink into 3 doses. Lingonberry tea is very useful for chronic gastritis.

Contraindications. Who should not take lingonberry leaf?

For treatment, dried lingonberry leaves should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor, since the product has a number of contraindications.

Despite their effective medicinal properties, lingonberry leaves still have some contraindications for use.

Lingonberry-based products must not be used in the following cases:

  • children under 12 years of age;
  • with gastritis with high acidity in the stomach;
  • in acute form of renal failure;
  • with low blood pressure;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components of raw materials;
  • for heart diseases.

In the early stages of pregnancy, taking lingonberry leaves can cause a miscarriage, as it tones the uterus. Therefore, if you are going to eat lingonberries for the first time, then start taking them a little later. And be sure to consult with a specialist to rule out any contraindications.

Will bousnika help if you have a cold?

Lingonberry leaves have proven themselves in the treatment of many diseases. Healing drinks made from them have a beneficial effect on women's health during pregnancy, with cystitis and help eliminate swelling caused by certain ailments. The effectiveness of lingonberry leaves will be achieved if the dosage is observed and there are no possible contraindications.


The healing properties of lingonberries have been known to our ancestors since ancient times. Even the leaves of this plant were used. They drank healing lingonberry tea back when they didn’t know about fashionable Chinese and Indian drinks. How does it affect your health?

Lingonberry tea is incredibly beneficial during pregnancy: truth or myth?

Making lingonberry tea can sometimes be quite a troublesome task. Lingonberries grow mainly in coniferous forests. Another popular name for it is boron berry. For tea, the leaves are collected when the snow has just melted. If you are late, the leaves will dry very poorly. They will turn black and lose all their miraculous properties.
To prepare yourself a medicinal drink, you don’t have to spend early spring days in the forest. Lingonberry leaves can be found in tea shops and pharmacies.

Why is this drink so beneficial?

People consider lingonberry tea not only tasty, affordable, but also healthy. Doctors confirm: lingonberry leaves contain no less useful substances than the berry itself.
What qualities should you pay special attention to?

  • A large number of useful substances and vitamins: vitamin C and B vitamins, mineral trace elements.
  • Useful as an assistant for colds: it will reduce fever and relieve inflammation.
  • Has antiseptic properties.
  • Used as a diuretic and choleretic agent.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Stabilizes blood sugar levels.
  • Copes with neurotic disorders.
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces the likelihood of stroke and heart attack.
  • Improves visual acuity.
  • Reduces the likelihood of developing cancer pathologies.

Lingonberry tea - salvation for pregnant women?

Doctors prescribe lingonberry tea for expectant mothers for swelling, as well as for problems with the excretory system. It also helps pregnant women with diabetes.

Some doctors categorically prohibit pregnant women from drinking lingonberry tea. There is a possibility that drinking this drink will tone the uterus. Others are confident that maintaining the correct dosage will eliminate the likelihood of tragic consequences.

Consult your gynecologist about the advisability of such treatment.

When does lingonberry tea turn poisonous?

Not everyone benefits from drinking this drink equally. Lingonberry leaf can aggravate this problem:

  • renal failure;
  • hypotension;
  • Gromerulonephritis;
  • hypersensitivity or allergic reactions;
  • increased stomach acidity.

It is also better not to give lingonberry tea to children under 12 years of age.

How to prepare the drink correctly?

  • The easiest recipe is reminiscent of making ordinary tea. For 1 tablespoon of lingonberry leaves there is 250 ml of boiling water. The leaves are poured with water (let the boiling water cool slightly) and infused for 15 minutes. You can drink this decoction 3 times a day, half a cup. It is best to consume it half an hour before meals. Lingonberry tea brewed in this way should not be drunk for longer than a week.
  • To improve the taste, you can brew lingonberry leaves with green tea. Add mint, sugar or honey if desired.
  • For longer use, this recipe is suitable. We maintain the same proportions. Place lingonberry leaves in an enamel pan and fill with water. Heats over low heat for half an hour. Strain the slightly cooled tea. This tea will be useful for people who suffer from cystitis, urolithiasis or pyelonephritis. You need to drink about a third of a glass three times a day before meals. For prevention, 50 ml is enough. Be sure to warm up the tea before drinking.
  • We adhere to the following proportions: for half a tablespoon of lingonberry leaves, 250 ml of water. Fill the tea leaves with slightly cooled boiling water and leave it in a thermos. It must be strained before use. For rheumatism, we drink it 2 times a day (with a 6-hour break) 100 ml.
  • Tea is also prepared from dried lingonberries. Place a glass of berries in a one-liter saucepan, add water and boil. Remove from heat and leave the broth covered for 4 minutes. Strain the drink before drinking. If desired, you can add sugar, honey or cinnamon.

Lingonberries are useful not only as tea, but also as a cosmetic product for oily skin. The berries crushed into a paste are applied to the face for 15 minutes, then removed with water. This mask will get rid of oily shine.

The brown (red) berries of this plant are familiar to many. Sweet and sour and slightly tart, they are rich in vitamins, minerals, pectins, polysaccharides and other useful elements. But from a medical point of view, the evergreen leathery leaves of lingonberry are of great value. Tea made from them may not be as tasty, but in terms of healing properties it will outperform many medicinal plants with similar effects.

Composition and properties of lingonberry leaves

Lingonberry leaves are among the first to be collected after the snow melts. At this time, before flowering, they are most powerful. Found in the leaves:

  • Arbutin (6–9%) and hydroquinone are phenolic compounds that determine the bactericidal and diuretic properties of the plant.
  • Rutin, quercetin, kaempferol are flavonoids that affect the state of the capillary bed and hematopoiesis.
  • Hyperoside is a glycoside with antiviral and diuretic activity.
  • Catechins are flavonoids of the antioxidant group.
  • Tannins (17–32%).
  • Organic acids.
  • Vitamins, especially group B.
  • 18 macro- and microelements in high concentration - iron, copper, zinc, selenium, silver.

All these substances are not only found in the leaves, they are concentrated in fairly large quantities, which suggests pronounced therapeutic effects. These include:

  • diuretic;
  • antibiotic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • antiseptic effect.

To a lesser extent, but also quite strongly manifested:

  • choleretic;
  • astringents;
  • hypoglycemic;
  • antipyretics;
  • immunostimulating properties of the plant.
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Lingonberries are deservedly called the berry of health. Not only small sweet and sour fruits are suitable for consumption, but also leaves of evergreen shrubs. They make amazingly delicious lingonberry tea.

The berry is not available everywhere, but the leaves of this wonderful plant can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy.

Lingonberries have a low calorie content (46 kcal per 100 g), and consist of 87% water. It contains useful micro- and macroelements, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins A, C, E, group B. The berry is also rich in anthocyanins, dietary fiber, contains proteins, carbohydrates, organic acids (citric, benzoin, apple). Among its beneficial properties are a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract with low acidity, help with intestinal disorders, and a dietary effect.

For medicinal purposes, lingonberry leaves are most often used, which:

  • have antipyretic and diuretic effects;
  • have an anti-inflammatory, astringent, choleretic, antiseptic, tonic effect;
  • replenish vitamin deficiencies and strengthen the immune system;
  • improve metabolism;
  • are a powerful antioxidant.

When trying herbal teas from lingonberries for the first time, you should be careful, as allergies may occur. The main symptoms are itching, rashes on the body, nasal congestion, swelling of the tongue, and redness of the skin. If these signs appear, you should immediately stop drinking the drink.

Lingonberry is a medicinal plant, and all medications have contraindications. Therefore, it should be taken in strictly dosed doses, as prescribed by a doctor, in courses of 7-10 days, followed by a break for a month.

You should refrain from drinking tea with berries or leaves if:

  • individual intolerance;
  • hypotension;
  • kidney pathology, peptic ulcer, gastritis, increased stomach acidity;
  • heart disease or taking strong drugs;
  • children under 12 years old.

You should not drink lingonberry-based drinks during pregnancy or lactation without your doctor's approval.

Methods of preparing tea

Herbal teas are varied not only in composition, but also in purpose. Often, in addition to herbs, it also includes traditional tea.

Leaf Recipes

  • Classical. Lingonberry leaves in the amount of 1 tsp. pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Let it brew for about 25-30 minutes, strain. Take ½ glass 3 times a day before meals.
  • With the addition of black or green tea. In a teapot, pour 1.5 cups of boiling water into 1 tsp. favorite tea (unflavored) and lingonberry leaves and leave to brew for 5-7 minutes. If necessary, sweeten with sugar and add cinnamon to taste.
  • An infusion recipe that has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and diuretic effects. Finely chop the lingonberry leaf (about 3-4 tsp), add 500 ml of hot water, simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Remove from heat, let steep for 15-20 minutes, filter. Take half a glass (100 ml) at least three times a day for best results.
  • Tea from lingonberry leaves with honey. Chopped leaves 1 tsp. Brew 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes. During this time it will infuse and cool, now you can sweeten it with honey to taste. You can’t add it to hot drinks; it’s better to use it as a snack.
  • Herbal with thyme. Mix 1 tsp. black tea, lingonberry leaf, thyme (thyme), St. John's wort and use as tea leaves. For one glass of water there is 1 tsp. mixture, infusion time 5-7 minutes.
  • Antiviral tea. Brew a glass of boiling water with 1 tbsp. l. lingonberry leaves with 1 tbsp. l. dried rose hips. Due to the large amount of vitamin C it contains, it has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Herbs that can be used to make tea to strengthen the immune system also include St. John's wort, dandelion, elecampane, ginseng, red clover, etc.

From berries

Tea with lingonberries has a slight sourness, and additives in the form of herbs or other berries make it even tastier and healthier.

  • With cranberries. Take 70 g of lingonberries, 30 g of cranberries. Rub them with honey (70 g), add 300 ml of hot water and steam. When serving, garnish with fresh mint leaves.
  • Summer. You will need black and red currants and lingonberries. You need to take 0.5 cups of each type of fruit, wash and squeeze out the juice. Pour 600 ml of boiling water over the cake (crushed berries) and cook for 20 minutes. Strain the resulting tea, add sugar if desired and bring to a boil again. Serve hot.

You can make not only tea from the berries, but also...

How to properly harvest leaves

They begin to harvest lingonberry leaves as soon as the snow melts, while the plant has not yet bloomed, or in September-October, when there are no berries left on the bush. It is at this time that it contains the highest concentration of nutrients and minerals.

Leaves that were collected during the ripening of fruits or during the flowering period are of less value. At this point, it is much more difficult to maintain their effectiveness and dry them without loss.

The leaves are carefully cut off the stem, sorted and damaged ones are removed. The collected material is distributed in a thin layer on a flat surface no later than 5 hours after collection. For drying, choose a warm place in the shade in a well-ventilated area.

You should not dry lingonberry leaves in the sun, as in direct sunlight they lose their medicinal properties.

Harvesting berries for the winter

  1. Drying berries. Pre-washed and sorted lingonberries can be dried in two ways. The first is in an oven or gas oven, at a temperature of no more than 60°C. In the second, the berries are placed in a dry, well-ventilated place. The fruits must be stirred occasionally. Store dried lingonberries away from sunlight, in a tightly closed container.
  2. Freezing. The berries need to be washed and sorted. Then place on large plates (trays) and freeze. After this, the lingonberries can be packaged in bags or other containers and stored in the freezer. If desired, the berries can be sprinkled with sugar before freezing.

Lingonberries are both a wonderful delicacy and a medicine that helps your health. Its healing properties are widely used in folk medicine. The benefits of teas with berries or lingonberry leaves have been known since ancient times, even before tea drinks from India and China came into fashion. Now you know all the secrets of making delicious and healthy drinks with it.

photo:, Ruslan

Since ancient times, humanity has known the beneficial properties of lingonberries. At the same time, not only its berries are useful, but also the leaves from which lingonberry tea is prepared. This drink can not only quench thirst, but also has a healing effect on the body. What is the drink from this plant used for, and does it have any contraindications?

Description of lingonberries

Lingonberry is a small evergreen shrub of the heather family, which is found mainly in coniferous forests. Very often they grow into large plantations. It blooms in late spring - early summer. Its small pink flowers have a delicate aroma. The bright red berries of the bush ripen by September. They are usually used fresh or for making compotes, fruit drinks, jam and lingonberry tea.

Similar to other forest berries, lingonberries have a unique composition, rich in vitamins (A, C, E) and microelements (iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium). Its fruits have a balanced composition of various organic acids, including: citric, malic and salicylic. In addition, the berries contain glucose, fructose, pectin and carotene. Due to the high content of tannins, the berries are very well preserved.

Lingonberry leaves, from which lingonberry tea is prepared, have an equally rich composition. In addition to vitamins and minerals, they contain carboxylic acids, tannin, quinine, arbutin and hydroquinone. It is thanks to these substances that tea from lingonberry leaves is widely used in folk medicine.

Beneficial features

Considering the benefits and harms of this plant, lingonberry tea has been used for many centuries in the treatment of various diseases. The plant is considered a natural diuretic and has a mild diuretic effect, so drinks from it are often drunk for cystitis and other kidney diseases. In addition, lingonberry tea is indicated for edema and high blood pressure.

The beneficial properties of the plant include:

  • antipyretic effect;
  • ability to relieve inflammation;
  • saturating the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • diuretic property;
  • choleretic property;
  • immunostimulating effect;
  • astringent action;
  • increasing the effectiveness of antibacterial agents;
  • decrease in blood sugar.

In addition to the fact that lingonberry leaves are brewed for cystitis, this tea is indicated for:

  • various pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • due to its astringent effect, the decoction is taken for colds to rinse the nasal cavity and throat;
  • gout;
  • kidney herbal tea with lingonberries is very useful for the kidneys, as it helps remove stones and sand from the organ;
  • anemia and to strengthen blood vessels;
  • chronic fatigue, asthenia and nervous exhaustion;
  • deterioration of vision.

Lingonberry tea during pregnancy

The body of expectant mothers is very susceptible to various diseases. Moreover, most medications and folk remedies are contraindicated for them during this period. As for lingonberries, their use during pregnancy is not contraindicated. However, you shouldn’t use it unnecessarily either.

Due to the fact that lingonberry tea has a mild diuretic effect, doctors often recommend it to expectant mothers to eliminate edema, which is a frequent accompaniment of pregnancy. But in order for such a remedy to bring exceptional benefits, lingonberries must be brewed correctly.

Typically, medicinal tea during pregnancy is prepared from 1 spoon of lingonberry leaves and 1 glass of boiling water. After infusion, the drink is divided into 3-4 equal parts, which should be drunk during the day. If someone does not like the taste of tea, it can be mixed with any other drinks. In this case, it is important to avoid consuming foods or other drinks that have a diuretic effect.

Compotes and fruit drinks made from lingonberries have a mild effect on the body. Expectant mothers are recommended to eat fresh lingonberries. Its berries have a mild laxative effect, which will be important for women suffering from constipation.


Lingonberry tea has not only beneficial properties, but also contraindications that must be taken into account during treatment. This drink should not be drunk if:

  • hypotension and tendency to low blood pressure;
  • high acidity of gastric juice;
  • renal failure.

It is not recommended for children under 12 years of age. This tea is not contraindicated for pregnant women. However, when using it, it should be taken into account that it can increase uterine tone. Therefore, women who have previously been diagnosed with uterine hypertonicity should avoid using it.

Lingonberry tea recipes

For tea to bring maximum benefits, it is important to brew lingonberry leaves correctly. You can brew them yourself, add fresh lingonberries, cranberries, sea buckthorn, ginger root, etc. to the drink.

Classic recipe

How to brew lingonberry leaf correctly? To do this, pour a few spoons of dry raw materials into 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse lingonberry leaf tea for 30 minutes. After this, the drink is filtered and divided into 3-4 parts. You can drink lingonberry tea either warm or chilled. Additionally, you can add sugar or natural honey.

To combat swelling

Depending on what disease you plan to treat, you can prepare different drinks. To combat swelling, it is recommended to use tea with cranberries and lingonberries. The recipe for this drink suggests preparing it from berries. To do this, you need to crush 1 tablespoon each of lingonberries and cranberries, pouring glasses of boiling water over them. After cooling, it is ready to eat.

For hypertension

Hypertensive patients can prepare tea with sea buckthorn and lingonberries, which not only lowers blood pressure, but also normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole. To do this, you can boil a small amount of berries in water or squeeze the juice out of them, which is then mixed with boiling water.

To improve tone

To improve body tone, you can brew lingonberry leaves with regular loose leaf tea. To do this, mix 2 teaspoons of dry leaves with 3 teaspoons of any loose leaf tea, add a cinnamon stick and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse the drink, cover with a lid, for 15 minutes.

For weight loss

Those who want to lose weight can prepare themselves a drink with ginger and lingonberries. To do this, pour 1 large spoon of lingonberries and a piece of ginger root (2–3 cm), cut into small pieces, into 1 liter of boiling water. After it has cooled to a comfortable temperature, filter the drink and drink with honey.

In pharmacies you can find ready-made lingonberry teas in bags: herbal tea “Altai”, tea “Brusniver”, etc.